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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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prior comments, there have been 850ish who have pled guilty and went to trial and had access to defense counsel and discovered all the things the constitutional rules provide them for something 15 different judges. dozens of juries i'm not one has given credence to this notion. and i don't think any have seriously tried to raise it. it is not just my word for it. look what is happening in the cases. >> thank you. >> the gentleman from colorado is recognized for 5 minutes. >> thank you, mr. chairman, duct director ralph, for your testimony and the work that you do each and every day and frontline agents across the country do each and everyday too keep our country safe and also for the grateful work you are doing in investigating the horrific events of july has condemned.
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i would first just ask, do you believe that the fbi has the adequate resources to ultimately ensure that your agency gets to the bottom of it and fully investigates this terrible crime? >> well, we are devoting massive amounts of resources to this specific investigation. we have easily several hundred fbi agents, analysts and professional staff working on it. it involves over half of the fbi's 56 field offices, almost every headquarter division. we have some overseas offices working on. you might say, why is that? some of the companies that involve accounts or purchases or communications that the shooter used are foreign companies, we have to get evidence from overseas from those companies.
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i talked about our lab today, office of technology division working on digital devices, behavioral analysis bau, helping ups build a profile. is could go on and on. it is all-hands on deck. when you ask about resources, i've been public about the fact the fiscal year 2024 budget put up below where we needed to be to sustain current operation and fy 25, current house mark would put us significantly further back behind that and result in signi significant risk across every program and support to law enforcement. we arrest 50 violent criminals everyday per day last year, current work mean more violent criminals on the street in more neighborhoods.
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we have increase in investigation of china and targeting us and china is not cutting its budget, this means more threats frommin choo. 300 to 400 investigation into cartel leadership and hardly a week goes by some office is not seizing enough fentanyl to wipe out an entire state. those cuts mean more fentanyl on the street and more people dying. people who suffer the most are state, local law enforcement and american people we are sworn to protect. working with congress and need to be smart with what we're doing and that would be a threat. >> i couldn't agree mr., director christopher wray. we talked in previous hearings and to be clear, the budget house republicans have proposed, which is a cut to fbi would do
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what you described and have impact for public safety across our country and house democrats are working to prevent cuts frommic taking place. you have you can taed about events of july 13th, there is justifiably a lot of public interest in the investigation, which is ongoing. worn if there is anything that you'd like to disclose or provide to the committee or to the public that perhaps has not been gleaned during the course of this hearing, give you an opportunity. related to the investigation. >> one thing i can give an update on, which is pretty fresh here. we had conversations with members about access to the roof and ladder and so forth and our evidence response team and forensic collection and we believe the suspect climbed on to the roof using some mec mechanical equipment on the
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ground and vertical piping on the side of the her building. in other words, we do not believe he used a ladder to get up there. >> one question if the chairman might indulge me, there was an article recently regarding several former trump national security officials who had received duty to warn briefing from the fbi regarding potential threat from iran. i think there is this article made clear deep concern, these individuals have justifiably so about the threat level in particularly given result of last several months and need to be increased security posture and security personnel for former officials who may very well be at risk. i don't know if you are familiar with that article, i try not to use names, i think would follow-up with your agent and department of justice to ensure
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any individuals who are potentially facing a threat from iran or another hostile actor, foreign nation, have resources they need to have security available to them. >> without reference to a specific individual, i want to be clear about this, i've tried to be vocal on this, it sometimes doesn't get noticed, as much, in my view, the iran ian government has been aggressive and brazen. we have seen in the last few years, an attempt, speaking from public information now, attempt to assassinate former u.s. national security advisor on u.s. soil, seen an attempt to kidnap and then to try to murder an american dissident jou journalist, critic of the iranian regime in middle of new york city. we have seen a cyber attack
