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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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certain wistfulness i think i feel about this moment. but he has to justify the idea that he now believes harris can win. >> bret: jason? >> i agree. biden will want to talk about his accomplishments. but this -- maybe he has some stuff he still wants to do with six months left. this is someone with 30 something approval rating though. he doesn't have a lot of political capital. and i think that's going to frustrate his efforts to get anything done in these remaining months. >> bret: all right, panel. thanks so much. tomorrow on "special report" how harris' name at the top of the ticket could effect down ballot races especially in swing states. join martha mccallum and me 8:00 p.m. special conch of president biden's oval office address to the nation. laura ingraham is up next. she is going to go back to the trump rally. from the white house, fair balanced and still unafraid. here is laura. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham.
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this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. on july 13th, 2024, we saw the image of a leader defiant in the face of danger. the american flag waving in the background. and today, we saw a sickening sight of anti-semitism and anti-semitism, destruction. an image of one president again standing to fight and tonight a president standing down because the party bosses told him to we're 60 minutes away from president biden's address to the nation. will we ever really know exactly what happened to force him out? well, the voters are going to have to decide. which america they want led by which kind of leader. my angle in moments but, first, we're going to hear from our current president in less than an hour. let's go back to the man trying to take that mantle in north
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carolina. >> got in very badly injured. right? do you know what it was? wind burn. she got burned by the wind. he went so fast by her she suffered massive wind burn. we had to take her out massive wind burn. so crazy men playing in women's sports. it's so demeaning. who could want this? who could want open borders? who could want high taxes? who could want high taxes? who wants this? they have so many things. we're the party of common sense. we're the party of common sense. we have to get back to common sense. [cheers] lyin' kamala supported abolishing ice. she compared ice agents to members of the kkk. can you believe it? so disrespectful. [boos] >> these people are great. i have seen them and i have seen
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tapes of them. and they go into a pack of ms-13 killers out on long island and they walk into that pack and all you see fists are flying left and right. two minutes later walk out got them by the legs and throw them into the paddy wagon and take them the hell out of our country. and she wants to get rid of them. [applause] kamala voted in favor of deadly sanctuary cities. she supports decriminalizing illegal border crossings. and she supports mass amnesty for all illegals. think of that everybody coming in right now. and many people are coming out of the prisons and mental institutions. they are going to get amnesty. she wants everybody to have amnesty. then joe biden made her the border czar and that's when it really got bad. she launched a colossal illegal alien invasion of our country. she said come on in. remember? then she copied him.
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>> don't. everyone said don't what? remember don't? don't. [laughter] on my very first day back in the white house. i will terminate every single open border policy of the biden-harris administration. [cheers] and we will seal the border and we will stop kamala harris invasion without delay. it will happen immediately. [cheers and applause] we will did he do it immediately. under border czar harris illegals are pouring in by the millions and millions and millions. going to be 20 million, maybe more than that by the end. did you ever hear of got-aways? they don't include got-aways. do you know what a got away is in the people that get, in which is probably most of them.
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it's probably already over 20 million you know, we are losing 300,000 people a year to fentanyl that comes through our border. we had it down to the lowest number and now it's worse than it's ever been. we had the best border. the most secure border we have ever had. and now, in just a short period of time, we have the worst numbers in history. they are coming not just from south america but from africa, from asia, from the middle east, they are coming from everywhere. they are coming from all over the world, from prisons and jails. mental institutions and insane aasylums. you know, they go crazy when i say the late great hannibal lecter. they say why we mention hannibal lecter? he must cognitively in trouble these are real stories. hannibal lecter silence of the lambs he wants to have you for
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dinner. he would like to have you for dinner. these people are coming into our country. and terrorists are coming in at the highest levels that we have ever seen. you know in 2019, border patrol put out a chart and i don't believe this chart. but i like it. i use it all the time. it said during 2019, we had zero terrorists. it's impossible, i think. but they said it. i'll take it. where is brandon? brandon, is that right? 2019, the great brandon judd. 2019 from border patrol. 2019, they had zero terrorists come in. now, i think it has to be, i'm sure, some got in a little bit but not very many. but they had down to zero so i use that all the t time now we have hundreds and hundreds of thousands of terrorists coming in from our country. coming all over the world. meanwhile our crime rate is going up, despite the fact that they like to say it's not. come on.
