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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 24, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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antisemitism good morning, it's 8:00 a.m. this is "fox and friends." we have chilling body cam video to show you from before moments before trump's assassination attempt. >> sniper, this is him. hais the sniper that sent the original pictures and seen him come from the bike and lost sight of him. >> ainsley: that was the suspect dead on the roof, after the president had been shot. look at this, panic from the crowd. people are running. [screaming] [shots fired] >> ainsley: senator marco rubio will react to all of this. >> brian: president biden will address the nation tonight after being missing in action for a
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week. what would dana perino say? >> steve: and new democratic nominee, what do we know about her record? not the person, the policy. we'll walk her through extreme policies coming up shortly. >> lawrence: final hour of "fox and friends" starts now and remember, mornings are better with friends. >> steve: fox news alert. newly released video from chuck grassley's office showing moments after the assassination attempt on former president trump. officers on the roof and body behind them. >> brian: footage raise questions as christopher wray is set to speak in a few hours. >> lawrence: we begin with cb, what do you know? >> good morning, lawrence. iowa republican senator chuck
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grassley obtained and released body camera video saying americans need answers. local law enforcement identified gunman thomas crooks as s suspicious and started circulating photos of him. at least one secret service agent got the photos. >> this is the guy -- >> yes, they sent, this is him, the sniper that sent the original pictures and saw the bike. >> i don't know if you got the same ones i did. >> i did, i think i got the one with glasses on. >> and the bike with stuff. our sniper seen him walking away from that, i believe. right inside the window, seen this and sent the pictures. >> john malice, the man who
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captured the momentsed he was stunned how clear he could see president trump without going through security. you can see people running for cover after crooks was spotted on the building with his father's ar type. you can hear crooks fire multiple shots. [shots fired] [screaming] >> get over here. [screaming] [shots fired] >> malice captured this chilling
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photo of the moment before crooks is killed. he said he watched crooks turn and point the rifle toward him and others who were hiding. a counter sniper had an obstructed view and managed to kill the gunman with a one in a million shot. the shooter's father wouldn't say if there were missed warning assigns with his son. >> we will release a statement when our legal counsel advises us to do so. we want to take care of ourselves right now, so please give us our space. >> ronald roe, been named new acting director of secret service after kimberly cheatle faced scrutiny for multiple security lapses during the campaign stop. >> brian: thank you. main reason she was let go, she
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refused to answer questions, even stuff that was knowable that she mentioned prior, she would not mention almost daring them. people look at her background, she's never headed up a security team before. there were complaints in 2022 about her. >> steve: you are right. there she is going in to testify. today christopher wray, fbi head, will be on capitol hill in the hot seat. last week he told members of congress about stuff they found on the phone including pictures of joe biden and donald trump and various other people. he has things to say. it will be interesting to see how far he is able to go because they are still conducting the investigation. >> lawrence: i anticipate the director to say, i've been telling you about the threats, are you guys listening to me?
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will you listen to me now? >> brian: this is not necessarily the threat fbi director outlined, he was talking about the border. the parents were saying, my son is missing and they said the gun, the rifle is missing. >> they called 911 just hours before the shooting. they have been cooperating with the fbi. when they were approached by fox, they said they will release a statement when legal counsel advises them to do so. >> steve: bring in detective ted williams live in butler not far from the building we are showing there. so many mistakes were made. it was over an hour before the shooting that the secret service was warned of a character of suspicion on the ground. they did not know he had a gun.
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they saw him on a bike and a book bag, they did not know he had a bug. president went and gave the speech, bang, bang, here we are. >> you know, guys, this was an accident waiting to happen. it is inconceivable and unbelievable that the secret service knowing full well they had a suspicious person and to let the president of the united states go on that stage, that should have never happened. i want you to think about it for a second, not only did they let the president of the united states go on, we had citizens that were there. we had a man, a man who lost his life as a result of the inaction of law enforcement in this case. >> brian: yeah, so i guess when
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you look at what they found out, thanks to citizens with iphones, we found out they were looking for this guy. weun fo out he had a bike and a gun and something in a bag. we found out they lost him before they found out he is the sn sn sniper shooting. there is eight shots, two returning fire, one killed him and blew up his head. >> there is so much that we have learned, so much that we do not know about thomas crooks. we don't know about other k connections this man may have had. we don't know if there were any accomplices or other individuals who knew something about what happened. one thing chilling to me, they were leading the president from the stage, menning secret service, all of a sudden, he pops up and talks about fight, fight, fight, that was chilling
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to me, if there was a second shooter, he would have had a clear target at the president of the united states under those circumstances. >> steve: interesting to see what christopher wray is able to say. some on capitol hill think he will be queried by both sides why did the fbi say the shooter had no obvious ideological motive. >> lawrence: great job, ted. >> ainsley: shame this had to happen, we lost someone, the president almost killd and two other people shot, as well. now he can't have outdoor rallies that people love. >> lawrence: that unacceptable to me. >> brian: they recommend they don't have them, bolster up. point countless rallies that g al gore and hillary clinton had.
