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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 23, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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we ask how the members of armed forces to do their best in this training. >> drills, for 30 minutes see the wide in northern taiwan sirens blamed for civilians called all of the streets made them silent and all vehicles had to get off the streets. some residents are taking it even further signing up for month-long courses to learn more about modern warfare and how to better protect these families. we went to some of these classes. they are not only learning fires aid but cyber and psychological warfare and if all the internet went out on the island how they could find and protect their own families. >> bill: good to get you there and have your perspective on the reporting. thank you in taipei, taiwan. >> dana: fox news alert. secret service security failures under a microscope on capitol hill again today. the house homeland security committee is holding the second
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congressional hearing looking into the attempted assassination of former president trump. for today's hearing heads of the secret service, f.b.i. and homeland security have all declined to testify. we are listening to it and bring you the news from it as it breaks. first to this. vice president harris is moving full steam ahead with her bid for president. she appears to have locked up enough delegates for the nomination after democrat party elites fearful of losing the white house pushed biden out of the race and expedited her assent to the throne. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning at home. harris heading to battleground state wisconsin. she have is all but guaranteed to clinch her party's nomination after the democrats quickly fell in line in 36 hours and it was done. axios summed it up in two words. it is over. they say why it matters, because it never began. minnesota's democratic governor tim waltz with dana and me last
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hour defending the party's move this way. >> we can make our decisions, pick our nominee. if you don't like it, don't vote for her in november. the american public will see they knew this administration was delivering, as far as economic number placed against global numbers america is in far better shape and a foreign policy that respects our alliances, not cozying up to dictator like putin and orban is not the way to go. >> dana: edward lawrence live at the white house what a harris presidency could look like and a look at her path to the nomination. first alexis mcadams still in wisconsin outside of milwaukee where harris is holding her first campaign rally in her bid for president. what do you have? >> as you can see behind me not a huge line outside of this high school. it will be in a high school auditorium where she will hold her first rally as a
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presidential candidate. what does the rally look like for her? we'll wait and see. it looks a lot different than most of the rallies i've covered following trump. only a few hours until kamala harris is set to be here. there are 20 people outside of this field house. she is ready to be here in wisconsin, the vp says, because it's a very important state taking the lead on this campaign. >> president biden: thank you. >> it is my great honor to have joe's endorsement in this race. [cheers and applause] >> you sure do. >> it is my intention to go out and earn this nomination and to win. [cheers and applause] so in the days and weeks ahead, i together with you will do everything in my power to unite
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our democratic party, to unite our nation, and to win this election. >> so the race is on, right? we're more than 100 days until the election. not a lot of time. wisconsin democrats say they'll use their 48 campaign offices in 43 counties that were for biden to focus now on harris. we know harris has visited wisconsin nearly a dozen times since she has been v.p. things come down to the wire in the dairy state. back in 2016, former president trump won wisconsin by just over 20,000 votes. that was the first republican presidential victory here since 1984. in 2020 trump lost the state by that same amount. so now harris has received the endorsement of wisconsin leaders like the governor here tony evers. >> i did not endorse yesterday for one simple reason, i wanted president biden to have that
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connection to the people in response. >> some of those endorsements roll in here in wisconsin. one of the themes of kamala's campaign so far even though basically just started here and might be something she talks about here at the high school behind us is prosecutor, she knows exactly what donald trump is like. talked about he has been in trouble, in and out of the courts. that will be a theme here, guys. keep you posted on what she says when she takes the stage. >> dana: i'm glad you showed us that line. >> bill: let's get to edward lawrence from the white house. what's doing and what is expected? >> the policies that have come from this president and vice president are the issues for many americans from the economy to border. vice president kamala harris has been to the border one time. she believes that the problem is with the root causes in central and south america. that's where the solution she thinks is. she has had a few meetings on that front. her legacy at vice president will follow her.
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>> remember the tulsi gabbard take down when kamala harris put thousands of people behind bars for smoking marijuana and she smoked pot. the messaging is so out of touch and so off. it seems like she will hold onto the biden policies as well. >> the vice president broke a 200 year old record for tie votes that moved forward major legislation, allowing the reconciliation to keep the inflation reduction act alive and supported the spending from president biden that he signed into law that spiked inflation to 9.1% in june of 2021. her defenders could not answer specifics on what she has actually accomplished in this administration. >> joe biden is someone who has always fought for the middle class and i think kamala harris as vice president has joined with joe biden in a lot of the issues that he has taken on that have strengthened america's middle class. >> the vice president is the artificial intelligence czar.
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who could forget this? >> i think the first part of this issue that should be articulated is ai is kind of a fancy thing, first of all it is two letters means artificial intelligence. but ultimately what it is, it's about machine learning. >> so the president actually sent her to los angeles when the companies came to the white house to announce their self-policing and the agreement that they came to, bill. >> bill: okay. edward. thank you, sir, more to come. see if joe biden shows up today on camera. we're watching. thank you. >> dana: for more on this bret baier from special report. primaries build grit. he is not just talking about not a democratic process. if a campaign launches a chance to show off the pearly smile the primary is a chance to do that after being shrugged in the face a few times.
