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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 27, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> former president and republican presidential nominee
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donald trump said to make his first of two campaign stops at the day in nashville and just a few hours to make a keynote speech to the bitcoin conference rumors that trump could announce plans to create a u.s. bitcoin strategic reserve. welcome to fox news live i am anita. griff, it may be time to rethink bitcoin. >> why not. here we go. i am griff jenkins. ramaswamy also headlining this conference as crypto is expected to play a major role in the white house. nobody better than kelly o'grady who was lived in nashville from that conference. what is going on. >> hey. it is fascinating. this industry used to be marked by skepticism. now to presidential candidates. of course, warmer president
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trump speaking later this afternoon. that is a big ticket item. he is looking to tap into also e donors prior to the speech happening just now. the former president is holding a fundraiser. 845. it is a plan to classify bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset. the treasury would purchase billions in bitcoin and then hold that just like they do gold , other foreign currencies. the former president not the only candidate to raise that idea. promising to purchase over 250 billion bitcoin. that would give huge credibility to the industry. send the prices soaring. we did catch up with kennedy yesterday. he says it brings transparency. >> a currency of freedom, it's a currency of hope.
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the capacity to affect our democracy, to make government much more transparent. bitcoin makes government incorruptible. it has to be honest. >> the data shows why candidates are courting this crypto crew. one in five americans own crypto and of those 73% say a candidate stance would impact their vote. one candidate asked them this weekend is vice president harris she was asked to speak in decline. that is drawing some criticism from a lot of folks i have talked to care. the biden administration's policies have been criticized in the past as anti-crypto. i can tell you, you see the folks line up behind me, they are interested to see what president trump has to say today back to you. >> the day i can buy beer with bitcoin i will be all in. live for us in nashville, great job. thank you.
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anita. anita: vice president kamala harris sat down with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on thursday with her first meeting with a foreign leader earlier in the week and skipping his speech before congress. we are live in front of the white house with the very latest president trump met with netanyahu as well. >> that is right. a great meeting and clearly an attempt to patch up some things. the last two years after president netanyahu declared his support for president biden after winning the election in 2020, the former president was a little irked by that. the former president said all is good in all things have been good with the prime minister. now here at the white house, anita, the longest-serving prime minister in israel's history had separate meetings with president biden and vice resident harris. let's see and hear more from harris remarks after hearing.
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>> it is time for this war to end. israel is secure. all the hostages are released. the suffering of palestinians and gaza in spirit and the palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity and self-determination. >> after winning the endorsement from the obama harris poll, they have a democratic nomination all but locked up giving them the freedom to pursue a different course of action when it comes to u.s. foreign policy. they see some daylight between the vice president and biden when it comes to war and hamas. thousands of protesters including some hamas sympathizers marched up constitution avenue, something too close to the u.s. capital where netanyahu was addressing congress. protest later turned violent at union station, as you can see here just a few blocks away from the american capital american flags were hauled down and one
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burned by an angry mob. some try to glorify the terrorist group responsible for the massacre when this graffiti was spray-painted saying thomas is coming. police say they were outnumbered despite hundreds of reinforcements with the nypd sent to enforce the capital. it is not clear why more cops did not respond to union station the vice president condemned the violence saying "i condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization of hamas which is about to annihilate the state of israel and kill jews. pro- hamas graffiti and rhetoric we cannot tolerate in our nation as far as the schedule goes, the vice president is in massachusetts today for fundraising. home of the former affiliate of the chicago cubs. anita. anita: always working a sports angle. thank you so much for that live report. appreciate it.
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griff. griff: anita, big questions for officials of washington about those violent protests lucas was just talking about. happening outside that joint meeting of congress and it speech by benjamin that yahoo!. chad program explains. >> the waves outrage. questions about resources and whether police work aggressive enough quashing the protest. they spray-painted pro- hamas slogans and torched american flags. >> how ironic the prime minister was talking about the burning american flags, they are literally proving him right with the capital in the background. >> it is disgusting. that person that defaced the monument should find their in jail. >> republicans argued this is a problem with crime and lawlessness in washington. >> really embarrassing behavior. >> swapping out of american
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flags for palestinian flags called lawmakers the most. republicans taking down palestinian flags and hoisting the stars & stripes. >> it is disgusting and hard to believe that they would do this year, on our own ground. this is capitol hill. they are destroying public property and they are burning american flags and we will not stand for it. >> condemning the hooliganism. >> we cannot have violence towards any group of people. >> reminding some of anti-israel demonstrations which gripped universities this spring. >> college campuses wary of actual students, almost always jewish americans who are physically threatened and physically harmed. that says a message basically do what you want. that is dangerous. >> fretting about tension ahead of the election. >> i just hope we can de-escalate the tone and the rhetoric in this country. it is dangerous for everybody. griff: washington, d.c. is a federal enclave.