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well crime statistics all over the world are plunging. do you know why they are plunging? because other countries are taking their criminal elements and they are bringing them into the united states of america and they are dumping them in our -- we are a dumping ground. we are a stupid country that's run by run by stupid people and we're going to make this country so great again but we have to fix it. [cheers and applause] in venezuela, which was rid within crime. crime is down 72% because they are sending all of their criminals to the united states of america. now, think of it. next year what we'll do, oh, if they win, look, i never want to say, you we're going -- they cheat like hell. we got to get out. too big to rig and all that stuff. but if they ever got, in we will have another meeting. we'll do it in venezuela because it will be much safer than any place in the united states. [laughter]
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because by that time we will have all the criminals from all over the world in our country because that's what's happening. you are not going to teach a criminal not to be a criminal. it's just not going to be a happen. maybe a little bit but not going to happen. one of the countries the president of the country -- i don't want to really mention the name but he is a nice guy. i know every one of them. they are very smart people. very sharp. at the are at the top of the game. our guy was not at the top and this one she never could be. by the way, lousy student. failed her law exams. did you know that she couldn't pass her bar. she couldn't pass her bar exams. okay? does anyone know that? they are not going to say that. do they say that on msnbc, ladies and gentlemen, would very breaking news, kamala harris could not pass her bar exams. [laughter] but she is going to be a great president, right? no. she couldn't pass the bar exam. she couldn't pass anything. couldn't pass everything. she couldn't pass anything.
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but, just think of this. these countries and if i were the head of one of the countries, i would be worse than any of them. i mean, some of them actually have half of their prison population still i wouldn't have any. richard wouldn't have any. in the united states of america. i can tell you richard childress. every criminal would already be here, every jail would be empty. every mental institution and insane asylum would be empty. they would all be in the united states. in a short period of time that's what is going to happen. we are going to have all of their criminals. the only thing good about them is they make our criminals look like very nice people by comparison. these are serious criminals. these are rough -- these are rough killers. but, under border czar harris, can you believe it? our communities are being ravaged by migrant crime. i call it migrant crime. i used to call it biden migrant crime but now i'll probably change it to harris or kamala.
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you know, took him about four years to pronounce her name right and then she did an overthrow. very undemocratic move. earlier this year a 15-year-old girl in massachusetts was raped by a migrant who biden and harris flew into the united states against all orders. in upstate new york two months ago another 15-year-old girl was attacked by an illegal alien that just walked into our country, assaulted with a medical pipe, abducted, driven to an isolated area. raped and killed. and in texas, last month, 12-year-old jocelyn n nungaray assaulted and strangled to death by two illegal aliens that biden released into the united states and refused to get them out. what kind of a vice president or what kind of a border czar
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allows these monsters to come into tour country? this is just a small portion. these people are here now by the hundreds of thousands. and, remember this? it's like anything else. they are just getting comfortable. they have just gotten here a little while ago. so you haven't seen the kind of crime that's going to be inflicted on our country. they are just getting comfortable. they are getting used to being here. they don't know about the words politically correct yet when you catch them and you do nothing and then you catch them again and do nothing. they don't know -- the only time they do something if it happens to be trump because he talks about how the rigged election was a disgrace he should get the election chair because he said the elections was rigged. if you rape and kill somebody and stra strangle them and dump them in a creek. we don't want these people running our country anymore. [cheers]
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what kind of person allows innocent american girls to be raped and murdered while keeping our border wide open? never change it. never change it. you know, they passed election two weeks ago passed something meaningless, absolutely meaningless. you know that, brandon, they said they passed some nonsense so that they could have we're having a news conference. actually made it worse. look at him he is saying it did. it made it worse. it's horrible. kamala's deadly destruction of america's borders is completely and totally disqualifying. she shouldn't be allowed to run for president what she has done. she is committing crimes. no person who deliberately lets these kind of savage criminals into america should everren evee trusted with power again. should ever be trusted to be the 'the our country. if border czar harris stays in charge. bring never ending stream of illegal rapists, blood thirsty killers and child predators to
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go after our sons and daughters. that's what is going to happen. everybody knows that you are not going to talk these people into being wonderful citizens. we will deputize local police dying to do the job but their power has been taken away. [cheers and applause] we'll form a massive dragnet to scour the nation for the monsters murdering and raping children all over the world many of them have come here because they are looking for them in their own countries for rape, for murder, for all sorts of things. and we will ship them back to the country from which they came. we are going to get them out of here. [cheers] when i first came here. i don't tell this much. we couldn't get them out. ms-13 in particular. the most savage vicious gang. killed two 16-year-old girls. sliced up their body. didn't want to use a gun that's too quick. they didn't want to use gahanna.
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they sliced them up into pieces. they killed them. and nancy pelosi said they should stand trial, you know, nice, fair trial. these are monsters. but when i first came here, i said we are going to get these people out sir, president obama at the time, president obama has been try for four years. president bush has been trying. countries won't accept them they don't want the ms-13 back. really can't get them back? no, sir. what they do put big commercial aircraft on their runways when we are getting nearby we can't land, and then they clog up the roads, right, brandon? he knows because he was trying to send them back. they couldn't send them back. they clog up the road so the buses and cars, every way you can't get back into their countries. and they tell you we will give you the death penalty if you come back. in other than that they are quite friendly, actually.
