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  Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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packaging, same policies. >> intelligence and a great order. you can accuse her of many things, i don't know if you can say that. we are going to see what condition joe biden is in. there was a palace coup and he was going to be removed if he didn't step aside. this is really scary he is the sitting president of the united states. >> well barack obama is the smartest person out there in politics. the smartest democrat in politics not of all time. but he is really smart, we will see what he does next. but he had his hand in this. raymond, great to see you as always. that's it for us tonight. thank you for watching. remember, it is america, now and forever, these are interesting times. jesse watters takes at all from here. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime tonight.
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>> joe biden's legacy of accomplishment in the last three years is unmatched in modern history. he has already, yes, you may clap. (laughter). >> jesse: kamala harris, inherits the throne. >> we did it! we did it, joe! (laughter). >> for the most part, when i looked at my hand i knew it was something very serious. i put my hand up, and looked at it, it had blood all over it. >> trump, vance, a primetime exclusive. >> they went to put me on a stretcher, i was like, i am not going on a stretcher. >> it is not a can't, not a i don't know, it is, i choose not to answer the question. >> is the secret service director covering something up? >> you are full of. [ bleep ] today. >> you have to go, bye! [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: tonight we have an
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exclusive interview with former president trump and jd vance. we have that for you in a second, but first, a fox news alert. the democratic machine is backing kamala. donors are forking over millions, and half of biden's delegates said they are behind her. she invaded the biden headquarters, and got her hands on joe biden's war chest. and now we know that biden is al alive. he called in and says he works for kamala. >> i am going to be on the campaign with her, with kamala, working like hell. what we still need to save is democracy, and trump is a danger to the community and the nation. and i know that i will be doing whatever kamala wants me to do or needs me to do in addition. >> jesse: he didn't even campaign for himself, he is going to campaign for kamala. and does kamala want to be on stage with joe biden? let's hear from mamala herself.
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>> let's give it up again for my husband! [ cheering and applause ]. >> um, it is so good to hear our president's voice. joe, i know you are still on the call, and we have been talking every day. you probably -- you guys heard it from doug's voice, we love joe and jill. they are like family to us. >> it is mutual! >> i knew you were still there. you are not going anywhere, joe. >> oh, i am watching you kid. i am watching you kid. i love you. >> i love you, joe! oh! >> jesse: kamala might love joe, but he doesn't love what he left her. >> joe, you got the covid19 pandemic under control, remember those days?
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he has created more than 15 million new jobs, he brought together republicans and democrats and passed historic legislation. joe has stood up for democracy at home, and he has stood up for democracy abroad. and he has always stood up for what he believes is right. president joe biden fights for the american people and we are deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation. >> jesse: she went from we to he fast. he might have braining to -- brain fog but we won't. sure kamala is young, but she is not likeable. her entire staff quit. a big reason why biden didn't drop out earlier was he didn't think that kamala could beat trump. and trump is beating her by nine points. in georgia she is doing worse with women and minorities than
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biden was. if she can't beat trump, why did they whack biden, because kamala doesn't have dementia. they tried to run a mentally diminished candidate and got caught. she is the next puppet in line. it looks like she earned the nomination but the democratic nominee is going to be picked by donors. they starved joe biden for cash, watched the polls plummet and forced him to sign a resignation letter from bed with a gun to his head. the whole presidency was a cover occupy, and they think nominating the woman that had a froned row seat to it makes them go away? they just redistributed votes to harris. she didn't earn this, she inherited this. and americans like self-made men and women. they are brain washing us. we know they are brain washing us, but they don't think we know. the wall street journal out with
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a massive report today that washington insiders and first responder diplomats have known he was struggling for years and worked around the clock to hide it from you. biden has not met with democrats about legislation in three years. he has not held a cabinet meeting in almost a year. foreign dignitaries say that biden bailed out in the middle of meetings. donors saying he would tell the same story two times. if you tried to speak out, you were threatened and black balled. the strategy was, ignore the problem, nothing to see here and run out the block. joe biden was not apart of the biden administration, he was a prop while the lieutenants ran the executive branch. he didn't know that the secret service director was a woman. it is the biggest cover up in american history. they rigged the primary, and played shocked that he was shot. putin knew he was shot. he met with biden and sized him
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up. a few months later, he invades ukraine. he took advantage of him. so did the mega donors and the media. when they turned on him, it was over. there is no biden movement. people chanting his name, joe, don't go. it was man versus machine. and the machine made joe fire himself. he was the only person he had ever fired. they are saying if joe is not fit enough to run for president, then he can't be president, so we have to 25th amendment him out there and make kamala president. she is more radical and incompetent than he is. you are going to give her air force one, and have her hug hurricane victims in september, no. republicans should launch an investigation into the cognitive cover up. subpoena the whitehouse aids and kamala herself, make her testify underneath. what did she know and when did
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she know it. in hure exclusive interview with trump, and jd vance, we talk about the investigative cover up. >> somebody has to look at it. look, you had people that lied to the american public. and i tell you what, you ought to take a look at his doctors, because they keep giving him this wonderful report. i am not a doctor, but the other day, he was not able to get up the children's stairs going into air force one. they are called children's stairs, and they are not supposed to be used. it is more difficult than wheeling the standard stair up and you walk down a stair. they are called the children's stairs. they are complicated. built into the side of the plane. they should not be open. he only goes down those stairs now. i always mention it. he couldn't get up the stairs. he almost didn't make the final step. and his doctors say he is in good health. his doctor says, i know all about his doctor, by the way.