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in boxing it's better to take one's practices from a sparring partner rather than the defending champ who awaits you on fight night. what do you think of that? >> dana and bill, good morning. that's right on. it builds a tough skin if you have to make your case in front of the american people and in front of democratic voters in particular. this will be the first time that a nominee has never had one single vote for them. now, there are allies who argue she was part of the biden ticket but they were voting for president biden, not voting for vice president harris. and, you know, she did perform in 2019 on a debate stage but had some sparring there that didn't work out to her favor, remember a big sparring element in a debate with tulsi gabbard about her time as prosecutor in california. and she never made it to the iowa caucuses. the money dried up and support dried up. as a candidate, she may be a
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little untested and that is what you hear in that article. i have heard in other democratic circles. >> bill: she is saying she is a prosecutor tough on crime. that hasn't gone over so well. let me come back to that. "new york post." part of the strategy to remove biden from the race was allowing him to debate trump last month an live tv in atlanta. that debate was a setup to convince democrats he couldn't run for president. maybe you've heard that. i've heard that. now the focus is on harris. coming out of san francisco, her record on crime was not viewed favorably by a lot of democrats. they thought she was too tough. we heard that in a sound bite a few moments ago. lately the progressive movement within the democratic party as d.a.s don't want to lock people up. how many people arrested and back on the streets in 24 hours? i don't know how they are able to square that.
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seems like an opportunity for the trump team. >> bill: 100%. there is problems with it on the left. there is problems with it on the right about her time in san francisco. and using san francisco as a template of where it is now as far as crime and a place to be. and california in general. listen, there is a lot of avenues here but it is more about substance and policy than it is about the one age issue and the back and forth about president biden. it is a totally different race. democrats clearly are going to rise to the occasion because it is new, it's exciting. whether she can perform and how she is defined in the next couple of weeks by either side is really going to determine how this race starts out. >> dana: what did you think about that yesterday when she had an opportunity to first be on camera during "the five" yesterday. we broke into it after biden called in by speakerphone to introduce her, she spent the first ten minutes thanking elected officials who were in
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the room rather than taking that opportunity to say here i am, this is what i am going to do. my three main issues, one, two, three, boom. you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. >> that's right and it was interesting that was her first speech in front of those campaign that now are her campaign workers. and we took that into special report as well. to listen to what the pitch was. i think you heard the prosecutor versus the felon kind of construction that you will hear going forward. as far as what she is going to run on, it sounds like basically what they see as the accomplishments of the biden administration. there are big vulnerabilities. inflation, the border, crime, there is -- there are specifics that already were being litigated. i think it will be fascinating to see how president biden factors into all this. the fact we haven't physically seen him as of yet, i think it's
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a real issue. >> bill: strange. used to be a show on saturday mornings called land of the lost. >> dana: you loved that show. i loved that show. >> bill: it was like humans got floated down a river and ended up with dinosaurs and land of the lost. >> dana: crazy monster robot things. >> bill: we are in the land of the lost. we'll catch you later. steve scalise on the hill. house majority leader talking about kamala harris and other things. house speaker mike johnson to his right. tom emmer of minnesota to his left. >> they actually said it wasn't true. and then the day before director cheatle comes before the oversight committee where she has to testify at the threat of perjury, they all of a sudden leak out the truth and that is that yes, in fact, the secret service director cheatle did
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deny trump extra protection. why did she lie to congress for a week about such an important detail? she talked about the inability to protect the roof where the shooter positioned himself. she said it was too high of a pitch. and then yesterday you had carlos jimenez, a colleague of ours, 70 years old on the roof walking around look at this. this is not difficult to maneuver. she lied about that, too. she has no credibility to the point where literally republicans and democrats are united calling on her to step down. this is not an entitlement position she has. she works for the american people and she failed in her mission. joe biden needs to remove her if she doesn't have the self-respect to step down and we'll continue to push for that as well. now i would like to bring up the man who is leading our charge, speaker mike johnson. >> thank you, mr. leader. grateful to see all of you. the republican party is unified and energized after our
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convention. we're excited about this campaign because we have the answers to all the great challenges facing the country and you have seen the momentum behind the trump/vance ticket and all our party being excited to get out there and have this debate. this election will be about policies, not personalities. we're delighted to line up the record of president trump against the biden/harris record. it is very clear where we're going. we're in unprecedented very challenging times as a country because of the weak leadership out of the white house. and at this unprecedented moment we have to be clear about exactly what happened here in the last 24 hours or so. just -- 48 hours ago. just over 100 days before an election democrat party bosses forced joe biden off the ballot. invalidated the votes of more than 14 million americans who went through the small d democratic process and chose their nominee for president. the self-proclaimed party of democracy can't claim to be
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there anymore because they just steam rolled democracy and made a decision in a back room. and one thing is clear, if joe biden is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to run the country. we're stating the obvious, what everybody is seeing with their own eyes and it's a hard truth but one that the country has to face. right now we are facing all together increased threats around the globe because of this weakness. we are facing threats right here at home. america needs strong, resolute leadership at this perilous moment. joe biden is not providing that, kamala harris is incapable of providing that and we need to get november 5th here as quickly as possible. i would say this and i would hasten to remind our enemies around the world, adversaries around the world that regardless of the chaos surrounding this white house, i want our adversaries to be the united states congress and military and
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american people are prepared to dewept our interests at home and abroad and don't mistake the drama regarding joe biden as weakness or any opportunity for you. our country deserves better. i believe we'll get that after november 5th. it can't happen soon enough. regarding the secret service failures, we did have that hearing yesterday. it was outageous and inexcusable what happened saturday last and i think director cheatle needs to go. we called -- i called for her resignation within days of the event. when it became clear she would not resign on her own i called on president biden to fire her. accountability begins at the top. i met with director cheatle over the oversight hearing yesterday morning and told her this is not personal but this is serious business and she needs to step aside. since the evening of the shooting, i and all of our colleagues. all and democrats as well demand answers and not forthcoming.