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congress serves as a super city council. mike jumped in and others are probing for more information about the demonstrations and why so few prosecutions. on capitol hill, chad program, fox news. anita: the cofounder of sinaloa cartel and the son of el chapo was arrested in el paso, texas this week. ismael "el mayo" zambada faces multiple charges in connection with the cartel and its trafficking networks. madison is here with the very latest on this. what can you tell us. >> the mexican sinaloa cartel is known as one of the most violent and powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world. now, two of its leaders are in federal custody. the dea says the cartel is responsible for the majority of drugs killing countless americans, including fentanyl. according to the cdc, professional kills tens of
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thousands of americans annually. jim brouse son died from fentanyl in 2015 and he is now dedicated to raising awareness about the epidemic. the cartel arrests give him hope >> i think it will have a symbolic impact saying we are not going to take this anymore. we will start standing up to the flow of this material and the criminality and evil that goes along with it. >> ismael "el mayo" zambada is one of the cartel's bosses arrested thursday in el paso. he pleaded not guilty to several drug charges in court friday. tran tell -- ismael "el mayo" zambada found sinaloa cartel with el chapo. currently serving a life sentence in a maximum security prison. his son was also arrested on thursday. el chapo son trick into getting onto a private plane that he thought was flying around mexico
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and instead the plane landed in el paso where the two were arrested. anita, it is unclear if el chapo son was given a plea deal. sources say he was under an enormous amount of pressure. he may have taken ismael "el mayo" zambada down with them. he blames him for his father's arrest. mexican authorities. the arrest may increase violence they are beeping up security across the country. back to you. anita: good to know they are off the street in any case. thank you so much for that report. ♪ >> it is not just us. independent fact checkers have done the same thing. it does not exist and it is not true. griff: that was clipped a little bit at the beginning. the moment we have seen for the last couple of days. saying that kamala harris was never the borders are.
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emphasizing she was only tasked with looking at the root causes of illegal immigration from guatemala, honduras and for more on this let's bring former border patrol rodney scott. chief, was harris made the border czar were given these immigration duties when you were the chief? did she ever call you or meet with you? >> let's back up. things are having me on, griff. let's back up for a second. she was made vice president of the united states by the american population. everybody in the government especially the executive branch falls underneath her. it was common knowledge that she was assigned the border czar. the term was used across every media network possible. she went down to the latin america, central america. but my understanding is, really, she did not have meaningful conversations with anybody about
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slowing down the flow of illegal immigration to the united states she did not really do anything to "identify and fix the root causes of illegal immigration" from those areas. when i was still chief, she went till el paso. she met with some ngos. there really was not a huge crisis in el paso at the time. now compared to rio grande valley or del rio. she avoided all of that. she avoided any conversation about slowing down the flow. let's just look at the statistics. illegal immigration from the areas that she was supposed to focus on, even if she was only focusing on the root causes, skyrocketed. there is absolutely no way you could say anything that she did was a success, regardless of the title. >> exactly. i crunched the numbers in my reporting all day yesterday a bill my colleague doing a deep dive. if you accept she was only dealing with mexico and the
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northern countries of el salvador, guatemala and honduras , you see an increase over the trump years, 4.31 million compared to 4.8 million and actually it is 34% more in the entire eight years of obama. while she knows it is spinning out of control, surging from that specific area that she has been given, did she pick up the phone and call you or say, chief , i know that you understand more than any other official in the administration about the push factors of why these people are flooding to our border. you would think she would want to seek your advice. >> only if you wanted to solve the problem. let's not forget that this administration and she is on opening the border and making it easier to get into the united states. they never talk about securing the border slowing down the flow border patrol is responsible for securing the border.