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>> lawrence: recommendation is based on saying we can't properly protect you. >> ainsley: people will stay home. >> lawrence: it is the implication, we can't protect you or your people. >> steve: they have limited resources and need more money from think can. >> ainsley: they have 3 point-something budget. they don't have enough officers to protect guy running for president? >> brian: 8000 agents, they want 9200 agents. you might be able to sup element with your own people, are they being vin dickative? you have been critical of me, my recommendation is you don't have these rallies. >> lawrence: maybe you take agents working on financial crime and put them where they should be, which is protecting the president. huge part of the agency is doing treasury work. let someone else do that.
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protect it is president and former families. >> ainsley: christopher wray and tonight president biden will address the nation after days of silence. >> steve: jacqui heinrich is in the north lawn with the latest on what we know. there is a lot we don't know, what will he say? >> that's right, steve, the president said he will get into the details tonight when he addresses the nation from the oval office, that is usually reserved for somber events or emergencies, bit of signal, less of rallying cry to get behind his vice president than a history to heart with america. his allies told him his 50 years needed to come to an end. he could not get a victory at 81 years old. >> what are you going to tell
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americans tomorrow night? why did you drop out, mr. president? [indiscernible] >> why did you drop out of the election? was it a difficult decision to make? sgls we expect biden to detail how he will spend final months in office as an early lame duck president amid reports kamala harris will clean house in his cabinet if she wins in november. not just the cabinet, officials are grappling with grief and questions about their future. press secretary karine jean-pierre made an appearance on "the view." >> does joe feel betrayed or understand it is -- >> we will hear from him and he'll address what is on his heart. he has a big heart and understands where people are. having done this 36 years as
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senator, eight years as vice president and four years as president, he gets where we are as a country. >> first briefing since july 15th later today. because of hatch act, the campaign gave a look in a new memo saying they are feel ing optimistic because of fun fundraising and large crowds. they say harris has advantage among several key voting blocks. >> steve: he's not going to say, i'm not healthy, i'm not mentally there. he's going to say, i'm passing the torch. >> that is what we expect. he's denied forever that there is anything to worry about with his mental acuity, but he was not able to buck that belief among his colleagues and the base and so it was really concerns about his age that led
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everyone to the conclusion, he could not lead the party to victory. i would be surprised if we learned anything about some condition he has. we will -- nobody knows yet issue i would be surprise. >> brian: then comes 25th amendment, how could he finish. >> steve: then she would become president. >> ainsley: and an incumbent. this is a fresh face, fresh, younger person. >> lawrence: bret and martha will have special coverage 8:00 p.m. special time. >> brian: talk about kamala harris and what she's done. over 48 hours, maybe more, consolidated power. had two speeches now, yesterday in front of 3000 people in milwaukee and people are lauding her. does good on prompter, comfortable in front of people,
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what would she be like as a president? >> ainsley: should not be about gender or race, should be about record and policy, what did she accomplish as vice president? >> steve: she was so-called border czar ask let the border crisis effort. she said don't come and eight million came. no contact with border patrol chief, current or before. when you look at numbers, record migrant encounters under biden administration came across. >> lawrence: she went to europe to deter innovation of ukraine. it happened days later. when it came to student debts, she advocated for it. and it was approved. >> steve: senator, prosecution and attorney general. >> brian: she was not there long
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as senator. when she was a senator and the george floyd riots, she supported this freedom fund to get them out and co-founded original new deal, $10 trillion, she signed on to it. oh, those people who cross the border, i think we should decriminalize illegal border crossings and supported healthcare for all. that is not unusual, in california they do that. >> ainsley: healthcare for illegals, you pay for it. >> brian: they do that in california. >> steve: get in the way back machine, here she is in 2019. >> you support giving universal health care, to all for people in this country illegally? scombl i'm opposed to any policy that would deny any human being from access to public safety,
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public education or public health, period. >> ainsley: when she was a prosecutor and the attorney general in state of california, she declined to pursue death penalty again a man who killed a california police officer and was in favor of passing prop 47, supported that one where if you go into a department store and steal less than $900, you are just charged with a misdemeanor. >> steve: in 2020, she was running as a progressive and we had marc thiessen in first hour of "fox and friends" and she talked about how she's most liberal person running as a nominee. >> ainsley: more than bernie sanders. >> steve: which is extraordinary, when bernie sanders was ahead of joe biden, whole party had to rally around joe biden to get rid of that guy. kamala harris is a lot like bernie sanders. listen to larry kudlow
