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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 24, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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the police. this is a standoff that has led to those arrests. the numbers are much lower now. what's your message? >> well, free free palestine. >> there you go. they have a message. neil, back to you. >> neil: obviously, the prime minister said that iran finds him to be useful idiots pay or grinder you raised that with a few of them, what was their reaction, real quick? >> that's a good question. let me ask you ma'am, when netanyahu said the protesters out here were useful, and rounds useful idiots, what you say to them? >> i would say for a rancher get my check. i am not being paid to be heard at all, i'm not getting any money. >> thank you very much. we've got to leave it there and send it back to you, neil. >> neil: thanks, that will do it. ♪ ♪
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speed or gutfeld, kellyanne conway, piers morgan, charlie hurt, and dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ the lame duck is about to deliver his political swan song. joe biden giving a rare oval office address at 8:00 p.m. tonight where he will share what it is like to be ritually humiliated by his party, stabbed in the back by his best friends, and took the more popular girl to prom. going to show us in his speech that the six months he has left in office won't be a total flop. he's alert, in the game, making tough calls. he doesn't need a midafternoon nap. kjp insisting biden's decision has nothing to do with his health. >> in his letter, he talked about the country, talked about the party, talked about the moment we are in right now. it is not about his health. he doesn't see himself as a lame duck president at all three are gold this is the president has
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been incredibly successful, and he's going to do everything that he can to continue to fight for the american people. i haven't seen you in a wild. >> well, you guys haven't had press briefings since president biden dropped out of the race. who ordered white house officials to cover up a declining president? >> it is not a cover-up. i know that is the narrative that you all want. it is not. >> greg: dems felt they could probably fast one on voters. starting to question kamala's role in the cover-up. >> she has worked with him, she has been, with him daily, couple days, why hasn't this been brought to the attention? she is willing to hide that type of information once she is in office, now what is she willing to hide for herself? why are you now being okay with his exposing biden's health concern?
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is it because it benefits you? >> knowing the things they have been hiding in plain sight from the american public, i cannot find it in myself to vote for a democrat. >> greg: interesting. dana, he is considered a lame duck but whenever i type that into my phone, the autocorrect changes it to something else beards before that's weird, mind is the opposite. >> greg: kjp saying it has nothing to do with his health, she is saying that because the next question is he should resign. so if it has nothing to do with his health, that it had to do with polling. which means this is a coup d'etat. >> dana: if i was her, i would never have had a press conference today. a prime time address, don't have to -- cool his heels one more day, that will be fine, he will. i would say to everyone and putting the chief of staff, george clooney, whoever is running, i'm going to need a better answer when i go to the briefing room and if you don't give me a better answer than i'm
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not going to do it. chief of staff, would you like to brief today? i'm not doing it. they are caught in this pickle. if he's going to lose, because the policies. when 90% of democrats on the scene in poll this morning said democrats approve of biden dropping out, that's got to feel like a real punch in the face, and i get that, and they feel bad, and they feel bad for him, they have genuine affection for him and i get that. he's got a choice to make tonight. he has to explain to the american people what happened, but also he has to reassure people that he can be president for the next six months. >> greg: you can't pull someone out if they are going to lose. because that's anti-tim a craddick. you already chose the candidate, dana. i thought you knew politics. >> dana: i know, honestly, one other thing before i turn this over to the panel, david axelrod, he has a podcast that i
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listened to today. one thing he was surprised and trying to grapple with the fact this point about them covering up his health is actually resonating with more voters than he thought it would. >> greg: thank you for adding that. >> dana: thank you, i thought it was very valuable. >> greg: good to see you. he shouldn't tell americans how to vote, but will he? >> kellyanne: he could beards >> greg: but he shouldn't. >> kellyanne: getting back to your essential points, but conversations and the concerns among the democrats were not moral, they were medical. nonmedical, they were political, they were not emotional, they were electoral, going to drag down the house and senate with you, return donald trump to the white house. in the end, they don't have affection for president biden, they stripped him of his presidency but also stripped him of his dignity. here is kamala harris, tip of the spear, front of the line of everyone who has had access to
