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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 26, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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the criminal justice system and we have to reform law e what they were trying to say is get rid of law enforcement because the world is better without copsette fear that it'sv code of language. >> laura: and they area hi exceeding and we have historicai low and recruitment in key areas across the united states and i know ellie is way down, chicago was way down, illinois, and it goes on and on. is that not the legacy of kamala harris? >> that is, in fact. we have $100,000 sign-on bonus tothou become a torrance police officer. that is a new reality. >> laura: that isle kamala harris' record. she is tough on crime. alex, thank you and make sure to follow me on social media. i have new photos on instagram. jesse watters takes it from here. ♪ ♪ >> kamala harris!
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>> hi, hey, there. >> we code to save michelle and i could not be prouder to endorse you and to do everything to get you through this election in the oval offic. >> breaking news this just dan, barack and michelle obama are officially endorsing kamala harris for president and days have speculations and ensul into the democratic nomination. this is "fox & friends first." >> she is officially named the democrat nominee, breaking news from the campaign trail, hey, brooke. >> vice president kamala harris locking and obama endorsement this morning after speculation it might not come. listen. >> i can't have this phone call without saying to my girl, kamala, i am proud of you. this is going to be historic.
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>> week-old to save, michelle and i could not be prouder to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> my goodness, michelle, barack, this means so much to me. i look forward to doing this with the two of you. >> the question is will >> vice president harris: harris be the official nominee come august 1st? the trump campaign is not sure and willing to commit until confirmed, and given the continued political chaos with crooked joe biden and the democrat party, general election debate details cannot be finalized until democrats formally decide on their nominee. it would be inappropriate to schedule things with harris because democrats could very well change their minds but harris says she is ready. >> you been asking me about the debate, and i will tell you, i'm ready to beat donald trump. i agreed previously agreed upon
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september 10th debate. he agreed to that previously but now appears to be backpedaling. and i think the voters deserve to see the split screen that exists in this race on a debate stage. and so, i'm ready. let's go. >> if harris looks and the democrat nomination commit shows a trump-harris dead heat. they would vote for president trump if the election were today and 47% say they would vote for harris. harris will address campaign finance committee for the very first time today. meanwhile, president biden will spend the weekend at camp david. speak gnomic >> carley: good news, the call came in and she has the endorsement, brooke thank you so much. president trump and senator j.d. vance hitting the campaign trail this weekend and will hold a rally in minnesota tomorrow here at the trump team hoping to flip this november gretchen whitmer said j.d. vance might not help
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former president trump pick up the votes he needs. >> if it was the j.d. vance that rode hillbilly elegy, may be but that is a very different person. a person who absolutely betrayed those values and that's become something that is something a reflection of donald trump. may be even more concerning an reflection of donald trump, so i would say that kind of leadership is not something and we got to make sure people know who he is. >> carley: vance said "i will never forget where you came from and politicians like her with the kamala biden agenda to leave the board are wide open, and trip up the cost of living through inflationary spending who clearly forgot about the people she supposed to be representing. >> todd: in the meantime benjamin netanyahu will meet with him or president trump at
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mar-a-lago after meeting with president biden and vice president harris. >> carley: after their meeting, vice president harris pledged support for israel but cold out the israel government over gaza as protest rage in washington. high. sthe micah cease-fire dealbetwen objectives and the president dio many details about that in the process gnomic protest to benjamin netanyahu's visit. >> notably, it was vice president kamala harris and the president who delivered remarks after meeting with benjamin netanyahu. the sign of how things changed after president biden dropped out of the race this week. >> i've had an unwavering commitment to the existence of the state of israel, to its security, into the people of israel.
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i said it many times, but it bears repeating, israel has a right to defend itself and how it does so matters. let's get the deal done so we can get a cease-fire to end back the war. let's bring the hostages home. >> shortly after harris also quickly denounced the deaths in gaza. >> what has happened in gaza over the past nine months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displays for the second, third, or fourth time. we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. and i will not be silenced. >> all eyes are on harris as she looks to define herself on key issues. she voiced her support for a two-state solution.
