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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 26, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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i think the feeling a lot of people are feeling is not necessarily excitement as it is relief. relief can turn to excitement, right? i think you are seeing some of that. she will get a boost out of this because there feels like there is a new lease on life for this campaign. trump, of course, was running further ahead than he ever ran in 2020 so she has a lot to do to change the momentum of this race and having 2020 zoom calls might not be the way you are convincing persuadeable women voters who you need for this campaign. >> martha: i really don't like anything racial. >> dana: i think we're all people. i don't like it. they wouldn't like it if it was the other way around. >> no, they would not. >> dana: thank you for listening to that and bringing your thoughts. interesting. good points. thank you, mary kathryn hamm. [shouting]
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>> dana: the largest protest in the capital. causing chaos, assaulting police officers, defacing national monuments and burning the american flag. so far it appears the protest is getting a pass as charges are dropped. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. bill is off today. welcome back for another hour. >> martha: i'm martha maccallum. the u.s. park police announced 23 arrests, the crowd was pretty large. many of those cases have already been dropped. the house oversight committee is demanding an update from police and prosecutors as republicans call for maximum penalties while democrats have been defending the protest as free speech. some of it was, some of it crossed the line. here is what the white house has to say. >> these are truly condemnable acts ripping down the flag, burning the flag, desecrating
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the flag in any way is abhorrent. unacceptable. we support peaceful protests. we don't support this. i can't speak for law enforcement activities. if laws were broken yes, people who broke those laws ought to be held to the full account of the law. violent protest has no place in this country and shouldn't. >> dana: aishah hosni is live on capitol hill with fallout from all of this. hi. aishah. >> dana, martha, good morning. i've been talking to a lot of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle and there is bipartisan widespread condemnation about the protestors that were at d.c.'s union station this week especially those that were pro-hamas, anti-israel. the ones that were creating violence. but there is a differing of opinion on what should happen to them, what kind of consequences. only 23 people were arrested. people are upset about that after these anti-israel protestors defaced federal property. they assaulted police officers and burned american flags on
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federal property. democrats didn't like what they saw at all but they are trying to defend free speech. >> in this country, we have a democracy where our constitution protects the right of people to burn flags but it bothers me. >> everyone has a right to free speech. not the kind of speech that i would participate in. >> i won't go burn a flag but it is part of the rights, free speech. >> now just a note here you can burn an american flag but not burn someone else's flags. these flags belonged to union station and federal property. republicans want the d.o.j. to pursue maximum penalties here. they say there is a double standard. >> it was terrorist rhetoric. more people should have been arrested. officers assaulted. the double standard that exists. >> if they were doing anything from the right they would be rounded up for three or four years. >> congress is now stepping in.
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house oversight committee is going to have a briefing about this with park police and when gop leader mcconnell was asked if the d.o.j. will do something about this he said don't hold your breath. martha and dana. >> dana: thanks, aishah. >> martha: while the biden/harris white house is embracing these protestors and also -- not embracing the protestors, they have been embracing the hamas supported palestinian authority and republicans are pushing for sanctions against a palestinian program that rewards terrorism against israel. their bill targets palestinian leaders and institutions that provide millions of dollars in financial support known as pay for sleigh to the families of terrorists who are killed or imprisoned. senator tom cotton is the co-sponsor of that bill. good to have you with us today. tell us what you are advocating for here, senator.
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>> the palestinian authority uses its funds to pay people to kill or maim jews or pay their families if they are killed in those attacks. we banned u.s. financial support for the pa for this practice several years ago in a law named after an american veteran who was killed by one of these terrorists. yet the p.a. has continued to do it. we introduced a bill to sanction these officials for engaging in this pay for sleigh practice. palestinian authority officials are not somehow moderate. they don't want to live in peace with israel. they are rivals for authority with hamas inside palestinian-controlled territories. and yet you had kamala harris come out yesterday and put more
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pressure on israel and prime minister netanyahu than she does on the palestinian authority or hamas, who is guilty of committing the atrocities on october 7th that led to this war in the first place. >> dana: let's hear that. vice president harris on the hostage deal yesterday. >> let's get the deal done so we can get a cease-fire to end the war. let's bring the hostages home and let's provide much-needed relief to the palestinian people. and ultimately i remain committed to a path forward that can lead to a two-state solution. >> dana: mixed reviews about her comments and thoughts about that meeting. how did you see it? >> well, those remarks are exactly what you would expect from a san francisco liberal like kamala harris. she cited civilian casualties, starvation, displacement inside of gaza. no doubt those things are all happening and solely because of hamas's brutal tactics that puts
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its own power and its own zeal to kill jews above the well-being of its own people. if joe biden and kamala harris had backed israel from the beginning this war would probably already be over with hamas destroyed and israel secured on its southern flank. but because you see kamala harris blaming america first and blaming israel rather than hamas. it makes hamas bolder to make stiffer demands to state they want to keep getting more and more for israel in turn for promises about returning hostages or conducting a cease-fire. if kamala harris would back israel the way the american people want her to this war would be over faster. it is a glimpse of what you will see in the days ahead. kamala harris needs to be explaining what she would do as president on the war in gaza, ukraine, standing up to china. she has never done that.