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really won't accept them. we have to live with them. we are not going to live with them. how much money do like honduras, guatemala, el salvador, mexico, how much money do they get from us for economic development and aid? sir, we pay them $750 million a year. that's peanuts compared to a lot but still a lot of money. we pay them $750 million a year, sir. i said tell them that we're not paying anymore. they are in default. we're not giving them the money. [cheers] we are not giving them any more money, brandon. we're not giving -- you were there, right? you were there. we notify them you are not getting any more money. the three countries in particular, el salvador, guatemala, honduras, rough countries. and they were sending all of their criminals into our country. they said we are sending them back. and you are not going to put any airplanes on the runway and you are not going to clog up the
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roads. we are sending them back. i said how much money? 750. inform them that they are not getting any more money. there is no more aid. we call it aid because we are stupid. we call it aid. you are not getting any more aid. there will be no more aid to your country. and the next morning i got a call separately from all three presidents of these countries. they are very streetwise guys. they are very streetwise people. and they called me and they said, sir, there must be a misunderstanding. i said what's hupp? sir you have stopped sending our aid to us. i said that's right because you are not letting the criminals that you sent in caravans and otherwise not letting them go back to your country. sir, i would like to talk about that. we would be delight to take ms-13 back into our -- and all three countries the same exact. and see sent them back. tom homan and all our guys, right? that guy right there? we sent them back at record
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levels like nobody's has ever seen. stand up, brandon, brandon judd. [cheers and applause] right, brandon? we sent them back. brandon was shocked. he was the head of the border patrol. and i will tell you a little secret. he is not supposed to endorse anybody. is he really not. but he got so fed up with the incompetent people that when i ran he said i don't care, i'm endorsing trump. i said you are not supposed to do it he said i don't care. he never wavered, did he? he never wavered. him and his whole group of people. they are incredible. these are incredible people. much easier for him not to do the job but they don't want that they want to straighten out our country. they love the country as much as anybody in this room they want towork. it's risky, it's dangerous. they don't want to not do their job. they want to make our borders strong and our country safe. and we're going to be doing that in six months. we're going to be doing that.
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[cheers] unfortunately we have to wait until january 20th. i can tell you november 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country going to take our country back from these lunatics. during her entire time as border czar, kamala has not had a single conversation with the chief of border patrol or the unions or anybody. did they ever call you? did they ever call brandon judd, please? get him on the phone. brandon, how are we doing on the border? now, i used to call -- he goes horrible. how are we doing on the border, brandon? he just goes horrible. but, i would call you all the time, right? how the hell are we doing, brandon? and we were doing great. that's why the chart. right? we were doing great. but they talked to the four top people on the border. have you ever spoken to biden? biden doesn't know he is alive.
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[laughter] , you know, the head of the fbi, you know that, right? one of the congressman asked him a question have you ever noticed in all your meetings with biden is he cognitively a degenerate? ened he a said no, i never noticed that. i never noticed that. no. no. really there was nothing to talk about. i never noticed that anybody that says that you know they are not telling the truth. it's a very serious thing. i didn't notice he couldn't stand up. i didn't notice he can't walk. i didn't notice he can't think and talk. other than that he is doing quite well, however. thank you. he didn't notice. it's a very bad thing. a very sick thing joined by the
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president of the national border patrol that's the man i have just been talking about. so incredible. patrol council the head guy and the boss brandon judd. thank you, brandon, thank you. [cheers] and brandon, can you come up and say a couple words? we have time. do we have time? come on, brandon judd. come on, brandon. >> laura: joining me now stephen miller former adviser to president trump and america first legal founder. steven, we have been watching this rally immigration some on kamala harris. of course, her role as border czar and everything that's happened and the chaos that's ensued as a result of that. and in less than an hour. we are going to hear from joe biden on apparently why he is passing the baton but he wants to finish his work this year. i mean, given the essentially
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pulled off a cover-up of his decline for the past four years, steven can we expect any honesty out of joe biden tonight. >> no you are not going to get honesty out of the biden harris administration that has led and perpetrated this monstrous fraud on the american people for four years. the only honest thing that joe biden can say tonight is that he is mentally incapable, physically incapable of continuing to perform his duties as president. which would necessitate surrender but his resignation of the office. they have crafted, i presume, some ludicrous explanation for how after raising all this money, after running an entire primary. after locking up all the delegates for joe biden. he suddenly woke up one morning and changed his mind. it is a lie. it is a lie straight to the american people. it should not be accepted or tolerated in our democracy to nullify a presidential primary
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based on a fiction and a false hood. it jeopardizes all of our national security to continue perpetrating this hoax. >> laura: i think the issues are just so glaringly obvious in this election. whether it's the border or the economy or the handling or not handling of inflation, stephen, and the president, well, you know, first big speech really hitting kamala harris he veered a little bit into the personal. to me, it's not necessary. i mean, you don't have to call her lyin' kamala. she didn't pass the bar. but her policies are terrible. her views are far left. so, i'm worried that the, you know, especially women watching, they will be concerned about that miss the fact that the policies are the problem is that at all concerning to you?