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his doctor says he is in good health. he is not in good health. i don't think he is in good health. >> jesse: let's bring in governor ron desantis. how does kamala harris change this race? >> she is incredibly liberal and unaccomplished. so yes, she doesn't have dementia, but i think she is a lousy candidate and i was surprised at how many democrats rushed to endorse her. remember, their convention is not for another month. so it wouldn't surprise me if she face plants in the next two weeks, and you will start to hear calls from the power brokers to go in a different direction. the reality is, she knew about biden's condition. this whole time. because she has been vice president. she claims she works closely with him. me as a governor i have dealt with biden on different events that have happened, he has come down to florida after hurricanes, and i could tell
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that he was not all there, and it has gotten a lot worse in the last year, year and a half. so all this cover up that happened, the media was complicit but so many people in the whitehouse were complicit. kamala was part of the cover up. so in some respects if you are a democrat, you want the election to not be about biden's age; yet we have a candidate saddled with the bad policies and she is going to be asked questions about what did she know and where did she know it. the nonsense that biden was such a great president, how? he came in and running up the debt, fueled inflation, he aban abandoned afghanistan. he opened the southern border that is going to lead to a terrorists attack in this country. we are weaker internationally than we have ever been, certainly in my lifetime.
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where is the greatness coming from, they say it and expect it to believe it. and not that polls are everything, but this is a guy that had a horrific approval rating for the last three years of the presidency. >> jesse: you know what it is, at your funeral when they say nice things about you, they have to say nice things about joe biden. because he is long gone. >> but even that, jesse -- >> jesse: let me ask you -- >> people are saying that -- god. >> jesse: you mentioned when you saw him when he was down for hurricanes, and you had to interface with him as a governor, you noticed him declining. specifically, what did you pick up? >> well, look, just the interactions and how he would respond to different things. like a round table with the stakeholders after an event. we had the surf side tower collapse. you notice things that are odd. and you notice how he has
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handled the year after that, when he came down for hurricane ian. it was just clear that this was a guy compared to when he was in the senate or vice president that had declined. and i think the decline -- this is not a linear decline, this is rapid. and the last year and a half, has been really really significant. but this notion that the media is trying to pedal that he is george washington refusing power for the good of the country, he had no choice. the new york times was going after him, the big donors were going after him. and democrats -- look, republicans is not attacking me, i am doing something wrong as a republican. but the democrats, the corporate media is a huge part of their party. when you lose the media, you are really a dead candidate walking. he had no other choice. this is not george washington. >> jesse: they are like, we are not going to give you a presidential library, and we will make sure your son goes to prison for the rest of his life,
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and he is like, fine, i will leave. and they are like, what a statesman. governor, thank you so much. great seeing you at the convention. >> jesse: primetime's exclusive interview with trump, vance about the assassination attempt, next. [ ♪♪ ] maya knows how quality care can bring out a smile. but it's been a few dog years since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own. good thing aspen dental offers affordable, complete care all in one place. with flexible hours and weekend appointments. plus 20% off treatment plans for everyone. loving our patients unconditionally. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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>> jesse: fox news alert. primetime went to grand rapids michigan, and met with former president trump, and his vp pick, jd vance at their first joint rally. this was his first on camera interview since he dodged an asasin's bullet. >> jesse: i don't know what we have to talk about, it has been pretty boring.
