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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 25, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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lot of pushback that it is anti-semitic. of course, this discussion is all happening as vice president harris meets with the israeli prime minister today, benjamin netanyahu at the white house. that conversation is continuing to under fold. >> dana: we're glad you are on the ground for us. thank you so much. point out one thing. she is there talking in houston and the teachers union there, here is the houston school district proficiency scores. fourth grade at or above proficient, it doesn't get better when they get to eighth grade unfortunately. math at 18%, reading at 18%. it would be very interesting, an opportunity for kamala harris to address the education problems in this country. we'll see if she does that. >> bill: we can do better, we must do better. >> dana: in time. great to see you. i'll see you on "the five" the afternoon. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. vice president and now
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presumptive democratic party nominee kamala harris is in a border state today and no, she is not visiting the border. she is there for a speech in houston. as we know, president biden put her in charge of our nation's line of sovereignty and she failed miserably. millions estimates between seven and 10 million people, many unvetted illegals crossed our southern border on her watch. why didn't she protect us from the drugs and sex traffickers and human smugglers and violent criminals among all those caravans? a new one is forming. let's go back to washington, d.c. for this part. the house right now is also voting on a republican resolution to condemn kamala harris's performance in the role of so-called border czar. and the mainstream media is now quickly abandoning the border czar label as the immigration issue has taken center stage ahead of november.
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voters have been telling us it is in the one, two, three spot and top priority for months now and now she has to deal with it. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." i want to take a look back now at how the media have covered her border role the day president biden assigned it to her. they called her the lead, the point person, tasked with tackling the migrant influx. they widely used the term border czar. czar by definition is a person to coordinate policy in a particular area. easy peasy, right? since sunday they dropped that. it is a very different tune. headlines now say she was never biden's border czar. these are not the things we're looking for. she was never in charge. "new york post" political reporter john levine talks about the switch-up. >> i thought you would see some kind of contrition from these
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web websites. they are trying to revise history. it's soviet, really. >> harris: soviet, hum. here they are talking about her role as the border czar. >> president biden: i've asked her to today, because she is the most qualified to do it, to lead our efforts with mexico and the northern triangle. >> do you have any plans to visit the border? >> i'm here in guatemala today. at some point. you know, we are going to the border. we have been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. i'm in guatemala because my focus is dealing with the root causes of migration. >> harris: what are the root causes for letting millions of people unvetted and illegal cross our border? can she get to that part?
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since then v.p. harris has been to the border exactly one time in 2021. former president trump talked about that visit when i sat down with him in that exclusive interview earlier this month. >> this is her bucket of responsibility. she wears it. >> she never went to the border. she went to a part of the border that you and i would like to go to to vacation, okay? >> harris: it was sanitized for everybody's protection so she could not actually see what was going on there. they did the same thing for president biden. this is her watch now. he put her in charge. and she failed miserably. in "focus" now republican senator ted cruz of the border state of texas, member of the foreign relations and judiciary committees. i want to go straight to you, senator, and get your take on she is in your state. >> well, harris, good morning. good to be with you. kamala has come to texas and the
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sitting border czar. directly responsible for the crisis at our southern border for the open borders we've had for 3 1/2 years, for the invasion of 11 million people. she was put in charge and she did nothing, as you rightly noted, she has been to the border a total of one time in her four years as vice president. she went to el paso, they cleaned it up so she saw no illegal aliens. she didn't go to what was then the epicenter of the invasion, that was the rio grande valley. she couldn't be bothered to go there. she didn't go to eagle pass where the crisis moved next or go to del rio. i was in del rio. it is a very small town on the rio grande river. 30,000 people live in del rio. i was there on a day in a single day there were more than 10,000 haitian illegal immigrants crossing into del rio. imagine 1-third of the population of your entire city entering into a single day. kamala harris was nowhere to be found.