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>> no. i think it's important after the cover-up of biden's cognition to continually reinforce to the american people that we are running against habitual liars. that they lie about everything. they lie about their record. they lie about our record. they lie about their agenda. they lie about whether the commander-in-chief is cognitive function. but, if you heard as we all listened to as i was sitting here listening, a lengthy dissertation on her record as border czar. president trump is centering her record as border czar as the issue in this race. of course he went over other elements of her record. and i'm sure in the entire speech he is going to talk about her support for banning fracking, her support for ending private health insurance, her support for defunding police. her support for colossal tax hikes and you heard him allude to that in the section of the speech that we heard tonight. really going into very specific detail about the crimes committed by illegal aliens that kamala harris let into the country. her entire tenure as border
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czar. she never once communicated with the men and women in the field on the ground. >> laura: pointed that out. >> lethal for democrats this november. >> laura: yeah, he pointed that out. he put the number at about 20 million, which i think he is right of the number of illegals that are here by the end of the year, probably will be close to that, if not, you know, could be. >> absolutely. >> laura: we don't even know how many people. steven, to the point that about what was said at the white house today back to the biden speech for a moment. karine jean-pierre said -- i don't know in we s. have it yet but let's watch. >> why is in the country's best interest for step aside does it have to do with his health. >> it has nothing to do with his health. in his letter he talked about the country, the party, he talked about the moment we are in right now. it is not about his health. can i say no, that's not the reason. >> were there any names that
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came forward democratic officials who stabbed president biden in the back. >> i don't have anything else to say. >> laura: the salient point here is that it's not health-related. the other point. but it's health related. she said no, it's not health-related well the cabal told him to get out or else. maybe. >> they are sticking with the hoax. laura, we all saw the debate. we have all now read the stories that the media finally published for helping the democrats to force him out. that was their objective they want to the get rid much them. we all read the stories that documented that joe biden is not able to function mentally. we read the hur report. all of this is now public. and now they are going to go back to saying that he is mentally competent and fit to be the president. >> laura: they are going to say kamala is. >> this is it disqualifying for harris. because now she is wed to this lie, laura, i think this is very important. she is wed to the lie that joe
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biden can continue to function as commander-in-chief i think americans are going to hear her say that try to ram that lie down the throats of the american people. >> laura: same people who said that biden was fit for office a month ago are saying that kamala is fit for office now and she is the best. no one has any credibility here. you need honest brokers. >> now by the way we are told she was never the border czar. they were all pretending. the press conference, when joe biden appointed her and all the articles declaring it and the fact that she flew down to central america and gave speeches on border security. >> laura: root causes. >> organized meetings about border security. laura, it's a fiction that we imagined in our minds for three and a half years. >> laura: she was examining the root causes, stephen, come on, give her credit. stephen, great to see you as always. thank you so much. and now, worse than biden? yeah. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪
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>> laura: theatrics, celebrity endorsements, manufactured enthusiasm, that is going to be the main stay of the harris campaign. it's all razzle dazzle and no real substance ♪ ♪ >> good afternoon! [cheers] >> good afternoon, everyone. >> and even thousands of miles away watching through a tv screen i feel like i can hear and appreciate the enthusiasm that is there in the room. i mean, the crowd is with her. >> laura: trying to cast kamala harris as a cool stepmom version. once you go into the issues, her record, her views things get really ugly really fast. if you are getting hammered on the biden economy and catering to the million of illegals with the billions of dollars our money being spent on them, then you are going to be floored by how much worse things are going
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to get under kamala harris. now, i want you to consider her remarks yesterday. we're at 34 trillion or so in debt. but she is pushing to grow the government even more. >> more money for healthcare, more money for child care, family leave, and more money for seniors. the "wall street journal's" take today? the promise is that you think uncle sam will deliver it all. harris is talking as if she is running in the democratic primaries and try to beat california governor gavin newsom for her party's presidential nod. well; that's who she is. that's who she has always been. a far left progressive. so it's goodbye scranton joe and hello san fran kamala. if biden tried to walk the line of things like fracking, places like pennsylvania, kamala, she is going to erase that line all together. >> i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green new deal. no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. >> would you ban offshore drilling. >> yes. it's critically important on day
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one that we end any fossil fuel leases on public lands. and that i'm prepared to do on day one as matter of executive action. >> laura: states like pennsylvania should run from this woman. harris would ensure that your fuel bills keep climbing and if you want to keep your gas stoves yoirks gas water heaters, your gas powered cars, you can't support her. and she will make sure the government regulates it all out of extist existence. her home state banning gas cars in 2035. guess what? kamala is all in on it. on the border, you heard president trump. we know why biden gave her the job of border czar that she pretends she never had now. who better than to provide over it than somebody who apparently wants almost no border enforcement. >> abolish ice. >> yes. >> is that a position that you agree with? >> there's no question that we have got to critically rerequest ice and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing and need to probably think about starting from scratch.
