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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 27, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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we are awaiting over president trump in nashville next hour for the keynote address at the big it's a bit quaint conference will have a report from there when that happens in meantime we said hello welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville. hi eric. eric: hello everyone, thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn today's appearance for mr. trump is 180 for him. as a president he said bitcoin was not money and said it was based on thin air. but now he is taking millions in campaign contributions he will ease biden administration regulation on crypto. independent candidate robert f kennedy jr. reminded the crowd when he spoke at the bitcoin conference last night he also said a bit coin holder. as a present he said he would make it u.s. strategic reserve asset. arthel: kelly o'grady of foxbusiness is ahead of trump's speech but what's happening at looks like it's bustling there. >> it is.
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you can see the line behind me. folks aren't lined up as early as 7:00 a.m. here on the hope of getting a seat to see president trump speech. we are seeing counts what's up each other when that crypto policy that we are expected today from former president trump us we are going to see pro crypto entire regulation message. we expected deep emphasis on protecting transactional freedom and concentrating bitcoin mining in the u.s. the most anticipated announcement could be the plant plaintiff classified bitcoin as a strategic asset. that would see the treasury purchase of billions in bitcoin and then hold that alongside gold and other currencies. any other future administration is a big sign of credibility in fact et cetera has just announced legislation that would make a bitcoin strategic reserve possible. vice president harris was invited to speaker but declined. democrats have an uphill battle
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after controversy it vetoes from the biden/harris administration even facing some pressure from members of her own party to put forth a more crypto friendly stance it. we spoke to voters about where they stand on the election will we have been here. take a listen. >> i think she's missing a huge opportunity. she should've taken the opportunity and capture the interest of the crypto industry who went that validation that support because she is one 100% missing the whole opportunity on what she could do a become involved with the crypto community. >> i think bitcoin will be a single issue voter consideration going forward. >> a lot of our industry is moving outside of the u.s. i don't want to see that happen. especially because of some of the brightest and most innovative minds here. >> it could move the needle, november. what in five americans owned crypto former president trump a speak at 3:00 p.m. he is looking to capture that excitement and i
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would just say crypto voters go vote with their crypto while i'll send it back to you. arthel: we shall see. kelly o'grady thank you for that incredible report from nashville. eric: on to politics to fox news a poll shows vice president harris is narrowing the gap president biden faced in some key swing states facing former president donald trump. she's with the former president and the key state of michigan part also in pennsylvania i doubt leads him in minnesota. is closing on the former president in wisconsin. madison scarpino it breaks down the numbers for us from washington with the legs on the campaign. democrats are talk about a boost enthusiasm does appear to be playing out in the polls. the race is incredibly tight in these battleground states. harris is performing better than president biden among key democratic groups like black voters young voters and double
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haters. those voters who do not like the president of former president trump. for the first time the race is dead even in michigan with harris and trump tied at 49%. trump's play for minnesota it looks more out of reach with harris six-point advantage harris also locked in a tight with trump in pennsylvania. democrats are more about motivated with harris at the top of the ticket key group of double haters are breaking more heavily for harris and they were for biden's backing her by 41 points compared to the president and 27 points. >> kamala harris is going to win this election she's going to speak to that median american voter in the swing battleground states on two fundamental issues but one is the rule of law and her respect for it. number two is lowering costs in this economy. >> however the economy may be one of these soft spots it is a big reason why harris is down by at one point behind trump in
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wisconsin. only 15% feel like they're getting ahead in the badger state that's a warning sign for harris because the economy is still top of mind for voters there and at michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin as well. and each of the states folks who prioritize the economy prefer trump to lead. >> thanks so much. >> thank you guys, vice president kamala harris met with israeli prime minister thursday separate from president biden. the vice president says she pushed mr. netanyahu to agree to a cease-fire with hamas in order to free the hostages are. then yesterday former president trump hosted the israeli leader at mar-a-lago. lucas of tomlinson's life in the white house with more on those meetings in a why are you in d.c. and not florida? just asking. >> that would be nice trying to do it all in one here. israel's prime minister came here to washington to address congress he was met with thousands of protesters.