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the oversight hearing was a bust because she was unable tore unwilling to provide the answers the american people need. she says she is taking full responsibility, quote, unquote, that's clearly not true. because of this, it necessitates action by the congress. we have done committees who have done great work. they leapt into action right away but i think the moment calls for something unique and different. we need to move quickly and get the answers that the american people deserve so we're establishing a special task force in the house that will be bipartisan. it will be composed of seven republicans, six democrats. the composition of the committee will be persons who have expertise in the areas in question and a lot of insight about that. we'll give the list of the composition of the committee,
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the members, by the end of this week. they'll have three primary responsibilities. we have to get the answers about what happened. we need to make sure that accountability is insured to the american people and prevent anything like this from ever happening again. the committee will have subpoena authority and begin immediately a final report will be due from the committee no later than december 13th. we could probably expect there will be interim reports along the way. a finite set of facts and circumstances with regard to the event last saturday. but there are deeper problems, obviously, in the secret service and i think this task force will be the way for us to get to the bottom of that. finally as has been mentioned i'm happy to welcome israeli netanyahu for his fourth address to a joint session of congress. the foreign leader who has addressed congress the most
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time. we live in historic moments and because his testimony directly to congress is so important with regard to what is happening in israel right now. 120 hostages languish in tunnels deep in the land in gaza built by hamas. the tunnels have been and that includes eight americans. we cannot forget that. our two nations are united in our common cause to bring the hostages home and we are united to stand against our common enemies. as iran and its proxies have become increasingly hostile, they attack israelis in the north and tel aviv. we have to be clear that israel is not alone. never more important than right now for us to stand with our closest ally in the middle east and our traditional partner in all these things. it is outrageous to me and inexcusable as the leader mentioned that kamala harris is boycotting this joint session.
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this is an historic moment, an important moment for the country for all the reasons we've said. the gravity of the situation cannot be overstated and yet kamala harris will abandon her seat as you all know as the vice president serving oz the president of the senate she is supposed to be seated next to me. she will not be there because she refuses to attend. she needs to be held accountable and asks questions about why. they went down the roster to find out who else would sit in the seat. senator patty murray declined the opportunity as well. she will also boycott the event and skip the speech. they landed on senator cardin, retiring from the senate so has little political risk. the idea they're making political calculation when our ally is fighting for its very survival and fighting back against the horrific attack in october is unconscionable to us. america's relationship with israel has always been bipartisan and it should stay
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that way. with that i'll take a few questions. front row. >> how did director cheatle react when you met with her in the library yesterday and do you support efforts to -- >> she was very stoic and i would classify it as sort of non-responsive just as she was in the committee hearing. she seems to almost in some way almost be a little in shock about the events. and i just find her demeanor and responses to be inexcusable and obv obviously inadd -- inadequate. it is unconscionable to us she hasn't been removed. one of our colleagues filed an impeachment motion, resolution regarding her and impeachment as
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we know is reserved for treason, bribery, high crimes and mis-- incompetence are not impeachable offenses but other ways to achieve the desired end. as was noted we have a resolution to call upon president biden. >> bill: a lot of news in there. when we were with him in milwaukee they described the task for to us and called his counterpart hakeem jeffries and said give me your best people with intelligence background. we want to move fast on this for the american people. >> dana: the other thing that speaker johnson just said. he tried to make the case the republicans are better than the democrats in the 2024 election but also talked about netanyahu. we want to do that in a moment. we have the dhs hearing, i believe, is underway as well. so we will hear a little more about this because calls for resignation for cheatle to resign are coming from both
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sides. i think we can drop in here. this is mark green. >> command administrative and fiscal authority or the pennsylvania police, the 10th largest police agency in the united states. he has served since 1999 in his enlistment. thank you for letting us get to the site yesterday. he serves as the president of the national fraternal order of police and leads the order and its more than 367,000 enforcement officers. prior to taking his current roll he served an impressive 36 years as an active law enforcement officer. i thank the witnesses for being here today and now recognize colonel paris for five minutes to summarize his opening statement. >> chairman green, ranking member thompson, homeland security committee members good morning.
