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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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give him some money so he can compete in paris. >> i'm excited to be in the atmosphere of the other athletes representing the country and athletes from all over the world. being in that kind of atmosphere is incredible. i saw it only to a small extent being in that environment around all the different athletes talking to them from different sports and perspectives. it is exciting. >> ainsley: what do you want to say to the officers at the dayton police department. >> thank you for giving me the time off. sergeant dine and everybody else at the dayton police department. >> ainsley: we're proud of you. you will win the gold and make us all proud. god bless you and thank you for your service to the police department. we'll have brett and martha on to watch the president address our country at 8:00. see you tomorrow. >> bill: good morning, everybody. brand-new video at the moment
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shots were fired 11 days ago. you can read some of the words on the screen. watch this new angle we received late last night. >> bill: there is more of this, too we'll share with you this morning. chaos and some panic. a lot of confusion. in some ways it might be the closest look yet at how the people who are gathered in the field reacted at the moment. one of many stories we're watching today. a huge news day. monumental news day. a lot of live events going through prime time tonight. i'm bill hemmer. let's get after it right now. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." we have no shortage of news. senator chuck grassley also released body camera video showing local authorities and secret service over the shooter's body and it appears to
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confirm the suspect was identified before those shots rang out. >> this is his -- the snipers seen him walking away from that. he would be right in side. he is the one that seen this and sent the pictures and called it up. >> dana: christopher wray is testifying on capitol hill next hour. >> bill: we hope he gives more answers than we heard on monday the kim cheatle the now resigned head of the secret service. let's begin in butler, pennsylvania. cb cotton leads the coverage there. >> this new body camera video appears to confirm at least one secret service agent got photos of the gunman before the shooting. thomas matthew crooks was first identified as suspicious and local law enforcement started circulating photos of him. new questions about why the
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secret service ever allowed former president donald trump to take to the rally stage. >> this is the guy that they -- >> this is him. >> that's the sniper that sent the original pictures and see him from the bike and lost sight of him. he sent the pictures. >> he has glasses on. >> we have a picture of that. >> this was his bike with the stuff. our sniper seen him walking away from that, i believe. he would be right inside that window. the one that physically seen this, sent the pictures and called it out. >> eyewitness captured these horrifying moments and says he was stunned how close he got to former president trump without ever having to go through security. in his video people are screaming, ducking for cover as they try to alert police that crooks is on the roof with a gun. it is too late. crooks gets into position and
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fires multiple shots. he also captured this chilling photo of the moment before crooks is killed saying the gunman turned and pointed the assault rifle towards him and others who were hiding. those who watched the terrifying moments unfold say the lack of security was appalling. >> definitely wasn't secure. i'm ex-military. one of the first things i noticed when we walked up. none of us have been vetted. we're all along the fence and have a view of the stage. we can see trump. >> during yesterday's house homeland security meeting law enforcement said snipesers were posted at a window pointed at a roof he -- they left the post to go look for the gunman, bill. >> bill: so much more to learn and we wait for that. thanks cb cotton, butler, pennsylvania. >> dana: former f.b.i. agent is here. kimberly cheatle of the u.s. secret service resigned.
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on monday when she gave testifying it was much less than satisfying and the person responsible and said the buck stops with her and she has resigned. anything the f.b.i. director can do today to advance the ball for us to understand what happened to prevent it from happening again? >> i think he should do the opposite of what the secret service director did. he should update the nation on where the investigation is, what they've determined so far. in this case he should not hide behind the age-old adage because it's an ongoing investigation. the perpetrator is dead and everything should be released. no reason to hold onto things right now that i can think of. the prosecution is not going forward because he is deceased. the director needs to get up there and be as transparent with the american people as possible into the shooter's background. one is into the lack of security and failure in the security
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plan. a separate investigation, the f.b.i. investigation is aimed at the shooter and how he came to be. i think it needs to be as transparent as possible and tell congress what they found out so far. >> bill: that wasn't the case two days ago. why did she consistently refer to the f.b.i.? >> the plan was poor, a poor plan and executed it even worse. i think there is a lot of blame to go around in the secret service. who planned it and how they executed it and she was completely in damage control mode and wanted to hold onto her job. she went about it the exact opposite way she should. she was thumbing her nose at congress not providing any information and that was obviously a mistake. they work for the american people and the american people should know this information. she should have been as transparent as possible and supplied congress with the documents in advance that they
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requested and then she should have been more forthcoming during her testimony. >> dana: listen to the pennsylvania state police commissioner paris speaking yesterday if front of congress. >> prior to the shooting, our role was to support the secret service with personnel and assets that they requested. we had two main responsibilities. motorcade operation for the transportation with the secret service of former president trump, as well as manning and staffing security posts inside the secure area of the butler county farm show. >> dana: bobby, i think a lot of people were shocked that the u.s. secret service director initially pointed the fingers at local law enforcement. that turns out not to be the case. they were on transportation duty and the ones that ran back to the scene. >> i've worked with secret service on numerous events including two olympic games and special agent coordinator in l.a. for all special events.
