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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 23, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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once again demonstrative that we are enormous amount of talk and very little action. israel is doing this? west bank. 80,000 people still not returned to their homes. and, of course, with 120 hostages still be kept in tunnels under ground in gaza including 8 americans. and what we have is ambiguity of leadership united states you have america and failure to stand unambiguously with israel. that has been israel's super power. without that i think bibi has enormous challenge excuse me prime minister netanyahu has enormous challenge when he speaks to joint sessions of congress to demonstrated that israel is not a 50/50 issue. not a republican/democrat issue. it's 80-20 issue. >> carley: thank you very much. we have to leave there. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. it's 6:00 here on the couch in new york city. and welcome to the tuesday july 23rd, 2024 edition of "fox & friends." man, that was fast n one day kamala harris has secured enough delegates to be be the presumptive nominee for president without ever having to run. how convenient. this as president biden breaks his silence dialing into her first campaign headquarters visit. watch this. >> i'm witching you, kid. i'm watching you kid. i love you. >> i love you, joe. >> steve: oh. >> brian: plus chilling video from the shooting site in butler, pennsylvania, showing how vulnerable donald trump was. >> secret service or anybody sniper teams up there. this guy wouldn't have made it five feet up the street.
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he would have been taken out. >> brian: that is congressman eli crane this at secret service director faces a grilling. a grilling from both parties up on capitol hill. >> ainsley: and trump tells all. the former president shares why he wanted a vp vance. >> when we got to know each other, he liked me, more than anybody liked me, he would stick up for me and fight for the worker as much as i fight for the worker. we had an automatic chemistry. >> lawrence: all right. "fox & friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. >> steve: and as we kick off this tuesday, the spotlight is on the vice president, kamala harris. who, today is, going to start hitting the campaign trail in milwaukee after securing enough delegates to cinch the democratic nomination for president. >> lawrence: we're anticipating president biden's return back to the white house this afternoon for the first time since announcing. he won't seek re-election.
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>> ainsley: madeleine rivera is live in washington with the latest details for us. >> madeleine: good morning. per the associated press vice president kamala harris has the backing of more than 2600 delegates. that well more than the threshold needed to secure the democratic nomination. harris says it was her home state of california that helped push her campaign over the top. the delegates' endorsements are not binding and they can still change their minds. the party says it will hold virtual role dual nominee by october 7th. support democrats' desire to move on and come together after the president's widely debate performance left them in disarray. first battleground state stop since announcing her bid. the campaign says she will highlight the choice facing wisconsinitis, donald trump the convicted felon who would drag this country backwards and brighter fu country for the fut.
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team has a shot. her team says they raised more than $100 million in the last roughly 48 hours. on monday harris met with the campaign at hawkeys in wilmington, delaware. the president called into that meeting as well where he told the staff to embrace harris. >> let me be real clear. we're fighting in this fight together. i'm not going anywhere. i want you to know you have always had my back and i promise you i will always have your back and i'm anxious for you all to hear from kamala. >> the president returns to the white house this afternoon. he has no public events on his schedule as he recovers from covid-19. >> steve: so is he over covid, right, maddy? >> according to his physician they say his symptoms have almost completely resolved, steve. we will see what he will do over the next coming days. he is still set to meet with benjamin netanyahu. that's as far as we know.
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>> brian: thank you very much. we will talk about that later. no president or vice president show up when bibi netanyahu lands or secretary of state. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> brian: ultimate disrespect. if i want to the jewish vote. if you care about that. take some time and look presidential. hey i will say hello to the prime minister. instead won't even show up as they gavel in the joint session of congress. >> lawrence: it's not just her not showing up to the airport. i mean, you know, since the president is down, you would think that the haven't takes over the duties. >> brian: she took over the naacp meeting. >> lawrence: have our must trusd ally want some presence there. >> brian: doesn't like him. >> lawrence: the vice president is not going to be there. how about the secretary of state? when they gavel in whether l. they be there? she said she is not going to go today. that's troubling. >> steve: the reason is, she is busy. yesterday at this time we were talking about how a number of top democrats had not endorsed her yet because and we had heard from them that they wanted an open nominating process.
