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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 23, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> brian: 8:00 a.m. on east
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coast, tuesday, july 26, this is "fox and friends." >> ainsley: in just one day, kamala securing enough delegates without having to run. dave portnoy says democrats are di ditching democracy. >> it is not for the right reasons. how they waited this long is insanity and trying to hijack democracy. >> ainsley: brian will join us straight ahead and he'll get dressed. >> steve: secret service director grilled on the hill, video shows how vulnerable former president trump was on that assassination attempt on his life. byron donalds and ro khanna has more on that. >> lawrence: and why he wanted v.p. vance. >> he liked me more than anybody liked me and he would stick up
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for me and fight for the worker as much as i would. we had automatic chemistry. >> brian: final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now. mornings are better with friends. >> ainsley: the spotlight is on the vice president kamala harris, who is hitting the campaign trail in milwaukee after receiving enough delegates to clench the democratic nomination. >> lawrence: and president biden will return to the white house today. >> brian: live in rohoboth b beach, delaware, jacqui heinrich. >> we have not had a glimpse of president biden who announced the end of his 50-year career in a tweetos sunday. kamala harris is in wilmington
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to greet the staff and the president called in to delegate new orders. >> president biden: embrace her, she's the best. i will be on the campaign with kamala, i will be working getting legislation passed and campa campaigning. >> less than two days after biden's withdrawal, kamala harris received 300 delegates, putting her over the finish line. nancy pelosi said that democrats prospects have changed now thanks to selflessness of joe biden. last year nancy pelosi seemed lukewarm on harris. >> is kamala harris the best running mate for joe biden? >> she is politically astutely.
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>> do you think she is the best candidate? >> she is vice president, that is the job description. you don't do that much. sgls now former attorney general holder is vetting v.p. picks soliciting six state governors, cooper, kelly, shapiro's, gretchen whitmer, who said she has no intention of accepting the v.p. slot, tim walls and jb pritzker. it will come down to the map and which running mate migrant help most in november. today harris is in wisconsin and leaning into the new campaign framing of face-off between herself, former prosecutor and trump, a convicted felon. >> steve: so jacqui, is joe
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biden going to be holdup at the white house until the dnc? he had nine trips planned, campaign trips, to show he was vigorous and robust and that is where he supposedly got covid, which is ironic. will he be back in the basement? >> we saw that report that nine trips had been cancelled. he said on that call to campaign headquarters he'll be out on the trail helping the vice president make a case for her election. much planning for this week was upended because of the president's diagnose and dropping out of the race. the thursday meeting with benjamin netanyahu came together yesterday, we were not officially told about it, but the israelis were discussing it.
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>> steve: live report from rohoboth beach >> >> ainsley: what makes everyone mad is the way they handled this, we feel discouraged. >> steve: where was the primary? >> ainsley: she got zero votes now for president. shes was not primaried. donald trump was primaried. she has zero votes and she is the democratic candidate. we feel dooped and lied to, watch this. >> i think you will see we have a very bold and vibrant president in joe biden. >> i will not engage in that hypothetical, joe biden is very much alive and running for reelection. >> not only is he absolutely au authoritative in rooms around the globe, but in the oval office. >> i can tell you, this is someone who is tireless in terms of working with the american
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people. >> the way the president's demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated, gra t tuittous. >> brian: w"wall street journa," they want to get democratic lawmakers onboard and said he needs to get behind 1 trillion plan. here is president, so confusing that nancy pelosi had to get up and straighten the whole thing out and save the project. they talk about donors, saying the same story twice, talk about a christmases party, seemed detached. diplomats saying he only had two meetings and now stories are
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coming up and she knew all the stories, chief of staff knew the stories, but until that debate which may or may not have been a setup, they were willing to go with him, they thought he had best shot to beat donald trump even not functioning at all. >> lawrence: "new york times" reporter now at the free press, says not just they knew about biden's condition, they knew and believed they could dupe supporters through november 5. now the same people who insisted biden was at top of his game, have shoved him into a basement and sporting harris '24 sweatshirts. how do we believe anything they say? to follow this up, get drivers and i have not seen this driver, anti-trump guy, but i love hearing different perspective
