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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 25, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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saying, we have to reform law enforcement. what they are trying to say is let's get rid of law enforcement because the world is a better way without cops. >> laura: they have kind of succeeded. we have a historic low in recruitment in key areas in the united states. la is way down, and new orleans is way down. chicago is way down. is that not the legacy of kamala harris? >> that is. in fact, we have now the city of torrents, a hundred thousand dollars signing bonus to be a police officer there. that is the new reality >> oh, my god, that's kamala harris's record. she is tough on crime. all right, alex thank you so much. that's it for us tonight. follow me on social media, i have new photos up there on instagram. jesse watters takes at all from here. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> good evening america. i am kaylee in for jesse watters. vice president kamala harris laid out a choice today. >> today, we face a choice between two very different visions for our nation. one focussed on the future. and the other focussed on the past. [ cheering and applause ]. >> and we are fighting for the future! [ cheering and applause ]. >> america is at a cross roads. and the parties have made it perfectly clear what they stand for, donald trump represents the party of patriotism, and kamala harris represents the party of chaos. the new pro-hamas summer of love touched down today. is that what america will look
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like during a kamala harris presidency? [ bleep ]. [ chanting ] [ bleep ]. [ chanting ] >> burning american flags, desecrating landmarks and attacking police officers, wow, that's what happened in our nation's capital. and congress man brian mass that lost his legs in afghanistan was so sickened by what he saw, he said this. i fought and bled for the american flag.
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my friends lost their lives in battle for the american flag, and when they come home, the american flag was draped over their caskets. but the people that kamala harris is courting, burn the american flag. shame on them. protesters listen to this. they even released maggots at the watergate hotel where benjamin netanyahu and the delegation were staying. [ ♪♪ ] now as these left wing activists took over dc, where was kamala harris? she was not in attendance for prime minister benjamin netanyahu's address for congress, even though she is the president of the senate. some would call that a snub. as violent protests rage through dc, condemnnations came in from the whitehouse and both sides of the isle.
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but it took vice president kamala harris almost 24 hours to issue just a paper statement condemning the quote despicable acts by unpatriotic protesters. kamala harris has her own press core. she could have spoken to them in realtime. but she didn't. in her trip from indiana, she could have walked to the back of air force 2 and made a verbal condemnation. she did not. she could have walked over and said something, she didn't. kamala harris had every opportunity to condemn these protesters on camera, but she made a deliberate choice not to. we have a paper statement, that's it. and after meetings with benjamin netanyahu today, the vice president went in front of the camera to condemn hate on all sides. >> let us all condemn terrorism and violence. let us all do what we can to prevent the suffering of innocent civilians and let us
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condemn anti-semitism, islamophobia, and hate of any kind. >> but america sees the split screen. here was trump yesterday in charlotte, north carolina. >> we have to get back to common sense. we will make america safe again. we will make america free again. and we will make america great again. >> now in just over 1 hyundais, america will choose their path. and these will be the defining images in voters minds. what a contrast. mike lawler is joining me now. congress man lawler there were a few reasons to speak to you tonight. but the first was to ask you about kamala harris, this 24 hour period it took her to come
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out and condemn this. i can tell you this, if i were to stand behind the podium, if president trump was there, it would not have thrown, a paper statement. what do you make of the response? >> i thought it was embarrassing, kaylee. the fact is, kamala harris wants to be president of the united states. she had the opportunity to show that she can be a leader yesterday by not only presiding over benjamin netanyahu's joint session of congress address, but by very clearly and unequivocally condemning, in realtime, what we were seeing. because it was not just raising the palestinian flag. you had protesters that were holding the flag of hamas. that were spraypainting hamas on monuments in washington, d.c. and it is frankly unconscionable that there is a growing segment in the democratic party that has
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taken on the task of supporting a terrorists organization of repeating and regurgitating their propaganda. it is not just anti-semitism, it is a hatred of america, and israel, and judeo-christian values. the values at the centre of our institution. it is a hatred of capitalism. this is what the election is about. when we see the anti-semetic protests on college campuses that broke out just a few months ago and we see yesterday's protest, that's what this election really comes down to. >> yeah that's well said. you know, it is interesting speaking to you, specifically. because your neighbouring district is jamal bomen. and he had a history of anti-semetic statements. he lost his seat. he couldn't win his own primary.