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in 2019 during her failed campaign for president it was all about economic and domestic policy. for the last 3 1/2 years she simply parroted joe biden's lines. now she wants the big job on her own. she needs to come out and needs to do press availabilities and interviews and explain exactly what she would do as the commander-in-chief. >> martha: president trump meets with netanyahu at mar-a-lago in florida. what do you hope is accomplished there? do you think netanyahu made progress with the american people in the speech yesterday? >> well, i think the prime minister's speech to congress was a home run. i don't see how anyone could disagree with anything he said. for instance this is not a flash of civilization, a clash between civilization and barbarism. i suspect the president trump and netanyahu will reflect on the great success they had. you saw what happens when america embraces israel tightly. we didn't have war but peace
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agreements between israel and many arab nations and iran pulling in its horns because he stood up to them as opposed to appease them the way joe biden has and kamala would. i think netanyahu appropriately was nonpartisan and thanked president biden for some of the things he has done. i wish he had done them faster. he reflected on the successes of the trump administration. what i know is that america will be safer with president trump back in the white house. we'll be even more at risk with kamala harris as president than we have been in the last 3 1/2 years with joe biden as president. >> dana: so much has happened in the last week. thank you for coming on the show. >> martha: thank you. >> dana: democrats are pushing kamala harris to sell bidenomics as she becomes the party's presumptive nominees. years of that economic plan will lead to tax hikes for everyone
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according to republicans. >> if vice president kamala harris wins in november if she doesn't do anything to stop it . the trump tax cuts expires at the end of next year. without a backup plan in place, taxes are going up for just about everybody, even those making under $4 hundred thousand a year which would break a promise that president biden made and vice president harris dittoed. it is not back to the status quo pre-trump tax case. harris is a 2024 presidential candidate has not unveiled her tax plan but her ideas from the 2020 campaign give us a peek into what it might look like. she wanted to raise the corporate tax rate, a 14% hike from where it is now at 21%. she pledged to tax stocks and bonds trade to fund her medicare for all plan and proposed a
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carbon pollution fee as ato pay for her climate plan. we don't know if any of these make it into the tax plan in the 2024 campaign. she was already on the campaign trail yesterday making it clear corporate tax breaks are off the table. >> donald trump and his extreme allies want to take our nation back to failed trickle-down economic policies. back to union busting. back to tax breaks for billionaires. >> republicans are already attacking harris's record on the economy and white house calling her out for being the tiebreaking vote on the so-called inflation reduction act calling the inflation we're seeing today harris's price hike. >> the four years under donald trump were some of the best year this country has ever had versus the last 3 1/2 years. the problem kamala harris has is her words have no meaning. people are feeling it in their pocket books. she doesn't understand the
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economy. she has never been in the business arena. >> harris as an uphill battle ahead. she may feel a fresh face at the top of the ticket she has been biden's v.p. his wing woman in the white house every step of the way and will have to own this economy and that includes at times historically low approval ratings from voters on their handling of the economy, dana. >> dana: see if she tries to distance from him on that. hillary vaughn, thanks. >> the justice department will not rest until every single cartel leader, member, and associate responsible for poisoning our communities is held accountable. >> martha: you heard that. the feds arrested two of the top leaders of mexico's most violent and powerful drug cartel sinaloa. will it make a difference of what is happening at the border or just make a dent? there is also this. >> with respect to former
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president trump, there is some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear. >> dana: the f.b.i. director raising that. the former president reacting to that testimony and that's next. because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home■s value. if you need cash for your family call newdayusa. with automatic authority from the va we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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>> martha: tomorrow marks two weeks since the assassination attempt on donald trump. what a two weeks in this country. investigators still putting the pieces together why the gunman tried to take the life of the former president and blame game is on. we're covering butler, pennsylvania investigation. >> a federal source tells me the f.b.i. is looking to interview