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yesterdays. >> mrs. harris is accountable for cumulative rise in cost of living and 4% drop in average weekly wages. both factoid, big blow to hard-working middle-class folks who find themselves trapped in the biden-harris affordability crisis and has a long tail over the course of their term. as senator, she teamed up with bernie sanders in favor of his medicare for all legislation. that was estimated to cost 35 trillion. as senator, she sfoupported universal basic income and she supported rent and utility payment control. kamala harris is a spender, a taxer, a regulator, that is why i refer to her as big government socialism, she is redistributor,
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take from peter and give to paul. california model of everything, which we have learned, is a failed model. >> lawrence: we went through her policy and at her core, she only brought death, poverty and destruction to communities all over the country. has not been good for the country. focus on that record when we talk about kamala harris. i worry, take it to the bank, this will be the most racialized presidential campaign in american history. all dei stuff and i get joe biden put it on the table and said he's selecting a black woman. don't turn voters off. when i talk to voters and they are inspired by donald trump, they say he was good for the economy, he understands the justice system. they want to hear about first step act and education policy.
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this other stuff, i think, will turn voters off. talk with about what we laid out, she has a terrible raerd. >> ainsley: all this will come up during the debate. >> steve: she wants to spend 2 trillion to finish what joe biden was unable to do, universal pre-k, elder care, child care, tax cuts for working class families and jack taxes up on corporations. >> brian: joe manchin and cnn assign /* kyrsten sinema stand in her way. there was a point last night, how did a woman who never made more than $145,000 end up with millions of dollars. another rich politician that should not dpet rich from salaries given to her. >> steve: "wall street journal" said her husband used to work
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for a prominent law firm and made a lot of money. >> lawrence: new body cam footage shows whats seen and fla flagged just before assassination attempt on trump. >> brian: senator marco rubio join us next, don't move. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way. for more than a decade farxiga has been trusted again and again, and again. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ask your doctor about farxiga.
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>> brian: new body cam footage after secret service killed the gunman at trump's rally. agents were warned before the assassination attempt. listen. >> yes, sniper sent the picture out, this is him. >> that is sniper that sent the picture, seen the bike and lost sight of him. >> i don't know if you got what i did. >> i got that. >> this is his bike with the stuff and our sniper seen him walking away, i believe. he would be right inside the window, seen this and sent the pictures. >> brian: the sniper i guess was secret service. wray will appear today. you have marco rubio. we have this footage and will get more. what does this tell you? >> it is massive failure. a sniper from a rooftop is known
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ulverability in general. i think it is a known vu vulnerability at outside rallies vm problem is, if you are not providing personnel, they o outsource perimeter. i think it is stunning that in an event like this, major leading republican -- republican nominee now, former president and someone we know is being targeted by a foreign government, it is amazing. they were taking pictures on cell phone and distributing it to a text messaging group. instead of realtime, massive systemic failure and we are lucky the person was not professionally trained, we would have had more tragic outcome. >> brian: do you think this is a one off? do you sense if we look at other trump rallies, we might see the
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same holes in security? >> i think we would see the same holes. this particular event, i don't think is a one off. requires additional personnel. i don't think level of security was matched. this is big systemic failure and someone needs to be held responsible and it can never happen again. >> brian: massive news, joe biden is set to step down, will make it official tonight and it will be kamala harris who had two big speeches, one got 3000 people. do you have a sense of your former colleague in senate, what a harris presidency would look like? joe >> joe biden was a rental, he got in office and did not know what was going on and gave
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leftists runway. she is not a rental, she is owned by the left wing party. talk about defending ice, d defunding the police. these are things she fought for, stood for and voted for as senator and that is what she will do as president. she is a left wing democrat and will be most radically left president this country has ever had. she will be worse than biden, she fully believes these things and will make them priorities. biden had no political base, she believes in these things and will push them and this country will be destroyed. >> brian: do you think president trump has a game plan for this? >> i'm sure. it was widely speculated.