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he came into the white house to hold separate meetings with president biden and vice president harris. here is some of what harris said after those meetings. >> i have had an unwavering commitment to the existence of the state of israel. to its security and to the people of israel. what has happened in gaza over the past nine months is devastating. we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. i will not be silent. >> the nomination of harris all but assured after the endorsement has room to put daylight between herself and biden over the war in gaza. protests turn violent when american flags were hauled down and was torched by an angry mob it appeared some of the crowd at union station tried to glorify the terrorist group responsible for the october 7 massacre with this graffiti who reads hamas. park police said they're
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outnumbered despite hundreds of reinforcements nypd sent to protect the capitol part in the state condemned i condemn any individuals associated with the brutal terrorist organization which has vowed to annihilate the state of israel and kill jews and pro- hamas graffiti and rhetoric as a port we must not tolerate it in our nation. after his address to congress and meetings are at the white house israel's longest-serving prime minister flew down to palm beach to meet former president donald trump at his mar-a-lago state. he thought kamala harris was disrespectful to israel and her remarks. the israeli prime minister is set to travel back to israel later today after the report of the rocket attack in northern israel which killed at least nine children on a soccer field. arthel: this is indeed a serious matter. lucas tomlinson thank you. eric: lucas just mention
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breaking news israel say at least nine people were killed. after that a barrage of rockets were struck inside northern israel. most victims were children because they were playing soccer on a soccer field when the rockets hit. the deadliest in conference broke out in october with us now i former israeli diplomat in the consulate in new york joins us now. they're out on a saturday, the sabbath they are playing soccer and has a below attacks and kills him shows the unrelenting death wish. it's controllers and iran and the enemies of israel do not relent. your thoughts? >> you know, thank you for having me. always a pleasure to be with you. even at such a tough moment with the blood is boiling at the site i believe the number is now 10
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israeli children who were butchered on a soccer field on a saturday afternoon as they were playing over the weekend for their enjoyment. it allows us to shed a light it with that shiite terrorist group has been doing and israel's north since the massacre of october 7 which is firing incessantly and indiscriminately with a clear desire to kill as many jews as possible. the question arises are we going to see that masses of demonstrators out there marching against the butchering of israeli children? what is exactly the territorial disputes they are touting against the state of israel? what exactly is the issue when they withdrew from lebanon years ago. the answer is very clear the tentacles of the terrorists octopus into iran that has been commiserating millions of people in the middle east and around the world. has brought calamity to
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palestinians and is now bringing calamity to lebanon. there are many lebanese innocent civilians who are about to drag their country down to the stone age. nothing is being done to help them. i ask you and everyone else who is watching to keep those people in your mind and understand one of the major challenges of our time is not just basing these proxies who are responsible but also the iranian that is responsible for all of this misery and heartache. stewart were showing the protests a couple of days ago in washington d.c. the pro- palestinian protesters as they call themselves, burn the american flag. what would you say to them when they do not have the humanitarian demonstration for the israeli victims in this? >> they were holding signs appraising the final solution.
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what i would tell them, to be honest. >> we had a little bit of a technical glitch will see if we have are you back? no i don't think he is. we apologize for that technical difficulty of course making the point in the wake of this horrible situation in northern israel where there are now 10 children are playing soccer on a saturday afternoon on the sabbath killed by rockets just another indication of the dangers israeli allies and the israelis face every moment. >> we are americans that should live our lives that we want to and should not allow terrorist or would-be assassins to change what we do. >> that is republican congressman carlos gimenez of florida former president trump agrees he has announced plans to
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return to the site of the attempt on his life two weeks ago but let's go to jeff paul he is alive and butler, pennsylvania with more. i understand trump says this rally is to honor the other victims of the shooting. that in mind as well as security has to be top of mind as well, right? >> absolutely. you also have to think about this happen two weeks ago. this town very much impacted by what happened two weeks of the attempted assassination over president donald trump. things here are slowly getting back to normal but the scene where this all happened the rally and the shooting that's very much still under wraps. but sweet wait for more details to surface in this ongoing investigation we have a new animation that helps fill the gaps about what exactly went down that day? the first angle you see is from the perspective of the shooter you can see to the right that is
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the podium or trump was speaking from. off into the distance as of the to thepositions of the counter snipers. you see off the screen the position of the shooter partially obstructed by trees. former white house doctor current texas congressman ronny congressman ronnyjackson said ty recovering and doing extremely well trump in fact telling the crowd he took up the bandage from his ear while he spoke in west palm beach at the turning point action event. in terms what caused the injury fbi clarified its position after director christopher raitt testified there's questions about whether or not he was hit with a bullet, or shrapnel. it reads quote what struck former president trump of the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces fired from the deceased's subjects rifle former fbi special agent jonathan says the focus right now should be on how the shooting happened in the first place.