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former president donald trump, which is standard protocol in any criminal investigation. but the f.b.i. is also reiterating its stance on what took place here in butler, pennsylvania and where it stands in the ongoing investigation. the f.b.i. saying in part quote since the day of the attack, the f.b.i. has been consistent and clear that the shooting was an attempted assassination of former president trump which resulted in his injury as well as the death of a heroic father and the injuries of several other victims. the f.b.i.'s shooting reconstruction team continues to examine evidence from the scene including bullet fragments and the investigation is ongoing. the statement comes after f.b.i. director christopher wray's testimony before lawmakers this week which is being scrutinized by some republican lawmakers. >> with respect to former president trump, there is some question whether or not it's a
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bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear. >> trump appointed wray to lead the f.b.i. seven years ago and responded on truth social blasting wray and writing in part, quote, no, it was unfortunately a bullet that hit my ear and hit it hard. there was no glass, no shrapnel. meanwhile a pennsylvania man said he took a gun training class with thomas crooks just weeks before the rally shooting. >> after we had finished, i noticed looked at his target and he had shot one spot on the target so many times it blew a hole out of the target. >> bill jenkins says he has been interviewed by the f.b.i. meanwhile republican senator josh hawley says he learned from a whistleblower who claims the secret service denied repeat offers from local law enforcement to fly a drone over the rally site back on
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july 13th. >> martha: so many questions still. thank you very much. >> on thursday the justice department took into custody in el paso two more alleged leaders of the sinaloa cartel. one of the most violent and powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world. >> dana: two drug cartel king pins are in u.s. custody. one is the son of el chapo. let's bring in ray donovan, former chief of operations for the dea. we need help understanding something. why would el chapo's son have wanted to participate in this sting operation. something that matt finn said earlier. >> so the first reason is the tremendous pressure on them throughout sinaloa on the cartel from the mexican partners as
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well as u.s. agents that are hunting them down. so the pressure on them would push them to want to cooperate. keep in mind another el chapo son was extradited to chicago earlier last year. so he was already in custody. so it is just one of these things where he would want to get in front of being killed. >> dana: do you think the pilot was in on this somehow? >> that sting operation, let me give you perspective on that. first of all it takes a long period of time. it takes intelligence, coordination and logistics to pull that off. it is not an easy sting operation. tremendous victory for the united states and all the victims of drug trafficking. i do think that everyone would have been involved. the only one that wouldn't have
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been involved was mayo. >> dana: how big of a person is mayo? >> he was the original founding leader of the sinaloa cartel going back to the 80s, this is indicative of tremendous efforts that goes 30 years to bring him to justice. he stood up the cartel and made it the most powerful cartel in the world from cocaine to methamphetamine to heroin and fentanyl. this capture is huge. it is still early to see what the impact will be in mexico but it certainly going to change, no question about it. >> dana: i have here the fentanyl seizures at the southwest border 14,500 pounds year-to-date and that's probably going to surpass last year's record at 26,000. overdose deaths from synthetic opioids, 70,486 in a 12-month period from january to january. so i know that you say it will take a while to make a
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difference but could it make some difference pretty quickly? >> yes, i do think it will make a difference. the questions remain right now, dana, what will happen to sinaloa. will they fall in line with other cartel leaders? mayo was the godfather within that cartel. are there going to be rivals now going to compete for control of the routes into the united states? so that's what we're trying to figure out what the next steps will be for the cartel. fentanyl is their primary means of generating millions and millions of dollars throughout mexico and the united states. i don't see that dropping regardless of who is in charge of the cartel. >> dana: will el mayo and -- they won't be held together. would that be somebody you would put in somebody confinement and not allow him to talk to people to try to make an escape? >> absolutely. he is on par with el chapo. they are partners that stood up the entire sinaloa cartel. powerful person. one of the most powerful crime
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bosses throughout the world. so that's why it goes back to how important this capture is for us. >> dana: how lucky are we to have you on the show today. thank you. you answered almost all of our questions. we'll have you back. thank you. >> take care. >> we called to say michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> oh my goodness. >> martha: big moment. barack and michelle obama endorsed vice president kamala harris for president. would it could mean for her campaign plus a supreme court justice reportedly backing a call to punish justices who break ethics rules. shannon bream is here to explain.
