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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 23, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. who is running to be theg democratic nominee?re it is getting very confusing. kamala was out there this afternoon in the wilmingtonl ge headquarters seemingly making the case for joe biden. we will get into that your cobue is anybody buying this act? >> in a one-term, he has already, yes, you may clap. [laughs] >> todd: but first the o ultimate cheap fakes, that is the focus of tonight's "angle."i things keep getting weirder and weirder in biden-harris land so last thursday early morning, three days before his own party would push him to drop out of the race, we were told joe bided he had tested positive for covid. for most adults, four and a half years after the pandemic was get cold, getting covid is likeen w getting a cold. nevertheless, alejandro mayorkad went into seclusion in
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wilmington, and he hasn't been seen since. bus vot late this afternoon, we >> wheard his voice at a kamala event. by theaign way, i'm not going anywhere.ting with kamala come i will be working like as sitting president and getting legislation passed as well as campaign. >> laura: that is reassuring. the only reason he made that odd audio appearances because so many people thought his disappearance was strange and even disturbing. none of this is normal. they make him sign the letter ettethat no one believes he wro. on sunday, he followed up with a tweeted endorsement of the woman who has been the vice president? now, why wasn't that in theseei original letter? whoops!t i wouldn't hold my breath saying biden tearing it up on the campaign trail regardless what he said with he can't complain for himself and now he will campaign for her?
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okay., lo maybe hefit shows up on cameray tomorrow looking for t it as a fiddle and ready to roar in the onfinal months that he has an office.y. r albut come on, that is a lie. after all, if that is the case, why would he allow his old friends to force him to drop hiu campaign? remember though, up until sunday morning like 11:00, biden wasidt staying in the race. >> he made the the decision. he wiltol be the candidate. he will be the president and it is time to focus on the threat donald trump poses.well >> laura: it was time to move on, turn the page.ery and tried its hardest to micromanage every formal event that biden has done since basically his inauguration. but then we are supposed to believe this is how it all in's mark it seems like there was zero preparation for actual announcement. it was rushed out. the networks were not alerted ahead of time like they alwaysle are. may be biden's people don't one
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another bad news cycle? eyi guess that is what it was. theyw gr needed this week, badly needed i witt to be about how gt kamala is pure just as we sawg o the lack of transparency or the lack of assassination attempt on president trump an d kimberly cheatle embarrassmen t shortly,f conspiracy theories swirl inn hard facts. t we have no transparency about a udbiden's condition whatsoever. so some americans tonight even with his audio phone into the kamala event, people tonight ar? wondering is biden's really oka. or perhaps gravely ill? come on! this has been the ammo of the biden team including kamala harris herself through thehey entire administration. it goes somethinarg like this,r whenever they are question whether own policy or biden's medical condition, theye's deflect, demonize, and denied.
