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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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he made that point. this is so much bigger than just this assassination attempt. this is about the trust and the confidence of t the american people. >> that example of kay stewart knight who was on the watch when an attempted assassination happened with ronald reagan. him stepping aside almost immediately was what he expected her to do. that's what was said to kimberly cheadle today. we have 20 seconds left. do you think she will quit? >> after today? maybe. but then again, for lack of a subpoena she doesn't show up today. she's back tomorrow to and the house homeland security committee. i would imagine the same tone will happen tomorrow. but again on wednesday morning christopher bray, maybe he brings answers that america wants to know. >> kimberly cheadle probably and one of the most uncomfortable seats in america right now. not answering questions. "america reports" now.
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>> kamala harris will be a formidable contender. >> people are fired up. they are excited. 106 days to go. we can do it. >> she is primed and ready to take over as the leader of our country and she will be the one to keep donald trump out of office. >> john: democratic lawmakers rallying around vice president kamala harris after president biden made the stunning decision over the weekend to end his candidacy and adores her to take the reins. the monumental shake-up all happening just 15 weeks before election day. i'm john roberts in washington. what a day it was yesterday. >> sandra: absolutely appeared 15 weeks. here we go john. good to be with you. i am sandra smith in new york and this is "america reports." here's the cover of "the new york post" today. it says the end. you will remember it was his disastrous debate to performance that ultimately sent his reelection campaign into a downward spiral. he was forced to step aside after weeks of sustained pressure from his own party. >> john: now it's all lies and
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kamala harris. the vice president already getting major endorsements from prominent democrats and rating and millions from donors. she made her first public remarks since bidens exits. >> i want to say a few words about our resident. his legacy of accomplishment in the past few years is unmatched in modern history. in one term he has already, yes, you may clap. [applause] and one term he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who have served two terms in office and i first came to know president biden through his son bo. we worked together as attorneys general in our states and back then bo would often tell me stories about his dad. he would talk about the kind of father and the kind of man that joe biden is. the qualities that bo revered and his father are the same
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qualities that i have seen every day in our president. his honesty, his integrity, his commitment to his faith and his family, his big heart, and his love, deep love of our country. and i am firsthand witness that every day our president joe biden fights for the american people and we are deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation. >> sandra: that was earlier at the white house. we will speak with mary katharine ham and jonathan caught coming up but first let's get right to jacqui heinrich who is live in delaware right now. the president is recovering from covid. expected to address the nation later this week. what do we know? >> we don't know very much right now. we are awaiting words as to what those plans will look like but i will say plans were made for the vice president to stand in for biden at the event you just saw on the south lawn addressing a
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crowd for the ncaa event because he had covid. but with the news of the last 24 hours, that appearance takes on a whole different light and now vice president harris is hitting the road. she posted to x it is the first full day of our campaign so i'm heading up to wilmington, delaware, to say hello to our staff and headquarters. one day down, 105 to go and together we will win this. one key person who support she needs, former president obama. notably did not stick his neck out to say biden's campaign in the end and has not thrown his weight behind harris. a source familiar said that obama was one of more than 100 call she made yesterday in the hours after the president. obama said yesterday, i have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. in the meantime we still have not seen president biden who made the decision to end his race in near total isolation
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battling covid and pouring over data with two of his closest advisors. that same data that nancy pelosi was reportedly ready to make public to force the president's hand if he did not bow out of the race. the question remains what is the reason that the president's 50 year career came to a close like this with his allies abandoning him and his most perilous moment as the money dried up staring down what looked to be an insurmountable polling deficit. the first lady's former press secretary said the president's mental acuity was never a real problem. >> i never in the time i worked for them for about three years, the entire presidential campaign and the first two years of the white house, nothing gave me a moment's pause that he was not able to govern and he wasn't able -- completely sharp. >> we are still trying to find out what it was that prevented the president to get people to rally around him and overcome
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that spirit we are watching democrats calculate who will give harris the best advantage to beat trump if they join the ticket and awaiting any sign of old look at the man who ended his five decades of service with a tweet. >> sandra: a lot to dig in there with our panel peer jacqui heinrich live in a breezy beach there this morning. thank you very much. >> john: a tweet that he put out before his entire campaign knew what was happening. our panel. let's start with you, jonathan. democrats are closing ranks now around kamala harris. it would appear to create an era of an inevitability her cam campaign. everyone is saying she is the
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best candidate for the job but let's rewind the clock back to 2020. she didn't make it to the first primary contest. how is she the best candidate for the job? >> there's a difference between being a candidate and governing. politics and policy often don't match good sometimes it's hard to be a candidate and connect to voters. she has served with president biden and what most democrats consider the most historic first term of any presidency. so she has to get credit for a lot of the work that was done there. i think democrats are looking at it and saying she has a tremendous record to run on. she's been out there campaigning a lot. i think she has gotten a lot better from 2020 and i think you will see it in the next 104 days. >> john: you say she has a tremendous record to run on and republicans would say she has a fabulous record to run against. including an abject failure at the one big thing she was given that is border. >> that's important. the twin points that the trump campaign ran with. it was two parts that she was involved with a cover up about his health and his ability to do the job which i'm questioning. i hope jackie runs into him at some point.
