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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 26, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do.
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♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i am emily compagno with my cohost harris faulkner. joining us today, fox news contributor and author of the newly released book "fear itself" tammy bruce. fox news contributor and host of "tomi lahren is fearless," tomi lahren. former utah congressman jason chaffetz. tomorrow marks 2 week since the assassination attempt against donald trump. we all watched in horror when the former president was almost killed on a campaign rally in butler, pennsylvania. >> take a look at what happened. [gunfire]
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>> in this photo, you can see the bullet whizzing by the president circled on your sc screen. a turn of his head saved his life. we all saw the images of trump of bloodied in the a moment after he escaped death, fist raised in the air shouting "fight." fbi director christopher wray is telling us not to believe our eyes testifying, he claims it might not have been a bullet after all. >> former president trump, there is some question about whether or not it is a bullet or shrapnel that hid his ear. >> former president donald trump was not happy with that remark. posting on true social, "the fbi never checked. it was unfortunately a bullet that hit my ear and hit it hard. there was no glass. there was no shrapnel.
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the hospital called it a bullet wound to the ear. no wonder of the storied fbi has lost the confidence of america. i also want to read the fbi releasing a statement today about raised testimony. "since the day of the attack, the fbi has been consistent and clear that the shooting was an attempted assassination of former president trump that resulted in his injury. fbi director wray provided testimony about the fbi's investigation. this was a heinous attack. the fbi is devoting enormous resources to learn everything possible about the shooter and what led to his attack, what led to his act of violence. >> i can't believe the fbi. look at it. the president is turning. his right year is the one that is shots. there's not a teleprompter behind the president. the teleprompter is in front of the president.
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he is bleeding out of his a year. you can see him down on the ground making sure he doesn't get shot again. it is unbelievable that they would come up with that scenario. why doesn't the fbi director just say the president was shot. while -- how did that shooter get on the roof? those are the types of questions americans want to know. instead, they are playing these little games trying to distract from the fact that the secret service failed to do its job. >> that is the point that the questions being asked, is not about these details. it's about how did this happen, and how can we prevent it from happening beginning now? >> that comment encourages a conspiracy theory becomes the conversation. resulted in injury." he tripped. remember, the original headlines were "trump falls." this denial.
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even in the aftermath, reinforcing, we are not sure what happened to donald trump. there's photographic evidence, some of which will win probably pulitzer prizes of the bullet. he was turned. he got murdered and killed at the far the far end of the bleacher between the shooter and president trump. the other 2 who were injured on the other side of president trump. as the bullets were going back and forth. there is no shrapnel. it is in the space of the bullets moving from the top of the roof to the end of the bleachers with all of those people injured. there is confirmation that the time. the teleprompters were not broken. there was no reason for the fbi director to cast doubt on what happened when they can't even provide us the reasons why it happened, how it happened, and how they failed. i worry about the las vegas
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shooting. to this day, the mass shooting from the hotel window, we have never been given information about how it happened and why it happened. we can't let that happen right now. >> fleshing out the casting of the doubt. let's show what "newsweek" tweeted out just moments after the congressional testimony by wray. "donald trump might not have been shot after all." what is their stake in trying to downplay an assassination attempt on the former and likey future president? what state do they have in that? why would they try to diminish what happened? why would they try to distract from what happened? i understand if the fbi is testifying in director wray says whenever he wants to say about the investigation and he says there's more investigation that needs to happen. okay. for the media to run with it gleefully to almost explain,
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this assassination attempts that may have helped donald trump's campaign, it might not have been as bad as you all thought it was. what is their stake in that besides trying to downplay an assassination attempt -- which is also dangerous. political violence condemning which is great. i appreciate it. you had several democrats talk about the attempts on speaker pelosi and her husband taking a hammer to the head and how that was awful and how they were right wing conspiracy theorists and tried to deny it. they turn around when they get this tiny tidbit of information that perhaps they could delegitimize an assassination attempt. they are so excited to amplify that. i don't know what it does for them but that's where the asking that as well. >> i'm really concerned about how politicized the fbi has become. it's a fair question given where we are in the scenario. donald trump has been saying i took a bullet for democracy. that is hard for the left to