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why did you pick jd vance. >> we have always had a good chemistry. and originally, jd was probably not for me. but he didn't know me. when he got to know me, he liked me more than anybody liked me. and he would stick up for me, and he would fight for the worker as much as i would fight for the worker. we had an automatic chemistry. and i endorsed him for the senate, and he won against a tough field. and he wrote a book about at classic, the working men and women and how they are not treated fairly, and he was right about that. and i understand that maybe better than anyone else. we have had a great competition, and there was serious competition. >> jesse: when you got the call, what did he say?
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>> he asked to speak to my wife. and i was appreciative of that. i didn't know if he would pick me or other good people. but when the president called me, i don't know if you remember this, sir, my kid was talking about pokemon cards, and the president is like put him on speaker phone. you read off the truth that was the actual announcement that he was nominating me to be vice president, and he said what do you think about that, and my son is like, "it is good." >> jesse: that's the endorsement. >> that's the endorsement ma mattered, from my 7-year-old. but it was a wild ride and we are going to win, that's the most important thing. >> jesse: how is your ear? >> getting much better. getting down to the small bandages. it was a nasty one, and it was a nasty period. i was -- exactly one week ago
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from today. exactly. and you know, when you think about it, it is -- that has been a lot of territory covered. who would have thought this was going to be happening? but it happened, and i got very lucky. or god, i think it was god, actually. >> jesse: you know who said it was not god? >> who? >> ron johnson, senator from wisconsin, said he gave you the chart of illegal immigration. >> well he is right about that. he gave me the chart. if i didn't look to the right, a very bad thing would have happened, i wouldn't be at the convention, i can just about guarantee it. >> jesse: where were you when butler happened? >> actually playing mini golf with my kids, hoping he would call me and offer the vice president position, and it happened. and i told him, we have to get out of here, the president was shot. we didn't know if he was okay or not. and he said, it is the president that is your friend or the one that you don't like, and i said
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it is the president who is my friend. and he said, okay, i'm sorry about that. and it was a sweet moment. and we were grateful that the president was okay. >> jesse: the ear is better, you have the smaller bandage on. have you asked to see the wound? >> i have not. i won't. but i find it his -- tysterical that people are asking about the bandage, he was shot. these are the same people wearing masks four years after covid19. >> jesse: you were saying about shoes, shoes. >> they went to many put me on a stretcher and i am like, i am not going on the stretcher, because i just felt it was the ear. and there was a lot of blood coming, i don't know if you heard this, but the ear causes -- they say the most in the body. in another way, it bleeds
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more -- and there was a lot of blood. but i understood, they thought i was hit elsewhere, they thought i was hit actually in this area. and i said i wasn't. i am telling you, i am okay. i am not going to be taken out on a stretcher. we had a little argument, well, i have six guys lying on top of me. i had big guys on top of me. strong guys i can tell you that by the wrist. they had a little work on it. and brave guys, because they ran on to that stage quickly. i was down for the most part. when i looked at my hand i knew it was something very serious. i put my hand up i looked at it, it had blood all over it. but i had a lot of big strong humans on top of me. and they were very brave humans because they were running into fire. and he kept going. he probably thought he hit -- but it hit the ear. and when i saw that, i got down pretty quickly i think.
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and people were starting to shout, it is one of the reasons i was able to go down so fast. it is amazing that move of checking here and going, almost immediately down, i think so probably people were shouting at the same time, who knows, and i was down. and i said let's get going. come on, let's go. and the shooting had stopped. so i assumed they probably got him. and they did get him. i believe they got him with one shot. one shot from a -- an unbelievable shot. if they would have done it earlier, maybe doing it earlier is hard. it is hard to shoot somebody when you are not 100 percent sure. but they got him, and if they didn't get him it would have been a worse situation. but two great men were badly hurt. i have gotten to know him. and one, corey was, as you know, killed. and you could have had -- you could have had more than that.
