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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 22, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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month away from the convention. but yes, those are the names. the talent is in the governess mentions in and that's who they're talking to. >> neil: it sounds like that's the way she would go, then. governors have a better shot at that than if she were to pick a senator or representative, right? >> yeah, and is also the added benefit of not opening up a senate seat in a vulnerable state like if you were to pick mark kelly in arizona. you're opening up a senate seat in arizona, which isn't a surefire thing for democrats even if they were to be appointed. there would be an election at some point. that is the extra advantage of picking from a governors mansion. >> neil: understood. great catching up for you. i apologize for the truncated time. reporter extraordinaire, he's broken more news on this, and there's more news to come, i'm sure. right on "the five," next. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone.
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i'm dana perino along with katie pavlich, harold ford jr., jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ happening in just moments, kamala harris about to rally the troops at the former biden campaign hq in wilmington, delaware. she's already locked in the building, as you can see there. she'll be speaking to the democratic staffers she will now inherit after president biden withdrew from the race. harris has been rapidly consolidating power. in this case, speed wins. working the phones like crazy to get democrat after democrat to fall in line. nancy pelosi becoming the latest to publicly back her. harris also raking in the campaign cash, raising over $80 million in the first 24 hours. president biden's stunning decision, just 24 days after his disastrous debate changed everything, setting into motion and unprecedented mutiny of democrats calling for him to drop out. the president defiant and bitter until the end, reportedly
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dragging out his decision because he didn't think kamala could defeat donald trump. the earlier harris had nothing but nice things to say about the president. >> our president, joe biden, wanted to be here today. he's feeling much better and recovering fast and he looks forward to getting back on the road. i wanted to say a few words about our president. joe biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history. in one term he has already -- yes, you may clap. [laughs] [applause] i am a firsthand witness that every day our president joe biden sites for the american people, and we are deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation. >> dana: top democrats and would be vice president of picks taking to cable news to tout their support of harris' candidacy. >> the vice president is smart and strong, which will make her a good president. >> she's going to breathe some
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life into this campaign. >> she is someone who has gone toe-to-toe with people who blessed her, people who bully, people who lie. >> i'm going to work for her all over this country and do what i can to make sure we stop donald trump. >> vice president harris, michigan voters have a president we can count on it, to lower our costs, protect our freedoms. >> my support of the vice president is because i've seen her in action. >> dana: but not every democrat is on board the kamala train. so far barack obama has not lent his powerful endorsement. neither has house minority leader hakeem jeffries. he wants to speak to her first. team trump already sharpening its attacks. >> kamala was in on it. she covered up joe's' mental decline. she knew he couldn't do the job, so she did it. >> dana: there's been a lot of news in the last 28 hours. greg, we haven't had a chance to if you need yet, so let's hear about biden withdrawing and
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kamala harris trying to wrap this nomination. >> greg: i haven't really been paying attention. it's very hard to be sympathetic to joel, because he led the charge in prosecuting his political opposition, which was very banana republic, and this also feels very banana republic. he got wasted once again on that petard thing. i think the dems are boxed in. if they did this because joe has dementia, then he asked to resign. he's not fit. but if they did it because he's going to lose, then there goes the democratic process and federman fetterman is right. you can't cancel it because he's going to lose. a lot of people thought trump was going to lose after he got the nomination. he did, but he was the nominee. so that is, believe it or not, people, and attack on democracy. unless they say it was because of his health, which then means he has to resign. so if he stays in, then kamala
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is not a legitimate candidate. there's also another box. to bolster harris' chances, they need a strong trust ready vp, but you can't do that without overshadowing the top of the ticket. that's why joe picked kamala. he always pick someone is not going to make you look bad. so how do you find a vp who is less competent then kamala connect you nominate a toaster? this is going to be very difficult. i love how the media is portraying biden as the selfless hero. he refused to go. he was holding onto the curtains. if his brain was in a vat of biochemicals and he was up in swing states, they would be saying "brain vat beats hitler." it's about polling and a corrupt system. they don't care who is running as long as the number say they're going to win and they have a way to win.
