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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 25, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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beyond the typical talking points to break down key issues at stake this november and really before that i mean look at what we are seeing. the first episode available right now. kelly and, tell us more. >> i am excited everyone on the couch is invited, my first guest was the inevitable larry kudlow and michael larosa who is a jill biden's communications director it doesn't matter if it's by amor harris because the issues are the same this time we have an issue with charlie hurt and over there, he wrote a book called "amateur hour kamala harris in the white house" and people are looking at that book now. you got to talk on the record. >> two charlies and a kellyanne. happy friday eve here is "america reports." >> he is a problem demand.
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should he stay i guess that is up to him and up to the people. i don't think they should use the 25th amendment. there's not long to go we have for for months now and he has another month and a half but i will say this, the world is in a very dangerous place. i think if he goes and she takes over and she is worse than he is. >> sandra: less than four months now former president from calling out president biden and vice president harris as we await two big events happening at the white house and moments. hello, welcome everyone i'm sandra smith the new york and as we like to say breaking news afternoon to run your. jillian great to have you. because they could come a sander i'm gillian turner out of washington, john roberts is off today this is "america reports." any moment now president biden will hold a high-stakes meeting with benjamin netanyahu this coming of course at a moment when their relationship has been especially rocky over the war in gaza end. >> sandra: it appears we are
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seeing the arrival of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the white house as we speak as we topped a brand-new hour here. we will continue to watch that as we do know we are also at the white house expecting a press briefing as a republican sadie presidents oval office address last night failed to ease concerns about his health after being forced out of the 2024 race. the israeli prime minister, gillian, has entered the white house. >> gillian: has entered the building with fox team coverage right now, former secretary of state mike pompeo is standing by, jennifer griffin on the latest instance of u.s. enemies testing the biden administration. >> sandra: first peter doocy live at the white house a busy day yesterday, peter. was of the president was supposed to explain to the american people last night why he pulled out of the race? >> yes, sandor that's what officials have been telling us when they told us to listen but instead president biden talked about how he thinks the key to
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saving democracy is younger democrats. >> nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. that is also personal ambition. there is a time in a place for long years of public life and there's also a time and to let space for new voices, fresh voices. younger voices. that time and place is now. >> so we are being told to believe that president biden just had an epiphany that made him want to retire early after telling us all for years that that was never going to happen. there was no disclosure of any new medical issues last night and officials claimed they had not been concealing any existing medical issues. so who ordered white house officials to cover up? >> i know that is a narrative that you love >> he did a press conference at nato.
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i admitted there and all of these things i need to finish and ten days later i'm dropping out. >> okay, okay you are asking me multiple questions here. wait, wait to. first of all there has been no cover up. i want to be very clear about that. >> any minute we are going to see some tape of president biden meeting with benjamin netanyahu and also some of the family members of hostages being held in gaza. that is going on and also just a weird time politically in this country right now. the security at the white house and around white house campus today is as extreme as i have seen it since the inauguration. december? >> sandra: that is interesting and peter as we anticipate that briefing you know you'll be back back in that briefing room and we will get back to that as soon as it begins. >> gillian: as peter says it is a weird kind of tenuous moment in u.s. politics. some officials now fear apparently america's adversaries
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are using this to their advantage. u.s. military intercepted russian and chinese bombers operating together right off the alaskan coast. jennifer griffin live at the pentagon with the details hi, jennifer. >> hi, gillian. it's no coincidence russia and china teamed up for the very first time to send warplanes to test u.s. response time and the hours before president biden was to speak from the oval office explaining his decision to step aside. defense secretary austin said to dede exercise was likely planned for sometime. >> they are always testing us. and that is no surprise to any of us. we can tell you what message we are sending and that message is we will be at the ready, we are at the ready and we will always be at the ready and we will defend this nation. so if there is a challenge or a threat to the united states of america, your troops will be at the ready and they will do the right thing. >> russia's defense ministry released this video today of
