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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 26, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> ainsley: good morning to you, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. friday, july 26th. this is "fox & friends." what a difference a day can make. netanyahu set to meet with donald trump today after vice president kamala harris claims she stands with israel but will not ignore the deaths in gaza. general jack keane on the stark foreign policy differences. >> brian: jumping on the bandwagon the obamas are all in for kamala harris. but james carville gives the party a reality check. >> this is too -- this is everybody's giddy. look at the conch and it's great. if we don't win the election, we vice president done everything. >> lawrence: for him to be so old the only voice of reason there the news might be a whirlwind but can you always count on us for a little music
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on your summer fridays. country artist kameron marlowe will be here live. >> steve: he is going to start singing on the sage. second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> ainsley: we start with a fox news alert. the cheryl prime minister will meet with former president donald trump down at mar-a-lago today. the private visit comes one day an benjamin netanyahu met with president biden and vice president harris. >> steve: following that meeting harris pledged support to israel but called out the israelis as pro-palestinian protests raged in washington for a second day. >> lawrence: lucas tomlinson live in washington. >> former president donald trump appearing on the show yesterday had this advice for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the war against hamas. >> i'd make sure that it gets over with fast. you have to end this fast. it can't continue to go on like this.
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it's too long. it's too much. you quote to get your hostages back. >> now that vice president harris' nomination is all but assured. harris has the freedom to put some daylight between her and president biden when it comes to policy. including u.s. relations with israel. here's what harris said yesterday. >> i have had an unwavering commitment to the existence of the state of israel, to its security, and to the people of israel. what has happened in gaza over the past nine months is devastating. we cannot allow our slveted to become numb to the suffering and i will not be silenced. >> it's not likely israeli was talking about israeli suffering in that last line. like little referring to the palestinians killed in gaza. harris read the names of all 8 israeli citizens still being held hostage. three are confirmed dead. here at the white house yesterday afternoon, israel's longest serving prime minister met with president biden and vice president harris separately. harris had to fly back from her rally in texas in the morning.
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according to axios, some israeli officials are nervous about harris after hearing her comments on camera. they perceived as being more critical than biden. here's the headline. bibi concerned harris' comments may harm hostage and cease-fire deal. as you mentioned, israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu will be meeting former president donald trump at his mar-a-lago estate later today, guys. >> steve: lucas, trump and netanyahu used to be very close, but then when joe biden won in 2020, the current prime minister of israel congratulated him and that angered the president. but it was netanyahu who requested this meeting with the former president in mar-a-lago so, obviously, he thinks there's a real good chance trump is going to win. >> certainly appears that way, steve. of course, during his address to congress. israel's prime minister thanked both president biden and donald trump, talking about the abraham accords, talking about moving the u.s. embassy to jerusalem. there was certainly for both
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leaders in that speech. there is no question there does appear to be a hedge if israel's prime minister is going to mar-a-lago today. >> steve: indeed, all right. lucas, thank you. >> brian: point of the fact is in israel, no one points to how this ends will decide if we're going to be back here again in a few months or even a year. if you let the nucleus of the leadership of hamas survive, they are going to reconstitute comeback. and there will be another massacre just a matter of where exactly it will be, more hostages taken. but she never talks about that. she is like we wants this to end. how it ends? you got to let sinwar the bin laden sit along with his staff. you got into his house. you got into the tunnels. flushed him out of wrath fall. got him into khan younis is somewhere around there. mohammed was blown up in a wheelchair. how could you possibly stop this operation and leave the people in charge still in charge? it would be looked at as a victory. why don't people understand that? >> lawrence: i think it's a
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double edged sword, brian, if you want speed you will have more casualties as a result of that you will not be as fine tuned as you would like. >> steve: that i know flames the democrats. >> lawrence: that inflames the democrats. >> brian: the speed thing is done. >> lawrence: when you see what is happening there, there are some people that don't like seeing what's happening in gaza, but if you are israeli and you know what happened that day, it's like telling us put the handcuffs on us during 9/11. >> brian: douglas murray says you can't start a war and tell the people you attacked how to fight the war. you lost your stake in the way they fight. >> ainsley: would she be saying this though if we were at war with another country? >> brian: probably. >> ainsley: let's provide much needed relief to the whoever people like she said to the palestinian people? would she be defending the other side if this were us? i mean, i would imagine if we had an october 7th here like we
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did 9/11, what did he say that's equivalent to 20 9/11s? >> lawrence: joe biden does have that same type of policy here in the united states. >> this is a guy that was against obama -- the bin laden raid. he didn't think we should do it. he was worried about the casualties and all that thank god the former president barack obama didn't listen to him and the rest of the cabinet didn't listen to him. >> steve: here's the problem for all of us politically this is a presidential election year. and the democrats want michigan. and it's hanging by a thread because a lot of people there don't like the administration's policy. so, harris is saying let's wrap it up. we talked to former secretary of state mike pompeo just about 45 minutes ago regarding her response and mike said this about her. >> the real dangerous thing about vice president harris is her motto which suggests there is a moral equivalence between what is happening in gaza today and what happened on october 7th inside of israel.