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in the border stuff which i think is a strong argument against her. i don't think we should underestimate as republicans the fact that relief for democrats it might give her quite a boost here because i think she is their best shot because the other shot is chaos for another couple of weeks or into the convention. >> we are very good at chaos. >> for the last couple of weeks, for sure. >> and it goes back to when we didn't know who the nominee was. >> is high risk high reward but she does have the vulnerabilities of biden plus a handful more and she has doubled down on the fact that she was with him every day, she was seeing firsthand what he was like and that will play into the concern that i think if they had dealt with this issue a year and a half ago, the democratic voters could have had a part of discussing this in the primary and they decided not to do that and she was a large part of it. i think that is something that should be discussed. >> john: are they stuck with what's left? >> i don't think they are stuck with what's left. they are stuck with the vice president. >> and you don't think
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gretchen whitmer would be a better candidate? you don't think wes moore would be a better candidate or gavin newsom? >> i think we have a tremendous bench and she can pick one of them to be vice president and that tells me she's going to have a governing partner for the next eight years. >> let me ask you about this because biden on saturday morning was all in and then he was shown data that you will lose and you will lose badly by his closest advisors on saturday night and he made the decision himself that he would get out. but it doesn't sound like he agreed that cognitively i'm not up to the job, physically i'm not up to the job, you are right for the good of the nation i have to step down. it's basically you will lose so get out. there is a democratic process that put him as the presumptive nominee but the fact that it looks like he's going to lose, that all gets thrown out the window. you could have done that with walter mondale in 1984. it is not going to be the playbook of the democratic nominee going forward that if you have a presumptive nominee who looks like he or she will
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lose, throw them overboard and get someone else. >> there was a combination of a lot of things. i think the debate performance wasn't great, a follow-up performance that democrats needed to see. a lot of the people in the senate and the house said we can overlook the debate performance but we need to see you out there campaigning with us and campaigning hard so we know you can help us when our states. >> he was pretty good after the debate. >> he was good but he needed to be great based on what happened at the debate. >> john: everybody knew he wouldn't be great when 14 million people voted for them in the primaries. >> the reason is not in the letter because the reason isn't something you can talk about. i don't think he is capable of doing it and if they admit he's not capable they have to admit he's not capable of being in the white house. >> john: he says he will focus on fulfilling his duties as president for the raider of my term. >> and the other option is the real reason which is the polls showed he couldn't pull it out and that was very dangerous. and that bare-knuckle political
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decision does not reflect well on him or the campaign or the party so they are not saying either thing and i do wish you would address the american people about the most consequential thing he has ever done as a public servant and he has yet to do that. >> john: we will see which way this goes but all roads seem to point to come all at the moment and there's a lot of people that would be content. sandra. >> great discussion. all of that happening. a live look from middletown, ohio, where presidential vice president candidate j.d. vance will be taking his very first campaign rally since joining the g.o.p. ticket. it comes off of his rally debut with former president donald trump and michigan over the weekend. we will be monitoring his remarks there and we will bring you updates from that as soon as it happens. now this. >> i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. >> was that building within the
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perimeter that should be secured question what do we agree with that? >> the building was outside of the perimeter on the day of the visit. >> were you guessing or lying when you said you didn't turn down requests from president trump's detail. >> neither sir. >> you cut corners when it came to protecting one of the most important individuals and well-known individuals in the planet. likely the guy that's going to be the next president. it looks like you will be cut in quarters. >> do you think you are the best person in the country to head the secret service. >> i think i'm the best person to lead the secret service at this time. >> director cheadle, is an iranian assassin more qualified than a 20-year-old question work >> we've established over gaps and a failure that day. >> if you have an assassination attempt on of president or former president or a candidate, you need to resign. >> you are full of sleep today. >> john: lawmakers on
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president hill grew frustrated with the lack of detail. they are taking matters into their own hands as they tour the roof where a gunman was able to open fire and nearly killing from president trump. it all unfolded in butler, pennsylvania, and she's been there for the past week. what is the latest from there? >> firstly, i want to mention that the hearing happening right now on capitol hill with secret service director kimberly cheadle is going to be the first of many probing what happened here in butler, pennsylvania. the house homeland security committee will hold its own hearing tomorrow into the assassination attempt and as you mentioned, a bipartisan delegation from the committee right here behind me just finished touring the rally site. some of the committee members even getting onto the roof that crooks fired from. secret service director kimberly cheadle testified that there is typically a five day process for the agency to prepare for