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joe biden routinely, never had the courage, the integrity, transparency, or love of country to stand up and say, what is going on here? he is failing before our eyes. all of these people at the hollywood fundraiser, they spoke after the debate, not after the fundraiser. there has been a lag of time. van jones, chris coons, personal friend of joe biden's at delaware. all teary. not one of them thought let me look past electoral politics and electability. and say i care about this person. there is a machiavellian idea that maybe joe and jill biden are saying kamala harris go, go, go, go try to beat donald trump without us and see what happens, and muddy her up a little bit for 2028. we will see how far he goes and supporting kamala tonight. the other thing, she has been his copilot all along, all of the policies, the border, the economy, et cetera, but as his copilot, she ejected by parachute as it was about to
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crash and people need to reckon with that and need to say, they don't have loyalty to joe biden and to the party. the other question is, how is she going to help some of these senate candidates in wisconsin and michigan, in pennsylvania? it's an open question for her. she will have a big bump now, and then i think she'll have a little bit of a slump later on after she has to answer tough questions. >> greg: you know, piers, is he doing speech tonight because he has to let the american public know he is still president and that he shouldn't be resigning? i don't think people believe he is running the country. >> piers: i don't even think he knows he is still president. look, it's great to be back in your fine country and on your fine show. i think it's taken 248 years, hasn't it, for you guys to finally realize getting rid of the british monarchy was a terrible mistake. bring back, bring back the british monarchy is the only solution to this complete
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cartage that is unfurling. i just think it's -- i'm not a lame duck president, no, because lame duck's are slightly, they still want a lawn. we are not talking lame duck, we are way beyond lame duck. i think you will appreciate this. the monty python dead parrot sketch, a guy buys a parrot and it is dead, and he brings it back to the shop, and he wants a refund, and then they have a big argument about whether the parrot is dead or not. a bit like cream john. trying to explain he is still the greatest president who ever lived, looking forward to spinning the next six months. everyone who has looked at him thinks he has a dead parrot. the argument goes to him saying he has ceased to become upper raft of life, pushing up the daisies, to which karine jean-pierre responds, no, no, he is pining for the fjords.
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i think joe biden is pining for the fjords, but the rest of us are thinking, and political terms, he is pushing up the daisies, and i think it has become sad and tragic and the rest of the world is looking on thinking really, america? you are the great superpower of the world, what is happening? can't get a group of itself as a country when the current incumbent president is obviously unfit for the office. >> greg: you know, charlie, i think, is dr. jill on the way to the olympics? why wouldn't she stick around for her husband? or ac like, i'm having nothing to do with this, i'm going to paris, have some croissants, make out with a mime? >> charlie: has nothing to do with his health, doesn't need his doctor around. you have english humor. we have politics.
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that is what we had to laugh at. >> piers: he was in england for a bit, picked up our humor. >> charlie: so nobody thinks any of this would be happening except that the poll numbers are as terrible as they are. the poll numbers would not be as terrible as they are except for all of the policies of kamala harris and joe biden. i ask all of my friends this who are democrats, give me the one area that democrats can point to and say, we are winning on this. it's not inflation. it's not world peace. it's not the border. there is nothing they can actually run on except possibly abortion, and that's a grim thing to be, you know, running on. no, it's clearly all about how unpopular it is. to have joe biden say, i don't want to be a lame duck, i'm going to go out here and get the american people more of what they have said time and again what they don't want any more
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of, in a week or two weeks, if we get back to talk about the issues, it's going to be really bad for her. >> greg: on that note, coming up, fbi director wray revealing the shocking link of the attempt and the jfk assassination. ♪ ♪ dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow. let's grow a little closer to jesus together. try hallow for free today. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday.
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call today or go to ♪ ♪ >> dana: chilling new video of the terror unleashed during the attempted assassination of donald trump. as fbi director christopher wray gives an update on what went wrong, wray revealing stunning
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new details on what thomas matthew crooks was doing just hours before the attacks, including a shocking link to the jfk assassination. >> he did a google search for "how far away was oswald from kennedy." that is the same day that it appears that he registered for the butler rally. we do not yet have a clear picture of his motive. for about 11 minutes, from i think around 3:50:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., somewhere in that range come he was flying the drone and we have the flight path, it's about 200 yards away from where former president trump would ultimately be speaking. our hypothesis at this point, the experts think he would have been live streaming it. >> dana: democrats like conger's when jerry nadler using the hearing to attack republicans imply they are to blame for the trump assassination attempt. >> this assassination attempt, horrific as it is, should surprise no one.
