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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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o with us. what are those, cumulus clouds? congressman, thank you very much. we will be exploring this a lot more [♪♪] hello back along
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with kennedy, jessica tarlov, greg gutfeld, 5:00 in new york city and this is "the 5". the media going into overdrive to help vice president kamala harris are racer biggest electoral liability, are far left record. despite being rated 2019 most liberal senator, there's been change to that. the ladies of the view, democrats and others in the press or attempting to rewrite the vice president is moderate. >> prosecutors are not really leftist, they put people in jail for a living. they are pretty moderate. i know the vice president personally. she is not -- she's moderate. >> the radical in this campaign is not kamala harris as all the trump advertising is saying. the radical right wing or is donald trump. >> the shocking radical left agenda is actually mainstream
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economic populism. >> donald trump and the maga republicans like, lie and lie. her record is clear for anyone who wishes to take a look at it. >> reporter: and it's not stopping her pass from coming back to haunt her like a freight train. just today a resurfaced interview emerged from 2020 were harris offered some praise for the d fund to the police movement. >> d fund the police, the issue behind it is that we need to reimagine how we are creating safety. for too long, the status quo thinking has been you get more safety by putting more cops on the street. that's wrong. this will movement is about rightly saying we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities. >> reporter: and that's not all. she will also have to answer for her far left positions on these issues. >> we will not treat people who
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are undocumented across the border as criminal. i'm in favor of banning fracking reduce red meet specifically. i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green new deal. the idea is everyone gets access to medical care and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company. let's eliminate that and move on. >> so kennedy, those positions are popular with a lot. do you think she will embrace them and stand by them? >> she did the other day when she spoke in front of the teachers union. she was transparent about bowing down before the body that kept kids out of school for two years i thought that was a bit of a stumble on her part. it will be a tough sell but i'm glad we are having a conversation about the issues and not about memes and personality because we've been sold on memes. not all of us, certainly not me, but people were sold on the idea of -- and we don't want to be
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spoonfed again. her record is problematic because it's all over the map. on one hand she's a ruthless authoritarian with the people that you absolutely should not be targeting in her home state of california. on the other hand she's an open border democrat who has no solution congressionally or otherwise for the border crisis that she certainly exacerbated as border czar, which she was. as much as they try to scrub that history and give us a revisionist lens, she has been on the wrong side of so many issues. the red meet thing, that was a new one that a lot of people forgot about. they don't want the government messing with their bodies. if someone is so pro- abortion that their personal orthodoxy is we are going to keep the government out of your body, out of your lower half, then the
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same goes for what i eat. >> until it comes to eating bugs. that's a different decision. >> it's something some of us do as a fetish on the weekend. >> anything dipped in chocolate might work. we also have this very -- this five around her that feels like president biden before he dropped out and predebate, like he can do no wrong, these are cheap shots at him. and he is with it, exciting, he's our guy. then they turned on him but now it feels like we are getting the same with the vice president. >> we will see the biggest rewrite of a political career the media has ever done since the invention of electricity. i love kennedy's optimism that this will be about issues. i hope it is. i'm afraid is just a few of us talking about the issues. i think a lot of people are talking about personality and memes and stuff like that. of course i think that is the strategy the democrats are playing. this is why you have an actual campaign, a primary, so that
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these things -- they are now in a situation where it she's getting her first big exposure as a presidential candidate and it's during the general election and everyone is finding all of these crazy democrat red meat policies that are going to be terrible in a general election but she's struggling with them right now. if you want donald trump to do well, that's a good thing, but i still worry that there's going to be such an effort to make this as hysterical as possible to talk about whatever they have to talk about so they don't have to talk about the issues because when you go through the list of issues, like defunding the police, open borders, abolishing private healthcare, it's a total loser for kamala harris and trump is right on all of them. >> jessica, were you surprised that this coalesced as quickly as possible around the vice president, would it have been beneficial, let's let them fight
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it out. saying it's good for testing her and everyone who might be her number 2. >> i think it would have made great programming and that people would have liked to see it but the truth is we don't have much time and this was joe biden's decision. the delegates of spoken about this, they voted or are representing joe biden's wishes and he's part of the biden harris administration. in that sense it makes sense that this was her nomination. we have three and a half weeks until the dnc, 102 days until the election. i'm fine with this. she represents a lot of wear the party is and not the kamala harris of 2020 but the kamala harris of today and that is the maneuver she will have to make and i think she has a lot to say if you watch the whole video for instance when she was talking about defunding the police, the point she was making his salient, talking about what a safe neighborhood looks like and is not crawling with cops.