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so they took him out. now we are getting up, and i said i am not lying on the stretcher, so i forced my way up. and once i was up, i realized -- because i looked, everyone was stunned. we had thousands and thousands of people, a good group in the back, but they were great. it was just like a back drop. and nobody stampeded. usually when they hear a shot, if you go to any -- where people that do this for a living, it is called crowds, and they said when a bullet goes off everyone runs for the exits. nobody ran, including the thousands, tens of thousands of people who were in front. and nobody ran. and nobody ran back. the back was like a sample of it. and you had one man, the man dressed in black, they are all becoming famous people with the black hat, and he is looking like this, where are they.
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this man had no fear and none of them did. the women were incredible. some went down for a little cover. but nobody ran. and everyone that went down came up. and they thought i was in trouble. and they were fight. but they thought i was in trouble. because they saw the blood immediately. because it was over here. >> the media says they are maga extremists and they slander the president. but it is the testament to the movement, how calmly people responded to it. >> it was amazing, but it was love too. >> absolutely. >> they didn't move. but when i came up, they saw me come up and they thought it was over when i went down because they saw the blood immediately. and then when i put the hand up everyone was happy. that was when they realized i was okay. and it was just an incredible country. it was a beautiful moment. >> jesse: joe biden called you. >> yes, he did.
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>> jesse: after this guy tried to take your life. how did that conversation go. >> it was a good conversation. he said, you are lucky you turned to the right. but he said that to me. he said you are lucky to turned to the right. >> wouldn't it be nice? >> jesse: the assassination attempt, and the cover up. trump, vance, next. [ ♪♪ ] help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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minutes, something. i think that was a mistake. the secret service, they call them snipers, but he was a world class shot, i guess he didn't want to take the shot. i can understand that one a little bit because maybe he didn't see, you know, maybe he doesn't know. you don't want to shoot somebody if the person is not going to be carrying a gun. i don't know if they had a gun. they had a policeman that saw the man with a gun and you would have thought that would have been conveyed to other people. so there was some mistakes, but i can tell you this. just to go on the more positive side, the people on the stage were unbelievable and brave. they were all secret service that came running up. and they were running past bullets. when i went down, bullets were coming. and you heard them, zip, zip. so i am lucky i went down fast. but the lucky part was turning
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exactly right in the one position where you are going to get hit here but not get hit in the wrong location, which is, you know what that is. >> jesse: senator, the fbi is doing an investigation on the assassination attempt, do you trust the bureau? >> i don't trust the bureau leadership, but i think there are good guys on the ground that have the country's best interest at heart. the president was there and i wasn't. but my initial reaction was exactly the same, what bravery from the guys that reacted immediately, but how was the guy there in the first place. i think somebody higher up or someone else involved screwed up. and we have to get to the bottom of it, because now me and my family are under protection and the president's safety is under paramount performance. if you are democrat and -- or republican, what a bullet we dodged. the unrest, it would have taken the country a half a century to
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get over it. and we as a country got lucky, not just the president. >> i know many people in the fbi they are great. they tend to be at the middle of lower levels, they are unbelievable. >> that's right. >> they are maga, make america great again people. but there are some things going on with our government that we have to really worry about. did we have enough people, why didn't we have enough people. a lot of people were put on biden's detail. but he doesn't draw anybody. he draws flies. and you don't need people for that, because he does not draw -- we have 55, 60,000 people show up. and you have to take care of those big crowds. >> secret service detail of 20-20, you need one to one at a biden rally. the president needs substantial protection. so some people need to be investigated or fired.