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you would think a political party that almost lost their presidential candidate through an act of political violence it would have something to say about the way their leaders keep talking about the next election. donald trump has warned there will be a "bloodbath" if he loses. you supported bloodbath if you don't get the election outcome you want, you justify violence. at the left does not agree with you. then what exactly has preoccupied this republican majority? >> dana: charlie come he covered a lot of scandals, hearings in d.c. nadler's comments make you think what as you shake your head? >> charlie: first of all, jerrold nadler is a lunatic. and a reminder -- this is what happens when you have a 1-party town, like new york. you wind up with the very worst people in politics and they never have to defend themselves and they never go anywhere, they just stay here and you get decades of jerry nadler buffoon. no, the whole thing, the
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hearings this week have been pretty shocking, watching kimberly cheatle in front of the house committee earlier this week, you know, saying and willing to answer all of your questions and then proceed to never answer a single question. i think encapsulates the profound frustration that regular people have, that there is no accountability in washington. what does somebody have to do to get fired in washington? if i were running things and she quit, no, no, no, i'm not letting you quit because i'm going to fire you in public. it's just this incredible frustration, like nobody is in control. even congress, where they supposedly control the purse strings, are not really in control. and i love it that both parties seem to be, we are seeing bipartisan outrage about all of this right now, but there is bipartisan outrage about protection for important lawmakers like them. where is the bipartisan outrage over an open border in which
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regular americans are facing profound insecurity? >> dana: that's a really good point here greg, the other thing that came out today, turn it over to you for whatever you want to talk about i just want to make this point, he said crooks was talking over encrypted mediums, and yet we still don't have access to them, so this reminded me of that story that we all and fortune we had to cover in southern california when you couldn't get into the phone to find out if there were other people coordinating with him on a terrorist attack. >> greg: it seems like we are ill-equipped to for these things be a die don't think it is stunning that this loser googled the jfk assassination because who hasn't? i've googled way more incriminating stuff. i once did a deep dive on be arthur's feet. i don't even care about his searches be at i want to know how a 20-year-old goofball bested the secret service. how did this happen? that's not what we want to know. so was it dei? was it tds? was it a combination of both?
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do we need to unload all of that critical race theory that has taken, that has replaced so many other things that work and reintroduce meritocracy to all of our systems? because this catastrophic failure, it's not going to be explained by these little drip, drip, he did this, he did this. my feeling is this is going to be an ongoing investigation that will be ongoing. and then it will be ongoing and run out the clock of public interest, as was done with the vegas shooting. suddenly people just move on and the only people left that are interested will be called conspiracy theorists and conspiracies will fill the void that should have been felled by the facts and the information. there will be no real outcome because the conclusion is too embarrassing and too humiliating if they find out this was incompetence -- which obviously it was -- but it was based on some bureaucratic ds that we all know, than they are just going to have to cover it up. it's a cover-up, dana.
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>> dana: kellyanne, what about the secret service recommending to the campaign that they not do any more rallies outdoors? >> dana: that cuts to the heart of his magic. these big crowds, larger than anyone, and boy, that shouldn't give anybody comfort. just do a rally inside, just go to larger venues inside. i find these hearings and homemade videotapes to be increasingly disturbing, dana, for another reason. apparently this crooks guy had a range finder and he was able to make it small enough to bring it in. why aren't you taking his range finder? last time i checked, there is one reason to have a range finder, anywhere, let alone at a trump rally, take out the way they take a binoculars or camera or a bag that is too big, eagles game or taylor swift concert, i've had that happen to me twice. >> greg: they took your vaped. >> kellyanne: thank you, greg. they took a lot of people's
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vapes in milwaukee, wisconsin, a table full of vapes and they made people cough up, pun intended. we are worried about vapes and not worried about a range finder? the other thing is jerry nadler. i am so sick and tired of this quote being twisted and lied about that trump is calling for a bloodbath if he doesn't win. that was a specific quote of the auto industry, if i don't win, there'll be a bloodbath in the auto industry, it wasn't literal, you are not going to do well, fact-check true, but nadler said something very important. he said it's not surprising there would have been assassination attempt. no kidding, but not for the reasons you say. you have insulted, investigated, convicted, removed from the ballot, removed him from social media apps. what did he think was going to happen when kathy, what is her name, actually, griffin -- >> greg: the headless -- >> kellyanne: the southard head. ever since then, christopher wray said some thing today, it's a dangerous time to be a prominent public official. okay. but protect them, all of them.