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push back on. it might need everybody to help his back on that. i just received this dated today. we know we have been getting updates from ronny jackson. former position to the pres president. he was very close to trump in the white house. he said i have reviewed president trump's medical records -- this is a letter that i'm sure other journalists are getting it now where he was initially evaluated and treated for a gunshot wound to the right year." having served as an emergency medical position in the u.s. navy including a combat position, i have treated many gunshot wounds in my career. based on my direct observations of the injury, my relevant clinical background and significant experience evaluating and treating patients with similar wounds, i completely concur with the initial assessment and treatment provided by doctors and nurses at butler memorial hospital on the day of the shooting. it goes on to say there is absolutely no evidence that it was anything other than a bu
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bullet. congress should correct the record as confirmed by the hospital and myself. "i fully understand the global significance of this attempt." on the life of former president than the current republican nominee. i want to reassure the american people and the rest of the world that president trump is doing extremely well." dr. ronny jackson. >> i really appreciated the question you are asking. the most unified i have ever seen the house was actually one former director kimberly cheatle list testifying. everyone condemned that this shouldn't happen. why is that media coming coming in stage left and trying to stoke action? >> it's hard to push back. i would suggest the democrats should have an interest. when you try to gaslight away from the problem, you can't solve the problem. i worry about everyone in the
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field. kamala harris killing weber her vice president joyce is going to be if she becomes the nominee, every media person and everyone in politics and in a local race, until this puts everyone at risk if you are going to ignore it, it means you can't fix it. >> the director of the fbi has to be smarter than taking the bait. there was no evidence to the contrary. instead of addressing the number one issue -- which is found in mn with the united states? what happened with the drone? why wasn't there a drone? how come there wasn't local able to say, see something, say something. the motto of the homeland security. none of that happened. why didn't he address that as hard as he did this? >> i am glad you were here but i wish you were still in congress. former president obama has finally endorsed kamala. why now and why the weight? stay witson'h us.
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>> former president barack obama has finally come around to kamala harris. some of the critics are saying he was waiting. we don't know. maybe this is a wider strategy. he has endorsed her many times before. he is endorsing her to be the democratic nominee this time. >> we called to say that michelle and i could not be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election into the oval office. >> in the letter of endorsement that was released to the media, it was mentioned that she has been kind of busy recently. she wouldn't take a call from barack obama. there were cameras rolling and he was on speaker. many are saying that it all was
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intentional. after reports circulated that obama played a role in the coup that pushed out president biden come a lot of questions are flying now. jason chaffetz. >> what a profile encourage barack obama is. i'm going to encourage the only candidate in the race after pushing joe biden after the race. there's no way anybody believing barack obama didn't play a key role in telling and forcing the president of the united states out of the race. they're suddenly only one person out there and he takes his sweet old time to do that. it probably doesn't matter. i think -- i am amy republican there are 15 plus million people that voted for joe biden. he had 92% of the vote. somehow that wasn't good enough for the party elites. nevertheless, it is kamala harris at this point.
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no discussion. game over. he is the last one essentially to endorse. >> i think we saw the impact of barack obama. but clearly he a popular figure. as the incumbent president could not drag hilary a cross that line. she was such a horrible candidate. he and michelle campaigned for her personally, and it did not work. it is because americans regardless of where they live in the color of their skin, they recognize that things were not working for them. i think this is still about enthusiasm. just a few days ago that you have got the democrats are struggling to even find volunteers to do phone banking and to knock on doors in swing states, because there's no enthusiasm. i think this is an effort to try to get people out again. they are winging it at this point. >> you and i talked off camera
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1% difference. that is a national poll. speech and leads one over kamala harris at this point. we need the polling numbers. particularly the swing states. that is going to be important. can we go back to the video of her on the phone and it is got that graphic -- part of it is cursive. who puts the phone on speaker and pretends to be talking on the phone? that is a toddler move. mommy, how does the phone work? >> the coronation is complete that the cheesiness is just beginning. there's going to be 100 days of this. although i understand some of the polling within the margin of error. my message to the trump campaign and republicans and conservatives th those investedn the maga movement. now you've got the enthusiasm.