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finally, "the new york times" have profound concerns about her elect-ability. they said the process of public scrutiny was ignored. what does that sound like to you? you dei. the obsession over identity instead of america created a situation where the process of public scrutiny was ignored, and now the dems have little choice but to turn on each other if they disagree. but if you say she's not good enough, then what will you be called? a racist. >> dana: and there's probably a lot more that to come. jessie, you had a chance to talk to both trump and vance. this is vance talking about kamala harris. watch it watch it. >> they're going to cook up something at the convention. they might throw gretchen whitmer at you. they might throw gavin newsom at you. they might throw michelle obama at you. >> i wouldn't be worried about any of them. look at, they have bad policies. forget about the people. they have an open border policy,
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a high tax policy, a bad military policy. their world is going woke. the green new scam was spending all our money on things that don't work. the whole thing is a mess. if we don't win this election, we may not have another election. i'm telling you, this may be our last election. >> now president trump is getting to debate kamala harris? i'm kind of pissed off about that if i'm being honest with you! >> dana: i like that he has a sense of humor. but now i guess we don't know who vance will debate. >> jesse: i cannot wait for the trump and kamala harris debate. it's going to be so good. we know we are being brainwashed, but they don't know that we know. this guy won more votes than anybody in american history and
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he's fdr, but they just whacked fdr because he couldn't win reelection? it couldn't be his policies. his policies are popular, right? he's got the best policies. no, we all hate his policies, the country as the disaster. and now he has soup for brains, because last month the guys said he was einstein with great stamina. so what is actually going on here? what's actually going on is they rigged the primary and then detonated the guide during the debate, and then held a gun to his head while he was in bed and forced him to sign a resignation letter while he had the 'rona. in all of the sudden kamala just swoops in with the statement already ready? come on. she was in on it. nancy went to his bed and said we could do it the easy way or we could do it the hard way. and on saturday they came out with the sec reports on the fund-raising in june, and the democrats didn't raise any mone. [laughs] no money. and then this poll came out in
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michigan and trump was up seven in michigan. so this was a man versus machine. he couldn't fight the machine, and they made biden fire himself. the only person he ever fired. he had to let himself go. so kamala comes in, they're still going to lose. they may lose less than they would have against joe biden, but she was in on the cover up, and they're acting like there was no cover up they just basically acquainted nominate the woman who lied to the whole country about how brain-dead the president was? and we are supposed to trust this woman? this woman is on tape for hours saying joe is sharp, and i we are supposed to believe what she says? come on. the same people that told us the laptop was fake and that joe was a really astute are now saying kamala is a genius and she's going to beat trump. i mean, this brainwashing has gotten so bad, even i can tell they are in there. >> greg: and you have nothing
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to wash! >> jesse: i have nothing up here! >> dana: harold, would he be picked up since last night in terms of the fund-raising? is kamala going to be it or could we actually have some sort of a contest here? >> harold: i've been impressed. i said that she has not had a lot of good public speaking engagements. it's been diplomatic and nice. she was good today, strong today. she's had great fund-raising. but republicans had an unbelievable convention last week. i didn't think in the short a period of time the attention could shift as broadly and as swiftly and as sweepingly as it has. that's where you want politics. we all know this, you're going
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to try your hardest to win. there's no doubt would happen three and a half weeks ago with president biden, he bombed that debate. we talked about it on the set. many of us talked about him stepping down. i was not convinced when a democrat said we are all for him and let's settle this. i was not persuaded that would be the case. the polling data show democrats up and down the line were going to lose including the house and the senate. when you mentioned the money dried up, that was a critical point. democrats did something i didn't think they'd be able to do. it's interesting to hear you talk about that, that's funny. he decided to remove himself from the ticket and now you have kamala harris. i have set also on this show i think donald trump is the best political athlete i've seen in the long, long time. he's not as good an athlete in the last 24 hours. she has gotten in his head a little bit. i think the idea of talking about her being on the fix and
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hiding things, she's a candidate now. you're not going to get her there. on the policy front, that's where their focus ought to be. i was reminded about the patriots-falcon super bowl when the patriots came back at the beginning of the second half. you better be careful, because this is a very different race, i say to republicans and democrats, as well pay she's not out of the woods yet. you raise the point, we've got to get to the convention. he's already secured 1100 delegates, more than half of what she needs in less than 24 hours. some may say that means this is a coronation pages on the phone doing it. she's gotten a lot of endorsements, and i think the thing that's going to matter most in the next few days is who she picks as vp. because it's the first decision she will make about what her administration will look like and how she will govern. and we all know it signals as to whether or not she will kowtow to one side of the party or not. i hope she chooses the governor. i don't mean anything against senator kelly, but i want a governor who can lay out what he