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instead she is right now in my hometown of houston talking to the national teachers unions because what is her priority? her priority is opposing school choice. her priority is keeping kids trapped in failed schools. i think education freedom is the civil rights issue of the 21st century and kamala harris's message to low income kids, to african-american children and hispanic children is you are trapped and there is no hope coming from the democrats because why? they are more interested in the dollars and the political foot soldiers of the teachers unions than they are in the children who are being left behind. kamala has 0 interest in actually securing the border because she looks at 11 million illegal immigrants and sees future democrat votes as far as the eye can see. >> harris: two things on that. the way you put that civil rights issue of the 21st century. when did we find that out? during the lockdowns when the
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kids were at home trying to learn on devices even though we had been told too much time on a device would damage their brains. there they were during the pandemic. school unions had all the things they wanted. first vaccines, more money, they needed this. they were like the princess and the pea. so she is not winning today not talking about the border what you are saying she is not winning on the teaching issue, either. the house has just passed that resolution condemning vice president kamala harris and her handling of the border and the vote count, senator, 220 to 196. your immediate reaction to the breaking news. >> look, i mean i think her performance is the worst performance of any vice president in history. she was given charge of one issue, that was to be border czar. it was a spectacular historic failure that has resulted in death and misery and despair. when you go down to south texas, nobody defends what is happening. south texas historically has been a democrat region of our state.
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it is turn red. when you see the dead bodies every day, migrants dying. when you see little boys and little girls who have been brutalized and women raped and people dying of fentanyl overdoses you can't defiend their open border. she is getting ready to speak to the teachers union. two predictions about what she says. number one, she will not use the words learning loss. under the democrats they shut schools down all across the country, tens of millions of school kids did not have in-person school for over a year. as a result of democrat shutdowns, we have seen the biggest increase in the racial gap, the biggest learning loss and the students who were hurt the most under kamala harris's policies were african-american students and hispanic students that have suffered the single greatest learning loss since we've been measuring it. she will not say a word about
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that. that's prediction number one. prediction two. my opponent running against me, you want -- i think he actually signed up for witness protection. he doesn't want to be seen with her. i have suggested -- i am happy to pay for a tour of them tour the state of texas, go down to the rio grande valley together and celebrate her record as border czar. it is disastrous and hurt the people of texas, which is why colin wants to be nowhere near her. >> harris: your state has been impacted an your passion exudes what happened. trying to stop you all from stemming the flow of illegals. the journey we have been on in the last 36 to 39 months is epic with this administration.
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biden/harris administration. he is not on the ticket anymore but will stay in the white house and she is right there with him. let's get to this. later today president biden will meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. vice president kamala harris is also set to meet with him. they are meeting separately. i thought they would work on things together. we haven't been told. i want to ask why couldn't they do that? sometimes they tell us the scheduling. both of those meetings fall just one day after all of that anti-israel jewish hate, american hate. they hate america as well. all of that chaos in our nation's capital while the prime minister of israel was speaking to congress. [shouting and chanting] >> harris: explosive, destructive, rioters covering buildings and monuments in blood red paint trying to breach the
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capitol police line and burned our nation's flag. congressman mast who lost both legs working as a bomb disposal expert. i fought and bled for the american flag. my friends lost their lives in the battle for the american flag and said this. >> absolutely disgusted, outraged. all of america should be. everybody should tying this directly to politics. donald trump embraces the american flag, hugs it, loves it, loves the flag that drapes over the coffins of our service members. the supporters of kamala harris. they tear down the american flag and burn it. >> harris: these anti-israel rioters tore down american flags, replaced them with palestinian flags and house speaker mike johnson and other gop lawmakers then raised our flag again after the protest damaged. they went out after dark and you see them there last evening and
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they made sure that our flag was flying. senator cruz, my father fought. i understand the premise of free speech and free expression. we are in a place now, though, some of those protestors would even tell you beneath their scarves, they hate us. they are part of the regime that would want to see us annihilated. they support the terrorists, hamas. your thoughts. >> look, all of that is exactly right. you do have a right to free speech. you don't have to rate to engage in violence or vandalize public displays. what they did there was plainly illegal. they hate america. chanting in support of hamas. vandalized and said hamas is coming. they're celebrating murders, rapists. they want hamas terrorists to murder americans. all of this was happening at the