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something like a campaign rally. lawmakers say it is clear that the preparation for the july 13th rally was a complete failure. the director, she said she does not plan to resign and she testified today that no one else at the agency has lost their j job. >> have any employees been disciplined for the role in butler, pennsylvania, incident? >> no, sir, not at this time. >> cheadle's testimony comes with lawmakers wasting no time to do digging of their own. republican senator ron johnson of wisconsin released his offices preliminary findings echoing what we have been told by federal sources that thomas crooks was on the radar of law enforcement at least an hour before shots rang out. other key findings included that secret service did not attend a security briefing provided to local s.w.a.t. and sniper teams the morning of july 13th. local law enforcement said communications were side load
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and they were not infrequent radio contact directly with secret service and that local law enforcement notified command about crooks prior to the shooting and received confirmation that the secret service was aware of the notification. cheatle said the secret service would not have let trump take to the stage had they known there was a threat but we know before the gunfire, rally goers were yelling about him crawling on the roof with a gun. democratic congressman pressed cheatle on the communication breakdown. >> that doesn't look like suspicious behavior. that looks like threatening behavior to me and the rally was not paused at that point either, correct? >> i can tell you as i stated earlier, sir, the moment that the shift surrounding the president or aware of an actual threat. >> that's a threat. right there. the guy is on the roof and everyone is yelling at him. >> yes. >> cheatle testified today that
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the rooftop crooks fired from that was within rifle range was indeed outside the security perimeter. the bipartisan group of lawmakers calling on his cheatle to resign is growing by the h hour. >> john: it certainly is and we heard no shortage of calls for her to step down at the hearing which we want to go back to. a topic right now is gun control. people are asking if the job of the secret service is made harder by the prevalence of guns appeared we should point out that the weapon that was used against president trump was bought legally a number of years ago by the father. let's listen in. >> a day like we had on july 13th is a day that no one in my agency ever wants to have as a responsibility. it is an incredibly difficult job. >> i immediately thought of the children in the audience peered when you think about going to a rally with your family. their lives are forever changed. the incident was an isolated.
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i believe these incidents are never isolated and i know they've reported that the 20-year-old pennsylvania shooter looked up the 2021 oxford high school shooting in michigan. can you comment on what information this shooter wasn't looking up regarding the tragedy of oxford high school where they took four of our high school youth there? >> i'm sorry, i'm not able to. the fbi has those details. >> you can't tell us. was he looking at the type of weapon? >> unfortunately i don't have those details peered >> did they share that with you? >> i don't have the full content of what his searchers were. i think they are still in the process of examining all of his devices. >> okay. again, the impact, i want to be really serious about this. the impact on our families is more than just a political rally. we need to talk about this even if we are in disagreement. let's talk about it because i've seen statistics that show that we could be saving lives now if
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we ban these weapons of war from being able to be bought at the local store down the street. we just can't continue to allow this to happen and unfortunately my residents are not former presidents of the united states. they don't get a hearing and they don't get secret service for any of that. even among those that are expressing the failure in the system, they just deserve better. they truly do. thank you a and i yield peered > the chair recognizes mr. burchett from tennessee. >> thank you mr. chairman. the shooter was set up on the roof of that international building as we know peered was the roof identified as a potential vulnerability days before the rally? >> to my knowledge, yes it was. >> were agents or officers inside the building and if so what floor were they on. >> we had local police officers inside the building. >> the roof looks like it is a ten roof. how did no one inside that building hear someone move on a metal roof question marks >> i don't have the details of all of the interviews that have been conducted yet. >> when will you have those? >> i have been asking and i want
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to have that information as soon you do. >> why did secret service failed to block the line of sight from that roof? >> i think that the secret service put together a plan where they were counting that roof and as part of the overwatch and that was a plan that they had put in place today. >> if you are not going to put a security person on the roof why not at least use drone technology or air surveillance to monitor the rally? >> there are a number of times that we do use drone technology. i'm not speaking specifically to this event and what was utilized or not. there are times when drone technology is available and helpful at events and there are times when it is not appropriate. >> do you personally use signal to communicate with any official from the white house? signal on your phone. >> on occasion. i'm sure that there are people that you signal. >> do you use it to speak with the white house? >> no, i do not.