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meanwhile, the protest at the white house on thursday to netanyahu's visit was small in scale to the thousands of demonstrators that took to the street the day before i'm taking down american flags and penalizing a fountain outside of beacon station in d.c. with a message "hamas is coming." 20 people arrested in those protests, carley and todd. >> todd: maddy, thank you former trump john elliott, netanyahu none too pleased with kamala harris statement. what are the implications potential harris presidency not just our relationship with israel, but the overall goal of keeping the middle east from erupting further. >> well, todd and carley come it is clear what happened with kamala harris' number one, she has her handout firmly on the tiller. it is no question she was only one that made a statement. ann met with biden and also met with harris, but harris had the flags behind her so she is
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definitely pushing her agenda now. she is taking over from biden. but lo, the policies are the same both preteen and harris and they gave iran who was almost broke under president trump. they gave them money and let them sell oil around the world. hamas would have never attacked israel had they did on october 7th had president trump remained in office. we have a situation where showing weakness and closing up to iran. they started to get back to this iran nuclear deal and suddenly biden-harris withdrawal in afghanistan and here we are. if you look to answer the question, todd, kamala harris when here, she gave him the back of her hand and did not showed up to his speech in congress. she should have been sitting behind him but instead she went to a sorority in indiana. she comes back and lectures on the war. the one way to finish this war,
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todd, and he said it exactly in the speech, one way to finish it tomorrow. we give the support to israel to tell hamas need to surrender, disarm and return the hostages come it will be done tomorrow and president trump said he will do it. >> carley: if you want a glimpse of president harris presidency, hamas and that speech yesterday, apparently, the prime minister netanyahu is not happy about it. he said her comments could actually hinder the delicate hostage negotiations that are going on right now. some significant fallout from the first major speech she made as presidential candidate. a very tenuous diplomatic issue. so now netanyahu is traveling to florida. he will meet with former president trump. interesting he wants to meet with trump, who is not an office right now. it goes to show where he thinks this election might go. after the 2020 election, netanyahu and trump a
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little bit of a falling out. how do you think this conversation will go today? >> welcome i think it will go very well, carley. president trump is stronger in backing our l.a. israel. he went to jerusalem and got rid of the number one terrorist in iran. he destroyed isis and went after al-baghdadi and killed al-baghdadi. what is more he said in the ever him accord so no better friend, but if we go back to kamala harris an absolute disgrace and not fit to be commander-in-chief. she's plainly not fit to be commander-in-chief. what she did is allow the american flag to be burned in front of union station right outside of the capital. she allowed that to happen and she didn't even put a statement out for 24 hours and only after j.d. vance called her out and say why aren't you saying anything about this but now nitpicking and undermining
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benjamin netanyahu and did not defend the flag and wait 24 hours. that is an absolute disgrace and not fit to be commander-in-chief. >> carley: the american flag burned, and flown in the place of american one. and fox and fox & friends yesterday, anybody who burns the american flag should get at least one year in prison. that is where he stands on that issue. john, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, carley, thank you, todd. >> carley: spoke to the largest teachers union and listen to what she had to say. >> what kind of country do we want to live in? a country of freedom, come compassion, rule of law or a country of chaos, fear, and hate her smirk >> todd: president trump also releasing his plan to bring parents back into education. quite a contrast there. our parent animal responds to all of it next.
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♪ ♪ >> carley: one of vice president harris campaign speeches as likely democrat nominee is addressing american federation of teachers with controversial president randi weingarten and she wasted no time dividing americans. >> and while you teach stud students about our nation's past, these extremists attacked the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation's true and real history, including book
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bands in 2024. so we want to abandon assault weapons, and they want to banned books. [boos] there can you imagine? >> what kind of country do we want to live in? a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law, or a country of chaos, fear, and hate. >> carley: the parents joined me now. oh, boy, christina, what do you think about those comments vice president made that they want to ban assault weapons and they want to banned books and we want to ban assault weapons? >> have you looked at the books? they are appalling. i want to be able to send my child to school to learn how to read and write, all of the basic
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things. the books she's talking about our ex-rated. i shouldn't have to be a afraid that my child is going to be looking and reading things thati ban at home. >> carley: christina, it is a great point. sonia, this union endorsed kamala harris and clearly she supports the union. they have some proposals on the table right now that include black lives matter at school month adopting gender-neutral language and support for newcomers and asylum-seekers, and refugees. to christina's point, out a lot about math, reading and science there. >> absolutely. and we see it over and over. they want to indoctrinate our children with their ideologies instead of focusing on what they were supposed to do, which is read, write, and do math. our kids are filling all over california and throughout the nation. we see this constant attack in the focus has been completely on