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i would expect she wanted the administration to go further. her reaction to israel and fight against hamas would be more p palatable to hamas costume people than what joe biden did. she believes these things and i think she will hide it during the campaign and media will do everything to boost her. she's a radical california left winger. >> brian: we have prime minister netanyahu of israel addressing. the vice president will not be there. he has a full day ahead, so do we. coming up next, president biden speaks to america about what lies ahead. his first on-camera remarks since he exited the race. dana perino will tell us what to expect. of bringing textile manufacturing back to america.
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>> lawrence: fox news alert. prime minister netanyahu will address congress this afternoon. vice president kamala harris will not be there. hundreds of anti-israeli protesters will storm capitol hill today after 2where are 0 were arrested yesterday. lucas tomlinson is outside with the latest. >> lucas: as you can see behind me, the capitol has been barricaded and with d.c. police short, nypd have come down here from new york. we've seen five buses, including a mobile command group.
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yesterday kcapitol police took the stage when hundreded descended inside the congressional offices. most notable absence today for prime minister netanyahu and vice president kamala harris, she would have been sitting next to mike johnson. she will be addressing a sorority today. senate pro tem pat you murphy, dick durbin, and other party leaders such as jim clyburn will not be there. senator mark kelly is expected to attend and former president donald trump posting to truth social, during my first term, we had peace and stability and
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signing historic abraham accord and we'll have it gaep. mill knowios are dying and kamala harris is no way capable of stopping it. vice president and president are expected to meet with benjamin netanyahu this week and donald trump will host him at his mar-a-lago estate. protesters will descend on the u.s. cape t capitol. >> lawrence: bring in "america's news newsroom", dana perino. this could have been a moment for kamala harris to be presidential, to talk with our cl closest ally, she will skip it. >> dana: this is not how i would have done it. i think she wants to pass the commander-i -- chief the test. you can say, i disagree, can
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say, i understand israel is our greatest ally. i will be here and listen and participate in democracy. i will not go to indianapolis for an event. i don't think there is greater use than the vice president and president's time to listen to benjamin netanyahu. you can disagree, you can say how are we getting these hostages out, including the americans. that is a missed opportunity. you have senators and members of congress skipping, didn't we talk about how college students should be tol -- tolerant to listen to etch spoos. there are americans being held and we have serious problems. i would have gone to the speech. this is a mised opportunity. >> lawrence: we have not heard
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from the president since he decided not to run. what does he need to say and does he need to address why he's staying president and not running for another four years. ad >> dana: think what we've learned about him. he gave a prime time address that was wobbly, when he talked about president trump's failed assassination attempt. he did not fire the u.s. secret service director. he goes to wilmington, you don't hear from him. he got forced out by the party. he did not feel good at thattin po. there is reason for americans to be skeptical to be able to do the job now. his highest responsibility today is to convince people he has this for next six months.
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>> lawrence: would it be wrong move for republicans to get him removed from office? >> dana: it should be something on the merits. white house staff told axios biden is dependable engaged from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. that is not a republican saying that. that is a democrats. i think on the merits they should talk about it and be prepared to call her madam president on the way into this campaign if they make this decision to try to force him out. >> lawrence: great perspective. 8:00 p.m., special kfcoverage. stick around for "america's newsroom," you have elise stefanik. >> dana: elise stefanik, mark penn, trey gowdy, you know what
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he'll talk about and leo terrell, i hope he's taking deep breaths before he comes on today. he is fired up and he's ready to go. l >> lawrence: thanks, dana. we will hear from the president tonight, what do everyday americans hope to hear? we sent doos on the loose, he is live next. isolated...depressed... and embarrassed. that's how it felt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence. if you might pray with me real quick.