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>> when was thomas crooks first identified as a person of interest? i will help you peered at 510 he was spotted with a range finder at 551. anna when did secret service notice him? >> again, i don't have specific timelines but it was a relatively short period of time peered >> let me help you. 552. why was president trump allowed it 10 minutes later after secret service spotted a suspicious individual peered that seems to be the worst thing of all. of all of the breakdown and the b.s. you been feeding us they were not feeding us. that seems to be the question. >> there's a number of events where suspicious people may be identified. that does not. >> ma'am, you have a man who's going to be the next president of united states and he's on stage good we've all been to these events. a car backfires and there is a
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15 minute wait. that's not acceptable. did the secret service tell president trump that they had spotted a suspicious individual before he was shot? >> i am unclear as to what the communication was with the former president. >> i will take that as a no. did you deny president trump's request for more security yes or no? and when was the most recent request for additional security? >> the rally request for security, all of those requests were fulfilled. >> were there any personnel redirected to the other rally? >> no. >> who made the decision of direction of agents at either one of those rallies? >> i'm unclear as to your question as the direction of the agents. >> i said who directed those agents to be at miss biden's rally or president trump's rally. the specific agents.
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>> there is a methodology in which agents are available for assignments and they are assigned based on either geographic location or logistics or flight peered >> ma'am, i appreciate that but that methodology got president trump almost killed peered was a temporary detail question work >> the personnel who are assigned to the former presidents detail are assigned to him. >> why was there a different detail on the opening night of convention then the detail that was gardening him and pennsylvania? >> that the president has a very large permanent protective detail assigned to him. they work shift work so it could be that the people you saw at the rally were not working the same shift. >> i can assure you ma'am somebody that is a lot shorter than the president was not at the convention and the people that were cowering down behind the massive agents that were on top of the president were not in the convention hall, at least i did not see them.
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you can't seem to answer and single question but an ongoing investigation ma'am and you don't know when the information will be released publicly. are you waiting for the administration to sign off? >> no. i'm waiting for the results of the investigation here >> let me ask you one more question. you found explosives in the shooter's possession. is that correct. >> the fbi found explosives peered >> do we know who directed this young man to make those explosives peered >> i bee the fbi is still looking into that on their investigation. >> miss cheatle you said the buck stops with me and i agree. i don't think you should resign, you should be fired. ma'am, you are a de eye horror story. i've told my daughter multiple times my wife and my daughter we talk all the time about how she is going to succeed in life. she will succeed by achieving. ma'am, you have not achieved today. you have let the american public down and if it was up to me you would be gone. thank you mr. speaker. >> the chair recognizes
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mr. crockett. >> going back and forth with kim cheadle. it has been a day, sandra, when she has been the recipient of some very ferocious income to the degree of which we don't usually see on capitol hill. all of these members, literally to a person on both side of the aisle frustrated that she is not coming up with any of the answers to the questions. >> too so frustrated that we have had to use the [bleep] button a couple of times. nancy mace is joining us now. i am referencing this exchange that happened with you and the secret service director. listen. >> was this a colossal failure? >> it was a failure. >> yes or no. was it a colossal failure is the question. yes or no. >> i have admitted peered >> this is a "yes" or "no" series of questions. was it a colossal failure yes or no. >> yes. >> was this tragedy preventable,
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yes or no. >> yes. >> has the secret service been transparent with this committee. >> yes. >> we had to issue a subpoena to get you to show up today. that is not transparent, by the way. you stated earlier that the secret service is not political. is that correct. have you provided all audio and video recordings to this committee as we ask yes or no peered >> i would have to get back to peered >> that is not. you are full of [bleep] today. you are being completely dishonest. >> we don't see that often happen and a hearing room on capitol hill. the american public is watching this and they feel your frustrations congress women. what was your reaction to that moment? >> i was saying aloud what everyone in this country is thinking after seeing her for a few minutes in that hearing of the oversight committee today. she refused to answer even the simplest of questions. she couldn't tell the oversight committee how many secret service agents were in the field at the rally with donald trump the day that there