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things that we would never, ever in a million years want inside the classroom. we need to get back the focus. this is an egregious attack on our education system. and they know most parents don't have the option right now, especially with the economy, to find alternative means of education. >> carley: one of the proposals, atf advocating for the ability of gender-affirming medical care for both lgbtq ti a plus youth and adults. what do you think about the vice president aligning herself with this group? >> thanks for the question, carley. so, i talked to the parents and neighbors and i'm a parent of notification, a big thing and i love the commonwealth version and we have notifications for different aspects. and i think that is sex
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transition for minors or any matters that we just talked about. should we notify the parents and be engaged in our kids' lives? and we saw in the news yesterday in d.c. in light of the history of burning our american flags and the group of people that i see today. patriots and traders and you know this social ideology push and organization of the legal system and these sort of happenings in the country not good for the country and they reflect the treaters of our couy and our country needs to be more patriotic. school system is under attack and it needs to be a better place of science, technology. >> carley: get back to the basics. the trump vance campaign released education, cutting
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funding for those with critical race theory, gender ideology or inappropriate contents and they also want to stop the effort to weaponize civics education and keep biological men out of women's sports. what do you about that? >> i support it 100% your car i want to go back -- i want to go back. as a mother of three children, my oldest graduated cum laude, and he doesn't even know how to -- they might teach him how to pay taxes and balance a checkbook and they want to skip all the way to this? they just want to push and enforce this? it is my child, my children! i should have the say, not you to force your agenda onto my children. >> carley: there is so much to worry about as a parent these days, they ideology of a teacher. the teachers union should not be among the list but it is right now. thank you so much for joining
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us. >> thank you. >> carley: all right, let's check in with senior meteorologist for the forecast. janice dean. >> did you notice the difference when you left the house this morning? didn't it feel refreshing without a whole bunch of humidity? >> carley: s, cool. spoon it was so humid into the studio there was a slick on the floor and i'm not kidding. it was next level. i've never seen anything like it. >> carley: it was chucky. >> todd: 100% humidity. >> hopefully it is better today. temperatures for much of the country, cooler weather, which is great news. we have hot temperatures in the southwestern parts of the plane states but the northeast, you look forward to a really nice weekend. here is a live radar and we have the potential for showers and thunderstorms in a couple of flash flood advisories for the houston area. we've gotten several inches of rain, feet of rain when you think about what we've had over the last couple of weeks and rain still to come, 2-3 inches
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but saturated ground, that could lead to flash flooding. here is the forecast today so potential for showers and thunderstorms for the southwest, monsoon season so they are getting beneficial rain there but thunderstorms and along the gulf coast and the southeast, potential for flash flooding. i know we've talked a little bit about the wildfires. we have many of them especially across the west. some of that smoke from the northwest will move into the northern plains and parts of the midwest over the next few days. keep that in mind. respiratory issues, elderly kids, be aware. and the canadian wildfire here. and canadian wildfire is up north as well, jasper, alberta commit terrible. >> carley: it is great to see you. happy friday, you have a floral dress and look beautiful. >> it is a fun friday. >> todd: janice and i almost wore the same thing.
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thank you. let's get serious for a moment, this is serious especially two top cartel bosses including the son of kingpin el chapo in u.s. custody. a live report next. >> carley: chicago is bracing for up to 25,000 more migrants just weeks ahead of the dnc.a de chicago alderman joins us next. ♪ ♪ ar-xi-ga ♪ ask your doctor about farxiga. i'm sasha. and today i'm going to share with you the secret to making the most of each and every day.
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and get in the picture. learn how abbvie can help you save. ♪ ♪ >> todd: we are back with a fox news alert, two top leaders of the drug cartel in u.s. custody including elea capital son after arrested in el paso overnight. >> carley: chanley painter is a details. >> good morning, after evading, the drug teens from the most violent and powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world are now behind bars in the u.s. 76-year-old ismael zambada garcia, known as -- they allege cofounder and
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leader of the cartel arrested in el paso with 36-year-old, joaquin guzman lopez. he is the son of bell chapel. the infamous cofounder and former boss put behind bars five years ago to serve a life sentence. the authority say both men face multiple charges including trafficking tens of thousands of campaign, heroin, fentanyl and the u.s. plus faces kidnapping in a conspiracy to murder charges. >> both men are facing multiple charges in the united states for leading the cartel's criminal operations, including its deadly drug manufacturing and trafficking network. fentanyl is the deadliest drug threat our country has ever faced. the justice department will not rest until every single cartel leader, member, and associate responsible for poisoning our communities is held accountable. >> in a statement that de wrote,
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one of the dea's most wanted fugitives and will face justice in u.s. court and the arrest is another enormous blow to the cartel. the dea will seek justice for any american life that is lost. m dea offered an award up to $15 million for information leading to his arrest. according to sources and fox news commit was el chapo's son turned him in and convinced him to get on a plane and go to see the property in mexico when instead, that plane went north to texas. the mom placed blame on elm bio for his father's capture, guys. >> todd: the plane doesn't fall far from the tree in that case. >> bracing for as many of 25,000 migrants to arrive in d.c. and this message to democrat leaders. >> i took the border to them.
