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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 25, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ >> ainsley: good morning, everyone. it is 7:00 here on the east coast. it's thursday, july 25th. and this is "fox & friends." former president trump is going to join us live this hour after president biden's address to the nation. we will ask him about biden's commitment to finish his term and his new likely opponent, kamala harris. >> brian: don't give all the questions, ainsley. >> ainsley: just two. have them for a long time. >> lawrence: plus, 23 protesters arrested, only that? as video shows anti-israeli groups burning the american flag. just as prime minister benjamin netanyahu called them out. >> the tyrants of tehran, who hang guys from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair are praising, promoting, and funding you, you have officially become iran's useful idiots. >> brian: and he got praise from the grand ayatollah for doing it. plus even more body cam footage
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emergets from the assassination attempt as we are new disturbing details about the suspect's search history and arsenal of weapons. >> steve: so our donald trump interview in 28 minutes because the second hour of "fox & friends" is starting right now >> brian: fox news alert. two more major stories this morning in washington. anti-israeli protesters swarming the capitol as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressed congress. >> ainsley: protesters defacing monuments. they burned the american flags, all of this in support of the terrorist organization that killed more than 1200 innocent israelis during the tragedies on october 7th. [chanting burn that [bleep]] [chanting] [cheers] [shouting]
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>> [bleep] the united states. >> lawrence: if you didn't hear them they were screaming allah akbar, god is great what the terrorist organizations say. president joe biden finally speaking to the nation for the first time since he officially dropped out of 2024. presidential race, watch. >> i revere this office. but i love my country more. it's been the honor of my life to serve as your president. but in the defense of democracy, which is at stake, i think it's more important than any title, i believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for america's future all merited a second term but nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. so i have decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. over the next six months, i will be focused on doing my job as
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president. that means i'll continue to lower costs for hardworking families. grow our economy, i would like to thank our great vice president kamala harris, she's experienced, she's tough, she's capable. she has been an incredible partner to me and a leader for our country. my fellow americans, it's been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years. the great thing about america is here kings and dictators do not rule, the people do. history is in your hands. the power is in your hands. >> lawrence: the people rule but the people didn't get to vote. >> ainsley: right? >> lawrence: the people didn't vote for not one time and to talk about democracy while placing the pushing this candidate through with no debates or anything like that, i think is just rich. the other thing is he continues to lie to the american people. they are not telling us exactly what is going on with the president, and is he refusing to step down, guys. >> steve: yeah. peter doocy asked kjp yesterday
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during the press briefing that was pushed back a number of hours. so, who authorized the cover-up of his health and she said there was no cover-up. but, when you think about the joe biden we saw last night as his family looks on from the oval office, and some of them were crying, and i can't imagine how hard it was for him to get through the speech with, you know, his daughter crying just to his left and everybody who has worked for him in the past is in that room, it was a tough speech for him to give. we were told when he resigned via essentially said he was going to be stepping out from the re-election campaign five days ago, that he would have a speech and he would explain why he left. and all he really said was he quit to save democracy. well, really, he quit because the democrats pushed him out. so many party elders stabbed him in the back. you know, it's remarkable you didn't see bloodstains on him
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because he was bloodied by people in his own party. >> ainsley: he said i promised to always level with you, tell you the truth. well, then why are you stepping down really? he said i believe my record as president merits a second term but then i'm going to pass the torch now, i'm going to give a federal reserve voice to someone else, a younger voice. i thought he was mumbled. i thought he was slurring his words a few times. messed up a few times. didn't address his health and his disastrous debate. and donald trump said biden's speech barely understandable. so bad. >> brian: i want you to see democrats loved it, watch. >> i think if you pull back the lens, i think we saw something amazing in american history. this is, to me, like witnessing one of the great fighters in a way like a great prize fighter who has been knocked down many times in his career but always got up. who faced impossible odds, and overperformed. >> he didn't say he was stepping aside because he had decided, you know, it was time. he said he was stepping aside to unify my party that is the
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president eating his peas. >> the kid with the stutter did good. he did good. that's a good man. he fell on the sword. he fell on his sword. most heroes, they fight until the bitter end. he fell on his sword -- he is an old guy, but the heart is still there. >> brian: van jones, i think that would have been -- remarks would have been perfect if he stepped out in march. yeah, i could probably do four years, i'm proud of what i have did but i have got to enis it out. everybody knows what happened behind the scenes it's been con creld. very few people stood behind him. no one would introduce him except jill and senator fetterman. fetterman, coons and clyburn at least on the surface steamed seemed to stabbed by him. almost nobody else was. he had no choice. in 48 hours gone. if he did have a choice he would have said it. interest is a lot of people pushing me out in the party i thought i could keep going.