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exact time prime minister netanyahu was speaking to the joint session of congress. i was there in the front row listening to the speech. it was an historic speech. afterwards i spent 45 minutes one-on-one the prime minister netanyahu. he is a very good friend. i told him i said i thought the speech was historic and i think it cast church illian. i have not used that for any other world leaders. it had the gravitas to understand that israel right now faces a threat but the terrorists that israel is fighting, they hate america, too. the reason they chant death to israel and death to america. when israel is killing hamas terrorists, they are saving american lives and i have to say it was utterly disgraceful, the scores of democrats who boycotted prime minister netanyahu's speech, including kamala harris. she is the vice president. normally when a head of state addresses a joint session of congress you have the speaker of the house and vice president
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sitting behind them. she refused to attend. so think what this is saying. the presumptive democrat nominee won't even listen to the democraticly elected leader of the nation of israel. the democrat party, kamala harris, look, i won't say that she was at union station burning netanyahu an effigy as you are showing there pulling down the american flag and raising the palestinian flag. she wasn't physically there. but her sympathies are much more with the radicals than prime minister netanyahu and that is sad. today's democrat party is terrified of and captive to the radical anti-semitic fringe and they want the votes. kamala harris and the democrats want the votes of those america-hating radicals. that is a sad state of affairs. >> look at where they are uncommitted both in minnesota
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and michigan. so they know they have to do some flexing. when you write hamas is coming. can you imagine how that makes jewish americans even feel? it is just a special kind of hate and cruelty. i want to mention this. reflexively the left brought this up and i want to address it. senator and vice presidential candidate was not' netanyahu's speech yesterday. he stands with israel and eradicate terrorist threats and bring backcountrymen held hospital acknowledge. he will not be in attendance for prime minister netanyahu's speech because he has duties to fill as the republican nominee for vice president. that went out before the speech yesterday. i just want to get your thoughts really on where we are. because in that we heard about the hostages. didn't hear about that from kamala harris or the president. haven't heard about it in some
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time. >> they've been completely silent about the hostages including the american hostages. you know what? yesterday joe biden and kamala harris allowed that disgusting display of vandalism to occur. the national park jurisdiction under the federal government has jurisdiction. they allow the radicals to burn the american flag, spray paint and allowed pro-hamas anti-semitic radicals to do this throughout washington. it's dangerous and it is because they side with the radicals. i can tell you this right now. if they come to texas and try to do the same thing, we'll throw their butts in jail. we'll enforce the law, arrest them and put them in handcuffs and put them in jail. you don't have the right to break the law and where these displays are happening whether it's new york city, california, it is places where democrats are in charge and they will not enforce the law because they agree with the radicals. you have do not have a right to engage in violence. you don't have a right to
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threaten jews and the bizarre thing, a couple of days ago cnn was talking about who kamala harris might pick as a v.p. nominee and mentioning josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania. john king said obviously it would be a problem because shapiro is jewish and the democrat party that's a real problem. what does it say that cnn matter of fact reports being jewish is no longer acceptable in today's democrat party? that is an enormous failing on the party and not a single democrat spoke out against it because it is reality. >> harris: how does that not get complete pushback from the party that is maligned by what you are saying from not just liberal media, which would be complicit in that moment. complicit in that moment. >> the sad thing is i don't think cnn was trying to malign them. they were reporting an obvious fact. there is a pro-hamas faction of
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the democrat party. >> harris: they could have said that. all right. senator cruz, thank you so much. you hit a lot of topics today. appreciate your time. >> thanks. >> harris: secretary lloyd austin and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff right now speaking from the pentagon at a time, as you know, of heightened global tensions. we have huge global threats, russia, china, iran, and we'll monitor that. it's going on right now at the pentagon and give you the latest updates. president biden spoke for the first time last night. perhaps you watched it. he talked all about his decision, denying he was pushed out of running for the white house again. >> there are some critics today saying that doesn't really jive with what we thought it would take god almighty. does he have a health problem? what's pushing him out? questions about whether he is really fit to even finish out his term at all.
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>> he didn't heroicly pass the torch. they ripped it out of his hands. if he can't run a campaign for the next four months, how is he qualified the most important country and the most powerful nation in the history of the world?
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>> president biden: i revere this office but i love my country more. in recent weeks it's become clear to me that i need to unite my party. but nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. there is a time and place for long years of experience in public life. there is also a time and place for new voices, fresh voices, yes, younger voices. and that time and place is now.