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russian warplanes taking off from a russian military base. here is what it looked like from the american f-16 and f-35 pilot vantage point. detected track and intercepted and to people republic of china age six military age craft operating in the alaska air defense identification zone or adis. u.s. and canadian warplanes intercepted them and adversaries are expected to take advantage of this period uncertainty and transition during the next six months according to national security experts. iranian proxies like the hutus in yemen continue to test the military response time in america. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is at the white house and will meet with president biden and vice president harris. asked the chairman of the joint chiefs not long ago general cq brown if prime minister netanyahu's attempt to pressure the administration to send women's to weapons faster has any validity. >> they are not withholding
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weapons to israel right now? >> they are not. >> brown added he has yet to see in israeli plan for the day after in gaza. >> have talked to the israelis about this. how to make a transition. we have talked to them a number of different times. not a lot of detail i've been able to see from the plant from them. >> prime minister netanyahu's prime to get more weapons faster than the biden administration using republicans in congress to add a pressure and heading to mar-a-lago will be viewed by pentagon leaders as playing politics at a sensitive time during a heated u.s. election. gillian? >> gillian: it strikes me that is not the only transition that the military chiefs will have to prepare for now. jennifer, thank you very much. center? >> sandra: former secretary of state and fox news contributor marked the mike mike pompeo they give her being here. >> great to be with you. >> sandra: we see this with russia and china they are testing is at a vulnerable time in this country. are you certain i'm confident we
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are at the ready as you have heard austen say a moment ago to defend against these ongoing threats? >> sandra, we can see the chinese and the russians testing us in ways they have not done before. i think the secretary defense said this was unique in history. we also saw our present last night give remarks that suggested somehow he will not run for office but we can't figure out why he. our friends can see that come our allies feel less certain and sander that always means we will be tested whether it is the fact that we have vessels on the persian gulf counseling under threat as eisenhower was for his entire seven months from the hutus or the sailors in the w west, the president of the united states refuses to be candid to the american people about why he chose not to run for office and whether he is capable and some of the hardest moments, i served as secretary of state nci director, these things come up fast, they are serious, often from unexpected
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directions and when our adversaries since weakness, sand or they will test it and that presents an awful lot of risk in the course of the next five months. >> sandra: part of that weakness we are portraying has been the case made, the protests we are seeing. we sought throughout washington with a live look with ongoing protests right now and this is lafayette park. mr. secretary, they continue to gather. we continue to see in many cases obscenities. yesterday we saw the words "hamas is coming thomas is here" painted and splashed all over monuments in washington. what message is this live in our nation's capital right now sending to the world? >> sandra, we have seen protests so it is as american as apple pie to protest to what you don't like but what is said as we have congressional leaders condoning this which have refused to call out what is
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deeply anti-american behavior that supports terrorism that has put american lives at risk for two decades in the middle east and we see our leadership failing. we saw yesterday and entire political party boycott a speech in the capitol building from one of our closest and dearest and most long time secure to partners region. this poses an enormous amount of risk with this much dissension not from some group of people who just decide they want to protest in a park but from the leadership of america. who doesn't understand that america is a force of good in the region and the decent actor that can actually provide security, and the nation of israel in that region along with our golf partners and you see our lives are walking from that, that is in building our adversaries. i promise you, come aussies that and thinks we are good to go we can stay at this. of cooties see the of the see this, the chairman in north korea, each is evaluating whether american leadership is prepared to do what we have done for so long which is to defend basic american ideas including
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our sovereignty at our southern border. speech what we saw were some dramatic images from yesterday that -- some of these protests, some of these agitators have gone from anti-israel to pro-hamas. it's happening on american soil. it's remarkable. i want to put this up on the screen because we begin to ask as a team this morning where is the outrage over what is happening? where is the reaction to your point members of congress and beyond? as we said that, a statement came out from the vice president, kamala harris. she said "i can do many individuals associated with the brutal terrorist organization hamas which has vowed to an elite stomach annihilates the state of israel and kill jews. i condemned the burning of the american flag there is no place for that in our nation" this was an exchange during a briefing this morning. it was a news conference offered by hakeem jeffries.