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i think, harris missed a big moment to be a big girl and not address a sorority in indiana but be in washington, d.c., where prime minister netanyahu is but also whether the are these major protests outside d.. station where we have all been many times that she should say to them, i do want to see this at my convention in chicago. i don't want to see it at union station. stop burning the american flag. she keeps missing these big moments in favor of small ones. >> dana: a closed-door fundraiser at a sorority event in indiana. piers? >> piers: three or four days before the shooting that president biden put a political bull's-eye on donald trump. when it comes to incendiary rhetoric, all of that would be a good place to start. extraordinary story. been a journalist for nearly 40 years. i can't member a story which is so unbelievably baffling. earlier, there was a chyron on the screen, viewers seeing it at home, saying this guy hovered a
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drone over the area. 250 odd yards away from where trump -- two hours before he was due to appear. he is a 20-year-old kid who is using a drone above the side of the speech and then he gets into a building which would have been the first place any of us would have said should be manned and protected because it obviously provides somebody with the best vantage point to commit and assassination. so you just take those two facts. then you said what you said about the range finder and the fact he has an ar-15 and members of the public are shouting out, look at this guy, he's on the roof, do something about it. then you've got snipers trained at him. you put it all together and i'm sorry, i'm not a conspiracy theorist, ever, if i can possibly avoid it. i think that way madness lies, but i could absolutely understand why conspiracy theories are raging about this be at your point, we may never get the answers, but my god, america needs answers about this
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because trump came within a quarter of an inch of getting killed, and if he had been killed, all speed 24 would have broken loose and quite rightly so. it is incredibly amazing to me that not even still the main thing we're talking about. that's how crazy this news cycle has been. but a really serious thing to have happened at the repercussions of the failures have got to be really properly analyzed. >> greg: we joked, i think come at the beginning, when it started, how soon will it happened that they will blame donald trump for donald trump's assassination? nadler got there. he waddled over without crapping his own pants and got there, good for you, jerry. >> dana: seems to be siding with flagburning pro-hamas agitators. ♪ ♪
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>> charlie: listen to their spirits because she has destroyed san francisco which is a hell of a thing to do. if she becomes president, kamala harris will make the invasion exponentially worse, and just like she did with san francisco, just like she did with the border, our whole country will be permanent. >> charlie: kamala harris already proving just how much of a radical she is. she declined to preside over israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's address to congress, siding with anti-israel agitators, burning the american flag while protesting netanyahu's visit. so what did kamala think was more important? she spoke at a sorority conference. watch this. >> in this moment, our nation needs your leadership once ag again. in this moment, i believe we
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face a choice between two different visions. for our nation. one focused on the future. the other focused on the past. and with your support, i am fighting for our nations future. >> charlie: so, kellyanne, obviously we are having our little moment here of enthusiasm for kamala harris. i think mostly democrats are relieved it is no longer joe biden. dave mccormick, running in pennsylvania, released a pretty stunning add today recounting in her own words all of the most radical policy positions with bob casey, the incumbent, endorsing her at the front end and the back end. we are going to see this all over the place. will it work? >> kellyanne: we should see it. it's a good model for down-ballot races. republicans have been underperforming donald trump in arizona, nevada, wisconsin,
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michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, montana, if i left any out, you are on the list, so also. they need to sharpen it up and not just wait for his energy and enthusiasm to carry them over. it's a great ad by mccormick. it will work. going through kamala's greatest hits to show she is part of the biden-harris border problem, inflation, bidenomics can be harrisomics, to new wars come i don't take it will be enough because she will have a basement strategy in front of a teleprompter. only going to do friendly interviews. only going to talk with a teleprompter, high-level, make history with me kind of stuff, but when you get granular, she is part of the left of joe biden. that is why she and everyone around this table got the same number of electoral votes, which is zero, along with eric swalwell and cory booker. the democrats rejected her. she really terrible campaign. i think she also suffered from something very important to all of us, which is she can't manage