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was an attempted assassination and butler township pennsylvania. these are the most basic questions. they weren't difficult and to echo your remarks earlier, this was a moment that unify the country because you saw members, democrats and republicans alike on both sides of the aisle calling for her resignation today after that very poor and dishonest performance in the oversight hearing. >> congress women, there are so many exchanges we could've played out for our viewers as well. they have struck us and many of us who have been watching just shocked at how little information she is sharing and in fact shocked by how little information she has actually obtained herself as director of the secret service. this moment stood out. this is michael cloud the rep from texas on cheatle not personally reviewing the plans to keep the former president safe beforehand. watch. >> did you review the security plan for this event. >> i personally do not review
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security plans for events. they take police across the country. >> any of them? >> we have a number of events. >> who is the top level official that reviews the security plans? >> i'm just thinking what's more important in her daily job then keeping the president and the vice president and past presidents like one of the most controversial people in the world right now safe. how is it that she did not put eyeballs on those plans before that rally? >> and also probably receives more death threats than any of the other presidential candidates in u.s. history. we can add that to the list and/or her title as director. director of the secret service peered deeply frustrating moment watching her answer and not answer questions on both sides of the aisle and in fact not only has she not reviewed information and not know what's going on or what has been, however she did not provide neither she nor anyone provided
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any information to the oversight committee in preparation for the hearing. on july 15th we made a records request of secret service to her and if they provided nothing. zero information. she has given more information to mainstream media, to her friends in the mainstream media that she has the oversight committee and it's a sad day in america. >> sandra: we can say all of this but what does it matter and what does it mean if she has not held accountable? we know there are calls growing on both sides of the aisle for her to step down from this position. where do you stand and if she does not step down, where do you go from there? >> number one, they are up and calls on both sides of the aisle for her to resign today and if she does not resign, i urge the administration to fire her. i am currently, as a stand here in this interview right now, looking at possible articles of impeachment with her given the type of officer that she is of the secret service is that a possibility because if it is then that should happen right away. >> sandra: congresswoman it's
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a busy day and we appreciate you joining us life from capitol hill. thank you. >> thank you. >> john: nancy mace bringing the heat today and vice president harris stepping up to the plate after joe biden decides to end his candidacy. there's talk of who would be her running mate if she becomes the nominee. our next guest has a few thoughts and a potential short list. amy parsons is coming up next. >> sandra: any moment now g.o.p. vice president nominee j.d. vance is set to hold his first solo rally back in his old high school in middletown, ohio. bill melugin is there and he is live on the ground as we anticipate that. >> sandra good afternoon to you. it is a packed house here in middletown, ohio, where as you said, j.d. vance is set to deliver his first solo campaign rally inside his own high school. everybody here excited to see him coming up after the break. we will let you know what the
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supporters say about the chaos on the democratic ticket. we'll be right back. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> john: the latest prominent democrat to endorse kamala harris to become the nominee of the democratic party is nancy pelosi. the person that some people say engineered to the entire departure of joe biden from the ticket. here's what nancy pelosi said in part in a statement today. it is with immense pride and limitless optimism for our country's future that i endorse vice president, harris for president of president of the united states. officially see says i have seen her strength and courage as a champion for working families, notably fighting for a woman's right to choose and she said the party is unified to get together and be donald trump and enthusiastically elect, harriet is the next president of the united states. i'm getting the sense that democrats are trying to create an era of inevitability around kamala harris because it's easiest thing for them to do in
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terms of transferring the money, transferring the delegates, getting their ducks in a row by the convention so they don't have a chaotic show in chicago in the middle of august. >> sandra: ever since we were on breaking news as this hit yesterday, that became the question. every time a democrat came out and made a statement about biden pulling out, whether or not they endorsed her became the news. and just looking out what she has said so far today, very telling because she took to twitter just a couple hours ago saying it is the first full day of our campaign. so i'm heading up to wilmington, delaware, later to say hello to our staff and headquarters. one day down, 105 to go and together we will witness. >> john: some of her prospective challengers like gretchen whitmer of michigan, gavin newsom of california have come out to support her rather
