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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  July 22, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at >> out of time. love you, america. [applause] >> it is 11:00 p.m. on the
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east coast, 8:00 on los angeles and this is america's late news, fox news at night. >> thank you. >> breaking tonight, that was quick. one day after joe biden left the 2024 presidential contest, vp kamala harris officially secured enough delegates to clinch the democratic national presidential nomination and the dnc could begin voting on the nominee as early as next week. she could even have a running mate as early as next week. 33 hours now since joe biden made the call to leave the race and we still have not seen him in public though he didn't mumble through a call to the vp's first campaign event. >> i am not going away.
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i want people to remember what we have done has been incredible and we have so much more we are going to get done. >> bipartisan calls for kimberly cheadle to resign where lawmakers question the security failures of the assassination attempt against former president trump. >> lawmakers were downright angry with kimberly cheatle as calls on both sides for her to step down. >> i will be calling for the resignation of the director. >> you need to resign. >> you are being completely dishonest. >> this is not theater, not about jockeying.
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>> how can there be accountability if you are not prepared to fire someone. >> you should be fired immediately. >> this did not go well for her. she dodged a lot of questions today about the investigation, gave no answers, saying a report would be coming out in 60 days. she took full responsibility for what she said was the worst security failure since president reagan was shot in 1981. she still believes she is the best person to lead this agency in this moment. she was dragged onto capitol hill because of a subpoena. it might be the only time we see her this week because she and the dh's secretary have rejected a call to appear tomorrow.
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>> let's bring in our special operations veteran. great to have you on the show. here is the director evading all the questions. we put this together so you can see some context. >> i don't want to speak to specifics. >> i am not going to get into the specifics of the numbers. >> i am unable to answer details on how the individual access the roof. i can speak to you in generalities. >> we know how he got on the roof. it is not like there are big secrets, something we don't have a pretty good idea of and just hear it. tell us how the investigation is going. why not? >> her refusal to provide clear answers in front of congress, which is a legal investigation,
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shows her lack of experience and expertise in this field. her inability to give any answers shows me she is unfit to run what was once the most elite law enforcement protective agency in the world. that is where i am. >> a lot of the things she has set over the past 12 days or so, it is interesting. carlos, from florida, had this on his social media, talking about the roof of the shooter was on and fired the shots. >> i am standing in approximately the site where the shooter was. for someone to tell me the secret service agents couldn't have been here, that is crazy. >> we have seen fbi guys on the roof hosing it down. it is nothing. nothing these highly trained people could not be on top of,
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or anything else. >> she doesn't have answers for the complexities of this job. she has been a secret service agent for over 25 years. she was the head of security for pepsi before she was brought back into the secret service. clearly, she doesn't have the ability to handle the complexities of not only keeping donald trump sera from getting shot off. he could have been dead. the reason he is alive is luck. there were too many failures in that entire day out at butler, for her to pontificate what the mistakes were, and i think she is doing her best to save herself, but she needs to do a favor to the men and women in the secret service who deserve a better leader than her and she needs to step down. they wiped the floor with her in congress.
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the people they protect and the men and women in that outfit, she needs to step down. i don't think they are the issue. clearly she is. >> she says she is the best person to run that department. many democrats lining up behind kamala harris with the president expected to address the decision to end his reelection bid. an exact time remains unknown. kevin is alive in d.c. with the latest. >> questions abound about the president's condition. you probably saw this earlier. his doctor said his symptoms after ten treatments had almost resolved completely after testing positive for covid last wednesday. we still haven't seen the president since last wednesday, no photos, no prerecorded videos, nothing. it is adding to the intrigue here in washington and to make
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it more interesting, the signature on his letter dropping out of his race did not seem to match his usual signature nor did it appear on white house or campaign letterhead. today, a still unseen mr. biden called into an event, appeared to, featuring his vice p vice president. >> yesterday's news is surprising and hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do. i know it is hard because you poured your heart and soul into me. >> he is working, tweaking his remarks he is expected to deliver it to the nation later this week, explaining why he is no longer running. that is not stopping calls for him to step down. eric schmidt encouraging all members of the cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment against the president. he wrote if he is medically
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unable to be a candidate for the presidency, he is unable to discharge the duties of the presidency. >> let's bring in the executive director of chicago red and attorney along with spencer brown. thank you for coming on. you might have heard kevin. he played the sound bite, president biden calling in to the kamala harris event. i am curious what you think. what is going on? we haven't seen the president and public. he canceled events for the next nine events over the next week or so. what do you think is going on? >> i always thought president biden was not going to make it or run for reelection. he broke up with the american people on x. he did not have the foresight or forethought to address the american people.
