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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 23, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> harris: well, we are expecting at some point this hour to see president biden's first public appearance since his exit from the 2024 presidential race ergo we know he has headed back to the white house after nearly a week of covid isolation. and when he is on the move, we will bring it live. we will see him boarding and getting off planes and that sort of thing but we anticipate seeing him 12:30 eastern and we will cover it. at the same time, the president will address the nation on his exit from the race. this is "outnumbered," and i am harris faulkner. my cohost, emily compagno, and fox business anchor, cheryl sony and former republican gubernatorial candidate and a host of "the tudor dixon podcast," tudor dixon and retired nypd inspector, paul mauro. right now, president biden is
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going to reveal his presidential exit appeared tomorrow 8:00 p.m. eastern, i will address the nation from the oval office on what lies ahead and how i will finish the job for the american people here are the last time we saw president biden, he struggled to get down the small steps of air force one. that was after he was diagnosed with covid as reported. mere days before he left the campaign, he ended it. tudor, i start with you and your thoughts. >> tudor: as i look at this and what is happening, i think the american people should be appalled that he broke up with them like essentially over text. you got a tweet that said, "i'm done, i'm leaving." this is meaningful to all americans and meaningful to democrats but meaningful to all americans because if he can walk away from his campaign, who is leading the country? i feel this is a september 10th moment where we are so vulnerable and not paying attention how significant this
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is. >> harris: emily, to that point, what do you think our enemies say right now? >> emily: i think for quite some time, they have seen a failure of a leader that has refused to lead by strength. i think they have seen one that has capitulated to the whims of the far left and has tried to buy votes and they have seen and trampled on the global stage and been bullied by china who so, so blazingly true the balloon over the united states, hamstring our allies, abandoning our allies, ukraine and the like. for quite some time, they have seen someone who doesn't look like a leader of america should. at this moment, they are seeing a coup that has emerged. they are seeing an absolutely fractured democratic party. and i think they are seeing puppeteers at the helm that are refusing to set the side and truly holding the power, maintaining the power, revealing
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who the true orchestration is. i hope, however, in november, takes the helm and takes the stage and that leader actually serves the people because that is why i think the global leaders don't recognize america right now. >> harris: a quick follow-up because i wrote this down, puppeteers at the home and took a look how close we are to the election. we are 27 days away from the dnc convention. just a few days after that, early voting in the united states, some states, enough to count, right? about 105 or so until election day. when you say puppeteers, is it too late in the process for the american people to separate what is happening right now, that coup, that client that has gone on to the public about his condition? in separate what they need to know to make a right choice on election day? >> emily: i can imagine being a democrat right now i'm feeling exactly that, harris, rested from me was the decision to put
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and run for office first and foremost you are and the realization there has been a sheen in place orchestrated, covered up and denied barely grazing late this person who is in office. i would think to myself, so now you are rebuilding it? and you are telling me what i have been seeing this entire time, my vote was not good enough and my feelings didn't matter. what happened to me at the kitchen table and the bank doesn't matter, et cetera, et cetera. i'm also being told democracy is at stake. i would say, yes, it is and you showed me who put it at eight. >> harris: 100% spirit it is kamala harris and i have taken some heat for what i said last hour, paul emma but for a different reason. ben domenech made the same point, be careful what you wish for with kamala harris. we have a lot going on and if the 25th amendment him, you get her. all the reasons emily mentioned, i don't know her.