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so what is kamala harris to do, she needs to have the crazy side of the party, the jammal bowman side, but she can't lose mainstream americans, what does she do? >> you are seeing it in realtime. they say why nancy pelosi called for benjamin netanyahu to resign and boy coted yesterday's speech. democrats are concerned that their growing pro-hamas wing of their party is going to stay home in november and cost them states like michigan and cost them swing districts like mine. i am running against mander jones, the third most progressive member of congress when he served one term. he supported defunding the police. he supported open borders, call ice age against racists and terrorists. along supporting kamala harris coming out saying she is exactly what we need.
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and that's what this election boils down to. if people want to hold on to the house republican majority, we need to hold seats like mine and folks can support us by texting usa to 85777. >> you are running a very hard race and we will be following, congressman lawler. kamala harris has been the chief cheerleader of student loan forgiveness. but would she forgive the student loan debt of the young radicals we saw yesterday. if some have foreign visas to attend universities, is she going to i can't think -- yank the visas. will the biden doj prosecute these guys.
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>> we know that iran has been couraging and funding the protest activity in the united states. iran has tried to meddle here, and tried to sow discord. >> what are they going to do about this, our adversaries are trying to take down our country from the inside and sometimes it looks like we are rerolling out the red carpet. protesters were able to go wild in the capital because police officers were just 29 on duty, that's it. and some protesters threw fences at them, how is that even possible. the park police president says that the department of interior, run by deb hayland has left the agency deeply underfunded and undermanned. park police few of them that there were tried to do their job yesterday. but will prosecutors throw the book at these people or just let them walk off like the summer of love, all over again.
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fox news legal editor kerri is joining us now. i thought of you immediately. you were at doj, i was at the whitehouse. i know bill bar would have let these guys go unpunished, what do you think that the biden doj does? >> kaylee, i have to tell you i am disappointed thus far by the lack of reaction from the department of justice. the attorney general has not put out a statement. the fbi won't confirm to the justice team whether or not they are investigating. the u.s. attorney in washington d.c. that is responsible for this area, and the area around union station has said nothing. and you know, compare that, kaylee, to the vigor in which they pursued january 6th offenders, it was not just arrests that day, they pursued people in video cameras across the country, the fbi worked with the bank of america to go through all of the atm transactions of every single
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person that made an transaction between january 5th and january 7th. and we don't even have a statement condemning what happened yesterday. honestly, i can't even believe it. >> i think about paul squette h praying in front of an abortion clinic and she was sent to jail. don't you think someone should be involved in researching the foreign state nexus. aren't they looking into this? >> when i was working for attorney general bar, that's what we were doing with respect to blm. so at a minimum it can be investigated. let's not forget here, kaylee, washington d.c., doj here are uniquely situated. they have local and federal jurisdiction over the areas that were destroyed, basically yesterday. and yet, not only do we not have
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a statement, we have no idea if they are investigating and we don't know what they are going to do, considering this is remarkable what happened in our backyard just yesterday. >> not a statement from doj, but at least we have the paper statement from kamala. kerri, you are the best. thank you. the kamala cover up at the border, the governor gregg abbott has a lot to say. [ ♪♪ ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... kaylee
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health. >> good, excellent. >> it is? are you coming to the briefing room to address us. how is his mental cognition? >> excellent. >> kayleigh: democrats that have been campaigning on "saving democracy" just disenfranchised more than 14 million voters. we have not heard an explanation. and the media is not asking questions, either. instead they are applauding what republicans are calling "the party's coup, and thanking biden for walking away on his own." >> this is one of those speeches that will go down in history. not just as a great joe biden speech but a great moment in the american presidency. this is um, sort of a tent pole in terms of what patriotism and selfless service looks like. >> this address felt like joe biden's love letter to the country that he has devoted his life to serving. >> the kid with a stutter did good. he did good. that's a good man. he fell on his sword.
