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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 23, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ >> lawrence: it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast and it's tuesday, july the 23rd, and this is "fox & friends." love fest on the left for kamala harris as she secures enough delegates for the nomination without even having to run. >> i'm watching you kid. i'm watching you kid. i love you. >> i love you, joe. >> lawrence: no votes but she has the nomination. llara trumpreacts to democrats g democracy. >> brian: plus israel prime minister getting snubbed on the tarmac in d.c. no greeting from biden. no greeting from harris. no greeting from the secretary of state. and the vp will only meet with him in private? >> steve: shaking hands with those people. meanwhile the secret service director testifies as chilling video shows how vulnerable former president donald trump was during the assassination attempt on his life. watch this. >> secret service or anybody
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sniper teams up there, this guy wouldn't have made it. five feet up the roof. he would have been taken out. >> steve: there they are standing on the roof. former dhs secretary jeh johnson who rant secret service is going to talk about the security failures in about 10 minutes on our show. >> ainsley: it's a big show. it's the second hour of "fox & friends." we are starting that hour right now. and, remember, your mornings are better with friends. >> brian: get dressed. the spotlight is on vice president kamala harris who is hitting the campaign trail today in milwaukee, we were just there. i took down all the fences before i left. after securing enough did he go delegates to clinch the nomination. >> ainsley: we are anticipating president biden to return to the white house this afternoon for the first time since announcing he will not seek re-election. >> steve: our senior white house correspondent jacqui heinrich is live in rehoboth beach, delaware. jacqui, last time we saw joe biden, he was struggling to go up and down the stairs. it will be interesting to see
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what he looks like today. >> it will. he sounded a little bit raspy on that call yesterday but more on that call in just a minute. the vice president has enough delegates now to secure the party's nomination after her home state of california. their 300 delegates voted unanimously in a private zoom call. and nancy pelosi, also from california, was on that call. she is the one who not so suddenly pushed biden out of the nomination and reportedly said to the folks on the called that the landscape for democrats is all changed now. thanks to the selflessness of joe biden and the excellence of kamala harris. in less than two days. after the president withdrew from this race, more than a dozen states held meetings to swing their delegates to the vp. whose candidacy also hauled in $81 million in the first 24 hours. according to her campaign, that was the largest single day hall in presidential history. first day on the trail harris made a trip to wilmington to
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meet the team that she had now leads biden calling in to give his former crew new orders. >> let me be real clear, we're still fighting in this fight together. i'm not going anywhere. i want you to know i have always -- you have always had my back. and i promise you i will always have your back. and i'm anxious for you all to hear from kamala. >> so the president will return to the white house today after recovering from covid. harris is heading to wisconsin for her first day on the campaign trail. her campaign says vice president harris' visit will highlight the choice facing wisconsinitis between donald trump, the convicted felon drive country backwards. vision for the future. fair shot. former attorney general eric holder is vetting potential vp picks. the campaign six state governors roy cooper, arizona's mark kelly, pennsylvania's josh
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shapiro, michigan governor gretchen whitmer who already said she has no intention of accepting the vp slot. tim walz and jb pritzker. it is going to come down to the map and whether any of these candidates being on the ballot would help swing that swing state to vote for harris and help the democrats win the election in november. back to you guys. >> steve: it's all about winning. lawrence lawrence jacqui, real quick, are we going to hear from the president? that was the first time we had heard from him since he was struggling to get into the motorcade. >> ainsley: you mean actually see him. >> lawrence: see him? is he going to do the press conference? >> jacqui: we are going to see him -- well, press conference? i wish. we may or may not hear from him. it will be the same situation as when we watched the president get on air force one and his movements are the same. we will see a video shot of him, returning to the white house. and if he decides to come over to the cameras and talk, then we will hear something as well. but we will be seeing him. >> brian: he busted his whole
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schedule. he doesn't have anything to do. >> now the other thing kjp is going to be on "the view" so she can't talk to you. >> jacqui: that's true. we'll have to tune in and see what she says if she gives us any answers to our burning questions. the president, yeah, as you mentioned, his schedule pretty much got cleared after he dropped out, although we do know he has a meeting planned with netanyahu for thursday. that's news. because this meeting was not formally on the books. we did hear from the israelis that there was a meeting scheduled for this week but that was not something we were formally tracking on the president's schedule. it has now been added just in the last 24 hours, guys. >> steve: all right, jacqui heinrich live in rehoboth beach where it sounds like seagulls are in the background because that's what they do there. all right. thanks, jacqui. well, let's see if the ladies on "the view" actually ask kjp so you said he was sharp as a tack. he wasn't sharp as a tack. how long have you known he was in decline because, according to an exclusive in the "new york
