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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 27, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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so call now. (soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn? congressman, thank you very much. we will be exploring this a lot more [♪] hello back >> hello, i'm here with
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aloth kkennedy, jessica, and g. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five.ra >> harril s rated 2019 mostde liberaspl senator by gov track, there's been change to that . ladies of the view, democrats and others in the pressoare o attempting to rewrite the mocr president as just a moderate.ri sprue prosecutors artee not reay leftists. they put people in jail for a living, okay. t hethey're pretty moderate. i know the vice presidentes idpersonally, she is not -- shes moderate. >> the radical in this campaign is not kamala harris as all the trump advertising is saying now. the radical right winger is donald trump. >> the shocking radical left agenda is actually mainstreamg economic popularrism.s >> donald trump and thace maga
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republicans just lie, lie, ande lie. her record is very clearrepu for anybody that wishes to take a look at it. >> and it's not stopping her a past from coming back to hauntnd her like a freight train. i don'er pt know in they hauntte people but in this case they co. in a resurfaced interview from a2020 and harris offered praise for defund the police movement. >> defund the police, the issued is i that we need to reimagine w we're creating safety. for too long the status quolo thinking has beengn you get more safety by putting more cops onyo the street.t well, that's vethis whole movement is about rightly saying we need to take a look at budgets and figure out whether it reflects the rightri requireties.f
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>> would you support changing the dietary guidelines and reduce red meat specifically? >> yes, i would. i'm prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green new o deal. the idea is that everyone gets n access to medical care and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company. let's eliminate all that and move on. wil >> it's going against me and she did go away today when she spoke in front of the teacher's union anspd very transparent about bowing down before the body that kept kids out of school for twoa years and i thought there was a big stumble on her part andit could be a tough sell and i'm glad that we're having a conversation about the issues. and not about memes and personality because we have been sold on memes and we were sold on -- not all of us or me and people sold on the idea, the kitchen idea of dark brandon,
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and we done want to be spoon fed that cait's all over the map for her record and one abdomen she's a ruthless authortarian and the people you -- authoritarian and people you should be targetingni in her home state of californiah and she's got anan open boarderu and she exacerbated as border czar and she was anointed and try and scrub that history and give us a revisionist lens, she's been on the wrong side of sosh many issues and the red met thing, you know, that was a new one that a lot of people forgetn about and they don't want the government messing with their bodies.. you know, if someone is so pro abortion, personal orthodoxy ans keeping the government out ofo your body as your lower half and then the same goes for what i
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eat, i'm sorry. >> till it comes to eating buses. u that's a -- bugs. that's a different decision. >> anything dipped in chocolate might work. we have this vibe around her now that feels like president biden before he dropped out and pre-debate, charlie, it's sortpr of like he can do no wrong. these all are cheep fakes and cheap shotses at him and he's with it and exciting and he's o our guury and now turnovers andd on him and feels like we're getting the same treatment of the vice president. >> the biggest rewrite of all political career the media has before done since the invention of electricity.ct i love wharit kennedy's optimism this will be about the issuespt and i hope iimt is. i'm afraid it's a few of usi talking alaska the issues.ho i think a lot of people aren'tss just talking about personality and the memes and stuff like p that and that's -- of course ite think that's the sort of strategy the democrats arers plague.i this iths why you have an actuah
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campaign and primary and they're in a situation where she'satio getting her first big expose with your as presidential candidate and during the general election and everybody is pawing through and finding all of these crazy democrat red meat policies that are going to be terrible in a general election.t she's having to struggle withe them right now.a that's -- gei mean if you want donald trump tngo do all that ad that's a good thing. i still worry that there's going to be such an effort to make this as hysterical as possible. and talking about whatever it is so they don't have to talk abou the issues and going through the list of issues and defunding the police and open borders and abolishing private healthcarers and green new deal, it's a total loser for kamala harris and trump is right on all of them. >> j jessica, do you have any -t were you colessed at all in