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>> laura: no wonder she hasn't called the border chiefs. the fact is people like kamala harris treat border patrol with suspicion as they greet illegals with open arms. >> we cannot have any more policy like we have under this current president. we can't treat people like criminals when they're crossing the border. >> laura: notice in herr speeches now by the way she is using her as a former prosecutor line. you know, don't mess with the tough lady kamala. that's what they want you to think. but, like everything else with her. it's all smoke in mirrors. because, in reality, she seemed to enjoy the energy of the george floyd riots. >> not going to stop and everyone beware because they are not going to stop. it is going -- they are not going to stop before election day in november and they are not going to stop after election day. and that should be -- everyone should take notes of that on both levels, that this isn't -- they are not going to let up and they should not.
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>> so, of course, she is also antipolice, unless, of course, the police are cracking open the heads of some maga people. >> for far too long, the status quo thinking has been to believe that by putting more police on the street you are going to have more safety. and that's just wrong. >> a big part of this conversation really is about reimagining how we do public safety in america which i support. reimagining public safety. basically her reimagining a public safety is harassing her political opponents and using the isn't to let everyone else to get off scot-free. think of how cocky these pro-palestinian protesters were in washington today. i hope you saw this video both outside the capitol and what you are watching there is at union station. okay. burning the american flag, spray painting graffiti on statues, historic statues.
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and they knew that harris and would never do anything. anything at all to take a stand against, you know, against that kind of behavior. she is not going to. she is never going to stand up against what you saw today outside the capitol or at union station. because she doesn't want to offend the people burning the american flag. she doesn't want to offended penal saying hamas is coming on that statue. yeah, they spray painted that lovely message. that's the two americas we are talking about in the open. the america where donald trump is saying fight, fight, fight, with his fist up in the air with a flag behind him and the america where that happened. that's who the voters have to choose from? she didn't attend the netanyahu speech or she didn't attend speech because she didn't want to offend those people? think about that for a minute? and on every issue, kamala harris is an extremist.
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as bad as biden is but she is worse. she even wants to accomplish co-sponsored with bernie sanders. >> i believe it will totally insurance. so for people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it. lawyer. >> well, listen, the idea that is that everyone gets access to medical care. you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company. let's eliminate all of that. let's move on. >> now, let's move on, indeed, move on from her. think of what she presided over in california as a senator and as attorney general and now well, her home state, run by her party, and her friends, with the policies that she supports, it's destroying the once beautiful state of california, crime is skyrocketing. does kamala harris even stop for a moment to think the suffering that these policies have created? the suffering that her party has
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caused all the homeless people are still breaking into people's cars. that's why. >> drug dealing, you know. on the streets. block being the streets when you walk. in and you have to walk around to get to where you got to get to because everybody's mindset is try to be to get that high on. >> must have missed kamala's speech on how to fix these urban hell scapes. i think trump should go right into kamala's old home turf. call her out because democrats own the current catastrophe in the united states. he talked about fentanyl a little bit tonight in charlotte, north carolina. the fentanyl death in san francisco, again, kamala's home turn. they are on track to reach the record that 2023 saw those levels were horrendous and right on track this year. look, a real border czar, a real
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president knows that open borders means open season on americans by drug cartels, but, again, kamala doesn't care. so, don't for a millisecond get sucked into the kamala cult of cool. the kamala meme factory on social media. there is apparently one pretty smart democrat, i think, who has doubts about whether she can win. remember, we have heard for years that the obamas didn't really think much of joe biden and think he was very smart. well, imagine what they think of kamala. yikes. now more than ever in a dangerous world with an overlevelinged united states, we need a real president. not a figure head who answers only to her donors and the far, far left. and that's the angle. >> laura: up next, damning revelations about security service security failures. new body cam reveals what
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happened on the roof in the moments after trump was shot. that's next. ♪ ice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he's a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪ the terrorist attacks of october 7th were the single deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. i stand here before you with an extremely burdened and heavy heart. not only for the immense cruelty and loss of life suffered here, but for the immense needs of the people of israel in the months and the years to come as we fight for our survival.
