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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 24, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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you can't look away anymore. it is right in front of everybody's face. and they are saying we don't want this. so, her views, which as far as i can tell, remain completely unchanged from 2019, are contrary to what the american people want and i think she is going to suffer the consequences of that. whatever you hear her say from this point forward, i think take with a grain of salt. but i have not heard her condemn anything or change anything from her previous positions. >> todd: todd, to that point she is going to be be vulnerable cities where migrants are fighting with the citizens there for resources. she needs those votes. >> carley: we will see how long it lasts. todd, thank you so much. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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>> lawrence: all right. good morning. it's 6:00 a.m. on the east coast and it's wednesday, july the 24th. this is "fox & friends." new chilling body cam video raising more questions about what was seen and flagged before trump's assassination attempt. >> this is him. that's the sniper that sent the original picture from the bike. set the bike bath back down and lost sight of him. >> new video shows the panic from the crowd. >> he is on top of the roof screams. [gunfire] >> and to another alert, after being mia for almost a week. tonight, the president will deliver an oval office address after dropping out of the race. >> media falls in line with the biden endorsement and fawns over kamala harris. >> it's an extraordinary candidate on the trail.
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>> free at last, free at last, clarifies is unleashed. she is just brilliant. >> steve: just brilliant. but what do we know about kamala harris' record? we are going to break down the progressive policy. so, "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better when you start your day with your friends on the couch. >> lawrence: fox news alert. newly released body camera video showing the moments immediately after the assassination attempt on former president trump. >> steve: this new footage raises new questions and comes as fbi director christopher wray is set to testify on capitol hill just a couple of hours from right now. >> brian: i hope they show this video and cb cotton has more from the site. >> good morning, brian. this body camera video released by chuck grassley confirming what we have been told that law
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enforcement had eyes on gunman thomas crooks before the shooting. but crooks, some hours managed to get out of sight. >> beaver county sniper sent pictures up. this is him. that's the sniper that sent the original pictures and bike and sat the bike down and lost sight of him. >> okay. >> he is the ones that sent the pictures out. i don't know if you had the same ones did i. >> yeah. he has got his glasses on. >> got the picture of that. >> yeah i got that this is his bike with the stuff. and our sniper seen him walking away from that, i believe. >> okay. >> he would be right inside that window e is the one that physically seen, this sent the pictures and called it out. >> okay. >> and now another new video from an eyewitness news standing right near the building where crooks fired from showed chilling moments people are screaming in fear after spotting crooks and his assault rifle. then you will hear what sounds like 8 shots followed by what sounds like two counter sniper shots. >> someone's up here.
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he is on top of the roof [bleep] screams. [rapid gunfire] >> get over here! [screams] [bleep] >> and this chilling photo from the eyewitness news video shows the moment before thomas crooks is killed. he turns and points his ar-15 style rifle towards the people who are hiding. fox digital asked the shooter's father if there were any warning signs. >> release a statement when our legal counsel advises us to do then. until then we have no comment. we want to try to take care of
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ourselves right now, so, please, give us our space. >> these new alarming details come on the heels of multiple overlapping federal investigations into the attempted assassination. back to you. >> all right. cb, thank you very much. since we are talking about the secret service, let's bring in former secret service operative marshall -- how do you say your last name? mur rocky, thank you very much. sorry about that marshall. so, it's been very clear now that apparently they knew about this suspicious character for over an hour they didn't know early that he had a gun but nonetheless they brought the president on. this happens all the time, doesn't it? >> thanks so much for having me on and you are absolutely right. this happens all the time. can't say i'm surprised when i came on sunday morning we had little to know facts come in yet and right away i said, you know,
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it was lack of resources, lack of personnel and, obviously, multiple miss communications. in this instance and these are absolutely not excuses at all. this is just so people can understand how these types of things happen. the secret service has an entire division they deal with threats like this, walking around. typically there would be agents on the ground could go out and surveil the area, relay. you could clearly hear the snipers were saying they had a person of interest. a person of suspicion. if you don't have the resources on the ground to track that person down, that's why you keep losing them, again, even at the white house role call every morning, multiple calls coming in from people, family members, friends, saying hey this person left the house. they are coming to the white house. they are going to do something bad, look out for them. >> we have pictures of people that we are looking for all day every day this is why you need
