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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 26, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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(♪) when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. (♪) >> gillian: welcome back a live look of the protest outside of mar-a-lago where trump is meeting with prime minister bennett yahoo negotiating a cease-fire deal where none yahoo is not thrilled with vice president harris after their one-on-one meeting yesterday. he did address that a moment a
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ago. can you say how harris' remarks yesterday impacted negotiation on a cease-fire deal? >> we are trying to get one. and i think the extent that hamas understands it between israel and the united states that expedites the deal. in the comments. >> gillian: welcome to washington, d.c., i am gillian turner. >> great to be with you. i'm bret baier this is "america reports" john and tend to have the day off. we will keep an eye on mar-a-lago for any news out of that meeting. now 102 days away from election day 2024, hard to believe. the trump campaign trying to spotlight vice president harrah looked dominick harris as a liberal who pushed the button administration to the left. to harris campaign is trying to set its own narrative.
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>> freedom ♪ ♪ freedom >> you are ultraliberal we don't want you here or anywhere. kamala you are fired get out of here you are fired. ♪ ♪ >> bret: we have complete fox team coverage karl rove and hillary vaughn and moments but first william la jeunesse live in los angeles good afternoon, william. >> good afternoon, brett. one issue she is facing his immigration and while many are quibbling about a job title of border czar there is little debate about the assignment she wat from or
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through central america and mexico and that did not happen. >> the overall issue which is root causes and then deal with what is happening at the border. >> that was vice president kamala harris' assessment after a four hour visit to the border six months after taking office. >> these issues must be addressed in a way that is
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informed by fact and reality. >> i gave you a tough job. >> president biden passed harris to secure the border by improving democracy, combating corruption and violence in mexico and central america. >> must address the root causes that cause people to make the track. >> that's oco root cause strategy failed with growing autocracy is el salvador, guatemala, and hunter as. as well as mexico ranked the world's most dangerous country by the international conflict index. >> if you come to our border you will be turned back. >> since that visit more than 4 million migrants entered the u.s. through mexico most were never sent back. >> we have a secure border. >> that is a claim disputed by all three border patrol chiefs who served under harris. they say she never reached out for a briefing. even after this. the stampede of migrants in texas or this.
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the uprising of haitian migrants where? without evidence harris likens the agent actions to whipping slaves. >> that has been used against african americans and the indigenous people of our country in times of slavery. >> if you accept her root cause mission and use the government 'his own metrics on food and rights, press freedom, rule of law many can and do argue, brett those countries today are no better off than when she got the job and living here illegally no one supports that. >> bret: thank you. jillian? >> thank you, brett. warning vice president harris could hike taxes on businesses, some americans if she wins the white house this by allowing the trump era tax cuts to expire. let's bring fox business' hillary vaughn. hillary, what do we know about
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harris' tax plans? >> not much for her run in 2024 as a presidential candidate but we have insight into what it might look like for her first run as president in 2020. we also know what she has promised to do as vice president as part of biden's administration spirit one of those things they promise to do is to let the tax cut in jet jobs act expire and if they don't have a backup plan in place that means texas could go up for a lot of people even those making under 400,000 a year. what could be in store under harris administration is not just back to the status quo pretrump tax cut. if harris gets her wish, taxes would go way, way up. harris is a 2024 presidential candidate has not unveiled her tax plan but her ideas from her 2020 campaign give us a look at what that could look like. and the twin 20 race harris wanted to raise the corporate tax rate up to 35% of the 14% jump where it is now at 21%. back then harris pledged to tax
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stock trades, bond trays and transactions to fund her medicare for all plan. she also proposed a carbon pollution tax to pay for her massive $10 trillion climate plan. we don't know if any of these proposals in the 202014 tax plan but she was on the campaign trail making it clear corporate tax breaks are off the table. >> donald trump and his extreme allies want to take our nation back to failed trickle-down economic policies. [boos] back to unionbusting. [boos] back to tax breaks for billionaires. [boos] >> republicans meanwhile are already attacking harris' record on the economy calling her for being the tie-breaking vote on the inflation reduction act calling inflation we are seeing today "harris' price hike" saying she needs to fill in the blanks or policies will actually be as president. >> she was an integral part of the biden administration and she is going to be held accountable