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post," which has a great cover shot. it's been photo shopped, of kamala harris. they talk a little bit how essentially party insiders have known for two years that he was in decline. and ultimately, they stabbed him in the back because they went to him and they said we are going to squeeze you out with the 25th amendment, unless you go quietly. and he didn't. and so they had to have a come to jesus meeting ultimately he said okay, i got to go. >> brian: good cop, bad cop. schumer hugged it out 8 days ago and pelosi was the bad cop and say basically if you think this is painful it's going to get a lot where's. i haven't seen that any place else threatened with the 25th amendment that would have gotten complicated that would have required the cabinet to have an insurgency and toss out the president. the ramifications of which would have been cataclysmic for anybody to step up. >> ainsley: bad cop, nancy pelosi, she is the one who has endorsed him. we haven't heard from jeffries or from schumer. they have not endorsed him yet. they said they are going to meet
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with him shortly. meet with her shortly. >> lawrence: they all said everything was fine. let's bring in lara trump, rnc co-chair they just anointed kamala harris. she has received no vote. and when i mean no votes. i mean she was the first one out of the race. she never got a primary vote. now they've appointed her as the leader. she didn't get any democratic primary in this election, as well. so, what do you make of -- they said they were going to run on democracy. this seems real democratic. >> lawrence, it is such a joke. look at the other side. oh my gosh, we had to basically get a proof of life in a phone call from joe biden, the current president, i will remind everybody, yesterday, whenever kamala harris went into that wilmington campaign office, this is insane. do they really think the american people want to vote for this party? this is what this party is doing to the country? wow! you are exactly right, lawrence. i will remind the audience how the process is actually supposed
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to work here in america. these folks in washington, d.c. actually work for us. we, the people, we are actually supposed to vote for them and elect them to these offices. and, yet, it appears a lot of people for a long time knew joe biden could not actually run this race. and actually, probably shouldn't be president of the united states right now. some people might say that june 27th debate with donald trump, which was obviously disastrous, maybe was the first step in pushing joe biden out. then you had the press conference, nato press conference where he stood up in front of, you know, the country and really didn't seem to have it together. that may have been another step in pushing him out. and then it seems like whenever he wouldn't go out on his own accord, yeah, they had to threaten him and now they have coronated kamala harris. this is not democracy. she also dropped out before her own home state of california voted in 2019. because she was polling so low. you contrast that with the other side, which is what we're
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offering on the republican side. we have a proven candidate. who actually delivered results for the american people. for whom people actually voted in multiple elections. you couldn't have more difference. and it's absurd what's going on right now in this country. >> ainsley: remember in new hampshire you had candidates running against donald trump saying this is a coronation and we would have to say who we would interview them no, he actually has the votes. it's not a coronation this is not the u.k. if you look at the cover of the "new york post" she is wearing the crown. she hasn't received any votes to run for president. yet, she is the nominee. this is making a lot of republicans and conservatives feel just very discouraged this morning. and feel duped and lied to. we have a flashback of kamala harris telling the american people joe biden's running and joe biden is so healthy. listen to this. laura. >> i think you will see that we have a very bold and vibrant president in joe biden. i'm not going to engage in that hypothetical because joe biden
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is very much alive and running for re-election. >> not only is he absolutely authoritative in rooms around the globe but in the oval office. >> i can tell you this is someone who is tireless in terms of working on behalf of the american people. >> the way that the president's demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and, clearly, politically motivated. gratuitous. >> ainsley: some of these soundbites are from this year, laura. lara. >> yeah. kamala harris is playing her part. don't think for the a second people in charge while joe biden has been president, let's face it someone else is fully has been in charge. we don't believe he has done anything on his own. these are the same people in charge when kamala harris, should she ever become president, god forbid, if she became president, it's the same
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group, it's the same playbook. they are calling the shots behind the scenes and they are telling kamala harris, hey, you have got to get on board with joe biden being okay right now. we know that he's not. but we need you to do your part. and if you do, we will reward you down the road. and here we are where she actually has the delegates, i guess, to be the nominee for the democrat side. it's amazing. >> steve: she got on the horn and started -- because barack obama made it very clear. the "new york times" editorial page made it very clear there should be an open and above board nominating process and, instead, she got on the horn. she talked to all these senators and governors and members of congress, next thing you know she had lined up enough delegates behind the scenes. and that's why it looks like the smoke-filled room that everybody always talks about. but, what one other interesting thing from the "new york post," lara, is that apparently the party snyde insiders had the dee early to show the world that je