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i began busting illegal immigrants to washington, d.c. we have continued fussing migrants to sanctuary cities across the entire country. and those buses will continue to roll until we finally secure our borders. >> todd: anthony depalma letourneau at a former secure chicago police officer and we talk about thesem but you work the streets of chicago and you understand the impact on the windy city. just al qaeda could the dnc beat in light of this influx? >> chicago is tapped out and we can't handle anymore illegal immigrants in chicago right now. the only highlight this will bring is a national scale we can show everybody how sanctuary city is a failure, especially in the city of chicago. look at the last nine years in inner-city, we've had over
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30,000 people shot. now you bring a convention already touted as a possible protest and riot circus to the city, we are so tapped out here. this is going to hurt so bad. and indiana, chicago will have to clean up the mess. >> todd: understood, and i'm sorry for that and the great people of chicago who don't want this. but in a way, anthony, for the party that allowed this invasion to happen, the democrats, isn't it somewhat fitting that these scenes of chaos will be happening outside and quite frankly, inside their convention to a certain extent? >> absolutely, they will be spoon fed everything they have been serving the last couple of years here. you will bring in a candidate, wants to defund the police and supports open borders. those are two of the major issues affecting the city. we will have a convention celebrating that candidate. the political veins here that have served this city deserve
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everything they get when it comes to chicago. it is going to be a nightmare and to be honest, the police officers enter first responders are worried that they will not be able to handle this. >> todd: i would have two things before we let you go and you alluded to this earlier, she is trying to sell her policy to the blue state sanctuary city bays to try to get their votes. but they can't be happy they have to share resources with all of these illegal migrants. secondarily, illinois neighbors, wisconsin and michigan, how will this play in the battleground states when they see the chaos right across the border? we will have you back. anthony napolitano, best of luck and i'm sorry it has come to this but you will have your hands full. cochair of now department of the biden campaign finally opening up why the president trump reelection bid calling it no-win situation. >> carley: fox business associate with the details, i met, cheryl. >> did not mince words when talked about these big donors and how they pull their support
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for joe biden. watch. >> i'm upset at big donors come absolutely smart because what i know is in this process, the voters drive the machine. so now we see grassroots donors coalescing around her, and that is not to the exclusion of big donors. but the excitement is with the unique regular donor. >> so he also said, you can't win without money, out loud. and now these donors are the ones that left joe biden. they need to, "step the f up." this was on television and 25% left of the donors that will stick with joe biden and the writing was on the wall but now that money with harris and two sides to this campaign finance committee that actually the money in the coffers and then you have the super pacs.