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for all of the bad acts of the biden administration. the border, inflation, woke military come all of these things she is part of no ifs aunt or buts about it. >> gillian: the last 3.5 years she parroted's joe biden's lines. she needs to come out doing press availabilities and interviews and explaining that they what she would do as the commander and chief. >> harris may feel like a fresh face at the top of the taken but republicans will make sure she owns everything that has happened under president biden. that includes historically low approval ratings on the economy. jillian? viggo hillary vaughn cabot hill, thank you. brett? >> bret: let's brand karl rove fox news contributor former deputy chief of staff, carl good afternoon. i know you rode about enthusiasm on the democratic side, they are fired up. they have removed some of the baggage of president biden when it comes to age and mental competency, and there is a challenge for republicans. this is
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"the wall street journal" editorial board. kamala harris confounds and republicans, democrats are newly energized as they rally behind kamala harris for president which is no surprise after weeks of despond over president biden. yet republican seemed suddenly and oddly on the back foot as they did not think this could happen. how do you see it? >> i think it is right. i wrote about it in my own column as you alluded to. she has a lot of vulnerabilities, let's not kid ourselves. she also has a momentary strength which may be durable. she has energized black, brown, young voters, democrats are alive again, she will be far more articulate van joe biden was in making the case for a continuation of the biden/harris policy. she will attack on the abortion issue far more effectively than joe biden ever was and republicans had better get their act together. we have seen the momentum close the gap suspect by labor day if she has a good roll out on the vp she has a good democratic national convention. if she hits the road hard right afterwards and spend the last
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day of august campaigning, i would not be surprised to see her ahead in the polls and on labor day. the only way to reverse that is to stay focused on the policies she has advocated and the policies as vice president she has helped implement that have given us high inflation, a gigantic mess of the border, lack of respect around the world, anti-energy policies, and increasingly government interfering in the lives of american families, american communities, and american businesses. >> bret: as we get closer to elections i like to listen to the grizzled veterans of political races gone by. you are one of them. another on the left is james colonel. he is issuing his own warning to democrats. >> this is everybody 'has -- everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else, but we haven't done anything. this kind of giddy elation is
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not going to be very helpful much longer because it is not what we are going to be faced with. and i think the vice president put it in athletic terms needs a good cut man in a corner. she is getting ready to get cut. >> bret: talking to alex castellanos earlier there is this image and voice of kamala harris as a political candidate on all of these left ideological issues that lives on social media out there. how is she going to deal with that and reconfigure herself prior to chicago and the convention there? >> two things. first of all i did not take offense at being called a grizzled political veteran because there are a lot of grizzled journalists as well but she needs a image forward looking. she also has to have a more effective attack on donald trump then joe biden has been able to mount and it has to be focused, it has to be deliberate, it has to be laid out. trying to do two things at once is harder than you may expect.
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reintroducing herself and painting a version of the future in the same time she is mounting essentially from ground zero and an attack on donald trump is going to be a challenge for her. look, she is not a great candidate. we know that from 2020. she was a flash in the pan. she did well in a couple of debates but she was not an effective candidate. she is not good on the stump she has that cackled that is off-putting and she is very, very, very left wing. she was left of bernie sanders on the question of medicare for all. there is a lot of material they are the republicans can take advantage of, but they have to be disciplined. no talking about how this is a coup because biden withdrawn and she was elevated, people don't care about that. what they care about is what affects of them in their everyday lives. rising costs, the border crisis, respect for america, and so. >> you say stay away from the process, stay away from the dei?
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state towards the policies? >> that is counterproductive. totally counter productive. we are now at a point think about it, over 100 days before the final day of voting. in some instances 40 some odd days, 45 days before people start to vote. so every moment is precious at this point in a presidential campaign, and you better be focused on what really matters to voters and particularly what matters to that small group of voters weakly linked to either candidate or are up for grabs in the battleground states because they are truly undecided. >> bret: carlo grove, thank you and grizzled was a complement. >> thank you, same to you. that you go. >> gillian: one of the questions i have is why the harris campaign has decided to keep the biden senior leadership intact coming forward. >> bret: may be to expedite to make it quicker and to keep
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rolling. over 48 hours how she consolidated the democratic party with these not only the endorsements but the money. it's pretty amazing. >> considering the reporting now in the a lot of the senior leadership there mismanaged running into the ground at the end you think she might? >> i switch up here or there. >> it's up to her, not i. we have breaking news right now. feds are investigating the protesters who rocked federal hill yesterday. some are facing charges. we will talk to jared moscowitz. he is going to react to this plus more coming up next. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it.