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i am colonel chris foafer paris from the pennsylvania police. i would like to take this opportunity to offer our condolences on the passing of congresswoman lee and take this opportunity to express our condolences to the comperatore family and offer our continued prayers to mr. dutch, and former president trump as they continue to recover. i'm humble to be here today and testify about a tragic incident which has deeply impacted the butler community, commonwealth of pennsylvania and our nation. i would like to dedicate my testimony today to the approximately 6400 women and men of the psp who work tirelessly for pennsylvania and my honor to lead them. i would like to offer a perspective this is an ongoing, complex and dynamic investigation. each day, as we arrived at 8:ten
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today i learned multiple new facts as we uncovered new information as the investigation progresses. i would like to offer a point of clarification of psp's role. prior to the shooting, our role was to support the secret service with personnel and assets that they requested. our operation plan completed to fulfill this responsibility consisted of 32 members and we had two main responsibilities, a motorcade operation for the transportation with the secret service of former president trump, as well as manning and staffing security posts inside the secure area of the butler county farm show. additionally we provided two marked cars with uniformed troopers outside of the secure perimeter to provide roving duties as the name implies responding to incidents that may occur as a large gathering of
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people were moving to the venue. after the shooting, very early after the shooting, i had a conversation with the f.b.i. where the f.b.i. is the responsible investigating agency for the attempted assassination of a former president under federal law. the same actions that led to that also led to the homicide of one pennsylvaniaian and the attempted homicide of two additional. as well as the use of force by the secret service counter sniper to neutralize the threat of mr. crooks thus necessitating an officer involved shooting investigation. the psp is conducting a criminal investigation parallel to and in concert with the f.b.i. to identify any and all parties criminally culpable under pennsylvania state law. for the homicide and for the attempted homicides. as i said, we are additionally
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conducting an investigation into the u.s. secret service counter sniper who neutralized the threat posed by crooks after he opened fire. i've been briefed about the after action report. the pennsylvania state police willfuly cooperate with that investigation and it is my hope that i can answer some questions here today without sacrificing that ongoing investigation and prove to be of value to the committee. thank you very much. >> thank you, colonel paris. i now recognize mr. yost. >> welcome. i'm the national president of the fat earn all order of police. i would like to first take this opportunity to recognize a long-term member of congress and member of this committee sheila
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jackson lee for her contribution to great work done here in washington. i want to thank you for providing me with an turn to appear before you as this committee examines the attempted examination of former president donald trump ten days ago. before i begin my testimony i want to express my admiration to the secret service agents who jumped into action and protected the former president. rarely does the public witness just how selfless these agents are placing themselves between flying bullets and their protectee. they along with state and local law enforcements officers on the scene that day demonstrated courage and want to extend my thoughts and prayers to the family of corey comperatore and the others who were injured that day. my testimony today will not be specific to the attempted assassination of president trump. instead i hope to provide a perspective of state and local law enforcement when providing support and assistance to these
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events. we must remember that the law enforcement mission is a shared mission. in agencies at every level routinely cooperate and collaborate with one another. law enforcement in our can tee is highly decentralized with more than 90% of services provided by state and local agencies in 18,000 different jurisdictions. state and local agencies would not be effective without the support of our federal partners and our federal partners would not be able to perform their functions because of the agenty. at these events local law enforcement works under the direction of the united states secret service which must insure that all agencies involved at the event have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibility. law enforcement agencies provide valuable community insight that can be crucial in identifying potential risks and issues and
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contribute resources, personnel and support that augment the capabilities of the u.s. secret service to insure there is adequate staffing and all contingencies are covered. local law enforcement should be part of the communication center to share information and rapid response to emerging situations. this collaborative planning process insures that all potential risks are identified and mitigated and local officers are fully integrated into timely and coordinated responses. our presence is a vital part of the security matrix. the united states secret service ultimately is responsible and is the final arbiter of any security matters affecting their protectee and the public. clear and constant communication between participating agencies and united states secret service is crucial at the event.