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>> martha: the olympics opening ceremony is just hours away. many can't make it to france. the high speed rail was sabotaged by arsonists today. >> no injuries have been reported. a lot of the athletes are now unable to attend the opening ceremony that will be happening in just ooh few hours' time. despite this massive security presence that we have been seeing, it just shows that some things can still happen. there is roughly 45,000 police, 10,000 soldiers and 2,000 private security staff on hand to keep everyone safe on top of drone and a.i. powered cameras. those are near the event location. these attacks happened outside of those areas throughout france. several fires were reported near the tracks. officials say signal boxes and electricity installations were
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damaged. the atlanta northern and eastern lines heading to paris were impacted. one of the acts was foiled after scaring vandals away in the east. officials are condemning them as criminal actions. more chaos in london. one in four euro star trains under the english channel to paris are canceled today and over the weekend. others diverted which will add an extra hour and a half to their journey. french prime minister said intelligence services have been mobilized to find the perpetrators. acts of the sabotage that were prepared and coordinated. the rail company said it was a coordinated attack. international olympic committee president says he trusts the authorities. >> i don't have concern. we have full confidence in the french authorities, all the measures are being taken and the french authorities are assisted
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by 180 other intelligence services around the world. >> national investigation has been launched and could carry a 15 to 20 year sentence if convicted whoever was behind this and also a 325,000 fine each. martha. >> martha: stephanie, thank you very much. >> dana: after days of silence the obamas are officially endorsing kamala harris for president capturing the moment on video by the campaign. >> we called to say michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> oh my goodness. michelle and barack, this means so much to me. >> dana: shannon bream is here with more. i mean, they aren't on camera but they also using speakerphone and holding the phone to her ear. so weird. she got the endorsement that completes the circle she was
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waiting for. >> the biggest one to get toward the nomination. a lot of people see them as leaders of the democratic party and wildly popular. the lynch pin pulling this together. amazing it happened in a week. we were talking a week ago would president biden be in and a mini primary? support for that within the party. instead you have one former staffer wrote, she wished wouldn't happen, an automatic coronation. everyone needs the testing period of sorting this out. >> martha: the former president, barack obama, maybe wanted to hang back. he waited to endorse clinton and biden. he didn't do those right away either. because of his powerful position the party doesn't want to be seen as orchestrating but all of his people seem to be involved behind the scenes in a lot of what's happening. >> shannon: i do think they probably wanted some distance between president biden leaving the ticket, them automatically endorsing the vice president because there was a lot of pain
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that we heard coming from within the biden family and from president biden that he was sort of hurt that there would be some kind of organized event by the obamas that would take him off the ticket. >> dana: one thing we know these people love to get credit. not the obamas. the people that work for him. we'll read anonymous quotes in the "new york times" this weekend i'm sure. a lot of pressure on the supreme court. president biden in his address the other night says in the next six months i would put pressure on the supreme court and changes and justice kagan is saying this about supreme court ethics rules. i think the rules we put out are good ones and the thing that can be criticized rules have enforcement mechanisms. this set of rules does not. what do you think will happen here? >> she does say she is speaking as one, her own voice and said i think it would be good for the chief justice to push the idea forward, lower court judges could be some measure of
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accountability for them. you know the pressure has been resisted by these justices and signed under a letter all nine of them last year when senator durbin and judiciary committee was pushing them. we won't show up to testify. we have our own code here. to justice kagan, this could be good to clear people. all kinds of accusations primarily against justice thomas and alito but others have had ethical questions and her suggesting in this event if somebody hasn't violated the rules it gives them a public clearing as well. i don't think the majority of the court is probably with her on letting an outside body police them. we'll see if it gets traction. >> martha: there was a suggestion of reforms this is part of from president biden. now that he is out of the picture in so many ways i wonder what harris will say. there was discussion about adding the number of justices. do you think it's something we might see her pushing for in this candidacy? >> shannon: i think democrats feel it is something they can run on.