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>> what is so chilling about this, it's not just the shooter and the fact he got eight shots off it is the fact these are law-enforcement officers fully intact out in gear that are supposed to be policing that area they are looking at this like it was a street corner that was a mile away and they drove up on it. this was their job to secure that. >> we are learning not only will former president trump will continue to hold outdoor rallies from butler, pennsylvania for a rally. no word on the details as far as a date or timing of the former president saying stay tuned he will honor the lives of the victims from that shooting. arthel: thank you for all the details for j jeff and paul, thk you. eric: will former israeli consulate we h hats are with a technical issue. you said 10 children killed by
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the rockets. you were saying what you would tell those of demonstrators. you do not hear them protesting for the dead israelis and israel intent let hamas reconstitute as a danger in the south. exit yes, we were talking about those demonstrations outside the joint session of congress of the prime minister. it was an opportunity there is and they're telling us who they are holding signs, praising the final solution against jews. telling us they tear down the american flag. the very clear message about not being pro- palestinian but pro- hamas terror. this is indeed the vocal minority. we are seeing the silent majority in the u.s. and around the world supporting israel and supporting the united states you're absolutely correct that none of them is going to call out the butchery of innocent
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israeli children are playing soccer in the afternoon. eric: are you concerned or do you have concerns as a presidential election plays out in the fact of vice president harris has been seen by some to be not as strong on israel as the president? it's clear there's a significant challenge all of these that come from that direction of appraising the butchering of jews must be answered with the ball is in our court every candidate must stand up for israel for the u.s. values as to the majority of americans anyone who can stand idly by while observing this taking place on the streets of the shining city on a hill they are defacing the monuments and the values and crying out for war against the united states of america that is anti- american and i want to believe nobody on either side of the aisle can proclaim to be anti- american. there is no doubt this is a time
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for action not just words. we are crucial and critical time. we talk about the elections i want to point the finger at the next challenge the administration, the incoming administration will face and that is ironic. eric: iran certainly behind a lot of this evil. will get more on that the next time we talk shahar azani. >> thank you eric. arthel: paris olympics after controversy will start. why some are calling part of the opening ceremony and attack on christianity. that story is up next. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪
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team usa is back! let's see that enhanced 4k from xfinity. wow. everything you'd want is right here when you say... “olympics” so, what if your favorite athlete is... "grant hollowa”" nice. or you can't get enough... “swimming”
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definitely adding that to favorites. now let's check... “medal coun”" and when is gymnastics on? “olympic schedule” it's that easy. find it, see it, count on it with the best seat in the house. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. eric: social meeting lighting up after last night's opening ceremony at the olympics in paris. critics and blasting what appeared to be a drag queen and parity of the last supper that in the opening to stephanie bennett live in london with this growing uproar. >> yes we have had highs, lows and or woes so far to the start of this olympic games. we also the trade cancellations, torrential rain and now we are getting a surge of mixed reaction on a light for international community of how the opening ceremony went down. online critics say many drag
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performances the beheading of marie antoinette the reimagining of this lassa's opera performance in particular were described as hyper sexualized and making fun of christianity many internationally known political figures and celebrities condemned the display. tesla founder elon musk said on ex this was extremely disrespectful to christians and conservative french politician said on x also impart quote to all the christians of the world who are watching the paris 24 ceremony and felt insulted by the drag queen parity of the last supper, no it is not france speaking but a left-wing minority ready for any publication. but the people running the show say it was actually a modern take on the greek god of wine and festivity isis meant to show the absurdity of violence between human beings they say. plenty of other social media users said they enjoyed the performance but said it was weird, wonderful and historic.