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there are critical failures of security at the event in butler. it is important that we learn from these failures to better provide safety and security for our leaders moving forward and the public also attending the events. in the coming election we'll have extraordinary challenges placed on our secret service as they provide security to sites across this nation over the next 4 1/2 months. i'm confident state and local agencies are ready to serve the secret service in the mission. i want to pause for a moment and flag another issue that often creates unnecessary obstacles for agencies working together in realtime and that being interoperable communications. in the after math of 9/11 congress wisely established first net to address the voice and data communication failures faced by officers, partners and first responders to facilitate full use of the advanced capabilities we urge congress to
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insure our nation's public safety organizations at all levels of government are aware of and fully leverage the critical communication lifeline. congress and fcc must all take all necessary steps to guarantee first net's continued success and evolution. in conclusion, close collaboration between secret service advance teams and local law enforcement agencies. >> bill: you see the breaking news on your screen right now. associated press confirming an internal email sent by kimberly cheatle to those in the secret service announces her resignation a day after she was really a verbal punching bag on capitol hill. >> dana: she came to capitol hill with no answers to some very basic questions and the calls were not just coming from republicans for her to resign. many democrats felt the same and you have to wonder she said the buck stops with her. that she would be the one who would answer the questions. she wanted to be as transparent as possible.
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she was not. this became something that was inevitable for her. it was a bipartisan call for her -- not everybody but you had a enough democrats saying she should resign. we started the show with governor tim waltz of minnesota who also thought she should be gone. >> bill: she could be compelled to another hearing. we don't know when. she might resist that. pat fallon is a republican from texas. we were watching you. i could hear, see, and feel the emotion in your questions yesterday. is this satisfactory to you when cheatle resigning now? >> well, bill, i think i'm glad she is resigning and no longer going to be the head of the secret service. i wish she had been fired. we need to change the culture of that organization. this was a catastrophic failure to protect the former president and the leading candidate to be the next president.
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and she had the most a business mall performance that i've ever seen in my career in congress but in the 30 years since i've been a nerd watching c span in my 20s. >> dana: do you think that the secret service will not actually make any changes if she is just basically able to resign, walk away, or do you think she will be called in for more questioning because she was the head of the agency that was responsible for the security of a president who was almost killed? >> you make a good point. she is part of that puzzle for sure to continue to ask certain questions. she is the head of the secret service and didn't visit the butler site ever. never been there. it's remarkable to me and i asked her did she talk to the team that protected the president that day. it took her three days to do that. these are inexcusable failures. the federal agents on site that day were not sharing the same communication lines as state and
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local police. we have to change the culture of that organization to make sure all our protectees are actually protected. >> bill: i don't get it. johnson just called it outrageous and inexcusable yesterday. i don't understand. why do you show up and go through that for five hours and the next day you step aside? the fact that she has not been to the site and was going to appear before members of congress, it just smells. and i think the country deserves more and better. >> you are right. it is wholely inadequate. i recreated the shooting on saturday with an ar, red dot scope because they haven't told us what scope he was using from 130 yards at 6:30 at night. i hadn't shot that ar in six years, 15 out of the 16 shots were a kill shot. it is a miracle president trump is alive today.
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thank the lord. unbelievable. >> dana: what about secretary mayorkas, her boss. >> i voted to impeach him already. i was the first member of congress to file articles because of his lack of performance on the border. homeland security are responsible for the secret service. he should have fired her right away and alejandro mayorkas gone to the site? i don't believe so. we need adults in the room running our government and we don't have it right now. >> bill: i don't know what we'll learn from the police in pennsylvania. maybe get a few answers. christopher wray comes tomorrow. she deflected numerous times yesterday deferring to christopher wray. does the f.b.i. know more and ready to tell us tomorrow? >> what is sad. members of congress has found out is mostly from whistleblowers and personal contacts within the f.b.i. and secret service. they should be telling not just us but the american people. you can be very transparent and
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open about your investigation and not compromise it. they are stonewalling. i felt like i was talking to charlie brown's teacher, it was a bunch of -- >> dana: we had a retired secret service agent on earlier. one of the things he said there was just a little bit of concern about having her answer so many questions about details about how the secret service plans to protect all of the people that they have to protect. do you share that concern, or at least understand where he is coming from on that point? >> we don't need to get into extreme specificity. but i think the general public is aware you secure the high ground around of your protectees. you have counter surveillance teams. you have counter assault teams. these are general knowledge questions. they can share that. you know what? how about not allowing range finders. that should be a list of banned items. how did that guy get on the
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roof? that slope certainly wasn't something that would prevent you positioning an officer there as well. there was too many untruths or flat out lies that need to be corrected yesterday. >> bill: michael waltz said it was past time for her to go. i was speaking with several people yesterday what is happening behind the scenes. we don't know. one of the questions that kept coming up in our conversations was why haven't we seen the gun and why haven't we seen the shell casings? now, there could be a reason for that but i don't know what the reason is. do you have an idea? >> you make a great point. the rifle that he used and the shell casings and scope is not a national secret. that should have been shared immediately. but it wasn't. and again like with the scope, we are recreating what happened in butler. i had to use two different rifles with different scopes because i didn't know.