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than challenge her. i would've thought that there might have been some sort of a challenge or at least to some people saying wait a second, let's slow this process down but i think the biden-harris campaign, the dnc are all saying we have a short amount of time and the republicans just held their most successful convention ever. we are going up against a former president who has the sympathy of a nation because he was almost taken out by an assassin's bullet and we need to get moving on this process quickly. we can't afford to lose a moment here. >> sandra: it wasn't that long ago when biden was in the race that we were starting to talk about what a vp debate could look like with j.d. vance and kamala harris. remember the trump campaign said they would not commit to a vp rally until they knew who the ticket was going to be because it was still in question. i guess you could make the case that very much is the case today. we are anticipating that we are going to hear from former president donald trump's vp pick running mate j.d. vance shortly from his high school
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there in middletown, ohio. what a moment this will be as it will be his first solo rally and it will be happening in his hometown. >> john: one of the big questions as if kamala harris prevails and becomes a nominee, who will she pick as her running mate. folks are asking people like andy beshear, governor of kentucky if he would be up for the job. don't forget he is a democrat in a traditionally red state. other governors are being asked the same question. my money, i love to wager on these political things and put down as much as a dollar on occasion and so i will take my bunk and i will put it on pete buttigieg. i think she is going to take pete buttigieg as a running m mate. >> sandra: bill melugin is on the ground there. i appreciate john has given us his predictions here. who knows what will be in this speech appeared we are all waiting to see how j.d. vance will address the crowd there when he began speaking moment for now. >> i can tell you the crowd is
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ready for him. it's a packed room. it's a high school auditorium, j.d. vance is old high school. we have 900 people in here right now and we talked to a bunch of his supporters earlier before they came in here and they are all really excited he decided to come back to his roots and deliver his first solo campaign rally where it all started for him here in middletown, ohio. we had one woman tell us she was so excited he grew up down the street from her sister and he is loyal to the hillbillies out here. that's not my language, that's what they told us. they are excited to hear what he has to say and i asked several of them he doesn't know who he will be debating in the vp debate now and they all said they aren't worried about it. it doesn't matter who is squaring up against him. they are confident in the trump ticket. they believe the road to the white house will start here in the rust belt. they believe donald trump when he said he chose j.d. vance because he will help win states like ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. the locals out here say that is
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absolutely true. as for what we can expect to hear from j.d. vance, this will be his first time on camera since president biden announced yesterday he will drop out of the race. it certainly is looking like kamala harris is ascending to the top of that democrat ticket. it's not official just yet but the question now will be who would kamala harris potential vp choice beat. a lot of names are being tossed out there. j.d. vance does not know right now and he doesn't know who to prepare for yet. i'm sure we will hear commentary from him about president biden dropping out, who he may be facing later on this year. remember there is supposed to be a vp debate coming up in a couple of months but hard to prepare for a debate when you don't know who you are going to go up against. there's a lot of security here just outside the building. there are multiple sniper teams up on the roof, a huge armored looking vehicle that looks like it is more military than police. there's a bunch of s.w.a.t. officers and a huge law enforcement presence here
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projecting a huge show of force, obviously given what happened and butler, pennsylvania, out with that on donald trump's life less than two weeks ago. we have a two-minute warning on j.d. vance about 5 minutes ago. you know how these things go. they push us back every now and again but we are waiting for him to take the stage now and it should be any moment and the crowd and here is fired up. they will get on their feet when he walks out here. they've been chanting j.d., j.d., j.d. and fight, fight, fight which has been a republican rally and cry after donald trump survived that assassination attempt. >> john: i remember once upon a time in the trump administration being in the rose garden and being given a two-minute warning and put 2 minutes later the president had not come out of the oval office. who knows how long it will be before j.d. vance comes out. the two minute warnings at these rallies tend to be somewhat approximate. in terms of who we will be facing in the debates on september 25th, j.d. vance is a great speaker.