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the personnel following up on the threats. they clearly you a the individual. they weren't able to track them because the counter sniper teams weren't able to relay on the ground to follow this person. and that's why he was able to do what he did. >> brian: one thing is clear we have clear dialogue. that's the guy we were taking pictures of. that's the guy with the bag. that's the guy with the bike. and we lost him. they basically told us exactly what happened. >> yeah. and that's, again, when you talk about they were saying they had the personnel and resources. well, you don't. and having numbers is different than having the people trained to do the specific job. so you have counter snipers who are trained to spot people out. you have protective intelligence agents on the ground trained to track people down. look for behaviors. look for things that are suspicious. just putting, you know, local police officer in a spot, that's not what is he trained to do. you know, he has a quick role call brief on maybe, his
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responsibility for the day or her responsibility for the day. but that -- you are asking people to do something that they are not trained to do. that's why you need specific secret service people in these areas. so you can track this down. this is how it does happen at the white house. we would, for emergency response team, when i was an officer there for 10 years i watched the fence line and call people out of suspicion where they were at and you have teams on the ground, under cover teams, protective intelligence teams where they track these people down and follow them around. in this case, they just clearly didn't have the personnel to follow people of suspicion. >> ainsley: marshall, you have personal experience of this. you mentioned you worked at the white house and pa will twod the fence. we famously aired that video. we were all working that day when you deployed your dog, your canine hurricane and caught the guy was that trying to climb the fence. tell us about that and, also, have you mentioned that you talked a little bit about the director not going to the scene
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of the shooting. she never went during the investigation. so i want to hear you talk about that as well. >> you know, you worry about history repeating itself. and, you know, 10 years ago, almost to the month now, the secret service was having a lot of these security lapses. it pretty much culminated in september of 2019, when you have omar gonzalez gets -- or september 19th, 2014, omar gonzalez gets inside the white house. so 12 days later, director peterson did resign. very similar to hearings at capitol hill, just like we have seen this week she did resign. five weeks later an individual jumps the fence again, over the bike rack, over the fence and right there on the front along with president obama and his family right inside. so you can see the frustration from us officers on the ground of changes not being made quick enough. and that's, you know, we can --
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there will be a new director but that doesn't immediately fix the problem. the one thing director joseph clancy one of the greatest men i ever met he effects the secret service did it by talking to the men and women on the ground. he would leave headquarters every day and walk the entire white house complex for hours talking to uniformed division officers and post standards. what are the security issues? what are the concerns? what went wrong. where did the person jump the fence? where are vulnerabilities. he did that with the men and women of the secret service every day coming to and from headquarters. >> brian: they made the fence bigger, too. >> to hear that this director didn't go to the site, that was obviously a surprise to hear that. >> lawrence: that goes to all the guys still in the secret service. they don't hear from her. she doesn't talk to them. there is no comms back and forth and so that was the big problem
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marshall, thank you for being on the program and please tell eric hello. >> ainsley: do they know each other? your dog knows hurricane? how is your dog doing? >> lawrence: enjoying retirement. >> running around like a crazy man. >> ainsley: thank you for your service and protecting the president all those years. now to another alert. president biden will finally address the nation tonight after days of silence fog his decision to drop out of the race. >> lawrence: meanwhile vice president kamala harris held her first campaign rally since becoming the presumptive democratic nominee. >> steve: lots to talk about. that's why we are asking madeleine rivera to summarize it all. made made good morning. the pres why he left the race lt six months in office. >> he didn't reveal anything on tuesday. listen. >> what are you going to tell americans tomorrow night. [inaudible] >> why did you drop out,
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mr. president? was it a difficult decision to make. >> touting $126 million fundraising haul since sunday. in a new memo they say they are confident the vice president can expand their support especially among minority voters as she lays out the choices in november? we are a people-powered campaign. that is how you know we will be a people first presidency i know donald trump's type. in this campaign i promise you i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week. >> for their part the lewis-harris is tied to the president's record on the crisis at the southern border. lawrence, ainsley, steve and brian. >> steve: thank you.