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>> my goal was not to be subversive and make fun of anyone or shock people. my goal was simply to say we are part of this big wii and last night we shared republican ideas and around inclusion, kindness, generosity, solidarity, ideas that we greatly need i think. >> we shall see of the closing ceremony brings. of course many also a plotting having mixed reactions about moving the traditional indoor ceremony to the outdoors. and of course we had some highlights of the celine dion and lady gaga of course as well. c4 aright the french, stephanie thank you. speed of more in the substring and theologian fox news contributor jonathan morrison. so jonathan, first of all what are your thoughts on the presentation? >> it is interesting the commentary this is by the artistic director this was supposed to be all inclusion and diversity et cetera. and it shows two eight large
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large religion of more than 2 billion people throughout the world. i find it also kind of sad, a sad irony they would in the name of art do something so cheap. the real art is less than a mile from where this happened in the loop and the beautiful museums of the louvre were beautiful painting of the last supper at beit leonardo da vinci has been for years. i was just there last year. it's thousands of people no matter where they are christian or not go by to see that painting. it has lasted over 500 years in which people are in awe of art. and here this was in the name of art just a mockery. that is said and that will not last note is going to be 500 years are now being in awe of what they did. arthel: you mentioned the louvre i have not been there in several years a it's time for me too go back. meanwhile the olympics it is so
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wonderful there. their stance is that the performance was an interpretation of the greek god of wine and festivity. iand to make us quote aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings. of course the roman called the greek god of wine at bacchus. what do you make of the olympics position? >> that is kind of sad they don't just stand up for. obviously this was meant to at least invoke the image of the last supper. they can give lots of different explanations we all saw the halo over the head of the person in the middle, that would be jesus and leonardo da vinci's painting. and here's another thing, what if they had done this to the muslim religion to islam? paris has a massive problem with extremism. if they had done this in any way even close to this there would be massive uprisings.
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now thankfully the teachings of jesus have a lasted for over 2000 years and have taught christians how we should react to this and that is to rational dialogue like this that we are having and not through extremism. not through violence. so this will come and go. i will just call it cheap. it is much more difficult to do original beautiful art. arthel: so who, and i want to move on to something also quickly on this one if you could, who bears the responsibility for the overall production and other gaffes and the mistakes in the show would you say the olympics committee? the ioc or the host nation? >> i ocs for sure. there's also a mayor of the city of paris. this is his city. this is a f france showing who france is. i hope there's an apology first of all for not supervising it
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and for offending so many people so yes, there's got to be some responsibility taken. arthel: i believe the mayor is a lady, just stating and i'm standing up for the girls. speaking of a powerful women, celine dion with got to end on a high note. she was magnificent. >> yes. she has last of the test of time. she is not a christian singer but she is doing beautiful art. beautiful art touches the soul. maybe not everyone sole heir can touch people in different ways. but it lasts and it is appreciated by people. this is not about christianity versus islam or anything else. arthel: this is about celine dion she was fantastic. she is overcoming a medical condition is just phenomenal.
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>> no but her music has a last of the test of time. arthel: absolutely. i have to go but i might have a picture i'm a catholic, i have a picture of the last supper they might be eating crawfish, i don't know if that's blasphemy or not. [laughter] but anyway it. [laughter] alright jonathan, have got to run. talk to you later. thank you, thank you for that. thank you very much. by the way we tried to contact both the harrison trunk campaigns to see if that any comments on this. we have not heard from either side at this point. so we will see. c4 crawfish? it's always good to see johnson of course too. a new focus on the northern border. not just the southern border migrant encounters there have spiked since last year especially with those on the terror watch list.
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for fox5 new york reporter stephanie was on the ground and will tell us what she found out. turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪ hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference.
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>> we have to win this election this most important election. if you want to save america, get your friends, get your family, get everyone you know and vote. about early, vote absentee, vote on election day. do not care how but you have to get out and vote. eric: far president trump with a call to action at the turning point usa summit in florida yesterday. tonight trump is running mates are headed to minnesota. to try to energize voters there in the typically blue state. the land of 10,000 lakes has not voted red since 1972. latest fox news poll shows vice president harris leading trump by six points in the state. madison is at the rally site in st. cloud, minnesota. or people are lining up for the event that will be indoors.