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>> bret: fox's learning there
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is now an open federal investigation into the pro-hamas protest at union station this week. some of the protesters are facing federal charges. congressional correspondent aishah hasnie is live with that good afternoon. >> good to see you. especially after the outcry we saw on capitol hill. especially from republicans. the u.s. attorney's office in d.c. is the federal agency going after these people charging eight different protesters out of the 23 who were arrested a block away from where i am standing on wednesday at the d.c. train station union union station. three protesters are being charged with carrying a dangerous weapon. one person with assaulting a police officer. three more people with attempted theft and one other person with attempting threats. and with any federal investigation you know, brett, more arrests could be coming. at the same time we've also
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learned that 11 protesters have had their d.c. charges dropped. again d.c. charges are for lower crimes, misdemeanors. they were for crossing the police line, five and for inciting violence, three fork causing unreasonable fear. all of this bipartisan condemnation for capitol hill over these protests but differing opinions really about what should happen to these protesters when it came to burning the american flag. republicans one of the doj to step in while democrats i was talking to at least some of them, they said they did not like what they saw out there but were defending free speech. >> in this country we have a democracy or our constitution protects the right of people to burn flags but it bothers me. >> look, everyone has the right to free speech. it's not the kind of speech i would precipitate in. >> i won't go burn a flag but it is part of our rights as free speech. >> a note here, you can burn an
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american flag does not someone else's entities obviously belong to union station. they were federal property. we have and not seen federal charges to that yet. again the house oversight committee is a stepping in. they have requested a briefing with park police to see if the park police folks perhaps gave these protesters a pass. they will have that briefing as early as next week. threat? >> bret: aisha, thank you. >> gillian: let's bring in florida congressman moscowitz in foreign affairs committee. thank you for taking time with us this afternoon. there is this reporting today that is pushing back but there is reporting that the netanyahu team is not thrilled with the meeting with vice president harris went yesterday as well as what she said in public after, take a listen to netanyahu at mar-a-lago. >> can you say how
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kamala harris' remarks yesterday on the cease-fire deal? >> we try to get one. i think to the extent that hamas understands between israel and the united states that expedites the deal. and those comments. >> the main feedback or the beef seems to be they did not like and were not really anticipating the critical tone towards israel that she took in her public comments. he says he hopes it does not impact a cease-fire deal but it doesn't sound great. >> look, i don't know what to make of all of that. i think it's a bunch of non nonsense. listen, both i think vice president kamala harris who said she is concerned about innocent palestinians in gaza
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along with president trump sending a letter to mahmoud abbas a couple of days ago. netanyahu thinks he's a terrorist and should not be involved in the new government in gaza. and so look, everyone obviously has made comments both trump and kamala harris they want the war to be over as fast as possible. they both made comments somewhat critical of netanyahu this has gone on too a long. so you can find these comments if you want to. ultimately i think we need to get to a cease-fire but we have to get the hostages out. that is critical. we must get the hostages out then that can be in exchange for a cease-fire deal. and then we can talk about the next stages for gaza so long as israel's security is number one. i am happy that netanyahu
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addressed congress and met with president trump, president biden, and kamala harris ultimately the united states' relationship with israel is the number one ally in the world as far as i'm concerned. we need to make sure there is no daylight between us and them because anytime there is daylight which is why i opposed the holding weapons many months ago, hamas will seize on that daylight. >> gillian: but, sir, isn't daylight with the vice president exposed yesterday when she criticizes the way netanyahu's government has pursued the war in gaza when she says they have been reckless with the lives of civilians? >> i may disagree with those comments i think history will show and the data will show in comparison to other wars this is not the case. this is the most urban area of any warfare we have seen in modern history. but obviously if you look at the
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complete record of the biden/harris administration and vice president harris' record in the senate is extremely pro-israel. everyplace kamala harris goes she has protested been protested by the same despicable disgusting people that spray-painted "hamas is coming" she is protested by those people and so is president biden. which is because progressives don't like the record on israel. and so, again, we can always find different bits and pieces. ultimately j.d. vance did not vote for the ultimate israel package that passed. that netanyahu said he desperately needed. and so j.d. vance did not vote on that because of the ukraine so i can be critical on him saying he did not stand by israel. we can do this all day if we want to. >> gillian: i want to make sure we get this and i know you met with the families of your mannequin the mike remaining american hostages yesterday. folks who have been sad, scared, terrified, missing their loved