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>> brian: attack plan. convicted felon. got it. i know people like that. i prosecute him for years. understand it. when she says i'm proud to compare my record to donald trump's record. i don't think that's a place she wants to go. i don't think joe biden wanted to go there. very interesting to think that he is going to take someone with 40-year business record and four years as president and says i will put my record up against it. what business has she ever done? >> lawrence: i get the focus on kamala harris though. we still have a current president of the united states. and he has just been mia. >> steve: off the radar. supposed to be giving this address today. there is no real governing happening right now. there is no talk about policy. what he is going to do. just like they are going to coast him out. ainsley made this point as well yesterday. we look at this in two prongs, from a political standpoint, obviously you don't want kamala harris to get that bump from
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becoming president, is this what is good for the country to have this guy still there? we still have national security threats just had an assassination on a former president and threat on iran as well that we are worried about. >> steve: we haven't seen him for all those days and you know, we heard from the white house dock, to kevin o'connor, he said that apparently the current president was treated with paxlovid, which he has received a number of times. he tested negative for coronavirus and so that's why he came back to the white house. he never had a fever. vitals normal. lungs clear. he had planned to campaign for kamala harris this week but apparently he has pretty much canceled everything with the exception of meeting with bibi netanyahu tomorrow. and then is he going to go camp david. but here's the thing. he returns and by the way he did take the big steps not the baby steps then again it was a smaller plane. he returned to the white house much different presidency because he has six months to go.
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is he not running anymore. and is he a lame duck. and so tonight what he is going to do is he is going to talk a little bit about what lies ahead going to be a frustration. for the most part, pass any legislation. they are going to want to go home and campaign so they win. >> ainsley: think about what happened. a little more than a week ago president trump survives this assassination attempt that really rallied the voters around him. then did you go into the rnc. the democrats were panicking because they knew they were going to lose. all the polls showed that. they knew that all the democrats were going on every channel saying this. then they are in honeymoon phase. they announce kamala harris is going to be the new candidate. waiting on her to pick her vp. they are in this phase right now where it's the money moon. every time you go on social media new memes and new praises for kamala harris. this is what you saw from the media yesterday. listen. >> harris made her first
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official campaign stop and she did it delicious, i mean delicious dose of trolling donald trump and the republicans. >> she understands what her message is. she understands message discipline. and she is an extraordinary candidate on the trail. >> free at last, free at last, kamala harris is unleashed. she is just brilliant. she is just the energy that's coming off of her is energy that's coming off the american people. look, i mean, this is 2008 vibes already. >> brian: obviously comparing to president biden mud ling way through speeches,. >> ainsley: anyone is going to be better. >> brian: couldn't go more than 15 minutes. she is very good on the prompter. no one doubted that 3,000 people there. hey i'm democrat, i thought we were going to go down this flames now we have a shot. the problem with kamala harris. number one, she has not had her record exploited heavily.
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people marginalized her in the democratic party what a bad choice joe biden made. number two is she hasn't sat down for an interview. when she sits counsel for an interview and says do you want to defund ice? where do you stand on medicare for all. already you got a question. she will not show up for the prime minister's joint session of congress today. she would rather address in the summer a sorority, a college sorority like she can't get out of that. so, that's her decision and that's her decision to back up the protesters. >> ainsley: what about the border? i haven't been to europe either. remember that? she didn't go to the border. now we are learning two of the last two border chiefs she hasn't talked to. >> lawrence: to brian's point as well. no one doubted the prompter. a person able to defend themselves. remember she did great when it comes to the hearings, the person can't really respond in an appropriate way. >> brian: like kavanaugh?