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he was asked about the protests and said this. >> many associate with the left wing of your party. to talk about that divide -- >> to me that any of the protests that associate with their left wing of the democratic party, that is a factual assumption that is inaccurate. it is unacceptable to deface public property, desecrate the american flag, threaten jews with violence or promote terrorist organizations like hamas. unacceptable. >> sandra: i want your reaction to and the new sound of democrats are acting on hill this morning. >> i'm not going to go burn a flag but it is part of our rights it's free speech. >> how ironic is the prime minister was talking about them burning american flags, they are literally proving them right by burning american flags with the capital in the background. >> everyone has the right to free speech. it's not the kind of speech i
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would participate in. >> in this country we have a democracy for our constitution protects the right of people to burn flags but it bothers me. >> sandra: your thoughts on that reaction on the hill? >> sandra, i hear the vice president's words, congressman jeffrey's words, they rang hollow when we have seen an administration that has coddled demonstrators on college campuses that denied the israelis the weapons that they need. from the secretary of state who said welcome of the israelis are close to being morally equivalent hamas and that is fundamentally a problem inside the democratic party and not just from the protesters. from the democratic leadership itself or we have dozens of members of congress who refused to condemn hamas on house floor. this is a problem inside the democratic party that doesn't understand not what matters just to israel, that is important but what matters to the ended states of america and the beacon that we must speak to the world.
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we have to get this right and i think the democratic party has to figure out how to get to the place america has been for so long a bipartisan supporter of the central institutions of the united states of america. that's what i see playing out at lafayette square today and union station yesterday and frankly all the way back to the summer of 2020. we know american decency, we know american foundation and the democratic party needs to get hold of itself and figure out how to get back to the right place. >> sandra: always good to get you on mr. secretary. now we have a live look at the two leaders the prime minister of israel and the president of the united states meeting in the oval office we expect to see that shortly and the press briefing. secretary pompeo, thank you. gillian? >> gillian: all right there is also this, the house just unanimously voted to form a bipartisan task force to probe some of the major security failures surrounding the attempted assassination of former president trump last week. this comes as fox news gets new video now of police on the scene in the immediate aftermath of
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the shooting. and the more chilling details about the gunman's preparation for that attack. cb cotton is on the ground in butler, pennsylvania. can you walk us through this latest video? >> hi, good afternoon, julie and this extended body cam video segments the first responders on scene after gunman thomas matthew crooks was on scene. shell casings all around his body and a remote detonator for explosives left behind in his vehicle. sleep >> i don't know how this guy got here. >> i think they are on the roof. >> is that where the dude is t too? >> so there's a ladder right here. can we use this letter? >> yes. >> one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
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at least eight. >> gray in color. >> the gas meter. >> this is the guy? >> yes. they sent pictures out this is him. >> fbi director christopher wray testified yesterday that kirk's explosives were on operational but they say it could reveal the gunman may have wanted to plan a distraction. one we flew our grown over the rally site it revealed the upper hand kirk's seemingly gave himself over the counter snipers. you can see here kirk's was likely concealed by trees. brooks was killed by a secret service counter sniper with what a federal source described as a "one and a million shot" and now we know why. our drone capturing the obstructed view the stamper possibly had allowing him to only see part of the gunman. ray said kirk's fbi director
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christopher wray said kirk's scoped out the rally site with the drone three times before he tried to kill former president donald trump. including the morning before the rally. the butler county district attorney richard golden are is now speaking out after a state police testified to congress earlier this week that local snipers left a critical post on the guarded. golding says that is not true. >> sandra: cb cotton on the ground in butler for us. sender? >> any moment now we hear from karine jean-pierre since last night's oval office speech left the american public with more questions than answers. peter doocy is in that room. we will go there live when it begins plus this. >> your concert of the most liberal united states senator. >> i -- somebody said that and it was mike pence on the debate stage [laughs] >> at one point the most liberal member of the senate
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vice president harris making a run of course the white house. what would a harris presidency me for the economy question what we will dive into that with guest bruno and postercost comi. and trusty copilot. for all your dog does for your family, give them cosequin a daily joint supplement that supports healthy joints and cartilage for dogs of all ages and sizes. it's the number one veterinarian recommended retail joint health brand. for your dog, your co-everything choose cosequin and other nutramax laboratories brand products.