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he is saying he has covid but not addressing america first. he has continued to put us last. he is being handled by his handlers. we don't know if he is truly writing that email on twitter, even on that phone call. i want verification. we want photos and verification he is alive and kicking. i do not believe it until i see it. >> it is a big, historic decision. something would be beneficial. here is kamala harris asking what kind of country we want. >> what kind of country do we want to live in? a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law, or a country of chaos, fear, and hate? >> they killed the rule of law and promote chaos and hate. >> this is not the situation
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kamala harris wanted when she agreed to be the running mate four years ago and this is not a candidate or campaign based on rule of law. they are found to be violating the constitution all the time. but what democrat voters voted for was a transitional president that joe biden promised to be and hand it off to kamala harris. she was so much of a disaster he held on as long as he could and i don't think she was hoping her first campaign rally would be in joe biden's headquarters and not in delaware. you can talk about the america she wants but this is not the campaign she wanted to be running. >> we have j.d. vance talking about kamala harris. >> when i see her give a speech and she talks about the history of this country, not with appreciation but with condemnation. if you want to lead this
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country, you should feel a sense of gratitude and i never hear that come through when i listen to kamala harris. >> what do you think of kamala harris? >> i have echoed this several times. we as black americans need to vote policy, not personality. it is very important i continue to echo that. i do think this is another ploy by the democratic party to take this for granted to put somebody in front of us who looks like us but does not push policies that represent nor benefit us. people need to be aware of that before they run out to the polls and rush to vote for kamala harris. >> a very good point. axios writes that president biden hesitated to drop his campaign in part because they worried kamala harris wasn't up to taking on donald trump according
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to three biden aids. her time as vice president has been rocky, defined by large staff turnover, which translates to lack of confidence. >> there is a lack of conf confidence. trump is beating kamala harris by nine points. in georgia, he is up 4.6 points with minorities and women. what does that tell you? the token higher does not work. >> the border. is it her waterloo? >> that is one of many policy failures she has. if you look at when she was running for president in 2020 before she got any primary democratic voters to vote for her, she is more closely aligned with aoc in the squad. whether it is the border or those other issues, it is the
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reason she is losing with independence. >> here is quinnipiac, the head-to-head, put this up on the screen. trump, 55%, harris, 41%. >> i am still supporting donald trump. i am campaigning for donald trump. nothing has changed here. one of the reasons i became the face you are seeing now is because of the immigration policy. that still hasn't changed. kamala harris has as much to do with that as joe biden, so we are not supporting her. >> thank you, all. j.d. vance headlining a couple of campaign rallies today with plenty to say about president biden dropping out and the chaotic scramble to support kamala harris. mark meredith is live in roanoke, virginia.
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good evening. >> j.d. vance has only been a vice presidential candidate for a week but he is already turning out large crowds, like we saw tonight in southwest virginia. republicans think they may be able to flip this state into their control, which has not happened since 2004. he talked about the economy, efforts to bring back u.s. manufacturing but introduced himself to voters, talking about his life story. he mentioned president biden's decision to drop out of this race. he was calling on biden to resign and accusing kamala harris of hiding his health from the public. >> she signed up for every one of his failures and she lied about his mental capacity -- mental capacity to serve as president. our country has been saddled with a president who cannot do the job. >> the trump campaign believes
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biden dropping out resets the race. the campaign putting out a menu that the liberal elite and deep state are now in a desperate hail mary, have swapped out and incumbent president for the incumbent vp to shake up the race. we are looking to see what the polls look like. as for trump, he is likely to have a lot to say about this when he returns to the campaign trail later this week. north carolina is still a battleground state. even though it is a state trump won in 2016 and 2020. >> everybody is waiting for those polls. mark, thank you. the fox news at night common sense department thinks if you are among those who never hear from a common sense department or its allies, you did not get the full picture. you did not get the full picture
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about joe biden's condition until you saw it for yourself and you likely wondered why you weren't told. truth in politics is an effective medicine, giving you the truth would be giving you the proper information needed to make a proper decision but if you are in the business of democratic politics, it is bad business. the laptop was always real. they just never told you. russian collusion was never real but it was all they told you. when the mob stormed the supreme court during the cavanaugh confirmation, it was not insurrection, it was understandable. a month ago, kamala harris was a liability and now she is fdr, the perfect remedy for democratic depression. when her campaign is unburdened by what has been and bites the dust, you won't hear it on cnn.