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there is undoubtably more enthusiasm for kamala harris and there was for joe biden. they are "unburdened by what they have been." they are unburdened by having to cover for an elderly old man who was well-meaning with a poor memory. now they've got about a hundred days of a honeymoon. period that might very well last 50-60 days where people are going to be excited that they have kamala harris. they are not going to dig into her record or be bothered by her record. they will be so excited for the next 50 days. we've only got about a hundred until a general election and fewer to early voting. don't get comfortable. i think we are going to talk about this later. the attacks on her personally on whatever her past personally may have been or calling her a childless lady, none of those are going to work. they are going to make women second-guess their support for what they may have felt for donald trump. bad move. >> there are a lot of strong
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points and that the republicans. given how much you love donald trump and do or don't like his vp pick, some of that was for j.d. vance. >> it just doesn't work on republican women or liberal women. there are much better ways to attack kamala. >> 102 days to be precise. he was counting? september 6, a swing state. a state that could be in play this time. many states have in person early voting. if you don't want to vote by mail, check and see what your state is doing. you could go in person early in bank your vote. coming up, is there a plot by the left to guess line americans about kamala harris' record? they took down a page that said she was the most liberal democrat in the senate in 2019. we have some other receipts next.
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>> we knew when he landed last hour. let's take a look at this. >> -- [indistinct] >> great, thank you. >> and of course, that is one of the entrance is at mar-a-lago. the former president welcomes the israeli prime minister into his home. you saw a warm embrace there. and then a group picture with
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the prime minister and his wife. although this following yesterday when the israeli leader met with vice president kamala harris separate from meeting with her boss, joe biden. kamala harris reportedly urged netanyahu to bring home the hostages. she wrapped up how important it was for gaza and palestinians to happen. that was her focus. the left is being accused of gaslighting in an effort to boost their newly-crowned presidential candidate kamala harris. while those two men meet, you have the left persisting with its own set of challenges within their party. let's get to that. in 2021, president biden put kamala harris in charge of the border crisis. people said it. >> i have asked the vp today -- the most qualified person to do it to lead our efforts with mexico and the northern triangle. >> this will be the first visit
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of the u.s.-mexico border region since he was appointed the border czar. >> she is the point person on immigration. >> kamala harris who is appointed as the border czar hasn't gone there at all. >> she was the border czar. >> okay, she was the borde border czar. biden never said it. he put her in charge. if you look up the word. she is running for president now in the left is telling everybody, she was never the border czar. >> now she is up against folks lying against her border record calling her a border czar. >> she was never appointed border czar. she was put in charge of diplomatic efforts. >> harris was put in charge of combating the roots of immigration. she was not and is not the border czar. >> she assumed the role that
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vice president biden had during the obama administration which is diplomacy with central america. she is not the border czar to the extent that there is anybody who has a border czar, it is the secretary of homeland security. >> we are going to debunk the false characterization of the vice president. she was not a border czar. it is not just us, independent fact-checkers and said the same thing. >> when these people were in interviews with various anchors and told them or asked about the border czar, i'm talking about legacy liberal media. why didn't they push back and say kamala is not the border czar then? because she was. she was in charge of it. they have whiplash now. we have receipts. when will we see the campaign rewrite kamala harris' record? it is happening. she has a history of far left ideas. >> there is no question that i
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am in favor of banning fracking. >> reduce red meat specifically. >> yes, i will. >> putting more police on the street, you will have more safety. that is just wrong. >> everyone gets access to medical care. you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company. let's eliminate all of that and move on. >> some of us previously had all this on their phone. it just happened. government transparency site once named harris the most liberal senator. that rating has since been taken down from their website. the company or the organization says that they did that because they only have current session up. , i could take that picture two weeks ago when it was done in 2019? it was her voting record. >> they are trying to wipe the slate clean. we are arguing over whether she was the border czar or not. she clearly was. she was also the vice president
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of the united states. you can't have it both ways. she doesn't claim any other responsibility. who, me? it is one of the top issues out there. the economy, that wasn't me. i was just the vice president of the united states. what were you doing for the last 3.5 years if you weren't working on the most pressing issues? you can't have it both ways. >> a hair flip and a giggle. >> i think as the oxygen is being sucked out by the media saying it was republicans that put her in that position, the reality is that she failed. she also campaigned on her prowess for it. she campaigned heavily on fixing the immigration crisis which apparently disappeared as soon as she assumed office. the second thing that i clean from all this is a reminder that she herself represents whiplash ideologically. she has never stuck to her guns.