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>> lawrence: they are on the hot seat. when it comes to interviews, back and forth. no script. she has to understand the policy. i mean, this is not coming from us. when you talk to her people, which by the way, that should be the entire investigation to over-the-80% of her staff members that left, and one of the things that they say is she is not well-read. she doesn't read the briefing material or any of that information. >> steve: to your point, ainsley, she is the honeymoon stage. take a look at kamala harris. we have taken a look. all eyes are on her. go through various jobs in her adult life and talk a little bit about how she has done. it does come down to her on the issues when she was vice president, there were border czar. last two border patrol chiefs say harris has not talked to them. she pushed the nfl administration's messaging on the israel-gaza conflict and called for a cease-fire in
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march. said anti-israel protesters on college campuses were showing exactly what the human emotion should be as a response gaza. not meeting with bye-bye leading voice inside the administration advocating for forgiving student debt. >> brian: also, look at foreign policy. she was looking at advocate, excuse me, went to europe stop the russian invasion. protest on gaza. tell me how that's profitable or how the american jewish audience is going to feel as though that resonates. that might be outward attempt or maybe an homage to the michigan voters. >> ainsley: she was also a senator. she applauded the l.a. decision funding after the george floyd death. she helped raise funds to bail reuters out in 2020. >> brian: tweet is still out there. >> ainsley: defining the green new deal she is all into the environment. pushed fracking ban. how is that going to work in the
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rust belt states? how is that going to work in pennsylvania during her 2019 white house run even though she did try to walk it back when she was biden's running mate. in 2018 she said we need to critically re-examine ice and its role and the way it is being administered. >> brian: they did. and they gutted it. and now we have no way of following up on these would be criminals. and then supported healthcare for illegal immigrants. on camera multiple times saying everyone in this country should get free healthcare. i don't care how are. >> lawrence: go to the beginning of the career when she was a prosecutor and attorney general in california. first three years district attorney san francisco's conviction rated jumped from 52 to 47%. 5267%. >> declined to pursue the death penalty against a man who murdered a san francisco police officer. under her tenure as a.g., the state passed controversial prop 47 which made retail theft under
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$950 a misdemeanor. we're seeing the effects of that right now. the california g.o.p. recently blamed her for that. we just laid out from senator to attorney general, prosecutor as well as vice president. there's a wealth of information when it comes to kamala harris. >> steve: it's her record. >> lawrence: you can attack that all these other attacks are just unnecessary. it's going to tick voters off. >> steve: right. >> lawrence: it's going to make this an identity politics race. and if you decide to do that, you're going to lose. if you start attacking her based on being dei and all the other stuff like that. you are going to turn voters off. especially and, look i understand it, biden set the stage for it saying hey, i'm only going to select a black woman. you never want to make -- when the g.o.p. is gaining ground in black america for that to be the one thing you attacking her on there is a lot of stuff we just
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laid out. >> steve: right now she is the honeymoon phase as we have talked about. now you know a little more about her personal record. the question is how is she going to do in the early polling was that she was still under water, compared to donald trump. priorities u.s.a. which is democratic super pac did some polling since she has been out and about. and she is generating more enthusiasm than joe biden with young voters. democrat leaning voters in battleground states between the ages of 18 and 34; 5% more likely to definitely vote for her. she has picked up 4% with black voters and 3% with latinos than joe biden. >> brian: this is hours. that i can knowing that the fact is this is almost a flash poll. they also have reuters has harris up by 2 over trump which was predicted by ferrari biggio, trump's leading pollster for years. he said the honeymoon
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wall-to-wall conch for harris. receive fantastic conch from the mainstream media. it's happening. largely positive. certainly energize democrats and other parts of the coalition. sooner or later it's going to be about her record and it's going to go back to who is responsible? what did she do? the reason why she had under 40% approval rate his approval rating 36%. because their policies didn't work. trump says compare the policies. after the honeymoon phase is over and the democratic convention is through. that's where the trump team feels as though they will begin to pull away. >> ainsley: if you are anti-israel. if you want to slash police funding. if you want to reimagine ice. if you want to let people out after they have stolen $950 from a department store. if you want to ban fracking if i want other countries to rely on oil. then she might be your girl. but, the majority of where i come from, they are not into any of this. they think it's too progressive.