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where there would be a number of names out there. and, in fact, the name mark kelly was offered up. you know what? he is going to make a bid for it. in the end though, she, kamala harris, was quite cagey and sprinted to try to convince as many democrats to essentially give her the nod. it was very choreographed. in 30 hours after joe biden dropped out, she made hundreds of calls to senators, members of congress, and governors, and she was able to line up 186 democratic members of congress, 43 senators, and 23 governors. and had enough verbal commitments to cinch the nomination, which is what she wanted to do. and she did it. >> ainsley: well, axios has a great headline it's over. why it matters. because it never began. >> steve: that's right. >> ainsley: this has all changed the landscape of the 2024 election in a matter of 24 hours. it's so bizarre to watch this process play out. many are saying on our network
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last night. i was watching. they are saying the democrats lied and lied and lied. they knew that president biden was not capable to run this country. and they knew this was going to happen. >> steve: kept it a secret. put kamala in and it worked. >> brian: here is the vice president. get. this she said everyone, can you keep your jobs. keep the headquarters in delaware. i'm going to keep the heads of the biden-harris team together now that it's harris fill in the lancaster, and then she gets a call from charlie's angels. it was. >> steve: charlie, the boss. >> brian: all of a sudden on to say hey, the president is not there but yet his voice was on speaker phone like it's 19 # 7. listen. >> we love joe and jill. we really do. they truly are like family to us. >> so do we. [cheers and applause] >> it's mutual. [laughter] >> i knew you were still there you are not going anywhere, joe. >> i'm watching you, kid. i'm watching you, kid.
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i love you. >> i love you, joe. [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: you are not going anywhere? they just pushed you out, dude. can we talk about how terrible he sounds? >> steve: that's sick. >> lawrence: he may be over covid allegedly or may have had covid. the way he sounds like is he getting worse and worse. i don't understand why we still haven't had a full medical briefing on the condition of the president. everybody is talking about ronny jackson looking at the former president after he covered three presidents. but what about this doctor and his connection to the biden family? number two, i have never seen a more rigged process. it's not like all these elected officials had a choice. kamala was going to be the person. you couldn't go against her. it's like the democrats haven't learned anything. >> ainsley: she is the democratic presidential nominee, almost. not technically until august 7th. no debate. and no one voted for her.
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>> steve: and, you know, to your point earlier, essentially, joe biden was knifed in the back by the top democrats. and the "new york post" has got an exclusive this morning talking to somebody close to the biden family. and it says, essentially, that there was a palace coup, and they threatened joe biden directly. they said we are going to remove you via the 25th amendment. because you -- apparently they have known for two years. top democrats have known for two years that joe biden is declining. and nancy pelosi, remember she said vaguely, you know, let's see what he decides. apparently she went to him and she said you have got to go. you can do it the easy way or can you do it the hard way. they gave him three weeks. and he was not budging. and so she came out and she said, listen, you're going to lose and you are going to drag us all down. she showed him the poll numbers, she talked about his legacy. she said we are going to start going public tomorrow saying you got to go. you know what? he decided to go.
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>> brian: a cording to one story. i haven't seen it anywhere else. schumer was the good cop, the bad cop. schumer went and visited him and they hugged it out and said it's time. take it easy. let's just turn the page. evidently yesterday, abruptly, to the surprise of many, including the vehicle in which he used to get the word out. he went on x and said i'm out. wasn't even using x. so people say why are you using that and everybody was caught by surprise except for handful of people. so now kamala moves up to the number one spot and now knee is looking for a number two. >> nancy pelosi did endorse her. but. >> steve: quickly. >> ainsley: flashback late last night. on with anderson cooper. do you think kamala harris is the best running made for this president? she went on to say well, that's what matters this was his pick and she is very politically astute. and anderson is asking why hasn't she done anything, basically? she says well, she is the vice president. that's the job description.