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or she has done over the last 4-6 years, how they've created jobs and improved education, how they have reduced drug use. we talked about last night, former president bush, former president clinton, former governors. i like the start she's off to nothing and it'll make for a great contest in the fall. >> dana: one of the things, katie, that happens, they have this bat signal that goes out, here's the new talking point. after saying joe biden was perfectly fine, and his age didn't matter at all and he run circles around them at the white house, not all of the sudden this memo basically goes out that says trump is now the oldest nominee in history, and it is so incredibly ridiculous, because they actually seem to believe that cutesy ridiculousness like that might work. >> katie: here's a guy who got shot last week and in the process of getting shot, got back up, pumped his fist came and went to an amazing convention for a week and pulled that off. it's a silly comparison. it was never about the age number, it's about cognitive
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ability. on that note, where is joe biden? he made this decision to stay as president, but to suspend his candidacy, and for five days, six days, we haven't seen the president on video, we haven't seen photos of him. we are hearing hearing a lot about his legacy and his legs here and i was putting out a resignation for his campaign in a tweet. we haven't heard directly from him. his vice president's out at the white house today speaking before he has been speaking, while his doctor is saying everything is fine and he's on the mend. so where is the president? if he's going to continue on for six months, kamala harris is still his vice president and they still have to live with this idea that, what's the reason why he was spending his candidacy but he wants to remain as president? you going to hear more and more about behind-the-scenes what was going on and why he actually had to make that decision. he's losing in the polling to donald trump on the policy issues but he's also losing because people are very scared about his cognitive ability to
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remain the commander in chief. and that will exist today and it will exist for the next six months, as well. >> dana: much more to come on the biden dropout earthquake. up next, secret service director, she got brutally chewed out by lawmakers today over the assassination attempt on donald trump. the fireworks on capitol hill. those are next. ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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agency. >> katie: embattled secret service director kimberly cheatle on capitol hill taking a serious beating from both sides of the aisle over her agency's numerous and mind-boggling security failures leading up to the attempt on trump's life. the director refusing to resign and of course stonewalled like crazy. >> were you guessing or lying when you said you didn't turn down requests from president trump's detail? >> neither, sir. and i appreciate the question. >> you are prepared to fire the people on the ground who made poor decisions that day? >> i am prepared to take the actions necessary. >> that's nonsense. >> the lack of answers and the lack of report is simply not something we can accept here. >> because he is alive, and thank god he is, you look incompetent. if donald trump had been killed, you have looked culpable. you need to resign. >> you're full of bleed today. you're being completely dishonest. >> you should be fired immediately. >> she clearly doesn't want to
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resign, that president joe biden could fire and he's not doing that either. >> dana: move over, we have a new candidate for the worst congressional hearing of the last decade. honestly, to the people who briefed the university presidents on how to stonewall brief her? american people are watching this going, this is what our taxpayer dollars are paying for? and here's the thing, i appreciate women who are firsts. i was the first republican woman press secretary. there's a lot of firsts, and it's great. but if you do that, and you want the credit for being the first, then you have to do better than this. i would never, ever have gone into that hearing and not been able to answer basic questions like, where is the operations report? or why she couldn't answer basic questions that were known to all of us who read the front page of "the new york times." the radio wasn't working, she didn't review the plan, she didn't go to the site, she was going to go to aspen. i would love to know, did the
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secretary of pulling security a preview going to aspen instead of working at the republican national convention quebec i would love to know. she couldn't answer any of it. it made me wonder, the white house munication strap, are they not doing the community asians for the u.s. secret service? >> katie: apparently not. jesse, president trump, we are getting information from him even though the secret service director won't answer any questions. take a listen to that and get a response. >> nobody mentioned it. nobody said there was a problem. and i would have waited for 15. they could have said let's wait for 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 5 minutes, something. nobody said, i think that was a mistake. how did somebody get on that roof and why he wasn't reported? people saw he was on the roof. there is a man on the roof's got a gun, and that was quite a bit before i walked onto the stage. so you would have thought somebody would have done something about it. >> katie: jesse, these answers are available through footage and people who were there, including president trump. but the secret service director
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is clearly just trying not to answer because she wants to save her own job. >> jesse: the house members got out of the hearing today and said they are more convinced than ever that this guy may have not acted alone. they asked cheatle, was this guy a lone gunman, and she said i can't answer that question. she waited three days before she even spoke to the agents on that detail. she hasn't even visited the site, katie. they asked her how many shell casings there were, she said, i can't tell you. did a guy use the latter? i can't tell you. did he use a drone? i'd have to check my timeline. did you bring the timely to the briefing? yeah, i have the time i write here but is not a detailed timeline. what? this woman is the director of the secret service? i don't know about this woman. she also -- [scoffs] she was asked if they have radio medications, she goes yeah, we usually archived radio come indications but we don't have any from july 13th. okay!