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biden was not up for it and forced him out. they did this to their leader to get him out. and so far it's worked. >> yeah, so far it's worked. i hope the american people are paying close attention. the problem they are going to have is now they are stuck with kamala harris. they told us joe biden himself told us in 2020 that he chose her as his running mate. not because of her merit, not because she deserved the position, which go back and look at what she has done as vice president, very little, if anything, it was because of how she looked. so now they have to change tack and they have to figure out how to sell her to the american people. i will also remind america right now that when she was in the senate, she was one of the most radical far left senators in the united states senate. if you think things have been bad with joe biden in the white house, and by the way she owns every policy decision and everything that he has done. they have been a tag team in the white house together. it would be far worse with kamala harris. we will continue talking about the things that donald trump actually did while he was president. we will continue talking about
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the fact that the american people don't care about who it is as long as that person can deliver results. they want their country back. they want more money in their pocket. they want a secure southern border in our standing on the world stage. donald trump actually delivered all those things for the american people. good luck selling kamala harris on that. >> brian: one thing is clear. have to have a new strategy, same strategy with joe biden is going to be a different strategy with kamala harris. she is in her 50's, is he in his 80's. and she does have the same policy positions, i got it. but, word is that you guys are going to spend $11 million over the next two weeks going after her, and "the washington post" over the peeked said that you guys already game planned about it. two things are going to come after you for. now all of a sudden president trump's age is going to be into play and talk about the criminal convictions in new york. what's your retort to this refrain that began yesterday? >> well, yeah. they have been trying to label donald trump as a convicted felon now for a month.
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that was the whole play there, brian, obviously. >> we know what that is all about. and clearly the american people didn't care. they came out in a huge way and gave us historic fund raising in the days after that wrongful conviction. of course, if you had any question about donald trump's age, look at him on the stage in but ler, pennsylvania, seconds after getting shot, raising his fist in the air. this is the toughest, strongest man i have ever met. this is an incredible human being. anyone who had any questions about donald trump's fitness for office, you got your answer on that stage in butler, pennsylvania when that horrific situation occurred. so, the fact that they are now changing pace on the democrat side, cramming kamala harris in. and by the way not trying to find a running mate hot american people can actually look to as a leader, who would be a great leader, they are looking at the vote. they're looking at 270, how does the math work out to get them to 270? they don't care what you think, america. they don't really care if you
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have the best leadership as long as they can retain power on the left. it should be a disgusting scene for every single american when you look at the left right now. >> lawrence: so, lara, are you call concerned about the -- the former president had a news cycle. had you his victorious return to the rnc stage after being shot. you know, you had the court system going after him. he has some victories there as well. he had a great debate performance. and so, there has been great media conch for donald trump for once in a while. it looks like the media has circled the wagons now. now that joe is out. it looks like they are prepared to rally behind him. what will be the strategy going forward now? >> well, i think, lawrence, we probably need to let the american people learn who kamala harris is. let's let her get out there. and actually let's hear from kamala harris. let's hear her policy stance on a whole lot of things. let's hear how she would deal with the situation in the middle
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east with ukraine and russia. how is she going to be strong against xi jinping? let's hear from kamala. let's hear her talk. if you look back at that debate with donald trump and joe biden. one of the masterful things donald trump did is let joe biden talk. let's let kamala harris talk. we know she has been the vice president. we don't know that much about kamala harris we haven't heard a lot from her. let's let her get out there. >> lawrence: it's reported that donald trump is going to take the meeting with bibi netanyahu since kamala harris is not going to meet with him is that true? >> i suspect so. they have been very good friends. very close for a long time. disgraceful. we couldn't have one person from the united states government right now meet the prime minister of israel, whenever he landed in the united states. i guess kamala harris was too busy with the ncaa athletes either way donald trump has been prepared to be leaderboard. if you recall, right after that debate. whenever you saw the weakness of joe biden. donald trump in synckively knew that the adversaries around the
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world were watching as well. and he said he went out on the stage the next day in virginia and he said i want to be very clear. no one should look at what happened yesterday and how weak joe biden is and think for a second they can do anything to the united states of america. don't try anything between now and when i am president again because there will be hell to pay. donald trump has been the leader we need, he is acting as the leader right now. even though we don't really know -- i hope we get a shot, a live shot of joe biden today. because we have a lot of questions about a lot of things happening. >> steve: lara, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you, guys. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> brian: i can't wait to see kamala harris in an interview asking real questions. that's where it fell apart. her speeches are fine. she can react with people. it's when people interview her ask her about policies where she collapses. >> ainsley: we mind people the policies she has that she shares with joe biden. afghanistan, what happened in israel. now they are not supporting netanyahu? this is our ally.