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no, the border secure? of course it is secure, there ie no crisis. ukrainine is not a losing groun, they are paand no, biden is not dropping out of the race. no, biden isn't impaired at all. it is all cheap fake. so it is conceal the fact anddea spin, spin, spin until last possible second, that was sunday until they could not delay further. so tell me, why should we trust in man who can't manage his own withdraw from the campaign to run the country and be our commander-in-chief or the next six months?pa >> every single person who sawbl joe biden new he wasn't capable of doing the job and for three years they said nothing until he became political deadweight.un that is not a way to run a i country. that is not a way to run a political party and that is an insult to votersan. >> laura: both biden's absence and his presence is now signaling american weakness to
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our adversaries and also,th of course, it brings on possibility of f horrible outcos over the next several months. if we have a foreign policy crisis, if they have a financial crisis, national security crisis, who is making the big decisions? if bidension cannot discharge hs duties, he needs to step down and democrats and republicans together should be demanding that h dowe step down.don' the white house isn't a nursing home. you don't get to live there because you are a nice, old man in washington for the past 50 t years anhed by the way, making your family rich in the processe this is literally, the most important job ine the world. the fact is democrats have been willing to gamble though withlf ou yr economy, our safety, frankly, the past three and half years. they knew what biden was all about. they knew he was in decline. by the way, do you realize thect last time biden was brief, briefing house democrats on
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capitol hill, excuse me, about one of his main priorities was back in 2021. and we are only now learning that that briefing on capitol hill back in 2021 was a tota.l he bungled it and tried to pushc hitus $1 trillion infrastructure bill and pelosi had to step in to take over.s of according tol, "the wall street journal" today, in 30 minutes of remarkse on capitol hill, biden had spoken disjointedly and failed e to make a concrete ask of lawmakers, according to democrattrats in the room. after he left, a visibly frustrated pelosi told the group she would articulate what bidene had been trying to say. now, they were hiding biden'sin condition this entire time. and they were cast lighting all of us who are documenting hisos obvious decline.same and those same people, the very same people are now trying to
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convince us that kamala harris is some political juggernaut? she is historic, she is young, by the way she will be 60 on election day. saw the democrat happy talk about harris' cannon at cm brilliance is par for the course. do notoment le for a moment thal obscured a few simple truths. the democrats put all of their chip s on biden and they lost the bet. a he will now go down in history as a failure who collapsed the first time he had to reallyand defend his record on national tv. and then biden was humiliated by his own party that forced him out. a.m. kamala harris was not the first choice of any democrat to run against trump. they all thought she would be weaker than biden because she has all of his policy baggage,lf including the failure of the border, but none of biden'sre political talent or working class appeal. remember when she ran againss fe him, she was forced to drop out before the iowa caucuses, total
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embarrassment. so the move towith replace biden with harris is not a 3d chess move. it is a desperate move towith replace their quarterback with an untested, unproven backupe an player. no, biden's is not true bledsoe and harris is not tom brady, so forget that. if they thought harris couldhi have done a job better than biden, they would have forced him out months ago.hi but they didn't. the bottom line is this: this is a nonserious party ran by petty, foolish people who always put their own personal interest ahead of what is best for the country. if they cared about the united states, they would have dumped biden a long time ago. but he was just another political calculation, after all, he is a puppet too., once the numbers didn't work for the party power brokers, biden was roadkill. but the american people don't deserve tht bee same fate. and i don't believe they will
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fall for the kamala sneak either. and that is "angle."d not all biden backers, john morgan, megadonor and injury d lawyer, oni know you donated a million dollars to the biden-harris campaign. and i know that like your money now that 23 is likely to be the nominee. so what is next for you? >> well what is next for me is an amount. when all of this happened, i wasn't upset about it. what i didn't like his coordination instead of convention. i didn't like the idea is filmic two or three people picking the nominee because i believe in convention would have provided, perhaps, a stronger canada or it would've made her her stronger. that didn't happen.
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and so i said, you know, i'mtake just going to take my money andh atgo home. are guess what?oing they will raise plenty of money without me. they do not need me one bit. but for me, it was a bridge too far. >> laura: well, they have raised a lotthey of money, $81 million, they say, in the last 24 hours ago, for kamala harris. but the question remains, she said today that she is going to win the nomination. what does that mean right now comeaux wied bn the nomination? they pretty much for biden to drop out and hs, ae didn't wantn drop out because he's been inup .washington 51 years and threwf him to the side when the numbers didn't add up. do you think if she flames out in the way same way, it has been a crazy news cycle. >>t she's in it for ever. and once pelosi endorsed her,on. that was the end of the