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>> jesse: it was a pod shot. are you suspicious that he had help? >> it doesn't look like it, does it? but now we are finding out that he had some ekrinted phone numbers, to foreign numbers that acrypt phone numbers, to foreign numbers that a little bit surprises me. when you look at him, he was bullied in school, and you hear all different stories. i would say probably he was a loner. but you don't know that. you have to check out the phone numbers and the phone. i think they were able to break into his phone. i would hope so. for a crime like this, you have to be able to break into a phone, you know. because they pride themselves not on allowing people to break in. and government can't get in. apple can let you in. i don't know exactly what happened, but the assassination is big stuff, and you have to get to it. we will see what happens, but,
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it just shouldn't have been -- when you have, essentially a flat open roof like that, it is direct to the target with absolutely nothing in its way, how can somebody be up there. and he was up there for a long period of time, and because he was moving all over the place. and then they see him and they don't report him. who was the policeman or i guess it was local police, who saw him standing with a gun, i think the guy saw him and he dropped off the roof and i don't blame him for that. i blame him -- why isn't he calling everyone screaming there is a guy with a gun up there. what did he do when he dropped off the roof, did he go away and say, you know, nothing. that's a big factor. who was he and why did he do that. why didn't we know about that. because based on weather and other things, we have had people
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say, wait ten minutes before you go out. but if they say, wait 5, 10, 20 minutes because we have a problem, unlikely but possible. i wish somebody would have done that. because corey would have been alive and two people that were seriously hurt wouldn't have been hurt and we wouldn't have all of the things that we have gone through over the last period of time. >> it illustrates something so different about the trump administration. screw ups sometimes happen, even big screw ups but itself the responsibility of leaders to stand in front of the country to say, we are going to answer questions and do it in public. the fact that there has been no transparency here is what makes a lot of us say, well, what the hell happened and are we taking steps to ensure it doesn't happen again. >> jesse: if you are elected you can declassify the assassination attempt files. you can clear things up like that. you will do that, right? >> yeah, sure. there should be nothing to hide here. >> it is his decision, but yeah.
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>> i think frankly, many things are known right now. but some of the things that are known are bad. how did somebody get on that roof and why wasn't he reported because people saw he was on the roof. you had trumpers screaming. the woman in the red shirt, she was screaming "there is a man on the roof." and other people are saying, there is a man on the roof with a gun. and that was quite a bit before i walked on to the stage. so you would have thought somebody would have done something about it. >> jesse: the secret service director won't say if crooks was a lone gunman, wow, right back. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: fox news alert. nine days since a would be asasen almost killed donald trump in a rally, and the secret service director didn't answer questions. >> did the secret service have an agent on the roof? >> sir, i assume you can imagine
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we are nine days out of the incident and there is an ongoing investigation. so i want to make sure that any information that we are providing to you is factual. >> okay. so why did the secret service not place a single agent on the roof? >> we are looking into the advanced process and the decisions that were made. >> how can a 20-year-old with his father's ar15 assault weapon climb on a roof with a 150 yarled line of sight to the speakers podium without the secret service or local police stopping him? >> again, sir, i will say that we are nine days out from this event, and i would like to know those answers as well. >> when this guy took the shots, he climbed a ladder to get on the roof, correct? >> i am unable to answer details of exactly how the individual accessed the roof at this time. >> jesse: she has not even visited the rally site in butler
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yet. she has been hanging out in aspen. she didn't even call the trump secret agent officers until after the shooting. her answers are fishy. >> have you used any encrypt app to communicate from your personal device? >> i do on occasion use encrypt apps to communicate. >> how many shell casings were found on the roof? >> again i would have to defer you to the fbi's criminal investigation. >> was mr. crooks acting alone? >> again, i would have to refer you to the fbi's investigation. >> does the secret service routinely record communication between detail. >> depending on the detail, some are recorded. >> do they have some from the july 13th event? >> we don't have radio communications from that day. >> do you have a timeline, at
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all from any of the day? >> i have a timeline that does not have specifics. >> that's shocking! that is absolutely unacceptable! >> jesse: what's a timeline without specifics? how did they happen to not roared the radio communications and did i hear the secret service director refuse to rule out the asasen. should we assume they are lying about this too. show us what you have, prove you are not lying. this is the oversight committee. it is the committee where everyone hates each other. but they all agreed that she should go. and it got heated. >> has the secret service provided this committee a complete list of all law enforcement personnel that were there that day, have you done that, have you provided a list to the oversight committee. >> i will have to get back to you on that. >> that is a no.