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i thought to myself kamala harris is ready maybe i should just step aside. he didn't say any of that i understand why his family is up upset because they watched him do this for 50 years. but they also got to be crying by the way it wanted ha. it is humiliating to have people how consider your peers tell you you are terrible and you have to leave. >> lawrence: their upset we're upset they aided concealing. this i understand his family. all of us have had to do -- just because you are president doesn't mean the rules are different. all of us have had to take the keys away from a relative that is deteriorating. and they should have done the same thing. yet, they cry. >> steve: here's the thing, hunter biden was sitting just about 10 feet to his left. you got to be thinking okay, i know my dad said he would not pardon me, but he has only got six months to pardon me before he goes. >> brian: is he going to pardon him. >> steve: of course he is. >> ainsley: i'm sure that was part of the deal. bring in bret baier, bret, we
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watched you last night anchor the conch. we thought he was going to explain why he is leaving. he didn't really explain why he is leaving other than what we surmised which is he got pushed out. >> bret: yeah. exactly. good morning. i think that the line to unite the party didn't really fulfill all that everybody was looking to hear. maybe brian should have written the speech because, what he said would have worked. but, i think that there was nothing about i couldn't win, i can't beat donald trump. >> steve: right. >> bret: there was nothing about there is limitations on my mental or physical capacity. there was nothing about what we just saw over the past five days before he reached this decision. and that was a real pushback from president biden and the family saying we're not going and 14 million plus people voted for me. i am the nominee. that was fierce for a couple days until it wasn't. we didn't hear any of that. >> lawrence: so, bret, the white
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house, as steve correctly noted, karine jean-pierre continues to say that it is a false narrative of people saying that the president is in decline. >> steve: no cover up. no cover-up. >> lawrence: people in the administration -- they won't put their name on it -- but the leaks were coming out just two weeks ago. saying is he dozing off in meetings. he hadn't been having cabinet meetings, when they did, they have to script everything, foreign leaders recognized everything. how long is this going to be able fly with the american public? >> that's a great question. and i think that, you know, august these stories have added up. they are anonymous, but there have been a lot of them in different outlets saying how he is diminished. everyone saw what we saw at the debate on june 27th. it's hard to believe that was only three and a half weeks ago. or four weeks ago. but it's what we saw. and, you know, obviously we had been covering it for a long time and been accused of running cheap fakes and other things. but, when you have a story that
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says that he was diminished or at least democrats on the hill thought so, all the way back to october of 2021, when nancy pelosi had to step in and say this is what he really meant and here's how we are really spending the infrastructure dollars. >> steve: translator. >> bret: that's a big deal. >> ainsley: when you read this letter from jill biden posted this to social media. it was written on it looks like her engraved stationery. you can see it on the right-hand side corner of your screen. to those who never wavered, to those who refused to doubt. to those who always believed, my heart is full of gratitude. thank you for the trust you put in joe. now it's time to put that trust in kamala. so this is from the first lady. but everyone wavered, everyone had doubts. no one believed. so who was this letter to? >> bret: yeah. i think it's really amazing. and dr. biden, the first lady, should, you know, factor in heavily in this decision because
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i think she was a very close adviser and maybe was advising him to stay inasmuch as he did. had he gotten out in march, in february, there would have been a robust primary. and maybe vice president harris would have been the one who rose to the top as far as that goes. but there would have been a lot of people who got in, and there would have been a robust debate and vote. now, there's no vote to lawrence's point. and while democrats say that voters voted for the biden-harris ticket, there was no vote for kamala harris before this convention. >> brian: so what are your thoughts, bret, about what was going on at union station at the rotunda the day before. the massive sit-in, the protest, the damage, the flying of the palestinian flag, the burning of our flag. do you think that that should have been included in the address? do you think somebody in washington at the white house should have addressed this type of defilement and attack on our