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her staff. used to work for her and said if you can't manage your campaign from you can't manage a country or the world. she shed close to two dozen, more than two dozen senior staffers. should be dream jobs at the white house. she turned them nightmares. she has that we need to reimagine police, that they are not helpful, she gave money to that bail fund that help to murderers and assaulters go free. she said -- she's bernie sanders. ideologically, she has bernie sanders without the charm, and liz warren without the eloquence. having said that, people should take her candidacy a little bit more seriously. whenever you have some kind of big event, have to go with the reset, kind of like early voting. you adapt or you die. take more than blind quotes and mean tweets. i like the way trump is handling her, he acts i'm not afraid of her but we shouldn't let her turn the country into san francisco.
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one last thing. she is going to create a huge gender gap in the democratic party among men. she has a very high unfavorable opinion among men right now. and she's got very little noncollege educated men. trump turned his party into the party of the worker. we are going to hear about the gender gap. take it to the bank. >> charlie: dana, we are about to watch the greatest propaganda explosion in maybe the history of american politics. they're going to do everything they can to resuscitate her. >> dana: two weeks ago, when biden was still the nominee, all the media were saying that he needed to stay because she couldn't possibly beat donald trump. and now, all of a sudden, they are like, oh, my gosh, the irrational exuberance, throw up their leg, they can't wait. but that said, what kellyanne is saying is true, irrational exuberance can be contagious. the democrats are giddy right now. they feel like they have been
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let free. now i do think republicans have this opportunity to just use her words for themselves. she has said all of these things. so just run the tape and make sure that you can help to find her before she tries to redefine herself. i do think the timing is interesting. the next three weeks for her, putting much a honeymoon, going to wait to see who she chooses for avp. then they have their convention, they are going to cheer entering out of coconuts. and then labor day weekend. and then there might be a debate. then all of a sudden, it's october surprise, what could possibly be the surprise? that's what i'm kind of worried about. on the personnel front, it's interesting that you brought that up about management. george bush in his book "decision points," chapter two is about the most important decisions you make on personnel and who you choose to work for you is a really big deal. if you look at people who worked for biden, he never inspired anybody, but no one has ever left. her staff come every other day,, you read in "politico" 45 more
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people were leaving her office and not wanting to work for the vice president anymore. i think kamala has been soft on crime, soft on immigrants, and soft on economics, so the republicans have an opportunity but they better get to it. >> charlie: so piers, trump has called kamala harris dangerous combination of vicious and dumb. is donald trump the only guy that can serve breakthrough this propaganda? >> piers: i don't think he should use that language with her peer guy think he should be smarter. i know it is not advice he is going to heed very readily. not going to rise above the rhetorical fray. she is going to keep hammering him. he is a felon, he is this coming as a sexual predator, a con man. she is playing very ad hominem playing the man. he has a chance with kamala harris to say, you know, i'm the voice -- even if you think she is donna's arak computer won't take kindly to that. it's what he does with
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j.d. vance, just target again and again, what her record is, the reality of, harris will move from the queen to a very tarnished -- queen elizabeth ii, loved and adored by the world, to prince harry, the kind of trajectory we might be looking at, because her record, you talked about bernie sanders, i read that her record in the senate, she was judged as being more left-wing than bernie sanders. that's all donald trump has to say. then go over the stuff, she was the immigration czar, don't let anybody income a stairway, 8 million came in, blah, blah, blah, attack lines she could be more effective. if i were him i would steer clear of ad hominem attacks. >> charlie: but the success of donald trump is breaking through the media by those attacks. >> greg: i have to agree with piers. the interesting thing is, when you see me on tv, you go that guy, so put together, he is
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amazing. >> charlie: minus the sweater. >> greg: the reason why you say that is because you don't know who i am. that is where you are with kamala. this is the best she is ever going to be. once you get to know somebody, it doesn't even matter if they are good or bad, the more you know about somebody, the more you don't want to know, what the republicans can't be complacent. you aren't really running against kamala, you are running against a machine. that machine simply slotted her in where joe used to be. put her in there, the framework is there, trump will still be a threat to democracy who inspired an insurrection. the difference now is you have a democratic candidate who is alive. so it got harder, not easier. like trump, he could just cruise -- could have cruised to this election, and let joe fall apart. i don't think he can just cruise with nicknames. i think that he's got to up his game, play smarter.