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he has a law school clearly has given him a big leg up but kamala harris has it too. i assume whoever she chooses as her running mate might hold a degree as well. but do they have a number of people they are thinking about and if so who are those people? >> some of the names being tossed out are obviously at josh shapiro. gavin newsom is getting tossed out. we've heard mark kelly's name being tossed out, the senator from arizona but the problem is if she chooses mark kelly arizona is a battleground state. he flipped a seat there in arizona so democrats would have to figure out how they will replace that seat but j.d. vance, you talked about it earlier. he is very good with media. he's a very good public speaker. he's only 39 years old and he's only been in the senate since 2022. he isn't afraid to go into the lion's den and that's why donald trump selected him. we see him on cable news networks and all sorts of tv shows it being a donald trump
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surrogate. promoting the message. he has embraced donald trump's idea of populism and that's one of the reasons why trump selected him. whoever is going to be on that debate stage with him, i think he is uniquely fitted to do well in a debate like that because he is a great ad labor and he can speak off-the-cuff and he has gone into contested environments before where other networks and other media networks are hammering him with difficult questions and that's the thing that prepares you for a debate like that. when you do look somebody in the eye face-to-face and debate serious policies. that's one of the reasons why resident biden struggled so much in the debate in atlanta last month. he has concluded himself from a lot of those confrontational media interviews that donald trump had to deal with the day in and day out during his administration and what he has been dealing with up until now. that prepares you for a debate like that. this two-minute warning appears on track to turn into a 20
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minute warning as you are well aware. >> sandra: perhaps a sign of things to come. i know the local newspapers around there have been writing about the incredible amount of security that was made starting in the early hours of this morning. in and around that high school. it has been a huge task and by the way, he is going to talk about their possible contenders ahead of this. he said president trump and i are ready to save america. whoever is at the top of the democratic ticket. hopefully we hear from j.d. vance soon. we will check back in shortly. >> john: a sure way to get him out there on stage is to bring in a guest so let's bring in any proneness, senior correspondent for the hill. let's talk about kamala harris. did she get this by default because it is so late in the game? if biden had dropped before the primaries, could we have had a different result than what we are looking at now? >> there is this sense that the clock is ticking and democrats saw the republican convention
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last week, they saw republicans unify behind former president trump. they know that time is not on their side. they were looking for the most seamless choice for various reasons. obviously money, name recognition. she is tested, she has been through all of this when she ran in 2020 alongside joe biden. all of this made the most sense to democrats and that's why you are seeing them rally behind her right now. they know that time is of the essence. >> john: democrats are saying, and this includes nancy pelosi, that kamala harris is the best person for the job. she is totally prepared to. but how does she fear in a one-to-one match up against former here's what the average shows. it shows donald trump at 48%, kamala harris at 46.3%. contrast that with the old ways where trump was at 47.7 and biden was at 44.7. she has an extra point over
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biden but the real clear politics average and has her losing to trump. obviously her campaign is not underway yet so things could change but she does not seem to be a much better choice than joe biden at this point and we know that the only person whose disapproval numbers rival joe biden or kamala harris. >> and that's why they are aiming to get her out there as soon as possible because they know they have no time to waste but i know there is concern among son democrats. i've heard from a lot of them in the lead up to this pick, in the lead up to yesterday. they were saying we are worried about this. we don't know if she can perform better than the president can but this is the clear choice right now and we need to get behind her and we need to rally behind her and that is why her vp pick is such a big choice. she can -- she's going to rally the base and probably do better than the president with her base. but does she appeal to an
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undecided voter in michigan or pennsylvania and that is the big question. >> i don't know if you heard but a few moments ago i laid a dollar on pete buttigieg being her running mate because if you are trying to fire up the base, he would do it. >> i bet you because i don't think that will happen. i think she's already going to rally the base. i think she needs someone to go around that and appeal to someone. i talked to someone randomly from michigan this morning and this voters said she needs someone like a market kelly or a roy cooper from north carolina to get my vote. so i'm curious to see how that plays out with voters like the one i spoke to. >> john: i've been known to lose a dollar on occasion. in terms of biden being thrown overboard, it's really strange how this all evolved in the space of a 24-hour period. saturday morning he was all in and then his closest advisors including stomach he came to see them on saturday night and
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apparently they produced for him and showed him some data that suggested he was going to lose badly and perhaps his legacy would be wiped out along with the loss and by sunday afternoon, and i think this is a little bit of a middle finger to everybody who has been encouragt out, over x he puts out his statement without it really being cleared by the campaign or the white house that he was dropping out of the race. how did that happen so fast because this isn't new. >> no, but i think the president got a reality check in certain ways. his advisors came to him and said look at, you aren't doing so well in states like virginia. this is a state democrats won in the recent cycle. in states like new mexico. and that is the biggest reality check. he did not want his legacy to go down tied to this. obviously bring down house and senate democrats who are in tight races. i think he saw the writing on the wall. the walls were closing in on him