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they think it's too radical. that is who she is as a candidate. >> >> lawrence: the great thing that the former president has already said that he wants to do the debate. he says he will do two. he will do many debates. that tells you that he wants to prosecute her policies, versus his. i will be interesting. >> many. >> brian: see who j.d. vance goes against. >> steve: it will wind up being a binary choice. both those people have drastically different views on what should happen keep race and gender out of it. go with the issues. >> lawrence: i agree, brian. >> lawrence: netanyahu's speech to congress today and so are some of her fellow democrats. >> brian: but, katie pavlich will be there i should say. she will join us next. ♪
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>> brian: fox news alert now hundreds of and israeli protesters are expected to invade capitol hill today ahead of israel. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu's congressional address. it comes after at least 200 protesters were arrested yesterday. they didn't want to move. lucas tomlinson was part of the madness, watching it, reporting on it. not taking part of it live outside the capitol yesterday. lucas? >> brian, all is calm and quiet here in front of the u.s.
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capitol. going to be a different story. noisier later. as you mentioned hundreds of protesters expected to ascend here before israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu before congress it. will be netanyahu's fourth address to congress. that's the most of any world leader in u.s. history eclipsing churchill as you mentioned yesterday in the cannon house office building hundreds of protesters descended to voice their outrage about the war in gaza. of course the most notable democrat to skip netanyahu's address is kamala harris. the vice president, of course. she would have been sitting right behind the prime minister next to house speaker mike johnson. she will be addressing a sorority in indiana today instead, brian. and at least 18 house democrats and nine senate democrats are also expected to skip netanyahu's address. senate president pro tem pat murray. dick durbin number two ranking senator and other party leaders jim clyburn, clyburn as well.
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mark kelly who is on the short list to be kamala's running mate. posting on truth social during my first term we had peace and stability in the region. even signing the historic abraham accords and we will have it again. millions are dying and kamala harris is in no way capable of stopping it. now, former president trump is expected to meet israel's prime minister at his mar-a-lago estate on friday. so, things calm right now on capitol hill in front of the capitol. that's expected to change. the washington commanders kick off training camp i'm not sure if that will thin out the crowd. not likely. >> brian: who is organizing he and funding them? have we ever gotten to the bottom of what iran is doing and why they are praising them. nice job, lucas. our next guest will be at the speech today. she told me that last night on "the five." katie pavlich. why was it important for you to
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be there? >> good morning, brian. this is historic. i was at prime minister benjamin netanyahu's address to congress in 2015. he is coming today at the invitation of house speaker mike johnson. and israel is in a very precarious situation, fighting for its life as iran takes its proxies around the country and tries to eliminate the state from the face of the earth. it's quite interesting now that the vice president, kamala harris, who is now going to be the democratic nominee for president is refusing to show up along with a number of democrats today on capitol hill. which is pretty pathetic and immature given the world events that we have been seeing. and it really sends a message that democrats and the democratic party are morally conflicted about a democracy terrorist organizations funded by the iran with aians with the biden administration made more capable carrying out attacks not just on israel but americans stationed in the middle east and
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americans all around the world it. shows they are not willing to stand up for our friends on not just an national stage but international one and certainly it sends the wrong message from the woman who wants to be the next president of the united states. >> brian: it will be patty murray behind benjamin netanyahu when she speaks. it's such an embarrassment. benjamin netanyahu will meet with president trump at mar-a-lago. and will meet with president biden, too. they also rallied and protested outside the prime minister's hotel at the watergate last night. yesterday, there were hostage that was released address a round table of house foreign affairs members. talked about husband still being held captive. and what they are up against in the region. you would think there would be a reality check for these lawmakers who seem to be more worried about michigan. >> well, look, on october 7th, 30 americans were killed. murdered by hamas. you have 8 americans still being held hostage in the gaza strip.