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hate madison. >> yes folks haven't lining up were still couple hours away and i will destroy this line. people got her the first people in line i arrived at 2:00 p.m. yesterday spoke to the person who is a 70 but then lied they arrived at 3:00 a.m. part of myy photographers show you this it captures just how many people are here. we are into the thousands this line wraps around multiple blocks. all the folks many wearing trump shirts, hats, clear enthusiasm from these minnesota voters. when it comes to the state at large trump does have a battle he has to fight we have the latest pulling out from fox that shows support for the president is wanting. charis harris leads trump with 52% of vote minnesota registered voters, they are very motivated to vote for nearly seven in 10 are extremely motivated break that group goes by a harris by seven points. as you mention when it comes to these letters is the safest on
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blue since 1972 for the spokes we have spoken to here are energize, they are excited think this could be the year where they turn the tide. take a listen. >> as ai say that is was wrong h the crime and with everything else about going on in minnesota as they continue to vote blue. >> is the safest on blue for 40 some odd years do you think that could change? >> this is a year for this is the year will make the change. >> now, there are around 6000 spots inside. but we are looking at a crowd and the thousands of very likely not everyone will make it inside this event. we are also two weeks out from the tragic event that happened in butler, pennsylvania so security has been ramped up. we have on the ground security, rooftops secretly expect the process of getting inside to beat slower, more methodical this group here anxious to see the president but likely there will not be enough space as you noted it isn't in door event which is a cap number of people i think with already exceeded that based on what we are seeing
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on the ground for bike safety first, madison in st. cloud for the rally later today. thanks madison. >> law enforcement sources telling fox cofounders of the cartel may have been tricked into getting on at u.s. a boundd plane by the man arrested with him the son of el chapo another cartel. el chapo is a serving life in the u.s. after 2017 arrest. pleaded not guilty yesterday to 12 criminal counts including conspiracy to manufacture and distribute sentinel. eric: at the northern border officials continue to struggle with the surge in illegal immigration there. 2021 fiscal year customs and border patrol logged 916 illegal crossings. so far this year they say is more than 10 times higher nearly 13000.
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a reporter from fox5 new york stephanie talked to some of the migrants who were up there and the folks on the ground good to see you. what did you find out when he went up to visit? >> we took a drive up first we stopped in plattsburgh it is a city in clinton county it is just over five hours from new york city. we talked to some people in the area. plattsburgh is the largest city in clinton county. what we learned is there is a gas station it's called mountain march this is the official pickup spot for migrants who have crossed from canada on foot. we go a little closer to canada about 30 miles near the border. geographically we are in northeast new york. we spent three days there, two nights. near >>, montréal is the largest city on the canadian side. they are telling us is that migrants are flying into montréal and toronto making
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their way to the borders edged with the help of smugglers and many cases and simply walking across. >> exactly it sounds like what's happening on the southern border in terms of the terror watch list is even worse. here are stats of the terror watch list according to cpb. on the northern border at last fiscal year 202-3484 people on the terror watch list were caught 80 on the southern border. 233 is there a sense from people are they fearful, apprehensive, their people on? people are definitely. fearful in the area. small neighborhood small communities a lot of farmland for a lot of land. looking at canada without
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barriers. we see these images in the southern border. this is definitely different for them. when you look at the data to be done with the surge in terms of migrants crossing over the last couple of years and the terror watch list is consistent with these surges we are seeing with the numbers. this corresponds with the surge at the southern border. i say surge because of neck to keep this in context. this year so far border patrol with over a million people illegally crossing the southern border. more than 2 million on record and the year before. of course these are fiscal number so they are coming out at a lag. it's up at the southern border. we are seeing the same kind of transit. we crunch the numbers we track a surge of almost 1000% when it comes to people crossing illegally at that northern border over the past couple of years i was taking into account last year year end two years be
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that. it's already trending way out from that. these are a large surges when we are looking at statistics or we are looking at the percentages. nothing like what we are seeing at the southern border but definitely concerning. especially for people who live in that area. >> it's interesting to me what did they say 28 years ago , 96 i reported a story an alleged member of the tourist group has been in u.s. custody. necessity that was march 4 , 96 in a story i reported and it is still going on today. and how do we stop this? >> they definitely want to see more manpower the border patrol is not manned up at the northern port of the weight is at the southern border.