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it was still a same result. very deadly. he was in a death zone and it is inexcusable. >> bill: peter doocy has a letter. we don't have the graphic prepared. all of you are worthy of trust and confidence and deserve the nation's support in carrying out our critical mission. a letter to the secret service who works under her. one of my favorite things about the workforce is men and women are fiercely committed to our mission. thank you for all you do and what you will don't to do. she has been for the secret service since 1995 and applied for it while in college. she was committed to the secret service. why this whole things fell apart the way it did yesterday, we can't understand it. it is a high-profile hearing and on the books for days and it was an absolute letdown. >> she was completely unprepared
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to talk to members of congress. to share with the american people. and she wasn't the leader that we need at the helm. that was obvious after butler and whistleblowers and contacts are telling us within the secret service she wasn't the leader they needed before that either. every person that i have personal contact with in the secret service and whistleblowers said the same thing and very glad to see her go. >> dana: thank you so much. congressman. we appreciate you popping up and being with us as the news break. we appreciate you. aishah hosni has more for us. you are on the hill. >> i am. i was just in the house homeland security hearing, which cheatle was supposed to be at but refused to show up and now she has stepped down. i want to bring in congressman who has been standing by me, a democrat from california. your initial gut reaction. you told me it doesn't change much. >> absolutely not. you have a commissioner that
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resigned from a secret service agency that has a lot of problems. 2300 strong men and women that do a great job day in and day out but it is not enough. secret service has to have perfect score. they can't let anything happen. the last time we had an assassination attempt 40 years ago, ronald reagan took a shot. can't let that happen again. so the resignation of the commissioner fixes absolutely nothing. we have to drill down and make sure things are working effectively. >> this was a bipartisan call, though. so many people of both sides of the aisle unhappy with the director yesterday. i'm sure you watched it. a brutal hearing for her. it was obvious that people on the hill did not want her to stay on at least for the appearance sake. you went to butler, pennsylvania yesterday. it was a bipartisan trip. talk to me about what you learned there and just what you think about how this
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investigation is going. >> it is just the beginning. what i learned was a lot of mistakes happened on the ground. again, secret service, very small group. they usually employ the local police, state police as a force multiplier. you need a lot of coordination. what i found out was they couldn't even communicate with each other in terms of the phones didn't talk to each other. the local commissioners, the local county supervisors pulled me over and said we have more stories that you need to hear from us. so the investigation continues. but remember the context. we're in an election season. 4 1/2 months of very intense campaigning, so whatever we have to fix, we have to fix it and fix it now. >> fix it now. thank you congressman. we'll catch you inside the hearing. >> bill: mike lawlor says it's
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ten days overdue. requires transparency and accountability. cheatle provided neither in her testimony yesterday. a republican from new york. want to get back to brett bear. >> dana: you will keep you in the hot seat for a while. president biden has -- i don't think he has ever fired anyone. here yet again. remember when obama said they would lead from behind? it just feels like that kind of thing. they wait and they wait and hope they can muddle through and get through it and don't want to be mean to her and yet now you have a situation where there is a bipartisan call for her to resign. >> after that hearing yesterday, it was heinous to watch the democrats and republicans say you have to have some answer. you have to have something. you had the former head of dhs on "fox & friends" this morning, jay johnson, saying as i was going to hearings on capitol hill you had to have nuggets to give them.
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provide them something. we just got this letter from cheatle in which she says this incident on july 13th we fell short of our mission but she takes full responsibility and said she had to step down because the -- it was intense all of the scrutiny, the intense will continue to remain so as their operational tempo increases. she takes responsibility but obviously was not ready to say that yesterday in that hearing. the result of that hearing is the resignation we see today. >> bill: the logic makes no sense to me, bret. i just don't get it. if you are going to show up and not say anything, don't show up. if you are going to show up, not saying anything and resign the next day. >> it doesn't make any sense. we have no way in from the administration other than this letter from cheatle and where this goes from here we have not heard from homeland security secretary who obviously oversees
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this department. they did not show up to this hearing on homeland security hearing on capitol hill where aishah is standing outside. they refused, f.b.i. director, homeland security director and secret service director. there are so many questions and so many people say how is it possible it happened that it's kind of egregious we haven't heard anything substantive. >> dana: will people get those answers eventually? that's one of the dangers here. she gets to walk away, right? >> one hopes, right. somebody has to take over. now the onus falls to the secretary of homeland security. they have to provide something of substance about this investigation. they kept on saying it's the f.b.i.'s investigation and could take weeks. this isn't the warren commission. this happened nine days ago and the people saw what they saw and people on the ground had videos of what they had videos of. there has to be something before
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long. >> bill: thank you, bret. speaker johnson a moment ago. the end was achieved. i wish it had happened sooner. nancy mace is with us, republican from south carolina. good morning and thank you for your time. you were quite colorful in your address yesterday. >> i was simply saying aloud what every american was thinking yesterday. we watched her run circles. we watched her talk if generalities. we watched her have a dishonest display of defiance in her either inability or worse yet unwillingness to answer questions that every american deserved to hear. last night i was so frustrated by what the hearing showed. her inability to answer our questions i filed a motion to force a vote of her impeachment. if the biden administration wasn't going to fire her. i will take her resignation. we were willing to force a vote on it. put sentiments on the table.