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nothing could be further from the truth. she is sympathetic to many of the things they say. she thinks israel is occupying force. she thinks it was a mistake to move the capital to jerusalem. all of the things that happened in the trump administration she is against. those protesters are against. her statement didn't ring very true to me. didn't have putin invading ukraine. we didn't have hamas terrorizing israel. that is factually true. and we do need to make sure that we give israel all the tools, all the leash that they need to wrap this up and accomplish their security interest as quickly as possible. president trump is absolutely right about that. >> lawrence: pompeing raises an interesting point shoe. is he more sympathetic to the protesters than biden is. and we're in this interesting time now because she is the current vice president, she is also a presidential nominee as well. she is a little bit more extreme than joe biden. and so we're walking the position of the current administration and what a kamala harris presidency would be likes
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a well. >> ainsley: netanyahu met with biden for three hours. then he met with kamala for 40 minutes. we didn't hear he was upset after meeting with biden. he was upset, according to his people after meeting with kamala. because she had this statement that she said after their meeting and it was basically defending israel but also defending the palestinian people. and the way to end this war is the palestinians -- they have to release the hostages. and when these hostages. >> steve: if there are any alive is the problem. >> ainsley: there are american hostages. >> lawrence: i know folks don't like what they are seeing in gaza. >> but, if you look at the polling, the people -- the gazans there. there they are even more supportive of hamas right now. it's not like there is a changing of opinion of people not lighting them up. the people completing -- >> ainsley: what about what hamas did to the israeli babies? if you listen to netanyahu's speech. he talked about the babies were burned alive in front of their
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parents. parents were shot in the head in front of heir kids. men were decapitated. it was gruesome. women were raped. >> lawrence: they are saying that's not true, ainsley. >> steve: live on the air. >> brian: esteemed military expert has said everything we are hearing from hamas about what is happening in gaza is wrong. it was cited by prime minister netanyahu. we are are going by what the communications arm of the terrorist group is telling us is happening. don't people see the problem with that? and when you have military terrorists dressed like civilians and then you want to say they get killed and they say civilian died. there is a little bit of an issue there, i imagine. >> steve: harris is saying wrap it up. and netanyahu is saying we're going to do it our way. more on that throughout the day. in the meantime another fox news alert. if you were sleeping, big news. former president barack obama on the phone right there with the vice president kamala harris, along with the first lady, michelle obama, because that is the rollout. they have officially endorsed
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her for president. >> ainsley: the announcement came in this video that was released by the harris campaign this morning. >> brian: madeleine rivera in washington with the details. >> madeleine: good morning. former president obama held off on endeavoring vice president kamala harris because he wanted to see the party united as the nomination settled. now they are throwing their support behind harris. >> i can't have this phone call without saying to my girl, kamala i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. >> we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> oh my goodness. michelle, barack, this means so much to me. i'm looking forward to doing this with the two of you. >> harris' team is continuing to vet the list of potential running mates. one of the names on the list. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro is campaigning for harris in philadelphia today. reportedly will campaign for harris again in his home state
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on monday, alongside michigan governor gretchen whitmer. meantime harris' former communications director thinks arizona senator mark kelly is the best pick. in the democrats finalize harris as their nominee the saying the former president isn't agreeing to any general election debates. harris is accusing the former president of back pedaling. >> many of you have been asking me about the debate. i will tell you i'm ready to debate donald trump. i have agreed to this previously agreed upon september 10th debate. he agreed to that previously. now it appears is he backpedaling, but i'm ready, and i think the voters deserve to see the split screen that exists in this race on the debate stage and so i'm ready. let's go. >> trump meantime says he's ready to tout his record. >> well, i am very easily. i have the economy in my side. we have the greatest economy in history. they have a lousy economy.