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it has great schools, thriving small businesses, really high homeownership which has been a priority up there administration , to make sure people can get on the property ladder. the proof is in the pudding as it were of what the biden harris administration -- they have invested more in law enforcement than any other administration in history. donald trump proposed a 58% cut to the community policing program. they put 3700 police officers on the street through that program. another hundred thousand they came to the safer america plan. $15 billion in the america rescue plan for crime and policing to make sure we have safer communities. it's a strong record to run on. the border right now, jennifer griffin was tweeting about the two cartel bosses that were apprehended. she said it was like catching the bin laden -- bin laden when it comes to the war against fentanyl. that happened under the biden
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harris administration. encounters at the border down 55% since the executive order. >> numbers that wildly spiked -- >> i understand and you have to acknowledge there were huge spikes but it does not mean she's the same person you saw in 2020. she oversaw the implementation of the policies that led to these good results. >> so she owns this, all of the policies of this administration. do you worry there's the honeymoon period? it shows up for any candidate when they are new to the race because it so close to the election. do you feel there will be a full bedding of her record? >> the media always follows a predictable pattern. i don't think the american people will fall for it. we are in this period of kamala to nihilism. it's like the world is in a serious place, america is in a serious place. we have malaise, on rest, kind of a lack of adult supervision. who is in charge? so they need to portray her as
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this serious person who can handle this but you cannot do that if the person was for defunding the police, for open borders, if the person likes to take credit for the afghanistan withdrawal. how soon will they rewrite that one? there are so many things she says that contributes to her unserious persona, that they need to erase this stuff. they are doing it right in front of us. i talked about this before, the definition of arrogant stupidity is when you try to gaslight a bunch of people. it's like those hypnotists who try to hypnotize everybody and everybody goes this is bs. you can gaslight one person alone. i can say to kennedy, where your glasses and you say they are on your face and i say where your glasses. i can get you to think maybe you are crazy, but you can't do that to millions of people. and you can't do that when there's so much evidence out there. it is amazing to me that the
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media will continue to do this. i go back to the fact that everybody should remember what twitter was like when it was still owned by the old crew. if it was owned by those preelon musk people you would not see the pushback over police defunding, the border czar, bailing out felons. all of that stuff would be suppressed like hunter's laptop story. it would be buried like jimmy hoffa. but now it's like twitter or x has turned everybody into their own debunker. and so i wonder how the legacy media can still maintain this gas lighting role if the public can so quickly and easily call them out on it. it's because they just assume their allies are there for them and they can continue doing this. it's comedy to watch and they are still doing it. but to back your point, the honeymoon is among the media. there is no honeymoon for people who are going to the grocery store and seeing prices or dealing with crime in their cities were their lack of police
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>> the other thing is the fact that not only is kamala harris the most radically left-wing politician whose run for president, but she's running against the least ideological, least partisan, most common sense practical politician we've ever had. >> you are like the only person who thinks that. >> if you look at -- >> absolutely. you look at the border, all of those issues, the issue of abortion that has gotten him into trouble. all of those things. [ simultaneous talking ] >> he's not in trouble with democrats but with evangelical -- practical stance. >> there are also states that go through -- >> and jd vance doesn't want you to.
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>> i don't see why it's worse than having the supreme court or row v weight. you are getting it closer to the community. isn't that what it's all about? >> we will take family feud into the commercial. obama is on board, just getting around to endorsing kamala harris. it's official. [♪♪] k is on board. ♪ ♪ bass pro shops and cabela's stands tall in our unwavering commitment to honoring our heroes. we extend our gratitude... beyond words... by proudly offering a legendary salute discount to those who protect our freedoms. our dedication to those who selflessly serve us runs deep within our dna. it's not just a discount... it's a commitment to making a difference. because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. bass pro shops and cabela's... your adventure starts here.
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this is going to be historic. >> we called to say, maccelli and i could not be prouder to endorse you, to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> oh my goodness, this means so much to me. i am looking forward to doing this with the two of you, doug and i both. being out there on the road. >> while harris mania is running wild, james carville is raining on the coconut party. >> this is everybody's -- get ready, they are coming. this kind of giddy elation is not going to be very helpful much longer because that's not what we will be faced with. >> greg to you first on the phone call that i know you think feels really authentic. >> yes, spontaneous, as pediatric neurosurgery.
