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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  July 28, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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this. >> the christians get out and vote. you won't have to do it anymore, four more years you know what? it will be fixed, it will be fine. you will not devote any more my beautiful christians i love you christians i am a christian i love you, get out you've got to get out of vote. in four years you don't devote again will have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote. >> emissivity host lawrence o'donnell tweeted i am not christian his brain is crumbled to the point he could not prevent his silent secret thoughts from spilling out he did say i am christian prefixing only run for one more term is what he means you can only vote for him one more time for that does it for us guys will see you back here tomorrow all of us toge weekend show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i am marco levin this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday with two great guest this evening stephen miller and douglas and i cannot wait. we have to wait because i something to say about kamala harris. while the corrupted media that through joe biden out, that stole the election from the primary voters 14 some million of them. that now has installed them apparently the impunity of democrat nominee kamala harris is telling us, she is unbelievable. she was the greatest prosecutor in history. she was never bordered result despite the fact the board is fantastic she was never the borders are. too not mention her sex or her race. only she could mention her sex or jerez you know her husband is jewish? no i did it for that matter? i am jewish too.
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no, you don't understand but she is ready to debate donald trump he is backing out of it. okay, slow down. same damnable propaganda, probably media that has brought us to this point. kamala harris is never received a single vote from anybody for president of the united states but she is ready to debate. no she is not. she is a coward, what you mean? they're handing her the democrat nomination. they do not want any competition, none whatsoever. we even saw margaret brennan on cbs news make the warning you cannot challenge her she is a black woman can you imagine a white man challenging her? the party will not stand for. whatever the reason, always superficial kamala harris is to beat not challenge, not to have an open primary. not to have a debate she is to be coordinated and then she says i want a debate with donald
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trump. he is backing out. why don't you debate for the nomination you are a fraud and a phony it is beyond belief. we know why don't we? you've been vice president for almost four years. a pathetic vice president no one can think of a single major thing you've ever done. not that fact you have been mocked for your word salads left and right. the only issue seem to care about you travel all over the country about is abortion, abortion, abortion, abortion. that's very interesting with more abortions today that we have ever had since before the dobbs decision the dobbs decision of th allowed the stato make a decision and that dark blue states have hit the ground running when it comes to abortion. but kamala does not think there is enough abortion. i want to talk about kamala and another way she is the great tough prosecutor. she is going to contrast herself
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with a convicted felon. oh really? the great top prosecutor. where is the last of the cases that kamala harris personally prosecuted as san francisco district attorney in california attorney general? at the trial level or appellate level i want to see the cases. i want to see the names i want to look them up so i can present them to you, the american people we can go through what a great prosecutor kamala harris really was i was not asking what office she held. i am asking you if she is a great prosecutor, what did she personally litigate? which personal trials did she handle? how hard is that? maybe there is 1000 maybe she is unbelievable maybe she's the greatest prosecutor since sliced bread as they are presenting and as kamala sink look at me. will let me ask you a question as vice president of the united states, tell me how many people have been prosecuted for talking
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about exterminating the jews on your watch? i'm curious. how many people been prosecuted by your friends the soros prosecutors for violently attacking jews in the streets are preventing them from going to schools on college campuses? or getting in their faces and doing all kinds of other things. and tell me kamala harris, how many of the students have used it up for as vice president of the united states? how many speeches have you given that announcing what took place in the streets? i know you gave a one and you gave one because your back was against the wall because one of the students during one of your great speeches that one of our college campuses i think it was george mason, you talked about how the jews are coming these horrific genocidal acts your response was, this is why we have a democracy so we can exercise our first amendment right. people were so disgusted then he went to the anti-defamation league which is run by a former obama appointee.
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gave this speech against anti-semitism. you only do what you feel you have to do politically, don't you? tell me, how many under our student visa program how many of these people under the harris/biden administration have been deported? any? any? no, i don't think that they view of not set a thing about it. we don't really know where you stand on israel. please say enough for the liberals, for the liberals i stand with israel. you would not even stand, you would not even sit in your seat as president of the senate when benjamin netanyahu gave a speech. but it's grotesque you sent a message to the river to the secret of the hitler youth you gave him a message to the anti-semites, to the terrorists all over the world that you do not stand with israel. i stand with israel just not with netanyahu. okay do netanyahu testing of the united states just that with biden and kamala harris?