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the border is a big deal. i fixed it once. i got it down to a level the best ever. and then they broke it. they broke it. >> a new poll shows 47% of likely votes support harris, 48% support the former president. that is a slight improvement from president biden who was behind trump by 6 percentage points earlier this month. guys, back to you. >> steve: all right. madeleine, thank you very much. >> you got it. >> steve: we should look for that particular rollout video where the obamas are endorsing her to wind up on tiktok. yesterday she signed on to tiktok. and already got 1.1 million followers. she posted a little 8 seconds clip where been viewed 6 million times. thought i would get myself on here. are here is why she is on tick. same reason why donald trump and joe biden on tiktok. of the 170 million people who are on tiktok. 1/3 of them say they get their
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news about politics from tiktok. >> ainsley: this is definitely. >> brian: out of control. >> ainsley: you normally don't have a camera following you around if you are taking phone calls. if you get a phone call from someone that important. pause, sit down, maybe, say thank you so much for endorsing me. she is walking through the hallway. then she goes next cut seen in front of the car. >> lawrence: ainsley, you are pointing to authenticity. that's going to be her major hurdle. >> steve: that was staged. >> lawrence: is this the third rebrand of kamala harris? i'm not saying politicians don't rebrand themselves, try to recreate themselves. but to recreate yourself over three times in less than four years, i think is amazing. >> ainsley: what do you think about the polls? if you look at the black vote it says if the election were held today, who would you vote for, asking the black voters. when it was biden 73 percent said they would vote for him and 15 trump. >> steve: that's down 4. >> ainsley: harris, only 69%.
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i say only because it's a drop from joe biden and trump got 23. >> lawrence: i'm not surprised because black voters told you what they felt about kamala harris in the primary back in 2016. >> ainsley: which was what? >> lawrence: they didn't support her. she was the first one out of it. they really galvanized behind joe biden. they never galvanized behind kamala harris. so this whole notion that black voters are just going to surround kamala harris is just not true. the only way they do that is what i have been referring to all week, is this becomes this identity politics thing. attacking on the base of race and all this other stuff. it gets nasty in that way then black voters would get defensive of her. if it's just strictly on the issues, i don't see this massive pull. >> brian: she does better with hispanic voters right now. still very early. toby from a bizio long time pollsters from donald trump i expect things might pull ahead. pull our directions. james carville seems to realize
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that as well this is too -- okay? this is everybody's giddy. look at everybody's conch it's great. get ready, they are coming. it's great that everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else, but, if we don't win the election, we haven't done everything. >> ainsley: don't get too comfortable, democrats, this is the honeymoon. >> steve: here's the thing about the democrats they were not excited about joe biden they are more excited about her. what puts that excitement into a different frame of mind is that the fact that the democrats have got a world class get out the vote operation. nobody does it better than the democrats. and, if you have some excitement, and you combine that with the machine, which they have effectively run for decades, that is helpful to her. and the trump people know that and they're addressing that. they are trying their best to get out the vote as well. >> lawrence: the problem is the excitement right now remains because there's no challenge. and when i say challenges, there
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was no primary process. she is not doing live tv interviews where people are pushing her back and forth on policy. there hasn't been a debate. so, i understand the wind in the sails of the democratic party. she is going to get a bump right now. but, eventually, when people start pressing her on her policy distances and she starts fumbling like she did on the debate stage when tulsi gabbard took her out as well as when she fumbled all the rest of the interviews as vice president. >> i think that's where we are going to see the true kamala harris. >> brian: thing that's going to be different in, every time trump went after joe biden, in 2020. he said why are you saying i'm a left wing guy. i have a history of being a moderate. that's not me. i'm not defund the police. i'm not anti-fracking. that's what he sold himself as. but, guess who was the left wing? her? she was the one who said no fracking. she is the one that wanted to get rid of private insurance. she is the one that said stop criminalizing border crossings. she was the one who wanted to get rid of ice. she is the one who came out for
