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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 24, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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[ ♪♪ ] >> i expect nothing less happy wednesday. earlier today fbi director christopher already testified about the assassination there is no proof the shooter had help we humbly disagree. during the hearing jerry nadler said trump rhetoric as part to blame he also beamed his pants for their they requested trump
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don't hold outdoor rallies instead catch of play at ford's theatre. karine jean-pierre insisted trump is -- biden is very much the president here's a recent photo. joy reid said americans of colour will look crazy and weird if they don't vote for kamala harris so they will look like her. north korean trash bags landed in south korea today we have a picture. prince harry turns 40 next september and inherits 5 phone $4 million being spent a new
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pair of balls. at least we know the view is safe from blackouts. calm will here's a dumb credit president for the democrats on the unite states oh give you a second. they now want to be america's she couldn't lead a country sing-along let alone armed forces but does that not to the media. now they would like this framed as a team sport battle left versus right democrat versus republican but in reality it's the media narrative machine against reality and is now fully operational. what you get now is the propagandist image of a competent inspiring executive meant to cover up as has it
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incompetent crew. filled the shelf space name something harris is accomplished in the last 4 years besides building a 4 out of empty cartons a boxed wine. nobody can but the democrats don't care. the machines slotted her in where joe once was. in the hope they like to do with lysol first. as the mainstream media is there's a narrative that kamala harris is the answer historic and energetic the best they could say about joe was that he was disturbingly lifelike. the narrative is firmly up against something else of the basket case erie as time marches on we see the flaws and
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weirdness of kamala harris until america sees she's a basketcase can you imagine her delivering a state of the union or negotiating with buettner kim jong-un they speak it better english than she does. after a few sentences the translators for up their hands and say i will take the firing squad now. the only hope is after they hear about coconut school buses and then diagrams they will be to confused obama's. so it it's her the saviour against her the basketcase the goal of the media is to keep you in the first narrative see don't the second. every join mika and joe read from the same script tattooed on the inside of their eyelids media equivalent of synchronized swimming dorks kicking water in your eyes so you don't see that they are drowning it's what they did with biden try to keep you in that he is sharp as a tack and not in that he has a
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basketcase world which as you know was ally harris herself took part in for almost 4 years that should be the focus not the linguistic linguine it's that she lied to the american people that may be the most dangerous cover-up in american history then taking a spot and is history certainly you won't fall for it leap and burnt by this stove many times before the stove being the folks inducing media the stove that told you riots were mostly peaceful trump said they were good nazis and joe is the sharpest knife in the drawer although not as sharp as the 1 his allies have used to stab him in the back so remember who burned you last time as you experience the most orchestrated hopes yet that kamala harris a punchline for 4 years is anything more than a joke as we enter the home stretch it's not kamala harris against trumpets fantasy against reality if you
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fall into the us versus them framework you lose. this time it's not just about competing ideologies it's you against the machine image versus reality mostly peaceful against a burn down city with serious prosecutor compared to bailing out felons. joe biden is sharp compared to we beat medicare she fakes against real dementia you need to see this the way you saw biden remember the same people who will show in unison they've never seen anyone as competent and compelling and inspiring as kamala harris are the ones who told you a demented old man deserves to be the most powerful person on earth otherwise to joke will be on us and well she might be laughing trust me, we won't. let's welcome tonight's guest. he spends his free time polishing his nightstick. former nypd inspector, paul
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moreau. 's fans can't get enough cyanide. joe devito. like a pretzel salted twisty and popular in germany. fox news author and contributor cat tenth and he has to take selfies with the hubble telescope new york times best-selling author, comedian and former end of you a world heavyweight champion tyrus. paul i hate to give advice to trump is done well without me but what you heard she was the democratic candidate did she start thinking how to see handler does he is same strategy with biden he can't. >> it's like reviewing a bad halloween movie because that's what she is a hollywood production that's what we are about to get it's the equivalent politically of antman against
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the flasch in the temple of doom or something we're about to to be argued and produced into the idea she's anything more than she was but let's be honest here who she really is, is a hobby for a bunch of retirees look who's running this. clooney, obama, julia roberts all of them are has-beens. most of us go build model airplanes or go bowling or whatever they decide they will run our lives in retirement. clooney go put play pickle ball or something leaves alone stay out of it but that's what's going on. clooney doesn't even live in america but apparently wants to run and that's what's going on yellow bunch of retirees trained to tell us all how to run our lives. >> a retired version of the expendables and the enemy is trumpets not about kamala harris it's about fighting trump they don't care who it is, it's the machine that matters joe you
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think this brainwashing has an effect on the american people of 2024. we've been educated by all the fake news. >> i'm scared although i'm noticing all the footage they show biden doesn't look like the in memoriam segment at a award show it's not a living person they are talking about they just moved him out of the way. so i am afraid because we will see a media assault like never before the democratic convention will pull out every celebrity and it's just like the oscars except you will wish will smith slaps you. on the other hand they are the same people who it couple months ago were saying dump kamala harris a month ago were saying job item was still among the living saying he was far beyond cogent now if you hear somebody say you are cogent shop for floral arrangements you are in big trouble.