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that is a little too clever. you sent a message that imperils allies of the hostages who have not been murdered for you sent a message to hamas and hezbollah to keep up the fight because you are not going to sit there while benjamin netanyahu speaks that is grotesque. your husband is jewish? i am jewish too there is a lot of us who are jewish or disgusted with this administration you in particular. oh, he is jewish let me is this word yiddish he is a nebbish and with thwhat that is? look it up. unequivocal support to ukraine but she has relentlessly prorated israel with a blood thd libels. about gaza and the humanitarian situation in gaza. she even did it after benjamin netanyahu met with her, left and then she gave her little speech. she did not condemn hamas she ever talks about the leader of hamas. she never condemns which protects the leaders of hamas
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never, ever. she never condemns president xi the communist leader of china for what is going on though she? never ever. i can go to the whole list she saves her hate for the jewish state. for that jewish state in februestate infebruary she pledd the palestinians who overwhelmingly support hamas by 85% or more. their own state there cannot be peace without their own state so she wants israel to give up judean 30% of his country to the peaceful palestinians who are they? really? they just united with hamas and they united with hamas under the tutelage of president xi coming to china so israel should give up it's a territory to the plo which is now aligned and always has been with hamas and now communist china. that's a pretty dumb vice president if you ask me she has demanded a cease-fire almost from the beginning a cease-fire, who demands a cease-fire we have
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been attacked? there was a cease-fire these are terrorists. they have a hostages. they want to kill more of their leaders say they want to kill more they want and october 7 every day they said they want to kill us and she says there needs to be a cease-fire. with home? no, israel needs to win her national security advisers a guy by the name of philip gordon, look him up. big obama, big on the nuclear deal that is going to give, give ironic nuclear weapons for that is who she's going to want as her secretary of state he is on iranian sympathizer and an opponent of the israeli government she said little about the horrendous anti-semitism in our country again only rarely and only feel she has too. that is it. our enemies are rooting for her. do you think they want donald trump? where are the great speeches from kamala harris on israel, on anti-semitism? look them up you won't find them you will see a speech that's it. where are the demands from her
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from the prosecutors to go after these people? there is none. by the way you're going to run on your the tough prosecutor, you have not prosecuted crab that's what i want to see the cases against the convicted felon that is right so the democrats set up trump with their prosecutor and their biden judge and we said they would run on and that is what they want to do. so what kamala harris is saying to all of you she does not believe in the first amendment, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the 14th amendment. soviet style justice the convicted felon, just the way she's going to get this nomination an in a soviet style system with out a debate without a challenge about anything. let's look a little more deeply at the great prosecutor and her record. i noticed the media is having trouble figuring out how to spin this because on the one hand she wants to be known as a tough process or the other hand show it to be known as the progressive prosecutor, she has been both she is politicized her offices as d.a. and attorney
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general and i wonder what the 1500 people think who work prosecutors she threw the book at them who use marijuana. now she is for legalizing marijuana. but when she could do something about it she was throwing them in jail. gee, i wonder about that. ap a while back we'll call it five years ago wrote a piece called victims question kamala harris record on clergy abuse. joey piss could tell he was angry when kamala harris emerged as a contender for the democratic presidential nomination. it brought back the frustration he felt in the two thousands when he was a newly minted spokesperson for claire's eight sex abuse victims harris was san francisco district attorney. here's the tough prosecutor. he says harris never responded to him when he wrote to tell her that a priest you had molested him was still in ministry at a local catholic cathedral and he said she did not reply five years later he wrote again urging her to release records on accuse clergy julep other alleged victims were filing lawsuits.
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she did nothing he said today the northern california spokesman for it snapped the survivors network for those abused by priests this piece is five years old. survivors of clergy abuse and their attorneys say harris record on fighting sex abuse within the catholic church is relevant as the u.s. senator from california campaigns for the presidency as tough on crime exit prosecutor who got her start prosecuting child sexual abuse cases, they complained harris was consistently silent on the catholic church abuse scandal at first as d.a. in san francisco, later as california's attorney general. it goes on. catholics make up large voting box in the city and the state accounting for roughly a quarter of the population about san francisco's metro and across california. there is potential political risk if you move aggressively against the church should michael meadows a bay area attorney who is representing clergy abuse victims. i just don't think she was willing to take it. it goes on. after harris took office as d.a.