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he fell on his sword. most heros, they fight to the bitter end, he fell on his sword. >> kayleigh: but now, biden is a lame duck president. so brace yourself for kama-lot. the media permit for kamala harris. the media is already falling in love. >> there was a twinkle in her eye and a kick in her step. i fell in love with her. >> people look at her like she is wonder woman. >> the calls that i have been getting beyond the belt way, this feels like obama 2008. >> kamala went from cringe to cool in 24 hours. >> kayleigh: really this is just the same script but just a new face. and kamala harris has the same talking points as joe biden. here she was today speaking to the teachers' union. >> across our nation, we witness
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a full on attack on hard won, hard fought freedoms. while you teach students about democracy and representative government, extremists attack the sacred freedom to vote. while you try to create safe and welcoming spaces where our children can learn, extremists attack our freedom to live safe from gun violence. and while you teach students about our nation's past, these extremists attack the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation's true and full history. >> kayleigh: republicans are extremists. it is the same thing her boss joe biden says. and sources inside of kamala world say people expect her to take different positions from biden are going to be disappointed. instead, expect some nibbling
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around the edges. because the record was always the biden harris record. record low test scores, and open borders, but the president harris record might be more radical. she was rated the most liberal senator in america, beating out bernie sanders, that's tough to do. she was for defund the police. she wanted to start ice from jash. ban fracturing and off shore drilling. and she supported the green new deal and medicare for all, and she want to do abolish private health insurance, just to name a few. kamala was so far left that cbs called her a socialist. >> nonpartisan, gov track says you are the most liberal senator. you supported the green new deal. you supported medicare for all. you have supported legalizing marijuana. joe biden doesn't support those
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things. so are you going to bring the policies, those progressive policies that you supported as senator into a biden administration? >> what i will do and i promise you this, and this is what joe wants me to do, this was part of our deal, i will always share with him, my lived experience as it relates to any issue that we confront. and i promised joe that i will give him that perspective and always be honest with him. >> is that a socialist or progressive perspective? (laughter). >> no. no. it is the perspective of a woman who grew up a black child in america who was also a prosecutor, who also has a mother who arrived here at the age of 19 from india, who also, likes hip hop. like, what do you want to know? >> kayleigh: now kamala may not have had the answers then, but she has to answer every one of
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those questions now. she is at the top of the ticket and she appears to have media training. she is almost like a different person, but same radical policies. the king makers of the party will be watching for two things, number one, can she handle the attacks on her record, and number two, can she sufficiently distance herself from joe biden. barack obama is betting no. even though nbc and cnn are saying that obama will give her his endorsement, it is imminent. sources close to the biden family say that obama is upset, because he knows she can't win. saying that "obama knows she is incompetent and can't handle the minus ahead of her." just wait until the debate, she is going to say something stupid, ouch. when obama is not ready for the radical take over, that says
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everything you need to know. it is not just bad policies, but more. the country was lied to about the president's cot knittive stayed. kamala harris was one of the chief architects of the cover up. will the party forgive her, democrat voters say no. >> now knowing the things that they have been hiding in plain sight for the american public, i can't vote for a democrat again. >> kayleigh: now the media may not be ready for kamala. they are putting it forward. but the rest of the country, they might not be so sure. lucky for us, in november with t won't be the party makers and king makers that decide the election, it will be we the people. congressman fong is joining us now. you are from california, i think some of your time in the california state assembly overlapped with kamala harris as attorney general, what was she
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like, you are a local? >> she has rebranded herself so many times. as a california resident, i have had a front row seat to the failed policies that have come out of her career. but she can't deflect away from the consequences of her progressive agenda. the border, san diego is the most active location when it comes to illegal immigration. you look at crime, look at her home city of oakland and the bay area. riddled with retail theft and property crime and violent crime. those are from her policies and progressive allies. you look at the economy and gas prices, electricity prices, everything is on the rise. the affordability crisis in california is real and it is tied to her policies and her failed decisions and progressive allies. >> kayleigh: you know there is a bit of an irony here. you have this coup has republicans are calling it, raised by progressives in
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california it was nancy pelosi and more that set this off. now they want to give us a progressive from california. it seems like the california-cation of america. but i wanted to ask you about prop 47. this is a tough on crime policy, down grading felonies to misdemeanors, and it seems like she was behind the crime wave there in california. was she instrumental to it? >> prop 47 is one of the worst policies that has been put in place. she was the attorney general in charge of overseeing the title and summary and failed to put into the summary very, very important pieces of information to the voters. she made it sound like it was the best thing ever. when you look at the data, a recent audit came out from the state auditor in california.