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you don't do that much. >> brian: also jamie raskin had something similar to say about her and how she is doing her job. we will forget about all of that and turn the page. she is the best thing ever. let's go pick a number two, it should be a white guy. >> lawrence: vetting material has already been set. eric holder is the one conducting all the preinterviews, all the vetting. as you know he is the prior attorney general of the united states. mark kelly, swing state, arizona, astronaut, josh shapiro who is very popular in pennsylvania. gretchen whitmer from michigan. >> ainsley: two women? could you imagine a ticket with two women. waltz and j.d. pritzker. >> where is andy beshear? >> brian: he can't win kentucky. so why take him out of there. >> steve: apparently she, kamala harris, called him right after joe biden dropped out and they chewed the fat over we don't know what. he said he has not been asked to
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submit any vetting material yet. but, lawrence, to your point, former ag eric holder is going to be vetting them. so you know what? they have got to do this quickly. they have got to do this fast and furious. >> lawrence: i don't understand why andy beshear is not on the list. he is the one that scares me the most. >> steve: they need a swing stater. are. >> lawrence: this is the guy can get republicans to vote for him. very moderate. has republican parents. the guy can speak well. not too far to the left. when you have got kamala harris way far to the left. >> brian: you can have republican parents and raise a democrat? that's impossible. >> ainsley: jesse watters, opposite. >> brian: that's true, too. the thing is he is not liked by the left. andy beshear is not liked by the left. >> ainsley: it's not a swing state like brian said. >> brian: governor shapiro in pennsylvania but we will see how that goes. meanwhile, the attack plan for kamala harris against donald
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trump is pretty clear. i'm the prosecutor, and he's the criminal. >> he's more moderate than you think. one thing i noticed about kamala is that she is a former prosecutor. so now you have a former prosecutor vs. a convicted felon. that's something that i like. >> she is a prosecutor, and so i love the idea that we have a prosecutor defending democracy and the rule of law against a convicted felon. >> she is gonna get out there just like she is doing today and make her case to the american people. she is the perfect person to prosecute the case against donald trump. you know, people asking if america is ready for a prosecutor. i mean, is america ready for, you know, somebody with all them challenge charges that donald trump has? >> lawrence: you could always tell when they have handed out the talking points they go on tv and say the same thing. can she get to the bottom of who concealed the information about the president not being up to the task? i mean, the cabinet members that didn't have meetings that were
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given talking points before the briefings of those cabinet meetings? that everything was scripted out? and she get to the bottom of that? >> ainsley: convicted in a court in new york state. they hate donald trump. he could have stolen a cheese sandwich and they would try to put him in prison. >> lawrence: what happens when it's overturned? are they still going to use that? >> steve: they are right now. nancy pelosi herself said yesterday i know kamala has known some bad hombres that she has prosecuted however i know donald trump and we must make sure he is never elected. that's what we're going to hear from now through the convention and beyond. >> brian: on the court case donald trump is filing to have those -- all those fines taken down that he was convicted of in civil court. he filed that yesterday about over 100 pages on why they are redikdzless and hopefully the appeals court will take it up. just watch on the convicted felon thing, they are reexpecting that new york case with this. after the support came down with their view of immunity and the presidency. anything that he was accused of happened while he was president.
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>> steve: let's see what happens regarding that meanwhile donald trump and his running mate j.d. vance sat down with our own jesse watters. first interview where they were together. first on camera interview with former president after he was almost murdered on tv. here's a soundbite. it was great interview jesse did. here's the former president talking about why he picked that guy, mr. vance. >> jesse: why did you pick j.d. vance? >> we have always had a good chemistry. originally j.d. was probably not for me, but he didn't know me. and then when we got know each other, he liked me maybe more than liked me and he would stick up for me and fight for the worker as much as i fight for the worker. we just had an automatic chemistry. >> jesse: when you got the call what did your wife say. >> i spoke to my wife.
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she was flabbergasted. when the president called me. i don't know if you remember, this sir, my kid was talking in the background about pokemon cards. love of god. 7-year-old i had can if you have ever. put him on speaker phone. read off the truth that the actual announcement that he was nominating me to be vice president. what do you think about that? he says it's good. >> ainsley: is that the candidate you like or don't like, dad? >> i do think if there was any candidate in the race probably shares the ideas more part of the maga movement it's j.d. vance. not surprising they already have this chemistry and they seem to move very well together in flow. doesn't look like j.d. is requesting to try to outshine trump which could be a problem if you are a candidate that is already looking for your moment. so, we'll see what happens. >> brian: here's the thing. they have to redo their battle plan now. now it's trump against kamala.