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congressman said let's let themr fight it outyo and everyone thas her no. 2.nk i >> would have made great programming and people would have liked to have seen it butan the truth of the matter is we don't have much time, and this was joe biden's decision. and the delegates a lot havebide spoken out about this and they voted for -- they're representing joe biden's wishing and he's part of the bidenesen harris administration. and in that sense it makes sense that it's her nomination.we an hd we have three and a half weeks till dnc and 102 days till the election. i'm fine with this. she represent as lot of where ee the party is and not the kamala harris of 2020, but the kamala t harris of today and that is the maneuver she's going to have to make and i think she has a lot to say.make i mean, if you watch the whole video for instance of when she wa ts talking about defunding te police and the point she was making is really salient and talking about what a safe neighborhood looks like and it's not crawling with cops and hasgo great schools and has thriving
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small businesses. it has really high home ownership, which has been a priority of the biden harris administration to make sure people can get on the property ladder. the proof is i n the pudding as it were of what the biden harris administration did. the most delicious flavor of it at all. you know, they have invested more in law enforcement than any other administration in historye donald trump proposed a 58% cut. to the community policing program.a 58 they put 3700 police officers oi the street through that program and another 100,000 that came i. through the safer america plan.y the american rescue plan had $15 billion in it for crime and policing. e have saferim communities. it's a strong record to run on. the border right now, we're t talking about this, jennifer griffin was tweeting about theei two sinaloa cartel bosses that were apprehended. she said that it was like w catching the bin laden, catching bin laden when it comes to the w war against fentanyl. that happened around biden harris administration. hap
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encounters at the border downe 55% since the executivboe order and -- >> numbers that had wildlyt wi spiked after trump administration. it's not down then. >> you have to acknowledge there were huge spikes and thato doesn't mean that she's the same person you saw in 2020. she oversaw the imply memhetation of the policieshe leading to all the good results. she own this is and all the policies of this administrations do you worry that there's always the honmy moon period and t talking about thishe and showing up for candidates and new to the race and so close to thehe r election and do you feel there'y full vetting of actual record. >> a lot lack of adult
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supervision and portraying her about going for this and youo ca can't do that and the person was defunding the police if the person was borders and personer likes to taks,e credit of them e drawing for them to rewrite them and there's so many thing that she says and that contributes to her that have unserious persona that they need to erase this stuff. and they're doing that for allof the definitions of the stupidite and trying to gaslight them and you can gaslight one person alone, i can say to kennedy weal your glasses and they're on youy face. i can get you to thinkca you're crazy but you can't doaz that to millions of people andat you can't do that when there's so much evidence out there and it's amazing and i go back to
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the fact that everybody should remember what twitter was like when it was still owned by the old crew and if it was owned by those pre-musk people and going backno with over police defundig the border czar and bailing out felons and none of that is --nd alinl that stuff would be suppressed like hunter's laptop story and buried like jimmy hoffa and now it's like twitter or x turned everybody into their own debunker and going for that and going for them with thed comedy to watch themth do that. they're still doing this and going for them and the honeymoon is among the media and goingshe with the prices and crime in the cities or lack of police.n >> the other thing that gets
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glossed over by the media is the fact that no only kamala harris is the most radical left wing and politicians that have evercn run for president and she's running against the least id logical part of common sense practical politician we've had. >> not the only person that thinks that. if >> look al arkansasing and lagouaiej -- look at the issues. it's not common sense. >> look at boarder and look at issues and look at issue of abortion and it's gotten him into trouble.ub all ofle those things. >> yes, up to the safe line. [ multiple people talking. he' >> democrats in trouble we van jell cal republicans standing for more -- with evangelicalhat republicans. >> there's state that go through the debate. >> they don't want you to go through the other states.
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>> >> you're getting it closery to the community. isn't that what it's going on. >> endorsing kamala harris and it's official. ♪ e free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. the power of the swing. the speed of the flight. the precision of the putt.
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[♪ >> after days of waiting kamala harris getting biggestmo endorsement yecrt in her quest o secure the democratic nomination. >> this is going to be historic.