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>> it's like saying the word spry if they say you are spry they are pushing you off a cliff oh, he is a spring chicken right >> they talked about how she has more energy because so she can talk and smile she can dance and mover whatever and 9 will energy battery has more. she is a couple weeks before the convention she won't be able to keep her mouth shut that long the more she talks more people will say this lady is nuts. >> i think they keep her under wraps. but we were there first with her laugh we were there first with her word salad is it time to retire that stuff and focus more in the fact it's a machine not a candidate, what say you? >> well, i think it sadly time for me to remind everybody even after the debate there were people going to vote for joe
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like i get why he got replaced because of that but for some people it didn't matter it's about which political party it is and the media is making it look pretty cool people are going to get really excited to vote for her historic thing yada yada and that is help. the media create people all the time you can win a popularity contest without even doing anything i just reading a good brand that's what's going to happen i just hope. sadly i don't want all of us to destroy each other in our personal lives because of this election people aren't really talking about trump getting shot anymore people are saying its time for stability and this and that i'd like it to still be time for that and ongoing. >> iris is it 1 of those things in a relationship where those precious early moments you think
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the person is absolutely wonderful. >> and then you say i'd do and it's all downhill from there? >> you wake up in vegas. she thought -- you thought she was a woman. but great cooks so you know. >> for like just clean out now just keep going. you for needing to talk about this for a long time so i will let you go. >> they are going to vote it's not even about her it's the anti- trump against trump that's what it's all coming down to trump is so scary to them they were willing to have them run and expiry. biden this past retired if he was milk you could paste them on something right. expiration date the kept changing it's like oh it's good it smells spoiled milk notes find tasting it. it's good it's good it's so good
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and then oh, no, it's not could try the other milk. and it just feels like the same milk it just has boobs on top of it. so 1000 percent. under new management same crappy boss just under new management. they don't care and also she outsmarted them right because obama and them didn't want her. then others want to do it but they keep she gets to keep the money so wasn't this peachy coming-of-age i think she saw her shot and she took it is amazing biden so loved by his family and staff the day he steps down which you think would be a pretty bad day biden no longer being the leader of the free world that's when the wife pops on a plane to vegas well talking about the timing of all that. >> she's not coming back. >> he couldn't take a step down the stairs without her being there as soon as she's not
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president duces. >> i don't want to spread any rumours here what if hunter is with her. >> he's come think comforting her during the time of need. >> the high-end mild high. >> he has to earn that and get the commitment somehow. >> up next answers in short supply from the head of the fbi. when migraine strikes ubrelvy is another option. it quickly eliminates migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy — the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. with cascade platinum plus, i have upped my dish game auntie, in that dishwasher?