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>> sandra: fox news alert president biden meeting with benjamin netanyahu at the white house. >> everybody in? >> president biden: welcome
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back mr. prime minister we have a lot to talk about and we should get to it. the floor is yours. >> benjamin netanyahu: mr. president, we've known each other for many years or 50 years so from a proud jewish man's eyes to a proud irish-american's eyes for 50 years of support for the state of israel and public service i look forward to discussing today and working with you in the months ahead on the great issues before us. >> i look forward to it as well. by the way that first meeting with prime minister golda meier with a assistant next to me that's how far back it was. i was only 12 then. anyway, thank you all for being here. [reporters shouting]
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>> thank you all. >> sandra: all right you can't blame them for trying the press trying to shout questions as the two world leaders there are none of the questions were answered but we know the president joe biden and the vice president kamala harris will be meeting with benjamin netanyahu separately at the white house, kamala harris' meeting at 4:30 p.m. eastern today. after this meeting the oval office, gillian they will meet with the families of the american hostages held hostage in gaza. that will be happening at 2:30 p.m. keeping an eye on the
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white house cabinet room for that but this is the first time the two of them, netanyahu and biden have met in person since you remember biden would go visit israel shortly after the hamas terrorist attack of october 7th. will see what comes from that meeting and bring our viewers in as we get it. >> gillian: and in this meeting as well as netanyahu and his address to congress yesterday both going to major lengths to try to mask some of the tension that has been simmering, bubbling over the last nine months between the two countries between these particular leaders as well. we are out also following the assassination attempt following president trump former president trump in butler, pennsylvania, on the political map of the rural county mnes like it could be vital to the swing state. joining us on that but madison alworth has info on what is driving voters there who could make a difference come november. medicine, why is this county now
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shaping up to be critical potentially in november? >> gillian, we know pennsylvania is a must-win state for both sides. this county has gone for crump twice in the most recent elections but recent policy moves by biden could help the democrats win over some voters. to the eye butler is exactly what you'd expect from western pennsylvania. an economy with an emphasis on energy, extortion, agriculture, and manufacturing. the county is a surprisingly complex please. it has gone twice for donald trump by a nearly 2-1 margin. >> there is great enthusiasm for crump because he emulates the values of butler county, the people that live in one care. >> despite that both parties believe the state and national election could be decided here. >> every other ad is political based. >> and largely because of this steel mill. cleveland cliff's butler works plant has been in operation over 100 years. jamie is the third generation of
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his family to run-of-the-mill but they almost saw the future disappear in the department of energy issued a ruling last year that would have rendered its steel unusable because of environmental standards. and would have forced the plants to close. nearly 1500 jobs. >> for that to close would have been devastating. >> the biden administration changed the rules in april after receiving blowback from locals. secretary of energy jennifer granholm was sent to the mill to celebrate. to think that will help the biden/harris administration to close that gap? >> i think it will help sway some people. >> trump supporter and commissioner kim geyer says she is not full. >> they created this crisis during an election year and then they come in, they become heroes and saviors. >> should question whether the plant would have been saved it all had it not been an election year. >> i guess they didn't think there would be any pushback. that i don't know, but that's not who we are as people here. we take pride in making things. that's what we do here.
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>> now, gillian the question is if that support will transfer over to kamala harris. it's important to note harris in the past has been very anti-fracking, that's another key industry here in butler. gillian? >> gillian: madison alworth coming to us from butler, pennsylvania. sandra? >> sandra: let's bring in charlie gasparino and former ceo andrew pozner, i love this panel welcome to both of you and good to have you. charlie, how difficult will this be for donald trump to show his vision for this economy versus kamala harris considering she has been in office eight while and one of the number one struggles of the american people right now as high prices? >> i mean, inflation is not good. she will on that. we should point out what you get with kamala harris is generally what you have now. that has been really clear there's not much daylight between what she believes in
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what joe biden believes in the economy. the green new deal, spending, you name it. it's all they are. they are anti-fracking. they can't get around that. she has said that for years and years. you know, trump was interesting the first time because he was very free-market. i know there were some targeted trade wars to china but this could be interesting in the sense that trump may go even further out of the trade war sort of rhetoric and policy. and that brings a whole new dynamic to the economic equation. if we have a trade war come if we have tariffs to go back and forth, trade wars are known to shave the last trade war was minor under trump but it was to shave a point off of gdp. by the way, both of these, hopefully with the both candidates like to spend. if you're telling me donald