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we are pushing prop 36 to undue the damage at prop 47. she will try to claim she is a tough prosecutor but she reduced criminal accountability on all crime and retail theft. >> kayleigh: well it sounds like the nation has reason to be skeptical. thank you for the insight from california. the new way that the media is lying straight to your face. straight ahead. [ ♪♪ ] how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. (♪) (♪) voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief.
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>> kayleigh: from the moment joe biden dropped out and endorsed kamala harris. democrats have been acting like she is the answer to all of their problems. >> i am a little worried. since sunday afternoon, i have not been that worried. (laughter). >> and that is -- that -- that
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is deeply troubling. (laughter). >> i personally blame our next president, kamala harris. [ cheering and applause ]. >> it is what i hear. i am just reading the papers here. everyone has been buzzing over her assent to the top of the democratic ticket. >> kayleigh: well, he may be buzzing, but check out these polls. brand new data, just out. new polling that shows kamala harris outperforming biden but still trailing trump in key swing states like arizona, georgia, michigan and pennsylvania. a new poll shows err behind trump by 1% by likely voters. in the same poll, while her numbers are better than bidens, she is not outperforming the 2020 margins. >> all the stuff about brat summer and all that jazz, i want to take a look at trump and democrats. remind folks where we were at the end of the 2020 campaign.
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joe biden won voters under the age of 35 by 21 points. we see kamala harris ahead, but the margin is significantly less than what we saw with joe biden. democrats have historically in presidential elections in this century been carrying the young vote by 20 or more percentage points. she is way down from that. >> kayleigh: clinton is urging everyone to temper excitement with realism. >> this is a real change and move in party and across the country. but we have to be a little bit careful. there is about 10% too much triflism going on. and this will be a difficult race. that excitement has to be tempered with realism. as a democrat, enjoy yourself, feel good. but it is tough sledding ahead. >> kayleigh: it is all about to get pretty interesting because kamala told reporters today that she is ready to take on trump and take the debate stage. >> i am ready. and i think the voters deserve
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to see the split screen that exists in this race on a debate stage. and so i am ready. let's go. >> kayleigh: kamala says she is ready. but meanwhile, president trump he is turning up the heat. >> we have a new victim to defeat. lying kamala harris. lyin'. the most incompetent and far left vice president in american history by the way, they did a poll, she was rated the the worst vice president in history. i have never seen that poll before but that's the poll. if kamala will lie to you so brazenly about joe biden's mental incapacity, she will lie to you about anything. she can never ever be trusted. she can't be trusted. >> kayleigh: the rnc chairman is with us with the answers. chairman wattly, i thought of you this morning reading political playbook. saying that democrats are
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scrambling to introduce kamala harris. and republicans are outspending kamala harris 25-1, 68 million. and that went up over the day. and she is out with 2.6 million. it is almost like you guys were ready for this. >> we had to be ready for this. when you look at this election cycle, it has come down to donald trump being able to get his message out directly to american voters and we are going to take on the biden harris administration. the biden harris record. and that record doesn't change if it is not joe biden because kamala harris has been the point person on immigration. she has dismantled 94 executive actions that the administration has taken to dismantle the most secure southern border than we have ever had. let 10 million illegal immigrant come across the border. she was the tie breaker vote on a spending package that has ushered in inflation and along
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with that higher rent prices and grocery prices on every american family. she is the one that has run around the world and not been projecting strength and we have seen the direct impacts of that, five days after she was in russia, they invaded ukraine. so you know, she is going to have to stand for all of these, but the record is there, and the attacks that we are going to get on our side from them are going to ring awfully hollow because the american people really want to see america be strong, and she embodies every bit of weakness we have seen from the biden, harris administration. >> kayleigh: it is interesting. the associated press this morning talked about democrats scrambling because they have this convention planned. it was planned for joe biden now replanned for kamala harris. they speculated this, democrats may be hoping to re-create the last time democrats held a chicago convention in 1996 when there were no significant protests the party was mostly