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convention. because pelosi had a cold for as minute convention. that is over . but is kamala harris and they will live and die with her. my thought was come if you could pick anybody, don't you go and pick the two strongest people to win? i don't thin buk they did, but. guess what, it is not my decision. my decision is, you all go do what you want to do, and i will stay home. a believe to raise millions of dollars, you you have to numberc one be enthusiastic and you have to believe in the person.ou yo du have to believe they can win.e if you don'tth have those thing, you are not going to have me. so, i'm okay -- >> laura: john my watorns an oll defense attorney. i was a criminal white-collar defense attorney. buig, bit you have a big, big lw practice so you make bets onpu cases. you make big bets because you have to put an enormous amount
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of time and think you get a you payoff in the end like contingency cases. bif you don't think that case s going to be successful, will you put all that money in upfront and litigate that thing to the end?f th you have to make thate calculation. is that thengagee type of thinkg that you're engaged in? speak with the type of thinking i'm thinking, laura and by the e said to mention make-a-wish. years ago, but what i'm thinking is this, i own a lot of resources. we had o one run in the royal ascot. you go to the racetrack and you bet on the worse you think will win.e ca and in this case, i don't believe sh ae can win! menow, does that make me a bad o person? they want to make me a bad person for saying that. my god, no! i don't think she can win. i think a combination of
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joe manchin, andy beshear, josh shapiro, mark kelly. i have a thousand different scenarios that i think make more sense to win. >> laura: jon graham of that party is gone., yo john, that party is gone, i hate to tell you. you are sue's gnomic super successful with political advice but that party has failed, gone. imagine running for five seconds, joe manchin andt. joe manchin is threatening i will be the guy that comes in dand challenge and now he wille challenge harris but he's allon talk and no >> they are never going to pick joe manchin for a lot of reasons. theyther will never pick joe manchin, but there is josh shapiro an wd gretchen whitmer. but it's like this, which person or persons do you think can wint hiif you could pick any? my thought iand s this: and i represent some people high up in the trump organization for some cases, if they had to pick one
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person to run against out of thu whole lot, they just pick one, i think they picked her!10 >> laura: i think you are 100% right. john, we have mindmeld become a democrat republican tonight. if i'm trying to pick someone, it is either newsom who was a disaster in california or it isr kamala. all the other ones would be much harder to campaign against. >> look, how about thisar andy beshear and josh shapiro, it andy baukol won twice and a republican red state.ra: >> laura: that is a party that doesn't exist anymore.ey that party hates basheer. that is about it. >> well, but he knows how to win in difficult situations and shapiro can win and a swing state -- look, it's down to this, michigan and pennsylvania. if you don't win those two, it is over, over! >> laura: john, if you are one
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of those characters and you think you have a political future in 2028, my god, i would run from the invitation to be oo kamala's ticket. i would run as fast as i could. >> accept those folks may think about -- t> laura: it will be a long memory, if you can't beat trump with everything they have throwo at trump and you go down inul flames again trump, you will be next roadkiltol for the democrat party.uc john, we got a roll. us.k you for talking to kamala, as john said, she will take theng money and run includg biden's money. she wants to use biden'sakin $95 million award chest. cae n she or is she breaking the law? joining us now to break it all down, sean cook c. sean, what usually happens to candidates money if they drop out and why isn't that happening here? >> a lot of it depends on when they drop out and here we have a
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situation which a candidate is dropping out before the formal nominee, which usually happen in that case under the law. gen first, and he needs to get back all the general election money. that doesn't seem to be what ise happening heremo. run instead, what the democrats are going to do is take the money an d run and give it to thefe harris campaign and not bothernq to give fec guidance and deal. with consequences on that after thnge election. >> laura: wait a second, are you saying nobody in the bidenen campaign has reached out for even a cursory opinion from the, fec or any type of guidance? >> no, in fact, the fac has a process for these situations. we have a process where you cane come to the fec and say you havw a problem.s. you can get expedited review in 20 days and thumbs-up or thumbsp down. they decided not to do that.n they change the paperwork on the committee, slept a new pre namey called the harris committee and about to spend that money and
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deal with enforcement matters or lawsuits later. : so if someone thins foods and takes this to the facp and say, thiass is not copacetic and against regulations, could t that pause spending? hihow would this -- along with t stake?ilit >> well, the fec we do not havei injunctive or an issue ofl restraining order to stop it. the two days left until election, what is it, 106? it is unlikely to get through ae complaint and the parties that want to challenge this with her trump campaign were donors who feel like they have been wrong, they have to go straight to cout >> laura: so they have to go straight to federal district court, file for injunctive relief or maybe have small class action if theyif y can ge that together fast. is that how you do it?ar >> that is a plausible route.ish there was a lot of people who have problems the way this has been handled and a lot of open questions about whether randy oo this is legal.