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it's an especially critical time right now for the elderly. many close family members were killed or severely injured and are no longer able to help them with their basic needs such as food. the international fellowship of christians and jews is urgently responding to help the thousands of displaced elderly jews. your gift of only $25 will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who is at risk. zina, she used to take care of me. it was 6: 20 in the morning when we heard the first rocket. so i phoned my daughter and she said, "mommy, i'm on the bus. everything is okay." two minutes later, the terrorist shot her dead. volunteers from the fellowship deliver the food boxes and let them know that christians are helping provide them with a month's supply of healthy, ready to eat
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foods to strengthen them and encourage their faith. i can feel the love coming from this box. thank you and may the god of israel always bless you. let's extend our prayers together in support and share our resources to bring meaningful change to the lives of our brothers and sisters in israel. they need right now to feel your love and your healing touch for their souls. call the number on your screen, scan the qr code, or go online to i f c j now.
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[shouting] [bleep] [gunfire. [screams] >> now, what happened in the moments before trump was shot, immediately after becoming clearer. in moments we're going to play body cam footage from the roof after the gunman was killed. but, first, new details about how he prepared for this attempted assassination. >> we haven't been able to reverse engineer the flight path of the drone from the day of the
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rally oberlins, i think it's around 3:50 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. he was flying the drone and we have the flight path. it's about 200 yards away from where former president trump speaking. >> joining me now missouri senator josh hawley. senator, we have, i guess, a situation where we're supposed to believe it's secret service protocol to allow a private citizen to fly a drone in the vicinity of an area where a valley talking is about an hour or two hours. >> that's the stupidest thing i have heard yet, laura. i have heard a lot of stupid stuff surrounding this investigation. first of all, the secret service clearly had no idea what they were doing on the day. whistleblowers, new whistleblowers tell me, laura, that actually law enforcement
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were supposed to be stationed on that roof. but the person who was supposed to thereby decided to get off the roof because it was too hot. and then whistleblowers tell me law enforcement were supposed to be patrol the perimeter of the building and they didn't do that either because, again, this was too hot. and so they went inside. this is a shambles from top to bottom. i'm glad the former secret service director is gone. that needs to be just the beginning. lots of people need lose their jobs. i'm thinking the secret service needs to be totally overhauled. >> laura: this is really bad but we have the aftermath of the shooting up on the roof. some body cam footage. we'll play it. >> the guy. >> yes. >> beaver county. >> this is him. >> that's the sniper that sent the original pictures and seen him bike and set the bike back down and lost sight of him. he sent the pictures out. i don't know if you got the same ones did i. >> i did, yeah he has his
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glasses on. >> got picture of that and this is his bike with the stuff. and our sniper seen him walking away from that, i believe. >> okay. >> he would be right inside that window. set one that physically seen. this sent the pictures and called it out. >> laura: he is the one that physically seen. this this is unbelievable. this gets worse, more. all wonderful people. it is like nobody is getting information. what happened right before us: sounds like tweedle dum and tweedle dee. well, we had the photo. i mean, this is crazy. here is what local law enforcement sources tell me, laura. they say that the fbi or sorry the secret service and dhs were not coordinating the different security channels. so allegedly, everybody was sharing the same radio frequency. they are sharing information in real time. that's not what local law enforcement tell me. they tell me that no, actually,
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there wasn't communication going on in real time during the rally. there wasn't communication going on in the moments leading up to the shooting. oh, you can see that reflected in the footage you just played. nobody knows what the heck is happening in that footage after trump has been shot. it's raze. >> laura: now the incompetence or operational failure, whatever we are going to call it of what happened on july 13th. is now going to lead the secret service to say no more outdoor rallies. we had outdoor rallies since 2015. and long before that other candidates. now, no outdoor rallies. do you think that's the -- >> how about no more allowing presidents to get shot in the head? how about that? how about the secret service makes that their goal. this is their job. laura. this is their job. and if they can't do it, they should level with the american people. by the way, the fbi ought to be having daily briefings where they tell us what they know, what they are finding out. they are not sharing
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information. they are not being transparent. we don't have any idea. everything we know comes from whistleblowers, this is ridiculous. >> laura: all right. thank you, senator. in just a few minutes we will see president biden live from the oval office. trying to explain, i guess, what happened that forced him off his own ticket. it was about a mile away from where he sits. hamas sympathizers and so pro-palestinian protesters were out in full force today. they tagged statues, destroyed federal and district of columbia property. they torched american flags, they raised palestinian flags above union station. and fox news chief national national security correspondent griff jenkins was out in the middle of it all day. griff, i am so disgusted by what i'm seeing behind you. it makes me want to cry and also makes me really mad. especially after what we saw happen to president trump and the flag flying proudly. and now this.