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unified behind clinton and the lasting image was hilary clinton and others dancing the maca-raina. i don't know if that's the image i would be going for, but you tell me. >> i can tell you this, we are coming out a convention that showed that the republican party showed we are united behind donald trump. it was one of the best conventions if not the best convention we have ever held. and this party is absolutely in lock step and ready to go to stop the american people. the democrats don't even have the nominee locked in, and they are going to be to go to chicago in just a few weeks. so quite a political split screen that we are seeing right now. >> kayleigh: chairman whatley, there is going to be a honeymoon period in the polls for kamala harris. but he is still winning, despite the honeymoon period.
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>> you said it best, donald trump is not going down in any polls. he is standing firm, whether it is 46, 47, 48%. kamala harris might be up a little bit versus joe biden. but she is not going to catch him. the democrats may have a sugar high for a few weeks but this race is going to be locked in, because right now, everything that we see is kamala harris has picked up the mantle of the biden/harris administration, and we are going to be ready to talk directly to the american people about how we are going to make america great again. >> kayleigh: chairman whatley, thank you. now that kamala harris is the front runner the left is rewriting history. kamala harris was never in charge of the border apparently. >> why are democrats so sensitive about the vice president and the border. >> why are republicans so sensitive about not owning up to
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them getting in the way of a border deal. we are going to debunk the false -- the false, you know, characterization of the vice president. she was not a border czar. and independent fact checkers say that did not exist and that is not true. >> kayleigh: after two weeks of asking tough questions of the biden administration, the media is doing free pr for the left. axios says that republicans have tagged harris with the border czar title which she never had. that doesn't like up with the previous reporting that called kamala exactly what she is: the border czar. which is it, was she the border czar, or was she. let's ask the man that was the
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boss. >> there are five other main things she is handling. i asked her, the vp today, to lead our efforts with mexico and the northern triangle. and the countries that help -- are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks. so... it is not her full responsibility and job, but she is leading the effort. >> kayleigh: that's a yes. she is the border czar. we didn't need a flash back to prove that the media has called her the border czar for three years, no one was rushing to correct the record until this week. that's because he used her as borderscape goat. it is back firing now that she is the top of the ticket. so the left is doing what they always do, rewriting history for their own benefit. let's bring in texas governor
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gregg abbott. who better to speak to than him. governor abbott she was the border czar, what was your experience with border czar kamala harris. >> it was pretty much nonexistent. regardless of title she was in charge of the biden administration's dealing on the border, as well as the crisis in central america, causing the border crisis that biden created. that said, kamala harris came to the border one time during her entire vice presidency. and that was a brief visit in a sanitized el paso at the time. she did not see the chaos that texas and other states have to deal with every single day. >> kayleigh: you know, governor, i have heard several times she did not speak with the head of border patrol, but another thing she didn't do, and as a mom this gets me a lot. she didn't go to the emergency
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intake facilities that federal government had oversight over where there were reports of kids eating bloodied chicken with feathers and migrant children on suicide watch. did she want to see a facility in this state, i know you didn't run that facility, but did she want to see it? >> she didn't bother to speak to us about that. and she missed another opportunity today to look presidential or vice presidential. because earlier today she was in houston, texas. she had the opportunity to reach out and say something in response to a 12-year-old girl, jocelyn, who was murdered last month. >> kayleigh: hm. >> and raped by two illegal immigrant. she could have mentioned her name, at least, and apologized for the loss of her life. because it was the policies of kamala harris and joe biden that brought in a record number of illegal immigrant who are
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involved in rapes and murders across the entire country. >> kayleigh: there is a lot of names she needs to say and a lot of young women that go on runs and little girls, jocelyn and gari. we will say her name. breaking news on the trump assassination attempt. a live report, next. [ ♪♪ ] to me, harlem is home. but home is also your body. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia.