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the secret service when they are there is in charge over all period, and of story. they recruit assets from other agencies and everybody does what they say. that's the game. when there is a protectee on site what they say goes. if they need extra help every agency tries to get them the extra help. they're in overall charge. scene and not in charge of the other agencies but the other agencies very much make deference who whatever secret service needs for that event. if they ask for it they almost always get it. >> bill: joint task force, five different committees looking into this investigation and i don't know if we need five or not. she said it will take 60 days to get answers. is that acceptable? >> it has to be faster. that might be the normal course of action in the normal times.
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we're in the final stretch of a presidential race. >> bill: what's reasonable in terms of a time frame? >> i mean, it should be daily updates now because again the perpetrator is dead. there is no threat to an ongoing investigation and we're in the final stretch of the presidential race. it's not just the candidate. we lost the life of somebody who wanted to support a candidate and showed up at a rally. that's important to remember. it is not just the protectee but a member of the public was murdered in this case and it needs to be safeguarded. people need to go to these rallies and feel they'll be safe going to these rallies and participating in public political process. the 60 day thing we have to fast track then. we're in a presidential horse race right now. they need to put those rules aside. this is a special case and everything needs to be transparent and every day briefing the public what they are finding.
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>> bill: the secret service has given 0 press conferences in 11 days. >> that's unheard of. >> bill: agreed. thank you for your time. later tonight president biden gives an oval office address to give his support behind his vice president kamala harris. a day of history, really. jackui heinrich has all that now. >> what we don't expect is any acknowledgement from the president that father time has gotten the best of him, even though his party decided for him that it has and their chances of winning in november are greater with a younger candidate. the white house has faced a lot of criticism it wasn't transparent enough about the president's health in the last few months leading up to the debate and pressure that if he can't lead the party through november, he shouldn't serve out the end of his term. press secretary karine jean-pierre dismissed those questions as ridiculous and in
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an appearance on the view yesterday. the president today will have to find a way to explain his about-face on his thinking from just a couple of weeks ago that he should remain at the top of the ticket because he is the most qualified. at that time he was defending his decision to abandon his 2020 pledge to serve as a one-term president, a bridge to future generations. >> president biden: i think i'm the best -- i believe i'm the best qualified to govern. and i think i'm the best qualified to win. >> he truly believed it was the right thing to do in this moment. he truly believed it was the right thing to do for this country. the right thing to do for this country, the american people is to give it to someone who is incredibly qualified. >> biden will have to navigate this new message without calling out party leaders who abandoned him after 54 years in public service. we expect a heavy focus how he will serve out the last few
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months of his term as an early lame duck president. >> try to bring peace to the middle east, ending the war in gaza. putting that reason on a better trajectory. continuing to deal with the ongoing aggression by russia against ukraine. >> foreign policy expected to be front and center amid reports that kamala harris, should she win in november, plans to clean house in his cabinet but it is not just the cabinet that might need new jobs. officials are telling us not just about their own grief but their own concerns about their future. >> bill: remarkable to hear that from july 11th, '13 days ago. that's how fast these events have gone. thank you, jackui, nice to see you. talk to you all day today from the white house. >> dana: it's very interesting to think about with cabinet. they haven't met since october of 2023 as a group. i'm sure that if we read their private text messages it might be very interesting.
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>> bill: bret and martha anchor the coverage from the oval office. we haven't seen an address like this since 1968. christopher wray at 10:00 a.m. kamala harris in indianapolis this afternoon. trump in charlotte at 6:00 and biden in the oval office at 8:00. >> dana: netanyahu at 2:00 p.m. we look forward to bringing you the news. >> bill: you have this scene from late yesterday afternoon. protestors taking over the capitol building ahead of a congressional address by the israeli prime minister netanyahu. dozens of democrats planning to skip that speech today on the house side. about half a dozen on the senate side. we'll follow it all. there is this. check it out. >> hear me when i say i know donald trump's type and in this campaign i promise you i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week. >> dana: kamala harris bashing donald trump. we'll hear a lot more of that.