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at no time did she or anyone on her staff reach out and ask for our opinions. pushing our professional perspective unsolicited, it was met with just complete hostility ultimately, that is why he ended up getting forced out of my position and retiring. they did not want to secure the border. please, anyone watching this, don't forget her history. she raised her hand and said illegally entering the united states should not be a crime. she is from san francisco which is always a sanctuary city. now the entire state is a sanctuary state. what she did as vice president is just carry on what she has done her entire political career and to think that you will change now that she is a presidential candidate would be pretty naïve. griff: lastly, it appears that the white house is trying to spin the border crisis as a positive for harris. president biden tweeting on his
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official x handle, this graphic, which you see under president biden, unlawful crossings at the southern border have dropped by 55%. there is no context, there is no defined time period, but as best i can determine, looking at the numbers, that is certainly not compared to the trump years. perhaps from back in december, january when there was 300,000 illegal crossings compared to the 130-170 happening now. >> that is a problem with statistics. you have to be very, very specific about what you are comparing. last month in june, well, in june, 204,000 encounters of illegal aliens coming into the united states. compare that, not just to the trump administration, but prior to the trump administration when we were getting below 500,000
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for an entire year. we are hitting 200,000 a month that are claiming success just because another month that it be hundred thousand. it is total chaos on the southwest border. the fed and all is boring and right behind illegal aliens in this could all be fixed if we could just reimplement the meaningful policies that were in place before. >> former border patrol chief rodney scott was on the front lines in the official put in charge of the border issues for mexico in the northern triangle never got the call. we appreciate your time and always your insight. thank you, sir. >> thank you. have a great day. griff: you, too. ♪ anita: always about the economy. the personal consumption expenditures price index a preferred inflation gauge of the federal reserve rose slightly in june. president biden reacting to the report saying "we are going to keep building on this progress to lower cost for all americans by expanding on our success cap
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and prescription drug costs and building more homes to lower rents. congressional republicans have a different plan. one that would reignite inflation by giving more massive tax cuts to the ultra- wealthy while raising costs for working families by taxing all imports. for more on the biden harris economy, we are joined now by former trump campaign senior economic advisor and heritage foundation senior visiting fellow steve moore. great to have you here today. >> hi, anita. anita: hi. no question people were struggling under the biden economy. let's bring up some numbers to take a look. let's take a look at the inflation numbers under biden. they rose all the way up to 9%, a peak of 9%. now back down to 3%. take a look at the cost of goods we sewn -- we have shown these graphics only times good gasoline up 47%. consumer prices 19% spirit
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grocery, electricity, rent, credit card debt, so many things hitting the american public and their pocketbooks. she inherits these numbers. >> not only does she inherit these numbers and contribute to them, she was a tie-breaking vote in the united states senate the vice president breaks a tie when you get a 5050 bow. twice she did that. $3 trillion of spending bills. she is almost personally responsible for the massive inflation that you just showed on that chart. inflation went from, you're not going to believe this, 1.4% or 5 % when trump left office and then it was 9.1%. you have just about everything you buy 20-25, in some cases 30% more expensive. whether it's gasoline, groceries you have that number about rent.
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i think those rent numbers are probably too low. most people tell me that there rents have gone up 30, 40, 50%. at the same time, anita, just talk to people on the street. people are saying they cannot even afford to go to mcdonald's or burger king anymore. it is almost too expensive. anita: it's almost like a gourmet restaurant now. it is interesting. resident biden is still defending his record on the economy. take a listen to what he said in his oval office address and former president trump reacting to that. take a listen. >> today we have the strongest economy in the world creating 60 million new jobs. wages are up. inflation continues to come down >> handled it very easily. i have the economy on my side. they have a lousy economy that it's so inflation ridden. the worst inflation in the history of our country and it's destroying people. >> the economy will still be the
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number one topic as we go into this campaign. a quick reaction to those soundbites. and i want to turn the topic to something else. >> ask the american people. every single pull for the last three and half years whether it's a fox pool, gallup poll or msnbc pool, they all show the same thing. 60% of americans only rate the economy as fair or poor. people rated the economy good or great. that is a problem. the inflation rate is down, but that still means prices are rising. they are just not rising as fast as they used to be. >> at least that is one good thing. real quick, steve. right about now, parents are taking out their check books and writing huge checks. at some of the most expensive colleges in the country. pepperdine, usc. i went there, but it was not that much. $95,000 for some of these