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not vance against kamala who yesterday said i'm a little disappointed. i thought i would have a chance. we will find out who he gets matched up against. >> ainsley: been watching tape? >> lawrence: i'm not sure they take place, either. >> brian: we'll see who needs it. judging by some of the polls about the projected matchup, trump has got 5 to 8 points ahead in almost every poll. meanwhile straight ahead, secret service director kimberly cheatle admitting on capitol hill yesterday that her team failed to protect former president donald trump in pennsylvania last saturday. >> the secret service's solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed. as a director of the united states secret service, i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. >> ainsley: c.b. cotton is in butler, pennsylvania with the latest on the investigation. c.b.? >> hi,good morning, ainsley. a bipartisan group of lawmakers from the house homeland security
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committee has now done something that secret service director kimberly cheatle has yet to do. that is visit the rally site here behind me where former president donald trump survived an assassination attempt. some of the lawmakers were even able to get on top of the roof that gunman thomas crooks fired from. they did this they say without using any kind of equipment. the committee chairman mark green also told fox that he learned a water tower overlooking the rally site was never used by law enforcement for security purposes. leaving he and others stunned. >> it's not that steep at all. a 70-year-old man back here can climb up on the roof easily. >> see that water tower behind me? secret service or anybody inspire teams up there, this guy wouldn't have made it five feet up this roof. he would have been taken out. >> as house homeland security
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members. kimberly cheatle was subpoenaed to appear before the house judiciary committee yesterday where she was questioned for more than four hours. cheatle confirmed the building crooks fired from was outside the security perimeter. and she said there was, quote: overwatch on that building but she wouldn't go into specifics on what that overwatch entailed. the bipartisan grouch lawmakers calling for cheatle's resignation is growing. but she previously said she doesn't plan to leave. during yesterday's hearing she said no one else at the secret service had been fired for what's being called a botched security during the july 13th rally. >> once it's concluded and you are prepared to fire the people on the ground who made poor decisions that day? >> i'm prepared to take the actions necessary. >> no, no. that's nonsense. are you freepsd fire them? >> i don't have an answer as to whether. >> how can there be accountability? >> that's great question. today the house homeland
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security committee will hold a hearing of its own. secret service director kimberly cheatle, fbi director christopher wray and dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas have all declined their invitations to attend. back to you. >> steve: c.b., thank you very much. we tell graphed what she was going to say. it's an open investigation talk to the fbi we know what happened the question was so simple how cooted world's premier law enforcement agency allow a 20-year-old with a gun to get on the roof and squeeze off a shot at the former president of the united states and she had no answer. >> brian: she didn't really -- she was smug. she was arrogant. she was dismissive. she put no effort in to her answers. she never visited the site. she never talked to the agents. she didn't -- she still says i don't know about the ladder. over the weekend they said there
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was no ladder. they got up on the air conditioner and they got up there how did she not even know that? she made up a story about a slope on the roof. it's virtual flat. you saw eli crane sitting on there a former sniper navy seal. that's him. >> lawrence: here's the problem she goes no comment on this because it's an active investigation. don't go out there doing interview with reporters. >> brian: plenty of stuff she could have said. >> lawrence: giving them information. when members of congress starts talking about the information. 72 hours afterwards, doesn't go to the scene as brian noted and basic information of timing, what took place, who was over events? why did she allow the sniper tool to come inside of the range finder to come into -- just basic information. she didn't know. >> ainsley: i had it on as you all did probably, too. every tv in my house. every room i went, in i was constantly hearing this lady. she was being grilled by democrats and republicans.