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you will hear it from common sense because a coronation flameout is definitely bad for business. >> get unified, get organized, get coordinated. no more infighting. donald trump is not easy to beat. he is not easy to beat and anyone who thinks he is is back in 2016, when they were laughing at the concept. >> morning jo host giving a reality check. the game plan as the party begins lining up behind kamala harris. thank you for coming on. to book and, here is willie and he said this today on msnbc. >> donald trump has been melting down on social media since his
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preferred candidate was president biden. their game plan was geared towards president biden and they have to pivot now. >> interesting because i heard melt down 27 times while i was sitting in my office prepping for the show. i have never seen the former president more chill than he is now. >> this is the power of suggestion. donald trump has been more tempered than he has ever been and what the left wants to do is they want to take away from donald trump because they know kamala harris has enthusiasm but will she maintain that and trance for it into balance. this is a candidate who dropped out of the primary in 2019 and up until today, she did not have the vote of confidence from nancy pelosi and elizabeth warren who said if she was the best running mate for biden, that was biden's choice. >> here is liberal media
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excitement. >> i wasn't comfortable with the cannibalization i saw in the democratic party but i am comfortable he made this decision with his inner circle. >> this feels like it is over. now, just listening to you, i expect there will be a parade outside. >> there you go. the live machine ramping up. >> everyone has followed the marching orders. we saw where it seems like the media was saying biden would be ousted and eventually that did happen. i am curious how long the excitement about kamala lasts. we are seeing tremendous excitement from the media but the question is whether that is a relief rally, people are so relieved he finally got rid of biden, a candidate everyone
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agreed was not coherent, he could not keep his train of thought, he was not fit to be president. i wonder how long people are going to be excited for mullah. >> you know the media wants you to know that biden is out and donald trump is old. they said age and melt down every other word today. >> the ageist attack is ridiculous. up until last week they didn't care. if they cared, they would be calling for it joe biden to step down, but they are not because age doesn't matter, cognitive ability matters and joe biden does not have that. >> age, is it a thing? >> when they wanted to be, but it is not anymore. kamala harris looks useful in comparison. that is going to be the focus
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but clearly it wasn't an issue a few weeks ago. >> thank you both. coming up, lawmakers demanding answers get a look at the roof where a gunman got a clear shot at former president trump at the rally in pennsylvania. 30 plus hours now since biden dropped out of the race and we have yet to see him. the white house postponing his meeting with prime minister netanyahu and canceling his trips despite his doctor saying his symptoms have almost resolved completely. what do you think? are they buying time? is his health for further deteriorating? let us know. we will read your responses coming up in the night cap. be t. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also
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>> as members grilled the secret service director on capitol hill, members of the homeland security committee were visiting the site of the attempted assassination. >> mark green said he could not believe the secret service director had not visited the rally site since the attempted assassination. our fox drone followed about a dozen lawmakers as they toured the site. they said they were struck by how small it is, how close the building used by the shooter was to the stage and how easy it was to get onto the roof. congressman carlos gimenez took a selfie video and said he could
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stand on the roof, a dig at the director who said secret service agents weren't on the roof because it is sloped. congress members were shocked a counter sniper team was not placed at the top of a water tower. trump spoke about his conversation with the director earlier on jesse watters. >> i thought she was nice but you have to answer why couldn't i have stayed off the stage for 5 minutes while they do their work? how does the situation happen where a roof that is plainly insight from the location where i was speaking, why would somebody not have seen that? >> there was a communication breakdown. congressman greene said officers were not allowed in the secret service command center at the rally, which was different than past events. >> thank you. a busy monday for the woman who
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could be the democrats' presidential nominee. vice president picking up more endorsements and addressing biden's sudden withdrawal. >> good evening. not only did the vice president set a new fund-raising record, but she is gaining more support and endorsements as the hours tick on. she made her first public remarks since president biden withdrew from the presidential race. speaking with college athletes on the lawn. she apologized for his absence due to his recovery from covert and praised biden for his years of public service. >> his legacy of accomplishments over the past three years is unmatched in modern history. in one term he has already -- yes, you may clap. in one term he has surpassed the legacy of most presidents who
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have served two terms in office. >> he headed to -- she headed to wilmington, delaware. vice president harris had him call in. >> i am going to be working as a sitting president getting legislation passed as well as campaigning. >> harris has gained endorsements from big names like gretchen witmer, andy bashir, and nancy pelosi. more than 1600 pledged delegates have announced they plan to support harris at the democratic national convention. >> let's bring in leah carter. thank you both for coming on. you are better at numbers than i am. i want to put up this. this is the polling analyst.