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>> we called to say michelle an. i couldn't be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this electionnt and getting whined mind you. >> this means so much to me. i'm looking forward to doings so this with the two of you, dougoo and i both. and getting out there being on the road t and more.s >> it's raining onra the coconut party. >> i have to be the skunk on the garden party. this is everybody's giddy. i'll look at coverage and getting ready and get covered. n >> it's not what we're going tol be faced with. >> greg, over to you first onir the phonste call that i know you think feels really authentic. >> yes. yes. it was spontaneous and paid i can't tell lick neurosurgery.ot
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pediatric neurosurgery. when you're on speaker, you don't hold it to your ear.n't >> a lot of people have been commenting on that. >> obviously so obama part was taped three years ago. they treat her like a child and got into her first choice oft ch college and it's such a acceptew offer for the three bedroom duplex and it's like, yes, t uh-huh, are they cominheg up on the offer? the next three months it's going to be a lot like this and going to be micromanaged like they're transporting 100 pounds of nitroglycerin over treacherousso roads and lack of confidence ind heidr candidate and she maybes people nervous because she's
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nervous and you don't have the luxury of saying, you know, cam, just be kam. trump, just be trump, you can do that. you can't say that because nobody knows what that is.that she's changed on every positiona or so she claims. who is she?o there'shs a giddy patronizing atmosphere around it and doesn't feel like a presidential candidate to me, jessica. i'm the moderator of this so mye opinion doesn't matter. shannon. win. going to shannon. ca crville is right we're on the sugar high and going to revert to the normal and not with biden is a tough close race and decided by 100,000 people inby five to seve 1n states and do yu feel like democrats are sensing
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that or going with the mania for a bit?di >> i'm learning moanings all the time. i -- new thinge s altil the tim. president biden said on that call we're underdogs and he ando carville very much s come from this run like you're losing and it's funny because those at rnc and every lawmaker say there's no way he can lose. no way trump can lose and that's when president biden was still in the race ann d feeling so overly confident and hearing this caution from inside the party and saying don't get too crazy and you get a bump off your convention and i mean it's clearly that the vice president has got the wind at his back and maybe this is good for thet of orlikowski side of the ticket and how you were feel ago week ago, this is a different race for them too. >> kennedy, seems like the republicans are getting a big jd
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vance couch sized wake up call. >> pervert. >> that's not. did he or didn't he? greg said the act was so great now and jd vance wishes there was more policing of content and -- >> probably not. >> i feel like part of the discussion. >> let's move to the next section. is that s goa sectional joke? >> what is going on? >> i agree with shannon, there was a lot of exuberance and maybe overconfidence at rnc because joe bind was still very much the can date and we were told thursday, you and i were talking when the report came out that president biden was going to resign on sunday and his teag pushed back and said absolutely not.push he's in it to win it and earned a second term. he's the guy and then we're like, man, maybe this is alln just bologna nonsense.yb but things happen so quickly,
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the lead candidate in a presidential race was almost shot and killed, not even twoe weeks agwao and we're barely k talking abouilt it.d that's how addictive we've how gotten to the fast news psychoand will whatever sugar t high democrats are experiencing isright now, it is momentary and this race is going to change so much between now and november and she not only wants to have a horrible campaign and thisth incredibly adept politician and on the level president canned and go i to see that and also has to answer not omelet for her awful policy position which wer recovered on the first part ofre the show and biden harrisbu record, which even despite kjap propaganda, it's awful for too many americans. >> so, charlie, who do you think in the vp stakes of all of thise on the democrat side kamala
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harris is looking at governors and andy beshear and josh shapiro and roy cooper? share with us. >> i'm not. last week was kind of emba >>embarrassing. >> i think she should pick an illegal alien buzzi cares more about them than american people. i sajak shapiro is but i think the problem with that and to me i will never get over the fact and it is 2024 and you have f democraticac media and democrats openly wringing their hands over the idea that she might pick a popular governor of a key statev likeer josh shapiro and they'reni worrd she might because of his religion and he's jewish and
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that's going to hurt her in a general election and it was insane and other way around and people are rightly outragedan about it and turn on tv and have these people in the media and democrats openly talking about it and it's mind blowing to me.t >> how canal you be a democrat, jessica, when the democrats are saying don't pick a jew becausew you're going to lose minnesota. that's got tdeo just miss you oy it would piss me off to leave l that party.>> >> that's a really good idea and would work so much better. make the announcement here right now. interestingly on the josh shapiro front, i think he's fantastic and they're concerned about the teacher's unions andc. he was for school vouchers and has like four tweets talkingunio about how much he loves it. >> another area where donald trump is right down the fat middle of the american
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>> is there reallyon a question about that? and fbi that had to clean that up and the bureau had to cleano wray's magic shrapnel theory to fox. "when struck former presidentid trump in the ear was aen bulletr whetherrifragments or in smaller pieces fired from the deceased'i rifle.i the fbi never checked it was unfortunately that h was a bull heat hit my ear and hard. there was no glass and no shrapnel. the hospital call it had c awoun bullet wound to the ear and that is what it was. no wonder the one storied fbi lost the confidence of america". in trump's position, doctorst ronnie t jackson is tearing into director wray. >> this is absolutely ridiculoua he'd make a comment like this. i examine it had and track of the bullet and scooped out just as