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i think many are working on complaints right now. u >> laura: sean, incredibly educational. thank you so much. coming up the worst house testimony of all time. another great biden-harris picked exposed, and that is next. ♪ ♪ into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: we know that biden-harris administration is very proud of its fruits. first is panic this, first lgbqt person in senior role and healte of her secret service director in u.s. history who literallyga would notet be hired by an elementary school to investigate and missing library bookwi yourl co>>y you say you are fully cooperating with this committee. on july 15th this committee sent a list of demands that information we wanted. has the secret service provideat at this committee a completeve y list of all law enforcement pro personnel that were there that day?ye have you done that? have you provided a list, yes o no? >> i will have to get back to you on that. >> thathist is a no. have you provided audioto recordings to this committee as we asked july 15th, yes or no? >> i n would have to get back to you. >> that is a no. you are full of [bleep] [bleep] today. >> laura: you can hardly a blams
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the congress one, thethin secret service director, shenswe knows nothing. >> were you not prepared today to answer our questions? >> iesti am prepared to answer e questions based on the information. >> did theconfy confront him, dd they go up to him, did they talk to him? >> i do not have those details at thiillas time. speak with secret service usingl drones that day? >> so again i will not get into specifics of that day. >> laura: no answers, zero accountability. this was so egregious even democrat seemed generallyg shocked.for >> the reason why members of this committee are calling for your resignation, and i join in that and for the president tobe fire you is you are saying there will be accountability, but you can't commit people are going to get fired. >> i believe that you shoulde wh resigned and i think colleagues on both side is of the aisle believe that and i hope you will consider it. >> i will be joining there chairman and calling for the
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resignation of the director. >> laura: now funko one of my favorite moments of the entiree bu hearing though came from congressman tim. >> you sais wid the buck stops h me, and i agree, i don't thinkfi you should resigned but i think you should have been fired. ma'am, you are a dei former story. >> laura: maybe it was the accident. joining is now congressman byron donalds had some choice moments as well. arizona eli crane, formesr navy seal paper who was at they. side of the attempted assassination of former president trump today.i congressman donalds, so cheatle shows up there and i thought amar we all being pumped? what is going on?r and if congressman harris is strong as number two kokomo why didn't she convince biden to firen, that woman the first sint she didn't know anything abouty. this? >> laura, go to be with you but first i will teling,l you aboute
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hearing, it was an absolute disaster in every clip you played on others that didn'ttrav make the cut, it was a tragedy. we never saw anything like itqus and the outrage was bipartisan. but your broader question about kamala harris and joe biden think she should have been fired, nobody in this administration has been fired for any of the crises or debacles graded by the biden-harris administration! they simply arn.e not doing thef job of running the executive wing of our government!'s they don't do that! so that is why you have this incompetence that is allowed to continue to proliferate throughout the biden-harribidess administration worker that is why we are gla bd joe's gone and she should not be anywhere near the oval office. at this level of incompetenceaua will continue. >> laura: congressman, you are atweng the side of the shooting today, and there is still a question about the reports oflee the ladder. and she was completely all overs the place on what she would address, what she wouldn't
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address, but what did you see when t you were there? >> thank you for having me,y laura. be definitely debunked the steep roof today. many caught on the roocof and wp have a number of o congressmen 0 years old get on the roof and walk right up it.i one of the things i noticed as soon as i got on site around the parking lot, there was a massive water tower overlooking almost the entire property that had any of the counter snipers got on top -- that guy would not haveor gotten up the ladder let alone g crawl under a roof to take eighc shots at the former president of the united states. thedwhene last thing i noticed, laura, the building directly behinted the roof where the shooter took hist shots, there was law enf law enforcement. they have complete a access to e building. i took a video h so peoplead cod see out the window. they had complete and total coverage and visibility of thatn entire roof.