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not something that would run with the current makeup or a constitutional amendment. it is something that's forward-looking for them on the campaign trail. give us the house and senate and we can make these changes if you think that you are worried about the integrity of the court, elect us and we can campaign on this and give you something. >> dana: the fox poll support for supreme court reforms mandatory retirement age 81%. the thing is that those kinds of questions always poll very high and then you ask the question follow-up question and it drops down to about 50%. >> shannon: very heavy lift to get any of that done. we have one of the v.p. short listers. other side of the ticket now. pete buttigieg will talk about whether he may be joining the ticket and how he would defend vice president harris's record. >> dana: thank you for being here. >> martha: defenders of vice president harris have a whole list of talking points how she was never appointed border czar
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even though we all watched it on video when president biden asked her to take on those duties. fox news has a copy of these new talking points plus this. liberal governor newsom getting the green light from conservative supreme court to crack down on california's homeless crisis. why now after it has gone on for years? steve hilton joins us next. >> the state has infivesed to support communities to clean up these encampments and we have no excuse with the supreme court decision. this executive order is about pushing that paradox further. — t? or this? seems clear to me. if you love to save, check out the wise buys sales event going on right now at america's best — get two pairs of progressives for just $129.95. offer includes a comprehensive eye exam. book an exam online today. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations
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while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. >> dana: circulating on capitol hill a list of talking points. harris was never appointed
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border czar was one of the points. the white house denies knowing anything about this list of talking points. griff jenkins is live from washington and has more. hi, griff. >> good morning. you are right. karine jean-pierre says no idea where the talking points came from and suggested asking the harris campaign about it. as democrats seek to change the narrative it is clear she got the message. watch. >> she was not a border czar. it is not just us. independent fact checkers have said the same thing. it didn't exist and it is not true. >> fox obtained the talking points. at the top v.p. harris was not asked to lead on the border enforcement and potus tasked her to lead root causes, strategies in central america, not border policy. however, dana, not all democrats are on board. six joined house republicans yesterday in condemning harris as a failed border czar. republicans are questioning, too, if her role was limited to determining root causes driving migrants from mexico and central
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america to our southern border, why then didn't she once seek input from the one person most familiar with those push factors? a fact fox has confirmed. >> she has never spoken with current border patrol chief or his predecessor, chief ortiz. this be lies absolute dereliction of her responsibility to secure the border. >> in a review of cbp data shows illegal crossings from harris's root causes countries is up 140% over the trump years, 34% all over eight of the obama years. >> much more to come, thank you. >> martha: gavin newsom ordering state agencies to remove homeless encampments following the supreme court's rulings that allows cities to enforce bans sleeping outside in public spaces. newsom says there is no time to waste. >> i announced an executive
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order to move the process forward. it is time to remove and the local level of cleanup these sites. the focus on public safety and health. there is no longer any excuses. >> martha: steve hilton. steve, i am reminded when there was a big international meeting in california. they cleaned up the streets for that. now he says oh boy, i've been waiting to do this for so long. now the supreme court has given me the green light. your thoughts. >> it is absolutely shameless gas lighting, martha. no excuses? what has been going on for decades now. this problem has gotten bigger. a couple of things everyone needs to understand. first of all this supreme court ruling, while it is clearly helpful, it is not the reason they can now do it when they couldn't do it before. the previous operational ruling that was allegedly stopping them from doing it simply said you can't move people off the street unless there is shelter
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available. the problem was there was no shelter available because of other policies like the massive regulatory barriers to building housing and doing low cost shelter they won't deal with because of the corruption in these cities and counties across california. they could have done it years ago. the evidence of that, the state transit agency have cleared 11,000 encampments they cleared since 2021. if they could do it, why couldn't the governor? if you look at what is happening now. it isn't even action. telling state agencies to develop plans to do. urging cities to develop plans to do this. nothing is actually going to happen. the real problem coming back to the starting point is that the absolutely ridiculous regulations that make housing so expensive, the corruption that you have unions in california blocking new housing in order to extract higher wages and deals
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for their members. all of that stuff is not changed. the law called housing first in california, which makes it state law that any agency dealing with homelessness, it's illegal to require sobriety. illegal to have programs that get people off drugs and alcohol addiction. none of that is changing. so the fundamental reasons for this homelessness crisis are still there and they are driven by democrat policy which is not being changed at all. >> martha: what's the impact of kamala harris's california experience on her run for president do you think, steve? >> well, the point is that that experience needs to be front and center in the argument about why a kamala harris presidency would be a disaster for america. the same agenda that has turned california into the worst-run state in america with the highest unemployment. worst homelessness, high taxes and the rest of it. specifically when she was
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attorney general of california, kamala harris pushed through proposition 47 that legalized theft up to $950 every day. >> martha: that rule is so crazy. you can steal up to $900 worth of stuff. it is a mind blowing idea. steve, thank you very much. so much to chew on here with the new developments. thank you, steve. great to see you. >> dana: fox news alert for you. bibi netanyahu, the prime minister of israel, has just arrived in florida. that's his plane there. he is going to meet with former president donald trump. i'm sure we'll see more about that before he will actually stay in the united states for a day because he can't get home in time for shabbat. that will happen here tonight in the united states. all right. get this. it's a whale of a tale. a fisherman says he is lucky to be alive after a whale tipped over his boat. that man and the teenager who caught it on camera and headrest
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cue him join us next.