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from drivers. i had not seen him in two months, i come in the car yesterday and i think he is going to give me another one. he said, lawrence, i'm done. i'm done, i'm voting for trump. i said, why? the debate performance. i said, in my head, dude, i told you about this, i told you he was unfit and off the rocker, you had to have known. he said, i did not know it was that bad. these people have been lying to us. this driver, one person, there are a lot of americans that supported joe biden that feel they have been lied to. that issue on merits disqualifies kamala harris and any member of cabinet or any member that said he's fine when they had private meetings with
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him? >> steve: kjp will be on "the view" this morning, she said the president is fine, sharp as a tack, stuff like that. we know and we saw w"wall stree journal" article a couple months ago, dismissed by the ma main-stream media. >> brian: this one is more detailed. >> steve: it is. it was said that is just republicans. now democrats got on the phone yesterday and pledged themselves to kamala harris shows how desperate democrats were after that disastrous debate to move on. you have senators and congressmen and celebrities and pretty much all unions have signed on, uaw, united steelworkers, aft, ibew. all in lock step. >> ainsley: they want high inflation, they want grocery
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store prices through the roof, an open border, we have known terrorists on the terror watch list crossing our border, we have high crime, high taxes in new york and california and blue states. they want more of that? >> steve: they are excited the person leading their party is not that zombie. >> ainsley: they hate donald trump so much. >> lawrence: those aren't voters and i hope democrats understand this. when you try to take the easy way out and usurp voters, she has not been fully vetted or tested. she spelled all of those and failed in the primary. no true vetting, there will be a cost for that. >> steve: she told people in south and central america, don't
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come, to our southern border. eight million came. job well done. we talked to jay johnson about that an hour ago. in the mean 2k4r9 time, prime minister netanyahu landed in d.c. yesterday and was not met by the president, vice president or or -- >> prime minister netanyahu arriving yesterday, no greeting from president biden, he is expected to return to the white house later this afternoon. benjamin netanyahu will address congress tomorrow before meeting with the president on thursday to discuss possible asceasefiren gaza. vice president harris will not preside over the meeting. she will reiterate commitment to israel security and right to
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defend itself and convey her view it is time for the war to end and hostages are released and palestinian can enjoy their right to dignity. trump has not agreed to meet with benjamin netanyahu, but has not rejected the idea. protesters could be seen yesterday, more demonstrations are expected today and have increased security. democrats are planning to boycott benjamin netanyahu address as pramila jayapal tells axios the boycott will be large and there are a lot of people upset by benjamin netanyahu's visit. >> steve: we can understand why the president was not there, he has covid. >> ainsley: aren't you supposed to stay away from public five days?
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his aides met with him. >> steve: he's in the h helicopter. >> ainsley: why was kamala harris not there? >> brian: they don't like fact fighting is going on in gaza, they have not finished hamas yet and hezbollah is lobbing rockets in. they do not fully understand type of siege israel is under, they want ceasefire for their election. >> ainsley: they don't like noncommitted voters, deer dollar the born, michigan, they want those votes. >> steve: there are still americans being held by hamas. where is the outcry? we have hostages there. >> brian: two more are dead, by the way, in khan yunis. >> lawrence: jesse interviewed donald trump and his pick for vice president j.d. vance. donald trump got into the philosophy, why did he choose
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vance? he said chemistry. watch. s >> pick j.d. vance? >> we've always had good chemistry and originally jd was probably not for me, he did not know me. we got to know each other, he liked me, maybe more than anybody liked me, he would stick up for me and fight for the worker, we had automatic chemistry. when you got the call and found out, what did your wife say? >> he asked to speak to my wife, which i was appreciative of. when the president called me, my kid was talking in the background about pokemoncards. if you have ever been quiet, be quiet. the president said put him on the phone. he said, what do you think about that? my son said, it's good.
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>> steve: one other clip where essentially jesse asked where you were when you heard that the president had been shot? he was talking about, mini-golfing and he told his family and the son said something like, dad is that your friend, who was shot. he said the president you like or the president you don't like? >> lawrence: really smart, i had an opportunity to 345 meet the . i had my dog with me. i said, you can pet her. i said, you can pet her. he said, it says do not pet. >> ainsley: knew how to read. >> steve: is that the dog you can pet or not pet. geniuses like the mom and dad. i think america will get to know the vance family in a different way. >> ainsley: such a cute story,
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kids are literal. >> lawrence: do not pet. >> ainsley: what was the one, pink panther, does your dog bite? no. that is not my dog. he bites. love that joke. in the hot seat, secret service direct or kimberly cheatle met with questions. >> i want to answer questions. >> i don't think you have answered one question. >> regardless of parties, there need to be answers. >> i have no idea how my statement got out. >> well, that is -- >> ainsley: congressman byron donalds and ro khanna both say she has got to go.