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the rioters. that's why he said i won the primary. well, now she won. and now she has to either say that's the old me, this is the new me, or i never said that, which they are trying to say now, or i'm going to embrace that. and that's why the trump people are pleased long term because if she embraces it, she has lost most of the american people. >> steve: then it becomes a binary choice, the choices are very clear when you look at their policies. in the meantime, today is a big day. the olympics is starting. and we have a fox news alert. you are looking live at one of the main rail hubs in downtown paris. major service on rail lines right now in france, after several high speed trains were targeted by several coordinated and malicious attacks including arson. and this is just happening before the opening ceremonies there in city of lights. >> lawrence: greg palkot is live with the breaking news. greg, what can you tell us? >> we have been watching this
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all morning. and it is a developing story. trouble already at the paris olympics just a little more than six hours away from the opening ceremony. authorities saying overnight there were multiple, coordinated malicious attacks on the country's iconic high speed train lines. the acts of arson were described as sabotage, criminal aimed at destabilizing the games. words of the french officials. intelligence forces are on the case and now israel's foreign minister is claiming the attacks were planned and executed under the influence of iran and its axis of evil. no confirmation of that no perpetrators yet found. but with full train service not restored for days, hundreds of thousands of team members, officials, and fans are potentially impacted. all tolled over 55,000 police, soldiers, and security deployed for these unique games. mostly held in the center of paris. frankly, a security nightmare
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with the world very much unsettled as russia's war against ukraine rages, a russian man was arrested and suspected of planning a disruption there. and there have been many anti-israeli threats from pro-palestinian activists with the war in gaza continuing. the israeli soccer team got booed at a match wednesday. there were palestinian flags, bomb scares and false alarms. a after all this the crowd team u.s.a. leading the athletes and co-flag holders in the opening ceremony which will be held aboard boats river siene. coco gauff and plaivel legend lebron james. dr. jill biden, guys, the french claim they have every security risk covered. but as we see today, there is already some slips. county brits get to france?
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i heard that was tough, too. >> that's a hiccup, too. the euro star train, which operates under the english channel, yes, that is disrupted, too. delayed for a few hours, they say at least. brits can take cars and planes. yeah, this is really disrupting things. again, to underscore for our folks at home. the high speed train line, they call it the ttv in france, it absolutely the premier way of transportation. if you are going to target one facet of transportation in france, this is the one that one should target if you are a terrorist or looking to cause trouble. and that appears to be what has happened. >> ainsley: all right. thank you so much, greg. they have lee lease police officers in france to keep the israeli athletes safe. >> steve: a thousand of them. >> ainsley: what is great is coco gauff. remember in tokyo three years ago she had to drop out of the flimps because she tested
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positive for covid? now she is number two player in the world. so we will be watching her. >> lawrence: we are routing for her. >> ainsley: carrying the flag. >> brian: carley you can't golf well enough to go in the olympics and we need you here. >> thank you. yes, i can confirm that i cannot goff at olympic level. i will work on it. always four years from now. more news to get, to starting with a fox news alert. a louisiana police officer is dead and three others are hurt after an hours' long standoff during an armed hostage situation. officers were attempting to serve a warrant when the suspect barricaded himself inside with two hostages, firing multiple shots. two officers were struck. and two others hit with bullet fragments. the suspect is now in custody. he was wanted at the time for attempted murder. to a fox wildfire alert. a man in california arrested on suspicion of starting the park fire in buick county. that fire has already burned through 125,000 acres is the
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state's largest fire of the year. officials say it started when the suspect rolled a burning car down a 60 feet embankment. suspect three previous felony convictions being held without bail. nassau is saying that boeing capsule at the international space station with two astronauts still on board will stay in space officials are not ready to set one. the initial mission was supposed to last 8 days expand 50 days. the return home initially delayed because of thruster failures and helium leaks. and those are your headlines. they have been stuck in space for 48 days -- 42 days longer than they thought. >> lawrence: i used to say i wanted to be an elon musk because sending people up on star link or whatever it is called. i think will pass now. >> steve: in space no one can hear you scream get me out of
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here. >> carley: that's true. >> brian: thank you so much, carley. retired general jack keane on what we should be doing for the israelis to back them in gaza. don't move. ♪ if you're frustrated with occasional bloating or gas... your body's giving you signs, it's time to try align. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional bloating and gas. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align.