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who said that, mariah carey about somebody else? i feel like mariah right now, i don't know her. so there is that mack but nine-tenths of the law's possession, right? she is in the position of president and what are your thoughts on that? >> paul: first of all of the was closed finished for whatever it's been. we don't know what point it fell off of the cliff. i go back to something and we talked on the show and hammered on this, we talked about the fact lloyd austin went m.i.a. for ten days and we said, he felt free to do that because he knew his overhead wasn't looking for him. that is what happens when you don't have a boss and the boss is in your employee's place. austin did the honorable thing and he took the blame himself. he was used for the fact his emails were not answered anna's phone calls were not returned. and so we have this piece of surgery. it has been since than unlikely going back to when he ran to the basement campaign. tomorrow, the president will
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come out and not take any questions. i can tell you this, he will hang on. this is nothing we haven't talked about here. he will hang on until the 6th of november, why? he is to get those pardons here and he can't count on whoever is nationalistic at that deal. he's got to stay in and he still the president until january 20th. >> harris: six months. >> paul: what do you want me to sign? out of jail, out of jail, out of jail. >> harris: none of that puts the american people in the forefront. >> paul: we are in the back seat, the trunk. >> harris: [laughs] i guess i was hopeful, right? somebody's got to care with the people were feeling if kamala wants to run for the office, the hair or office. i was hopeful. but i'm not delusional. to some degree. >> paul: it is locked in here and spoon we don't know what she will do but ben domenech brought up she is far left with her
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track record. >> she was california attorney general and she's very progressive. and that's wife vice presidential pick will be interesting if she tries to go moderate there. but i want to pick up first the world stage and what we have currently president joe biden. if you look at "the wall street journal"'s incredible reporting about what's going on at the white house since 2021, october, to be specific when nancy pelosi had to clean up comments from the president when he walked out of the room from the infrastructure bill, that is number one. number two, foreign officials they interviewed said she seven, when physically at the g7, we are talking spring 2022, guys, he seemed like he was losing his thoughts. he was confused. this is that cover up that is very big story. i'm calling it a cover-up because at this point, we don't know how long they have been puppeteer and him him i think. up at the other issue i want to say quickly, if it is gg
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to be joe biden for the next six months and you are china and bill pointed this out on x my guess it is time to invade taiwan. let's do it now because there is weakness. >> harris: real quickly because your focus fox business obviously is money. bill ackman, elon musk said he would put in $45 million for trump campaign every month if it were needed. what you make of those dollars up against what we saw? emily is right, it is a democratic machine and operates out of a few fronts. >> $80 million on top of $240 million under the biden-harris campaign is the committee and also goes down ballot but remember this is not just the top of the ticket, financially the reasons the democrats panic and pelosi and schumer went into full action and also the obama's and clinton's, is because they were going to lose the house and senate and they knew it. >> harris: but they can still do that if she is the top of the ticket.
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>> but the donors dry up and those down ballot candidates don't get the funding. a lot of those committees push the money down, not just for her. >> so she doesn't have any negatives right now here and she gets the money and it's a perfect situation with no primary. nobody gets bloodied up. i think this was coordinated from the beginning. spea>> emily: , neera tanden wih him and him exactly, he was discarded appeared at the end of the day come at the was forced out here and to your question, who forced him out and why? that should be full front and center for every democrat right now seen, the person they loved and the person they felt, voted for. >> harris: and gave money to. you are talking about the donor dollars, they gave money predicated on it would be biden. maybe they wouldn't want to give her their money. >> paul: she is calling at the lemon law. >> harris: i get you. any minute now, president biden is expected to leave his home,
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one of the two in delaware for the first time since he exited the presidential race. we will look for him on camera live. we don't know if he will speak or any of that. if he hits the tour and he does speak you will see it right here live on fox. "outnumbered," plus as we head back to washington, d.c., the secret service director has resigned in the wake of former president trump's, the attempt on his life by would-be assassin. a live report next. a live report next. ♪ ♪ to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ♪ you've got some winning genes. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> emily: secret service director kimberly cheatle resigned this morning after a shocking house oversight hearing yesterday that had democrats and republicans demanding that she step down. lawmakers on both sides called out her lack of transparency and
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congressman turner's words, also her incompetence. cheatle seem to find about staying on to pace accountability for the security colossal failure at trump's rally only to step down today. aisha hudson eight in washington with the latest on her resignation and what is next. >> emily, we were all inside the house homeland security hearing happening right behind me as i noticed lawmakers looking at their phones. it is a hearing that kimberly cheatle was supposed to be at that she rejected their invitation to show up today. and of course, that news broke during that hearing that she had, indeed, step down. fox obtained a letter which appears to be a letter written by cheatle to her staffers. and that she says this, emily, "as i stated in the hearing will if you are worthy of trust and confidence and you deserve the nation support in carrying out our critical mission." former president trump who met with cheatle at the rnc is out
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with the statement himself. some thoughts, "she never gave me proper protection so i ended up having to take a bullet for democracy. many requests were made by on-site secret service for more people are always with a turn down or no response. i have the biggest crowds in history, and they should be treated accordingly" big improvements have been made the last week. cheatle resigned after that disastrous performance in front of the oversight committee and hear speaker johnson moments after learning the news today. >> i'm happy to see that. i'm happy to say she is heat of the call of both republicans and democrats. now we have to pick up the pieces and rebuild the american people's faith and trust in the secret service as an agency. >> yell, both lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are telling me that is where the real work . they've just launched a bipartisan task force to try to figure out how to make this agency better.