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>> lawrence: secret service director kimberly cheatle admitting on capitol hill her team failed at protecting former president trump at his campaign rally nine days ago. >> secret service solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed. as director of united states secret service, i take full
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responsibility for security lapse of our agency. >> lawrence: cb cotton is at the site. >> kimberly cheatle has yet to visit the site, lawmakers have and got on top of the roof the gunman fired from. committee member eli crane, a former navy seal, here. >> it is not that steep at all, we had a 70-year-old man climb up on the roof. see that water tower behind me, secret service had sniper teams up there, this guy would not have made it five feet up this of radio, he would have been taken out. >> secret service director kimberly cheatle was subpoenaed to appear before the house judiciary committee yesterday. committee members called for her
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resignation, she said she does not plan to leave and she has not fired anyone that is part of it. >> you are ready to fire the people on the ground who made poor decisions that day. >> are you prepared to fire them? >> i don't have an answer as to whether -- >> how can there be accountability? >> today the house homeland securities committee will hold a meeting with alejandro mayorkas with -- and alejandro mayorkass and will not participate. >> lawrence: donald trump revealing how she explained herself to him after the shooting, watch. >> you spoke to cheatle, how did that go? >> she came to see me actually.
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it went nicely, she was very nice. somebody should have made sure there was nobody on that roof. that roof was dead aim to the stage. and they said they did not have the manpower for it. >> lawrence: ask for more manpower. next guests sit on the committee in yesterday's hearing, ro khanna and byron donalds. congressman ro khanna, i'll start with you. director has yet to visit the site. been nine days, she could not find time to go to the scene of the crime? sgls that is outrageous, this is not a partisan issue. there is failure in protecting a presidential candidate. she does not have confidence of the nation. people do not trust her, she needs to step aside.
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>> lawrence: congressman, were you surprised by lack of information? you said, i was prepared to hear you out, had not reached conclusion you needed to resign, but have not answered any of the questions. was she just being evasive? >> she was being evasive and stonewalling, not providing confidence to any member on capitol hill that she is prepared to do necessary work to fix what went wrong that day and make sure it does not happen again. she should resign, be fired, i'm surprised she is still head of secret service to this day. there has to be real accountability, we can't do the political thing and everybody say, i'm going to own this, it is on my watch, i'm sorry. that is not good enough. secret service has a mission unique of other agencies, this
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is serious and she needs to go. >> lawrence: congressman, there will be a motion on the floor to have her impeached. is this something that is bipartisan or are you waiting on the president to fire her or resign before that? >> i'm open to representative mace's resolution and will discuss it. i hope before that, she resigns or is fired. i don't understand why she would want to stay on at this point. to be director, you need confidence of all american people. you are protecting leaders and we don't have that confidence. people have lost confidence in government, do the right thing and there needs to be someplace above reproach, maybe someone from military, former agent with great credentials who will be a director all americans trust.
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>> lawrence: to that point, congressman, i don't think she understood the moment. if they would have assassinated the president, all hell would have broke loose, she did not seem to understand this moment. >> if she did not understand it, she got the meaning after the hearing, it was unanimous. we don't always agree on the oversight committee, this was, nan mus. she needs to leave. mission of secret service, where they protect former presidents and families and key personnel and leadership, this is not about president trump, although his life was put in jeopardy, it is about president obama, president clinton, president bush and president biden.
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this is a serious matter and members will not stop calling for her to go. >> lawrence: it feels good, looks good seeing bipartisanship. good to see red and blue get together. thank you for joining the program, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> lawrence: bad circumstance, great to see them come together on something. former staffer endorsing harrises she's a good boss, some reports suggest other wise. tammy bruce on kamala's record as leader, she is next.