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>> tomorrow marks two weeks since trump's assassination attempt and new drone footage shows the shooter's vantage point. meanwhile the whistleblower claims the secret service turned down an offer from local police to deploy a drone in the run-up to the rally. cb cotton is live to expand on this. she is in butler. cb? >> brian, good morning. fbi director christopher wray certified that gunman crooks out the scene behind me with a drone. one of those instances was about two hours before the rally began. brian, after we flew our drone over the rally site it becomes more apparent that crooks may have tried to give himself an edge over-the-counter snipers. take a look at this. you can see here the spot crooks positioned himself on at the roof of the agr building. that spot likely kept most of his body concealed by trees. and this becomes, again, even more apparent when we flew our drone from the opposite vantage
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point, showing that the secret service counter snipers indeed have an obstructed view of crooks body. a federal source described the kill shot the counter sniper took as, quote, one in a million. we know crooks was a member of a local gun club and a man named bill jenkins says he practiced his firearm skills immediately next to crooks at a keystone shooting center here in pennsylvania on june 22nd, just mere weeks before the rally. >> he obviously had some experience. load so fast. and he hit the target pretty well in the farther distances up. >> and now missouri senator josh hawley says he has learned from a whistleblower that the secret service turned down repeat offers from local law enforcement to provide drone conch during the campaign stop. hawley wrote a letter to dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas of
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the allegation saying, quote: it is hard to understand why the united states secret service would decline to use drones when they were offered, particularly given the fact that the united states secret service permitted the shooter to overfly the rally area with his own drone mere hours before the event. and, brian, i want to mention bill jenkins the man we heard from earlier, he says he has been interviewed by the fbi. back to you, brian. >> brian: wow, unbelievable. the twist and turns that come out of the and the revelations you come up with cb every day. thanks so much. meanwhile 30 minutes before the top of the hour, president trump doubling down on commitment to greatest ally in the middle east, israel, as he meets with prime minister in florida today. it comes as the white house claims we're close to a hostage deal which officials reportedly fear could be in jeopardy after kamala harris met with netanyahu and then criticized israel. fox news senior strategic analyst general jack keane is here to react. general, are you happy the way this administration is portraying their relationship and support with israel right
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now? >> no, i haven't been for some time and for the obvious reason, because they began to pull their support. began to criticize how israel conducts military operations. i question their qualifications to do something like that. they certainly had policy disagreements i understand understand. the tactical military operations they should stay out of their business, secondly, certainly, they have been wire brushing israel as well and insinuating that they are responsible for the casualties that have taken place inside of gaza. when we all know that it's hamas who bears the brunt of the responsibility to these casualties and israel has taken incredible precautions to prevent those casualties, as much as possible. look at the rafah operation. they moved the million people out of there before they conducted their operation. they delayed the operation for weeks. now they have had -- they have
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killed thousands of fighters in rafah with a minimum amount of civilian casualties as the prime minister pointed out in his extraordinary speech before the joint session of congress. and this is something they get no credit for doing. even though the administration was wire brushing them and advising them not even to do the operation. to walk away and just leave hamas present with those thousands of fighters there makes no sense separation nally. >> brian: you just told me 25,000 fighters before this started. 10,000 left. if we leave -- if they leave 10,000 fighters there, including their officers like sinwar be, hamas wins. if hamas wins the next attack is going to be worse. this problem is going to be, perhaps, terminal. let alone what is happening with hezbollah. sadly, i have to leave it there and go over to the other major issue, and that is the breach of our airspace by russia and chinese bombers. here is secretary of defense austin on whether he is worried.
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>> this first time we have seen these two countries fly together like that. they didn't -- they didn't enter our airspace, think the closest point of approach was about 200 miles off of our post. they are always testing us. and that's no surprise to any of us. we will see challenges from adversaries throughout. and i don't think that, um, this particular point in time is -- is any different. >> brian: general, is he -- is he just marginalizing the threat? are you concerned about the threat? he doesn't seem to be. >> yeah. i mean, this is symbolic, certainly, this harassment. they know there is going to be a lot of conch of this. i think what this is about is i'm on a congressional commission that's about to render a report, bipartisan after 18 months. we have looked at these threats. and we think the united states
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is facing the most serious and dangerous threats have faced as a nation since world war ii. already war in two regions of the world. china is threatening war. united states could find themselves at war in multiple regions in a way that we haven't seen since world war ii. and when you look at the china and russia relationship enabled by north korea, and iran, i mean, what you really see is a stunning aggressiveness on their part. and assertiveness to exploit what they believe is weak leadership in the united states. they believe the country is in decline. and they are exploiting our vulnerabilities and taking advantage of it. it's opportunity that they see. and this kind of thing is symbolic to be sure. but it's also demonstrating their conviction that we are partners here. and we are challenging you. and that's the reality of what we're facing. the administration does not talk about this to the american people, brian. and they really got to come clean with it.