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really? and then she said she uses encrypted communications to speak with her people. i don't know, katie. the shooter's name is crookes, her name is cheat, and it like it. >> katie: there is good news, she did change her story on the sloped roof thing. that the roof should have been covered rather than saying they weren't there because it was a sloped roof. >> greg: there you go. i think we have solved this case, colombo. if you're going to try to kill the president, it should be hard. you shouldn't just stroll in like that. you've got to ask, is that incompetence? is that lack of experience, communication issues? or is there some kind of strange ambivalence when it comes to maintaining the highest standards? it's not just here, it's in a lot of places. her reaction to me was insulting. maybe she didn't mean it, but it certainly felt neck ambivalence. it is not the agent's fault any more than it's my fault when i'm
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given a job or not qualified for. one time i hosted "fox & friends weekend," i was terrible. i can't do morning tv. but it was not my fault, it was whoever put me there. so it's not the agent's fault, it goes to her. i wrote down, there are three or four things that caused this to happen. one, you get a troubled kid with suicide ideation, he's put on meds that give him agency to action. the media selects the target for him, and trump is way more alluring than a mass shooting because you get in for me adulation, and that is energized by this change in brain chemistry. but put that aside, it's hard to find a needle in haystack of 304 million people, see focus on prevention because that easy. you make sure the target is well protected so needles can't penetrate it. if you can't stop the lawn from milling, get a good mower.
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this is the part you can control, and they couldn't control it. then you've got the political component. the director was on the second lady biden detail. they are friends. perhaps they share friendship an and antipathy for trump. when the favorites are allotted, experience or manpower, clearly they didn't take trump security as seriously as they should. that's where your failure is. so they could be a straight line from the white house to butler. could the scandal itself have accelerated biden's exit? perhaps, i don't know. it's just way easier to hire and train for secret service than to try to eliminate all threats. unless you are handicapped with competing variables, whether it is dei as a system that shrinks the talent pool, or some kind of
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political antipathy that makes you think maybe it's not that important. >> katie: herald, speaking of politics, it was clear today that members of both sides of the aisle are very frustrated, and chairman comer and raskin, ranking members, signed onto a letter together to call for the resignation of the structure. so it's a catastrophic failure and there has to be count ability. if there's no accountability, these things can happen again. >> harold: i thought she should have been suspended or fired last week. i think the only disappointing thing about the hearing was, i don't know why it wasn't held in private. you can't air the failures of the secret service in protecting the president of the united states and give those who may wish to do harm to the president -- the president's name is not going to be trump or biden forever. the institution of the presidency is what the secret service is most interested with protecting, and there are questions that it seemed like she had answers to, probably some questions that
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were out-of-bounds even in private, but most of the questions they asked her, i don't know how she couldn't answer them. i don't know why they would not have said, this needs to be held in private and everyone needs to put their phones aside and sign something saying you won't share this with anyone. because, again, your outline for those who wish to do president harm how you do him harm. but i think we sometimes pass over these things for the top democrat on the top are public and on the committee and the house oversight committee headed by james comer but they've had a lot of partisan things happen. you had the top democrat and top republican agree she should resign, and if she doesn't resign in the next 24 hours, she should be fired. >> katie: will be watching. coming up, get on board the kamala train or you are a racist. the liberal media wasting no time in touting the vice president as the democratic nominee.low ♪ ♪ wn. then one day, it finally did.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: the kamala coronation will not be questioned. the liberal media is following the democrat lead and brushing aside the voices of over 14 million folks who voted for joe biden in the primary. you better hop on board or else. >> i've heard from inside republican circles and right-wing media that the hate campaign against kamala harris has begun. you will notice they purposely pronounce her name wrong. >> now the country has offered all of joe biden's policies with someone who is essentially half his age, and they can't get over the line. what does that say about the american people and our willingness to have a black woman as our president? >> we hear of all of what we know are going to be misogynistic, sexist, racist attacks on her. we've got to be ready. so, are you ready? >> jesse: greg, are you ready? >> greg: i am. i love heather starting the