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and some of it is hard to watch. someone died as a result of the failure of the secret service. donald trump was shot. two other people were shot and were fighting for their lives for a little while and donald trump says they are doing great now. congressman carlos gimenez firefighter one of the areas down in the miami area a republican from florida. there he is. he went on the roof and said look, i'm in my 70s. the slope on the roof of my house is steeper than this. it's like 10% slope he said. is he calling for the head of president trump's detail to be fired, too. and the director of secret service. he said they did so many things wrong and secret service really did not do their job. >> brian: no way they should be outside of the perimeter. that roof should have been inside the perimeter. >> ainsley: even if it is outside the perimeter. put someone on that water tower? are you allowed to say that's not the perimeter we still need someone up there. >> brian: there was a report a secret service agent was supposed to on there and he
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decided not to. it's been nine days. >> ainsley: we want to hear her say i am so sorry for the family that died. and i want to hear her say we made mistakes we are fixing it. these are the mistakes we made. >> lawrence: it has been reported that the head of his detail asked for more people. said that there was a threat going on. she said well we pro-provided more people for that day, excuse me, madam director has there been multiple requests. i don't want to get into that are you kidding me? >> steve: part of it, lawrence, she thought the way she was briefed by the lawyers at the secret service was probably you give one detail about what they're working on in the investigation have you got give all of them. so she didn't give any. that's why the democrat from new york, dan goldman said, essentially, why didn't you answer more questions when you did that interview with abc than you are going to do with us in front of the congress? >> brian: bipartisan outrage. >> ainsley: secret service under ronald reagan. >> brian: that person got fired,
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he quit, he resigned. >> ainsley: one of the congressman do what he did disea on she said no, he actually resigned. >> steve: comer and raskin sent a letter to her saying you have got quit. that's democrats and republicans together on this. this was a bad show. >> brian: all right. straight ahead. democrats basically hand the nomination to kamala harris. wasn't she a key player in the cover-up of president biden's health? >> we have a very bold and vibrant president in joe biden. >> joe biden is very much alive and running for re-election. >> brian: he's alive. >> ainsley: but he is not running for re-election. >> brian: we can't find him or see him. >> steve: hook her up to a lie detector. detector. we are going to talk to former speech writer bill mcgurn coming up next. ♪ [window slamming] woman: [gasps] [dog barking] ♪
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morning until he returns to the white house later this afternoon. netanyahu is scheduled to address congress tomorrow before meeting with the president on thursday to discuss a possible cease-fire and hostage release agreement in gaza. vice president harris will not preside over the prime minister's address but will hold a private meeting with him where she reportedly plans to, quote: reiterate her commitment to israel's security and right to defend itself. but will also convey her view that it is time for the war to end in a way where israel is secure all hostages are released and the palestinian people can enjoy their right to dignity, freedom and self-determination. prime minister netanyahu also reportedly requested an in person meeting with former president trump. trump has reportedly not yet agreed to that meeting but also has not outright rejected the idea. now protester could be seen near netanyahu's hotel in washington, d.c. yesterday. capitol police say they
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anticipate more demonstrations and as a result have increased security. there is also a growing number of house democrats who are planning to boycott netanyahu's a address as congresswoman pramila jayapal tells axios the boycott, quote, will be large and that there are a lot of people upset by netanyahu's visit. also a lot of people in support of it. ainsley. >> ainsley: all right. thank you so much, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> ainsley: one day after biden drops out of the race, kamala harris secures enough delegates to become president skipping the entire primary process. 15eu8isailing into the role witt ever having to run. what can the voter and the system we are supposed to trust. fox news contributor and former speech writer bill mcgurn joins us now. bill, i never thought we would see something like this happen in america. a lot of america feels duped. they feel very defeated because the process didn't play out the way that it should in a
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republic. how do you feel? >> they were played out right from the start. the 14 million people who voted for joe biden in the democratic primaries, they had his health issues kept from them. they didn't really get a fair vote. there was a huge amount of people in democratic party, might have been 70% who wanted a different candidate. which presumably includes large chunk of those 14 million. but now we have them, you know, cornating the second most unpopular person in the party, kamala harris. so, it's really beyond me. i think the delegates just didn't want to fight at the convention. >> ainsley: bari weiss with the freep,free press. it's not that just that they knew about biden's condition and lied about it. they knew they were lying and believed they could dupe their supporter at least through
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november 5th, 2024. now we are faced with the fact that the very same people who last month insisted that biden was at the top of his game have now shoved him into some delaware basement and are supporting harris '24 sweat shirts. how are we supposed to believe anything they say? that is the question i ask you. how can we believe this party, the party that's supposed to be the party of democracy? >> yeah, barry is right. look, no one participated more in this charade than kamala harris. she is number two. she knew what joe biden's real condition was. and she was happy to keep it from the american people. i think democrats, president obama one of them who wanted with joe biden withdrawn. they wanted competitive process to select the next president, the next nominee. the problem is because of identity politics, who is going to run against kamala?
