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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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this there is a lot more questions than answers at this point. >> at a minimum dear point its gross negligence and the fbi such lack of transparency it's causing us to lose faith in whatever narrative they are paddling true or untrue we look forward to the report congressman on monday thank you for being with us. >> thanks pete look forward to following up. >> that's all for us tonight check out where on warriors as it's now the number 1 political book of 2024 thank you to all the veterans who helped make it happen also fox and friends weekend back on the air tomorrow morning turley waltz and others. i am not waters and this is not my world but sean hannity is next. [ ♪♪ ] >> welcome to this special edition of entity i'm tammy
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bruce in for sean we begin with former president trump speaking live at the turning point summit in west palm beach florida let's listen in. >> with your wonderful summit in venezuela and you would say why and i would say because there's no crime in venezuela they put all their crime to the united states i want to go where it's safe in venezuela. caracas was 1 of the most crime-ridden cities in the world it's safe because of they have taken the criminals and drug dealers and taking prisoners moving them to the united states and the rest are coming but they're not coming with me we are going to get them out all of them. they are sending all their criminals to us all over the world sending them to us you see numbers plunging all over the world remember they just got put
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here we have the greatest law enforcement in the world and that's what's happened. he don't teach a criminal not to be a criminal they will let child predators and bloodthirsty rapists by the tens of thousands a day i will throw killers and criminals and illegal aliens and gang members out of our country or if really bad in our jails. with your vote we begin the largest deportation operation we have no choice in american history we have no choice starting day when we end the biden harris inflation nightmare and make america affordable worst inflation and country history they say, sir, only 58 years i say i believe it to be
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the worst truth ever had numbers are higher than they are showing what they're showing us for the roof numbers are worse than that to bring down prices of all goods we will stop their war in american energy and drill baby drill. drill baby drill you will be a driller i will terminate the green new scam and the end we want to buy electric cars but not everybody. we will pass massive tax cuts for workers no tax on test is that okay we have any waitresses here look at her she's happy. keep their money all the way from las vegas you came from right. no tax on tips that's a big deal
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you know where i got this not a big consultant that charges you 2 million to write up a report that doesn't mean anything i got it from a rage -- a waitress having dinner is it a full trump tower in las vegas i'm in the restaurant and they say how everything is going nice a great and she said not that great they're killing me on taxes like what you mean taxes told they give you cash is like now most of its done on the check thereafter us all the time they pass regulations they hired 88,000 new irs people you saw that 88,000 and they are allowed to carry guns nobody has guns but they are allowed to carry guns and how unfair it is and its harassment shouldn't be tax
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on tips no tax on tips from now on i hope you remember that as i will have a horrible war between russia and ukraine settled nobody will say that closer to world war iii since he been since the second world war restoring peace through strength that's what we had memory when hillary clinton cricket hilary remember she used to say look at him heal get get us into war look at his attitude i said my attitude will keep you out of or that's what happened no new wars other than defeating isis but that was aware already started. i defeated 100% of the isis caliphate in my next term we will build a great iron don't
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missile defence shield over our country a dome unlike what was seen before entirely made in the usa a lot of it in florida a lot of it right here in florida you like that idea i. >> usa usa. >> as our technology we know how to do it israel 3300 rocket shot at fairly recently knocking every rocket except 1 out of the sky the other fell to the ground harmlessly and we are going to build it with all that stuff somebody shoots a missile there want to knock that we don't want it to be landing in our cities
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we will build it a lot of jobs and it will be the most technologically advanced as ronald reagan wanted it years ago did not the technology. >> that was former president trump clearly currently speaking there in palm beach florida we continue to monitor the remarks but also tonight a whole new campaign. trump is suddenly running against a brand-new opponent in tonight coronation of kamala harris is almost complete after days and days of notable silence the obama's finally endorsed the anointed democratic hopeful and earlier today harris was all smiles during a totally authentic call with michelle and barack obama watch this. >> kamala harris.