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a dramatic reset at the top of the ticket does little to move the race as vice president enters the fray with numbers similar to president biden. i want to follow that with kamala harris' favorability numbers. she is down i think 55% to 41%. that is the interesting thing here. she seems to be underwater st still. >> overall, you look at the polls across the board, there is little difference between kamala harris and joe biden. the big difference is when you ask people, we are having conversation with voters about whether they could vote for joe biden. a lot of people had major concern about being able to vote for him even though they wanted to because they felt he didn't have the mental acuity. he wasn't sharp enough or able
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to fulfill a second term. kamala harris is going to have the same doubt that she has similar numbers when it comes to likability and she doesn't pull that much better. we haven't seen her campaign. when she was campaigning back in 2020 and 2019, she had a couple of great nights and she fell apart and things got bad for her. no matter what we see today, a lot of people said she had a good day but we haven't seen her out there. i am not sure we are going to see a lot better as things move along. >> reading on a teleprompter is different than taking questions and being involved in debates. quinnipiac, harris-tromp, head-to-head, we flashed a teaser of this earlier. trump 49%, harris, 48%. this is the head-to-head on independent's.
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what do you make of that? >> of the democrats have done something extraordinary. they have subbed in the least popular vice president but what is more extraordinary, it was probably the right decision. joe biden was so unpopular and his ratings were getting worse, especially after that disastrous debate. it is a gamble. she is not popular and not guaranteed to do well. they just hope she does a bit better. >> some key battlegrounds, the six battleground democrats mention harris in a statement sunday. most democrats running for swing stseats mentioned biden as if se is not really the asset they think she is. >> i am not sure she is the asset they think she is.
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they have no choice at this point but to surround one person and try to elevate them. in the swing states, she is not popular and it is a big issue for democrats running in the states. more than 22 districts are at play that were not at play before that biden won handily that it looks like republicans are going to win. you have to see a huge amount of distancing happening. >> the trump campaign reads as follows, the problem for kamala harris is as bad if not worse than joe biden. she owns the border invasion which has resulted in hundreds of thousands of americans dead because of the child trafficking epidemic. the border is going to be a big problem for her.
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>> the border is going to be a big problem. voters are incredibly critical on how the whole administration has handled the border crisis. they are not happy. if they can tie that to her, that could be a success. >> thank you both. coming up, digging into kamala harris' record in california before she entered the national stage when she was san francisco's district attorney, california attorney general. her record on things like crime and homelessness, not impressive. are coming right back. inkle r. it has derm-proven retinol... ...expertly formulated... target skin cell turnover... ...and fights not one—but 5 signs of aging. with visible results... just one week. neutrogena (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual!