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racist and gender narrative while they start the ageist narratives that we can point them out for. so it's okay to go after an older gentleman but then you accuse people of mispronouncing -- people mispronounce my name all the time. usually at klan rallies. [laughter] it is amazing. you mentioned it in the le a bl, the lockstep in the media. i don't know how the talking points are doled out and how almost immediately they repeat them, but i've been doing this for like 17 years. i've never received a talking point from anybody. i don't think anybody here has. there's no ground zero for us on talking points. there is no matters or soros organization that tells us how to operate. maybe that's because they know as righties we have guns.
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but i do love -- i always like it when -- i guess over the weekend joe said he had insiders in the republican party, and she does the same thing. i think they are talking to each other. that is there insider. that is their little -- exactly. >> jesse: dana, they said if kamala doesn't win it is a racist and sexist country. but same policies. >> dana: what are they going to say when she chooses a white male governor for her vice president? >> jesse: yes! [laughter] >> dana: i mean, who would be for a a white male governor? except for harold ford jr. it's really kind of hard to take. do you see how many reporters were treating yesterday the details about her outfit? and all the sudden the reporters last week were furious about the cover-up of joe biden's capabilities in the white house, and that did extend to kamala harris until she was going to be coordinated as the
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nominee. the other thing i've noticed in the past 24 hours, all of the sudden kamala harris can't take a bad picture. look at all the photographs are starting to see. photo editors make a difference in the situation. they don't want to have to put out that photo of trump, the bloodied ear and the fist raised. but they know it's iconic photo and they have to respect that. they won't allow flattering photographs of trump and vance to be seen. but this is kind of an interesting moment in the campaign because -- there was something interesting in "the atlantic" today. i thought it was a good point. this is the first time in a long time, maybe since january, that trump is not in control of the narrative. all the sudden there's a big news story and the reporters are excited and everyone is now reenergized about this race. so it's different today. >> greg: but you know what that is? it is news about the news. that is not a news story.
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they are talking about themselves. "this is the disruptor. kamala is the disruptor." they are actually talking about themselves. >> jesse: what do you think about this new love for kamala harris? >> harold: real click on the age thing, it was probably in the minds of a lot of voters with biden, the biggest detriment, the biggest challenge. >> greg: it was cognitive ability. >> harold: but age was part of it. i'm not debating whether or not -- >> greg: i am. >> harold: whether or not we should be talking about trump and his age. just like we didn't know in 2015 when trump came down that escalator to announce his campaign, he said so many things in that opening announcement. a lot of people are put off by it. we obviously know how it ended up pretty won primary and wanted to be elected president. we don't know what's going to happen with kamala here in this process. it seems to be going in the
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right direction, and are not suggesting it won't, but i think yesterday to today is a different conversation we are having about the vice president. finally, whether republicans and democrats -- if you don't get to talking about issues and you keep talking about hurling insults at one another, invective at one another, there are upper middle-class americans in this country living paycheck to paycheck, missing a paycheck will dip, disrupt their lives in series in significant ways. j.d. vance tried to talk about that group i think you did a decent job at the convention. they seem to have strayed away from that. she's been talking about that through career pages to get that if you want to win. the invective went win. it's a nice little thing to get media coverage, the talk about the needs and aspirations and challenges people are facing. that's how you win elections. >> katie: i have bad news, i brought my hate folder. i'll bring it every show between now and the election just for the vice president in the new democratic nominee. this is a big gamble for democrats to take, to shift joe out and bring her in when she's never won a single primary vote
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in their party. she has a big job to do. she has to get this coalition together in unified and try to get some voters to change their decision when there are very few undecided voters left in the states she has trouble talking to. she's not good at talking to blue-collar workers in michigan and pennsylvania and the rest of the rust belt. she doesn't have a skill set like that. she could have a hard time explaining why a liberal progressive from san francisco can relate to people who are missing paychecks and having a hard time as a result of the joe biden policies she has endorsed for the past four years. >> jesse: coming up, kamala has her finger prints all over the joe biden cover-up. ♪ ♪ frustrated by skin tags?