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ones nearly 300 days now. what did you hear what it do learn from them? also we hear once again we are getting close to a cease-fire deal. there is actual momentum, do you believe it? >> lesson, i have to be honest, meeting with the hostage families, they don't believe it. they want to believe it. are praying for it. up but i think deep down they are very skeptical. so let's be clear. i know the world likes to say the reason there is not a deal is because of net yahoo but that's because of hamas. hamas can end this tomorrow. they can edit today. they could've ended it months ago. >> gillian: they could've never started it. >> of course. the reason all of those people have died in gaza is because of hamas. the reason why there is famine is because of hamas. the reason the palestinians are still in harm's way is because of hamas. you never hear that at all. from the world stage, no
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pressure on hamas, no condemnation hamas. it's just israel, israel, israel. so listen, i am happy netanyahu came and pushed back on that and tried to reset the fact of why we are where we are and if sin were, the leader of hamas and gaza wants to end this and release the hostages he can do that. and we are waiting on him. we are waiting on him to make a deal. there are two hostages, two situational hostages in gaza in my opinion. one, the israelis, the americans, that sinwar is still holding because they will forever be in danger insofar as hamas didn't induce terrain in. >> gillian: thank you for meeting with us and the families yesterday we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> bret: and turk are different sides of democratic caucus when it comes to this issue. obviously you saw that with 35
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members who did not go to the net yahoo speech and obviously the vice president as well. this is an interesting issue as you had towards chicago and the convention there. >> gillian: and we also know that kamala harris and her campaign will be very hungry for more support from the jewish-american community going into the election. a big part of the reason why folks are asking why she did not go to the netanyahu meeting and why she was critical in her comments yesterday. it plays into politics in a big way. >> bret: it does indeed. >> i will call for supreme court reforms because this is critical to our democracy. supreme court reform. spewing president biden and the democrats entering some big changes to the u.s. support. what are they? what would look like? shannon bream breaks down what could happen next.
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support as former president trump meets with benjamin netanyahu at mar-a-lago. trump is now condemned the violent pro-hamas activists who laid siege essentially to the nation of vazquez capitol yesterday. dana murray is liable in west palm beach covering all the follow details. hi, dana murray. >> hi, good afternoon. prime minister netanyahu here in florida landing around 11:00 a.m. and we saw his motorcade leave mar-a-lago now. security has been very tight. the bridge closest close to death because we saw some protesters early on this morning. this is the first time these two have met in nearly four years. the first face-to-face meeting since trump has been out of the white house. now although this was a warm welcome, we do know these two leaders have had friction in the past, but when asked today former president trump set the record straight so take a listen. >> we've had relationship. i was very good to rush israel, better than any president has
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ever been. we did so many, golan heights, we did jerusalem, the capital, we actually dealt the embassy by jerusalem and the iran nuclear deal. unfortunately the buy demonstration didn't do anything. the terminated the iran nuclear deal with a tremendous thing maybe the best thing. >> on the prime minister's route to mar-a-lago he was met visibly frustrated, he was invited to florida. >> net yahoo is welcome in the state. [honking] >> pretty upset, yeah. >> meanwhile in mar-a-lago netanyahu showed the toddlers, the picture was given by their grandfather who accompanied him on this trip to the united states. trump has a set hostages need be released as soon as possible and
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the country needs to find a way to end the conflict because it is hurting israeli reputation globally. the trump campaign just released a statement moments after netanyahu left mar-a-lago saying that they do stand in solidarity with israel after the attack on october 7th. also pledged when he returns to the white house that they will bring peace to the middle east and combat and to anti-semitism. i was headed to you. >> dana perino in west palm beach for us this afternoon thank you. spewing president biden told americans in his oval office address this week he would prioritize supreme court changes in the final months of his now lame duck presidency. it reports say he is planning to endorse major changes which could include proposing legislation to establish term limits for justices and enforce an ethics code. at least one justices interested. let's bring in shannon bream "fox news sunday" anchor and legal correspondent could offer