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trump wants to cut spending -- >> gillian: i can get him in here and he can respond to that but i wish i could get my morning back because i think i spent hours looking for anything that kamala harris has set on the economy including inflation because remember, this is an administration that downplayed the emergence of inflation to begin with. remember there was no inflation in that july when he got in office? this is a minimal inflation, this won't last, and before it became a very big problem from a flashback to harris, 2022 this is a bit long almost one minute in length but it is important to hear how she was challenged i believe a bloomberg reporter who point blank asked her about inflation and the sky high prices under this administration. listen. >> prices have gone up. and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of that bread costs more in gas
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costs more. we have to understand what that means. that is about the cost-of-living going up. that is about having to stress and stretch limited resources. that is about a source of stress for families that is not only economic, but is on a daily level something that is a heavy weight to carry. it is something we take very seriously. very seriously. and we know from the history of this issue in the united states that when you see these prices go up, it has a direct impact on the quality of life. for all people in our country. so it is a big issue and we take it seriously. and it is a priority therefore. so we have addressed it in a number of ways. >> sandra: i found it very necessary to play that out in its entirety because that was november of 2021. we know what happened after that. it got worse. inflation went up, prices went higher, and she said it twice
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that this is something they took very seriously. how can she run for president and a tout she is the person to bring the prices down when they have had ample time to do so and whatever they've been doing is it working? >andy. >> this is exactly the problem. the biden administration including kamala harris. is a kamala harris to the extent she is very close to biden but she is somewhat to the left. she wants 35% corporate income taxes, medicare for all, she supports universal basic income, but what the biden administration did not understand in what does not understand is we get inflation when government spends and prints too much money and then restricts supply chains with taxes and regulatory policies that make it difficult to produce goods at the same time they are funneling money into the economy. this is what they continue to do. the policies she wants to pursue would continue that so i don't see how she can make any kind of
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credible argument with inflation. >> and he lets be fair, far be it for me to defend joe biden and kamala harris for economic record but which of these candidates are talking about not spending? they are both wanting both donald trump's basic economic agenda and now kamala harris and whoever she picks' economic agendas about spending. >> sandra: spending on what? >> known as talking about deficits. >> sandra: you asked a question let them respond. >> [speaking over each other. >> sandra: andy go ahead. >> there two points to reducing the debt versus increase revenue and the tax cut of jobs that clearly increase revenue. the congressional budget offices now are getting about $600 billion in extra revenue which reduces the debts. secondly, president trump's inclination on everything to try and reduce spending.
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he doesn't want to take benefits away from americans. he doesn't want to cut social security or medicare but when he talks with nato to try to get nato to contribute more money -- >> you do realize that the end of his term -- >> to reduce. >> andy at the end of his term he was spending like crazy when we didn't need it. we were coming out of covid and there were multiple spending measures. listen, i'm not arguing with y you. in this instant biden spent on steroids but to make like donald trump is like a deficit hawk is kind of a stretch. >> i got your point hang on, number one we did spend a lot during covid. i wish we had not spent as much as we did but the spending was bipartisan and strongly supported. >> is that right? that to the make it right. >> after covid. i have to agree, the spending in december of 2,020 was probably something -- >> sandra: real quickly -- >> the spending after that, you
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look at the american rescue plane -- >> i can add they went nuts. >> it shot up. >> they went nuts. >> sandra: i appreciate the debate. by the way, i don't want to underestimate what we had put on the screen there because we ran the brain room statistics which means you are not paying attention, charlie, put it back up for one second because this is the reality of the current situation. when you hear anybody say inflation is down, prices are not. while inflation, the growth of the rate of growth of prices going up has slowed, i mean you are still paying since this president took office you are paying almost 50% more for gas, right? that quality of that standard of living that, is talking about in 2021 that has only gotten worse. that they like to tout their wage growth that gives real wages they are down 2%. >> it depends where you make your starting point. >> sandra: so make less and