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colleges. it is just unbelievable. you have a plan that you would like to see to help students pay for college. very quickly, 30 seconds, please explain it. >> these kids 18, 19, 20, 21 -year-olds work each week. college of the ozarks where the tuition is free. the kids have to actually work for their tuition. twenty, 21 -year-olds. they could be working while they are getting their degree. the kid that i met at the college are some of the best that i've met. instead of the taxpayers having to pay for the student loans that are not being paid back, what about these universities like northwestern and stamford that have billions of dollars of endowments. why don't they use that. why should people like you and me and the people listening to this show, why should we have to pay for it when they are sitting on these pots of gold, these universities. it does not make any sense. >> yeah. there's something to students
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paying their own education. they owned their education at the end of the day. steve moore, thank you very much for your insightful plan. we will see you next time. >> have a great weekend. >> you, to. >> the last supper. men then drag last night. that's how they opened the olympics. we wilswitl tell you why when wt ♪ it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. subway is offering 20% off any sub, any size whooo! 20% off subs is fun to say 20% off subs are fun to eat you'll love 20% off subs the point is, any sub any size. 20% off at subway with schwab investing themes™, it's easy to invest in ideas you believe in. spot a trend in electric vehicles? have a passion for online gaming? or want to explore the space economy? choose from over 40 themes,
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griff: outrage sparking after the openings. -- opening of the olympics parroting the last supper. what an odd decision. >> definitely getting mixed reactions today on social media from the international community first in the day get those tran cancellations then the you had this torrential downpour in the brain and the move to make the ceremony outside instead of usual inside of a stadium. we also had other things happening yesterday. olympic organizers had to issue an apology after the south korean team was mistakingly introduced as north korea and despite swamping that stadium, you could see all the boats going one by one down the river. some calling it spectacular while others say it was a bit tacky. >> everything. everything. it was great.
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the boat, that was just over thought. >> all of this as we mentioned seemed overshadowed as those all my critics ripped apart the opening ceremony saying the beheading of marie antoinette and reimagining of this last summer performance in particular were described as hyper sexualized in making fun of christianity. tesla founder said on next that this was extremely disrespectful to christians and conservative french politician parliament members saying on x impart "to all the questions of the world that are watching the ceremony and felt insulted by this drag queen parody of the last summer know that it is not france that is speaking but a left-wing minority". the people running the show say it was a modern take on the greek god of wine meant to show that the absurdity of violence between human beings.
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many of other people on social media applauded this performance it is weird, wonderful and historic with three drag queens carried the olympic torch for the first time. griff, of course, there were tons of highlights. lady gaga, celine dion. the trains should be running normal by monday. back to you. griff: i think the south korean athletes will compete even harder today upset after being introduced as north korean. stephanie bennett covering all the olympics for us. thank you. anita. anita: more questions and answers in the assassination attempt of former president trump as he announces he will return to the rally site to honor the victims. our team is on the ground i' butler. ♪ complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. it takes healthy joints
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anita: the investigation continues into the attempted
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assassination of former president donald trump in the fbi's looking to speak to him very soon. trump announced last night he would be returning to butler, pennsylvania, to hold a rally to honor the other victims of the shooting. jeff paul is here with the latest on all of this. hi, jeff. >> hey there. things are slowly getting back to normal herein butler, pennsylvania, in the wake of the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. here we are two weeks later in the scene of the shooting is still very much under wraps and off-limits. take a look at this video that our fox flight drone team shot. those are the grounds where the rally took place. that, according to our sources is a group of fbi personnel and other investigators. there is still seemingly piecing things together as they continued this investigation surrounding not only how this happened, but more importantly, why. we are also getting an update on trump condition.