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maybe it's not her fault but when you are on speaker, you don't hold it to your year. >> people have been commenting on this. >> and obviously so i believe that conversation, the obama part was taped three years ago. but don't you find it weird how they treat her like a child, like she just got the lead role in the high school rendition of pippin or she just got into her first choice of college, you know, or maybe they just accepted her offer for the three bedroom duplex. it's like yes, are they going to come up on the offer? okay. hello. but then i think the next three months it's going to be a lot like this, micromanaging like they are transporting 100 pounds of nitroglycerin over treacherous roads. i think it speaks to a lack of confidence in their candidate. she makes people nervous because
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she's nervous. you don't have the luxury of saying, you know, just be kamala. you can't say that because nobody knows what that is. she has changed on every position, or so she claims. who is she? there's this giddy patronizing atmosphere around it. it doesn't feel like a presidential candidate to me and i'm sure it does not feel that way to you, jessica. >> i'm the moderator and my opinion doesn't really matter. shannon. we are going to win. okay. shannon. so carvel is right that we are on the sugar high and it's going to revert to the normal. not necessarily what was going on with biden but it will be a close race and it will be decided by 100,000 people in 5-7 states. do you feel like democrats are sensing that or we are still
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going to go with bret mania for a while longer? >> i'm learning new media all the time -- new things. but president obama also said underdogs. run like you are losing. it's funny because those of us at the rnc, especially after the assassination attempt in photo with the flag, every lawmaker i talked to, it's like there's no way he can lose. that's when president biden was still in the race. but they were feeling so overly confident so when you hear this caution from inside the party from the democrats, saying don't get too crazy, they know there's a honeymoon period. you get a pump off your convention whatever your party is so it's clear that the vice president has the wind at her back. amazing fundraising but maybe this is good for the other side, to have a bit of a wake-up call for the republicans. like how you were feeling a week ago, it's a different race now. >> kennedy, it seems like the
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republicans are getting a big jd vance should i say couch sized wake-up call? >> pervert, smut on the brain. >> greg says x is so great. i think jd vance wishes there was a bit more policing of content. >> probably not. >> let's move to the next section. is that a sectional joke? what you think is going on right now in the race? >> what is going on in the race. i agree with shannon, i think there was a lot of exuberance and maybe overconfidence of the rnc because joe biden was still very much the candidate. we were told, thursday we were talking when the report came out that president biden was going to resign on sunday and the team pushed back and said he's in it to win it, he's earned a second term, he's the guy and then we were like maybe this is all baloney nonsense. but things happen so quickly.
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the lead candidate in a presidential race was almost shot and killed not even two weeks ago and we are barely talking about it. that's how addictive the fast new cycle is. whatever sugar high democrats are experiencing, it is momentary. this race is going to change so much between now and november and she not only has to answer for being a horrible campaigner in 2020, and i've seen no evidence she's made the critical 180-degree shift to, you know, this incredibly adept politician , you know, a bill clinton level presidential candidate. i've not seen that. she also has to answer not only for her awful policy positions which recovered on the first part of the show, but the biden harris record which even despite the propaganda, it's awful for too many americans. >> so charlie, who do you think in the vp stakes of all of this
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on the democratic side, kamala harris is looking at governors, josh schapiro, roy cooper. >> kind of embarrassing. >> mark pelley. who do you think? >> i think she should pick an illegal alien just a double down. >> barack obama? >> that's who she apparently cares more about than regular americans but to answer your question i think josh schapiro. i think the problem with that, and this is to me, i will never get over the fact that it's 2024 and you have democrat media and democrats openly wringing their hands over the idea that she might pick a popular governor of a key state like pennsylvania, josh schapiro. there are worried she might because of his religion, because he's jewish and because that is
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going to hurt her in a general election. i'm like where do you get your voters? this is insane. if it were the other way around and this were republican, people would be rightly outraged about it but you turn on the tv and have these people in the media and democrats openly talking about it and it's mind blowing to me. >> how can you be a democrat, jessica, when the democrats are saying don't pick a jew because he will lose minnesota? that has to make you angry. it would make me angry. you should leave the party. >> that's a really good idea. that would work so much better. going to make the announcement right here right now. interestingly i think josh is fantastic. they are concerned about the teacher unions because he has like four tweets today, school vouchers. >> another area where trump is down the middle. democrats are like, and kamala
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harris is often loony land. >> we are the worst. coming up, donald trump lastingly fbi director who questioned whether he was shot. [♪♪] ok limu! you set it, and as i spike it, i'll tell them how liberty mutual customizes car insurance, so they only pay for what they need. got it? [squawks] did you get that? only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪ introducing new advil targeted relief.
