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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 25, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> bret: finally tonight, a special day. >> all this stuff that i think people would expect at comey con we might not have had the last couple years is all happening this year. >> bret: comicon resumed today. have you followed this thing? pattern pace the convention, get, this more than 130,000 people annually ohioans for the most popular panel expected to exceed one day of waiting. convention runs through july 28th. get your comic books out. brand new polls on the presidential race. several battleground states that's it for this "special report" fair balanced and still unafraid. here's laura. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm lawyer ingraham this is "the
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ingraham angle" from washington tonight. after birds oval office speech last night. critical questions left unanswered. which guardian of democracy let the coup? >> many of you have been there. i have been in and out of iraq and afghanistan over -- >> and is biden really well enough to remain as president? >> can you see those we disagree with not as enemies but as -- fellow americans. >> i'm just not going to get beyond that. >> and as new polling shows trump leading in four key swing states, kamala is trying to sanitize her record. >> what kinds of country do we want to live in? >> but, first, the kamala cover-up. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ >> laura: well, first came the biden cover-up. when for years top democrats, including kamala harris hid the truth about biden's sharp mental decline from the american people. >> his mental acuity is great. all this right wing propaganda that his mental acuity has
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declined is wrong. >> is he beloved. he is respected. i'm very proud of the president. >> laura: and now it's the kamala cover-up. it's a well choreographed effort by high paid consultants and the media to revamp her image by rewriting her record. and, in some cases, just erasing it all together. >> you already hear folks talk about the border czar. she wasn't the border czar. >> she was never appoint the border czar. >> she was never border czar. she was put in charge of trying to coordinate diplomatic activities countries that a lot of these migrants were coming from. >> laura: and then axios got into the cover-up saying in the past few days the trump campaign and republicans have tagged harris repeatedly with the border czar title which she never actually had. well, now, i guess axios is even covering up its own conch. because this was axios in april of 2021. harris, appointed by biden, as border czar, said she would be looking at root causes that drive immigration, blah blah blah. well, turns out that facts are
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indeed stubborn things. >> this will be her first visit to the u.s.-mexico border region since she was appointed as the border czar by president biden. >> kamala harris, who was appointed as the border czar hasn't gone there at all. >> she was the border czar, but, really the border is a big weakness for the biden-harris administration. >> and that's not the only thing they are denying. because, campaign officials know that biden's economic record is unpopular, they are now trying to erase kamala from having any involvement in it. that's weird, considering the white house dispatched her to launch their nationwide economic opportunity tour just in april. and where she was supposed to tout the president's great record. >> the work that we have accomplished as an administration, be it the infrastructure bill, what we are doing with the inflation reduction act, which is about at least a trillion dollars invested in the climate, we are in the process of putting a lot of money in the streets of america.
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>> laura: well, you broke it, and you own it, baby. remember, what you are reading and what you are hearing, what you are seeing about kamala now, it's old propaganda. but, every once in a while we do get a truth nugget. the "times" also said that she pushed for so-called care economy policies. haven't even heard of that. and actually were so bad that they didn't make it into biden's economic bills because they couldn't get enough democrats to support them. okay, so that's how radical kamala harris' economic views are too radical for even the liberals. so no matter what they try to do to rebrand her, the truth is out there for anyone who wants to know it. forget the fact that people are broke, make sure the process is woke. >> to strengthen america's economy, we are also helping more people buy a home. we have reached a commitment that all licensed home appraisers be required to complete racial bias training.
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>> laura: okay. and the biden-harris record for home ownership look where we are at 3 and a half years in. existing home sales sling 5.4% as prices jump to record highs. well, the fact is, the kamala cover up is best exposed by kamala herself. she brags about student loan bailouts, even though they are getting struck down by the courts. >> our administration has forgiven student loan debt for nearly 5 million americans. [cheers] and twice as much for our public servants, including our teachers. [cheers] >> laura: let's not forget that aligning herself with the most mainstream folks out there, though, she can say that, right? if you call rupaul's drag team mainstream. >> we interrupt this program to bring you a message from an extra special drag queen viewing party. >> hi, everyone, it's kamala harris.