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>> high. >> hey, there. >> oh you're both together it's good to hear you both. >> you can't have this phone call without saying to you i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. >> we called to say michelle and i could not be prouder to endorse you do everything we can >> oh my goodness. >> of the reports were true the obama's were apprehensive about supporting kamala harris allegedly believing she could not be trump because of her terrible approval rating poor performance as vice president here now with reaction ensure they have opinions trump 2024 national press secretary caroline levitt out, founder trey dish clay travis and we have miranda divide. 13 days since the assassination attempt we had our agency the
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switch out with biden every day it's a roller coaster there's trump speaking at a fundraiser being his old self sounds great and astounding series of events that i don't think really will stop anytime soon and caroline you're at the front of this it's remarkable is a period of time facing this dynamic from the democrats i was the trump campaign looking at this and what is the president feeling but if she becomes his opponent. >> were more optimistic and confident than ever that trump will be victorious november 5th if kamala harris is the democrat party nominee as mentioned barack obama endorsed her democrats are making a big deal but he also endorsed clinton in 2016 ask her how that went for her that elect -- the election will be taken by trump because kamala harris in the
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democrat party of put them through hell over the past 4 years kamala harris has supported 100% of policies joe biden implemented that created the worst inflation crisis in a generation were chaos and instability around the world and president trump will continue the next 102 days sharing his optimistic unifying message of strength bringing success and safety and security back to the country we will force kamala harris to answer not only for her complacency in supporting biden's terrible policies but her own record as a senator from the liberal state of california. >> week incompetent most unpopular vice president in history. >> i want to ask you people are forgetting just how horrible a candidate she was. my goodness the stories that came out when she dropped out in 2019 about the chaos in the campaign the bullying no vision
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a lack of clarity knew what was going on do you see that returning or they've learned something? >> the most important thing that's happened is caroline levitt had a baby and she's out here dominating soap that's incredible congratulations on that it's really amazing how you are already backup throwing punches on behalf of the guy he needs to be the next president of the united states. kamala harris is an awful candidate democrats had tons of time to look at her in the 2020 campaign and she dropped out before votes even started only thing she managed to accomplish on the campaign was calling the president she ended up serving as vice president for a racist. democrats didn't like her and she was a failure in her own campaign didn't get a single
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vote so far in 2024 they destroyed democracy and thrown the 14 million votes that joe biden got out the window and now she is nominee. here's what's ultimately going to happen she has a honeymoon a new face people are reacting there's a new storyline there the problem is they've from the entire kitchen sink at donald trump there are no more insults or attacks people don't know the truth about kamala harris or how much of a failure she was at the border they don't understand how much of a disaster she has been on inflation or crime and that she supported the funding the police and raised money for everybody in minnesota burning the city down. the fact she has a tweet up still saying of all things that jesse small as a victim of a modern-day lynching a liar a bad candidate and we get exposed as the truth comes out. >> as i mentioned to the audience no 1 here has any
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opinions it's good to figure that out. i do have to say though when we think about and remember kamala harris in the beginning she was the anointed 1 she came out and everybody loved her and now that media it's embarrassing it's almost like a panic the way we see the messages and the lies that she is the second coming oh, my god she is fresh enemy of the status quo. really just trying to remake this entire history things going to the memory hole blatantly. is it a panic or is it hubris or do you think it will work? >> it's fakery as they try to elevate her is candidate to beat donald trump the problem they have a she is a shockingly bad candidate just intrinsically
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unlikable inauthentic insincere and fake and women in particular pick that up and do not like it. they see her as a man's woman not a woman's woman i don't know if men may be or more full to buy it but you jesse barack obama and michelle obama the video there obviously they weren't keen or eager to do it because i counted less than 20 seconds they were actually speaking they spoke 55 words between them a combined total could not of had a less enthusiastic smaller endorsement she tried to inflate it by having those extra takes as though she was talking to them she's on speakerphone pretending she's on the phone the whole thing is emblematic of the fakery around kamala harris. nothing about her that is warm