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our prosecutorial background, she can't figure out what side she is on. at the end of the day because she will succumb to who she thinks she is answering to or wants to identify with. she will buy back. at the end of the day, but we would get an office is an invertebrate fish that goes with the whim of the stream. that is more frightening than someone who is more ideologically convicted in my opinion. you don't know which way she is blowing next. >> i think the strategy for the harris and democratic party at large is going to be is everything bad that happened during the biden-harris administration is biden's fault. he will be the scapegoat for everything that doesn't look good. kamala harris will represent something that is a new fresh face. one of the big problem is the biden campaign had is that you are putting up his record against donald trump's record. they are attempting to erase
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that now with vice president kamala harris as their nominee. you have kamala harris who was an unknown or a tough prosecutor. erase everything she has done over the last 3.5 years. she is a fresh face with a clean slate. that is going to be the play. it could work on people who haven't been paying attention. >> for those of us who snapshot of the screenshots. >> for those who say kamala, they are trying to switch out. she is exactly the same. i argue that she is like new coke. she is not just the same product in a new package. it is a completely different product, and it is worse. this is better. it is greater than old coke. it is new coke. some of you might be too young to remember the debacle. it was horrible. they change the recipe. it was different and awful. it didn't last very long. we have seen examples of state media.
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she is saying that she has nothing to do with the border and affirming that they it is a disaster. and they don't want it near her. that is the worst thing of all. >> look for them to go next. you saw former homeland jay johnson there. it is interesting. how the trump team is honoring the democratic process by not scheduling a debate with kamala harris, next.
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i think the voters deserve to see a split screen that exists in this race on a debate stage. and so, i'm ready, let's go. >> that was kamala harris trying to get trump to commit to a debate. while america's bracing for a match up, the trump campaign is skeptical she will be there p pick. donald trump has said she has no problem debating kamala harris. >> if kamala harris does end up being the democratic nominee, will you commit to debating her at least one time? >> oh, yes, absolutely. i think it is important. i have at least equal say. i would be willing to do more than one debate, actually. >> his team will not schedule one until the democrats officially nominate the candidate. "given the continued political chaos surrounding crooked
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joe biden, general, general election debate details cannot be finalized until democrats formally decide on their nom nominee. therefore, it would be inappropriate to schedule things with harris. democrats very well could stay l change their minds. >> the trump campaign has already been put at a disadvantage because the democrats staged a coup on their own candidate. they had to spend million dollars and be the nominee who they went through the entire primary goino be their nominee with the delegates to cleanse that nomination. they wasted that time and money and are expected to debate kamala harris on her terms with liberal and mainstream media. i don't think so. the trump campaign has every right to step back and say we are going to let this play out. just a week ago, it was j.d. vance saying i'm not going to commit to a debate with
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kamala harris because they don't know who their nominee will be. i have a new nominee. because of the changing out what the democrats have done to their own ticket, i think donald trump and his campaign have every right to say no, i wanted to be on fox news. you have already put it on a disadvantage. you are going to play on my t turf. >> it reminds me of the pause that the trump campaign took as the coup was occurring in real time. we are going to let them figure it out. we are not going to take any iota of that attention away from the disaster as it unfolds. respecting the democratic process, something the democratic party does not. >> that was a very smooth decision of trump's. that is the appropriate thing. when your opponent is losing themselves and effectively, he beat biden up at debate. debtors -- we need a do-over it. that is what we're doing right