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digging into her progressive roots and record and what that would mean for your bottom line next. >> bill: some dramatic video of a wild moment. that's just the tail end of it literally, right? a whale jumping on the back of that boat capsizes it. how this all ended for those on board. there were people on board. that's coming up. s are all peop. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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>> dana: fox news alert. donald trump invoking the plight of one of the nation's most liberal cities as a blueprint for the harris agenda. >> she has destroyed san francisco, which is a hell of a thing to do. if she becomes president, kamala harris will make the invasion exponentially worse and just like she did with san francisco, just like she did with the
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border, our whole country will be permanently destroyed. >> dana: in addition to crime, the trump campaign criticizing her progressive beliefs on the economy and social issues. >> bill: let's bring in josh holmes and co-host of the ruthless podcast. good morning. "wall street journal" editorial headline. campaign debut kamala harris steers left. in milwaukee yesterday. the implicit message of her first big campaign rally swing voters, who needs them? the headline. axios lets it rip on the amount of money that she would have like to have spent if she could have. you just wonder the question again, josh, did they jump too soon with kamala harris? >> well, look, her opposition research book has all the dials spinning and all the lights blinking and all the problems you would have in a general election if you were a very
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progressive liberal democrat. there is something for everybody, bill. if you are into healthcare, she wanted to eliminate private health insurance. if you are into energy she wants to eliminate fracking and mandate electric cars. if you are into taxes she wants to increase them, have you heard her talk or try to explain the war in ukraine? it is a bonanza of opposition research and just beginning to understand and appreciate fully. she is on the left hand side of the map on almost everything. >> bill: you want to add it up? 2 trillion establish a universal pre-k'd indication. hire on the corporate tax rate wanted 35, biden went with 28. you have aoc on the fence, i think, thinking that she wasn't going to get it and i guess just like every other democrat we've talked to they fell in line.
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watch here. >> i know that vice president harris is more than up to the task. >> i feel really good about the momentum of being able to put this debate behind us, to be able to have a candidate that we've all unified around. >> bill: two people, michael bloomberg and barack obama have not gone that route yet. even early on monday morning bloomberg was questioning rushing the process. he hasn't folded yet. would you expect him to? >> yeah, i think so. look, for the vast majority of democrats they are relieved to be out from underneath a four week news cycle the likes of which the democrat party has never experienced before. but they also sat in all the briefings over the previous six months when people showed polling that showed kamala harris was nowhere near as competitive as joe biden was even as infirm as joe biden became. the issue there was joe biden's
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ceiling, the most possible votes that he could receive came down below -- way below where donald trump was. kamala harris is above that. people are open to her candidacy. the problem for the democrats is her floor is a heck of a lot lower than joe biden's ever was. if you are looking at mainstream middle america, the states they have to win. pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, there is almost nothing about this woman's record or rhetoric or what she has done, vis-a-vis the border or anything like that are in line with where the electorate is in 2024. i anticipate as the electorate begins to learn more about her, that ceiling will come down to look a lot more like joe biden's did. >> bill: you wonder if georgia or north carolina becomes more in play than what we've seen based on our own polling in georgia trump was at 50% plus for three months now. karine jean-pierre now on what we might hear from joe biden tonight in the oval office.