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trump and j.d. vance told jesse that they smell a coup. >> you would investigate the people that had joe biden's condition? >> i think somebody has to look at it. you had people that lied to the american public. >> is it a coup against joe biden? >> sort of, yet. >> i think it is. there's a constitutional process, the 25th amendment. if joe biden can't run for president, he can't serve as president. >> greg: jesse, way to hold them to the fire. >> jesse: [laughs] >> greg: this is going to come up in the debate, whether there is a primary debate or a presidential debate. someone is going to ask, how did you not know? and if he did know, why did you participate in the biggest political hoax in the history of the world? >> jesse: do you think the media that now love kamala is going to ask her that? i do think they're going to ask of that. she could probably go three weeks without being asked that question. but the republicans need to be smart, and i don't know if they are smart enough to be smart, katie. they need to hold hearings on the cover-up and they need to do it immediately.
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and they should subpoena her aides, they should make her show up and testify under oath about what she knew and when she knew it. you have to keep the focus on harris-biden. now it is harris-biden. you can't let it go back to trump. so keep it on her. i wouldn't 25th amendment joe biden though. then you turn kamala to the present, then she gets air force one. then white middle-age midwestern governor vp guy gets air force to kill. you can't give her the presidential seal. what happens if there's a hurricane and she throws on the little jacket and goes down and someone hugs her? can't let her have that. >> dana: like chris christie. >> greg: harold, i said to jessie this is the biggest hoax perhaps since the jussie smollett hoax which he also endorsed database.
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can we believe somebody who supported jussie smollett? >> harold: i remember in the campaign of 20, when they learned that david duke endorsed him, he said, i don't know who that guy is. speaking of the klan rally. >> greg: [laughs] >> harold: there's a great movie, i've coded it before, ""goodfellas,"" when the character played by joe pesci was about to be killed. "what's done is done." joe biden is not the nominee, it's likely going to be kamala harris. questions will be asked. i think dana said it very well yesterday. you did a great job having to be on tv for four hours and trying to come up with original things to say. i want to hear the president talk. i think you are right. i do agree with a lot of people. he's had a consequential presidency. it'll be interesting to see how he looks. i wish him nothing but the very best, and i think some of the questions you raised about
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kamala and the other questions might be asked. at the end of the day, i think the country was ready for him not to be the nominee. two-thirds of the country didn't want him as a nominee, if not a little more, and two-thirds of democrats didn't want them to be the nominee after his performance on june 27th. so i think democrats are fine with it and most of the country is, as well. >> greg: dana, did harold just implied by the use of "goodfellas" that kamala harris had joe biden iced? >> dana: sound like it to me. would like a proof of life video, please. >> greg: we need him holding up today's newspaper. >> dana: with her smiling face on it. she was part of the executive campaign trying to sell the american people a lemon. she knew he was either not going make it the next six months or certainly she knew he wouldn't be qualified to be the next four years. maybe she was okay with that. because then she would have a new title, right? i also think that -- >> greg: we've got to go.