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and, yet, you have democrats refusing to simply show up to listen to what a duly elected prime minister of the only democracy in the middle east has to say about all of this. you don't have to agree with his politics. you don't have to agree with the way he has executed the war. you should just show up and listen to this just more broadly speaking in the political arena strikes a contrast between kamala harris and president donald trump who will be meeting with prime minister netanyahu in florida and list off all the things he did. starved iran. pay for. recognize the golan heights. he also moved the u.s. embassy to jerusalem from tel aviv permanently. so these are all things that were in the interest of the united states democrats more interested in voters in michigan and minnesota rather than the long-term plan here. >> brian: mahmoud abbas head of the palestinian fat that wrote a note saying glad you survived
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the assassination attempt. very thoughtful put that online with his signature saying thank you. tonight 8:00. we will see president biden walk out or be behind the -- in the oval office behind the resolute desk and is he going to speak. i imagine for about 15 minutes. what do you expect him to say? >> katie: you know, brian i expect we will continue to see this charaded that the white house has been trying to sell the american people for the last four years. joe biden decided incapable of running for four more years in office but sell the people is he capable of continuing as president. try to make the case there is more to be done when really he is a lame duck president. see him say he is capable, vigorous, mentally stable and more than just americans are watching tonight. our investigators will be advers well. >> brian: bret and martha special conch on biden's address
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before and after. thank you, katie pavlich. joy reid calling out minority voters if they don't back kamala harris. our next guests aren't buying her message. >> you want to look real crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color.s, of color.s, ♪ symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin and show it off. (♪) with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi, is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur.
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on the right fox news contributor and david webb. i went and looked at some of the numbers here and this is right now when it comes to her favorability, just -- a bunch of black folks right now she sat 59%. back in 2022. she was at 65%. so, she is already lost 40% of black folks, and i guess we are not going to be a part of the community. we are going to look real suspect if we don't cast our vote for her? >> so, joy reid is participating in this age old process by which black americans are the only voters group who are required to somehow check our race or check our skin tone and support candidates who match that as opposed to looking at policy. now, joy reid is someone who once this is all over will begin to toe the party line. one of the people who carried water for the biden administration to hide cognitive decline from americans. this is really just her role. we don't know how she truly feels. when she is hot mic she doesn't
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love biden but right now she is loving harris. i look at policy. kamala harris supports green new deal, dei, supports the open border. bailed criminals out of prison who went on to rape and murder other people through huge fund, $56 million, lawrence. when we are talking about who she is and what she is doing, that's the conversation i want to have. the fact that she is black or a woman or indian and a woman. those are i. to me. policy trumps those things all day. i prefer to think with my mind, not my skin tone. >> lawrence: such a good point, stacy. one of the conversations having as this debate takes place is where are black men going to go? we have seen a shift towards donald trump. so, isaac haste, i'm not talking about the great isaac hayes i'm talking about eye isaac hayes the son. he tweeted black women are watching you tear down overqualified black woman for trying to fulfill her purposes breaking barriers and accomplish
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her dreams black men and said you have to vote for her. >> first, let me clear something up about joy reid, lawrence, she is sharpton racist pitcher that's what she is. back to stacy's point and expand on that, the fact is we have to make our decisions based on our circumstances as americans. whether you are black or not. what is your personal economy look like? the cost of goods and services? and the fact that they are trying to tell us we should vote -- us being black people in america, that we should vote based on the color of our skin points to who the real racists are here. if you went out and told white people they could only vote for a white candidate based on the color of their skin, they would be up in arms, and they would have a right to be. the fact is we have to look at our circumstances. kamala harris did all the
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things -- did all the things that most people shouldn't do in life. she failed upwards. attorney general, non-distinct senator. non-effective, not frankly a nonworking vice president. someone who has failed americans in every tank she has been given. and people have paid the price and continue to pay the price for that and isaac haste, i don't know, i got to tell you he has a lot of songs that would tell you otherwise he was saying follow your heart. >> lawrence: impact our community. i want to make sure our kids have a quality education, that means school choice. i want to make sure that all of our businesses in our community can flourish. that means low taxes, low regulations, so they can build the businesses that they want. and i want our kids safe. that means getting rid of the people that are criminals in our community. not putting them back on the street. the candidate that presents that, i think should receive our