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>> i think he will address whatever is on his heart. he understands where people are. he understands having done this 36 years as a senator, eight years as vice president and now almost four years as president, he gets it. he gets where we are as a country. let's not forget there is at lot at stake. a lot at stake, guys. our democracy is at stake. >> bill: listen, i will take a guess at what he will say and you can give me a course correction here. he will talk about the inflation reduction act and everything he has done for 3 1/2 years and sell it as hard as he can at the age of 81 coming off covid. i expect him to endorse kamala harris and that is the message tonight. then we'll ask how much he shows up on the campaign trail between now and november. what is your guess? >> i think it only has significance, bill, in the fact that the american people can actually see and understand that they still do have a president of the united states after the better part of a week totally
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missing. i think it is political impact is non-existent. my hope on the conservative side on republicans this is a line of demarcation where people can begin to understand joe biden is in the opposition here, not your political adversary. you have to focus on kamala harris. joe biden at this point is managing what's going on there and not very well. if he chooses to speak about those things, look, i think the reason why all of those items they feel comfortable still talking about, the inflation reduction act that increased inflation is because everybody is focused on the process of this elderly man becoming more elderly and not actually all of the things he did. i think there is a greater risk for democrats in exploring what he has done than what he hasn't. >> bill: we'll watch it together. thank you, josh. nice to have you back and nice to see you in milwaukee. josh holmes, thanks. >> dana: i'm afraid to go watching. a whale flips over a boat with
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two people on board near portsmouth harbor, new hampshire. the teens rushed to help pull the men out of the water. thankfully no one was hurt. i did read -- i just read this. no individual reporting, the boats did something to irritate the whale. i don't know if it's true. how do the whales know if there is a boat up above? >> they are in the foreof the boat. they go in the water. if i'm this kid with the dayton sweatshirt i'm zooming out of there right now. number of times. >> dana: they turn around and go get the guys. >> that was heroic in itself. you think the whale was ticked off? >> i read that. how do the whales know what's up above. my husband says they do. when i say it never happens, there it is. thankfully no one was hurt but
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you have to respect the whale. you know what i like? i like to watch a documentary instead of going out there. there are plenty of those on fox nation as well. anti-is -- the show of opposition to america's closest mideast ally. plus as the border crisis rages on, a look back at vice president harris's attempt to address the root causes of mass migration. >> we did it. we did it, joe. you are going to be the next president of the united states.
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>> dana: a live look at capitol hill awaiting the arrival of the f.b.i. director christopher wray testifying in front of the house judiciary committee. the topic is the failed assassination attempt on trump's life. the focus is on the shooter. questions about security will be
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brought up as well. bring that to you as soon as it starts. jim jordan starts on time. we'll be ready to go at 10:00. >> hopefully we get answers. we were absent of answers on monday. you have protestors and a lot of them got into a house building late yesterday afternoon. made their presence known in a significant way. israeli prime minister will address congress at 2:00 eastern today and lucas tomlinson got the bead on that from d.c. today. what are you seeing? hello. >> hello, bill. as you see behind me the capitol has been barricaded. secret service is in charge today. because the d.c. police hundreds of cops short, hundreds of reinforcements from arrived from the nypd. we saw mobile command post set up and hundreds of police officers from the nypd walking around. no sign of any protestors. we spoke to just a couple of them but coming as far away from massachusetts.
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it is expected to get noisier. we spoke to maxwell frost about the security precautions here today. >> i do think the precautions are informed. a lot of times if something does happen it is that one or two people outside agitators who came in and did something bad. so i think for those reasons it is good to be cautious. >> bill, as you mentioned yesterday, protests got underway when hundreds entered the cannon house office building to voice their outrage about the war in gaza. protests inside house and senate office buildings are illegal. u.s. capitol police arrested 200 of the protestors. now the most notable absence today the longest serving leader in israel's history vice president kamala harris would have been sitting behind prime minister netanyahu and sitting next to house speaker mike johnson. she will be addressing a sorority in indiana today instead. at least 18 house democrats and
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nine senate democrats are expected to skip netanyahu's address including patty murray, dick durbin and other parties leaders and jim clyburn. squad members boycotting as well. we learned jop congressman thomas massey will not attend. mark kelly is expected to attend. the vice president and president biden say they will be meeting with israeli prime minister netanyahu later this week. former president donald trump have plans to meet with netanyahu at mar-a-lago on friday. right now it is quiet. we're awaiting hundreds of protestors to descend on the u.s. capitol expected to get more noisy. >> bill: i have a count -- we'll see if the number goes higher or lower when it goes down this afternoon. lucas, thank you. nice to see you on the capitol. talk to you later. >> dana: not a warm welcome for benjamin netanyahu.