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>> ainsley: tonight president biden will address our country for first time since dropping out of the 2024 race? >> brian: what do everyday americans want to hear? we spent steve doocy to go doos on the loose. steve. >> steve: we are interested in what people are going to say about why joe biden is going to explain why he dropped out of the race. >> holly. >> brayden. >> steve: where you from? >> salt lake city, utah. >> steve: how will he explain tonight? >> i hope hes he made this decision and was not forced into
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this and have him explain how this will sief democracy. >> steve: good point. your answer? >> i want to know how he thinks he can run for the country when he can't run for reelection. that is what i want to know. >> steve: you are not alone. what is your name? >> matt clark from north carolina. >> steve: how will joe biden explain, i'm not running for reelection, i should have the keys to air force one. >> i think he will say i need more time with my family, every failed person says. i want him to redefine what he thinks the american dream is. >> steve: i worn if he will explain how many democrats stabbed him in the back. >> steve: where are you from? >> savannah, georgia. >> steve: what do you think joe biden should say to explain why he's not running for reelection? >> that we need more
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transparency and it starts at the top. >> steve: let me check you for a fever, he will not say that. time to pass the torch. >> yeah, she should. >> wrong person to pass the torch to. >> steve: america runs on d dunkin. people stop and watch us. what is your name? >> tracey. >> miles. >> steve: miles, what do you think, why do you think he's going to explain tonight that he is dropping out running for reelection? >> he will have excuses, he was mentally unfit, he probably needs to resign at that point. >> steve: you're a young kid, why do you think he was mentally unfit 1234 sgls if you watch him, it feels like people are putting him on the spot like his
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wife and kamala. >> steve: do you blame jill biden for this? >> i blame him, he should not be where he's at. >> steve: people here on the street, avenue of americas, they are sitting on pins and needles and wants to hear how he could be president, but not run for reelection. >> ainsley: a lot of southerners. >> lawrence: south taking over new york. >> ainsley: we welcome them. >> brian: maybe it will be safe again. >> ainsley: please come visit. thank you, doos on the loose. going for gold, next guest faced tragedy losing his leg in the line of duty, he is gearing up to represent team usa in the paro a/*lynpics.
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i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, count me in. along with clearer skin, skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions
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>> ainsley: an ohio police officer is ready to take home the gold as he gears up for his first paralympics this year in paris. byron branch was seriously injured in the line of duty in
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2016 losing his leg while responding to an accident just eight months into his career. now he is only one month away from representing the stars and stripes on the parra fencing team. tell us what happened when you were in the accident in 2016 >> it would be december 16th i responded to an accident on the highway. not the one i was involved in. i got prematurely stopped. a semi got into an accident and check on driver and make sure everything was okay with him. he came out of the vehicle. let's talk on the other side of my vehicle and the next thing i knew it i woke up in the hospital. >> ainsley: you were back at work serving as a police officer a year later. two years after the accident you won a gold medal in the pan
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american games in canada and won in 2022 and 2024. remarkable. did you ever think you would do that after the accident? >> if you had asked me initially, no. i knew i had enough skills and training prior to that because i was a fencer. i tried to apply when i knew from the fencing game to the wheelchair game. a little learning curve. nothing too extreme. that's what i tried to do and used those skills to take myself to get a gold my first go round. >> ainsley: when did you want to start training again? >> i think what's most important once you go through a traumatic event get yourself on the level you were prior to the event and do everything you did as normally as possible as you did before. >> ainsley: you have two beautiful little girls, eight and 6-year-old. the whole family is going to paris for the paralympics. >> i'm excited about the whole thing and that they get to be there and we get to be in a foreign country together. it will be awesome.
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i'm still working on the logistics getting in and out of the village to see them and spend time with them and see the tower and have them watch me compete. first team seeing me compete out of the country at that level. >> ainsley: you get to go to paris and watch your dad compete is special for your family. how can we help us as a family? you are trying to raise money to go on the trip. >> what i've had to do this go around. i had a sponsor last time. i am raising money through gofundme and say thank you to everybody who helped this far. it has been super helpful. very supportive. it's the best way to help go through gofundme to help me get all the expenses taken care of. >> ainsley: we were talking in the greenroom and wanted to meet you and you are a hero. you were telling me about you are trying to raise money. we put his gofundme page on our "fox & friends" website.
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hopefully you will go there and give him some money so he can compete in paris. >> i'm excited to be in the atmosphere of the other athletes representing the country and athletes from all over the world. being in that kind of atmosphere is incredible. i saw it only to a small extent being in that environment around all the different athletes talking to them from different sports and perspectives. it is exciting. >> ainsley: what do you want to say to the officers at the dayton police department. >> thank you for giving me the time off. sergeant dine and everybody else at the dayton police department. >> ainsley: we're proud of you. you will win the gold and make us all proud. god bless you and thank you for your service to the police department. we'll have brett and martha on to watch the president address our country at 8:00. see you tomorrow. >> bill: good morning, everybody. brand-new video at the momen


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