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>> harris: president biden finally addressing the nation for the very first time since he dropped out of the race for the white house. biden tried to be clear. that despite the reports, it was his decision to step aside, to pass the torch, in his words, to a new generation. a love fest over on all the alphabet soup networks. their names don't spell anything like fox. >> this was a speech for the history books. >> this moment puts him, you know, with a bunch of american greats. the george washingtons of the world. >> most heroes, they fight until the bitter end. >> gratitude is the word for so many people in this country pointing to joe biden and calling him a patriot who stepped in when democracy needed it. >> this was selfless on a level i think that is important in a way that we talk about george washington being selfless. >> harris: wow, a couple of george washington references there. other headlines were more critical of biden. here is one.
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biden ducks the farewell question. the oval office address shows exactly why he had to go. and biden lost his voice and then his power. senior political analyst brit hume here. >> to hear the president tell it. he was fine for running for re-election, within the race and between saturday night and sunday morning when it dawned on him that it was time for a new generation of leaders. something that had escaped his notice these many months and years. it was quite a conversion overnight it seems, if you believe it. i'm not sure i do. >> harris: david avella, gopac chairman and mark penn former clinton advisor. mark, i will come to you first. we saw the love fest on some of the liberal and legacy media. i'm curious wider for democrats how did it play? >> look, whatever, you know, i think --
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>> harris: you gave the president a whatever? >> it doesn't matter. he is out. the story was sunday. harris is in. i think that everyone wants the president to be treated with dignity and i think that's pretty much what you are seeing. once he made the decision to exit, i think he has been treated with wonderful dignity, respect, and praise and sure he will get a great speech at the convention. it didn't really matter what he said. there was nothing -- it wasn't lyndon johnson's vietnam speech with a surprise ending that nobody knew. it was a political speech from the oval office. >> harris: so if it didn't matter, and it doesn't matter, and he said it would take an act of almighty god to leave office. maybe something medical, maybe something -- who knows, definitely personal. david, how does he stay? if last night didn't matter, how can you convince anybody that
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what you do for the next six months will matter or is good for the country? >> there is a strong case to be made, harris, he did not dropping out because he believes he is mentally in decline. he knows he can't win. we're about to move into a very time-honored and important tradition here in washington, d.c. called the tell-all books. now you will have your administration folks their books and tell their experiences with biden. we'll find out how with it he was during this job. all that to say, harris, biden dropped out because he was at 36% and americans had tuned him out long ago. he wasn't getting his message through. voters didn't like the policy he was putting in place. there was no momentum in the democratic party. finally he realized there is no path for victory. that's why he quit. >> harris: wow. you said it and it didn't take you 11 minutes like the
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president. gentlemen, great to have you react a bit to last night's speech. appreciate your time. soon vice president kamala harris is set to give that speech at the american federation of teachers, the teachers convention in houston, texas. again, she will not be going to the border in that state. senator ted cruz and i spent some time on why that would be necessary. and now we're waiting for the vice president to step to the podium. we have been told this is a white house-type of speech. this is not a campaign speech. we'll see. we'll watch a little bit of it and ask my team to just kind of stand by with me as she takes the podium and here she is. [cheers and applause] >> good morning, afc, good morning.
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oh, my goodness, it is so good to be here. please have a seat, if you have a seat, please have a seat. [cheers and applause] >> it is good to be in the house here. [shouting and chanting] >> thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you, everybody, thank you, thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you all. thank you so very much. can we hear it for britney, please?
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[cheers and applause] thank you all. it is so wonderful to be back with everyone here. thank you, that means so much more than i can say. randi, thank you for your friendship, your longstanding friendship. randi is a force, as we all know. she has been an incredible friend and advisor to the president and me. i want to thank you on behalf of the president and me and our country for all that you are. [cheers and applause] and i want to begin by saying a few words about our president, joe biden. [cheers and applause] right? yeah. last night our president addressed the nation and he showed once again what true leadership looks like. he really did. his words were poignant, i will speak in a moment about the
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importance of reminding people of history, teaching america's true history. he thinks and talks about his work and our country understanding what it means in terms of what we do now and how that will impact the future. he thinks about our history in the context of the importance of the work we do now. and over the past 3 1/2 years and over his entire career, joe has led with grace and strength and bold vision and deep compassion. says he said -- [applause] that's right. and as he said in the next six months he will continue to fight for the american people. i have know we are all deeply, deeply grateful for his continued service to our nation. [cheers and applause] thank you.