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>> steve: jeh johnson is in the wings. we are going to talk to him about their policy on the southern border. right now we are going to carley shimkus who joins us with news from jersey. >> carley: yes. that's right. a heavily traveled route 3 in new jersey is back open this morning after this deadly truck explosion shut down the highway yesterday. police say a bus rear ended the truck, which was carrying flammable materials. sending the truck into a barrier on the side of the highway before it burst into flames. officers say the driver of the truck died into the explosion, as they continue to investigate the crash. in a new interview, musk says he was tricked into allowing his child to get pur puberty blockeo transition from male to fee fail. >> essentially tricked into signing documents for one of by older boys, xavier. this is before i had any understanding what was going on. we had covid going on. so, there was a lot of
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confusion. and i was told, you know, xavier might commit suicide. >> musk says this incident gave him an awakening vowing to destroy the, quote, woke mind virus. hunter biden's criminal tax trial is set to begin on september 9th in california. the first one is charged with three felonies and six misdemeanors for failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes between 2016 and 2019. and filing false tax reports. the trial was initially scheduled to begin on june 20th before a judge granted hunter biden's request to delay that trial. and a brand new survey revealing nearly half of gen z adults need financial help from their parents. >> daddy, someone set a fire in your car because you took too long and i got -- money, please. >> carley: according to the bank of america survey, 46% of adults
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ages to 18 to 27 still get financial assistance from mom and dad. think on the lower end of that that's pretty acceptable. especially this in economy. >> steve: exactly right. it's not so of the parents saying hey, let's continue your allowance even though you are 35, it's they're broke. >> carley: right. yeah. >> ainsley: with older kids. is this true? >> ainsley: they don't want to answer. >> steve: one or two of my children may still be on our cell phone plan. >> ainsley: the family plan. >> brian: i'm giving no comment. i got all three are in college. so,. >> ainsley: still under daddy's plan. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: work. >> brian: their mindset is not give it to me. you want to help them but if they were always hand out and expect it, you know, that will be a problem. >> steve: i will just say this. next time you see that very tall
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blonde boy on the north lawn of the white house, he still gets his $5 a week allowance from his mommy. >> brian: 21 minutes now after the hour. kamala harris going to v.p. to likely presidential nominee in one day. but don't forget about her role as border czar. >> ainsley: former dhs secretary under president obama, jeh johnson is next. good morning, mr. secretary. ♪
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>> lawrence: secret service director kimberly cheatle admitting on capitol hill that her team failed protecting former president trump during his campaign rally in pennsylvania nine days ago. >> secret service's solemn mission it s. to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed. as a director of the united states secret service, i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. >> lawrence: cnn cotton is on site of that shooting. cnn what arecb whatare you lear. >> bipartisan lawmakers are the house homeland security committee has now done something that secret service director kimberly cheatle has yet to do herself is visit the rally site here behind me. several of those lawmakers yesterday again visited the site. some of them even got on top of
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the roof that thomas crooks fired from without using any equipment. and the committee chairman mark green told fox he learned a water tower overlooking the area was not utilized by law enforcement for any security purposes leaving him and other lawmakers absolutely stunned. >> it's not that steep at all we had a 70-year-old man climb up on the roof. see that water tower behind me. if they would have had teams up there this guy wouldn't have made it 5 feet up this roof. he would have been taken out as house homeland security members were in pennsylvania. kimberly cheatle was subpoenaed to appear before the house judiciary committee yesterday where she was questioned for more than four hours. cheatle confirmed the building crooks fired from was indeed outside the security perimeter she said there was, quote,
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overwatch on that building but wouldn't go into specifics what that overwatch entailed. lawmakers calling for her resignation is growing. she has previously said she doesn't plan to resign. and during yesterday's hearing, she said no one else at the secret service had been fired for what's being called a botched security during the jul. >> once it's concluded and you are prepared to fire people on the ground who made poor decisions that day? >> i'm prepared to take the actions necessary. >> no, no. that's nonsense. are you prepared to fire them? >> i don't have an answer as to weather. >> how can there be accountability? and today the house homeland security committee will hold a hearing of its own. director cheatle, fbi director christopher wray and house -- or dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas have all declined their invites to attend. steve? >> steve: all right.