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[♪♪] hello there, donald trump announcing on truth social that he will be going back to butler, pennsylvania for what he calls a big beautiful rally. it comes as the former president and his doctor hit back at the fbi director who just went -- on his bullet grazed year. christopher wray telling congress he's not sure what object bloodied trump's ears. >> with respect to former president trump, there is some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear. >> is there really some
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question? now the fbi had to clean it up. the bureau had to clean up the magic shrapnel theory, releasing a statement to fox that says "what struck former president trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented in smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subjects rifle." donald trump himself posting on truth social "the fbi never checked. it was unfortunately a bullet that hit my ear and hit it hard. there was no glass, no shrapnel, the hospital called it a bullet wound to the ear and that is what it was. no wonder the one -- the fbi has lost the confidence of america." and ronnie jackson is tearing into the director. give it to us, ronnie. >> absolutely ridiculous he would make a comment like this. it was absolutely a bullet. i examined it. a trackable bullet. it was scooped out.
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it had to tell tale other damage associated with it and if he's going to make statements like that he better have evidence. there was no fractured glass on the teleprompters or anything else so if it was not a bullet, what was it and where did it come from. >> great questions. charlie, starting with you. it hurt so bad to get shot in the ear, why is the fbi director going full keith olbermann? it's wild. he did not -- he was not even asked a question about it, he volunteered it. the question was about something else and then he went out of his way to go back, and by the way, we don't really know this for certain. it's amazing that you have the fbi supposedly concerned about conspiracy theories and they are literally sowing the ground for conspiracy theories. the other thing i think is shocking, the washington times as a story coming out this evening. >> who is their opinion editor?
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>> a very opinionated person. but it's amazing because -- so he has not -- the fbi has not even interviewed donald trump about the case. which -- and, you know, the fbi has taken it on the chin a lot over the last couple years for very good reason and the idea that he's going to go out there and answer questions. they haven't even begun the most important part of the investigation which would be to talk to the guy that got shot. and then to go out and spend conspiracy theories, this is why nobody has faith in the fbi. >> it does not seem necessary to freestyle on this. i understand our politics are incredibly petty and you don't want to give anyone an advantage when trump was shot i heard a lot of people going well, that's it, he's winning the race now. so is it that much of an advantage that democrats and, you know, shadow members of the
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democrat establishment like christopher wray allegedly have to take that from him? he can't even be shot in the ear? >> i'm happy for him to have the shot in the ear situation. he definitely -- i know, just a bipartisan day for me. it was just strange. it was kind of -- it was ugly on a personal level to do that and it was also ugly on a political level. if that was his intention. christopher wray is a trump appointee, not some democrat hacker anything like that but if you feed this beast, and there are so many conspiracies out there about what happened, and they come from all sides of the aisle. i think we all want to know more about this kid and how it's possible -- >> democrats are saying he wasn't even shot. it was an inside job. >> i don't, i'm not so far gone that i know those people personally. i know that does exist. >> they are right outside.