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beaches rhythm and blues caribbean sale is now on. visit or call 1-800-beaches. >> as kamala harris ascends to the top of the democratic ticket, there is bound to be focused on her california
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record. let's bring in the republican nominee for congress, alice and the policy center attorney julie hamel. i want to play some sound. this is back in 2020, what kamala harris stood for, some of the things. >> for far too long, the status quo has been to believe that by putting more police on the street you will have more safety. that is wrong. >> she had a couple of other things, like medicare for all. let's get rid of ice. she praised black lives matter. it is one of those things, she is far left and don't be misled. if she was in congress, she would be a member of the squad. >> this shows you progressive isn't working unless you are a drug addict, homeless, an illegal immigrant. for the rest of us, it is not
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working and many people are sick of it, which is why we have seen moderate democrats and independents come over and say this is refreshing, we love what you are saying. >> california is eager to junk soft on crime law. the goal of proposition 47 was to cut the prison population and increase treatment for convicts. in changing the penalties for small crimes there has been a surge in petty crimes, especially store thefts, drug use, which has led to higher homelessness. she was behind that act. >> thank you for giving us all of these dystopian policies. this is what has gotten us to where we are in california. they don't understand how bad things have gotten in california. you have to be here and
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experience to understand. she is for defunding police, abolishing ice. she wants to remove health insurance. no, thank you. >> people think, she was putting criminals in jail. >> she was, for marijuana and so forth and not putting murderers in jail. the people she was putting in jail, they needed labor, firefighters and so forth. to give your campaign a plug here, progressive isn't working. this is one of your new billboards. the reason it is not working is because -- and this is why she flamed out in her first presidential campaign, they saw it early on, before the first caucus, the first primary, they said, she is not going to make it and now she is trying to redeem herself.
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>> we have been giving these policies because they have sacrificed ideas for identity politics. i invite everybody who is listening in to pitch in with us and help us out. getting the word out is getting moderate democrats and independents into our corner. >> that is how you do it. on april 15, 2015, a man was released. he was arrested in the shooting death of catherine kate steinle. that was as big as the lincoln riley story was a few months ago. in california it was the biggest story of this person who had been deported five times and was
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a violent criminal and they released him back and he ends up finding a gun and shooting a bullet. >> i wish people could get past the idea that it is racist to want to have protected borders and only let illegal immigrants into the country and it is racist to have ice and law enforcement. we need those basic things to have a functioning society where people like us can live freely and not be terrified we are going to be victims of crime. >> you have fought this fight. everybody is fighting this fight where they take these things, they put these nice names on them and make it seem like if you are not paying attention, you see safe neighborhoods and safe schools, that is for me. it is one of those things where people are furious. >> michael dukakis, his 1980
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presidential campaign was derailed because someone he pardoned as governor ended up committing a murder. history might be repeating itself. >> the current attorney general is putting sweet names on these horrendous laws. >> listen to people like the doctor. i love listening to you talk about policy. policy is important. stop falling for nonsense. >> i don't know how she is going to navigate the border. thank you. >> my counterparts and other people around the world and at home. i am hoping you will give every bit of your heart and soul that you gave to me to speed to. >> that is the first time we heard from president biden since his sudden departure from the presidential race. he is set to return to d.c. tomorrow afternoon after
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postponing the meaning with benjamin netanyahu this week. what are we missing? why have we not seen the president 33 hours after his abrupt exit? could his health be getting worse or is he laying low? let us know. we will read your responses next.
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>> back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic, hiding biden. he has not been seen publicly 30 plus hours since announcing he would not seek reelection. the white house canceled nine trips over the next two weeks. where is the president? laying low? are his health problems deteriorating? what is your thought on this? >> i have no idea. i have gone through every conspiracy theory to imagine what it is that is going on but it doesn't make sense. we haven't seen a picture of him signing this letter, we haven't heard from him. he came on the phone in one meeting today and this is one of the most historic things that has ever happened.
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i cannot imagine why he is not out there front and center unless he is doing this against his will. >> with the advent of ai there are so many possible deepfakes out there. i feel this is the ultimate toxic relationship. you get dumped, you get broken up with overtaxed and he ghost you. we deserve better. >> we do. >> i think joe biden woke up from a nap and found out he stepped down and it has taken this long for jill to calm him down. >> he is very unhealthy. we need to invoke the 25th amendment because this is not safe for our country. i think he is sick and he has lied to us about covid and he is lying about it now. >> his cancellation of his
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meeting lead you to believe something more physical is happening with him. >> i blame the press shop. >> worsening health, 75%, lying low, they are waiting for the robotics to show up so they can show he is still alive. carter, he requires 25 hours of sleep just to function. artificial discourse, they pushed him beyond his physical capacity in the past 30 days. he might be incapacitated and they are auditioning stunt doubles. thank you for watching america's late news. we will see you back herent t tomorrow night. tailor your port.
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