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clinton county sheriff's office is the main agency often called in to assist border patrol not unlike what you see at the southern border i covered the southern border for years. it is similar with local law enforcement assisting the border patrol. people up there want to more manpower they obviously want this to stop consistent with what we've seen in the south. >> a very troubling not more so. stephanie of fox5 new york. stephanie thank you for your spectacular reporting and joining us today. see fibrillar new details about the deadly shooting of a woman in her home by a deputy facing first-degree murder charges former d.c. homicide detective and attorney ted williams with his expertise and insight coming, i hate this video, all my gosh. so you can get back to your monster to-do list.
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arthel: newly released autopsy confirms an illinois woman died
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in her home of a gunshot wound to the head after deputies responded to her 911 call. a deputy has been fired has pleaded not guilty to charges in the death of sonya massie 8:30 6-year-old mother of two. former d.c. homicide detective defense attorney ted williams joins me now. so ted, first of all if you could give us your assessment of what happened. >> hi, arthel. let me just say from the beginning calling the police for services should not be a death penalty. i can tell you here in the case of sonja massie unfortunately that is what happened. ms. massie called the police because she thought there was a prowler around her home. law enforcement came, did not find a prowler. this one officer as well as another officer but a deputy sean grayson entered the home.
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he saw were on the stove there was boiling water and a pot. he told ms. massie to go and turn it off they did not want to start a fire in the place. ms. massie goes over, she grabs the pot of boiling water. he is a far distance away. he curses, and tells her to put the pot down. ms. massie intern put the pot down but said in the name of jesus i rebuke you. this deputy, this a deputy shot her three times in the face. one of the shots actually having killed her. failed to render any services to her whatsoever to t she tried td out whether he could help her after he had shot her. he even cursed at her. this is a deputy who in the investigation shows that he had been with at least four
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different police departments. arthel: hang on there ted, let me jump in i will get to that rap sheet if you will just a minute. what i want to go to next is, listen, he is been charged with first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and official misconduct. so what happens tashawn p grayson if found guilty? >> if found guilty he is looking at at least over 20 years in prison. one of the things that we have looked at in illinois unfortunately there are times when people have been involved in shootings, meeting police mee officers. most recently in the case the officer only served three years in jail. >> of course nothing will bring myth sonja massie back from the grave. so the family turns of the legal system. what is that legal recourse for
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her family? >> it is twofold here. the criminal recourse will be handled by prosecutors who were prosecuting him. meaning sean grayson for the death of ms. massie. the other one is they will file a civil lawsuit under the federal civil rights act pursuant to 42 usc 1983. they can file an action against him for it i would suspect in some states they mirror it may very well do that. >> you men mentioned his rap sht earlier. news this charge for misconduct after 19 met the sheriff department superior officers were worried about deputy sean p grayson's behavior. there's disciplinary paperwork in his files. he has a history of official misconduct, harassment, lying in his reports in abusing his
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power. sean p grayson served in six different sher sheriffs departms in four years. and quickly, ted, i hate to make you rush on this but what can be done to prevent these deadly scenarios? >> unfortunately, these things happen and police department where you have rotten apples. but let me say it quickly the majority of the men and women who serve and protect our good men and women. they are not sean grayson's. >> absolutely well said i'm glad you said that. ted williams thank you very much. we will be right back after a short break.
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see parnassus that has no official return plan for the astronauts that are right now stuck on the international space station. but you will more and sonja wilburn's have been up there for 52 days and counting. on what to expect. >> hey eric. nasa made sure to make it very clear the astronauts are not stranded pride they can use the boeing star liner if they need to get home. even use the spacex as a backup if necessary the plan right now stand the international space station until all of the issues are worked out. >> i am very confident with a
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good vehicle to ring the crew back with. we have to take the next steps to show that information to everyone else. that leads up to the agency review that's over going to do in the next week. >> right now engineers are looking into what caused five of the space craft thrusters to fail as it approached the international space station on junejune 6 the day after lift o. the team is doing studying small helium leaks in both the problems are on the service module is jettisoned during the flight they want to study while star liner is in space. nassnasa and boeing officials of both the say they are enjoying their time in space. actually being able to conduct interesting and unique experiments helping with chores on the international space station. they are a welcomed pair of
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hands for now. >> they get back safely of course. thank you. arthel: we are back in one hour of 4:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. central but do not go in ordered journal editorial report is up next but look this beautiful shot of atlantic city. gorgeous. and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) (♪) when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about.
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