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>> brian: would certainly help to have people speak out about our security. general, thank you so much. always great. have a fantastic weekend. >> yeah, you too, guys. have a great weekend. >> brian: thanks. dave mccormick breaks down the state of the pennsylvania race. that will be next. ♪ farxiga has been trusted again and again, and again. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ask your doctor about farxiga. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things.
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♪ ♪ ♪ this will be an everlasting love. >> carley: congratulations, sarah, we have a new edition to the "fox & friends" family. a new patriot has been born. congratulations. she is our executive producer. her name is sarah. her husband is andrew. and they have a new baby girl named lily.
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she is gorged, sarah. we showed you pictures a few weeks ago of the audience of her baby shower and there she is. we couldn't wait to meet her. she was born on tuesday, 8 pounds, 6 ounces, 19 and a half inches long. she is healthy by the grace of god. lilly and her parents are doing well. sarah, we love you, enjoy your time away with your precious baby. you'll never get this time back. we miss you, but we are happy for you. god bless. okay. let's check in with our senior meteorologist janice dean who has a special guest. how great is that? >> happy birthday baby, sarah. an intern on "fox & friends" for many years and part of the celebration is they get to do the weather. so maggie, where are you from. >> i'm from georgia. >> janice: have you had fun. >> identify had the best summer of my life it's been a gift working here. >> janice: who is your favorite? >> everyone. >> janice: that's a good answer. are you guys ready to see maggie do the weather.
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[cheers] >> janice: take it away. >> currently 68 degrees here in new york with lots of sunshine. across the u.s. a very wet weekend for the southern states. showers and thunderstorms are also in the forecast for the southwest and the heat continues for the central u.s. and that's your "fox & friends" weather. back to you, ainsley. [cheers and applause] >> janice: i love. wasn't she amazing. i think she could take over for me on vacation. what do you think in. >> ainsley: i love it. maggie. i have known you for a while. and we recommended that you become an intern and you have impressed us all. we hope you will come back to work one day. >> thank y'all have been the best. >> ainsley: you did a great job. you have a future. >> janice: thank you. >> ainsley: all eyes on pennsylvania ahead of noe. g.o.p. senate candidate dave mccormick slamming his opponent's praise for presumptive democratic nominee kamala harris in this fiery new ad he just released. >> kamala harris has been inspiring and very capable, more people get to know her, they are going to be particularly
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impressed by her ability. [. [laughter] we did it, we did it joe. >> this as harris faces mounting backlash for her progressive past. >> i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster, to pass a green new deal. there is no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. we need to have medicare for all. >> the status quo thinking has been to believe putting more police on the street you will have more safety. that's just wrong. >> we got to critically re-examine ice and we need to probably think about starting from scratch. >> ainsley: dave mccormick running for senate as a republican joins us now. good morning, dave. >> good morning, ainsley, how are you? >> ainsley: i'm good. i watched your ad. you are running against bob casey, a democrat. he called her very inspiring and capable. when you look at her record she is inspired by the green new deal. she is very capable of banning fracking how is that going to effect your state? >> what is clear is that kamala
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harris is completely out of touch with pennsylvania and bob casey has voted for the biden-harris agenda 98% of the time. to ban fracking would have a huge negative impact on pennsylvania's economy. we have the fourth largest natural gas resources in the world. great for our economy and environment. great clean energy. i think that and the positions of medicare for all or defunding the police, these are positions that are just out of step with pennsylvania. and i think it's going to be very tough to convince pennsylvanians that harris and casey should get another term to take pennsylvania in the wrong direction. it's already 80% of pennsylvanians think the country is going in the wrong direction. >> ainsley: i mean, if you look at some of the things that have been done in your state. the department of energy, they wanted -- they said that the steel was unusable because of environmental standards at cleveland cliffs butler steel mill in your state. then they said, never mind.