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and that's the conclusion he reached. >> john: amy, great to talk with you. thank you so much. we didn't get j.d. vance to come out by putting you on the air so we will see when he does appear to hopefully it will be soon because as bill melugin was pointing out, this has turned into an awfully long two-minute warning. good to talk to. thank you. >> thank you. >> sandra: they meant 2 minutes times ten paired we will check back in a moment but first lawmakers growing frustrated on the hill today as they struggle to get answers from the director of the secret service over what went wrong leading up to the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. could this all have been avoided question work we are asking of former secret service agent of the presidential protective division. he is here live in new york. he will join us just ahead. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema
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>> can you answer why secret service is did not place a single agent on the roof. >> we are still looking into the advanced process and the decisions that were made. >> okay. was that building within the perimeter that should be secured. do we agree with that. >> of the building was outside of the perimeter on the day of the visit. >> sandra: outside of the perimeter. that was the director of secret service paired she has been evading the most basic of questions in the hearing today
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and in that moment confirming to the american public that the building that was a mere 150 feet away with a direct site of the former president was outside of the perimeter the day of the secret service visit to prepare for the rally. as a former secret service agent. you've a big voice and all of this. you know how this works. you know the preparations that are made and you know what it's like to get on the ground and make sure you can secure the former president or in the case of others the president of the united states. how is it possible that was outside of the perimeter? >> i think it is a semantics game paired we are talking to different parameters. the perimeter that she is referring to and people have referred to is the event perimeter. that's the perimeter where the event planners and coordinators wanted to pack in as many people as they can so they can get that for proverbial shot and make it look like there are 10 million people and it's a huge cut. that type of thing as opposed to
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just people haphazardly take up any space they want on the grounds. i'm talking about the secret service security perimeter and that building absolutely. >> sandra: the building far left of your screen clearly showing 150 yards from the st stage. >> that was within the secret service perimeter and was a concern because it is well within rifle range. >> sandra: what have you thought as you have heard her answering these questions? these lawmakers are getting frustrated. democrats and republicans alike thinking to themselves how is it that she is providing so little information to the american public and when she is asked certain questions about the information she's been able to review, it appears to be very little. how is that possible. >> it seems to me that the point of this hearing was to establish a lack of competency and a lack of understanding of the gravity of the situation on the part of the secret service leadership. then your objective has been met. this situation is of such paramount importance it enfolded
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on live tv in front of the entire world and to hide behind and not answer questions simply by saying we can't tell you that because of secret service security measures or secret service security posture is ridiculous. basic questions like how many agents did you have there, she wouldn't answer the question. i can be looking at an overhead shot being taken from a million iphones that were there and i have to count them myself. she is not prepared to answer the basic questions. >> sandra: after he stormed out of the hearing, he slammed the lack of transparency that he was getting in that hearing room as he walked in the halls outside of it. watch. >> we are getting any answers. it's exactly what we said we were going to get and that's why i said we should have had this hearing monday instead of going to the convention. she is not answering any questions and it's always a security clearance and she said she is the most qualified person in the world to have this job.
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insanity, basically. absolutely paired she should've been fired. >> sandra: i will try to leave my opinion out of this but it just seems to be a simple observation for anyone watching that it seems like she just doesn't feel like she owes anybody any answers. >> and that's part of my problem. you mention when i appeared the other day i looked furious. part of the level of fury comes out of the fact that you have someone in charge that shouldn't be in charge to begin with but the subsequent arrogance and not answering questions and the refusal to go to the site. >> sandra: she must know it appears that way to people. >> one would think but i can't comment. it appears that way to you and i and i'm sure it appears that way to the rest of the world. >> sandra: we will continue the conversation and we appreciate you joining us on it. john. >> john: we will see what happens because the biden administration has a habit of not holding people accountable so maybe she will survive. pictures from middletown, ohio, right now. a high school in j.d. vance's hometown where he is about to
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give his first solo rally. our two-minute warning about 20 minutes long now so we are expecting that at some point the vice presidential nominee is going to arrive on scene. we will be watching and bring it to you as soon as it happens. now this.
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