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and to the members of aft, i thank you for your service to our nation. [cheers and applause] from the public service workers and higher education faculty, to the school bus drivers and the custodians, to the school nurses and our teachers, you all do god's work educating our children. the whole eco system of who our aft members. it is you who have taken on the most noble of work, which is to concern yourself with the well-being of the children of america. and i thank you for that. i thank you for that. [applause] and i thank you also for your support over the years and for being the first union to endorse me this week. [cheers and applause]
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thank you. i thank you. i thank you. and as you may know, i am a proud product of public education. [cheers and applause] many of you know that my first grade teacher, mrs. francis wilson, god rest her soul, taught me and educated me and encouraged me and inspired me, and years later when i walked across the stage to receive my law school diploma, mrs. francis wilson was in the audience. yeah. [applause] and that's who you are. i know who you are. i know who you are. this work is personal and it is
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professional and it is so critically important. so it is because of mrs. wilson and so many teachers like her that i stand before you as vice president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] and that i am running to become president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] and what i know firsthand is that our teachers and all those who are here, all the members of aft, i know that by nature you are visionaries. you are focused on the future. the work you do is about a focus on the future. you see the potential in every
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child. you foster it, you encourage it, and in so doing you shape the future of our nation. which is why i say we need you so desperately right now. today we face a choice between two very different visions for our nation. one focused on the future, and the other focused on the past. and we are fighting for the future. [cheers and applause] and in our vision of the future, we see a place where every person has the opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead. a future where no child has to grow up in poverty. where every senior can retire with dignity.
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and where every worker has the freedom to join a union. [cheers and applause] we see a future with affordable healthcare, affordable childcare and paid leave, not for some, but for all. [cheers and applause] we see a future where every student has the support and resources they need to thrive and a future where no teacher has to struggle with the burden of student loan debt. [cheers and applause] so as an example, our administration has forgiven student loan debt for nearly 5 million americans. [cheers and applause] and twice as much for our public
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servants, including our teachers. [cheers and applause] teachers like tanya, who i met recently in philadelphia. tanya was first in her family to go to college and she had been, like many, paying off her student loans for 20 years. and she told me she was like look, at many times i wondered would i have to leave this profession i love to just be able to pay my bills? but i did didn't leave. making terms of her decision in terms of her daily obligations and dealing with these loans. after 20 years, she still owed $40,000 in student loans and we forgave it all. [cheers and applause] when she learned, she told me
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when she learned her loans had been forgiven me and my children knew our lives had changed and we were just dancing, dancing. there we go. we are clear eyed as we work to build a brighter future and to move our nation forward, there are those who are really trying to take us backwards. and you i'm sure have seen their agenda, project 2025? [booing] randi, can you believe they put that thing in writing? [laughter] 900 pages in writing. so project 2025 is a plan to return america to a dark past. donald trump and his extreme allies want to take our nation back to failed trickle-down economic policies.
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[boo] back to union busting. back to tax breaks for billionaires. [booing] they want to cut medicare and social security. , to stop student loan forgiveness for teachers and other public servants. and i say to aft they even want to eliminate the department of education. and end head start which would take away pre-school from hundreds of thousands of our children. he intends to give tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations and make working families foot the bill. and he intends to end the affordable care act. now think about that. to take us back to a time when insurance companies had the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions.
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remember what that was like? children with asthma, women who survived breast cancer, grand parents with diabetes. you know, america has tried these failed economic policies before but we are not going back. we are not going back. [cheers and applause] no, we will move forward. and one of the best ways to keep our nation moving forward is to give workers a voice, to protect the freedom to organize, to defend the freedom to collectively bargain, to end union busting. [cheers and applause] as head of the white house labor task force, i have led our work
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to eliminate barriers to organizing in both public and private sectors, including for teachers. but there is more that we must do. president joe biden and i promised to sign the pro-act into law and i promise you i will keep that promise. [cheers and applause] because when workers join together and demand what is fair, everyone is better off. understand -- i say this everywhere i go, understand you may not be a union member, but you should thank unions, i looking to the cameras in the back of the room. not them but the people who might be watching, you may not be a union member, but thank unions for the five-day work week. [cheers and applause] for the eight-hour workday. [cheers and applause]
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thank unions for sick leave and paid family leave and vacation time. [cheers and applause] the fact is, unions helped build america's middle class. [cheers and applause] and when unions are strong, america is strong. [cheers and applause] so aft, ours is a fight for the future and ours is a fight for freedom. in this moment across our nation, we witness a full-on attack on hard won, hard fought freedoms. while you teach students about democracy and representative government, extremists attack
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the sacred freedom to vote. while you try to create safe and welcoming places where our children can learn, extremists attack our freedom to live safe from gun violence. they have the nerve to tell teachers to strap on a gun in the classroom. [booing] while they refuse to pass common-sense gun safety laws. [applause] and while you teach students about our nation's past, these extremists attack the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation's true and full history. including book bans, book bans in this year of our lord 2024.