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i think that, like, he's got to take all this free stuff off the table and make the primary focus that she lied to america, she participated in the most egregious political cover-up in american history. she knew this guy wasn't fit for office. she lied about it. she put our country in danger. i don't like marking her laugh, calling her a ditz or an opportunist, is going to change any minds at all. >> kellyanne: he's got to run against kamala the way he ran against hillary, beat a woman while the majority of the voters were female and he lost to hillary clinton among women by 11 points and won. mitt romney lost to barack obama by 11 points among women and lost. he can do this. timing is successful. he didn't call hillary names, he took her on her record. >> greg: if he does when back again, the democrats are going to say all he does is beat women. [laughs] >> charlie: of course. okay, ahead, msnbc's joy reid
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launching a vicious attack on black voters who may not want to vote for kamala harris. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> kellyanne: welcome back. msnbc's joy reid is issuing a nasty warning to black voters. if they refuse to get on the kamala train. watch this. >> you are going to look real crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color. but really as anyone who claims to have any connection to the culture. you are going to look real weird and real lonely on that side. >> kellyanne: voters have a way of distancing themselves from crazy comments like that. but greg, trump has been doing fairly well among the black vote.
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what do you say to joy reid today? >> greg: joy reid's saying you look crazy is like jerry nadler saying you look morbidly obese. but at least -- >> kellyanne: every segment today. >> greg: she is being honest. she is telling you exactly what she believes kamala's true qualifications are. she's a black female. imagine if you said you need to vote for donald trump, charlie, because he is a white male. people get mad if you say harris is the hood ornament of dei. joe said, before he picked a vp, that he was going to choose a female or a person of color or both. so he telegraphed that. that bestows a bit of virtue to the person who administers it. so joe biden looks really good, say he's going to choose a person of color, but it doesn't help the person he picks. so he told everybody he picked harris because she takes a box, not because she was qualified or
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competent. it is a very selfish thing. biden made himself look good, but he made his choice look bad and now joy is pushing the same reason. what doesn't help kamala at all. >> kellyanne: dana, thick we have learned, whether calling voters deplorable, extremist, they don't like it and vote for you when they call you names. now she has threatening people. >> dana: don't forget it was joe biden, what did he say, you are not black if you don't vote for me? i think one of the things, like with kamala harris, she missed this opportunity, the reintroduction the first 48 hours, here is why i'm going to be a tough commander in chief, restore the country to normalcy, get inflation under control, get this border -- she couldn't do that. instead she had to go and rewin the base she should have had locked up like the sorority sisters on a day when she should have said commander in chief meeting with bibi netanyahu, and a great point, this vandalism washington, d.c., today by the anti-israel and pro-hamas protesters, like the spray paint
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on the actual monuments, they don't love this country. and she had an opportunity to say we are not going to do that anymore because she already has the base, presumably, and if they don't, then they are in bigger trouble than she thought. >> kellyanne: may be level setting the race, charlie, she and joe biden were bleeding core of the base. hispanic americans. african americans. we are seeing washington, d.c., and these flags replaced with palestinian flags and u.s. flags on fire as we sit here. >> charlie: yeah, and obviously when the highest point in kamala's political career before today was when she launched her campaign in 2019 and it was all downhill after that. black voters did not want to support her, either. you know, i don't know how she managed to put all that back together but the party is still deeply fractured.