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community support. stacy washington, david webb, thank you so much for joining the program this morning. >> thank you, lawrence. good morning. >> thank you, lawrence. >> >> lawrence: you got it. after being mia for days president biden will address the nation tonight after dropping out of the race. what should he say we will ask former george w. bush speech writer marc thiessen, estate next. ♪ there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care
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1 >> ainsley: tonight, president biden finally addressing the nation after cropping out of the race on sunday. >> steve: here with what we could expect to hear tonight at 8:00 p.m. on fox news, fox news contributor and speech writer to jwb marc thiessen. >> ainsley: good morning. >> good morning. >> steve: if you were writing the speech you would have him resign because he is unfit to be president? >> yeah, that's probably why is he not going to have me write the speech, unfortunately. but, look, if he did ask me to write the speech it, would be very hard speech to write because he owes the american people a lot of explanations and they there are really no good answers to provide. just a few days ago. he was telling the american people it was full steam ahead. >> he was perfectly fine, he was fit. he just had a bad night. now all of a sudden he has reversed course 180 degrees. what happened? what changed? he has to explain why, suddenly,
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he has stepped aside. and he also has to explain, you know, why if he is fit to serve -- if he is not fit to run, why is he fit to serve? you know, why is he still the president? these are questions going to be very hard to ena. >> ainsley: all of a sudden 100 days, a little more than 100 days out of this election. and then he tells us that he is resigning. this is unprecedented. it's never happened before. you worked for a president. what is happening behind the scenes? how did this all play out? >> well, i have never worked for a president like this. i mean, oval office address for president unless there is like an immediate crisis of some kind you are working on these speeches for weeks at a time to prepare for them. this is something that is being put together at the last second. sudden decision that was made. though maybe behind the scenes they were preparing for this moment and just moving him towards. this maybe the speech writers were assigned to do this a couple weeks ago and the president didn't know his speech writers were working on it. other thing, keep in mind, also, the last thing we really want is
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for him to resign. because, from the white house. because kamala harris is the most radical person ever nominated by a major party. she -- if you look at her voting record. remember, four years ago, the democrats panicked that bernie sanders might end up being the democratic nominee, which is why they rallied around joe biden. her voting record was to the left of bernie sanders in the u.s. senate. of 100 senators she was the most far left person. she completely supports the green new deal, the whole democratic socialist agenda to the green new deal, to medicare for all. this is a very radical person. she should never be anywhere near the oval office. >> steve: of course, famously, barack obama chose hillary clinton to run in 2016. not joe biden, his vice president. hillary is in the "new york times." she wrote an op-ed and she said among other things, marc, while it still pains me that i could not break that highest, hardest glass ceiling i'm proud that my presidential campaigns made it to seem normal to have a woman
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at the top of the ticket 2 sounds like she has forgot been geraldine ferraro who of course ran for vice president with mondale. >> yeah, no. i think hillary maybe saying that publicly but she is quietly seething that kamala harris is this close to the oval office. but i will tell you, this is very dangerous this is not ha normal candidate. this is the most far left person ever nominated by a major party. she wants to ban fracking, which is going to be -- how is that going to sell in pennsylvania? she, you know, she opposed -- she wants to abolish ice. she supported healthcare for all illegal migrants. the list of her radical left policies goes -- and she also owns all the disasters of the biden administration. she cast the deciding vote for the pending that unleashed the worst inflation in four decades. it's going to be a tough sale. >> ainsley: thank you so much, marc, for coming on. >> thank you. >> ainsley: watch the president's address live with fox news' special conch
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beginning at 8:00 p.m. we will have martha and bret on set and they will watch the speech and then they will give their reaction. >> steve: and we have carley on set. >> carley: hi, guys. >> ainsley: hi, carley. >> carley: popped in early to get extra screen time with you. this just in as we get closer to the 2024 paris summer olympic games, salt lake city has won the bid for the 2034 winter olympics, long awaited decision comes as the international olympic committee board convenes ahead of this summer's summer olympic games which will kick off very soon, july 24th. remarkable video from the coast of new hampshire show the humpbacked whale leaping out of the water and jumping ton a fishing boat. the fishermen on board were ejected and the 23-foot vessel capsized. the fisherman were helped out of the water and okay. the whale swam away uninjured.
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wild video there over on the west coast. wreaking havoc at a beach in southern california, chasing off beach goers at la jolla cove. increasingly common site at the cove. local sea lion population increases this time of year for breeding season. those are your headlines, guys. >> ainsley: that's so funny. >> steve: i have been on that beach in la jolla, those sea lions are very aggressive. all right, we are going to step aside. look who is coming up the next two hours. "fox & friends," put down thes remote. we'll be right back. than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business.
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