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heritage? >> bret: yeah. listen. it's a big deal and we saw this with the college protests. it was ugly at times yesterday. griff jenkins was in the middle of it all day, reported well. whether it made that speech or not, i think democrats are really fearful of the politics of this moment. 35-plus decided not to go to that speech of benjamin netanyahu yesterday, including vice president harris. clearly they want to stay away from stirring this pot. even though it would have been easy to put a line in that speech or have something out of the white house condemning it. >> steve: bret. thank you very much for getting up early. >> lawrence: thanks, bret. >> steve: can you put in with payroll for 10 hours of overtime. [laughter] >> ainsley: actually much more than that over the last two weeks. >> brian: bret, this is you looking very serious that's going to be you don't on "special report" at 6:00. >> bret: very serious. >> ainsley: thank you, bret. >> steve: one of the things he will be highlighting tonight on
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"special report" is our interview that we are going to have with former president donald trump he is going to join us in 16 minutes so stay with us. meanwhile, new video giving us a closer look mommy's after the assassination attempt on former president trump. >> lawrence: cb cotton at the site of the latest on the investigation. looks like more video that came out yesterday. >> hi, lawrence, that's right. exclusive body cam video obtained by senator chuck grassley from the beaver county emergency services unit in compliance with congressional requests. it shows officers making their way to the roof top that thomas crooks fired from. we know crooks was killed with a single shot by a secret service counter sniper. and next to his body there was a cell phone, a remote detective ton nature and eight bullet cartridges. >> it is a remote device, gray in color. five, six inches tall. an inch and a half, two inches
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wide. powered by 9-volt battery. >> hey, whose backpack is that? hey, whose backpack. >> show you a picture of the bike. >> back pac and a bike. >> this is his picture. there it is. >> shells over here. >> both sides. >> looks like, what at least 8? 1, 2, 3, 45, 6, 7, 8. at least 8. >> fbi director christopher wray testified yesterday on capitol hill before the house judiciary committee and revealed eerie online searches crooks made before registering to attend the rally. >> july 6th, he did a google search for, quote: how far away was oswald from kennedy? that is the same day that it appears that he registered for the butler rally. for about 11 minutes, from i think it's around 3:50 p.m.,
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4:00 p.m., somewhere that range, he was flying the drone, and we have the flight path, it's about 200 yards away from where former president trump would ultimately be speaking. >> former president donald trump is calling on wray to resign after wray testified during the hearing that he hasn't noticed any cognitive decline with president joe biden during their infrequent meetings. brian, steve, ainsley, lawrence, back to you. >> lawrence: great job, cb. >> brian: cell phone video our people are getting moving this investigation. >> lawrence: exactly right. >> brian: so strange. burning the american flag, saying anti-american statements, this was happening in our nation's capital right by union station. >> lawrence: ridiculous. >> brian: former congressman brian mast hut his life on the line defending our country he will join us b
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and z fold6 when you trade in your current phone. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> lawrence: fox news alert. anti-israeli protest is raging in our nation's capital proudly shows support for hamas while burning the american flag during prime minister netanyahu's visit. watch.
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[chanting burn that [bleep] [. [chanting] [cheers] [bleep] the united states. >> lawrence: unbelievable. those extremists replacing the american flag with the palestinian flag. and our next guest who lost his legs while fighting for the flag and our freedoms is outraged. is he retired army ranger g.o.p. brian mast served in the israeli defense forces as well. congressman, thanks so much for joining the program. you know, it's the burning of the american flag. but then i heard them screaming allah akbar, god is great, you know, what the terrorists say before they plant a bomb, try to kill one of our soldiers. what's your reaction to that? >> absolutely disgusted. outraged, all of america should be. and everybody should be looking at this, tying this directly to politics. i'm going to take this to politics because everybody is looking at the video of the flag
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burning. what they are not showing is the stage just off of this that showed the sponsors of this event. people that donald trump said v. said they need to be fired immediately. american auto workers union lead sponsor of this event. president trump has talked about their president extensively. american postal unions union their president spoke there lead sponsor of the event. the ones defacing these monuments in america. hoisting the -- tearing down the person flag, hoisting the palestinian flags. those are the ones sponsoring this. they are direct supporters of kamala harris and joe biden. let's juxtapose that for one second. donald trump embraces the american flag, hugs it, loves it, loves the flag that drapes over the coffins of our service members, the supporters of kamala harris it's this binary they tear down the american flag and they burn it. >> lawrence: congressman, let's go deeper, because another sponsor of this is iran. we know this because we have intelligence showing that they're funding these protests, riots, all over the country.