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or likable or real see opposite of what people want from their politicians. >> it's really an inflection point this is the kind of panic that shows in every single step but it's up to the republicans now to make sure americans get the right amount of information and correct information. thank you and see you again soon now earlier today warm greeting for benjamin netanyahu's trump welcomed the prime minister to mary lago during the meeting he vowed to bring peace to the middle east in particular kamala harris administration could result in world war iii. according to reports in the earlier meeting with vice president harris it didn't go well keep in mind american hostages are still in captivity in gaza and what is the latest foreign-policy failure of the biden administration the beginning for disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan a catastrophe for the country and
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based on her own words vice president harris played an integral role in that withdrawal watch this. >> president biden always said he wanted you to be the last person in the room particularly for big decisions just as he was for obama he made a big decision afghanistan right read a last in the room. >> yes. >> and you feel comfortable? >> i do. >> and i would add to that right this is a president who has an extraordinary amount of courage. >> talk about a cover-up but there she is giddy about it with more in the morgan ortega show podcast serve herself i be worried for somebody else as well as say is really special ops veteran aaron cohen in some ways because the news moves so quickly so most like a dream in
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a way because so many strange things happened the only thing missing is a giant spider on the ceiling which is what happens in my nightmares but it so most like a nightmare but we have an opportunity to clarify that's gonna take some work like they're doing it because it's worked in the past is this going to be something america can overcome this kind of commitment to lying and incompetence what you think is ahead for us. >> it's a nightmare for sure and you're doing a good job posting when it relates to the vice president's ability to govern that's what we're talking about here what your show is about can she lead and can she go toe to toe with people like xi jinping vladimir putin kim jong-un ayatollah if needed of january next year that's what the election is about if she continues the policies of her
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administration she's been a part of that's been a disaster for the middle east listen our u.s. navy is in conflict we haven't seen since world war 2 the type of conflict they are in the red sea we are releasing the tea layouts we have procured for an entire year recently in the conflict there so president biden when he stood before the american people last sunday night explaining why i -- why he was dropping out he said the military was a war for the first time is just not true we might not have declared that been not only did we have 13 of our best young men and women killed in afghanistan in august 2021 as you pointed out at the beginning of the segment we had 3 u.s. military members killed in in jordan by iranians so more disconcerting middle east than anything i've seen in a long
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time in her senior advisors or friends at the iranian senior advisor to iran who is under fbi investigation had to quit the state department if she continues with these policies as more troops are gonna that these policies continue might be a different person and it's the policies driven by some faceless people in the white house as because these are policies i represent her agenda somebody with a mission isn't that where we are at will me think about this. the report cited for meeting she
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said 1 thing in private and was talking in public about the exchange just just not the position of the vice president and another ideological thing i don't think she's bringing anything original to the conversation and they been in the business for 20 years in the words that came out of her mouth was we need to get to a lasting peace we need a hostage deal -- a deal if she knew anything about counterterrorism she would understand the only way to get to a permanent cease-fire would be for making sure we are honest about the definition which is at the root of terrorism and dismantling the hamas organization. the only thing the hamas is strength is the operation with
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that address there to congress. at the end of the day the only way to get to a lasting peace is by dismantling the terrorism at the root you want just have a temporary calm, yeah, and ability to have a conversation but a long-term peace. we get therefore that strength and special operations through our elite intelligence organizations and they been repeating the same nonsense about the ideology stands for. >> you have to want hamas to be eliminated you have to be ready for that and talking about a 2 state solution what a reward for the massacre october 7th it's difficult but it's almost like she's playing house and really
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doesn't know. thank you both i appreciate you coming up tonight. and the fbi was forced and what you know. after his comments feel the wave of far left conspiracy theories about the assassination attempt in pennsylvania. a former special agent will join us next. stay there
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> will come back to this special edition of hannity earlier today ronnie jackson gave an update on president trumps health. 13 days after trump was almost assassinated in pennsylvania thank god the word almost is in their. they corrected the fbi