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by the way, the president will now replace cheatle and find a new director for the agency, emily. >> emily: thank you. we have gotten the official response by the white house that says, indeed, the president will appoint someone new. what will you be looking for in the realm of leadership that we can only hope for on this next -- >> paul: there is a school of thought outside of the agency, but all i can say is this. grab a roster and looked down the roster for secret service. you will find military people which 20 years of service i know how to command and leave them agency. pick them, don't pick somebody just because she's buddies with jill. here is the point i feel, they should not be over. she seemed to last backing i suspect from the biden white house. but there was also this, i think she perjured herself yesterday, okay? according to the reporting, she was saturday on the day of the event aspen. she was due to speak on wednesday. she was there for the week.
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and yet, she said at the end of the hearing after a lot of people tuned out, oh, no i'm i was going to be at the rnc. i was going to go to aspen and fly back. alejandro mayorkas is her boss and this is national designated security event. who designates that? alejandro mayorkas. he approved that trouble and there is only a couple a year and this only happens every four years. i want to know how many people would go with her and how many rooms they had appeared that she fly first class? alejandro mayorkas you approve this? this should not be over in the neck should be on the hot seat, alejandro mayorkas, who's running your ship? you approve this? he should be next up. >> emily: that excellent point and now hearing from her director cheatle she doesn't oversee it, the security plans for prior presidents? there was a whole host of stunning, shocking moments in the interest of national security are so terrifying i have yet to remember or recall anything that unified our house
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more than that hearing yesterday. everyone thought she was stunning and her lack of transparency, cooperation and competency, here is. >> harris: unit with those questions were going to be and she there came ill-prepared on purpose or she was ignorant of the fact she needed to be ready. either one is insufficient. she needs to be gone. why won't biden fire anybody? we have to wait ten days after a hearing that blew up and i'm sure she heard about it from everybody. she knew she could not lead those men and women. so charles formally of the secret service has told me and the audience last hour that he's been talking to a lot of secret service. he was there many years and he said, "not only has she lost the competence and the people she was leaving, there is a chill factor coming from dhs." you could not be more correct, paul mauro about alejandro mayorkas. he said the secretary is on chill. on free speech and on actually
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following the investigations way through to the facts or obstructing justice and that sort of thing? yes here and he said those agents feel like they have been muzzled. that was the word. so they may know some things that we won't be able to get to. may be kimberly cheatle, she will lower your up. i'm hoping it won't be the doj that defends her because i don't want to pay for it, do you question right now, let her play for her own attorney. >> paul: there is a bible for this event yet congress doesn't have it. >> emily: jesse watters held an exclusive interview with donald trump and j.d. vance on saturday ahead of the michigan rally. trump gave this account of a conversation he had with cheatle after the assassination attempt. watch. >> you spoke to cheatle, how does that go? >> she came to see me actually. she was very nice, i thought. but somebody should have made sure the there was an opening on the roof here that ruth was a deadname right onto the stage.