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>> you look at the groups that they support, these code pinks, you know, these unions, these one directly. they know who they want to put in office. they want to see joe biden, kamala harris, those of the same ilk be in office. they will be soft individuals like joe biden has been incredibly soft to be pushed out of office and soft enough to be pushed out of afghanistan. they know the game they are playing. they are engaging in our politics this is another piece of that again, absolutely disgusting. every american should be disgusted. >> lawrence: while the president right before his speech, we get notice that these russian bombers within the airspace. what is your reaction to that and just had to run to try to intercept them? >> look, the foreign intelligence agencies of russia, of china, and let's not forget china also said this was a joint exercise. it wasn't just russian jets. this was a joint exercise with china and russia. they're testing the president. they know that it's influx is
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the person saying he is in charge actually in charge? is it somebody else? they don't get to gaslight these foreign intelligence agencies, they don't get to gaslight their leaders like the mainstream media and america gas lights the american people saying there is nothing wrong with joe biden it. just shows, again, there is only one person in country that bring be this back to veterans. it is making this country worth the sacrifice of veterans, that's donald j. donald trump. >> lawrence: we will have the former president on a little later. coming up in about five minutes. we will get his reaction to this. thank you so much for joining the program. thank you for your service. >> all the best. >> lawrence: all right, carley, you got some news for us. >> ainsley: more news to get to here, lawrence. a police officer is recovering this morning. in stable condition after being shot in the leg while delivering a warrant last night in new jersey. the new jersey state policeman's union asking people to, quote: please keep him and all the officers involved in the raw way incident in your incident. no word yet on any arrests
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spanning 420 square miles. neighborhoods in eastern oregon forcing evacuations in a pair of northern california counties. it's currently only at 3% containment. how about this? former first lady melania trump is releasing first memoir melania. it is said to include personal stories and family photos she has never before shared with the public. there will be two separate editions a collector's edition and a memoir edition. they are both set to be released this fall. neat. and those are your headlines. lawrence? >> lawrence: melania stays under the radar. a lot of people waiting to hear her story. >> carley: yes, definitely.
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>> lawrence: thanks, carley. speaking of the trump family. former president donald trump joins "fox & friends" live, next. ♪ there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way. upset stomach iberogast indigestion iberogast bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve
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♪ “billathi askara” by björn jason lindh ♪ [metal creaking] [camera zooming] ♪ [window slamming] woman: [gasps] [dog barking] ♪ woman: [screams] ♪ [explosion]
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♪ >> ainsley: president biden finally addressing america three days after dropping out of the race for the white house. >> my record as president, my leadership in the world, all merited a second term. but nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. i've decide the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. >> brian: really? was it his decision? joining us now on the phone, the 45th president of the united states. who wants to be the 47th. presidential nominee, mr. president, welcome back, would used to do this before
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running for office. now back doing it with the stakes much higher than who is going to win the apprentice. let's talk about that speech last night. do you think we learned why joe biden left -- decided not to run against you? >> well, i think it was a coup. they didn't want him running. he was way down in the polls and they thought he was going to lose. they went to him and said you can't win the race, which i think is true, unless i did something very foolish, which i wasn't going to do. and i think he was so far down and they said you are not going to win, and you are not in great shape and you did poorly in the debate. i think the debate started everything, really started the fall. if he didn't have the debate and, remember, they challenged me. i didn't challenge them. they said let's have a debate. they gave me everything i didn't want from jake tapper to everybody else in cnn and, you know, i said i'll take it because i was surprised that he was willing to debate. so we debated. it didn't turn out well. but it really began from the debate. and the ratings, his approval
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numbers went very bad. and i was beating him by a lot and all of the sudden you could see what was happening. they were trying to do a coup. and, you know, very good operation. i know people on the other side too that they went and they forced him out. between pelosi and obama and some others, that you see on television, it was interesting, i watched them on television and they act so nice. oh, yes, we love joe, we love joe. behind the scenes. we know for a fact they were brutal. >> lawrence: mr. president, should he have taken yesterday, doing that oval office address, to resign? because there's clearly something up right now. the reports are coming out that he is falling asleep in cabinet meetings, they are scripting everything. you have aides saying that nancy pelosi had to take over infrastructure negotiation because he was all over the place. should he have resigned yesterday in that speech? >> he has been this way for a long time. he hid in his basement during