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against a children's hospital in new england that ties back to iran. we've seen, as i testified before, as director john ratcliffe and i announced, iranians tried to target the 2020 election, before the i iranian government is deleting state sponsor of terrorism. iran is a threat or i don't know what is. >> is there distinction between general concern and specific instances you talk about and specific threat on president trump that is distinct from what you are describing as general concern with iran. >> i can't get into specific pieces -- >> if so, when if it was distinct on president trump, when did that take place? >> all i can tell you in this kind of setting is tarring
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elting of u.s. officials for the soleimani strike is something that is a reality that the i iranian government has at times called for very publicly and whenever there is reporting, try to answer your question this way, when there is reporting about any of those protectees, we share the information in a variety of ways, working with intelligence committee and whoever is protective service and do it in a timely way using the duty to warn process referred to and to my knowledge, everything along those lines that is relevant was shared in a timely way with relevant people. >> thank you, gentleman from wisconsin recognized. >> director, thank you for being here. where were you when you heard president trump was shot? what were your immediate actions, response to that as
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director? >> i was about to have dinner with family. and i was horrified. and angry. >> i'm just thinking, the reason i ask the question, i'm trying to figure out the lanes between what the fbi would respond to and the secret service has responsibility to respond to, can you cover that again? >> sure. so the fbi is not responsible for, never been part of our mandate or mission for physical security of ven00s of specific protectees or anything like that. if it is somebody within secret service scope, that is their mandate and mission. we are a law enforcement intelligence agency, if you think this way, federal bureau of investigation not federal bureau of security. sgls we've been listening to fbi director christopher wray
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testifying before the judiciary committee in the house about the attempted assassination against former president trump and ongoing security threats in the na nation, particularly security threat that is at high level from the country of iran. sandra, it's been a long hearing with pointed questions and unlike hearing with the secret service director on monday, he's actually been giving some answers. >> yeah, still questions over motive and what the shooter's motive would have been or could have been. the director talking about the vkz and questions they have had to those around him throughout his life all interesting for the american public to hear. still a lot of looming questions out there unanswered, john. >> john: so many questions, going back to 1963, unanswered questions, though people have
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theories. bring in bill daily. let me play on sandra's point about motive. this is call for s2 what the fbi director said about motive of crooks in trying to assassinate donald trump. listen here. >> i think it is fair to say that we do not yet have a clear picture of his motive, you might say manifesto or things like that, we're not seeing that yet. we are dillgging in hard, this a central question for us. >> john: 60 years later, we don't know oswalg killed kenned, will we ever know why kroobs tried to take out trump? >> what the director said, the shooter had a small number of contacts, limited universe of peopl people he was in touch with.
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forensic analysis on the c computer, perhaps something he tried to erase or in space on the computer, but they don't have it yet. where we may be and he discussed it on people brought into the case. behavioral analysis unit, bau, fbi, will need to piece together a lot of what people are saying, whether he has a footprint or lack thereof and contact with family or other people and his behavior which may give indication what he was trying toish mr. there is small amount, he did searches about oswald, kennedy, how far he was from kennedy. he was doing searching around that. does not appear to be ideologically driven from what the fbi director is saying.
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it appears to be somebody who seems to be a lone individual who may be harboring things that no one saw percolating to the top and does not appear to be an early warning signal that anyone significantly mised. >> bill, thank you for joining us. the shooter's drone he appeared to use to study the area before he carried this out, listen. >> we have recovered a drone that the shooter appears to have used. it appears that around 3:50 p.m., 4:00, in that window, on the day of the shooting, that the shooter was flying the drone around the area, livestreaming, viewing footage about 11 minutes around 3:50 our 4:00 p.m. >> serious study of the area.