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each day we are seeing our rights and freedoms under attack. including the right of everyone to be who they are. >> laura: that's ironic she doesn't want to tell us who she really is here's the bottom line. the media are desperately jamming kamala harris' career into the memory hole because, despite all the positions she has held, she has no notable accomplishments, only a collection of failures she is almost 60 years old. she has been senator, vice president, of course in her state she had her own record. the record there is so bad that the people who run her campaign have decided to hide it all together. and you think about it, when you watch her, she looks like someone running for president of her high school class. not president of the united states. >> hello, wisconsin! it is my distinct honor to introduce the first woman elected vice president of the united states! [cheers]
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and the next president of the united states, kamala harris. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> laura: we have real problems in america. and we need a real president. harris cannot fill that role. and that will be a problem for her in this campaign. and that's the angle. joining us now ari fleischer, former house press secretary and mollie hemingway editor and chief at "the federalist." both fox news contributors, so, mollie, this attempt to rebrand her and remake her, is it possible that that could be successful despite the fact that she has a long record that is easily seen and easily showcased as the angle just did? >> well, democrats have a very difficult situation because the current presidency is a failed presidency, and kamala harris is the current vice president.
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and so they are working so hard to say that she had nothing to do with the failed economy, with the failed border, with the failed power of attorney policy, the problem is that what they're saying they are for is that she did nothing while the country burned, she did nothing while the country endured these horrific situations with the economy and with the border, and so both -- you know, you could understand why they want to separate her from the failed biden presidency. but in so doing they are showing just how inadequate she is is as vice president. ari, the fact that they are now so scared of this border issue they sent around a memo to everyone on capitol hill how to message kamala and the border and, apparently one of the things she was never border czar. i mean, it's the most ridiculous thing ever. that's it? that's their the media
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intercepted the memo. let us say that for you. put out a memo that kamala is the border czar. everybody in the media would go running around saying wait a minute, she is the border czar. i mean, this is birds what is happening with all of this conch. look, she has got the deep, deep problems which is why she was more unpopular than joe biden. and i think everybody sees that and knows that. and the media, if you thought they were in the tank previously, the tank just got bigger, deeper and wider. and they love being in the tank for kamala harris now. >> i movie it was on msnbc of female voters asked about kamala harris. let's watch. >> how do you perceive vice president harris compared to president biden in terms of competency and experience? >> i think she is worse. >> she doesn't even know what is going on at the border. >> right. >> and that's what she.
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>> she was supposed to be doing. >> doing and. >> i don't get a good feel for her. >> i think she is an idiot. she hasn't done anything in the time that she has had. she is not real smart. >> well, i think what happened and those people, you know, are intending to be trump supporters there. it doesn't matter. they tried to try to cordon her off, mollie. you get the sense that they didn't think she put in enough time reading the briefing books and she was blaming her staff when she would crash and burn in when she was on camera. today she ran off camera and didn't answer questions after meeting with netanyahu, we are going to get to that in a moment. i think that job is harsh. she is not obama in 2008. but they are trying to make her into obama. a he too mail version. >> right. and president obama wanted her to be like him when he kind of got behind her in 2020. but she did not make an impression on democrat voters at that time. she got about as many electoral votes as i did in that primary
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which is to say none. since she has been in this office, she is not distinguishing herself. at no point have people gotten a feeling that she particularly competent. the democrats could have had a primary giving their voters to pick a change agent and they might very well have done so if given an opportunity. they are in this problem because nobody thinks kamala harris is a change agent. they know who she is vice president to. this biden administration that has struggled so mightily across every level. that's why americans routinely say that they feel frustrated by this presidency. but now they are stuck. and they have to use the propaganda press which they have completely in their pocket to try to get her over the finish line. >> laura: ari, if you were advising the trump campaign about how to handle her right now, what would you say to them? >> you know, it's interesting. because i think the campaign is doing. they put it on the teleprompter