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who is -- in the democratic party is going to say it's good for my career? stand in the way of the first black american female president? and i think that's why we had no candidates, plus, who wants to clean up joe biden's mess? so, with that, kamala who had to withdraw 2019 primaries, without single vote. >> ainsley: bill, how are the people in the middle? how are the independents feeling about all of this? i know the right they love donald trump, and they love the conservative values that he brings to the table. the left, you have hollywood, they are raising tons of money for kamala harris right now. they are jumping for joy, so excited they have a new candidate and they hate donald trump so much. the folks in the middle, do they see what is happening here that we were lied to? >> well, we don't know yet. right now, it's going to be a rush to redefine kamala harris. the republicans duped before she gets too far into the campaign
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and want to do it today. she has the baggage of joe's policy from afghanistan to inflation. and then on top of that, joe biden could at least say i'm a scranton democrat, he knew how to talk to working class people. kamala is literally a san francisco democrat. i'm not sure it sells. the initial polling suggests she is not doing well with independent voters. but we'll see. >> ainsley: okay, bill mcgurn thank you for waking up so early for us. great insight. >> thank you. >> ainsley: parties pressed on capitol hill but given few answers. we will talk to a former agent if he was satisfied what happened yesterday. did. >> they talk to him. >> i do not have those details. >> i do not have that information at this time. again, i would have to defer you to the fbi. ♪ like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system
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♪ >> did they confront him? did they go up to him?
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did they talk to him? >> i do not have those details at this time. >> how many explosive devices were found on or near the site? >> again, i would have to defer you to the fbi. >> was he just a lone gunman. >> i would have to refer to you the fbi's investigation for motive. >> when was the last sweep of that roof done prior to the rally? >> i do not have that information at this time. >> brian: well, you should are it or don't show up. lawmakers calling for secret service director kimberly cheatle's resignation after yesterday's disastrous testimony on capitol hill. charles marino joins us now. charles, did she have a choice? could she have answered those questions? >> absolutely there were questions she could have answered. look, there were just flat out too many nonanswers. no matter who the director was yesterday. walking into the capitol, we knew this was going to be a day of reckoning, that aside. it was how this director kim cheatle decided how she was going to go about answering all these questions.
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i think things about timelines, who had direct oversight of the plan to sign off on operational plan, i think that's all in play when you come in as a veteran with almost 30 years of experience as a line agent, congress is expecting you to have some experience and personal opinions to be able to share about the matter. >> brian: how about her decision to not even visit the site. that to me you couldn't keep me from that site. i would be there the next day i want to find out. i want everybody in charge to meet me in butler? why wasn't there somebody on that roof. who confronted this guy when he tried to get through with a range finder? where was the gun? over the weekend it was clear there was ladder. yesterday she didn't know. he got on the air conditioning and propped himself up. that's what i thought was conventional wisdom at this point. they made up the story about the slope in the roof there was no slope. >> yeah, brian. there were a lot of strategic errors here from the start. one not showing up to the press
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conferences two, deciding who to do news interviews with. and you can't this is not a matter of convenience. you can't say information is part of the investigation but on the other hand you brought them up in two interviews that you did previously. they did not visit the butler site. i agree with you 100 percent. so, a lot of strategic errors. i think a lot of unnecessary hits that they are taking in addition to the hits they should be taking. >> brian: here is eli crane who spent his prior life as a navy seal sniper. he went right to the roof. is he now a congressman in arizona. listen to his assessment. >> it's not that steep at all. 70-year-old man back here climb up on the roof. easily see that water tower behind me? secret service or anybody had sniper teams up there, this guy wouldn't have made it five feet up this roof. he would have been taken out.
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>> brian: right. that was outside the perimeter. that was not a good idea, right? >> let me answer that question. because there is a lot of confusion being created from the director on this perimeter stuff. the threats that are identified and need to be mitigated drive where the perimeters are set. forks for example, and this is a five my-minute solution. when you go out to that site and you see that a building like that comes into play with a direct line of site only 150 yards away. you stand there and you look at the other agents and you say that building is now part of our outer perimeter. there you go. and you make the plans accordingly to mitigate those threats. to say that a building like that just naturally fell outside of the perimeter is nonsense. perimeters are flexible and unique to the site environment. >> brian: just crazy, the simple question did anyone sign off on the butler plan to secure that event? and she wouldn't even answer that question.