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spend a whole lot more. >> sandra the starting point now that i agree with everything janet yellen says, she has a set of figures that trump people have another set of figures in terms of when they start that point to judge wage growth. >> sandra: what are you talking about? >> are you really going to correct man economics here? i know i'm talking about. >> look. >> depends when you started. it's all over the place. >> sandra: we were very clear on that graphic that was january of 2021. >> right so if you started in 2019 that's what they would do and the reason why is because it was a blip up, right? >> sandra: you've lost me. >> of course i did. >> sandra: charlie, thanks andy, thanks chat again soon. >> inflation was 11.4% when baden took over. >> sandra: biden will tell you it was 9%. all right now this. >> you can see those we disagree
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with not as enemies but as fellow americans. on that day i told you as that winter we were a student of winter apparel and winter possibilities. when ben franklin was asked as he emerged from the convention going on -- >> gillian: we are expecting a briefing from the white house any minute now and the hills of president biden's prime time oval office at address last night he failed to mention specifics on why he dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. let's bring in republican iowa senator joni ernst on the armed services committee, this our first time talking you to get a reaction to last night's speech the president of course addressing the american people for the first time since he was diagnosed with kofi cockburn, the first time since he suspended or seized his presidential campaign. he said last night that he is doing this in order to "unite his party" what did you make of that explanation and what did
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you make of the remarks overall? >> i did not hear any specifics. it was a very short address. obviously right off a teleprompter, he still had trouble with that. and i think what it did overall, though, was reaffirmed to the democrats that joe biden dropping out of the race was the correct thing to do. this is not something that happened overnight, though. i want to remind all americans that. this decline, we have seen in president joe biden for years now. and yet his vice president, kamala harris has been covering up the reality of the situation. and continued to promote him as president. so again, we did not hear any specifics from joe biden, but obviously it was the right thing for the democrats and obviously the right thing for our nation. now the question is will he stepped down as president with this diminished capability? speed one stomach them asked you
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yourself have spent time in public service not as many as the president but no one wants to leave office amidst major drop in the polls, major drop in support of their own party. do you have confidence some of your colleagues now are saying not to observe the last 5.5-6 months to have confidence he'll be able to do that? >> i don't have confidence and i've raised this issue many times over. i have been very concerned about the president's ability to deter our adversaries. they are looking at the united states of america and recognizing we are very weak with a leader that is absolutely incapable of communicating or responding to threats out there. i have concerns, i have voiced concerns for quite a while now. i think many more will continue to do this. democratic and republican. >> a few of your colleagues are caused calling on congress to use an amendment, former
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president trump says he is not onboard that strategy with a few months left to go. would that be the way forward for up to you, senator? >> i think they can't do my cabinet members are part of that equation as well. so far we have not seen any of them willing to come forward for the 25th amendment. i do think that this poses a serious issue. for the national security of the united states. i know that his press secretary had mentioned oh, the president is surrounded by a lot of good people that can respond. i'm sorry, those people are not elected, they are bureaucrats that serve in the biden administration. i certainly don't want some codes or the nuclear football. do so again, i have very serious concerns about the last many months of this man's presidency. >> gillian: senator, we have to leave it there but great to hear from you as always. >> thank you.
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>> sandra: sandra? >> sandra: democrats really gets former president trump as a threat to democracy but are they saying something different behind closed doors? ari fleischer will join us on this plus this. >> gillian: chaos engulfed yesterday as they vandalized federal property, is the justice department going to take action? we have kerri urbahn coming up next. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it.
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any longer. revealing in a recent podcast top democrats have told him off the record they don't think trump actually does pose an x essential threat. let's bring in ari fleischer former white house press secretary and fox news contributor, ra, take a listen this is the reporting to "the new york times." >> i have had top democrats say to me basically something like i don't know why all of these democrats think donald trump is an x essential threat to democracy but the reason i'm not acting the way i am is because i don't think that. >> certainly not something we have heard. not before today. >> you know, it would be so refreshing, gillian, is people said the assassin who tried to take out donald trump is a threat to democracy. donald trump who won a contested rubble and rubble and tripe to my end is the nominee of their welcome party and will face a democrat and a free election is the essence of democracy. he is a reflection of the people's democrat of values.