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so the super pacs, that is where you will get the ad campaigns coming out, they will start spinning, by the way on the olympics and you will see those ads run now. there are three groups here, right, silicon valley, hollywood, and wall street. 40 large donors on a zoom call earlier this week that wall street money and they want to know and these are the questions reportedly asking at "the new york times," what is your stance on israel, what is your stance on the economy, and who is your vp pick going to be? those were their concerns. the celebrities were organizing and we know that and silicon valley as the next step. there are many silicon valley entrepreneurs trying to -- billionaires again trying to change the narrative of the silicon valley behind donald trump. but remember though the trump-vance campaign also have super pacs and they will start running all of these commercial. so the big money does play a part in the election. >> todd: there is also the voters. there was a focus group on msnbc and i'm not so sure msnbc
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wanted. >> so this is interesting, female voters from wisconsin, critical state for either side given their honest opinion of kamala harris. watch. >> how do you perceive vice president harris compared to biden? i think she is worse. she doesn't even know what's going on at the border. >> do you think america will have a female president? >> when there is a competent one. >> i don't get a good feel for her. >> she hasn't done anything in the time she has had. we don't know anything about her as far as her three year so far in the white house. she is not real smart. >> i would pick rfk jr. way before her, absolutely. >> so the panel on msnbc did not go so well as far as female voters. but let's be clear, this is why it is happening because you need females in swing states. you need suburban women appear and whoever will win in november
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needs that group, african-ameri, hispanics in the young voter. quick rap on the young voter, that is where you see the harris campaign really go into tiktok, twitter, youtube. there is a whole underling movement for harris of that young group of ogres. and trump is also on tiktok. >> carley: i like what james kupfer said i hate to be the skunk of the garden party, but democrats will push back with 100 days to go before the election. >> todd: don't miss cheryl on the mornings with maria. thank you. we have a compelling story for you coming up. two ohio brothers held in dubai two months facing criminal charges and out asking the u.s. to bring them home. they join us live with their story. >> carley: the media trying to rewrite history on kamala harris' border czar ti title. timber jump with a solution to
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and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. ♪ ♪ >> carley: brand-new the sour despite initial silence, brought him a show up on my have finally
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endorsed vice president kemal h. >> we called to say michelle and i could not be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> my goodness, michelle, barack, this means so much to me. >> carley: they cut that video with the cell phone and put up the statement. this came out this morning, the obama's added, "she has the vision, character, strength is critical moment demands. there is no doubt in our mind kamala harris has exactly what it takes to win for selection and deliver for the american people." this comes as a new poll from "the new york times" shows harris in a virtual tie with president trump. tennessee congressman tim joins me now. congressman, good morning to you. she has the obama endorsement, the money coming in at the polls at a dead heat. does this concern you? >> of course it does, but it is still early yet. it is a life time between now the election day.
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who else? hollywood, big tech, wall street, they all jumped in line behind joe biden in the first place. so i don't expect them to go anywhere else. >> carley: the thing is she really -- he has a long record and ran for president once before, a senator, e.g. in california as well. throughout her political career, she has been a significant notch to the left of joe biden. that may work for the media and the hollywood donors and young voters, but how do you think moderate white voters in the midwest will feel about that? >> i don't think they are going to like her one bit. you are right as you know, she was voted that she was rated t the, skews me, most liberal member of the united states senate. there was a big series article on that and pretty much watch from the internet, which you will see a lot of. she can't run from her record appear at abysmal record in hollywood were
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in california, excuse me and of course her record from the border czar and what else can you say, 14 day illegals come over the border and 100,000 chinese. let's see, of those, there is 50 known terrorists in our country that we do not know where they are in the most disturbing to me as a human being is the 100,000 children that are sold into god knows what and that only your mind can race to figure that out. with these cartels that are doing this. we have the ngos getting rich off the taxpayers and have no accounting whatsoever. so, there is a lot of people getting fat off of her lack of leadership at the border. >> carley: congressman, the house passed a resolution yesterday condemning harris for her work along the southern border. it was bipartisan six democrats voted in favor of that
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resolution. but you watch the news channels yesterday, you would be confused because all at once, people in the media are claiming that kamala harris was never the border czar. listen to this. >> but it is totally legitimate issue. she was put in charge of the border -- >> no. >> south-central america and immigration. >> no, they are lying about her border record calling her the border czar. speak with the biden did not declare her the border czar appearance because she was never appointed border czar but put in charge of diplomatic efforts. almost a coordinated effort by the harris campaign who are happy to oblige. >> 100%. their overlords, it is like a pack of lost dogs to ring the bell and the media come salivating and they do that. they are totally in the tank for her. if you go back to my have articles and mike bosch cbs, nbc, they said she is in charge of the border. in several articles call her the
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border czar. they can call the council or the mayor of the border, but joe biden had put her in charge of the border. they tell that lie so many times, i guess they think the american public is that gullible. but everybody knows. >> carley: she has called to abolish i.c.e. whoever called her the border czar first does not matter about her words matter more. this is interesting. >> go ahead appear at the communications director on twitter had posted earlier "defund the police." i just keep -- you can't make this stuff up. >> carley: what a difference for years makes. jen psaki will finally sit down with an interview review of house foreign affairs committee, a committee use it on. that conversation will happen today and your probe on afghanistan withdrawal. what can you tell us about this? a lot of times they do this thing in the skiff but they also
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do that to keep you from talking about it, even if it is something you know already ahead of time. look, the rules of engagement caught 13 brave americans killed. when was my neighbor. i drive out everyday staff sergeant ryan and i see his name out there and it haunts me because he was the very last person killed in afghanistan. but you have to remember, all's well so, or rules of engagement of these people killed in the white house shares at that point because the marine corps sniper if you remember and i asked him in testimony if he saw the suicide bomber and he told me not once but twice they had him in their sites. they could have taken him out. 13 brave americans and so many more afghans and innocent people, other military members would have walked away from that. but our rules of engagement and state department and military intelligence -- that is why i say military intelligence is
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like congressional ethics and it does not exist. it is right at the foot of this white house. that is why they were doing this in secret. they ought to bring her in full committee and asked her these questions, subpoena her if necessary make her answer this. we delay, delayed, delay of these people got killed and this white house deserves the blame. >> carley: i'm sure the families of those who died is you are not letting up on the story because it still matters and they deserve answers. a congressman, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, it is been a pleasure. >> carley: lawrence with "fox & friends," hi, lawrence. >> it is not like nothing has happened this week. we will wrap it all up this morning. a jam-packed morning for you, former president trump is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu set high-stakes meeting this morning and days have is really protesting in our capital. the talks comes as newly minted democrat runner kamala harris raises eyebrows on a comment to.