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ronny jackson says trump is rapidly recovering and doing extremely well. in fact, listen to what trump told the crowd last night at the turning point event in florida. >> i stand before you tonight thanks to the power of prayer in the grace of almighty god. as i think you can see i have recovered well. in fact, just took off the last bandage off of my ear. >> in terms of what caused that injury, the fbi released a statement clarifying the position after director christopher wray testified no question it was that bullet or shrapnel. "what struck her president trump in that year was a bullet. fired from the deceased subject 's rifle". we are expecting former president trump to come back here where he has announced he will hold another rally. no details of when that will happen or what it could look like. only saying it will be big and
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it will honor the lives of the victims who were shot. you can only imagine, there will be a lot more security, if and when that happens. anita: no doubt. a totally revamped security process, i am sure. jeff paul live in pennsylvania for us. jeff, thank you. ♪ griff: former president trump and his running mate jd vance will be in minnesota this week and trying to pull more supporters from the democratic leaning state. we are live in st. cloud minnesota with more on the rally hey, madison. >> the rally is still slated for a couple hours from now. people have been lining up for hours, even days. the first people in line arriving at 2:00 p.m. yesterday. we spoke with the 75th person in this line. they got in at three again. it is kind of hard to capture just how long this is. the line goes on as far as i can see, wraps around multiple blocks. thousands of people in line all here to support former president
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trump. the thing is when it comes to the state, definitely leaning towards harris. brand-new pulling out that shows majority pullers in the state prefer, harris over the former president with harris pulling a 52%. paris is particularly strong with suburban women coming in at 63%. that is a group that trump has historically troubled with. comments have resurfaced leaving the vp contender on the defensive. republicans privately expressing concerns. speaker johnson's office blew off the questions about a party divide pointing us to a statement from earlier in the month that red president trump needs a vice president with innovative ideas and the ability to articulate them to every single american voter. jd vance fits that mold perfectly. the bright side is minnesota voters, their top issue when it comes to their vote this fall is the economy of 33%. that is an issue that voters do
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want trump on. even though there's a potential female at the top of the democratic ticket, they do not agree with our policies and they feel like she has biden two-point oh. take a listen. >> i'm not worried. i think her incompetence is in our favor. all she does is repeat insignificant talking points to make them significant enough. >> i am so afraid for my children and grandchildren. the economic value, the burden that will be put upon them by giving people who are not here legally free healthcare. >> harris has notably skipped talking about the economy and the border during her first few days as a likely nominee. that is something we expect donald trump to talk about at this rally here today. the space fits about 6000 people it appears there are more than 6000 people waiting to hear the
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former president speak. we anticipate some people may not make it inside the venue. the venue itself, security has been beefed up from the perimeter to the processing happening on the ground. what we will go through as we make our way in to the venue itself, there is a clear difference here because of the events that happened two weeks ago. >> you can bet that that will be tight security. madison, thank you. anita. anita: let's bring in today's political panel to talk more politics. with us now is fox news political analyst gianna caldwell and llc partner jonathan caught. great to see you both today. thanks for coming in. >> great to be with you. anita: the new polls are out. fox news poll. two way match up. choice for president voting now. could this be any tighter? this is just that can that compared next i want to go to
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the new york times siena college poll. the 2024 college election held today, who would you vote for? president trump up by just two points. let's get your reaction here. as president trump in trouble or what do these poles tell you considering this is pretty early , we have a long way to go. >> that is the point here. we do have a long way to go. i don't think that president trump is in trouble. i think that conservatives everywhere should be echoing that message. there is no need to even though the polling looks almost like the joe biden trump polling before kamala harris jumped in with some slight changes. i don't think there should be any need to believe this is in the bag for republicans. no matter what people may say or think, based on the polling we see today, there is a chance for him to win based on his experience and kamala harris has a record that will drag her down
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anita: jonathan, kamala harris was not as popular even just two weeks ago. are these poles so tight because she is sort of a new flavor? the current president has stepped down. this has excited the democratic base. she is still the same person she was a few weeks ago with the same position. >> i think the democratic party is excited and unified. she got a bump in the last week. another bump when she names vp of the people that have been speculated. those are some excellent choices a huge bump in independence if she names a couple of those. then she will go into the convention and you get a three or four bump out of that if you have a great convention. i have a feeling the democratic party is very united. this will keep going in all the way into november. having the first weeks of anybody's campaign ever.
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the best opening week we have ever seen a politics. i am excited for this. >> you mentioned the vp choice. let's take another look at who she may be considering. governors from a number of states there. also senators. we have mark kelly, josh schapiro, pete and andy should appear and pete walks. who do you think she will choose >> josh schapiro would make a lot of sense for pennsylvania. mark kelly would make a lot of sense as well. to jonathan's point, of course a really good choice. the democrats have been mourning since joe biden terrific debate performance. joe biden at the top of the ticket would really be a weight on the bottom half of the ticket
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they are excited. people are willing to look at this another time. reinvigorate kamala harris. we have seen her before. in 2020 she ran, she lost. she was not a superstar. as vice president, she has not been a superstar. she has hidden the bushes when it comes to important issues like the border and immigration. her history is a district attorney for the state of california. i can appreciate to jonathan's point the excitement the democrats may have right now. i would not get too comfortable and that excitement. anita: i want to ask you a question about whether or not this was a fair process. kamala harris has racked up all the big-name endorsements. not everybody is happy about this. i want to put up a graph, a timeline of how quickly this happened. less than a week ago that the president stepped down.