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are left there with a lot more questions than answers, but the thing i know it was a complete security failure periods me when i'm donalds, to that point, she would not answer the simple questions either you pose themho or someone else, but how much te transpired between the moment they knew he wasd suspicious to the moment someone was alerted and t interaction went between local . federal officials, secret service local. she couldn't answer even basico questions. >> that is what wa s soe disgusting. simple stuff like who knew what anhed when did they know it. what was the chain of communications? you don't have to give us thed a names of specific agents, but you can sit there and say, "we were alerted that this time and here is the information as it got down to the president scored detailed team, which is with hiu basically all the time."
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she couldn't even give us that level of information. and so, at this point, talking about it, the only thing we should be talking about is the fact the american people should be ashamed and feel shamed but this administration and theb secret service director. there was no confidence in her ability to d>> lo her job. >> laura: congressman crane t come another moment from that hearing to date involve the question of how long it took out sniper to engage with the shooter, with mr. crookes. obviously, he was able to get three shots off before our sniper took him out. but there is no ability on the part of this woman, vince cheatle to address thas. ct ques like when -- what is the hold-up? because they knew he was in the vicinity and they lost track of him and he was spotted on theut roof. but he wasn'ely,t taken out.or
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>> absolutely, laura. i don't know how many shots but i think i counted seven rate myself.s another questionth is, why was v president allowed to be on theen stage when the secret serviceth and other law enforcemenistiv officialids are recording this suspect and this individual they are watching using laser range finder to range the actual stage? anybody in the law enforcement that's all that would havewhy highly question that and thought, word of this guy's motives and why is he walking around oveaver here acting funn? and they would have got thei sa president off of the stage, andr that is what they shoulds, have done. like i said, had they had their snipers or counter snipers in positions, it would not be close. >> laura: i don't know how long you would have your job on a sniper team that kind of o dereliction of duty we see in te the part of the chain of command, the lack of knowledge, lack of accountability and lack of interest in having thecond answers, you would have beenw we kicked off of that team and five seconds.
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congt somehow, we have this wom at thiabs position.u ve congressman, both of you, i'm still worked up about this. thank you much. kamala can't laugh her way around the foreign policy circles. you her expertise or lack thereof will terrify you. we will show it to you next. ♪ ♪ ♪ that colonoscopy for getting screened ♪ ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he's a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪
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that? i don't hear anything anymore. find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> laura: now, when you think about all the foreign policy crises around the world, china's new alliance with russia, iran close to having nuclear weapon, be comforted to know that kamala could be one heartbeat away from the presidency to being our commander-in-chief. and her knowledge of eastern europe andit's the former soviet union, well, after all, it is unparalleled. a >> so ukraine is a country in
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europe and did exist to another country called russia. russia is a bigger country, russia decided to invade ay, smaller country called ukraine. so, basically, thawrt is wrong. , my gosh, i g forgot about that one.ress joining me now tulsi gabbard, former congresswoman and fox news contributor. now, i'm thinking tonight, you are vladimir putin, okay and yo are over there and you have all your stuff going on but you arey watching thi os spectacle play e democracy of the united states of americaay with biden's peopln sunday and now that woman is on deckg?. what are you thinking? in >> i am more b interested, laura, what the american people are thinking. i've seen headline after headline, what is kamala harris' foreign policy going to be? and then you are reminded by
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these examples of how inexperienced and lacking of knowledge and strength that she is. so to answer that question what eignkind of commander-in-chief l she have? we simply need to look at the facts of what we have seen under administration. they are not running our foreign our foreign policy. are foreign policy decisions are madeit by unelected people in te military industrial complex or property from a state of war and the national security state that has more power to undermine our freedoms and liberties when we are in a state of war. kamala harris doesn't have the t strength to stand up to industrial complex. she will be a figurehead like thisjoe biden has been and this, laura where the clear chart toco make choicesmm in this election. donald trump [boos] trump is strong and commander-in-chief, he will l stand up to the national security state and he will prevent us from getting into