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covid. they pulled a fast one. he was in his basement, he was -- when i was campaigning, i said where is this guy? he is never out. and they -- he has been this way for a long time. i think he is worse now. i watched his speech last night. look, the amazing thing is you look at the other networks, they say oh, wasn't that a wonderful speech? wasn't he wonderful? it was terrible. it was like a terrible speech. terrible delivery. he looked like he was having problems. and, yet, you watch the other networks and you would think he was ronald reagan in his prime, winston churchill in his prime. and he wasn't. it was not good. it was not a good -- it was not a good speech. the look, the sound, the voice, everything. and you know, it's so phony what is going on. the press is so -- it's so fake. anybody can see it was a problem. he's a problemmed man. should he stay in i guess that's
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up to him and it's up to the people. and i don't think they should use the 25th amendment. you have not long to go. we have four months now, then he has got another month and a half. i will say this, the world is in a very dangerous place. i think if he goes, she then takes over and she is worse than he is. i really believe. she is a san francisco radical. she is actually, much worse in a way, a much worse candidate than he is. she is not doing very well in the polls considering she has a little birthday present. >> ainsley: she is so progressive. can you just look at her voting record. nonpartisan government track says she is the most liberal u.s. senator. she is more liberal than bernie sanders when you look at her record and last night, i don't know if you watched sean's show but in his a block, his monologue, he went through all of her radical proposals. and then he would say listen to it in her own words. then he would play a soundbite of what she wanted to do. her saying that she wanted to do
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this. she is against fracking. she likes the open borders. she is not going to criminalize people who walk across the border. on and on and on. it just laid out how drastic her policies are. can america survive a kamala harris presidency? >> no. and she also wants to defund the police. and she really wants to do it more than any other person. she is the most radical person probably that we have had in office, let alone the office of the presidency. she was a horrible campaigner when she ran. you know, she ran against biden, and i thought he was terrible but she was terrible. she was horrible. and she was the meanest person up there you know, she was meaner to him than anybody else. she accused him of being a racist with the buses, if you remember. she was the meanest person. but not a very good debater but nasty. just nasty to him. and then when he chose her he said how do you do that? a person treats you so badly. he was treated so badly during the debates. and he wasn't all there even
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during those debates. that was a long time ago he still wasn't there. if you know him, he wasn't there 25 years ago, he was not exactly the brightest bulb in the ceiling. and this is what we got. and look at our country now with 20 million. i saw you talking before to rachel's mom. it's very sad. i know them. and what happened to rachel was so horrible. and what happened to so many families and so many people in families with all of the criminals pouring into our country. and, remember this. every single country all over the world. unless they're stupid, is releasing their prisoners and their gang members and their bad people into our country. venezuela, which has a tremendous problem with crime in caracas and other places, venezuela is releasing thousands of people, criminals, gang members, drug dealers, the worst. they are releasing them into the
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united states. venezuelan crime is down 72%. their prison population is becoming much smaller. i'm surprised haven't just moved all of them. they will. they will soon have no prisoners. all of the prisoners are being moved into the united states. and that's true with many other countries. it's true with countries all over the congo, in africa. is releasing their prisoners into the united states. and we are so stupid that we take them. and nothing -- nothing good is going to happen. and we have terrorists coming in at a level that we have never seen. mostly from the middle east. terrorists are coming into our country at a level that we have never seen before. and this is so bad for our country. there is nothing good about it. this is so bad for our country. >> steve: there we were looking at some of the video from the new caravan that is heading our way. mr. president, you know, it was just about a week ago that you selected j.d. vance to be your running mate. now we know that kamala -- at that point you didn't know that
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kamala harris was going to be your main opponent but now she is. i'm sure you have seen a couple stories out that say whether or not you feel you made the right pick given the fact you didn't realize you were going to be running against a woman who might now try to pick a running mate to deliver a key state or demographic or anything like that. you're still 100 percent behind j.d. vance, right? >> he is fantastic. yeah. no, it wouldn't have mattered. and i thought she was probably going to had happen anyway. i knew there was a palace coup going on. and i assumed that she would be probably getting it. shehoodadvantage. it wouldn't matter. no, is he doing a fantastic job. he goes around. is he essentially for the worker. he has seen the worker be horriblably abused and taken advantage of and he is for the worker. that's what his book is about. that's where his feelings are. >> brian: gotcha. >> no, is he for the worker. is he great. he is doing great job and he has