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for the focus on the senate ideological record fracking bevy of quotes shows how out of touch she is with the mainstream of america. i hope president trump will hone in on that. sometimes you get the sense he gets a little bored making policy arguments against his opponent. but the policy arguments are what is goings to be what kills kamala harris. she will also hurt herself because of her style, the manner in which she campaigns that hurt her in the previous campaign, but i would really hone in on how radical she is. i mean, if you combine bernie sanders and elizabeth warren, you get kamala harris. and nobody wants that, particularly in the battleground states where this is going to be decided. >> laura: yeah, well, mollie the bread and butter issues. the fact is americans have gotten poorer in the biden economy. if you want more money in your pocket. cheaper fuel and keep your gas
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powered car. >> you don't want migrants running around your hometown and your cities, you can't vote for her. she might be a nice lady might be a good talk show host some day. might be a cool stepmom. that doesn't work if you actually care about prosperity and peace. i think that's what i would do. >> yeah, to ari's point, there are so many examples of her being so extreme on issues, particularly in states where it matters, whether it's destroying the energy industry, you know, making it so people can't eat meat. she has these radical views. she actually has a lot of the same views joe biden did but he was able to presented as a moderate. she has never tried until about 24 hours ago to present herself as a moderate. that is going to come back and hurt her. >> laura: scranton joe vs. san francisco kamala. i don't think so. ari, mollie, thanks both of you. all right. ahead, kamala again, pretends today to be president after she was mia yesterday when bibi netanyahu addressed congress. what happened today that makes
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me say that? i'll tell you about it when we come back. ♪
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qunol, the brand i trust.
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♪ >> laura: all right. they are not trying to recast kamala by try trying to make her failed record disappear they are trying to recast her views from one day to the next.
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on wednesday, by ditching netanyahu in the speech he gave on capitol hill. kamala harris was winking at these people. [chanting] [chanting nvidia revolution] >> laura: today she tried to clean up that act by releasing a statement she is against violence and flag burning. but meeting in person then with bibi netanyahu, that maybe helped a little bit, but then she played the president on tv. >> as i just told prime minister netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done. so to everyone who has been calling for a cease-fire, and to everyone who years for peace, i see you and i hear you. let's get the deal done so we can get a cease-fire to end the war. >> laura: this is just a blatant
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attempt to boost her attorney policy credibility by using the white house as her campaign back drop. >> from when i was a young girl, collecting funds to plant trees for israel, to my time in the united states senate and now at the white house, i have had an unwavering commitment to the existence of the state of israel, to it security and to the people of israel lure lawyer now, just like biden himself of course she took no questions at the end. >> i thank you. [shouting questions] >> madam vice president, madam vice president, after your meeting are you convinced -- >> laura: joining us now newt gingrich, former speaker of the house, fox news political analyst. newt, she is not the president. but she is playing one on tv. how important was that moment today for people to understand what's really going on on the foreign policy question given her appalling record there as well as all the other issues we
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already hit tonight? >> well, i mean, look, let's recognize that in many ways now she is the president. i mean, does anybody seriously believe that joe biden and his currently weakened condition is in any serious way running the country? you just got a taste of what a president kamala harris would be like. the problem she has, of course, is as you point out she is a san francisco radical. that her record is impossible to hide no matter how hard the media tries to hide it, dump it in a memory hole or get rid of it. in the end she will be a san francisco radical. but, i mean, in all fairness, parties get to compete by using the tools that they have got. one of the tools they have got right now is the white house. so you can't blame her for trying. doesn't do much good because in the end, i think she, no matter what's the next six weeks, no matter all the effort in the