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[ ♪♪ ] >> did the man named ray have anything to say video the day comes from the fbi director
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lawmakers questioning him about the fbi investigation of trump's assassination attempt roland. >> why was trump not capped off the stage. >> we don't know the answer to the. >> give access to the camino occasion going on at the time and that critical 5 minutes. >> i don't know the exact answer to that. >> there is a google search done for how far away was oswald from kennedy. that obviously is significant in terms of his state of mind. >> so? the big news is the guy googled the jfk assassination that's a revelation about his incriminating as a googling greg gutfeld specs if you tried to round up everyone who did that there would be nobody left on earth. it was before at last week so i
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think he thought the information was going to be met with some audible gasp but i don't think what he googled means anything is about how did you let this [ bleep ] get there he was a 20-year-old dirt bag. >> do not forget it's an attempted assassination right we have footage of the attempted assassin wandering around try to figure where he was parked. was walking around the lake is this the right building like he had time to get a ladder like the gates were locked so police can get in and the only answer you have is i don't know it seems to me and again i set up before we all just sit back like the new campaign slogan for president trump we should just the back every time they talk just say we already know what it is the fact that whenever
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history repeats itself when bad deeds are done the name of martyrdom or whatever the hell it is there are so many questions and they make zero cents. if somebody goes on facebook and rates i like president trump their account will be shut down and 6 seconds you have a guy googling in the area of the president and figure that out. i mean he had literally 0 resistance which is just impossible other than the people screaming look at the guy up there the crowd tells us the story and we'll wait and let it play out but i think it saviour asked right now time. >> cat you googled that assassination will free up breakfast i still understand that. >> doesn't everybody. >> it's hard to just see the institutions after i weep and
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sing past few years and feel while we found a new low but we really did it's remarkable. almost unfathomable and they are saying i don't think trump should have rallies outside like that's your answer here the secret service supposed to be the highest ranking protecting the highest-ranking individual except for in extreme situations like outside that's crazy. you can get local read next to do that. >> we would do it as well. >> he should just hire local read next. >> the secret service but assigned to said no lifeguard on duty and they moved on and it's okay did we stop building high-rises after 9/11 no it we cancel outdoor concerts after the vegas massacre no it seems like they are saying we can't
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guarantee your protection if you are outside and at to the think the actual conclusion as to humiliating like if you explain how this guy was able to best the secret service that conclusion and the power up of a slanted roof crates a sport force field when the view seems away walking around. if you and have a bucket of paint with them or don't see a kid crying. i would almost prefer if was a conspiracy be less embarrassing.
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we would have got more answers out of hoover than this guy. >> that's the point. they prefer conspiracies over the conclusion. would rather have us think there were 50 shooters and they were all chinese or whatever. and at the time of the affair. what is your take away from all of this? >> talk about a low rent assassination attempt the guy took a bicycle to it. you know get too many of those attempts wherein he might have been training that. they are talking to the wrong time and they put up a drone in the guy we should be done to his
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alejandra may or because that is the boss of cheadle remember that. it was a national security event he designates that dhss to designate that. he approved her to go to aspen for the entire week of the rnc. would you have approved that for the dnc never. she was there to speak wednesday meaning she's going to be the whole time and they started the service there was leaking against him code unquote during the event they ran into the event 2 those guys were the ones who sing over the top under the facts i have right now.