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been very well received. >> brian: kamala harris has given two speeches now that she is the candidate. they are almost identical speeches. this is what she is doing. she is going after you this way, watch. >> before i was elected vice president, before i was elected united states senator, i was elected attorney general of the state of california and i was a courtroom prosecutor before then. i took on perpetrators of all kind. , predators who abused women; fraudsters who ripped off consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. [cheers] so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type. and in this campaign, i promise you i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week. >> brian: there is the attack. whwhat's the retort? >> well, i think it's
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disgusting. i get a kick out of one thing they say sir, be nice. you just got hit with a bullet. maybe he has changed. be nice. and i would love to be nice but i'm dealing against real garbage when you hear that they have weaponized the justice system against me. they have indicted me four times. they have pushed other lawsuits on to me. it's never happened to this country. this is like a third world country what they have done. a banana republic. every single court case that i have is pushed on by them. they have taken the justice department. used local d.a. dollars and used local attorney generals. every single case i have and i just won the big one in florida that biden didn't win. what happened to biden is they called him incompetent. he can run for president. >> brian: documents case. >> incompetent to represent himself in court. just so you know, they push all these cases on me. they're the ones that started. and then they say i'm a prosecutor. he is a criminal. they are the ones. every case is started by them
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i'm winning the case the big one in florida was thrown out by a brilliant judge to be honest with you. >> brian: aileen cannon. >> it's disgraceful that they can do this. it's called weaponization and it does happen in other countries. it's never happened in this country before. >> brian: does that get under your skin when those comments are made? because that's what they are meant to do? >> it's not a question of getting under your skin, you fight back. i fought back i fought back very valiantly, they weaponized united states justice department against donald trump for purposes of hurting their political opponent. and so far and i think long term it'sed had a positive effect. my poll numbers are high. higher than they have ever been people don't like what they are doing. she was a prosecutor, but she was a failed prosecutor. she put a lot of people in jail
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that should have never been there. she put people in jail that were political enemies. she is bad news. she is a radical, left, not very smart person. she failed her bar exam. she couldn't even pass her bar exam. it was brutal on her. she couldn't pass it. she thought she would never be able to pass it. this is what we have as our next president? >> lawrence: so speaking of radical, mr. president. we have been watching these protests. and while the prime minister of israel was given a great speech yesterday, you had protesters burning the american flag, they were screaming allah akbar. they had the palestinian flag. they took the american flag down. they were writing hamas on the bell outside of union station. what does a donald trump do if he takes office to these people on the street? >> rarely have we seen anything like this. and i think you should get a one
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year jail sentence if you do anything to desecrate the flag. people say unconstitutional. those are stupid people that say that we have to work in congress to get a one year jail sentence. when he are allowed to stomp on the flag and put lighter fluid on the flag and set it afire. when you are allowed to do that, you get a one year jail sentence and you'll never see it again. and all over the world, putin and president xi of china, all over the world they are watching this. kim jong un, he looks at us like we are a bunch of babies. they see that. that wouldn't happen in their countries. it's impossible for that to happen in their country. where we have, we look so bad to the world. that was a disgraceful display yesterday. >> ainsley: the prime minister had a beautiful speech, it was wonderful, and he introduced some of the hostages, that we have all been praying for. they were standing up. he introduced us to many solve the idf soldiers who had lost limbs and talked about how radical iran is and what's happening in gaza.
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i know you are meeting with him tonal after kamala harris snubbed him and didn't go to the speech. what is your plan if you become president to end the war in gaza? >> well, first of all, it was very nice to me yesterday. he mentioned me in the speech. >> ainsley: he did. >> very nicely. i appreciated that he is coming to see me. i want him to finish it up and get it done quickly. you got get it done quickly. because they are getting disseminated with this publicity. israel is not very good at public relations. i will tell you that israel, for whatever reason, you have jewish people out there wearing yarmulkes and they are, you know, pro-palestine. you have never seen anything -- people have never seen anything like this. israel has to handle their public relations, their public relations are not good. and they have got get this done fast. because, the world -- the world is not taking lightly to it.