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director's remarks that trump might not up and struck by a bullet. ronnie jackson said in part there is no evidence that it was anything other than a bullet and a trump took to true social last night and called out the testimony. after facing mounting pressure he clarified the comment saying what struck former president trump in that year was a bullet whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces fired from the deceased subjects rifle. why was this not settled until today this should have been there statement from the beginning obviously. according to a new report the fbi is currently examining what they say are bullet fragments found at the scene. your reaction fox news contributor dr marc siegel and a former fbi special agent nicole parker. nicole multiple shots were fired
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we do know it was 1 gunman in that secret service and the sniper team shot back we've got a photograph of the bullet which might win the pulitzer prize by the new york times coming at trump and it's a remarkable situation we have cory was killed and 2 other attendees injured we've got speculation from the fbi director is this the kind of thing that will unite us. they're speculating about the nature of what struck president trump. >> it's absolutely abhorrent and appropriate unsympathetic and it was live on television this is a blatant and tragic assassination attempt. and sony were found crime in the
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fbi victim shaming on most. they're minimizing and diminishing what it occurred it's disgusting and abhorrent in the wrong and no victim should ever have to justify is there injuries and wounds which is what president trump had to do as a response to the directors incomprehensible statement it is wrong and blatant. are not a doctor he was struck by around to his ear could've been dead. president trump is lucky to be alive it's an assassination attempt for him to downplay it casts a doubt creates conspiracy theories and is absolutely inappropriate and quite frankly
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irresponsible no self-awareness and that's the person who's leading the fbi. >> that's not comforting to americans. >> it's not just your trading or mean. it's dangerous because there is a suggestion still that trump cannot be believe that it's a dangerous thing and even the fbi implication is for something as a grievous wound he got shot in the face it will be downplayed almost signifying to the american people and unstable the are still some laughing in the background of what happened for your experience since we have ronnie jackson saying what he saw with the hospital reported was a bullet wound. is there any reason why medical professionals would misrepresent this what you think with the balance regarding an injury like
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this that is so public? >> no question of what happened here it's clear the fbi director is trying to downplay a miracle trump having to turn his head at the right moment even the new york times concluded it was a bullet show the video to the doctor who analysed the kennedy assassination and said it was a bullet. errani jackson an emergency room physician says it's a bullet he was admitted with the diagnosis of a bullet wound no question at all it's a bullet and the fbi was on the scene afterwards they know it was a bullet they had a correct fbi director this is a disgrace as nicole just said because it's a deliberate attempt to downplay what's going on here speaking of medical similar to what christopher tried to say is nothing wrong with president biden he should just do his job. >> that's a good point and in all honesty nicole the statement from the fbi that a bullet
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struck president trump was their second statement right after the testimony they put out the first statement which contributed to the vagueness about what had happened it wasn't even just him having a bad moment to being a jerk they sent out a statement that there was an assassination attempt and trump was injured like he could've tripped or fell on the ground and the secret service they are understaffed they have issues clearly that are being investigated the fbi that justin released that statement you have faith in us getting to the right answers at the end of this about what really happened? >> i always want to have hope and give american soap i believe there's good people trying to do
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the right thing in law enforcement they believe there were people speaking up i think it's whistleblowers coming forward to piece things together for the american people who will say you know what that's not accurate and what i found interesting about his testimony he answered more questions than normal the reason that was is because the fbi was not the centre the investigation you're speaking about the u.s. secret service. when's fbi they don't hear that dirty laundry but otherwise to give answers 2 questions and that's outcomes across to the american people. >> extra -- excellent point. >> it's a miracle that's what we need to focus on being a miracle >> he is here that's what matters and we will get to the bottom of this 1 way or another thank you both. sara carter ask people in harris' old town of san francisco about the democratic nominee and tell see gabbard here to reflect on her viable confine and tatian with harris back in 2019 stay with us as
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this special edition of hannity continues.