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heading to the u.s. now from mexico's southern border. jay johnson under obama jay johnson joined us earlier with lesson he learned while managing the border >> >> push factor overwhelm whatever defense on the southern border. there are things we can do to enhance enforcement that have short-term impact, as long as o overwhelming push factors exist, they'll keep coming. you do have to address the problem at the source. >> carley: migrants on the caravan say they are trying to enter the u.s. now out of fear of another trump presidency. congress calling on crowdstrike ceo to testify after airlines, banks and businesses went off line on friday. delta is still struggling this morning as ceo says it could
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take days to fully recover. moments ago transparovertiation secretary pete buttigieg announced he is investigating. >> ainsley: president biden dialing into harris's first visit to campaign headquarters. >> i knew you were still there, you are not going anywhere. >> i am watching you, joe, i love you. >> ainsley: this as -- honeymoon phase, remember that, 300 staffers are rallying, saying she is a good boss. >> brian: there are questions about her leadership style. author of "fear itself" tammy bruce, joins us now. tammy, they are trying to remake her before our eyes. >> tammy: she is a go-getter,
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taking control, all of that, we are used to that. we understand what the media does, they will do their best. we saw what they did for biden and turn on biden and now american people are more educated about what is ha happening. people may be forgetting what a bad candidate she was in 2019, lack of vision, treatment of staff, people left saying things publicly to l.a. times that they have never seen such a badly run campaign. her sister has been involved from the start, mia, we don't hear much about who is advising her and moving her in this direction. so far, it has been bad. she has not faced scrutiny to any real degree. there has been weird statement and clips of her saying strange
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things and all that, when there is scrutiny, she will not be able to stand up for that, she is part of the problem. the border czar, we hear about that. why don't her staff stay? why is there such a turnover? one phrase in "new york times" was soul-crushing criticism and lack of involvement in the process. kamala harris has not changed, we'll find out how this plays out. >> ainsley: debates are after the convention, this was before the dnc and they had time to put someone else in. >> tammy: there is concern, not because of his mental state, but because trump was not being destroyed by the lawfare, they realized they had a problem and i think joe biden wanted to
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rea reassert, i can do this. people have changed, donald trump and joe biden have changed. it did give them time to switch out. >> brian: she's played a key role in covering up his decline. today great detail in 2021, in front of people he's falling ashes part and she made sure that story did not get out. in your book you called left's way of putting fear into everything they do. >> tammy: they rely on that, it is their primary narrative and agenda and this is why everything is happening, they are collapsing right now. if you rely on fearmongering, on lies and gaslighting and misleading, i come from the left, energy is put into manipulating people. you are unprepared to deal with details of the issues, you
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govern badly, the light is on, there is a collapse and that is what we're seeing right now. the book, afncient technique. we will see identity politics ramped up, nothing will change. toning it down lasted, voters on people who do not comply or obey, it is not natural, not organic, it is not new normal, it is based on what the individual does. this is chronic fear that moves you into mas anxiety, paralyzes you,ic mas you unsafe to participation, make you afraid of saying something. getting fired because of pronouns, fired or shunned because you might want to talk about an issue people don't want to talk about. it is uplifting story, you can
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overcome it. >> brian: i love the title, "fear itself." >> tammy: out today. >> brian: george clooney decided joe biden is not the man, he does endorse kamala harris as right woman for the democratic par party. is he fit to serve? growing list calls for 25th amendment as president biden calls his campaign quits. >> ainsley: is it wise for the party? trey gowdy will break it down next. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement.
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>> if joe biden can't run for president, he can't serve as president. if they want to take him down, invoke the 25th amendment. >> steve: okay, today president biden returns to the white house for first time since dropping the race. will he finish his term in office and not run for president? next guest warns republicans need to be careful what they wish for. trey gowdy joins us on tuesday
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morning. good morning to you. you make a great point, if you force joe biden out now, what happens? >> trey: you elevate the person who is unfit to be president as president. they are viewed as harry and lloyd from "dumb and dumber," siamese twins. i promise, she will do executive aksz on the border and show she is independent and do something different and try to separate herself from joe biden. right now the images of her, their arm together, one team, one unit. she said he was sharp as a tack, when he was sharp as a bowlings ing ball. why give her a chance to show indep independence. i have heard bad ideas like new
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coke, this is bad idea to elevate her to presidency. >> steve: she would be running as an incumbent and there are advantages by that. in the meantime, she's riding high. in 30 hors, she's raised 100 million dollars and she called leaders and has enough delegates. there are a lot of people who feel cheated because essentially she short-circuited the process to get nominee. it was joe biden at the top, not her. >> trey: when she ran for president the first time, i'm almost certain she got the same number of delegates you and i got. she was out before iowa. gavin newsom, do you think he stopped crying since sunday?