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and they said they didn't have the manpower for it, which is crazy. 130 yards is like sinking 100-foot putt. you think like a barn but this thing had a little upswing in it in a few degrees. essentially, a flat roof. so i don't know if somebody gave her false information when she talked about the slope of the roof. i thought she was very nice, but you have to answer why couldn't i have stayed off at the stage for 5 minutes? >> emily: that is the question, tudor as we were subjected to the former director pursing out a person of suspsuspicion. why would you not keep the former prisoner off the stage and that could have saved a life, corey comperatore. before is that negligence or nefarious? that goes to what paul was saying went the cat's away the mice will play and no one is held accountable. joe biden put out a letter today saying glorious things about this woman instead of saying,
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she should resign at this is good and we will replace her. he says good things about her. and someone in america is dead, this is outrages. >> emily: we learned in the hearing the slope of the implement slope, was it actually 88 compliant poking holes in this preposterous defense the former director gave purely so saw arizona congressman former navy seal, eli crane on the roof posting a video begging, i'm 70 years old running around this roof and it's totally fine. >> went those congressmen went down to butler and showed us on their iphones how close the proximity was to the building and the rooftop to the stage where the former president was shot and somebody died, you'd think to yourself, what was that perimeter not secured -- to mark the outside perimeter. the other thing i didn't like about yesterday, the woman i sulked testifying she knew she was out and she knew it was over and harris made a great point,
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why did she go? you think she knew she was going to be out of a job here at the other thing, they investigation has to continue because we can'e this happen again. is the fbi the right group to lead this investigation? i think that is up for debate. >> emily: and congressman alexandra cortez we cannot wait to come at the answer is now because the policy needs to change because the secret service needs to change now and immediately the safety and security and protection of all of these people. >> paul: i did four days in butler and the situation is not that complicated. this is not though -- they should be at the bottom of this. >> emily: i'm sure they are but we have to find out. guys, president biden is expected to arrive in delaware at any moment now. we will bring you that as he comes on route to the white house. it will be the first time anyone has seen the president since he exited the presidential race and
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it has been in isolation in delaware recovering from covid. we will bring that emergence to you live as he comes and returns to the white house. meanwhile karine geon pierre has not held a briefing in over a week but sits down with the host of "the view." obviously, he stepped down from running and being the nominee, but he is very much still has the job. and we have a lot more to get nonon behalf of the american people. sickle musical
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♪ ♪ >> it's been over one week since white house press secretary karine jean-pierre spoke to the american public. after the boss ended election campaign, kjp has not taken to a white house podium. instead of holding the briefing this morning, she set down for i don't know if it was a softball interview but wiffle ball interview. the liberal host of "to view."