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for more information. [ ♪♪ ] >> will come to this special edition of hannity the democratic party is rallying behind kamala harris after being selected by party elites to run for president that's democracy for you. sara carter was in san francisco the old stomping grounds for kamala harris where they asked residents about the coronation of their former district attorney. >> there's a reason it probably had to happen this way i don't think it's necessarily a bad thing they think everybody was trying to stay aligned and put their energy and 1 person because of the timing as soon as you divide a party even more it makes it less likely to get
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momentum for the election time. >> might be the right person for the time which you don't always need the best person but the right person. >> what you feel she's done before that policy wise to make america better. >> nothing i can think about but of course vice president and a lot of times what i feel she hasn't been very vocal about things done. >> ever since joe biden dropped out of the twain 24 race kamala harris has been touting her record as a california prosecutor the same disastrous record that tells see gabbard explode just on the debate stage between 19 take a look. >> senator harris says she's proud of her record as prosecutor and she will be a prosecutor president but i am concerned about that there were way too many examples she put over 1500 people in jail for
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marijuana violations and was laughing about it when she was asked if she ever spoke -- smoked marijuana and blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until courts forced her to do so keeping people in prison beyond sentences to use them as cheap labour for the state of california and fought to keep the cash bail system in place impacting poor people in the worst kind of way. >> but fox news contributor toll see gabbard joins us now a iconic -- not in exchange she was not expecting anything and suddenly you came out with that. you are just reciting the facts, things other people didn't know and there is more out there. do you see this being a problem she faces now that reality versus what they are trying to pitch to the american people. >> the things that challenge strong with her record were very
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easy to find well-known facts. the point being the mainstream propaganda media refuse to confront her with her record other democrats refuse to confront her on her record and that's what we will see more of over these next few months in the campaign she will be treated with kid gloves as they do whatever they can to cover up this very disturbing record especially as yet again now she is touting how she will be a prosecutor president that your terrify every american because looking at it there's 2 prosecutors people who are crooked and people who are honest. prosecutor serving their own self-interest compared to those committed to serving the people in upholding rule of law and kamala harris is shown as vice president and u.s. senator and attorney general exactly who she is she will put her own self-interest head of the interest of the people she supposed to be serving every step of the way and will not
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hesitate to weapon eyes to the department of justice in law enforcement as seen over the past few years as a u.s. senator she opposed judicial nominees sitting on that committee simply for being catholic and a member of the knights of columbus 1 of many examples of what she did as attorney general was fight to withhold dna evidence from a judge that would have exonerated an innocent man from death row. >> these are horrible things right and americans are worried as they should be about crêpe politicians weapon eyes and especially the justice system against us and in the meantime promoting and touting the bail fund for rioters getting certain kinds of criminals out and about it seems like there is a selective dynamic here you mentioned the cover up the media would do for her you think she was involved should be held accountable for this year's long
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cover up a biden's condition vice president there we look to that person to have our backs a way as second person command where do you think her role was in that regard. >> it's clear her like so many others which ran a pretend there was no issue here for the last 3 and a half years of course president biden's performance at the debate with trump exposed that live. the fact that even in the days after that when everybody saw in plain sight site joe biden is in the 1 calling the shots being capable of commander-in-chief even after that debate she went on those new shows and said with a straight face she spends time from every day that he is sharp and this and this and now the story is changing of course now that she's up to the plate. >> do you think she will be the
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nominee it's not final. this is there hail mary pasa fascinating time. >> they have changed the horse they will not change the policies we can't be distracted by who she is and what she will do to destroy the country. >> excellent point great work once again thank you for being here coming up kamala harris can run but she can't hide from her record as you just saw a failure on the economy in this case that continues to get worse will explain as the special edition of hannity continues. it takes healthy joints to be a copilot, and a trusty coworker.