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and on these last two issues, on these last two issues, just think about it. so we want to ban assault weapons and they want to ban books. can you imagine? all the while these extremists also attack the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride. [applause] they pass so-called don't say gay laws. so many of you may know in 2004 on valentine's day weekend, i was one of the first elected officials in the country to perform same-sex marriages. [cheers and applause] so here is the thing, it pains
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me so to think 20 years later that there are some young teachers in their 20s who are afraid to put up a photograph of themselves and their partner for fear they could lose their jobs. and what is their job, the most noble of work, teaching other people's children. god knows we don't pay you enough as it is. [applause] in this moment, we are in a fight for our most fundamental freedoms. >> harris: all right. so if we had any doubt this is a campaign speech, you see that it is. our guidance and our advisory on the speech was disseminated by the white house, not the harris campaign. that's what this is. this is worth taking note. exactly what ted cruz saved she would do.
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ignore the issues facing children and the teachers unions push for different things other than better education and better things for kids. here is a little bit previous, my conversation moments ago with senator cruz. >> as a result of democrat shutdowns, we have seen the biggest increase in the racial gap, the biggest learning loss, and the students who were hurt the most under kamala harris's policy were african-american students and hispanic students that have suffered the single greatest learning loss since we've been measuring it. she will not say a word about that. >> harris: well, it is courting the union. she started out with i want to thank the house of labor and went on from there. i suppose she missed the international brotherhood of teachers speaking at the rnc last week. i was on the floor. they haven't endorsed anybody but clearly she is courting labor. clearly trying to keep that in her camp as she runs as the presumptive democrat nominee.
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>> harris: missouri's attorney general andrew bailey has been busy. he just sued new york state to protect former president trump from being sentenced in the
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phony trial against him. as you know, it was a spectacle in the state of new york a couple of months ago. new york attorney general letitia james has responded saying missouri's lawsuit is based entirely on an ongoing criminal case between the manhattan district attorney and former president trump and doesn't present a controversy between sovereign states. missouri's claims are patently meritless. andrew bailey, missouri's attorney general is with me now. i have seen a lot on this and want to hear directly from you and what exactly is the goal? >> well the goal is to eliminate this illicit witch hunt prosecution in new york hijacking a presidential election and injecting poison into the democratic. we want to participate in equal
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footing. they've deprived missouri with access to a presidential candidate and the right to hear from a presidential candidate. courts should stay out of any decision, any case that will cause election interference. those concerns are heightened the closer in time we get to an election. this is the heat of a campaign in the presidential election in the most consequential national election in this nation's history. missouri is fighting for its rights and voice in the process. >> harris: it is interesting. a nuanced view at this but it is not unheard of and could other republican-led states or republican or just other attorneys general jump on board with this? >> yes, certainly that's true and we have had multiple other republican states join amicus briefs in support of this lawsuit. the founding fathers contemplated there would be legal disputes among the states and codified and original action docket in the form of article two, section three of the united states constitution and that's where we filed the case
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originally with the united states security to protect missourians right to have access to and hear from a presidential candidate and proud to stand with other like-minded attorney general. new york wouldn't allow the red state prosecutor to arrest and jail kamala harris. we won't let them do it to president trump, either. missouri had a caucus and numerous voters who caucused in favor of president trump and have the right to be heard in the process. >> harris: it's interesting. we haven't been talking much about the case. sentencing is scheduled for september 18th. so we'll certainly watch this. last ten or 15 seconds your quick thought. >> look, that case needs to be thrown out. it is replete with constitutional error, an illicit witch hunt. we know that. the goal was never to obtain a legally valid conviction but take president trump off the campaign trail and we can't let that happen. >> harris: attorney general andrew bailey from missouri. thank you for your time today. interesting news. "the faulkner focus" appreciates your time today and
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