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news media, no matter who she picks as vice president, in the end, she will be a san francisco radical, she will not be able to get away from that. and it will in the end crush her just as it crushed dukakis and crushed mcgovern. >> laura: what would you say about strategy for debating her or debating her at all? i mean, there is some question today, she is out there saying well, i want to debate him and he is trying to back off in debating me. what would you advise former president trump? >> well, first of all, i would say to vice president harris if you look at the last decade, anyone who thinks it's easy debate donald trump is really foolish. he will be ready. partly because he lives it. i mean, he has done all the things that she wants to pretend to do. so, but i would say that there is a difference here. the left is going to pick nasty,
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mean, personal fights. because they can't win any -- other than possibly with abortion on some terms, and even there they lose, if you push them to auto ninth month, which is where i think kamala really is that's an extremist position. thanked loses, too. so there is no policy issue where they are going to win. so nasty mean, personal things. i think she would go in try debate trump. my advice is really simple we win if we are slower, if we keep a distance. it's like a boxing match. we want to punch from a distance. she wants to clinch. we want to slower so you can see the facts. she wants it to be fast so it all stays cluttered. the more cluttered it is the better her chance. the more open and clear it is, the worst her chance. and my view is we should work very hard side step all the mean nasty things and stay on the
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basic things. that would be my advice. >> well, i mean, look, who thinks she is smarter than hillary clinton? and trump did an excellent job debating hillary clinton, when he stayed focused on those issues. i think that's not a problem. i want to get back to this issue of the pro-hamas wing of the democrat party. they know this is a problem. that's why she came outer today and tried to pretend i'm a friend of israel. but this is hakeem jeffries with our own chad pergram. watch. >> many of these folks associate with the left wing of your party. talk about that divide. >> not clear to me that any of the protesters associate with the left wing of the democratic party. that's a factual assumption that is inaccurate. >> laura: did hakeem jeffries miss rashida tlaib holding the, you know, war criminal, whatever the heck she was holding, genocidal maniac sign? >> well, look, they have a big
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problem. i think, by the way, this is why in the end harris will not be able to pick governor shapiro of pennsylvania. to walk in that convention with a jewish governor as her vice presidential candidate would cause such a level of tension in places like michigan that it would just be a wild scene. sort of resemble union station. they have a real problem. the problem is more and more of their party's anti-semitic, more and more of their party sides with terrorism. >> and more and more of their party is deeply hostile, not just to israel, they are deeply hostile to the united states. and i think this is an underlying split in their party, which will be interesting to see how they try to write a platform compared to what the republicans achieve in milwaukee. because how do they bring their radical left wing and what's left of the old pro-israel wing.
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how do they get something on that end of the platform? i think have a very hard time. >> laura: newt, thank you so much. all right, there was a very interesting series of questions asked today at the white house briefing about why biden dropped out. why now? what changed? we'll play it for you and analyze it, next. ♪ we don't know either stanley... but at least when it comes to dental care aspen dental makes getting new dentures and implants easier. with the technology and expertise to give you the right fit and $0 down plus 0% interest, if paid in full in 18 months. making things as simple as they should be. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and
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who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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>> laura: you were disappointed last night if you were waiting for joe biden to explain why he stepped down from the campaign. the man who billed himself as the great defender of democracy doesn't think you deserve the truth and neither does kjp. >> one thing the president did not say explicitly why he stepped aside. he talked about how he best interest of the country. why did he -- did he believe he
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was going to lose to donald trump? >> look, i think that the president actually answered this question. he said i revere this office, but i love my country more. >> he did not make clear why is he leaving the race. he said that it was for the sake of democracy. that does not answer why he thought he was in the way of democracy. why did he. >> new generation the next sentence was unite. also to unite the nation. >> a fair question for all of us to ask you if you can help us understand. just in thinking, go ahead. >> at the conclusion now is the right time? >> it is a fair question to ask. i don't have anything else to add to what the president said. i'm not going to get ahead of this president. i'm just not. >> laura: joining me now chris bedford author of the beltway brief. ned ryun founder and ceo of american majority. ned, she wanted to get out of that room today, okay?