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monday she secured enough delegates to secure the nomination. the committee announced it will hold a virtual roll call. towards the end of the week marching all the way through the democratic convention. very fast timeline. what about some of the democrats that say, hey, i may have like to get in there myself. >> politics moves fast and you have to be ready. the harris team was ready to go. they executed flawlessly. if anybody else wanted to get in , they could have. they could have thrown their name and, they could've called delegates, superdelegates, union leaders. what happened was the entire party unified around her and we are seeing it. more and more excitement. everywhere she goes. thousands of new online volunteers coming to her. she is breaking zoom which may be good for some of us that are tired from working from it.
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she is having a historic first 10 days. i think it just shows how good her campaign is and how talented they've been. >> thank you so much for joining us today. we will see what happens. a long time to go. thank you. griff: a man nearly struck by lightning and it is all caught on camera. amazing images coming up right after the break.t-mo ♪ to analyze player performance and expand coaching tools. experience game-changing innovation with t-mobile for business. hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. you got this. one - remember, i don't want surgery for my dupuytren's contracture. two - i want to be able to lay my hand flat.
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sandals rhythm and blues caribbean sale is now on. visit or call 1-800-sandals. griff: talk about shocking. take a look at this. new york, he was in his yard with his dog when he came within yards of being struck by that lightning. thankfully matt and his pooch walked away unharmed. crazy video. anita: turning now to the latest weather conditions across the country. adam is in new york with a look at our forecasts. it is burning on the west coast.
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>> you are absolutely right. we are seeing some of these wildfires. you are seeing plenty of spots climbing into the 80s. out west they would love to see some rain. that largely at least on this saturday happening all across the southeast. most of the fire activity is going. some wildfires happening across the country. most are up and down the west coast and that is where air quality has been really falling the last couple of days. this is our smoke tracker. there are some areas that are hazy, really dangerous to get outside and breathe. some of the northern rocky mountains areas to really give yourself maybe a little bit more time indoors, if you can. otherwise we need to check what is going on. 30% chance over the next week that we can have a tropical storm. very early in the season and we will be watching it. >> no doubt.
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thank you so much for that. griff. griff: if you are not afraid to go into the water out of fear of sharks before, well, they are on cocaine now. we will explain next. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. daily zz for quality sleep. and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off.
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to bid birthdays at the
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pittsburgh zoo. you see two female elephant just celebrated their sweet 16. you can see zookeepers there decked out the enclosure for the occasion. molly made an appearance. >> all right. northern patagonia where marine enthusiast spot a rare whale off the coast of argentina. a young albino male swimming alongside another whale identified as its mother. estimated to be a few days old in the video. >> you may remember cocaine bear now another predator under the influence third teen have tested positive for cocaine off the coast of brazil. it is still unknown how the stimulant can affect sharks but using a little bit of common
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sense and your imagination you can imagine that the oceans most fearsome predator on cocaine is not going to behave anything but more dangerously. anita. anita: i cannot imagine being more afraid of a shark but now maybe i am. i was reading about this. they really do not know the effect on the sharks yet. they have taken them into the lab. they are dissecting them. looking at their muscle and tissue to see how cocaine affects them. some of those sharks were females. they were pregnant. then the question about what about humans that eat sharks. griff: they look like hammerheads. the sharks getting the cocaine had the biggest noses which maybe makes it even more dangerous. from the time i have swam with sharks out in the open, the one thing they tell you is keep your eye contact with them because they are watching you. they are predators. that is a behavior. i can only imagine cocaine in
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their system would make it more dangerous and throw it off a little bit. we have to get that in there every time. that is all for us this hour. fox news live will continue with eric and arthel. i am griff jenkins. anita, great to be with you. anita, great to be with you. anita: thank you everyone for . ♪ balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) louis! okay everybody, that's lunch! (♪) mud mask? (♪) maya knows how quality care can bring out a smile. but it's been a few dog years since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own.
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