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it would be in the track of aal bullet and telltale other damage associated with it and as he comes to make statements andto have evidence of what he was talking about and there was nos fractured glass on the telepromters or anything else and if it wasn't a bullet, what was it and where did it come frofrom? >> hurt so bad to get shot in the ear, why is the fbi director going full keith obstructing ob. >> he wasn't even asked a n question about it anotd volunteered it. th e question was about something else and then he went out of his way to go back and oh, by the way, we don't really know this for certain. it's amazing that you have a -- the fbi is concerned about people carrying around with conspiracy theories and literally sowing the ground for conspiracy theories. the other thing that's kind of shocking is that the washington times haots a story coming out this >> who's thees opinion editor there? >> a very, very opinionuated
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person. opinionuated person. >> it's amazing and he has notor the idea he's going to dbrox out there and answer questions andgo they haven't even begun the most important part of the investigation, which would be to talk to the guy that got shot and go out and spin conspiracyoo theories and it's -- this is why nobody has faith in the fbi. has >> yeah, it doesn't seem very necessary to free style on this. >> going allegedly and they have
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lishto take that from him and he shot in the ear. it's a bipartisan day for me. >> if that was his attention and christopher wray is a trump appointee and not a democrat hack or something like that and if you feed this beast and so many conspiracy out there about what happened and they come froh all sides of the aisle and we want to know a lot more about this kit and how it's possible
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>> i don't like it and it's horrific and a man died becausee of it and only feeds -- if you think that donald trump is a i beast, only feeds the beast of it and the narrative thatee everyone idss against him and there's some deep statede conspiracy from the head of the fbi saying something lick that. >> we have morhae conspiracy tht have blossomed just shy of two weeks from the assassination attempt.f why is that?o >> we get new revelations every day and mostly coming from locae officials that don't appreciateo being thrown under the bus by b theie feds and stone walling on what information they're willing to hand over to all the congressional investigations. so when you have local, state, county agencies coming forwardeo saying this is what's happenedng and a number of whistle blow res coming for josh hawley and a
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number of senators talking and chair comer said there's nor sai whistle bloweers and the more transparent you can bye bye bye the quicker you get rid of theft conspiracy. f >> the local law enforcement body cam and so many more questions raised from that and what's going on with the guy in the van.hat. who's the guy in the van? what's happening with the watert 'stower and guy in the gray suit and what does it say aboutit former president trump that he's going back to butler?id >> a loten of peep wouldn't. you know, he gets back up onpeop that horse. and i coin that had phrase. i think the big question is why did he bring it up? how and a 20-year-old freak besu all of the intelligence agents and he wants to talk about anything but what happened. i wash a lot of crime -- watch a lot of crime docs and the first 48 andt whenever they've got a
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suspect in there and suspect always talks off ramps into stuff that people don't want tou listenff to. i got to fight with my ex. going to focus on that and he had no interest in being culpable in facing h thead heatt he deservedly faced. he's worse than cheatle because cheatle you could see the t ambivalence and fact she checked out, but he looks like he walke out of central casting and he explains things with authority. he thought he could cruise right throug h this and just kind of o liken flippantly throw it off like something he heard on x. it was only because he was trying to deflect from what was going on. you know what upsets me about him, he proved me wrong.s that i can't blame dei for this. you know, watch this and go howc
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far dih d he get based on how ho play that had role. >> let me ask you this, is there anything more dangerous than when dei and the deep state getm together? >> there you go, that's part ofd it but in in case, this was a deflection from the true intended path of the hearing.le let me tell you a story about shrapnel. no, we don't want to hear that.. it should piss off a lot ofin family especially the family ogf the victims.ctim >> especially after kimberly cheatle's testimony. we needed an adult. >> he was the adult but it wasbu worse. >> that's right. coming up, is greasy gavin trying to clean up california to help out kamala? the gov's new crack down on homeless encampments. kinky, it's next. ♪ . kinky.
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♪ ♪ >> charlie: greasy gavin is cleaning up kamala's mess in >> gavin newsom giving theli grh light for state agencies tocl clear out state homeless camps after waiting five years to acty and now says there's no time to waste. watch this. >> it's time for this urgency and going to clean up and going to focus on public safety and >> what role did kamala lay in all this back as attorney general and helped push throughh proposition 47 and as long as you steal under $950 and sliding
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more criminals on the street and those homeless encampments and kennedy, you love california. >> i do. >> you cherish. >> despite gavin newsom, i still loveli >> you cherish california and want it great again.ia. what's going on here?o what ibes the time? >> i did a fly along with la county sheriff's department and flew over a lot of la homeless camps and the sheriff'soi department will move thentm andt it's thehe municipality and they're not allowed to and lapdl wants tolo and up till now, they haven't been able to and going for prop 37 and california hasn't done it right in terms of de-criminalization and legalization and when you de-criminalize and don't really help people on the streets and there's a lot of mentally ill drug addicts that are lingering on the streets and making everyy
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big city virtually unlive and will neighborhoods were grea t for awhile like downtown l a anc venice and garage and most of them because -- garbage because of the homeless crisis and the had supreme court ruling and he has legal leeway and he's gotle cover and he's notew running for president this year.use he's got four years for people to forget about the fact that he's going to bulldoze all of these homeless camps right into the sea and he maybe the only person in california that's hoping kamala harris loses and he has a trump to fight for four more year when is he runs in >> that's a great question. why is he helping her then? >> he's helping the people of i california, which iss his job.