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same time, we watch that, and we think gosh, there is ability for secret service to do just as much studying and preparation to secure and keep the former president safe. >> yeah, it is very troubling, in fact, the shooter had a drone in the area, no other assets serving the area for protecting the former president or attendees. it goes back to statements we heard previously made yesterday. there was failure on the ground to pull together that perimeter security and have overarching protection level that would have detected this, the immediate protection agent is closed protection detail, did the right thing, they should have been put in hard by failure or fault that took place to led to the shooter
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getting on the roof. about the hearing today, it did cover, listening to it, covered potp potpourri of issues. people trying to your honor yoomine democracy through voter inte interference, it was broad spectrum hearing and the fbi director was as candid as he could be and informative. in contrast to other hearings we've heard, he tried to deal with issues both sides of the aisle. i think we got a lot of information. we could speak about terrorists coming across the border, it was informative for the american people to hear. >> john: i'm intrigued by crooks made a search how far oswald was
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from kennedy, just over 265 feet, a little less than half the distance crooks had. crooks was at about 450 feet. ri rifle oswald used was more pow powerful. what is interesting to me is that back in 1963, when kennedy was killed, there were not security protocol in place at that time that there are now. texas book depository building was unkocher -- uncovered, people were lined up along the street. the level of security is nowhere near what it is today. what was learned from the kennedy assassination and
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attempted rig an assassination, how could that line of vision to the president be left unguarded? >> i'm with you, i don't understand that. yesterday butler site was visited and there was water tower that would give great vantage point to a operation. fbi director said, that part of the investigation will go for an independent panel to be looking at. lessons learned that should have been 101 or mom and apple pie, unfortunately seem to be overlooked at this point. i think troubling concern about what happened there, my broader concern is that as we get into political season, 100 plus days
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before the election, we have additional people getting protection by the secret service. we have vice presidential candidate vance. mr. kennedy has been given secret service protection and pending new vice presidential candidate on the democratic side who will need protection. are there enough resources? things will take place in the next 90 plus days. >> thank you for joining us. we are getting a look at brand new body camera footage of the trump shooter. cb is live with a look at that. hi. >> as fbi director christopher wray testifies before house judiciary committee, of course we're getting new insight on
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where the fbi stands with their investigation. we have two new really interesting videos that give us more koven context, one released by chuck grassley that appear to show and confirm one secret service agent there on scene during the rally received photos of the gunman before the shooting. we know that thomas crooks was identified suspicious and local law enforcement started circulating photos of him. you hear the secret service agent or what appears to be an agent acknowledges he received some photos. this body camera video raises concerns about why the secret service service allowed former president donald trump to take to the stage and that has been a core question at heart of the investigation underway.
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there are overlapping investigations into what took place here on the 13th. look at this other video captured by an eyewitness, horrifying moments that happened right outside the agr building, the building thomas crooks fired his father's ar-15 style rifle. you can hear people screaming and ducking for cover after they notice thomas crooks on top of the building armed with an assault rifle. many people are calling for police, asking for someone to come over. we know at some point, it was too late, crooks got in position and started to fire his gun. new questions after release of the videos. >> thank you. john. >> john: we are waiting speech to congress by israelis prime minister netanyahu, at least 30 democrats say including nancy
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pelosi and kamala harris they are not going to acontinued today. we'll be talking with former is israeli ambassador coming up, stay with us. because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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>> fourth prime time address from oval office president biden will be speaking to the american public about why he bowed out of the 2024 presidential race. hes he'll outline what lies ahead and how i'll finish the job for the american people at today's hearing, this happened. congressman gaetz pressed on the president's mental acuity. how often do you brief president
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biden? >> you mean on this case? >> in general in your role as fbi director? >> i don't know if i could give you a number? >> weekly, monthly, daily? >> not a regular cadence. >> the vice president, is she typically there? >> often has been. >> when did you notice his decline? >> in my interaction and role, all my interactions have been professional, any number of oeksz oekzs i have beef -- >> it was interesting reaction f
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from -- interaction. did he notice it on the debate stage like most republican and democrats even? question was about his personal or in-person enbe counters with the president. what did you think when you heard it? >> you account gauge wray's reaction, he was thrown off by the question and did not know how to respond. only thing we should hear from president biden, he needs to apologize to the nation. we deserve an aapology for lying to ubs forus for operating outs of hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at time when war rages in europe and middle east and this party that proports to be about democracy, this coup, even black
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lives matter, have slammed the demo democratic party saying this is a democracy, delegates are not oligarchs. demo democratic party owes an apology for lies they have told and joe biden should resign in shame. they said this is a democracy, not a dictatorship, get that straight. >> john: last time we heard an address like this, 1968 when johnson said this to the nation. >> i do not believe that i should devote an hour or day of my time to any personal partisan causes or to any duties other than the awesome duties of this office. the presidency of your country.