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charles moreno, thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: i don't think it should change the image of the secret service who throw theirselves in the line of bullets so no one is out there who knows somebody in the secret service think we are being critical of them. it's the people that did the plan and their inability to explain what they did. carley shimkus, you have the other news. >> carley: i certainly, could brian. about 3,000 migrants are heading to the u.s. right now after leaving from mexico's southern border on sunday. that, of course, the same day president biden dropped out of 2024 presidential race. one migrant telling the associated press that they're trying to enter the u.s. now out of fear of another trump presidency in the future. saying, quote: we are running the risk that permits to cross the border might be blocked. former dhs secretary jeh johnson will be joining us next hour with his reaction. firefighters in utah are still battling a blaze that started over the weekend forcing a handful of weekend evacuations
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near salt lake city over 200-acre blaze southern california. reaching people's house in the city of riverside as they deal with upwards of 102-degree temperatures there. congress can is calling on crowdstrike ceo to testify after a flawed software update caused airlines, banks and businesses around the world to go offline on friday. delta is struggling with dozens of delays and cancellations this morning as the ceo says it could take days to fully recover. so far today nearly 400 delta flights have been canceled and more than 200 have been delayed. those are your headlines, brian, back over to you. >> brian: thanks so much. appreciate it, carley. meanwhile the queen of memes kamala harris is capitalizing on social media surge about rat summer. if you are confused you are not alone. >> i thought he was calling
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her -- it's not that kamala harris is a brat. she is brat. i said oh, wow, we put out our own meme. >> there you go. one gen zer helping us make sense of the online trend and why it's no laughing matter for team trump. ♪ meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers.
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>> for the record i was tipped off about this what i'm about to share with our viewers by my 16-year-old daughter. >> who is an actual member of gen z. >> i thought he was calling her a brat. it's not that kamala harris is a brat. it's she is brat. >> quote, brat. you're just that girl who is a little messy and likes to party and maybe says some dumb things some times. end quote. >> lawrence: i'm getting old. if you didn't know this was brat summer. you are obviously not alone. gen z's viral meme now making its way into politics. brat came out kamala is brat shortly after president biden gave his endorsement. the harris camp embracing it rebranding the official x account to match. will this work with gen z
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voters. let's bring in prager u personality xavier temperature . i'm not gen z, i'm a millennial i thought i was young enough. will this catch up with voters? >> unfortunately it will. unfortunate unpack. what seems to be missing the most political discussion is actual policy. ever since he obama, he ushered in this celebrity-style politician era where referring to the likes of beyonce and jay-z and now people care much more about persona rather than substance. if you remember, when kamala harris was running in 2020 she wasn't as likeable or have the charisma that barack obama had. they are intertwining her brand with popular celebrities who have massive fan bases and they have essentially turned her into a meme, which is inherently,
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giving her a fan base for the first time in her career and quickly changing the public's perception of her. this is very dangerous for republicans and it needs to be taken seriously. >> so xaviare. 15 to 24. 20% favorable 20% finding her favorable and then 55% that find her unfavorable. and then have you got 24% that haven't heard of her then did you go who would you vote for. 58% saying trump and 39% saying harris. so it looks like donald trump still has the edge when it comes to the voting. but you are saying the rebrand of kamala harris could change the whole thing. >> it absolutely could. i mean, let's look at the power of some of these fan bases. we spent the last two years in a chokehold from taylor swift and her fan base, the swifties. if kamala continues on this
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building this momentum by capitalizing on social media. i think it could change a lot of people's perception. i mean, the left, they were desperate for so long. the bar was set so low by joe biden. that it was as low asabilities. looking at kamala harris this is our chance to still be a democrat and not have to switch over to trump. i still do feel confident that most people in gen z have enough common sense to know we need to make america great again not make america laugh again. we cannot under estimate the power of social media because these fan bases move very quickly. they are already making merchandise. >> lawrence: riddle me this. i'm 31. i'm not too old. i was just talking to our stage manager chris. we thought about that bet moment when kamala harris is talking about henson and she goes you know, girl, i have been out here in the streets. and it just didn't sound authentic. so i get that they are trying to rebrand her. but, do you think it's going to work in the sense of she is just
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not authentic as well, right? >> i think most people are still going to be able to see through it; however, it is -- it's a smart effort on kamala's team's behalf. do i think she is not taking it in 2024 lawrence thank you for being on the program. more "fox & friends" ahead. big show. ♪ ♪ for a condition you can't control. you'll get better when your pain isn't minimized, dismissed, forgotten. we will never stop trying to get better. because when medicine gets better, all of us can get better. (♪) [water flowing] [water flowing] [phone dings] oh my god. what? the host is coming back.
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