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and what is it look like? >> good to see you and you had the words lame duck which these big proposals president biden seems ready to float out there would take a very heavy left and some argue would have to be a constitutional amendment. we know the makeup of the house and the senate not going to happen based on who they have there now but it gives democrats something interesting to give to the campaign trail, conversation. we look to see whether vice president harassed nearly officially the nominee when she gets there while she picked up this idea as well of the term limits of an enforceable ethics code? we have justice kagan in a speech this week saying listen, the knock on this is that maybe there is not an enforcement mechanism and would be open to those chosen by the chief justice to enforce this. >> bret: shannon, are there other justices piping up on this? >> no, but remember last year when democrats started to put a lot of pressure on the court publicly and privately and
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senator dick durbin and the senate judiciary committee had said to the chief justice we want you to come over here, we want you to testify, have meetings in this kind of stuff and the chief was like thank you but no, thank you and send along this letter signed by all nine justices saying we have an ethics code, this is the framework and we all signed on that we think it is good and right and justice and we can police ourselves. to hear justice kagan say something that maybe we need an outside body enforcing this, she is the only one i've heard that publicly. >> bret: it's interesting also is a political issue it seems that democrats want to run against the supreme court. that may be by president biden saying this that this is what he wants to do and enables vice president harris to take that as an issue into the convention and beyond. >> exactly right and there was a question if this happen behind closed doors when president biden was trying to stay on the ticket in this race, politically was this a conversation he had with progressives because there has been this push for the left wing of his party to pack the court
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or two-term limit the court. those kinds of things. there was a conversation about was this a concession to them? now that he has officially left the ticket we will wait to see whether the vice president tachs this onto campaign proposals. we know the court has had some troubles in public polling and folks seem open to these ideas but to get this passed. >> when looking at summarily between democrats and the senate and they are trailing obviously in the house and the majority of control. they would have to be a big switch a big shift in seats to do something like this to heavy lift. >> exactly. right now they are all leaving for a few weeks. then it will be in a little bit next weekend and they are gone so it's a forget about it before the selection but you have said maybe it is a campaign talking point right now. but democrats are feeling
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optimistic about down ballot since biden is off the ticket which you have to take control of both the house and senate to get some in this big moving. >> bret: fox news sunday this weekend you have who? >> pete buttigieg with us on the veepstakes short list so how would he defend it is he being vetted and ron johnson as we do senator out of wisconsin we have some new polls coming out including wisconsin and where are we on the shooting investigations too. >> bret: the possible vp running mate and we will put up these graphics you have sender mark kelly, governorship josh shapiro, governor roy cooper of north carolina north carolina. your guests on sunday the transportation secretary, governor andy beshear in kentucky and governor tim walz of minnesota. it seems like that list is the going west. and there is probably going to be a decision pretty soon. >> we are getting whiplash all of us who cover this stuff and
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certainly those of us too the speed in the calculus of this campaign is changing. i imagine seeing a lot of those faces on the sunday shows auditioning to be her campaigner cochair essentially. how did they fare this week and when confronted with her record? >> bret: shannon bream we will see you this weekend thanks. >> thanks, brett. >> gillian: also this, no place like home, it may be getting further out of reach to the star liner test pilot still stranded in space. we will tell you what nasa has to say about coming home coming up next. >> from outer space to the not so friendly skies delta passengers dealing with cancellations and delays again. we will talk to brian kelly founder of the points guided next.
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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%).
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this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. >> gillian: welcome back it has not been a good week for delta air lines to put it mildly. the airline now canceled in seven days just about half of the flights it canceled during all of last year. the airline has really struggled during the outage that disrupted the entire industry last week, customers are furious hundreds
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of thousands were left stranded, they say the technology outage is to blame but all the other major airlines bounced back. let's bring in brian kelly founder of the points of gaia, thanks for being with us. i guess this is the million or billion or trillion dollar question for delta, how has everyone else managed to pull themselves out of the muck, get on track and help their customers and delta is nowhere to be found? >> luckily delta has come around. on wednesday they finally came around and said hey, we will reimburse travelers who had to book expense of other flights. >> gillian: which is the law by the way not out of the goodness of their heart that's the actual law. but yes. >> the actual law that is only refunds. >> in america we have no strong consumer productions with airfare. they're only obligated to refund in cash. not necessarily reimburse you for all the other costs.