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former secretary of state, you know something about this mike pompeo on the implications here at plus new footage shows the shooters disadvantage a point and ahead this common attempt on former president trump, and a whistle-blower makes a shocking new claim about secret service. we have a live report on that. and navy seals with a major legal battle over administrations vaccination mandate. retired navy seal will join us. and our summer concert series rolls on with country great, cameron marlow. all of this plus general jack keane, pennsylvania state senator, canada and the david mccormick, education secretary bill bennett, he has fired up and has a big show coming upy i straight ahead. ♪ ♪am t all the traits that i've gotten from my mother in my dna.
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it's a family thing. it's a family thing.
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living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. ♪ >> todd: listen to this. two ohio brothers have been held in dubai for almost two months facing criminal charges after they say they were drugged and set up. now they are asking the u.s. government for help to bring them home. joseph and joshua lopez join me now. you guys went to dubai for film content for your social media pages. instead, your night ended -- you were partying your night ended with you in the back of the police car. there is a lot of questions as to how you got there. you were a you are now out on bail and can't leave the country. so, joseph, tell us what
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happened. >> yes, ma'am. so, basically, on our eighth day here, we went out had a good time. there about appear hour. went to check out another place. went outside. we were approached by an uber driver, hey we want to go this place. can you go there or i know a better place if you would like to go there. so, yeah, you are the one that lives here so we will take your recommendation for it. upon arriving at this place, they took us in and escorted us to the v.i.p. section where they brought us stuff we didn't ask for, platters of the food, hookahs. i'm in dubai, going to go with it and have some fun. the place is supposed to be open for a few hours, after about 20 minutes it closed. and then like one of the people we had gotten acquainted with there talking to some of the people shared food with. hey i have a yacht party do you want to come?
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i said i'm done spending for the night. i already spent more than i want to. i'm kind of done. is he like, no no no, come as my american guest. come as my friend. i'm like sure. he was like yeah, so we leave this place and go with him to the yacht. once we got there, after about 10 minutes, they came over with this like little thing that you pay for or pay on and they tried to charge me 10,000 euros. i was like whoa, i was invited as a guest and a friend. i wasn't spending anymore. they came over two more times. at this point we went outside, spoke to a few of the people. and they are like okay, sorry for the misunderstanding go and enjoy yourselves. at this point a woman like she came over and brought me a drink. and after i drank it, i willly don't remember anything for the rest of the night except for a few seconds here and there. >> todd: do you allege this is a part of a coordinated effort by the uber driver, whoever brought you those drinks, to set you up?
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>> i would say so, you know. everything points to that. >> todd: so now we have a situation where you are stuck there. has the state department been any help? >> no. they are aware of the situation. they pretty much keep telling my friends and friends that are emailing them. we are keeping tabs on it. but that's not what we need. our lives are at stake here. like the amount of years in prison that these charges can give us, it can be -- this can ruin our lives. we need everybody's help. we need our politicians' help. we need our country's help. >> carley: right. well, the good news is that the u.s. government does have good relations with the uae. so hopefully this attention can k. get you the help that you need. you are facing significant years in prison. >> todd: still unclear why you are facing these charges. >> carley: this was a set up. we wish you both the best of luck. "fox & friends" st


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