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she knows that he didn't answer the question. i want to put up photos of the oval office the biden family sitting there as he was speaking. we were hearing this was such a wonderful moment and joe biden is such a patriot for doing this and this is going to be great for america. do they look happy? look at jill's face? >> no. >> laura: a close up of hunter and his wife and i don't know who that is. i don't know who that other person is but, they all look -- his brother, okay. they all look miserable. i don't know who ---people are yelling in my ear. go ahead. >> their crime spree is over. of course they are not going to be honest. this is funny when people are asking them to be honest and just a bunch of liars in that white house. they are not going to be honest about the fact regime media and democrats realize that the conspiracy silence and lies had collapsed with that debate debacle that their lawfare had collapsed so they conducted a soft coup and kicked a senile
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old man to the curb. listening to him drone on and slur through the word democracy over and over again. nothing says democracy like full phiing the election. removing the incumbent president and replacing him with a ne-yo marks cyst who when she was running for president in 2020 and facing the democratic base didn't get one delegate. thick that struck me over the last four days the regime media as the wick whiff of the bull bolshevik about it. strong advocate for the green new deal is really advancing communism, and then watching the regime media memory axios saying actually wasn't really border czar? >> laura: we did that at the top. >> gov track removing her record as the farthest left center just memory holding it. it's stunning to watch what has taken place over the last four
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days. >> laura: lawyer we are used tn in the political business when karine jean-pierre made a comment at the briefing today, this comment, even i was stunned. >> this is a selfless act, something that very few politicians would ever do. president biden will go down in history as one of the nation's greatest presidents, accomplishing more in nearly four years than most presidents do in eight years. >> laura: chris, for people listening in their car, she actually had to read that. so, you know, they should just -- i maintain that they would have saved everyone a lot of time if they just handed out a briefing book every day briefing book. she had to read he's the most successful. she had to read it. that's how scared they are right now. >> yeah, they should be handing out the hymnal for the press to
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read off of to elect kamala harris. if you watched the speech last night that's kind of what you got. joe biden saying i'm the greatest president ever been in the league with the founders and abraham lincoln and that's why i'm stepping aside and about 100 days before the next election i'm, quote, passing the torch, everyone knows is under extreme duress. if you are sitting in the beltway and you are a democrat or republican used to, this you might look at that be and say okay, fine, i'm satisfied. doesn't matter, the real reason we all know he is leaving is because he is behind in the polls and democrats are completely obsessed with beating donald trump. but if you are someone in america who just got home from work and looking for an explanation from this president, that's not what you got at all. there was no handling of why he is stepping aside. no explanation of the forces that pushed him. today, during 90 second public appearance with netanyahu, the reporters called out and said hey, are you resigning because of your health? he shook his head no. it's cryptic. it's no answer to be given. all we are doing right now is
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demonizing republicans and democrats are -- could be facing some questions about this in chicago. >> laura: well, it didn't look good. that photo didn't look good. that was hunter's daughter. i lose track of wives. that was hunter's daughter in the photo. chris and ned, thank you. now the white house is telling us that it didn't -- one thing didn't cause biden's change of heart. >> i can just -- i can tell you it was not a medical -- it was not made call decision because i have been asked before and we answered that very straightforward in a very direct way. i'm just not going to get beyond that. >> laura: despite now being a lame duck, biden gave a laundry list of things he said he wanted to accomplish before he leaves. >> i will keep defending our personal freedoms and civil rights, grow our economy. i will keep calling out hate and extremism to protect our kids from gun violence, our plan for climate crisis.
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i will keep fighting for my cancer moonshot. i'm going to call for supreme court reform. we will keep rallying the coalition of proud nations to stop putin. we will keep nato stronger. and i'm going to keep working to end the war in gaza. bring home all the hostages. bring peace and security in the middle east. >> laura: joining me now dr. marc siegel, fox news medical contributor. that's quite a laundry list. cancer moonshot. peace in the middle east. given what you saw last night, the way he looked, the way he spoke, to me it looked like a hostage tape. work through all of these initiatives? deeply concerned. reading off a teleprompter. his eyes didn't meet the camera. we know what that means. he wouldn't have remembered half of the things he recited if it wasn't written down for him. most importantly, he was emotionally vacant. i thought he was wooden. did you ever -- thomas jefferson is turning over in his gray.