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fox news alert, president biden called in to kamala harris in wilmington, delaware. let's listen. >> president biden: i want to say hello to kamala. if she can hear me, i know she's going to be speaking shortly, and i want to say to the team, embrace her. she's the best. [cheers and applause] everybody in this effort. i know yesterday's news was surprising, and it was hard to hear, but it was the right thing to do. i know it's hard because you poured your heart and soul into me, saying, help us win this thing, help me get the nomination, help me win the presidency. but you are an amazing team. we have got a great -- i think we made the right decision. i know how hard you've worked, how many sacrifices you've made. so many of you uprooted your lives for me, and the commitments people make these days, you made it. i have been honored and humbled.
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i mean this from the bottom of my heart. my word as a biden, for all you've done for me and my family. we built the best campaign organization in history. i have been doing this since you were kids. i know i'm only 40 but i've been around a long time. time. [laughter] i don't know of a better campaign organization and grassroots campaign. we have 230 office opened, over 2,000 paid staff, and we have literally 7,000 volunteers on regular basis. thousands of them. and they have been relentless and tireless in reaching out and contacting voters. it's been amazing. [listing names] raising money, and so many more. you've built this team and brought us together, you've inspired them, and you've done what leaders do. now we have got to -- the name has changed at the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn't changed at all. by the way, i'm not going anywhere.
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i'm going to be out campaigning with kamala, working like hell both as a sitting president getting legislation passed and campaigning. what we still need to save his democracy, and trump is still a danger to the community, a danger to the nation. to satisfy my foreign policy counterparts in other people around the world and at home, i'm hoping you will give every bit of your heart and so that you gave to me kamala. i want you to know, i will be on the ticket, but i'm still going to be fully, fully engaged. i've got six months left in the presidency, i'm determined to get as much done as i possibly can, both foreign policy and domestic policy. to keep lowering costs for families, continuing to speak out on guns and child care, elder care, prescription drugs and climate. climate is still an existential threat we face, and if we don't win this thing it is all in
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jeopardy. we are going to keep working for an end the war in gaza. i'll be working very closely with the israelis and with the palestinians to try and work out how we can get the gaza war to end and middle east peace, and get all those hostages home. i think we are on the verge of being able to do that. and we've got to keep our alliances together. it's critically important. it took a while to build these alliances, most of them, my colleagues have acknowledge that. but it is critically important for our safety and security, and i know i'll be doing whatever kamala wants and needs me to do in addition. let me be clear, we are still fighting this fight together. i'm not going anywhere. he should know you've always had my back and i promise you, i will always have your back and i am anxious for you all to hear. thank you, you are the best. [cheers and applause]
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>> vice president harris: thank you so much, mr. president. >> president biden: thank you. i'm sticking around. i'm going to listen. >> vice president harris: thank you so much, mr. president, again, for taking time to join our call today. as the president said, we are full steam ahead in supporting the vice president and we are seeing incredible enthusiasm already from our supporters. from democratic governors to senators to house members, two mayors, to folks across the country, our democratic party is really uniting around our nominee, and we just announced -- >> greg: well, dana, that was allegedly joe biden. it could have been a recording made a month ago. >> dana: ai is really improving. >> greg: they went to the phone and said "give me joe with the coronavirus," and that's what they did. i'm kidding, of course. that definitely did sound like the president. i'm sure all that stuff was off the top of his head. he seems so strong. >> dana: he was definitely not just reading that.