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he wanted to be the president, lots of people. the democratic party is having a core corronation. i rather run against a lucid kamala harris if i'm a republican. >> steve: she gets to keep the biden-harris money, right? >> trey: right, she's on the ticket and other than ohio, there is no debate about ballot access and that is not a good debate. she will be top of the ticket. who she picks as a running mate is important. you will be running against kamala harris. >> steve: remind her, that is why she will turn you off. she won't be watching you know sunday night in america, 9:00 p.m. on fox news channel.
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thank you for joining us live. in other political news, jufbt in, george clooney in the last couple minutes endorsed kamala harriss and barstool founder dave portnoy has a message for democrats. >> not for the right reason, how they waited this long is insanity and they are trying to hi hijack democracy. >> steve: dave in captain's hat and no shirt. he will join us next. let's check in with bill hemmer. >> bill: has option right. out with the old, democracy at work. talk to a democratic governor about what has gone down in the last 24 hours and that stubborn hearing yesterday had lawmakers in fits, we'll talk to two in the room yesterday for that. how does trump prosecute case
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against kamala harris, head of rnc will map it out in 10 minutes, top of the hour, big show coming up. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. it takes healthy joints to be a copilot, and a trusty coworker. give your dog cosequin,
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>> lawrence: george clooney now
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endorsing kamala harris hailing biden for saving democracy after his scathing op-ed calling for him to drop out less than two weeks ago. >> ainsley: he told cnn president biden has shown what true leadership is and saving democracy once again. we're all so excited to do whatever we can to support vice president harris in her historic quest. our next guest took to social media to slam the democratic party. >> how they waited this long is insanity and they are trying to hijack basically democracy. they are not letting people vote. it's insane. he has been this way before he went and ran. so that in itself is [bleep] crazy. >> brian: dave portnoy is beside himself and joins us now. dave, the coronation. she has it. official first week in august. it will be a big celebration in
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chicago. what's the problem? >> first thing that clooney quote has he wiped the blood off the knife yet? that's unbelievable. he is saving democracy by stepping -- i assassinated in a political sense biden. there is nothing funnier than all these democrats, what a hero, biden. you pushed him down a stairs kicking and screaming. i don't think george clooney gets to endorse anybody. when you are a laborer's union or teachers union or police department union you can endorse somebody. when you are a single guy, you are voting for somebody. what do you mean you are endorsing him? what does that mean? >> steve: talking about stabbing in the back. dave, reporting out there that nancy pelosi essentially, top democrats were acting like mob
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bosses. they went to joe biden after his disastrous debate saying we can do it the easy way or the hard way. the easy way was they gave him three weeks to bow out and he didn't. essentially she, nancy pelosi, talked to him on saturday and said okay, joe, you are destroying our party. you are fracturing our party, destroying your legacy, here are the polls. you will lose, you have to do it. >> it was a negotiation, since the debate, which i said if you go back and look and everything i've been saying, once they did that debate, the earliest debate in the history of debates that should have been red flagged. if you knew joe biden as george clooney said he knew joe biden and anybody around him he would be incapable of coming across in a good manner in that debate. they did that to get public opinion against him and waked him. they waited purposely. there is a lot of independents and people in the middle who
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would have loved the opportunity to potentially vote for a democratic candidate that wasn't kamala or joe and they stole that because the inner circle wants the power to hand pick. this threat of all you hear, donald trump. threat to democracy. all these people rob rhiner, we saved democracy. you stole democracy. you didn't let an entire primary have a primary and decide who they wanted to run for president. kamala ran before and got 0 votes. she didn't make it to the first primary and now you handpicked her? if i was a democrat -- by the way, there is a chance i'm not an automatic write-in trump guy. if i like the democratic candidate, i would have been interested in seeing what they have to say. but they didn't even give anybody that opportunity. it is nuts. >> lawrence: isn't it disqualifying that kamala protected the big lie, that the president isn't all there anymore? >> i don't know how more people
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aren't infuriated. the white house press secretary, the deepfakes that we heard about every video, that's not real, it is being altered and then they do a 180. guess what? it was real. they're still saying two things. they are saying joe biden, we didn't think could beat trump and wasn't a good candidate but still can be president, he is still together. but the entire reason that they pushed him out is george clooney saying he is not the same guy, we couldn't recognize him. which one is it? is he this guy who has mental acuity has faded so much we can't run for president but still be president now? it's crazy. >> steve: you reflect a lot of people's thoughts. trying to put one over on us and we're not buying it. find out more about bar stool. >> ainsley: listen to brian's radio show and have a great day. see you tomorrow. >> bill: thank you and good morning. here we go into another


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