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democratic boycotts -- israel left behind. elise stefanik. so much to get to here. a big protest. i don't know who they think they are persuading and a quit from a "wall street journal" saying tensions between netanyahu and kamala harris, harris is expected to meet netanyahu during his visit to washington but the snub is unmistakable. fueling rumors of a rift between the harris and biden approaches to the middle east. how do you see it this morning? >> it is a snub and a boycott and it is absolutely a disgrace the sitting vice president of the united states would not attend what i believe will be one of the most important speeches at one of the gravest national security threats the world faces. the bloodiest day for the jewish people when hamas attacked israel. our most precious ally. it is inexcusable but where the democrat party is today. as bill hemmer said that number
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will be over 80 democrats who boycott this important joint address. republicans continue to show that moral and national security leadership on the world stage and president netanyahu is making history today. the head of state who has delivered the most joint addresses to the united states congress beating winston churchill. i think back to my freshman term in 2015, prime minister netanyahu delivered another historic speech to congress. the first one i ever attended talking about his opposition to the flawed iranian nuclear agreement. you know who boycotted that? joe biden when he was vice president. this is today's democrat party. it's a disgrace. >> dana: here is a mon tunneling of democrats saying they won't go and why. >> i have no intention. i don't think benjamin netanyahu has any interest in getting to peace in the middle east. >> i certainly will not go. i didn't go last time i will never be supporting him.
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>> i'm not going because benjamin netanyahu has led that region into a complete humanitarian disaster. >> dana: why don't they ever blame hamas? >> it is because they are becoming the pro-terrorist wing of the democrat party. take a step back, dana. israel is a growing democracy. the strongest democracy, only democracy in the middle east. they have respect for human rights and they have a right to defend themselves. what i hope and i believe we will hear from prime minister netanyahu is how we will eradicate the terrorists who slaughtered civilians in israel, beheaded babies, burnt women and have eight americans abducted and kidnapped who are being in tunnels in gaza. we as the united states need to strongly stand with israel. house republicans are committed to doing so and president trump was the strongest u.s. president when it comes to supporting
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israel. compare that with kamala harris, who is refusing to attend this address. >> dana: want to get to this. you have into duesed a resolution about her border in the crisis. you say the record we have here. she was okay with taxpayer funded healthcare, decriminalizing border crossings so no penalties for law breakers and support of sanctuary cities limiting cooperation with federal authorities. andrew baits says this block critical resources for ice and border patrol in the tough border security agreement supported by the biden/harris administration. is she on her back foot when it comes to this issue? >> she is on her back foot. we're at a high watermark for kamala harris's polling. it will go lower. she was designated as the border
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czar. the number one issue no matter what state you poll is this border crisis and kamala harris owns it lock, stock and barrel she overshaw the gravest national security threat and 500 individuals on the terrorist watch list crossed the border illegal ain her role as border czar. she owns the border crisis and a driving factor in the election cycle. as democrats in back room deals didn't allow voters across this country to select their nominee kamala harris has been designated by democrat donors andy lets. the american people are smart. she has the border crisis, the historic inflation crisis and voters will hold her accountable. the success, the most secure border under president trump and booming economy. a stark choice this november. president trump will win on these issues. >> dana: so much more to talk
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about with you. keep us posted how the speech goes today netanyahu addressing congress at 2:00 p.m. thank you. >> bill: and then we'll be what, eight or nine hours away from president biden addressing the nation later tonight in prime time? first remarks ending his re-election bid over the weekend suddenly. what will he tell americans then? families run for their lives after a huge explosion at one of america's most popular national parks. what caused this? we'll check in. veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations
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while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. >> dana: awaiting the arrival of the f.b.i. director christopher wray on capitol hill to talk to the house judiciary committee on
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trump's assassination attempt and hopefully we'll find out a lot more than we did on monday when the u.s. secret service now resigned kimberly cheatle testified in such a poor manner. we'll keep an eye on it and begin as soon as it starts. >> she is the same as biden but much more radical. a radical left person. this country doesn't want a radical left person to destroy it. >> bill: there is donald trump on the phone from yesterday. now taking aim at the biden/harris economic record. that's what we do, too, right now. january of 2021 still reeling from covid when they were sworn into office. in june of 2022 inflation peaked at a high of 9.1%, the highest since november of 1981. gas prices now june and july of 2022 that same year, i've got $5.16 national average to be the peak in july of that month. in october of 2023 when real
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estate started to feel it. mortgage rates hit almost 8% in that month. edward lawrence knows it well from fox business and live at the white house now. edward. >> yeah, in fact in the senate vice president kamala harris was rated the second most progressive senator by the independent group gov track second only to senator bernie sanders. while in the senate she favored universal basic income as well as basic rent paid by taxpayers, medicare for all. some of that she alluded to in her first campaign speech last night. listen. >> a future where no child has to grow up in poverty. [cheers and applause] where every worker has the freedom to join a union. [cheers and applause] where every person has affordable healthcare.