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unnecessary wars and make decisions that actually served the best interest of thecuri american people and our own security. >> laura: we keep hearing about how great kamala is and how stored she is. but then we ask people in thevie street about her and watch. >> what do you think she's accomplished as vice president artwork >> not a lot, not a lots to be quite honest with you. if somebody knows what they can tell me because i don't know. >> actually don't know.s i havesh no idea.ed? >> what has she accomplished? absolutely nothing. >> laura: well, look, she hast some fans out there. a lot of independent voters wiln look at her, african americans women will be very interested in this candid this candidacy. but it is the old puppet, bidena and goodbye old puppet, hello new puppet. >> that is att exactly right, la and i hope people pay attention to the truth. but again, she actually has a
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record over these past three and a half years as a partner to president biden and this administration. you know, obviously th e most glaring example is tasked with securing the border and she d yofailed completely at that t. and you look at every singlent, example of what she could have e done as vice president and shelg failed to do. w failing to serve the interest of revealingan people, yet again why we the people, regardless of political party, we, the people, should not allow her to be in this position as president and commander-in-chief, one in whict she is clearly incapable of feeling and would be verys. dangerous in that position. >> laura: tulsi, great to see you ason always. thank you very much. details how the coup unfolded again biden and governor rod blagojevich.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: okay come a lot of inquiring minds out there wondering how was biden's ouster from the campaign actually engineer? according to politico, nancy pelosi made clear the biden lewis could do it easy waw or hard way.d it she gave three weeks of the easy way, and it was about to be thes hard way.
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joining us now, rod blagojevich, ouformer governor of illinois, rod, good to see you tonight.el l,emmett, it seems like she made biden an offer he couldn't refun >> it is funny she's not from chicago but a lot of chicago politics with president biden. an expert at it and learned wealth both obama and chicago politics and i've known him since 1995. we rose up together and i was p run by that politics since the politics of lies is the politics of manipulation and the politics a bit backstabbing and it comes out of the back room. today's new democrat politicalch bossesom are not the cigar chomping cat with a pinky ring. they are now impressive lookingt people like nancy pelosi and barack obama because they did this to him.they did there is no question about thisn i know how they did it. and it came weeks in advance. the only mistake i made was i thought biden would have the
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fortitude and backbone to resist that and not quit. but not everybody is like trump >> laura: what do you thinktt they might have said to him? they have known the poles have been grim fohor wea long time, f i'm not buying we showed him a binder full of polls.s i don't buy that. i think there is something else and vote here whether obama's,e, pelosi, when they are involved it's not as straightforward. >> whatever skeletons in the closet joe biden has a my suspicion is he's go t closets full because he's been in politics and been in washington since 1973. pelosi knows them and obama knows them and they petted him, obama' is presidential campaign did appear they have all the dirt on biden and that stuff was whispered to him either directly or through third partieso os or probably whispero joe biden and maybe even the sue peered from one hand, they use the stick and the other carrot g all kinds of things theyut promised him if he agreed to
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quietly step out and get out of the way anaurad get out of the . but they did basically, laura, they committed fraud on who democratic voters and made suckers out of 14 million democratic primary that voted for biden. >> laura: but rod, i have to say, kamala harris came out today and shows at the bidens headquarters.wh sai this is what she said. >> iwants this what we want to e in? a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law? >> yes!hate >> or a country of chaos, fear, d haand hate?nf ulthe one chaos, fear, hate. oh, my god, painful. so it is the same old -- it is what biden was saying, no 6 different. it is just that she will be 60 on election day and he would have been 81. >> the democrats today are the biggest hypocrites in american political history.crac this is the party that they are running to save democracy yet