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people want action, you can still have her -- we can still have her subpoenaed to appear before different committees continuing this investigation. she can be compelled by law to show up and answer questions even though she has resigned. >> dana: do you think there will be some sort of operational changes made to protect the president, the vice president, and now kamala harris and everybody who will be on the campaign trail for the next few months? >> well, there has to be. american people want to trust our leaders and trust that our president, vice president, presidential candidates that we will protect them. that's very important. also we know that there have been issues with the secret service for a very long time now regardless of who is in the white house. so it is time to reset and insure that we have properly trained individuals. that morale is better than it's
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ever been and insure we're protecting those running for president and that this never, ever happens again. >> bill: another breaking story at the morning. "washington post" has this. apparently joe biden is coming back to the white house. i think it's this afternoon based on timing. then tomorrow he will give a speech on his decision to withdraw from the presidential race. if that happens on wednesday, netanyahu's speech is on thursday, right? and biden and netanyahu are scheduled to meet on thursday as well. measure that up, congresswoman. >> well, right, the american people need to hear from joe biden and quite frankly the fact he resigned from the campaign i think there are a lot of questions of who is running the country. if you can't run for re-election how do you run the country. a lot of people want to deny the mental acuity. this is a diminished individual. i'm glad that he is meeting with
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netanyahu. a lot of rumors saying he would not on the hill. it's important to jewish americans but ally israel to know the united states supports them in their endeavors to clean out jihad and hamas and end terrorism once and for all. need to be as supportive as we can of israel. >> dana: if biden were to resign the presidency do you want kamala harris to become president at this point 104 days before the election? >> we need to know who is running the country and making the decisions. is it kamala now, close aides to joe biden? we know it is not joe biden all the time. he is not all there. it is fair questions. there is a 25th amendment she could invoke it with members of her cabinet and the american people ought to know who is running country. they voted this guy into office but there are a lot of questions surrounding who is actually making these decisions. when it comes to the election, i
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don't think it really matters who democrats put on the top of the ticket because joe biden, his family, the vice president aided with their friends in the press with pundits and everybody else have covered up his decline over the last year or so. so she has a lot of questions whether it's the border, the cover-up of joe biden's competency. >> dana: would you be more comfortable if you were assured that somebody was in charge of the country and should that be the current vice president who is now likely to be the nominee to be president for the democratic side of the aisle going into 2024? >> i filed a resolution yesterday encouraging the vice president kamala harris to invoke the 25th amendment with her cabinet. so i would support that endeavor. i filed a resolution expressing the sentiment of the house in that endeavor. we need to know who is in charge and making decisions for the country. >> bill: netanyahu's speech is tomorrow on wednesday, not
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thursday. the meeting comes on thursday with biden and netanyahu. nancy mace, thank you so much. appreciate you joining us. we were listening to speaker johnson for a while and then we went away for other news and then asked about it. here he is on the hill. >> can i get your reaction, cheatle resigned. how do this change oversight in the assassination attempt? >> she must have been watching our press conference and i'm glad she did the right thing. the immediate reaction to her resignation is that it's overdue. she should have done it over a week ago. i'm happy to see that and to see that she has heeded the call of both republicans and democrats. now we have to pick up the pieces. >> bill: so let's go back to that hearing from yesterday because i think this is a rare moment in american government and politics. maybe behind doors, maybe at dinners they get along and agree on some things but they never really show that on camera. it seems like every time they come on television the democrats
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will have a position and republicans have a position. yesterday was different. after you got past a few speakers about gun control this is what you heard repeatedly republicans and democrats going at it. watch. >> i think that i'm the best person to lead the secret service at this time. >> because donald trump is alive and thank god he is you look incompetent. if donald trump had been killed you would have looked culpable. >> i just don't think it is partisan. if you have an assassination attempt on a president, a former president, or a candidate, you need to resign. >> you are full of [bleep]. you are being completely dishonest. >> i believe your lack of skilled leadership is a disgrace. it is shameful. you should be fired immediately and go back to -- >> that was the gentleman we spoke to from northeast dallas. you hear the emotion in his voice. how about the story he just relayed. he hasn't fired an a.r. in more than ten years and took ten shots and was ten for ten?