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this is what she said about biden stepping aside. watch. >> there's been a lot of criticisms about the white house being transparent about biden's health and the months leading to the debate. buckles have gone further for j.d. vance saying, if he's not up to serving four more years, can he serve out the rest of his term? how do you respond to that? >> i think that is ridiculous, seriously. [laughter] but what i will say he is like, the president decided to not run for reelection. that is it. that is all he decided on. he wants to continue to do the work. three and a half years of unprecedented historic work and i think that shows what he's capable of doing. how important his leadership is a spirit of moments ago, i talked about how he was able to reach across the aisle and bipartisanship in the political environment that we are in. we have so much more work to do. he understands that. he will speak to this about 24 hours or so and lay that outcome up but this president is
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ready to continue to lead this country in a historical way. and that stands. >> i mean, that was hard to hear because the gaslighting continues, harris, it is ridiculous, no, it is actually founded. >> harris: i will tell you who helps the trump campaign the most kjp and all the surrogate spokespeople. they have these platitudes of glory around the policy that has failed the american people on many fronts, particularly the economy where people are still feeling the bite of high prices because the number, the percentage of inflation has come down. but it was on top of a percent, 9% and it will take years for those prices to readjust or we have to be right sized with how much money we make but they may never come back down. so let them speak like that because that helps trump. it is empty glory about how great his policies were, and no actual awareness of what people feel. but probably the thing that
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really does not befit someone in that position is for propensity to lie to us and to cover up and to say, we didn't know about -- you knew before that debate as a spokesperson who hopefully spends a good with him that he was not ready for prime time. soap again my due caution though, you put kamala in the job right now and if thepush the coup, she said, emily, push them on out and it's her, she is in place as people go to vote. it does not make it impossible for trump i'm up at the gets harder. >> emily: tudor i want to dig into platitude of glory and we were subjected on "the view" and biden and human decency that he exudes. let's watch. >> what we saw from this president last couple of days was human decency, a good man, someone who decided not to put himself first like we have
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seen before, but to put the american people percent this country first. >> emily: i'm curious and i would love a fact-check when the president has put the american people first, especially, especially a stepping aside and taking away from them their right to vote who they want at the top of the ticket appearance before the ultimate cover-up and why she is on "the view." we have kjp talking about the president the entire time in past tense, think about that. he was reaching across the aisle. he was doing this for 50 more years. she doesn't say he is, he was. she's over him. she's dumped him and they are on to kamala and he's done. >> emily: she was asked the question whether pointed out earlier, was he done or told he was done? the question was, does he filled the trade by that? let's listen to her answer. >> people love joe biden there was a great expression white his party, people talking on television all week and how they love him.
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he has a lovable guy and he's got a good heart and all of that. there was a pie line to get him to step down by the democrats. and movie stars, george clooney. but does joe feel betrayed by any of that, or does he understand it was for the country also? >> i mean, look, he will speak tomorrow and we will hear from him directly and he will address whatever is on his art. like i said of them he has a big heart and he understands where people art deal my car. and having found this 36 years as a senator, eight years as vice president and now as vice president, he gets where we are as a country. >> tudor: the media reaction after he stepped down his fascinating. you see the same people that kept saying, joe needs to go are now celebrating him and wishing him well. there is a knife in the back room of course, as he's walking away. but i'm a little more worried about an john bolton brought this up in a
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"wall street journal" editorial and i'm worried about the global stage. we have a world on fire and the past tense point, tudor that you brought up and i'm glad you said that, it just what john bolton talked about if you are china, you are a mosque, and you have russia. if you have these world powers think they also has been created in a president that will hang on until november 6, we shall see so we can pardon his son, what does that tell our enemies around the world right now wish mark that is the bigger concern, i think, on top of the fact we are learning so much more aboute world leaders are seeing and tae scenes at the g7, at nato, not just this year but two years ago. >> and pelosi went on to say the typical line, democracy is at stake. what we've been able to do is unprecedented. we are not leaping communities behind. i feel seen because of this president.
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i agree what they have done is unprecedented but not for the reason she stated. >> paul: we've never have the sort of conversations in this country. i got an email on somebody asking me, do you think the president is alive? this was a serious person asking me that. i've never gotten anything like that but relative to this on "the view," that was a job interview and all on the panel looking around, wow, which one of us is gone? [laughter] somebody is on the ropes. >> good point. >> harris: we are all silent now and didn't think of that. >> emily: the proof of life to polls question, the president expected to depart delaware any moment now to the white house. but it will be the first time that anyone has seen the president since he exited the presidential race. vice president harris has secured enough delegates to
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become the democratic nominee as a new report reveals top democrats essentially blackmailed biden into dropping out of the race. explosive new news coming up next. ♪ ♪ upset stomach iberogast indigestion iberogast bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles.