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at butler township cop was the 1 to save the day that is who the service started leaking against when the servicer the feds started leaking against you you know you are on to something. >> all right. so there ranged screen or who shows for teachers clinically proven to help reverse the 4 signs of early gum disease a toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology,
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>> it is a video of the day. >> this crazy creature was once a teacher a second video the day comes from macho man randy weingarten the turner teachers union convention at a trump bashing political rally hit it. >> it is seldom a dramatic event or attack let's fascism in the
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door the violence comes later and after they are voted in. when the history books are written about this moment let them record that we the people united and mobilized it and voted down this existential threat to democracy and freedom that we continue the march for progress and lay the foundation for a better future and that we sought to create more perfect union. progress isn't possible, keep marching. she didn't crush a beer can on her forehead. so joe well they are in charge of educating children and you wonder why the country is
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screwed up? >> if she was in charge of lens leads you to keep her from the tater tots. a perfect advertisement for homeschooling. i would both homeschool my kids and put a chair under the doored knob to make sure she doesn't come in and eat my children. they don't work for education or their kids learning they work for a union and trying to squeeze as much juice of the people they represent they don't care about education or history or democracy or any of that stuff. >> cat was she was ranting about freedom but she just lied everybody to keep kids locked down so they didn't have to teach. >> i've made mistakes right none of mine of hindered the development of millions of children if i were harris i'd be passed. i wouldn't want this woman to be saying she's on my team right. does anybody have a good association with her most people
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agree it was a bad thing in retrospect school would've been a good idea. as much as i love complements and i do love them i don't want them from her. >> a complement from her is usually a deathknell. >> paul are you amazed she is still headed the union she does these lunatic things on most once a year she's 1 of those hedgehogs this 1 just comes out and screams. >> you know those stories you see in the paper where the kid sleeps with the hot teacher not much of a chance of that here how. >> just while like a video of zen pick. >> that's 1 direction to take it >> after watching the video i
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understand is the only way to go >> that's a very bright line if you can watch that and hold your lunch you're definitely voting for because that's the line there. essentially parents step off we have your kids and that's what it is. she came out of new york city school systems she started here 35% probably generous your city high schoolers are at level for mast. you think that impresses the chinese thank you a lot randy so that's what you are in for and that's what you're -- if that's what you want for your kids and how you want them the turnout you don't have a problem i guess >> she mr calling and pro wrestling circles. >> i will stop you right now. >> no i have to stop you right now. if i had any more alcohol in this cup i would throw it on user first of all i want the
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name of the sun of a leave leave that wrote want macho man. he was the cream of the crop. only thing brave about her was the fact she's willing to where this much weight. after may but this whole ridiculousness means the crowd like when you speak wrestling if you start moving your arm that means the crowd is moving it with you. who are we with, you. she's like, yeah, and the catch is like why she did that she keeps getting more fired up if you mentally they like i think we're supposed to clamp i thumb is of going out of know what the [ bleep ] you doing lady. she's quite excited and said absolutely nothing that point some things shouldn't jiggle and move like that. >> she moves her arm so most the way kamala harris does where it's like i have seen a human before human moves like this. >> it is said if you want to
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know why you so many kids especially low income and minority kids are growing up without a future it starts there right there they are against school choice they ridicule homeschooling. charters schools. >> is the best advertisement for charter schools. >> she's inspired revolution of homeschooling a bit on my kids are homeschooled. >> coming up lefty pundits make sound that remind us that they are clowns. ? we don't know either stanley... but at least when it comes to dental care aspen dental makes getting new dentures and implants easier. with the technology and expertise to give you the right fit and $0 down plus 0% interest, if paid in full in 18 months. making things as simple as they should be. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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>> step to the space with all the crazy i'm 1 place its kooky corner. [ cheering and applause ] >> tonight we have a pair that aren't all there we have joy read and she just has to say it she's just gotta say it. >> of just gotta say i've just got to say it.
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given the stratospheric entrance of vice president kamala harris into the presidential campaign and now securing enough delegates to be the nominee. you're going to look real crazy being on the other side of that line particularly as a person of colour. going to look crazy. good luck they not like us. >> oh boy. joy red saying you look crazy if you don't vote for kamala harris is the strongest reason not to vote kamala harris a crazy person tells you that something you are doing is crazy then not crazy its way and ignored judge jenny win she tells me to stop
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trying on her culottes. meanwhile the finger sniffing sheridan accuse the st. louis cardinals are being nazis after celebrating a homerun. he thought they were mimicking from's iconic fist raised after he was shot so he did what any clinically insane person does went online to call for the league to implode busch stadium and band the players for life tweeting cardinals equal trump not seize f the st. louis cardinals was more cuckoo is over and in her joy read? >> has to be joy because she's early on tv. >> keefe if he doesn't do this nobody ever talks about him right the only reason he does this is because you keep talking about on the show. >> you can guarantee a minute on the show if he just puts on his bathrobe walks over and does
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something going back to bed. >> it's all he has. is a great night for him he's on tv and ease back. arnaus i guess he's off team she is auditioning to be abide in for a while. >> she was stabbed in the back so hard for abide and how could you see anything like that now it's yes kamala harris of course >> it's not a word. stratosphere. may did they film? >> 47 and other projective because if you like trump and by the way i will stand on my side and be a barbecue phenomenal but
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it always makes me laugh also always accusing trump being hitler was the 1 with the blond hair and blue eyes grooving people together making threats saying things aren't true that sounds very a nazi like to me as waiter i think olbermann is messed up this is just who she is a racist nasty lady because for whatever reason the network cowards at msnbc they don't need to call people nazi allowing them to do that it's arrogant. and this is the face of racism and hate in the country just wondering when white americans going to say enough of this [ bleep ].