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october 7th would have never happened if i was president. there was no chance. iran was broke. they had no money for hamas or hefs. hezbollah. no chance. ukraine, the attack by russia would have never happened ukraine. >> brian: they are slow-walking weapons to israel now and deciding what weapons israel should be using. would you change that policy? >> i would make sure that it gets over with fast. you have to end this fast. it can't continue to go on like this. it's too long. it's too much. you got to get your hostages back. i think they are going to have a lot of bad news with the hostages. i think some of those hostages, many of them maybe are dead. i believe they are dead. i watched them as they took the hostages in disbelief. again, it would have never happened if i was president. i watched them as they took the hostages. the level of violence and viciousness the way they pulled that young girl into a car by her hair and threw her like a sack of potatoes and i don't believe that they're really
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capable of taking care of all these hostages. i think you're going to find that one of the reasons that hamas is not really negotiating very nicely, i think they are saying wow, they want the moss tages back and we have killed the hostages. i think a lot of the hostages are dead. >> steve: right. mr. president, we all watched your rally last night indoors, of course, the secret service suggested you have indoor rallies given what happened less than two weeks ago. earlier this week we heard from the secret service director. she was asked a bunch of really good questions. she didn't really give any answers. yesterday, christopher wray, the fbi director was on. he had lots more things. we had never heard before. including the fact that the gunman, the day that he registered to go to your rally in butler, pennsylvania, he also googled -- and this was the search. he googled how far away was oswald from kennedy? when you heard about that, what
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did you think? >> well, look, some big mistakes were made. you know, they didn't give me -- because i'll have rallies of 55, 65,000 people. biden would have a rally with 30 people. and they took people from my rallies and they wouldn't have -- my people were constantly complaining that they need more people. and they would -- i mean, i wasn't very much involved in it. that was up to them. but they were constantly complaining that they are not giving enough people. because i had a rally in new jersey, 107,000 people. they don't have rallies -- nobody goes to a biden rally. very few people. once the road starts to fade she will have very few rallies. >> terrible at rallies and speaking. >> very few people. we are getting crowds. like last night we had 25,000 people inside. we had another 25,000 people outside that couldn't get into the arena. and we do need -- now, i will say beefed it up in the last
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book. it was pretty amaze whig looked aamazing with thedifference. i had people standing on that stage with me. in seconds i had seven or eight people laying on top of me and they were very brave. they were very brave. but they made a mistake in not having somebody on the roof. and the communications with local police was obviously horrible. >> lawrence: why did they let you get out of the car? i mean, we're noticing now through the messages that's coming out now that they knew about the gunman before you even stepped foot on the stage. so why did they let you get out of the car? >> well, the biggest mistake they made is allowing me to go. there wasn't even a car. it was like a tent. but the tent was, you know, safe. nobody knew you were there. they shouldn't have let me go on the stage. now they just weren't communicating properly with the local police. different groups of people knew there was some nut job on the roof. he was up there.
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the one woman, real trumper got trump all over her she is screaming there is a guy with a gun on the roof. and that was quite a bit before i walked up to the stage. and then you had the local policeman who it looks like he got up there and saw the guy and then he fell off the roof. and what happened to him? why didn't he start screaming there's a guy -- there are many people. the communication was bad. and, you know, oftentimes like if there is lightning or thunder or big rains or there's a problem, they will say sir, could you wait 15 minutes, please? or could you wait 10 minutes? that happens a lot or a crowd of people somewhere. >> steve: mr. president, i was just going to inject, you mentioned the weather. it sounds like from the reporting over the last 24 hours, there was supposed to be somebody on that roof but the person was not on the roof. >> lawrence: too hot. >> steve: because apparently it was too hot. >> well, i hadn't heard that, but that's a terrible thing. and it's just a terrible thing. it's such a shame. and the secret service, they are
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such great people. >> lawrence: yes. >> it's a blight on their reputation. there should have been somebody on the roof. when you look at it now, it's a clear shot and it's amazing that, you know, look, a person died a fantastic corey and two great people were very badly hurt. i'm in communication with them. and the public has been so generous. we set up a fund and the public has been so generous. but, it's like, you know, a lot of money was given to the family of corey, and the statement was so nice. this is so nice but i wish i had my husband back. >> steve: of course. >> she doesn't want the money. they had a great relationship. corey was a fire chief and just a real great guy. everybody said. and, you know, they don't want money. they want their husband back. they want their father back. and he was very brave. he shielded the wife and the two girls. his two daughters. and he got hit hard. he got really hit hard.