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accordingly, i shall not seek and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. >> john: i've been told i'm going to lose and lose terribly, i'm bowing out to give someone a chance. h hump hrey lost to nixon. what do you think are reasons he's getting out of this race? >> he'll explain his decision to end candidacy and talk about what he'll do moving forward with the months left and say vice president harris is best to carry his legacy forward. going back to gaetz, christopher wray said he worked with joe biden outside of those hours and this is to cover up cognitive decline is absurd.
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you heard democrats say they have been outflanked by president biden. if you want to have that conversation, i ges you'll be looking backward for five months, while there is momentum on the democratic side. >> john: tim, if those are not concerns, why is biden getting out of the race? >> there is difference in running for candidacy and running robust campaign and doing what you need to do -- he said in his letter, the best choice to defeat donald trump is he is not going to run. there is a ton of momentum. >> john: which is harder running for office or running the country? >> put them together and it is a lot. point is he has work he'll do in closing five months here, strong legac
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legacy, he defended democracy. >> lisa: what we're seeing from tim, just heard from tim, is what he's saying, my party only carries about power, we don't care about you, the american people, we will keep a man in office who is not mentally equipped to be can dat. most powerful nation in the country is harder than being a presidential candidates, they don't care about us or the people, instead, they have installed most liberal nomity to the left of bernie sanders, she should be in a commun with him, not the white house. she claims she is been called one of the most progressive california prosecutors, someone who let an individual out when she was d.a. that went on to
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kill people. she is soros-backed prosecutor. democratic party should tell the truth, they care about power, not people. >> tim, final thought, what did you think, i have not heard you on the record on this program. what did you think when you saw the president's debate performance? did you have concerns? >> i think the president addressed it afterward, he does not debate as well as he used to, or walk as smoothly as he used to. >> i'm asking your thought, was that a person -- >> it was a bad night. one point quickly, american people understand this, there is polling they understand he is not continuing his candidacy, people approve of that. majority approve of him -- >> quick follow-up. >> you have gotten away from the question. you believe that was a one-time occurrence, not a bigger problem there?
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>> it was a bad night and it is not hidden that four years ago he is now four years older. that was the question -- >> he would not be stepping down if it was just a bad night. >> no assign of cognitive decline. >> john: i'm confused then why he's getting out of the race. this poll says you are going to lose so get the hell out. >> we'll hear from him tonight, he will outline that more clearly. >> just a minute, it is about power, not about people. >> he ran to protect democracy, turn the economy around, get us out of -- >> inflation, crime. >> kamala harris is best to r run -- maybe republicans should pas the bipartisan immigration
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bill? >> we've seen unprecedented illegal immigration -- >> trajectory is way down. >> kamala harris would continue that. >> as we always promise, you hear from both sides, we appreciate the debate. >> thank you. >> john: vice president kamala harris holding a rally in indianapolis, garrett tenney was there. what do you got? >> she had a rock-star greeting in indianapolis, loud and warm reception of zeta phi beta. she started praising president biden and shifted to go after former president trump to
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discuss abortion. >> let me tell you something, when i'm president of the united states and when congress passes a law to restore those freedoms, i will assign it into l law. we are not playing around. >> john: this speak very much in line with their campaign strategy laid out today in new memo detailing multiple paths to victory, including focusing on black and miare noity voters and capitalizing on success democrats saw in midterm by focusing on issues like abortion. aulsz, really capitalizing on increase in enthusiasm amongst democratic voters since president biden dropped out.
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we're seeing that first hand. john. >> john: dthank you. >> that brings us to this moment, we are now ashes awaiting israeli prime minister netanyahu address to congress while senators are boycotting this, notably absent, vice president and now presidential candidate kamala harris. we are awaiting this on capitol hill, that is a live look and we'll have it for you when we return.