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did you ever hear anyone recite words from the declaration of independence without emotion? i'm worried that he is deeply depressed. i'm worried th getting worse in terms of his cognition. i'm so angry at the white house for obfuscating, no transparency. you know, sean conley, who is the president's doctor under president trump pointed tout me the other day how many times -- remember how many times he was vilified before the camera. he had to give every single detail? where is kevin oo'connor the president's doctor assuring the american public about everything? we know the white house has lied. we know he is not in good health. the entire american public knows that on both sides of the aisle. what do they think they are getting away with here? >> laura: people are talking about whether he had a big bruise on his chin. you can't really see it there you can kind of see it when you look. who knows what it is. maybe a bad makeup job. something didn't look like about him. actually as human being it's concerning to see.
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another human being in distress. and he seemed to me just regular person, he seemed almost in distress to me. but the "new york post" did get a few questions to biden's physician. you just mentioned. dr. kevin o'connor outside the white house today. watch. house the president's health? [inaudible] how is his cognition? it's excellent? is there a reason you didn't perform the cognitive test on him? [inaudible] >> he's good every day. >> he is good everyday? what about the speculation parkinson's' disease or related condition? [inaudible] >> dr. o'connor is there anything to that speculation that there might be something related to parkinson's that he has? >> no, he's good. >> laura: dr. siegel, he kept saying is he good and is he here every day. not all that responsive. >> well, neuropsychiatric testing is not i'm here every day. i'm sorry, that doesn't count. you need a neurologist. he never made aware the imaging
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studies of his brain is i agree he probably doesn't have parkinson's' disease but he has some kind of progressive dementia going on. that laughing manner doesn't help us either on the part of dr. o'connor. he has to be held accountable. by the way, laura, i agree with what you just said before. i feel compassion for the president. it looks really sad what's going on here. but i feel compassion for the american public, too. and that they have to deal with the white house that seems to be overtly lying to them think what this does to foreign policy and adversaries. thank you so much. brand new 2024 polls just released. we're going to dive in, next. ♪
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>> laura: brand new swing state polling just out from emerson and the key five swing states. president trump leads kamala in all but one. is he up by five in arizona. two in georgia. one in michigan, two in pennsylvania, and is tied with her in wisconsin. joining me now doug schoen, former adviser to president clinton. is he also a democratic pollster and strategist. doug, what do these polls tell us now? obviously this is a honeymoon i should say moment for kamala harris. but, there is some shift here.
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>> yeah. i think that's how i would characterize it, laura. there is a bump she has gotten clearly by the withdrawal of joe biden and the consolidation of the democratic party around her. she is doing somewhat better with younger voters, with independents, particularly hispanics. she is doing less well with noncollege educated whites, and i think there is an enthusiasm boost that probably has given her a couple of points over what joe biden has. so she still trails in five of the seven national polls released since joe biden's withdrawal. >> laura: one thing i found very interesting in the cross paths of this poll is the popularity of trump, his overall popularity is up. hers is up, too. but, his is up now overall 48% of registered voters say they have a variable view of him. and in previous polls, it's always found his favorability
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ratings between 39% and 45%. her favorability is at 46%, which is up from 36%. so she has gotten a boost. but so has he. at this point, where do you expect this to go and what are the key inflection points moving forward as we get toward the democrat national convention? >> sure. the first and most obvious point is the republicans had a very successful convention, particularly donald trump. i think the issues for kamala harris are can she sustain attacks that will come on the southern border, on criminal justice, on her record as attorney general and being one of the, if not the most liberal democratic senator. those attacks haven't come yet, and whether she'll face the kind of scrutiny that john kerry faced in 2004. the democratic convention is an
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obvious inflection point for her as well of course first debate which may happen in september. >> laura: she is leading trump by two right now. is that among independents? i think that's -- yeah, that's where we are. >> yes. yeah. >> laura: that might be surprising for some trump supporters to see tonight. what does that tell us? democrat leaning independent has moved to her because the party consolidated around her. i think those numbers are very much in flux given the fact that people really don't know that much about her but her launch was quite successful. everyone consolidated around her. no attacks. still she is trailing trump the swing states and nationally