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>> kayleigh: fox news alert. we are learning brand new details about president trump's would be asassin thomas matthew crooks. but we are nowhere closer to finding out the motivation. >> it has been nearly two weeks after the former president was shot, and we are no closer, seemingly to getting answers to the biggest remaining question, which is why this happened in the first place. but we are starting to get more info and some more videos that are helping to fill some of the gaps as this investigation continues. and one of them being this video, this new video that was shot by our fox drone team. it offers a new view of what
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would have likely have been the line of sight of the shooter and the counter snipers. this gives you a view of the people firing the shots. that is the view on the bottom of the screen and to the right, the area of the stage where trump was speaking from. you can see trees covering from the counter sniper position. the other angle is from the likely view point of a counter sniper. the shooter's position off in the distance next to the tree. trump sounding off on fox news, saying that the biggest misstep are the secret service here. >> they are such great people. it is a blit on their reputation. there should have been somebody on the ght on their reputation. there should have been somebody on the roof. it is a clear shot when you look at it. >> reporter: the pennsylvania state police recently telling congress that they thought and they thought they saw two local police officers leaving their post prior to shooting and the butler county da says that is
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misinformation and they did exactly what they were told with only one of the police officers moving a bit to keep eyes on what they describe was a suspicious person which turned out to be the shooter. tonight, kayleigh, the state police say they stand by their testimony. back to you. >> kayleigh: jeff, thank you. well congresswoman kelsey mace is joining us now. congresswoman mace, we hear about this vote, so 13 house members and 6 will be appointed by hakim jeffrys and the rest by mike johnson. will this get to the bottom of things? >> i hope it will get to the bottom of it. we have heard from christopher ray, the director of the fbi and kim cheatle who would not answer a single question. the feds have yet to provide
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anything of value. and it doesn't take sherlock holmes to understand that the man flying a drone over the rally hours beforehand was a suspicious person. and we know based on the questioning we did on monday of kim cheatle that they had eyes on him for 57 minutes. and the american people have questions, many questions, and they are owed, and due the questions. >> kayleigh: when i think of kim cheatle and the resignation, i think about you, putting articles of impeachment on the floor. >> it took ten days to get a resignation and i decided on monday night, if joe biden or kamala harris were not going to fire kim cheatle, i would force a vote on the floor by filing a privileged motion that would force a vote in 48 hours to impeach her. because that was the only way to get her resignation, and after
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filing that motion, she resigned. but you saw the hand ringing on monday. it was not just republicans here, it was democrats that admitted during the testimony, they were trying to help her, but she could not help herself because of her denials and dishonesty and the dodging of questions, including it's d-- democrats. and both sides of the isle said she needed to resign. and this is a moment where donald trump -- really this tragedy has not just united the party but the country. we all agree this should not happen, regardless of political affiliation. this should not happen in america. >> kayleigh: it was nice to see bipartisan support for her stepping down. but i don't know why we didn't have a president in the whitehouse who said on day one, kim, you have to go. you have to go. great work, congresswoman mace, we will follow every detail. gavin newsome made a big
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>> ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: it only took them five years but gavin newsom is finally taking some action over the states homelessness prices thanks toroptsev supreme court ruling, newsom today issued an executive order giving state agencies the green light to clear out thousands of homeless encampments across the state. here's the interesting part. this present homeless pipeline, you know where it all began? kamala harris. prop 47. the regulations the soft on crime policies and now gavin newsom having to clean up the mess of kamala harris. that's all for tonight. god bless america. sean is next. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪


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