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>> massive rocket fire into
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southern israel. >> public criticism of israel conduct in gaza continues after biden saidnessness is making mistake. >> the u.s. positioned military personnel to middle east since october 7. >> benjamin netanyahu said this is second war of independence for his country. >> the pentagon has not explained how it plans to provide security and safe distribution without putting u.s. boots on the ground in gaza. >> hamas wanted to keep hostages safe to exchange them for palestinian prisoners. >> john: just some highlights from our reporter since october 7. israel nears 10 months of fighting in gaza, take a look at what is at stake in the months ahead. our team, trey yingst live and
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jennifer griffin. trey, in regard to benjamin netanyahu speech to congress, which will take place in les than an hour's time, it's being boycotted by at least 30 democrats, including vice president of the united states who thought it more important to go to sorority event than to attend the prime minister's speech. how is that going over in israel? >> trey: this is high-stakes address, internationally and domestically. he has faced criticism for goals and know plas of israeli military operation inside gaza whchl we zoom out and look at what is at stake, it would make sense for lawmakers and vice president to attend to gather information and hear what the israeli prime minister has to say. israel is facing war on seven
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different fronts. in aviv 4r569 last week, a dr drone. there is hezbollah and rocket fire continues from i ga, threatses in the west bank and iran this year launched balastic missiles at israel. stakes have never been higher and this affects the united states of america and we'll hear more of netanyahu's plans for the region and gaza and what day after that conflict looks like. john. >> sandra: jennifer, jump in here and give your thoughts as we see speaker of the house on capitol hill. speaker johnson was talking earlier about the vice president kamala harris not attending this address. he said this earlier. listen. >> it has never been more
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important than it is right now for us to stand with our closest ally in the middle east. she needs to be held accountable for that. our ally is in dire straits fighting back against horrific attack in october is unconscionable to us. >> the vice president and president are meeting with benjamin netanyahu at the white house later this week. they will hear from prime minister netanyahu. democrats have remember prime minister netanyahu speak in 2015, in which he embarrassed obama administration when president biden was vice president by driving wedge over the iran nuclear deal. there is grave concern in israel, israelis i have spoken
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to and in the white house, prime min minister netanyahu will give a speech that might embarrass the white house during peace negotiations. cia director burns was sent to qatar to work on a peace plan to get hostages home. because of netanyahu's trip here issue that has been delayed. everyday american and israeli hostage families are criticizing netanyahu for not moving fast enough to get a peace deal done and get hostages home. what is seen as fraught time for netanyahu to be coming to washington in middle of a tenuous u.s. presidential election at time of instability here in washington. he's planning to go down to
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mar-a-lago and that is eye-raising to some here in washington. >> john: kamala harris is president of senate and where ben cardon is standing, that is where she is supposed to be sitting next to the speaker. what is the white house saying about the fact she is not going and what is the white house's relationship with the prime minister of israel? >> well, two separate questions there, john. the first one, we have to remember it was mike johnson who was driving this visit. he reached out to ip vite netanyahu to speak to congress. it was republicans in congress and israel driving the calendar and israelis broad 2cast there s egg meeting before the white house has anything on the calendar and the president got
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covid, the vice president becoming democratic nominee and scheduling this hit on the trail swing that she is on trying to rack up delegates and get donations back on track after a stunning development in the election landscape. her travel was preplanned and the president was supposed to be out of town this week. that is when he had covid. we were told they would make a meeting happen. it was not on # books for right now. i think we have to bear that in mind when we look at her absence. what is notable now, there is reporting if she were to win in november, she will clean house in her cabinet and could have a different policy than we've seen from president biden. for purpose of now, she is vice president and biden policy she
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has to carry out through january. >> sandra: bring trey back in here, looking at fox news polling, voters on this war, released july 17th. those who say they are concerned 69%, not concerned 30%. do you side with israelis or palestinians? released june 19th, number siding with palestinians has gone up. the number who side with israelis has gone down. want your thoughts on that, trey? >> trey: they are interesting numbers and look, this is arguably the most consequential american election for israel in the history of the jewish state. you have two leading candidates, donald trump and kamala harris, who have very different policies when it comes to what reality should look like on the ground in the middle east. look to november, israelis are