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>> greg: [laughs] >> dana: i believe this is kamala harris' husband about to show up and give some speeches. he would be the first gentleman, we have to be thinking about that. that's the first you've heard of him since last week, i believe. i guess that is proof of life. i'm joking about that a little bit, but it is bizarre that you haven't seen him and you have adversaries, allies, our troops, they need to know, is america in a stable position here? when there's a period of transition and it feels like we are inland, at least with the campaign, he also sounded like he was still campaigning. like he thinks he's going to get back on the road. with all the democrats said they don't want him to run, my last thing is, isn't it kind of nauseating how everyone has to now say, even if they don't want to run anymore, they have to say he was the best president of my lifetime? and all of these things, if you look at the policies, those
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policies on the economy, on immigration, crime, all those things have led the democrats to where they are today. it was in personality. >> greg: the other thing he said, not even two weeks after the attempted assassination, had to put it out there that trump is still a threat. >> katie: of course. they are going to try to salvage this thing by saying joe biden was courageous. he's voluntarily giving up power. they want to forget what's happened over the past three weeks. that joe biden didn't really have a choice. it had all these people on tv like nancy pelosi saying the president is going to make a decision. well, there was really only one decision for him to make. if he was going to make that decision, there is talk about changing the rules of the dnc convention to try to get in at the door. so they're willing to break all kinds of norms and rules. they also want to move on from this idea that everybody knew about his decline. they were exposed at the debate including the vice president, so they are still saying he's fine, he can still be the president, he is still rigorous behind closed doors, but at the same
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time justify pushing out the door and saying he can't win. so they're trying to cover up for that continuing narratives, as we speak. >> greg: you had said while this was going on that you were convinced that wasn't really joe paid and i was saying, hold back, not everything is a conspiracy theory, but you convinced me. >> harold: look, he sounded good. i know we all wish him well. >> greg: he had a good 10 minutes they are for the day. >> harold: i wish the president well and he sounded capable and remain determined. i think the forcefulness in his voice is good. i would say at least one thing about some of the things we've said, and listening to katie. some of the campaign, i am just surprised on the trump side -- president trump is forceful. president trump has always put his best foot forward, even when i didn't agree with the way he wanted to talk. i never heard him talk and defend on process or say maybe they are hiding this. that's not the president trump i know. i think if republicans are going to campaign effectively with voters, you've got to get out and do what he did in 2016. and if she wants to win, she's
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got to do the same. i will be interested to hear what she says here. >> greg: that makes one of us. just kidding. here she is. ♪ ♪ >> hey delaware. [chanting kamala] >> thank you, guys. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. thank you, all. thank you. can we just give it up again for my husband? [cheers and applause] it is so good to hear our president's voice. joe, i know you are still on the call and we have been talking every day. you probably, you guys heard it from doug's voice. we love joe and jill. we really do. they truly are like family to us. >> so do we.
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[cheers and applause] >> it's mutual. [laughter] >> i knew you were still there. you are not going anywhere, joe. >> i'm watching you, kid. i love you. >> i love you, joe. [cheers and applause] joe, i'm going to recognize some of the electeds who are here and then i will get back to you. hold on a second. let me do, please, acknowledge some extraordinary national leaders who are also dear friends, both to the president and to me. governor john carney, where are you? there you are. and his wife, they are here, senator tom carper, my former colleague. his wife is here. chris coons, my dear friend. [cheers] attorney general kathy jennings. [cheers] the mayor is here p -- and the
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next united states senator from the great state of delaware is here. [cheers and applause] and i know everyone here has seen these elected leaders in this very campaign office on a regular basis. and i know joe is so thankful to them for their lifelong friendship. but i want to thank them all because you guys have really been carrying some heavy water from the first days of our campaign. thank you all. this truly is a delaware family. thank you. [applause] i want to think jen o'malley dillon. where is she? jen, going to talk about her in a minute. julie chavez rodriguez. [cheers and applause] sheila knicks. [cheers] and the entire team that is here. i want to thank all of you and those who are joining from the offices across our nation.
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so, doug and i wanted to stop by today to thank everybody and to express just what we know to be true. y'all have been working so hard. the people in this office have been working so hard and you have given so much of yourselves. long days and nights. what you are sacrificing in terms of the time you could be spending with other friends and other family and you are giving yourselves to our country because you love our country and you love joe and you love me, and we know that. and so today, just right after joe made his announcement, it was important for me to continue with his role of leadership in this office of, like him, who have said for many, many, many months and i say it today thank you all so very much for what you are doing and what you will continue to do. [applause] so let's [inaudible] [applause]
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and i know it's been a roller coaster and we are all filled with so many mixed emotions. i have to say i love joe biden. i love joe biden. and i know we all do. we have so many darn good reasons for loving joe biden. and i have full faith that this team is the team will the reason we win in november. you all who are here. and as julie always says, and i will quote the great julie, we are one team, one fight. [cheers] one team, one fight. [cheers and applause] and she has been an extraordinary campaign manager. she is going to continue in this role and see us to victory in november. and we are all here because we love our country, right? and we believe in our foundational principles. we believe in freedom and opportunity not for some but for all. [cheers and applause


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