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>> harris: president trump is set to meet today with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we can tell you moments ago the plane carrying netanyahu has landed. he will be headed to trump's personal home at mar-a-lago in west palm beach, florida after netanyahu spoke to congress and sparked some hateful and destructive protesting and rioting in the streets outside of that and union station. what that meeting could entail with trump today. plus democrats and the media attempting to rewrite history of the vice president's role in charge of the border. we obtained talking points for democrats how to reframe her. you mean lie, change history? republicans say she was the border czar and she failed. congresswoman nancy mace in person with me today, retired marine bomb tech joey jones,
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former f.b.i. special agent nichole parker. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> oh my god. >> dana: i watched this video and can't get enough of it. a whale flipping the boat off the coast of new hampshire tossing two people into the water. the video has gone everyone. colin was on the nearby boat when he recorded the video. this man was in the boat and then in the water. a huge get for us, the best interview of the week. you went out at 5:00 a.m. and three miles off shore and seen that particular whale if recent days? >> yeah. so we've been fishing around the harbor there for the past three days. fishing has been incredible. heavy bait schools.
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i've taken pictures of the whale breaching days before and i had a dinner with my family and my family was asking me showing them photos of the whale aren't you scared of the whale knocking your boat in the water? and i kind of said oh, well, i've done a lot of research and the possibility of that happening is like lightning strikes. lightning strikes that day. >> martha: that's remarkable. that almost makes it feel like this whale and you had a little relationship. eye contact. maybe going back there. the whale was more than likely as i understand it just feeding. they just sort of open their mouths and go up to the service and try to catch as much as they can. colin, what was it like watching this and did you see the initial breach before the whale came down on the boat? >> yeah. it was just completely insane. i was just looking in the right direction luckily and i saw the whole thing happen and i had my camera out already to record
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whatever i saw because i wanted to record stuff. it just -- i saw it start to go up and pressed the record button and the rest is on video. >> dana: when you end up in the water, what went through your mind? >> yeah, so i was in fight or flight mode trying to get off the boat as soon as possible because it was under once i heard the whale crunch the engine. i jumped sideways horizontally to get away from everything. when i hit the water i was a temperature shock. it's 55 degrees. so it was really hard for me to catch my breath. i couldn't locate my friend greg. he was actually underneath the boat at the time. it felt like hours but it was about maybe five seconds on finally found him. once we reunited i felt a little more calm. luckily colin and wyatt rushed over to us. they could have been like
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30-foot whale let's get out of here. they didn't. they came right to us and got us on the boat. thanks so much, colin, you and your brother helped out and taking a video. there would be no story without that. >> dana: it would be a whale of a story. >> martha: heck of a fishtail. did you have any hesitation heading in that direction to rescue them? >> not really. i've seen a lot of whales before and as he said earlier the chances of a whale doing that once is insane. i can't imagine doing it twice in a row. it didn't even cross my mind honestly that it would happen to us. luckily it didn't. all the other boats around us did the same thing. people in the water, we need to help them immediately. >> dana: what did your parents say? >> they were kind of just like oh my gosh. that is insane. they didn't really seem to be
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concerned about, you know, it happening again to us. >> dana: just think what you could write for your college essay. >> i know. >> martha: you guys are great. i hope you enjoy the rest of the summer out there on the water. >> dana: what does your insurance agent say? >> yeah, i haven't actually contacted them yet because i don't know if it's an act or god or what it is. but the boat was not mine. it was my buddy's father-in-law's. >> martha: oh oh. >> dana: you will have story for days and great you are all okay. good luck to you if high school this year, colin. >> martha: thank you, guys. >> dana: wonderful story, what a week. great to be with you. >> martha: maybe we'll get through the weekend. >> dana: "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we come in with


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