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back in april, a few months ago, never mind, we can use that for now. then they also put a pause on the led ban. is this all political just to get votes in your state? >> i think it is. the overarching agenda of the biden-harris-casey energy agenda has been essentially to stop the use of fossil fuels. and to transition to lithium batteries, solar vehicles from china. so it's been bad for pennsylvania. now every now and then you will see the political pressures and they will back off the most extreme policies. but it's without a doubt that the agenda of harris and casey is to reduce and eventually eliminate fossil fuel consumption, including natural gas. that's' pennsylvania's future. this is the key to critical, great jobs for pennsylvanians. and it truly is out of step where most pennsylvanians are that's why i think the san francisco liberal agenda of harris and casey is going to be a very, very hard sale.
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>> ainsley: seventh generation pennsylvania. bronze star. people saying you are one of the best chances to take back control of the senate. we wish you all the best days. thanks so much for coming on, dave mccormick. >> thank you. honored to be with you. dave mccormick >> ainsley: and you married well. we love dana, too. >> that is true. >> ainsley: don't move country music artist kameron marlowe joins us live as the country music series moves on. good morning. welcome to fox. ♪ some days, you can feel like a spectator in your own life with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days
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♪ >> steve: all right. the all-american summer concert series continues today. this week kameron marlowe. >> ainsley: is he witnessing brian heckling us all on the couch. >> brian: survive with the heat. >> ainsley: rising country music artist on scene. promoting the new album keeping the lights on. >> ainsley: all trying to do that. >> brian: he joins us on the couch. kameron, congratulations on your success. thanks for coming up. you are listed as a triple threat, singer songwriter,
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performer. what are you best at? >> i love to perform. i have a ball doing it. that's my bread and butter. that's where i feel the most comfortable on stage. >> steve: kameron i love your story, as a kid you listened to country music on the radio with your grandpa. sang in the choir in church. you were a worship leader. you went to college and you had to drop out because your mom had a terrible back injury. couldn't make money. >> yep. >> steve: so you went to work in an auto parts store? >> i did, yeah. right in marianne, i don't know if i'm allowed to say that. i worked there for a little while. and basically i was worked for gm kind of as a parts consultant for a little while and made the switch over to music. >> lawrence: so how are you dealing with the change? because you got one of those careers where it just went up very fast. how is that in nashville right now? >> man, it has been such a whirl wind but it's like the best thing in the world. i wouldn't trade this life for anything. i am so thankful for people that have even listened to my songs
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and found me on the radio or found me on like streaming service of some sort. i'm just thankful. i have no idea. >> ainsley: new album called keeping the lights on. you had your world tour we just put it up on the screen. every ticket sold you donate $1 per ticket to keeping the lights on, which is a charity, an organization you started. tell us about it. >> so, basically, the whole idea behind this album, it all kind of stemmed from this song keeping the lights on. and it's coming from a conversation i had with my dad where sitting on the back porch one day and he had just lost his job. and he worked the same factory for about 20 years. and when that factory shut down, i kind had to go home and talk to him a little bit. he was like son, for the first time, i don't know if i will be able to keep the lights on. that just struck me. luckily he has a new job. is he doing really well. we wanted to start a focus to basically whether it's buying groceries or putting food on the plate for somebody, that's what
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this fund is for. so if anybody needs help, we can hopefully shine a light for them. >> brian: right. do you think your best writing, back to your songs, come from personal distress? >> i think that's any artist. i really do. >> brian: right, for example? your number one song? >> number one song of mine or favorite rit song? >> brian: of yours. >> i would say cleaning the lights on is my favorite song. >> steve: what about giving you up? that was a story -- >> -- we're going to go there. [laughter] >> steve: broke up with you. >> hey, it all the worked out in the end. >> steve: content. >> ainsley: talked to her since but now you are engaged to someone else. >> i am. >> ainsley: or best wishes. >> brian: ainsley's signature on the wrist. >> ainsley: new girl. >> steve: check out the dates at kameron kameron, we loved hearing from you. >> ainsley: we are going to go out and hear you sing. >> steve: right now we have the
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mclemores. >> everybody having fun? [cheers] >> so we are having so much fun out here. today's recipe smoked beef ribs. we smoked this for five hours on the master built gravity series grill. baby. >> stick around and see kameron marlowe on the other side. >> let's go. [cheers] your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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