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and he had close friends they would do a wellness check it would go ee and he looks really sick because he does look really sick. the dona plans to do that. there's a lot of anger and if you don't do what i say if you're sitting on the other side is that it's like your wife telling you and you buy a keg of beer and so you're asked to the couch and that's it. they say they will react against as far as they go with the federal government to take over
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a baseball team. you think the federal government and run a baseball team that's going to compete with the new york yankees okay. i don't think he understands what i nazi is. >> used to cover sports on nobody is might look back on his tweets and go and say i guess he did give us a sign. like 3 years from now people are going to look at these tweets and say got felt covered that as should have listen. >> it's a cry for help and that's what they would say to you which is is to increase it even beyond tv and they keep
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selling the parents are disappointed like that. and that is a nazi salute, the nazis have a pretty well-known hand gesture he is out of his mind. >> they give us content and i thank them for that. up next carvel tells the ag democrats to get reel because it ain't a done deal. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ask your doctor about farxiga. ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™.
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>> et cetera, et cetera, you guessed it, et cetera. >> a continuation of an early story. carvel reigns on their parade roll it. >> it's a real change in mood and the party and around the country we have to be careful. to much tribalism is going on very difficult race democrats enjoy yourself and feel good but it's tough sledding ahead. >> i kinda think i heard what he said but i wasn't sure. >> i always say the enjoy yourself feel good but tough sledding ahead. you agree with them? >> i don't want to but, yeah,. tribalism can get out of hand i
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always say that leah i think it's a tough race ahead don't how you cannot of the opinion that we just cannot predict anything anymore the last couple weeks of taught us that. >> i think he is telling the democrats to slow their role phrase i just came up with. >> looks like democrats told him to slow his role because he wasn't allowed in the democratic networks. we see the streams from his home and outs time forever a fall in line and bend the knee was a reluctant 1 he wanted to say tough sledding ahead but i think translating that he said it's the same [ bleep ] you're paddling the same thing nothing's going to change is politely trying to say this what he should have said instead is it's irrelevant. i don't understand. if trump's team did that would be here saying that i don't understand if you aren't police
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in your own site don't say [ bleep ] to us it's ridiculous everybody bends the knee. i thought he was when he wouldn't so when i saw that i was disappointed and shocked because he often thought of him as a man of integrity regardless of political affiliations but he bent the knee. >> what did you say week. >> unit of the leading democrat advisor was a guano. jesus. what he saying is essentially this. don't fall in love on vacation with her and then going get the tattoos and 2 weeks later everybody's layering we don't know her. realistically or years as a generation in politics she's done nothing in those years it's a big coming out party i get it in car smell but you know long way to go and he saying tapped the brakes it's not wrong.
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>> i fell in love on vacation once. >> here we go. it's like rose on the golden girls. and de villa did no salty alcohol there and look at that. i think people kept asking me for democratic strategy might have a drinking problem as well. and to the partial credit and they said biden have to go and some people are still saying he's great as a stroll was shorting out the microphone. buddies wright. keep in mind that kamala harris has a low approval rating for vice president and with 97 staff is turning over i think that's hilarious. imagine being former speech rate
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or for kamala harris he wouldn't put that on your resume. it's like being a sous chef that your king. >> burger king is delicious. >> she said you're crazy not to vote for kamala harris is a lot like getting fired for kamala harris as a speechwriter it probably means you are good and they got rid of her. >> first of all they weren't speechwriter's gross mischaracterization get that last little thing out the box. >> we will be right back.
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>> greg: out of time. thank you to our guests and studio audience. i love you, america. trace gallagher is next. [ cheering and applause >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher. 11:00 pm on the east


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