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cb cotton live in butler, pennsylvania where it's a cloudy day, thank you very much. crb. let's bring in jeh johnson of course the secret service part of dhs he joins us live. good morning, mr. secretary. >> steve, thanks for having me back. >> it was bipartisan yesterday in the frustration with the secret service director who answers were so vague. they were good questions but she had no really good answers. >> so when i was dhs secretary i testified in front of congress 26 times. did i my ghost avoid the house oversight committee. you are right. when you have bipartisan outrage, then there's a real problem. >> but she didn't answer any of the questions. there were questions she could answer. there were questions she answered on abc. >> there is a pending
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investigation you have to testify before congress in the glare of the cameras, you bring something. you bring something to that. >> bring them a nugget. >> bring them a couple nuggets. when i testified, i would always bring my 10-point plan, for example, for how i was going to fix the problem. >> steve: right. >> give them something to chew on. >> steve: we didn't hear her plan. you not only ran the secret service, essentially, but you also fired the director. >> i was the cabinet level oversight of the secret service. i was the protectee of the secret service. 10 years ago the then director of the secret service resigned. it was suggested that she resign. >> steve: you asked her to resign. i call that firing them. >> well, it was a conversation. very different circumstances, frankly. there were some mishaps occurred
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nothing like this. one thing i want to say about the secret service, it's a duall mission. law enforcement, protection. they meet the moment election year. the secret service has to go out and pitch a no hitter every game. anybody gets off first place the result is catastrophic. as i used to say for the secret service. one failure is the equivalent of a million successes. there are no good excuses for what happened on july 13th no good excuse why the secret service did not take care to secure that roof top. any direct line of fire at the protectee, a window, a taste, a roof top we learned that november 22nd, 1963 you and i are about the same age. the secret service learned then you have to secure not just the immediate proximity of the president but open windows. people observed lee harvey
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oswald with an open window with a rifle before he shot kennedy. >> steve: seems a lot like -- except now we have got video. >> yeah. >> steve: the former president came that close to being murdered live on television. should she -- should mayorkas go and say hey, i would like you to resign because both parties yesterday called on her to resign. >> good question. i don't know her. i don't know her strengths, weaknesses, i don't know her relationship with the secretary or the president. on the one hand, it might be best to have the person who was in the chair at the time of the debacle be the one to fix the problem. on the other hand, there are circumstances when you, as a leader, so lost the confidence of your workforce, constituency, the congress, that you have to resign for the good of the agency. i can't second guess her choice at this moment. i just don't know her. i'm not in the middle of the situation. >> steve: all right. let's switch gears.