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now. harris even in her meeting with netanyahu and the speech is saying things that she cannot do about support for israel and what she guarantees. she is not the president. she is not even the nominee yet. everything they are doing is to try to legitimize her including getting a commitment to a debate. this could be why obama endorsed her and move forward. she moved so quickly to gather up the symbols of power. >> that is a really good point. it has been a coronation. but we are going to find out and falling out of the process of putting the queen and the temporary seat that potentially becomes president, we will see if the seat fits. they are going to start voting on september 6. what i do find fascinating is what tomi said about when j.d. vance was not quite on the ticket and so-and-so wanted to,
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you know. i called them so-and-sos. we have never really known it was going to be on the ticket on the left. we didn't really know who would be. when it was good enough for that argument, why isn't good enough this time? why would a former sitting president who could be the next president want to sit with the woman who might not even be on the democratic ticket? i agree, obama jumped in many did. it's about money. now they can really start to fund raise with the obama's behind them. the other is the timing of it all. she really is the nominee. i'm going to do everything. michelle and i will do everything we can to get her elected. >> donald trump is the best person that negotiating whether it is on the world terms or dealing with world leaders. also in this presidential race. you got to agree on a lot of things. you've got to agree on the menu and when you are going to do it. are they going to sit or stand or do all these other things?
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the reality is donald trump kicked joe biden's rear. so much so that not only did he win the debate, he defeated the candidate in he had to drop out of the race. let's take them out there where it. it was the fact that he lost on every single policy issue. donald trump is right on this. now let's see if kamala actually becomes the nominee. >> onto this, the video donald trump on the golf course that is racked up more than 7 million views. >> beautiful. right at the flag. that is awesome. great shot.
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♪ ♪ >> it seems people just can't get enough of former president trump on the golf course. he went viral for this candid encore's reaction following the debate. he predicted that president biden would drop out. watch. >> that old broken down pile.
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he's quitting the race that means we have kamala. i think she is going to be better. she is so bad. she is so pathetic. she is so [bleep] bad. >> earlier this year, trump was spotted on the chorus with his 4-year-old granddaughter. he has been blowing up the internet. 7.6 million views in 2 days. they played for charity. it ended with a former president sinking the final putt. >> get in there. let's go. that's how we do it. that is you finish off the round. 22 under. oh, my gosh. >> nailed it.
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>> i have had the pleasure of gulping with the president. he is an exceptional golfer. he hits every fairway. there was one time it was 12 feet out. he looked at me, like don't be offensive. i've got this. he throws another ball even further away. no warm up and drains it. that guy does know how to golf. >> of the day after there was an assassination attempt on his life, he golfed. that went viral. everyone said, gets shot, gets up and goes gulping. >> having been with him before he was shot in butler, pennsylvania, by the would-be assassin, it is his happy place. mar-a-lago is set up for a pure happiness, joy, and peace peacefulness. so much golf in his consolation. i get why he would do that the day after if he had the physical strength to do it. i don't know what his game was like that day.