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southwest airlines had their meltdown two years ago and had to do this the government suited them. i think delta was like let's take responsibility. those flying delta this weekend and things are pretty much back to normal. >> gillian: something emerged or interesting to emerge from the crowd strike outage up until now it seems they have treated technology failures and their own staffing failures as acts of god. completely out of their hands akin to the weather, the tide is turning against this practice. both among passengers now but on capitol hill lawmakers are starting to really hold their feet to the fire. the transportation committee sent ceo a nasty gram is it having eight effect finally? >> it mystifies me how they don't have backup plans. how could they is a business, they were doing share buybacks years ago giving money to shareholders but they should
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have been investing in technology. and redundancies because, you know, what makes me concerned is delta invests a lot of money and technology so if it happened to delta it will keep on having two other airlines which is why consumers, make sure you use a credit card when you buy your flight. credit card companies have delay in coverage. they may start pulling that coverage because airlines keep melting down, but if the airlines don't reimburse you for your costs, always go to your credit card company and submit a claim. it never hurts to try. >> good advice. i want to ask you about the southwest airlines shocking a lot of top-tier loyalists who announced they will do away with open seating first come, first served it and moved to the standard model of you buy a ticket and get a seat which is where you have to sit. what do you think about that? is it terrible? is it great i'm not a southwest flyer so i don't know. >> it depends who you ask. i asked my audience which is business travelers and premium travelers in general i think 70%
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in favor. i think if you ask a southwest flyer it is probably flipped. most people are really upset. their ceo said it is about time and consumers want this but it's not about consumer wants and needs its flat out money. airlines, airfares, delta profits the other airlines are not making that much money. airfare has come down quite a bit and the airlines are not growing. there are a lot of reasons why boeing and airbus have shortage in new aircraft hampering growth. so this is a play for the ancillary revenue. spirit and frontier make $40 a passenger on average whereas southwest -- >> gillian: how is that possible question worked out mind-blowing. >> mind-blowing and they are making money. so southwest finally caved to shareholder pressure saying they need to extract more money because fares alone not cutting it. >> gillian: thank you for talking to us today. >> bret: i remember no more
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standing in the southwest b1-10 line. after being stuck in space 51 days the starlight or test pilots will have to hold on just a little bit longer. the latest on plans to get them home next. grit. guts. glory. you've got some winning genes. ♪ find out what you're made of with ancestrydna. and for a limited time, you can see how your genes stack up against world-class athletes. or even your trash-talkin' cousin, brad. see which athletic traits are built into your dna,
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4:51 pm
>> breaking right now the white house putting out a statement that president biden had a phone call with jordan's king talking about the humanitarian response in gaza and dealing with the humanitarian crisis in northern gaza. also the president talking to the king about efforts to secure a hostage release in the deal and preparation for more humanitarian assistance going injuring any possible cease-fire period. perhaps they are putting out all these calls because the last person to talk to a foreign leader and talk to the press was kamala harris yesterday. >> we are also tracking this. nasa has no immediate plans to help retrieve the two boeing star liner astronauts who have been stuck in space 51 days. butch wilmore and sonny williams were supposed to return to earth a month ago but a helium leak prevented them from leaving the international space station.
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senior correspondent is in atlanta with the latest details and is there a possibility that these astronauts are going to have to come home on a different spacecraft? >> it is possible but unlikely. nasa officials say while they had plans to bring home the astronauts from space the most likely scenario and the preferred scenario is they were turned aboard the spacecraft that returned. the boeing star liner remains docked at the international space station while engineers analyse data from tests on the ground to determine what caused five of the 28 maneuvering thrusters that fail as it approached the iss on june 6th a day after lift off. the team is also studying small helium leaks and both problems are located on the service module. a portion of the spacecraft jettisoned during the space flight and nasa and boeing want to study this issue while the star liner is still in space.
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>> we don't have a major announcement relative to a return date. we are making great progress but not quite ready to do that. >> and while it is still docked with the international space station star liner over the weekend will test fire rosters to give engineers more data. jillian? >> thank you jonathan. we will be right back. introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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>> welcome back. thank you for joining us today. great to be with you. >> great to be with you too. has and it felt like a year this week? >> it does it. >> a weak and a year. >> maybe even an entire presidential term. >> i will see you at 6:00 pm. "the story" with martha starts now. >> martha: good afternoon


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