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you have been on our program a couple of times, recently, to talk about the southern border. >> yes. >> now that kamala harris is essentially the presumptive nominee on the democratic side, her record as border czar is going to come into glare. into focus a lot. famously, she had this -- she had this quip after asked about going to the southern border she said this. watch this, and then your reaction. >> do you have any plans to visit the border? >> this whole thing about the border, we have been to the border. we have been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border? >> and i haven't been to europe. >> steve: which is kind of a crazy answer. so -- >> -- first of all border czar the title is a title republicans gave her. the white house steve what do you call her then? >> she assumeed role that vice president had during the obama
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administration which is diplomacy with central america. that is a role he had. he gave it to her. she is not the border czar. to the extent there is anybody who is a border czar, it's the secretary of home land security. >> okay. so she was tasked with trying to figure out the root causes for why everybody was coming up here. under -- >> -- which needs to be discussed a lot more by the way. ship north. >> steve: they need to figure it out so it can be controlled. during the biden administration, biden-harris, 1.5 million more entered the country illegally than did during trump and obama combined. that's a big number. >> you have to look at the larger picture. crossings during the obama years were actually at a rate a lot lower than the trump years. fy19, president trump's third year of office, we had almost a million, which is about twice as large as anything i ever saw. there's a large hemispheric
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shift northward because of drought, famine, corruption, poverty, violence, there are aspects of our immigration system that serve as magnets for that. >> steve: it's easy to come in. >> the hard lesson i learned, steve, from managing this problem is the push factors always overwhelm whatever defense can you put on the southern border there are things we can do to enhance enforcement, to be lax on enforcement that have an immediate short-term impact one way or the other. but so long as those overwhelming push factors exist, they are going to keep coming and so you do -- people don't like to hear this, but you do have to address the problem at the source. and fix our immigration system here, which is broken. >> steve: that is going to be a major issue for her going forward now that she is the nominee. before you go, one of the main things she has got to figure out, is who is going to be her running mate? do you have any favorites? >> um -- >> steve: do you. do you want to say them on tv? >> i will say this.
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the conventional wisdom is go pick a white male from a swing state. i think that conventional wisdom of a vp pick has been gone for a long time now. don't eliminate a woman because she is a woman. i think it would be kind of cool to have two women on the ticket. >> steve: so gretchen whitmer? >> i'm just saying. there is no reason why you should exclude someone because they're a woman or whatever their demographic is. >> steve: let's see what she decides. jeh johnson, always a pleasure. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> steve: 24 minutes before the top of the hour. we are going to take a quick time-out and talk a little bit about this. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has arrived in washington with some noticeable absences. where is the high ranking authority to shake his hand right there? former department of justice spokesman ian prior is going to reacted to the biden administration's apparent snub coming up. ♪ oducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever
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>> brian: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in d.c. right now, the leader of america's greatest ally in the middle east arriving yesterday. and, look, not even president biden, the vice president, the secretary of state there to greet him just some diplomats. what an insult. the president still in delaware until later today as we learn harris will be missing the prime minister's address to congress tomorrow, not presiding over like a vice president could. will hopefully meet with him this week at some point. the next guest because this a diplomatic snub and terrible message. former g.o.p. spokesperson ian prior joins us now. ian, this is a ally of ours, in the middle of a war, why would this be okay? >> well, you are right. this is one of our strongest allies. certainly our strongest ally in
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the middle east. i think what you are seeing is emblematic of really a weak and feckless administration on national security. and this is not something that just happened over the past two days, right? this is three years from the afghanistan withdrawal to the open borders, to our feckless and weak response to october 7th. to what we saw at our college campuses with useful idiots being used by the iranian regime to push propaganda against israel. and now we have nobody high ranking from the administration to greet the prime minister of this ally at the airport before a major speech. look, when xi jinping went to california, you didn't have biden there, but you had janet yellen there. had you gavin newsom, you had a whole host of people to meet him at the airport. who is there to meet benjamin netanyahu? no one. this shows our vears and the adversaries of israel that this administration does not necessarily have israel's back.