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>> dana: right. so lots of questions as we have -- all this news happens in our hour, which we love. >> bill: one thing here is thank god he survived. republican, democrat, independent, it doesn't matter. thank god he survived. if that gunman was successful we would be over outside trump tower covering a funeral right now. it would go from new york to washington because he was president, and maybe down to palm beach in florida and that convention would have been canceled and the nation would be on a downward spiral for several years. thank god he missed. >> dana: i believe the "wall street journal" is with us, a reporter is with us. you cover the white house, you cover president biden. let me start with this kimberly cheatle resignation. he has been recovering from covid, they are making big decisions to withdraw from the race. there never seems to be any decisive action from the chief
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executive officer of the country when it comes to something like this and it takes a hearing to get somebody under his direct report to resign. >> absolutely. it took what, nine days for this to happen? look, the president is still the president of the united states. he is mulling his own political future, that's fine and will take some time. but this was so surprising that it took this much time and she had to resign. this president really does not like to fire people. he gets angry, he snaps at people but does not like to fire people. i think in this instance it certainly was surprising he just didn't. >> bill: barry weiss rights this today in the free press. you touched on it two days ago in your piece. the era of the noble lie. why do we have no trust?
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your piece from two days ago you say voters thought the faltering president was too old but allies looked the other way. how do we square that now, annie? >> i have spent months thinking about this. you really want the people that you cover when you are having private conversations with them, you want to believe them that those private conversations, there is some amount of candor to them. getting at the truth is extraordinarily hard and something the journal we took months doing. we spent months and months talking to people about the president's acuity and it was still incredibly hard even though as many of our readers point out it was in plain sight. we'll take the scrutiny we did in the president, the vice president, the former president as the campaign goes forward. >> dana: can i ask you about tomorrow? we hear that president biden
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will return coming to the white house today and going to address the nation tomorrow about his decision to withdraw. any insight why we haven't been able to even see him? not a glimpse, still photograph, nothing since the momentous news he broke on sunday? >> the lack of transparency is jaw dropping. you know this from your work at the white house and when i covered barack obama when he was on vacation, you know, the press pool that i was part of would see him every day. look, the president did not love that you had a bunch of reporters coming to the golf course to take a picture of him but the point of that was that people across the country and throughout the world could see this is a president of the united states and he is fine. to have the president sort of in seclusion without being seen for not even a walk on the beach, you know, is jaw dropping particularly because his doctor continues to send out letters saying he is getting better.
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>> bill: thanks for coming on. i just want to point out one thing in the piece i mentioned october of 2021 was the last time that biden met with house democrats on the hill regarding legislation. october of 2021. dean phillips is quoted by annie in a piece, the first time i remember people jared by what they had seen three years ago and everybody kept quiet. >> dana: this week you had the democrats coming on this show saying biden was fine and now he is not and they're complaining trump is too old? give me a break. >> bill: the state police is at the hearing now. ted, what are you finding out on the ground in butler, pennsylvania? >> i can tell you what i found out, bill and dana, that there was a colossal failure here that could have caused the death of the 45th president of the united states. when you look around and you
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look at this roof, you talk about kimberly cheatle, she lied to the american people. she told them that that roof that this killer was on was a sloped roof and that nobody would get on it. but what happened is there were other roofs that were higher that you had counter snipers on and that roof i have seen that roof. that roof was not that difficult to get on. there was a colossal failure, kim cheatle should have left. she should have been gone a long time ago. the one thing we remember, harry truman said the buck stops here. it stopped with kimberly cheatle. i have to tell you, she lied again yesterday and was the sad part of her lies was she went before a committee and she couldn't even tell them what happened here in butler. i can tell you, i have talked to
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people here in butler and they've said why hasn't the director of the secret service come here to butler to see this site herself? so that's very troubling, bill and dana. >> bill: thank you, appreciate your being there and check in with you again tomorrow. thank you, ted williams. donald trump says the biden/harris administration did not protect me. i took a bullet for democracy. it was my honor to do so. >> dana: he does an interview with jesse where he says the u.s. secret service director cheatle did come to see him and said she was very nice but did not give him any answers as to what happened. i think we all need to make sure we are focused on she is resigning. what changes are being made to make sure this doesn't happen again? >> bill: fair point. president biden says jill and i are grateful to director cheatle for her decades of public service. goes on to say she was
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selflessly dedicated risking her life in her career of the secret service. thank you for leading the secret service and grateful for her service to our family. as a leader it takes honor, courage and integrity to take full accountability. i'm almost out of time. stop there. i want to tell you that he did not fire her. she resigned. >> dana: she got a nice statement from him on the way out. looking at kamala harris. just got off what you would call it. the vice president i'm not sure what you call it. marine two perhaps heading to milwaukee doing a rally there. her first one. we'll see how many people show up. the line was not that impressive that alexis showed us a few minutes ago. likely to be the nominee for the democrats going into 2024. what a show. harris faulkner is next. here she is. >> harris: and we have a


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