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they weaponize ther tr departmef justice to go after trump. now biden thrown out of office basically and told not to run and being outmaneuvered by obama in the back rooms and doing what they did to get him to step out and not run and disenfranchiseu the voters who voted for himhy here they are the ones i a thret to democracy. this is one of the reasons it in critical for the american peopls to vote for president trump and stop this particularma b weaponization. and a guy coming from to endors. obama in 2008, we go way backme together.. i know where it is at stake and i know what they did to me and p see what they were doing to trump and i see how they lied to the american people. >> laura: and the american people wil sl really suffer ifs this goes forward, rod, reallyyh appreciated. what is joe biden's actual condition? raymond arroyo has the answers in "seen and unseen" next. ♪ ♪
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>> laura: it is time for "seen and unseen" where we repealed the stories behind the
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headlines. for that, we turn to raymond arroyo. >> raymond, i know you heard "angle" earlier but the absence of biden at this point concerning. >> i would think so., you would think the white house would send him out walking across the beach with one of those killer dogs of his just to show he is ambulatory workk within his brother, frank biden said this to cbs. >> he said, "i'm incredibly proud of my brother. selfishly come i will have him back to enjoy whatever tommy hae left." we askedft him whether he feels his brother's overall health and vitality played a major role in this decision? and he says, "in my humbleli opinion, absolutely!" >> listen to thanet line, laura, enjoy whatever time we have left. c what does that mean? t of course, the biden team came out and said he struggles with alcoholism and ignore what he had to say because completely untrue. buddy called into kamala harrisl rally and why can't we see
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joe biden? he doe, whs not resume and gho rehoboth beach, and like the ghost past, i hear you and i se you, kidse. that is not enough, he is the president. >> laura: it is likes ch "charlie's angels." it is charlie but no angels. >> charlie with two missing angels. >> laura: joe biden is the greatest president ever and he would say, "thank you, thank you, angels." >> look, the democratic reactioe to biden ending his candidacy, it is very emotional, laura. >> just thinking about the president right now, what a man, what a patriot. what an act of selfless devotion. >> excuse me. i'm sorry. this was a very difficult decision and one that i thinkflc reflects the very best of who joe biden is. >> kind of like when your grandpa, you have to take the deeds. you have to take the keys, you
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have to take the keys and he's fighting and you finally get the keys back. and then you just cry. >> laura: and he still commander-in-chief. >> before we senefort out the gt dome at great counselors, laura, these are the same people days ago focused on biden's poll numbers. >> the presidentve is being givn information about political standing that may might not bes based in reality. >> who iweigs the best candidatt win in november? >> there is a lot of people that want to see him consider taking a different course now. there is time for this party to figure out a different >> he is allowing them to do it, laura. it is all polls and if kamala harris' numbers don'tan improve, will she do the patriotic thing and move on as well? >> laura: they will not point to specific polls, two points here and thahreet will wear offa short period of time.this
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it is the same package, just a different color, different package. >> whatever lingering questions, laura about her candidacy, bet reporter ed tried to reassureblc that harris is a great woman. here she is taking a page fromi jeb bush's playbook and more. >> joe biden's accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history.ed and one term, he has already, yes, you may clap. donald trump an office on trade policy and now he reminds me of that guy in "the wizard of oz" when you pull back the curtain, it is a really small boot. [laughter] speak with the significance of the passage of time. when you think about it, it is great significance to the f passage of time. >> ai is a fancy thing, first of all, it is two letters and means
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artificial intelligence. d >> laura: new toy, different packaging, same policies. >> intelligence and you canyou accuse her of many things but i don't know if you can say that. we will see how this plays out and what condition joe biden iss really in here or there is a report a palace coup and they t him they were going to remove him i didn't step aside. this is really scary. he is the sitting president of the united states.stma i >> laura: well, barack obamae is still the smartest person in. politics. the smartest democrat and i mean democrats in politics but notly all time., he is really smart. we will see what he does next. he had his hand in all of this. great to see you as always. that is it a make sure to follow follow me on social media and remember, it is america now and >> carley: head of secret service is rejecting


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