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if democrats can't beat him, they need to accept the fact that people see things otherwise then the democrats and because they may not be able to beat him doesn't give them an excuse to say he is a threat to democracy. it turns them into the threats to democracy because they don't accept the election. the other factor i just have to point out the other threat to democracy is colorado, illinois, maine trying to throw donald trump off the ballot. also get us trying to remove donald trump from his candidacy. those are the threats to democracy. >> sandra: your first point there senator rick scott arguing that democrats are the real threat this morning. >> democrats say republic's or a threat to democracy, they are of a to democracy. what they did is they said and elect a president who won the primary hey, you can't beat to tromso we will get rid of you. we are all on board to get rid of him and they are picking harris who didn't won any primaries, never went through this process, got no votes to be their nominee and she will be
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their nominee. it makes no sense. >> sandra: that is one way to look at it. >> no question about that. democrats are the power group because they had selected somebody to replace the person they ousted. i mean, joe biden did not step down, joe biden was forced out. he was forced out by donors, by george clooney, was forced out by a drop barack obama and david axelrod. that is why he is no longer the candidate. so it does bother me when i hear the democrats say the other reasons democrats should stop saying it is how many assassination attempts do they want? when they say donald trump is an x essential threat to democracy, don't they realize there are crazies out there that will hear that message and act on it? it is an appropriate. i wish they would stop doing it. they should respect their opponent even if they don't like their opponent and try to be their opponent. one donald trump wons if he wins come he will of won fair and square and the democrats will have to accept it.
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's view on the flip side of the coin is that kamala harris has 89% approval rating in democrats and 87% of them do think biden dropping out with the right thing to do. that would seem to indicate those voters do not in fact feel hard done by or disenfranchised in some way. you see differently? >> no, i think that is a legitimate point of view from the democrats but then they should say it. president biden said at last night. president biden who didn't even explain why he dropped out last night should simply say i dropped out because i couldn't win. nothing is more important than winning so i want kamala harris to win. that's what this is all about. that's why donald trump, joe biden was pressured out. they loved him until they concluded they could no longer use him. once it was clear that he was likely going to lose, they threw him overboard so fast. now kamala harris is giving them a little bit of a spark. she is still losing too
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donald trump but she at least has been giving hope and that is what the democrats wanted so i don't want to hear these high grounded arguments that this for democracy. this was a power move engineered by the democrats who dump biden, replace him with any buddy and that's what they have done. >> sandra: always good to have you on, thank you very much for that for that. >> gillian: thanks. >> thank you. >> sandra: so the trump campaign is bracing for an "harris honeymoon in the polls" they will tell us which three groups he will be watching the next round of polling. >> gillian: plus this california governor taking action on dangerous homeless camps finally we have matt finn with a preview from the ground. hey, matt. >> hi, gillian california is considered the worst state for homelessness and no democratic governor gavin newsom has issued an executive instructing for these streets to be cleared. we are live from los angeles) after this
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>> sandra: gavin newsom issuing an executive order to clear homeless camps. live in los angeles where issues have gotten worse how bad is it there? >> sandra here in l.a. in many encampments including the one i am standing and you are
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hard-pressed to walk in and not run into a homeless person and sadly often times they are incoherent lying on the street unconscious and sometimes lying in their own feces and whether it's the beach or the hollywood walk of fame the problem gets worse. now california governor gavin newsom has signed an executive order directing state agencies to urgently clean up dangerous homeless camps here in california. >> so today i announce an executive order to remove, it's time with the urgency the local level of cleanup. these sites should focus on public health and public safety. there are no longer any excuses. >> newsom is directing state agencies to first notify homeless people before cleaning up their camp and the governor is also mandating that state agencies work with local governments to house the homeless and provide services to them. the local municipalities do not have to comply with newsom's
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directive which comes after a recent supreme court decision last month that upheld the outdoor sleeping band and grant's past organ. before last month's ruling the ninth circuit court of appeals that covers nine states in the west limited states abilities to punish people for sleeping in public. california is considered the worst state for homelessness there is still an estimated 180,000 homeless people here according to government data. the most in the nation which comes after governor newsom pumped $24 billion into the problem in recent years. l.a. hayes mayor karen bass is budgeting about $1 billion a year for this problem so we will see if this new directive works. vendor? >> gillian: we will see it's huge problem. thank you. gillian? >> gillian: thank you, sandra. a white house briefing at a moment i was vice president harris hits the campaign trail. she it was once the most liberal in the senate but is that what people are looking for?
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