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>> this is new authority he has and gavin newsom just in the last year has been pushing backl against the stuff a lot anasd talked about how ridiculous it was that you could steal up $95 wortcoh of stuff. but he doesn't want that measure to pass. doe >> that would undo that law.s so he will veto that. >> i don't think >> yes, here'sem the thing -- >> this is one of the supreme court decisions from the lastst term people on t the left like f they'll use this and what jessica says, sealed approvalca an sd on this idea we hear about the vice president was a federal prosecutor and they want to set up and it's federal prosecutor anwad this ints a convicted feln and that's the conversation they want teralo have and she self-describes herself as a progressive prosecutor and she writes about the fact that the accused are also victims and
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justice system is broke and those are things that play outbk for her in a bit and attorney general's office and there in california and things she'll at have to discuss. >> how do you destroy a place like california?'m g >> you have to try really hard and democrats are finally admitting there's intrinsic value toom order and to boundars and i think, you know, what they did was conflated freedom a without structures and boundaries without a right and they turned belief ontont structure ano d preserving freem and you're right to disruptpt civil life with the knowledge of existence and broke the society into pieces and people were scared and they didn't feel they were safe and leading and we're all held together bywe a social
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contract and supposed to liveco together, but they'vnte createdn identity out of chaos. like it's your right to be unhoused and it's right to live in a camp and right to have a mad max inside your door.♪ can you do this? as early as your 40s you may lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia.
2:52 pm
♪ ♪ >> greg: it's been a while. "fan mail friday." all right, this is a fun question from joe: did you ever perform in a talen >> performing in a talent show. charlie, i had to go to you first because -- >> did you know that the answere is >> you never did any kind ofan talent show as a kid in high school sho.l? >> my grandmother would dress us
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up in colonial outfits v. that'. pretty close. >> that's a childhood thing. >> that's hilarious. c >> that's not haa talent. it just looked stupid.>> >> it's a colonial i >> only if you count 1998. >> i played classical piano, chopin. last century. >> jessica, talent show. >> no, i didn't want to participate in moso t things so probably cried my way out of it. no talent show but a lot of sports stuff.t >> that's nosht the question. don't change the subject. typical liberal. kennedy. >> eighth grade mule skinner blues. we did aed theme me and my best friend and >> going for the line
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and going to stream after you. >> yes, it was. i know. .> faint >> one more thing is up next. ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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2:58 pm bringing you the world according to fox ♪ ♪ time now for one more thing. >> and i've got a great show sta emily, the great jim court and t tires when done this in a while0 so why p not. ♪ animals are great ♪ ♪ animals are great ♪ ♪ animals are great ♪are ♪s >> animals are great especially when someone gets your goat. check out your coach that>>
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managed to get on top of a car in colorado.r in at a height near black mountain blue sky they found hofer prints all over the subaru. could not figure out how thatgu got there theyre saw this video posted online. there's a goat on top of my car she screamed. she was quickly arrested for hate speech. anyway, that is all i have it. l >> jessica question was you really save time saying absorbs the question. >> i did. okay so a couple deltai di passengers got their events after thalkie airline delayed tt flight for days and did no wt offer a refund. tongue-in-cheek video and hisgu companion got their money's worth at the delta airporte phi lounge pictured pilot free foodo onto theod plates shoving snacks into their pockets pouring fresh glasses of wine immediately. >> they made a mess in the
3:00 pm
bathroom. >> it does. and me, they use pets and their weddings or mice in new york.. they can serve as a legalga witness to your marriage theyin can becl the put their paul play pon the legal document it couns as a witness. i am not kidding. i got pete buttigieg on sunday. >> how does that count as animal cruelty? making a dog sit through a wedding pick up some lights to f weddings about your wife?t she liked heyor wedding. they make it quick you got 10 seconds per. >> you? down ireat n florida decades afterye ahhis death we've got a parade ernest hemingway a look at lights running the bulls with that is it, gotta go. ♪. jon: donald trum


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