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side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. ♪ ♪ >> emily: vice president kamala harris holding the first campaign rally in milwaukee today. that comes after action packed day for the new democratic route runner. she's already picked up enough democratic delegates to become the party's presidential nominee. now she is reportedly set to get two major endorsements from house minority leader, hakeem jeffries, an senate leader, chuck schumer. today's "new york post" calling her son arise, the queens cabinet pier and interest to codays, she has basically been crowned by her party.
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new reporting suggest that harris all orchestrated by democratic elites like nancy pelosi who has already endorsed harris. behind the scenes, she reportedly suggested biden's exit "could be done the easy way or the hard way." the source close to the biden family telling "the new york post," "the whelp whelp or a orchestrated telescope from the president reseeking election had been in place for weeks. stubborn biden fought at every step of the way. that debate was a set up to convince democrats that he could not run for president." tudor. >> tudor: nancy pelosi's chess game never ceases to amaze. let's face it, she knows exactly what she is doing. i believe this was orchestrated from the beginning of the early debate and the only way to get the donors to bail and immediately switch to kamala. it would be devastating again trump. she knew that and this has her
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puppet master behind the scenes the entire time. it is genius and it is dangerous. >> i thought medieval times was back behind us but smack nancy i said three weeks ago, we can do this. and we can do it the hard way. and it looks like it became the hard way over the weekend with nancy pelosi. by the way, she telegraphed this on msnbc on morning joe when she said, "it is up to the president. we will see what he decides to do." that was a nice way. they knew this was going to happen three weeks ago. this was very orchestrated. >> the easy way or the hard way. exactly. >> paul: joe biden woke up with a horse's head. >> exactly! >> paul: this is what the white house would be then and
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running the country would be under a kamala presidency appear the same sort of questions, who is running things and who's making the calls? she is numbered in a because she's never done anything, right? her border policy, you can even call it bad. it is nonexistence. and we have a real couple of issues here, the safety and the blue cities and all cities across the country. she is the one who gave money to this bail fund to get out of jail people burning down our cities. let's not forget that is who she is. >> emily: it would be entertaining if not so utterly tragic. >> harris: it would not be true because it would be on a screen on a movie. but we are living it. let's stay with the bail funds. this article put out an article on the freedom fund, that busted out murderers and rapists out of jail and kamala harris is actively raising money july 2nd,
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2024 for bail funds to bust violent criminals from jail with a presidential campaign circles her candidacy will lean on rove's tough crime prosecutor. she has urged followers to donate to the minnesota freedom fund and she began that ju june 2020 as black lives matter's raiders reach havoc in minneapolis in the days following george floyd's death your where they went on to raise $41 million in 2020, but the group only used a small fraction of that bounty, $210,000 to bail out rioters. the remaining fund to boost bail for violent criminals such as christopher boswell, twice convicted with kidnapping and sexual assault after minnesota freedom fund paid $350,000 for his release from a freebie can come an interesting article and you should pick it up and read it. >> emily: this is on the heels of axios reporting biden hesitation to exit was because he did not feel kamala harris
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was ready and up to par. >> harris: interesting. >> emily: we hear reports prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, addressing congress tomorrow and reports refusing to preside over. is this an inkling, a taste of the type of president we would be subjected to? >> harris: vice president, she is vice president of the senate so she would be sitting with house speaker mike johnson. and he commented during their news conference, the republican news conference this morning saying she should be there. >> and this is always a show government. he knew when he picked her svp she wasn't ready. >> emily: up next, former president trump and vice presidential pick j.d. vance will bring you more of the interview with jesse watters. here and stay with us next. to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen.