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that is a dangerous message to send. >> brian: they are worried about michigan and what about our campuses this gives a sense you can go at it dom september when you are back on campus. remember what the vp said about the anti-israel protesters, and she said this last week. she said they are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to gaza, there are some things the protesters are saying that i absolutely regret -- reject, so i don't mean to wholesale endorse their points, we have to navigate it. i understand the emotion behind it. really? do they not understand october 7th? >> october 7th. but also reports that iran was helping to fund these protests. where are the investigations? where are the national security investigations from the department of justice? nowhere to be found. and, look, kamala harris gave a speech back in march calling for an immediate cease-fire where reports said that the administration actually had to tone down the speech because it was so anti-israel. and now we see that there is a
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speech coming in front of both sessions -- both houses of congress and kamala harris is nowhere to be found. she is going to indianapolis. now, i would understand if she was going to the border or europe for a summit. we know she doesn't like to go to those two place. it is a very big snub and very dangerous for the international community right now. >> brian: i think it's milwaukee but i know what you are saying she is going to choose to go to milwaukee. i'm not sure why. it gives a signal, too. and there's a lot of people who believe that kamala harris would be worse with israel than joe biden ever was. ian prior, thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> brian: all right. if president biden is not fit to run. is he fit to serve? dr. marc siegel says there is questions that need to be answered and we need transparency from the president's doctors. don't move. ♪ unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom
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>> ainsley: today president biden is scheduled to return to the white house after isolating in delaware with covid. yesterday, america hearing from him for the first time since dropping out of the race over the phone. >> let me be real clear, we're still fighting in this fight together. i'm not going anywhere. and i want you to know i've always -- you have always had my back and i promise you i will always have your back and i'm anxious for you all to hear from kamala. >> ainsley: he says he is not going anywhere. as reports say he has canceled
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nine upcoming trips. the question remains is biden fit to serve until january? here to react is fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. dr. siegel, thanks for joining us. knowing what you know about medicine, is he fit to serve for the next six and a half months? >> let me put it to you this way, ainsley. i'm concerned about him. i have compassion for him. i think it's clear for all of us, now the republican party, before it was neurologists and physicians like me. now it's clear to everyone and he is struggling. and i feel compassion for him. but i feel more compassion for us. because the key word today is cover-up. what did part-time know and when did they know it? kamala harris was saying he was fit. everyone is saying is he fit. is he still not saying he is -- he he's not fit but he is the last to know. what is the white house doing? where is the physician? where is biden's doctor? where is kevin o'connor coming forward and saying, look, he has got covid. okay. how is he doing mentally? how is he doing cognitively? none of that has come forward. and by the way. another disservice here is to call this about age.
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it's not about age. plenty of elderly people do quite well. but the president is struggling and that's the concern. and looking back, we're going to see this as a cover-up being worse crime again like the 1970s. we need full transparency coming out of the white house. >> ainsley: donald trump agrees with you. he says there needs to be an investigation. listen to this. >> you had people lie to the american public. and i will tell you what, you audited to take a look at his doctors. because his doctors keep giving him this wonderful report. i'm not a doctor, but i saw him the other day, was unable to get up the children's stairs going into air force one. >> ainsley: his medical team was not honest with us, dr. siegel. should there be accountability? this is the number one job, the top job in our country. and the president is the one who protects us. so, to know our president has to drop out of the race and is not able to run again because of cognitive decline, is he able to still run the country? i know have you answered that, but answer this question.
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what about the doctors? will they be held accountable? >> they need to answer that question, by the way. i'm not running from that listen, ainsley, ask his doctors whether he is capable of running the country right now. ask kamala, ask the people behind the scenes. >> ainsley: can we trust them? >> i don't trust them because they are hiding. because they are obfuscating. because there is no transparency. look, if the doctor says i'm not allowed to talk because of patient privacy, well, who is telling him not to talk. who is keeping him from coming forward? i want to hear from the -- from the president's physician, whether he is fit to serve right now. look, there is two wars going on. this is a hugely important issue. we got four months left before the election, even. i think it's incredibly important. let's not focus on biden, focus on compassion for biden and compassion for us, the country, because we are not being told anything. >> ainsley: dr. siegel, thank you so much for coming on with us. >> thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. hand it over to carley for more
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headlines. >> carley: hollywood's dem boring is over with celebrities from cardi b to jamie lee curtis endorsing kamala harris. abigail disney who threatened to withhold funds if biden stayed as the democratic nominee will resume her donations telling the "new york times" she is backing harris saying quotes i am supporting her with all my heart. and listen to this: pro-golfer bryson dechambeau is hitting the links with former president trump with episode of break 50 web series. teasing on up be central gam it's time for donald trump to show youtube ha he has got. the episode is set to drop later today on youtube. and i hear it's a very popular channel that dechambeau has. those are your headlines ainsley over to you. >> ainsley: thank you very much. more "fox & friends" for you in just a moment. look at that lineup. ♪ don't leave me hang on like a yo-yo ♪ wake me up before you go go
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