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>> then media will have you think he was never leading anything and was always on the golf course. they talk about that he cheats on the golf course. they have done entire exposes. we have heard it firsthand. he is phenomenal and americans love it. >> we have video. talk about receipts. this is quintessentially trump. he is competitive, but he's got a mind. golf provides that kind of space. you are competing with yourself. it is really the perfect combination of you or somebody with that kind of injury. he does do well. he gives him the space. they don't want him to be able to relax. he is able to do all of that. >> i love to golf, tomi. i massively respect his restraint. any time i think anything, i am hooting and hollering. >> we need to see more of that
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donald trump. i think that humanizes him when we see him in these moments and we see him interacting on a golf course. we love to see all sides of a candidate. seeing that human side of him with his grandkids. seeing him with his granddaughter who did a phenomenal job with the speech at rnc. that will help to humanize him and only help his campaign and only help people understand who he is even more. we need more moments like this especially more moments in social media. find the young people where they are. kamala harris will do well with generation z. we need more of it. >> for charity. >> great point that it is the transparency, the dissemination required. there is no shortage of him golfing and doing good things. let's get it out there. >> this is his happy place. we were out there for a few hours. he is telling and clears his mind.
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he won. he is the best golfer out there. >> he paired with the president. i paired with a golf pro. we still lost. >> we will hold down the fort. how a soda got in the middle of the battle for the white house. more "outnumbered" in just a moment.
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>> breaking news coverage continues as it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu's with former president donald trump at his estate in mar-a-lago. we now have brand-new video and we can listen and let's watch and listen. >> closer to a third world war right now than at any time since the second world war. we have never been so close
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because we have incompetent people running our country. thank you very much come everybody. >> thank you, press. thank you, press. >> we may have clipped the very top of that if we can redirect that video we will listen to the first couple of seconds, give you a chance to do that. it is important to hear all of the former president's question and of course we hadn't seen it done maxine so we didn't know he was artie talking off the top. talking about a third world war and where we are in the spot and i don't put kamala harris' name in the batch anywhere for solving this level of problem. what do you say about that? >> not only do we have the problems of the middle east but the russian and chinese sending warplanes headed towards u.s. territories. they were headed off, we have to repel them, but the idea they were doing this together, we have not seen that. that is a signal from both china and russia that hey, u.s., we know you are weak right now. >> talk to me about the timing
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of that. >> it scares me. i think it should scare us because the vulnerability over the next 5.5 months everybody has seen joe biden how feeble he is. and we have heard a lot of public linens including j.d. vance say how can you have to drop out of a presidential race yet continue to govern? that begs a whole lot of questions. the timing is not coincidental. the chinese and the russians don't come into u.s. airspace like that work towards airspace, they did not get there, but towards u.s. airspace, they don't do that by accident. they do it on purpose. >> i want to further out what you just said because the assumption would be if you kick out biden it's kamala harris, no, we were republicans at least this is what i hear them saying, neither one of them can do the job anymore. he can't because he couldn't run an robert hur told us he is a elderly man with a poor memory but kamala harris this is outside her gate of influence potentially but we have been asking who is running the white house, tommy? >> who is running the
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white house and what indication do we have that vice president kamala harris is ready to lead or is working herself up to luke be ready to lead to. i have not seen that from her yet. obviously it's very early but i think when people see these moments of donald trump meeting with world leaders again, another good thing we need to see from him because americans whether they like, l kamala hars or not. >> we saw someone who said something in a meeting with netanyahu and then something different to the public. and netanyahu said that's not what kamala harris said to me in the meeting about where our relations are with israel and the war against hamas. >> finally we have someone calling her out for what we have been noting quite some time which is an inability to be ideologically consistent. nor to show support or demonstrate support for our oldest ally. remember she has a big problem with hubris and indicators, sneakers on vogue not meeting with a first spouse so here we need someone to invest in that
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position in respect to. >> iran, kamala harris, they don't realize this and we had our secretary of state saying guess what, we have a bomb coming. >> quickly, tammy bruce best selling author already has come out with "fear itself." >> this conversation perfect example some things are worth being afraid of it is supposed to be transitory so we can address it. this is about the left a posthumous weaponization of fear making it chronic, leading to mass anxiety specifically to quell populations so that it is too dangerous to participate in politics come too dangerous to talk about culture, my argument is it is not natural, it is not organic, it can be defeated. i tell you how. and obviously the timing is pretty good and i'm very proud of it. >> thank you for watching us here. "america reports" now. >> ant


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