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>> let's go for a cocktail with them. i don't like it. it's something that hit -- horrific that happened in a man died because of it. it only feeds -- if you think that donald trump is a beast, it only feeds the beast of it and the narrative that everyone is against him and there's some deep state conspiracy. >> so we do have or conspiracies that have blossomed just shy of two weeks from the assassination attempt. why is that? >> that's why i think transparency is so necessary and not making an unforced error or something you have to walk back. we get new revelations every day and they are mostly coming from local officials who don't appreciate being thrown under the bus by the feds who are sort of stonewalling the information they are willing to hand over. when you have local, state, county agencies saying this is what happened, a number of whistleblowers have come
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forward. they had a chairman on who said there are more whistleblowers. i think the more transparent you can be, the quicker you get rid of the conspiracies. >> including the body cam footage we saw from the local law enforcement. so many more questions raised from that. like what's going on with the guy in the van, what's happening with the water tower, who's in the gray suit? what does it say about resident trump that he's going back to butler? >> a lot of people would not but he gets back up on the horse. i just coined that phrase. i think the big question is, why did he bring it up? he was there for a specific reason. we are not interested in the conspiracy theories, we are interested in how it happened, how he got away with it, how did a 20-year-old freak best all of our intelligence agents. he wanted to talk about anything but what happened. i watch a lot of crime
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documentaries, a lot of the first 48 and whenever they have a suspect in, the suspect always takes off ramps into stuff that the people don't want to listen to. like i got in a fight with my ex , then i went to this bar. they go no, focus. he had no interest in being culpable or facing the heat that he deservedly faced. he's worse than kim cheatle because you could see the ambivalence and the fact that she checked out. but he looks like he walked out of central casting. he explains things with authority. he thought he could crews right through this and kind of flippantly throw this off. something he probably read on x, something he heard. it was only because he was trying to deflect from what was going on. but what upsets me about him is that he proved me wrong. that i cannot blame dei for this. it's not incompetence by a dei, it's incompetence by a
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bureaucracy. he's an empty suit who floated to the top do to that empty suit. it has nothing to do with -- you watch this an how far did he get based on just how he played that role. >> but let me ask, is there anything more dangerous than went dei and the deep state get together? >> that's part of it. but in this case this was a deflection from the true intended path of that hearing. how did you guys let this happen? >> let me tell you this little story about shrapnel. it's like no, we don't want to here that. it should anchor a lot of people including the families of the victims. >> especially after kim cheatle's testimony. we needed an adult to explain. >> he looks like an adult but it was worse. >> judge jeanine: >> coming up,'s greasy gavin trying to clean up california to help out kamala? the governor's new crackdown on homeless encampments. [♪♪] homeless encampments. kinky. over 400,000 people with afib have left
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♪ ♪ >> charlie: greasy gavin is cleaning up kamala's mess in california. governor newsom giving the green light for state agencies to start clearing out homeless camps after waiting five years , newsom now says there is no time to waste. watch this. >> an executive order to move the process forward, that it's time to moved with urgency at the local level to clean up these -- focus on public health and public safety. there are no longer any excuses. >> charlie: of what role did kamala play in all of this? well, back when she was attorney general of california, kamala harris helped push through proposition 47 which basically legalized possession of hard drugs and theft as long as you stayed $950,
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letting on the streets and in the homeless encampments. kennedy, you love california. >> kennedy: despite gavin newsom, i still love california. >> charlie: you want california to be great again. what is going on? >> kennedy: i did a fly along with the l.a. county sheriff's department and we flew over a lot of these homeless camps, and they pointed out, the sheriff's department removed them but it is the municipalities that are not allowed to. l.a.p.d. wants to but up until now they haven't been able to and they also blame prop 47 because california hasn't done it right in terms of decriminalization versus legalization. a lot of mentally ill drug addicts were lingering on the streets, they don't get the help they need because the agencies aren't coordinating, bureaucracy were all they do is play politics. and gavin newsom, when he was mayor of san francisco, he
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really created this entire climate. he wouldn't take homelessness seriously there and that is when it really began and festered and spread throughout the state to every big city, making them virtually unlivable. really cool neighborhoods that were great for a little while like downtown l.a. and venice, absolute garbage, most of them, because of the homeless crisis, so now with the supreme court ruling, he actually has legal leeway and he has got cover because he is not running for president this year, he's got four years for people to forget about the fact that he is going to bulldoze all of these homeless camps right into the sea and he may be the only person in california because actually hopefully kamala harris loses so he has trump to fight for four more years when he runs in 2028. >> charlie: so why is he helping her? >> jessica: he is helping the people of california, which is his job. a public servant who cares about the public, it happens. >> charlie: i don't mean to be
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overly cynical -- >> jessica: you do -- >> charlie: the timing -- >> greg: sleeping in front of the french laundry and he had it. >> jessica: it is because of the supreme court ruling. you just said it, this is new authority he has and gavin newsom since last year has been pushing back, talked about how ridiculous it was you could steal up to $950 worth of stuff, but he doesn't want that ballot measure to pass so it would und. he will veto that. yes, absolutely. >> charlie: give credit to the supreme court? >> shannon: this is one of the supreme court decisions from the last term that some people on the left like because they are really mad about a lot of stuff but they will use this one. yes, jessica says, seal of approval, jessica tarlov. this idea of we hear about the vice president was a federal prosecutor and they want to set up federal prosecutor versus convicted felon, that's the conversation they want to have. she self describes herself as a progressive prosecutor.