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>> i will tell you who else is not happy about it. that's the park police. shortly after the protest began they revoked the permits for them to protest. now, we're standing in the shadow of the capitol. you can see over one shoulder and then some of that graffiti here the statue in front of union station. that reads hamas is coming. that's unbelievable to be spray painted just inquire a national monument like union station. let's go right to the video and show you that american flag. the three flag poles, laura, you know well here outside the union station. flying old glory everyday. tore down by the protesters and see in this video the american flag burning here. along with other things that were gowrnd include an effigy of benjamin netanyahu. we also have video we can show you, i believe, if we can take to the full -- the flag poles. you can see they raised up palestinian flags that for an hour or more were flying here before the police were able to
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bring that down clash confrontation with the police. show you video now of all of the clashes run-s in with the police. had to be and that was one protester that was holding the hamas flag on her arm, the badge the kassem brigades of hamas. i asked her if she was supporting hamas. she said she supports the resistance. laura, send it back to you. >> laura: griff, unbelievable. thank you. joining me now rnc co-chair lara trump, lara, i have got to say this is the tale of two americans, one the president defiant in the face of danger. his arm in the air, saying fight. and the american flag flying behind him and what happened today, which has not gotten the conch, except on this network and a few other places that it should have gotten. i don't see the arrest. i don't see the doj task force to protect our monuments. our to protect our federal areas
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there. and to terrorize the people who were trying to get on a train. nothing from the white house. nothing. except a quick mention by kjb at thep inthe briefing room. >> to see the defaced statues and monuments in our nation's capitol is absolutely disgusting. it is the tale of two americas. this is the stuff american people are sick and tired of seeing. people want their country back, laura. they want their life back. they want to be able to look forward and say this country is going to be as good if not better for my children than it is for everybody right now. a lot of people don't feel feel that way. question what is happening in this country, quite frankly i believe it's one of the researchers donald trump knowing all that he would face, laura, know what they put him through through his first term in office past year and a half, look at the way they have gone after
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him. look at the things that have happened. is he determined, laura, to take this country back for the people and give it back to the people. because it feels like we are really losing that right now when you see scenes like that. >> laura: again, they pushed and i was one of them, january 6th. urged president trump to speak out encourage them to move out of the capitol. he eventually did do that it would have been nice to hear something from joe biden or kamala harris, a tweet, anything. what we're seeing happening on capitol hill is unacceptable. the peaceful protest, i get. there was a lot of stuff hang there. there were flames right in front of the capitol. cnn reporter was, i think cnn was covering it and he was speaking. you could see flames behind him. i guess that's okay now if you have the right political views which in this case is deeply anti-israel, then it's okay. and where are the democrats speaking out about this? where are they? are they okay? >> those are the mostly peaceful
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protests, laura, when you have flames behind you, don't forget. that's how they label those. what an opportunity this would have been for kamala harris, the person who i assume i guess we all have to assume now is going to run for the democrats and ironically the least democratic process we have ever seen. as their candidate, what a moment to come out and actually say something about this and speak out. but we know, laura, why she can't do it. because the radical base of the party to which she is playing and this is exactly who kamala harris is. she is a radical leftist, these with the people they are trying to bring back into the party. they don't care that these people are wholly anti-semitic; they don't. it is a disgrace to see this thing happening. but, of course, that was a moment that kamala harris missed today as well. >> laura: deeply anti-american and i have to remind everybody that president trump issued an executive order, 13933 to protect monuments, memorials and
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statues, come batting the violence that we saw in 2020. i don't know if joe biden just did away with that executive order, but i didn't see a lot of arrests today and kamala harris was worried about offending the people who were burning the american flag and doing all that damage to our beautiful union station area. lara, it's great to see you. phenomenal event tonight in north carolina with president trump. thanks so much, lara. we're just moments away from president biden addressing the nation for the first time since dropping out of the race. joining me now katie pavlich. fox news contributor and ben domenech, fox news contributor and editor of the spectator. katie, got our hands on some of the experts, excerpts, excuse me. he said he has decided that the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. that's just a cliche. what is really going on here tonight? >> laura, they are just going to continue this charade that president joe biden can somehow quit t the can from the 2024 rae
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but also continue to be the president of the united states. they are trying to still have both ways. they deny that he quit the race as karine jean-pierre said today during her white house briefing because of health reasons. but, also, still can't campaign. so i think you are going to see them continuing this lie to the american people that joe biden is fit, that he is rigorous and somehow has a lot of work to do when he hasn't met with his cabinet since october of last year. and he hasn't met with congress to push any legislation since october of 2021. but, ben, he is there to finish the job. the job that's done to the american people, not for the american people: >> the last stop on the route of the late great great christopher hitchens call the great commuter president let's think of him that way tonight. i think what we're going to see tonight is someone who we all should understand as americans is the president in name only. his party has chosen to replace