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affordable childcare and paid family leave. >> as a presidential candidate in 2019 she proposed a trance ashenal tax that would have hit retirement savings and called for a pharmaceutical excise tax and bank tax and ban fracking. the concern for her critics is she would foster a much less business friendly environment. >> when you look at her talking points and what she did as a senator. she has a track record we can look at. it was a disaster. this idea she would lift up the middle class. she would bankrupt and destroy the middle class. it would be the wealth distribution like we've never seen before. again, we have to define her because the woke media is going to be complicit in trying to cover up her past in the same way they were complicit in cover up for joe biden. >> the vice president leaves in an hour to go to indiana just as
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the israeli prime minister comes here to washington. bill. >> bill: edward, no shortage of things to follow there. thanks from the north lawn. nice to see you. >> dana: an important report. it was yesterday when president biden was seen for the first time since suspending his campaign. want to bring in mark pence and former clinton advisor. a year's worth of news in one month. things have changed dramatically. hillary clinton writes in the "new york times." i know kamala harris can beat donald trump. >> she could beat donald trump. always a close race. and now donald trump has to run a second presidential race having defeated the first presidential candidate having to start all over again. i think the democrats are going to have the olympics and then their convention and you go into the chute. i don't know how much questions she will field. i think she will be able to read from the teleprompter for the next 100 days. >> dana: wow.
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>> bill: i saw a segment on msnby earlier today. a group of swing voters in wisconsin, green bay. one of the women talked about we needed a process here. christopher wray arrives ott capitol hill. testimony begins in ten minutes. jim jordan is usually on time. she was saying i'm not so sure that i approve of the process. i don't know if she was a democrat or republican but sideways and this from black lives matter. their statement we don't live in a dictatorship. installing kamala harris as the democratic nominee without any voting process would make the modern democratic party a party of hypocrites. now, i asked you this because blm is saying it. the swing voter in green bay, wisconsin was saying it. i wonder if that thought is starting to seep in with others? >> i just don't think it will be a big issue. there will be a convention, thousands of delegates cheering her.
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i think there is democratic unity behind this and it is a none sector to the question on who is better on inflation, energy, healthcare, working people. i think that's what voters care about, not process issues. >> dana: 87% of them are happy with her they don't feel disenfranchised. i get the point but i don't think it will work communications might. this might. republican candidate for senate running against bob casey in pennsylvania. a little behind. now you have this new energy into the race with kamala harris. here is his ad against her. >> the more people get to know her they will be particularly impressed by her ability -- >> we did it, joe. >> dana: it talks about inflation, immigration, taxes, all the rest. that kind of an ad will maybe perhaps get into the minds of voters before kamala harris can define herself? >> i've seen that ad. it is really a good ad.
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the question is are the democrats getting hundreds of millions of dollars going to get their first with the convention and be able to really define her? even though in the polling she has quite negative ratings. a 38 positive 52 negative, 60% negatives with whites. 45% negatives in hispanics. her image was not very good. will she get lifted up by this whole process? that's the question. >> bill: does she make a difference in arizona, nevada, georgia, or north carolina? >> i think she has to reach out to hispanic voters. i think she will do very well with black voters. very well with white progressives and liberals. >> dana: what about jewish voters? >> i think today is a big mistake. she should be going to hear netanyahu. they are an ally and under attack by the houthis, by hezbollah, by hamas. she should not be skipping this by any means. >> bill: she is. f.b.i. director arriving on
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capitol hill first time taking questions about the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. our cameras are ready and we will get going on that minutes away top of the hour. meanwhile, down the road anti-israeli protests spilling into the streets. benjamin netanyahu is in town and speaks to congress this afternoon. we will have all those angles covered for you. do not move. it is a big day of live events here on the fox news channel. allison! (restaurant noise) ♪ [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky, gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis.
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alex. >> hi, bill. government officials and researchers say it is not about beating china but bolstering taiwan's defense forces enough that any kind of invasion would seem too costly to beijing. today is day three of the military war drill exercises and taiwanese troops are using american javelin missiles opening fire on a mock invasion force. acquiring new submarines is critical to deter china. the united states is taiwan's largest arm supplier and the island needs more. >> we have a very long shopping list. so, you know, the only thing is whether the united states will sell taiwan the weaponry or not instead of we want to pay or not. we are always trying to. >> and bill as you can probably hear behind me there is a typhoon underway but not


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