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the accused are also victims because these him criminal justice system is broken. was her things we saw play out for her a bit. when she was at the attorney general's office in california and things you will have to discuss. >> charlie: a place like california. >> greg: it's amazing, you have to try really hard to do something like this. but it's better late than never. i think that may be, i'm giving him the best intentions that democrats are finally admitting there is some kind of intrinsic value to order and boundaries. what they did, they conflated freedom without structure or boundaries as a right, and they turned that belief onto the structures that actually preserve freedom, so you are right to disrupt civil life with a lawless existence. it just broke societies into pieces. people were scared, and we are all held together by a social
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contract. we are supposed to live together. they created an identity out of chaos. it is your right to be unhoused. it is right to live in a camp, right? it is right to have a mad max dystopia right outside your door. that is exactly what happens. in order to have real freedom for everybody, you have to have structure and boundaries, and i thing the democrats left to their own devices without a strong republican party, this is where they end up. >> charlie: i am with kennedy, no malingerer's. >> kennedy: normal encoders. >> greg: where all of the homeless families in the camps? >> kennedy: they don't know, they lost track of $24 billion in california. >> charlie: way to go. all right, "fan mail friday" is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: it's been a while. "fan mail friday." all right, this is a fun question from joe: did you ever perform in a talent show? charlie. i have to go to you first because -- >> charlie: you know that the answer is no. >> greg: you never did any kind of talent show in high school, grade school? >> charlie: no.
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my grandmother would dress us up in colonial outfits. >> shannon: your childhood. >> kennedy: that was like last week. >> greg: that's hilarious. >> charlie: but that's not a talent. >> jessica: fancy dress appeared >> greg: it is a colonial fetish. shannon? >> shannon: only if you count the finals of miss america 1990. >> greg: that's a talent show. what was your talent? >> shannon: i played -- >> greg: oh, wow. it was last century, literally. >> greg: jessica, talent show? >> jessica: no. i didn't want to participate in most things, so i probably cried my way out of it. no talent show, but i did sports stuff. >> greg: don't try to change the subject. typical liberal appeared kennedy? >> kennedy: eighth grade, we did a lip-sync, me and my best friend.
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>> greg: i did eighth grade game show called "up your income." i wore my mom's wig. she had a wake and i wore it. and at the end i get killed. >> shannon: oh, no beards >> greg: saint gregory's in san mateo. yes, it was. i know. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient,
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your goat. >> check out this goat that managed to get on top of a car in colorado at a hike near mount blue sky. they found her prints all over her subaru, a subaru a and could not figure out how they got there until they saw this video posted online. >> there's a goat on top of my car, she screamed. she was quickly arrested for hate speech. >> oh. anyway, that's all i have. >> adorable aunt jessica. you really saved time saying adorable. i did. okay. and now that we're talking about that. yeah. now that we've. okay, so a couple of delta passengers got their revenge after the airline delayed their flight for days and didn't offer an refund. in a tongue in cheek video, kyle phillip and his companion got their money's worth at the delta airport lounge, pictured piling free food onto their plates, shoving snacks into their pockets and pouring fresh glasses of wine immediately into their losers. >> you do what you got to do, but some people clean up after them. they did it. they made it.
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they made a mess in the bathroom. and that doesn't hurt delta. it hurts the people that have to clean it up. >> i hate it. does knuckle okay and me did you know this that a lot of people will use pets in their wedding ceremonies in new york? >> yes. guess what? they can actually serve as a legal witness to your marriage to keep it from the ceremony. >> but any pet, including dogs, parakeets, all kinds of stuff, they can actually be. they put their little paw print on the legal document. >> it counts as a witness. i'm not kidding. oh, it also this weekend, i got people to judge on fox news sunday. >> charlie. oh, how does that not count as animal cruelty? >> breaking a dog's at their wedding? oh, that some people like wedding snacks. >> what about your wife? i know. i'm like my wedding. it was great. okay, make it quick. i wouldn't want to go. you got 10 seconds to me. >> you? yeah, you. oh, we got down to florida's hemingway. six decades after his death. we've got a parade of ernest hemingway look alikes running the bulls. >> okay, that's it. >> got to go


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