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>> kellyanne: piers, black lives matter kind of criticized democrats this weekend. you are hypocritical party, kamala slide in there. >> piers: i love that quote because it is so revealing. we do not live in a dictatorship, they said in a statement, delegates are not oligarchs. kamala harris, unknown vice president without voting process, a party of him accredits. black lives matter. confused about all of this because on the one hand people like joy reid say repeatedly to republicans, don't you dare make an issue of kamala harris' skin color or gender because that'll make you you a racist miso misogynist. on the other hand, anyone dares not to vote for the black woman candidate because she is black and a woman, that you are crazy, lonely, and weird. so you can't really win with joy reid. i have to say, i don't want to be ad hominem myself about this, but in my wild nightmares back in london sometimes, i wake up coated in sweat, steaming hot,
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because i've been trapped on a desert island with joy reid for a year and she is staring at me with these little lecturing eyes and telling me terrible things about myself. i just think they've got to work it out. do we judge kamala harris by her skin color and gender or not? i would prefer not to pure i would judge whether they are good for the job. >> kellyanne: that's probably would voters will do, the essential wisdom of america. coming up, kamala-loving democrats are going crazy for coconuts. ♪dd how i ♪ things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. it takes healthy joints to be a copilot, and a trusty coworker. give your dog cosequin, a daily supplement for joint health support in dogs of all sizes. for your co-everything, choose cosequin.
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♪ ♪ speed to the democrats are going cuckoo for coconuts. california congressman eric swalwell sipping one after kamala's nonviral speech where she said "you think you fell out of the coconut tree," what her mother said to her, apparently. we could not resist the lure of kamala's coconut craze and here we have, indeed, five coconuts. i love a coconut. around the world for the size of your coconut. >> greg: it's true. quite an accident when i was young. they said the swelling would go down but i kind of liked it the way it was. >> piers: do you actually know what the original quote means? because i can't find anyone who
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actually knows -- >> greg: it's the same thing is when you say, what do you think, i just fell off a turnip truck? that's all it is. they say it is word salad but that implies there are some kind of nutritional value. i think it is more like a plate of laffy taffy. it's all intermingling, weaves onto itself. never had a coconut in my life. >> charlie: really? >> greg: i never do something before my show. i don't want to end up in a bathroom for an hour. this fights severe and explosive flatulence. this is why eric swalwell was seen in the capital. >> dana: injected right into his veins. i would be great. >> piers: a fan of coconuts? >> dana: it's grown on me. i like it. it's fine. a lot of calories, though, if you drink the water. >> charlie: i figured that is why he was drinking. i didn't think about your th
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theory. >> greg: gastrointestinal distress. >> piers: you never had a coconut? so what do you think? >> greg: are not having it now. >> kellyanne: come on, coco virgin. get in their car and want to see. oh, you faked it. >> greg: disgusting. >> kellyanne: trying to make all of her word salads into celebratory artifacts. they are somehow taking them and making them positive means on tiktok. >> dana: kind of smart. >> kellyanne: it's the only way to get her out -- >> dana: and they are having fun. >> greg: it's fake. >> charlie: organic with trump. >> greg: it's like dark brandon. >> dana: they did not want to ensure at the dnc. >> piers:
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♪ >> omt i go first tonight. a great show. we got paul mauro, retired
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detective. comedian joe devito, kat timpf and tyrus tonight at 10:00. let's do this. greg's boat day. you know, it's a lovely field trip for "the view." but, then suddenly, this happened yes. look at this. now, no whales or boaters were injured. but this was a breaching whale slamming into a boat new hampshire, not old hampshire but new hampshire. the whale came out of the water with mouth wide open chomping down on the engine of their boat. we have about 20 seconds, kellyanne. would you like to do something? clean clean i would love everybody to check out brand new fox nation show here's the deal with kellyanne. new episodes drop every thursday. tomorrow i'm joined by charlie hurt and charlie's he wrote the book kamala. amateur hour. kamala in the white house. check it out. >> greg: out of time. boohoo. that's it for us. that's it for us. boohoo, boohoo.


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