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looking closely at u.s. policy and what it will look like. public opinion of the war, remember how it started on october 7, on black saturday, hamas launched attack against israel killing so many innocent civilians, that led to longest war in israel history that decimated gaza. there are questions that will be addressed in the speech today by netanyahu about what the future looks like. having reported on the ground in gaza strip, earlier this month, devastation is catastrophic and will take billions to rebuild and public perception in gaza shifted since that gruesome day in early october. looking forward, there are reports that indicate united arab emerites. you have top advisors including
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those flying to gulf region to meet with officials on the ground and determine what day after will look like and it will likely involve a lot of money and resources heading into gaza in the months ahead to rebuild and stabilize the situation on the ground that has been a disaster for the palestinian people and israelis who live along the border who have not felt security in past 10 months. >> john: if they flood money into gaza, it doesn't go into the pocket of corrupt people. trey yingst, jennifer griffin and jacqui heinrich, thank you. >> sandra: john, while we're looking live as capitol hill as we await the prime minister's address, this is live look on capitol hill at this hour. we have seen a growing number of protesters taking to the streets there. these are anti-israel protesters
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and we heard about clashes with police and know things have started to turn violent with clashing with police, pepper spray has been used, we are told. not the best shot there. griff jenkins is on the ground. this is the scene as we a wait benjamin netanyahu. >> we'll take a quick break. miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. free your gut and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try mirafiber gummies. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds)
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>> sandra: growing number of anti- anti-israela agitators are in washington right now and continue to show meet ing israei prime minis prime minister netanyahu is there. day of rage comes les than 24 hours after taking over cannon rotunda. our panel, bret baier, martha maccallum are here, keith kellogg, as well. can we go back to that live shot and listen to what is happening on the street. we are getting notes from producers and reporters on ground, these are intensifying and griff jenkins is in the middle. tell us what you are seeing? >> griff: what began as few hours of peaceful speeches among
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10,000 possible protesters under large copialition banner unanswered, give you look now, they marched from third pennsylvania to roadblock on pennsylvania avenue a block from the capitol and protesters began to clash with the police. pepper spray was issued and it turned violent. we'll take you closer. come with me, bruce. protesters beginning to clash with the police. their message is clear, they want netanyahu arrested and they call him a war criminal. we heard from the river to the sea and only solution is intifada revolution. you can see how tense it is on the front line. i apologize for profanity, there is intensity in this crowd.
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wanted for war crimes is message they want to send out here. many are walking to union station, away from the capitol, police are happy to see that. as we get closer, police are wearing gas masks, a posture they did not have 15 minutes ago. protesters like this gentleman are coming through and agitating them. what is your message here? all right, some are not sharing their message. there have been five confirmed protests and one protesters was carrying hamas flag with writing along with headband. i asked her if she supports hamas, she said she supports the resistance. sandra. >> free, free palestine.
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>> john: 5000 people are there. he is talking to somebody. we got that up. >> griff: are you saying you support hamas? >> are you saying you support genocide? what does hamas have to do with babies and children massacred and butchered, women and families, 400 universities and hospitals flattened, hospital wor wor workers injured. >> griff: what about hostages? what do you say about hostages being held -- >> on october 7, most of those people were killed by israeli forces, hello, wake up. >> griff: that is obviously not proven to be the case. >> it has been proven. >> griff: thank you, ma'am, take
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another look at the main point, of where protesters are beginning to really confront the line of police as it plays out and bring you more as we get it. john and sandra. >> john: looking out our window at the capitol. we see thousands of people, the crowd estimate 5000 people and a drone hovering over the capitol hill from the u.s. capitol police and other forces. a number of police officers brought down from new york city to bolster capitol police and washington, d.c. police force. >> sandra: looks like it is necessary. it is growing in numbers and has been for quite sometime for hours and prime minister has not delivered his address yet. john. >> john: bret baier, martha maccallum and keith kellogg.
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bret, start with you. when you take a look at the situation in the halls of congress, you have 30 democrats, including vice president and nancy pelosi saying they are not going to go to this address. plenty of democrats are, including ben cordon, who is sitting in for kamala harris, what message are they sending to israel, our closest ally in the middle east? >> john, good afternoon, it is a mixed message. you see senator carden talking to mike johnson. he is retiring this year, but taking that role where the vice president tradigtionally sits. sometimes the vice president does not sit back there. it is a speech that is key moment for the israeli prime minister com


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