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edition of hannity with kamala harris of the top of the ticket the biden harris administration failed economic record continues to loom large. despite the desire to be unburdened here are the facts on their watch the price of the starter home and over 200 cities across the country is risen past a million dollars the watch for kamala harris electric vehicle divisions and it's up to 20% and were wages have not kept up by the interest rate so high people can't afford to buy homes or cars or really anything with credit cards charging 30% interest rates i went up to 35% and here's the best part 1 of the biggest boosters of biden's economics and according to her it was all part of the plant take a look.
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>> all of this is part of our blueprint together would america can be its biden economics a plan to invest in america and build a future which all people can truly thrive. a committee to unleash prosperity founder's newsletter i get every day and to a democratic pollster doug shown. and the price of eggs. this is very serious and it is she going to be able to talk her way through the economic disaster is still experiencing. >> joe biden couldn't talk his
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way through 1 of the reasons as pole numbers tank and see what kamala harris can say to deal with inflation and the cost of living's skyrocketing she needs to personalize those concerns but so far as come up empty democrats of come up empty i'm a democrat i want to party to address these issues but so far my honest assessment is that they failed. >> 1 thing they seem to be doing is painter is in empty vessel delivered by the planet venus is nothing to do with anything that happened and she will be the saviour because she's an innocent bystander is that really the only way she can proceed? >> yeah, but it's not true. she helped to implement it this is 1 of the things that
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teleprompter's neck a be able to help kamala harris with generation z and younger voters. younger voters were moving away from joe biden well before his debate against donald trump when his campaign imploded not necessarily because of his mental capacity it was because of policies and economic concerns it's difficult for any of us to afford our first homes or for many to avoid their grocery -- afford groceries on a weekly basis those concerns haven't changed even if the democratic candidate has so harris has to speak directly to those concerns i don't see how she does that she touts policies that are marxist as the problem's she touts as it's
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there. >> i don't know why she's basically embraced at the economic plan. the democrats have a chance for a reset so to say biden was a complete failure when it came to the economy i will give you something new that's not what she is saying she has embraced virtually every aspect of the biden policies which you been a complete disaster you mentioned inflation obviously average family is lost $2100 in real income over the past 3 and a half years and don't forget what they've done to the debt 1 thing that toasty gabbard said i loved i was she said that. looks like kamala harris is going to be more the same. i think it will be worse than same because if you look at her positions she's forgetting rid of private health insurance when the government take over the healthcare system. requiring every worker in america to join a union whether
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they want to or not. more radical green agenda than biden. it's not just more this same i think it's more devastating to the economy. >> doug they mentioned it be more the same i see her his new coke it's not the same product at all but it's presented is saying better in new and was the biggest flop in america product history that it's going to be worse. and if you going to do sign this weird and destructive to choose somebody who genuinely can't be blamed and has a new point of view if you really want to save democracy. gotta be possible the people realize this was a mistake and wanted to it again and switch her out and have a real
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convention. >> i was forex open convention the primary process and i agree with you. i think secretly the obama's were sympathetic to that and suggested that the only went and endorsed her this awkward phone conversation when it was inevitable that she would be consensus choice. candidly though she is a tough record to defend on the southern border and prosecuting crime in california and as we sit on the economy. i think she's in a honeymoon phase now i've done a lot of pulling for a lot of people think she's more likely to go down in the near future than go up. >> all of this is fascinating. thank you all for joining me. more this special edition of hannity after the break.
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7.
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ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®.
7:00 pm
[ ♪♪ ] welcome back to the special edition of hannity unfortunately that's our time tonight i want to thank sean for letting me sit in the chair and thank you for joining us. this weekend get my new book fear itself book. it is covid-19 green new deal this is about is about this and defeating that. it's not inevitable i show you how in this book i'll see you next time. [ ♪♪ ]