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though closer than it was when joe biden was a candidate. >> laura: looking at the way ads are starting to move. big ad out tonight look the effort to reboot, rebrand, and recast her, she is a classic san francisco liberal. and so it's the scenes of san francisco, the fentanyl, the crime the increased number of people leaving san francisco, and basically saying if you want that, c coming to your hometown, vote for kamala harris, i think that's going to be a devastating attack on her record, not on her personally but on her beliefs and her record. >> as do i, laura, and i think the fact that she was sympathetic at the very least to the defund the police movement will also hurt her as well. but, to me, the big issue is her role as the border czar. i think most americans are
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outraged with the number of illegal immigrants coming into our country. and how she and the democrats will answer that i don't really know. >> laura: i think, doug, well, you torched the border bill. the border bill would have let in 1.8 million people a year. that's easily dispensed with. you still think trump is the favorite? he is on all the betting sites. >> to me he is the narrow favorite. this could go either way. if i had to bet and i don't bet. if i did, i would bet on trump. his numbers are up. and i think to date has he has run a more disciplined campaign than he has run in his prior two. >> laura: keep it on the issues. doug, great to see you. thank you so much. >> exactly. >> laura: she pretends to be tough on crime to his point about san francisco. what does her actual record say? we're going to expose it, next. ♪
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prosecutor, she went easy on criminals, case and point, deandre brussard, convicted of assault and robbery, he killed a journalist on probation. and then david hill shot 12 times at two officers, one died and one was hurt. and she refuse to do seek the death penalty. the same for a gang member who killed a man and two sons after mistaking them as rival gang members. someone who has seen her failed policies firsthand, a former la county sheriff. where is the tough on crime prosecutor that the democrats are trying to say that kamala really was and in her heart, really still is? >> all i have to say is proposition 47. she was a cheerleader, she gave it a misleading title. so the safe neighbourhoods and school act is the cause that has
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led us to not having the nation's number one death of opioid overdoses, drug overdose and retail theft. so california is the capital of progressive prosecutors like she wants to pretend now that she wasn't. >> laura: she also would like to decriminalize, obviously she loves the decriminalization of drugs, touts that, laughs about it, what has that done to california? it was supposed to get rid of the rough crimes and the cartels, they were going to have a reduced influence in the state. has that happened? >> no. quite the exact opposite has happened. the cartel is running the entire marijuana cannabis industry right now. and the illegal operations outnumber the legal ones in the state. imagine that? all of these stem from the progressive policies that kamala harris pushed as not only san francisco da but attorney
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general for the state of california and now she wants to pretend this didn't happen >> reimagining the police, you heard we are talking about that in 2020, she was obviously all in on the -- the energy, not the criminality, necessarily, but the energy of the george floyd riots/protests and said they were going to continue. and she said, beware, she was talking about the whole situation. what about that and her overrule reaction to what we saw in the summer of 2020? >> well, we call it the summer of love. she pushed a false narrative that cops throughout the entire nation were racist and targeting young black men, which is absolutely false. and they knew it, but it serve a political narrative. and now we have the murder of sonya marsey, and people are
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saying, we have to reform law enforcement. what they are trying to say is let's get rid of law enforcement because the world is a better way without cops. >> laura: they have kind of succeeded. we have a historic low in recruitment in key areas in the united states. la is way down, and new orleans is way down. chicago is way down. is that not the legacy of kamala harris? >> that is. in fact, we have now the city of torrents, a hundred thousand dollars signing bonus to be a police officer there. that is the new reality >> oh, my god, that's kamala harris's record. she is tough on crime. all right, alex thank you so much. that's it for us tonight. follow me on social media, i have new photos up there on instagram. jesse watters takes at all from here. [ ♪♪ ]


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