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who will take kim cheatle's place? full coverage coming up your joe biden returns to the white house this afternoon a lame duck president as republicans increase goals for him to step down altogether. kamala harris on track to become the democratic nominee, but what are her chances against donald trump mark we have the data for you. what happens to the millions of
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dollars biden raised for his campaign? will kamala harris inherited it without a legal battle? robert wolf is here. i am john roberts and sandra and me the top of the hour with "america reports" >> harris: former president donald trump and his running mate, j.d. vance spoke with jesse watters in their first interview together over the weekend ahead of their michigan rally pier at the wide ranging discussion, they spoke about the assassination attempt and security failures. trump also revealed biden told him on the call after the shooting and this interview, too promote why a little argument with the secret service agents while they fielded him here and watch together. >> jill biden called you after this guy tried to take your life and how did that conversation go? >> he said you are lucky that you turn to the right. obviously, somebody briefed him. but he did say that to me.
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you are lucky you turn to the right. and i said, "i think so." >> this country would be lucky if we turn to the right. >> certainly, to a certain extent, wouldn't it be nice? >> when you were down by the podium, you said something about shoes. what was that? >> well, they wanted to put me on a stretcher. they had a stretcher and wanted to put me on a stretcher. i said, "i'm not going on a stretcher." and it was just that year there was a lot of blood coming -- i don't know if you do this but the ear causes they say most blood in the body. and better than just about any other place in one way, but in another way, it bleeds more. there was a lot of blood. i understand i thought i was hit elsewhere. they thought i was hit actually. and i'm telling you, i'm okay, i'm fine. i want to get up. i'm not going to be taken out on
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a stretcher. we had a little argument well six guys lying on top of me. i had some big guys in town. >> harris: paul mauro, his fighting spirit just lifted a whole nation on that day. i know he was in pain and i can only imagine the ringing in his ears from the bullet that went by, but he really did. he really did show the rest of us no matter how you vote, are resilience factor is mighty. >> paul: so as i mentioned earlier, i talked to a lot of the people who were at the rally. spin when he went to butler but the former now secret service director didn't go? okay. >> paul: that is right. i have more substantial conversations with people i met in person you've heard in congress. that is sincere. a lot of them had video up close and we talked about it early. a lot of people piled on. he fought his way, obviously, he
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fought his way up the secret service. >> harris: well meant, unbelievable. >> emily: to hear that message to everyone, he fought through the week shield to raise his fist and they are and say a message for the american people. a message for his supporters. it was not about him in that moment and that is what we find profound. >> harris: you know, tudor, you cut to the chase and you have ran a campaign so what does donald trump do now, kamala harris, the left, they are basically taking oxygen out of the room like he usually does. the republicans on behalf be quiet and let him talk, talk, talk at this point? >> tudor: think he ignores harrison goes to the american people, i will drill, drill, drill and bring back american manufacturing and you will have jobs. that is what we want to here in michigan and we don't believe this baloney on the left. stick with your policies and what you will do in the future
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and how will you help kitchen table issues and everybody get back to policy. >> harris: that is interesting, don't take any shots on the left because getting attention already. >> emily: by the way msnbc headline says already, trump attacks dp, kamala harris." b when they want that.sain interesting. d prmore "outnumbered" in a mom. on his life, on the hallow app. this content is incredible. why don't you join us in the saint john paul the second challenge? it'll change your life. download hallow and join me today. god bless you. meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan.
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>> we can report now that president biden's motorcade has left his home in delaware. he is headed back to the airport now we are anticipating at 12:30 eastern and he is heading to the airport where he will board air force one and go back to the white house. tomorrow we know will be his first time speaking publicly not only since dropping out of the presidential race but since he announced he had covid last week. the week before last now come july 17th on that wednesday.
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will be the first of many times since we've seen him and he will talk from the oval office tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. be sure to watch that on fox for the best journalists and analysis anywhere. we are expecting him to talk about what lies ahead for his administration and how he will finish out the term. we anticipate he would. this afternoon vice president kamala harris will be speaking and the rnc wrapped up last thursday she will be there an hour from now and her first since announcing her bed that some call the annoying thing since productively has enough delegates to move forward and take the nomination. i wonder how the voters feel about that. anyway, "america reports" now. >> john: harris, thank you at any moment now we are expected to see president biden for the first time since dropping out of


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