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those are -- that's a tough one when you get hit with those bullets that's a tough one. >> brian: what people don't understand when you meet with these families you ask them questions. you want to know about these people. i found that out talking to the diller family and people that saw you in the wake in my town. but, just moving on to something less important than life and death but just about this election. they keep on tying you, whether it's yesterday's testimony, when they were talking to christopher wray or whether it's kamala harris on the stump, they keep on tying to you project 2025, which is a 900-page tune put out by the heritage foundation. what is your response to what is in it and what would you like to say about the role it's playing in your campaign? >> it's a group of very, very conservative people. they wrote a document that many of the points are fine. many of the points are absolutely ridiculous. i have nothing to do with the document. i have never seen the document. i have seen certain things that are said in it. and it's a group of very conservative people that
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probably like me but it doesn't matter because it doesn't speak for me. they wrote something that i disagree with in many cases and some cases you agree. but, it's like a group of radical left people that write something and, you know, people get angry by it. this is a document i know nothing about. it's called project 25. i heard about it a week ago. and has nothing to do with me whatsoever. but, of course, our friends that are democrats, radical left democrats they take the document, which is, i guess, pretty big, and thorough, and they scour through it and anything that's bad in there or that's a little bit less than mainstream, they take it and they make a big deal out of it. donald trump and project 25, are you ready? i know nothing about project 25. i haven't seen the document. i don't intend to really see the document. and it's a group of people that got together to wrote some kind of a dream document for them. but it has absolutely nothing to do with me and it's just
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disinformation brian by the democrats. pure disinformation. >> lawrence: so, mr. president, they plan on using that to attack you, but they're also trying to divide the country. and you've seen what they have already started to do because kamala harris is jamaican as well as indian. how are you going to handle that? you made real gains with black voters, hispanic voters, young voters. they're giving you a shot because they like where you stand on the economy. they like where you stand with criminal justice reform. giving their kids a quality education. so when you go toe to toe with kamala harris on that debate stage and all the publicity with the press and all that, how are you going to handle that? >> well, i handle it very easily. i have the economy in my side. we have the greatest economy in history. they have a lousy economy that's so inspeculation ridden. we have the worst -- i think we have the first inflation in the history of our country and it's destroying people. where people have to pay twice and three times more than they were paying for something one year ago, two years ago.
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look what is happening to energy. along at what is happening to food. all these things. so i have that. i have the border on my side. the border is a big deal. i fixed it once. i got it down to a level the best ever. and then they broke it. they broke it. i had to do it twice. i did it in 2016 and then these guys came along and they broke it. we have 20 million people, many of them are criminals, many of them are terrorists, pouring into our country. we have no idea who they are, where they c come from. they come from all over the world not just south america. they have nothing on their side. and the abortion issue, which they think they have, they now don't have because i was able to bring that back to the states. and the people are voting on it. and most people believe in the exceptions, the three exceptions. and the abortion issue is a much smaller -- look at what happened in ohio. they voted and they got, what you would say the progressives wanted. very much so. same thing in kansas. they got -- the people are voting. everybody wanted that issue.
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the abortion, they didn't want roe v. wade. >> brian: united states have it? >> they wanted it to be taken out of congress and the federal government. i was able to do it. now people are voting. and they are voting the way the people want. that's the way it was always supposed to be. >> ainsley: you are talking about voting and early voting it's being pushed by the democrats, it has been for a long time are voting by mail. republicans usually like to go on that tuesday in november on election day. but i know that the message is changing. why is it important? why is it advantageous for your voters to have early voting or vote by mail? >> well, it's nice to have early voting. the main thing is to vote. a lot of things happened with the early voting that are no good. look, any time that you have mail-in voting you are going to have fraud and some people don't like me saying it but i say it. when you have mail-in voting. you know, france had mail-in voting and ended up to going to one day voting with paper ballots and voter i.d. and it worked out great for them at
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10:00 in the evening it was done. we have mail-in voting. the votes are come in. they get stuck -- >> brian: you want people to early vote, right? >> i guess i would rather have that the main thing is i want them to et have. republicans historically like voting on election day. and what we should have ideally, one-day voting, voter i.d., proof of citizenship. and paper ballots. and paper, by the way, is very sophisticated, water mark. it's highly sophisticated. >> brian: i like it. >> that's what we should have in this country not this mail in voting where millions of votes are sat down and nobody knows where they went and coming from. >> steve: mr. president a couple weeks ago the "wall street journal" had a story how it sounded like elon musk was going to be donating $45 million a month to a super pac to support you and get people to early vote and stuff like that. what is going on with you and elon musk? >> well, i have a good relationship with mismt i think he is a nice guy.
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i disagree with the electric cars for everybody. i think people should have a very much against that it's ridiculous, actually. you want a gasoline propelled car or you wanted maybe a hybrid, you want to have a choice and that includes electric. no, eli and i have a very good relationship. he endorsed me strongly. somebody told me he is going to give me 45 million a month i said that sounds like a lot. even for elon he was going to give me 45 a month. he never told me he was giving me 45 but he did say i strongly endorse you. despite the fact that i'm against the electric car mandate. i'm all he just joined your team. >> lawrence: quickly, is there a plan for when it comes to early voting and ballot harvesting? democrats made it legal, is there a plan for the republicans to get out their door knock and get th


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