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>> have you provided all audio and video recordings, yes or no? >> i would have to get back to you. >> you are full of. [ bleep ] today. you are being completely dishonest. >> a secret service agent was assigned to the roof top where people fired from but didn't go up there and went somewhere else instead. i asked president trump, and jd vance for their thoughts on how the secret service has handled this, watch. >> jesse: you spoke to cheatle how did that go. >> she was very nice, i thought, she came to see me. but somebody should have made sure that no one was on the roof. it was a dead aim right on to the stage. and they said they didn't have the man power for it. which is crazy. 130 yards is like sinking a one foot putt. it is considered really close. >> absolutely right. >> it sounds like a lot, but from that standpoint, it is
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really close. and i was surprised by that. a bad shot would usually hit the target. so somebody has to be there. and it is essentially a flat roof. i heard her say, well this is a slope. you think of a barn -- this had a little upswing of it, a few degrees. it essentially was a flat roof. so somebody gave her false information when she talked about the slope of the roof. i thought she was very nice, but you have to answer why couldn't i have stayed off the stage for five minutes? while they do their work? why couldn't -- how does a situation happen where a roof that is plainly in sight from the location where i was speaking -- why would somebody not have seen that. >> jesse: you were briefed, your office was briefed by cheatle,
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are you satisfied with the information. >> no. she needs to sit before people and answer all their questions and let people know what happened. when you try to hide information and hide from question asking, that's what leads people to believe that there is something to be hidden. >> jesse: so the race is all shook up. biden is out, kamala is in. how does america feel about it? are they going to vote for kamala harris. johnny hit the streets. [ ♪♪ ] >> joe biden not running for president any more. >> that's good, bro. >> cool, great, everything is burning down. well, i mean, did you see the debate? >> i just had a bad night. >> biden insisted he was staying in the race. but then he released a statement saying he wasn't. we have not seen him, what is happening. >> i don't know that biden does the writing or the talking. >> there is someone behind him pulling the strings or something. >> do you think that he knows he
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is not in the race? >> you about to find out. >> democrats are saying that democracy is on the line for the election, but they ignored the will of the people! >> oh, hmm, i don't know! i think they trying to get us to do something else. >> it is a secret. it is a secret. >> who should be the democrat nominee now? >> i can't tell you if there is a good candidate. >> i don't know! >> let's say kim kardashian. >> let's go with that. >> i want trump now. i don't want to hear about democratic [ bleep ] >> kamala harris! >> can we get obama back? >> not really. maybe. >> what about kamala? >> who is kamala? >> who is her? >> the vice president. >> how is she doing? >> what she been doing. >> that time is every day.
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>> i don't think i want kamala. >> she is not good for the people. >> 20 years ago she was not really for my people. that's all i know about her. >> imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been, you know. >> what has kamala done as vice president? >> i have no answer for you, i don't know what she do. >> i don't know about her politics. >> kamala, where you at, girl, where you been, we have not seen you. >> they have done a lot of things. >> like what? >> a lot. >> what is a lot? >> i mean. >> you think you just fell out of a coconut tree. >> how is the border doing, kamala was in charge of that? >> that was her, oh, she -- she gotta go. >> people deserve a good opportunity done the legal way. >> kamala wants to let everyone in. >> we did it, joe. >> if joe biden can't run for president any more, should he even be the president? >> you asking me for real?
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>> you voted for him, allow him to finish his turn. >> people voted for him and they pushed her out. >> yeah, they did! >> if it comes down to trump versus kamala, who are you voting for? >> i am not voting. >> i am leaving the country. >> trump. >> trump. >> trump, respectfully. >> i want to see a woman in office, kamala. >> sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open, sometimes they won't. and you need to kick that door down. >> jesse is not going happy you are drinking out of a straw? >> men should be doing everything but painting their nails. >> we love you, mwahh! >> jesse: a movement just got bigger. right back. [ ♪♪ ] shaun ean
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>> jesse: not only are ellie and sophie twinstersish -- twin sisser but they are cruzzing through this tournament joompt charlie from new jersey, if the sect service needs more man power, send them the 87,000 irs agents. they are armed too. tony from boston, i wouldn't let cheatle guard a stick of gum. we will have more of trump and vance tomorrow night. the turn to the right comment was classic, trump grinned. you are good. >> jesse: i am good! thank you for saying that. sir dave from chicago, oh, sir dave. i have loved jd vance since i read his book.
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anyone that loves fried baloney sandwiches has my vote. >> i have not read the book yet, but i will, or i will see the movie. >> saying sir before you jump into a conversation is a class act. >> jesse: definitely a good move sitting next to the president. luke, from framing hand massachusetts, don't let trump meet johnny, he might hire him to be his press secretary. they met, but johnny is still working here. it seems like biden was canabalized by his own party. jesse, pay up, now you oh, tommy$100. tom, i will