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him in what is effectively a palace coup, and they are replacing him with someone they are going to try to rebrand in at all times falsehood to the american people as being someone more moderate, more centrist. someone who rejects the i'd long call chaos -- ideological chaos around her. created as a uniter. who she actually is because of her approach as we saw today and refusing to meet with america's most important ally in the middle east, she is someone who takes the side of anti-americans, anti-israel, anti-smits that you saw in front of union station engaging in the flaming of old glory and an insult to the american people that's hot progressive left truly is. it's what joe biden's legacy in terms of his passing on as a transitional president truly is. this is the america that they is going to leave behind and doing it as a petulant each mow
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teenager hold up in rehoboth home playing his hit song alone in my principles as opposed to meeting with bibi netanyahu. >> laura: it's an insult disgrace what happened in the country today it's two americas and we appreciate both of you ben and katie. two americas, you have to decide do you want the america you saw outside of union station in front of the capitol or the america we are proud to be american where it's growing and safe and prosperous. we actually believe that we're, you know, the greatest country on the face of the earth. not an awful, rotten, racist, misogynist country which apparently the radicals on the left really believe. that's it for us tonight. bret baier and martha mccallum take it from here with all the special conch of biden's oflg office address. see you tomorrow night. ♪ ♪
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>> this is a fox news alert you are looking live on this summer evening at the white house as we await president biden's address to the nation, his first since his decision to drop out on the 2024 presidential race pure good evening everybody at world headquarters in new york. >> i'm on the north lawn of the white house on the other side of this complex a few yards from here, president biden will give an address from the oval office, the fourth such address in his presidency. the first since stepping down from the presidential race, he will speak shortly after 8:00 pm eastern time. >> it's got some analysis from our panel... this is a big speech, if the first time we will hear from the president about his explanation of why and what does he have to do tonight to tell the american people he's up to the task for 5
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and a half plus months. >> that's right he's got to explain it, he's fine for the next 4 or 5 months but not to run for reelection during that period and not apparently to serve another term in the meantime his press secretary told us all today that this really isn't about his health. the thought about his health and he's okay for 4 or 5 months but not to serve another term and to conduct a campaign for reelection, what is going on here? he has to explain that in a way that will make sense to people and they will believe after all these years in which they never gave him... that he was not doing very well and was too old to remain president. >> that is the main question here, we would get an explanation? of the thinking in this very abrupt decision that he made on sunday afternoon. >> i would love to see a clear
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explanation but i don't think we are going to get 1. i was surprised the white house decided to brief the press today because i thought the president speech would speak for itself think 1 of the things is that you often hear politicians and pundits say this would be the most important speech of his life, this 1 actually might be because this is his dismount. he dedicated his life to public service, this is not how he wanted to see it and, he probably should not have run for reelection in the first place. now historians are going to have to right this particular part of the story as to why he decided to pull out of the race and basically there was a coronation of kamala harris. people want some answers and we're not sure if they're going to get them. >> there is not just domestic watching of the speech, the world is watching pure just within the past our, the head of this oval office address says it scrambled fighter jets to intercept to coat russian bear bombers and chinese bombers off the coast of alaska. 1 wonders the timing of all of
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that on this day. >> i think that both britt and dana are right. this is a tough speech tonight. he has to show gratitude and remind us that he remains president. he has certainly given a lot to the country, it's been a 50 year journey. that story what you just mentioned remind us that the world has events occurring at all times i'm going to be curious to hear him talk about that and even balance how he talks about the fact that he's handed off the nomination are at least has endorsed his vice president who in many ways is now a copresident with him over the next six months. >> it quickly, 107 days left on this presidents -- on his calendar up your key your thoughts on what he can get done and will the campaign want him by her side throughout that period?
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>> i think in the closing months and weeks of a presidential campaign they are not usually a moment of real legislative achievement sue -- so not sure there's much you can do with congress. you can bomb iran if he wants to there's a lot he could do on the foreign policy and defence i'd. not much you can do on the domestic side apart from... which lasts only until his presidency is over. >> standby if you would appear key if you look at the white house it's a celebratory mood there's a marching band out in the square out front. there's a watch party for aids with pizza inside. the first time he spoke about abandoning his presidential campaign, we have the entire speech and analysis right after that. we pause here to start our show. [ ♪♪


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