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in 2004 attorneys representing abuse survivors in civil cases asked her office to release church records on abusive priests that have been gathered by her predecessor terrence, refused a decision or office that is intended to protect the identities of clergy abuse victims. virtually impossible to release records without compromising their identity. victims and their attorney scoffed at the explanation the victims wanted the records you see, containing it be a simple matter to avoid identifying the victims. was she was saying was utter nonsense had meadows the bay area tree all she had to do was redact any identifying information. victim's lawyer said harris office also resisted in formal request to help them with their cases at a time when other d.a.'s or their staff members were making themselves available. it goes on it is a damning article. it is a damning article about how kamala harris office let these pedophiles go.
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would not charge them, would not give the information to the victims to bring civil cases. so this is the tough prosecutor. the tough prosecutor who will not go after terrorists in our country dressed up as protest protesters, paid for by iran and hamas and others to go through our streets. burn our flags raised the palestinian flag attacked jews and jewish synagogues she will put out a statement here and there what you mean? she said this three years ago. what you mean she said this yesterday. she has not done a thing. she did not do a thing to go after the priest pedophiles either. not a thing. she went after kids who were smoking marijuana. she backed two propositions that led to the massive amount of crime that is going on throughout the cities in california. pollute city cblue city cops sas help killers and rapists born of disaster she becomes a president from a few days ago. her record of backing bell fund
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for black lives matter convicted protesters is at the forefront of law enforcement mines. she attempts to paint herself as law and order candidate. and so you have policing groups from california, san francisco, others all over the country pointing to her record. the tough prosecutor. like she was tough on the border, me? i was out the borders are but she likes bragg who used soviet style tactics against a former president to give her a tag line and she is ready to debate, just not for the nomination. no, she was a coronation then she is ready to go. she is a disaster. i will do everything i can as an american, as a jewish american to stop her from becoming president of the united states for the sake of free people we are living with afib. and over 400,000 of us have left blood thinners behind... ...for life. we've cut our stroke risk and said goodbye to our bleeding worry. with the watchman implant. watchman.
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organizations that said she was, time magazine usa today than your times, the new york daily news, newsweek politico axioms, now they say she wasn't. we have a right scoop garbage media gets egg on their face when they tried to burn that right over calling trevor borders out your video post change the student calling trevor to the borders are despite giving her the title i think we should call her kamala harris the borders are whenever we are speaking she was the borders are, it is a disaster, isn't that her problem? >> yes zara harris is her title it was her sole responsibility as a vice president. in other words the only actual public duty she was assigned as a vice president not talking campaign work, was borders are. we sought the press event joe biden wearing a mask, sitting around that table put her in charge of the border.
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we all remember they said kamala harris abroad to meet with foreign leaders on paper to try to stem the flow of the immigration. but of course now we know it was to accelerate and expand the flow of illegal immigration. article after article after article correctly described in real time the most important domestic policy portfolio had been handed from joe biden to kamala harris and now they are saying she was only meant to address the root causes. the root cause is the crisis that is not even a defense. the root cause is the magnet of catch and release that occurred when joe biden and kamala harris terminated every trump border security policy. so every time she blathered on for months and months and months you can remember this the root causes, the root causes, at thee root cause of illegal immigration that was the biden/harris a policy of resettlement they terminated all
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the trump repatriation and removal policies. there is no citizen and this republic who bears more personal, individual responsibility for the border invasion that has tak is taken e these last nearly four years then vice president harris. mark: vice president harris likes to talk up the fact of her supporters do or the media do, her race and the fact that she is a woman. okay, let's embrace that i agree. she is in black and she is a woman. tell me, how many black and brown women on the border have been sold into slavery? have been sold into sex slavery part have been raped or otherwise brutalize on the border? despite the fact she was the borders are and despite the fact she was a vice president of the united states and never said a thing about it. how many? do we know are they keeping numbers? >> this is the civil rights issue in the world today.
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the mass trafficking of women and children from all over the globe as you point out of course they're going to be predominantly individuals who are going to be black and brown. who or going to be trafficked across the southern border. this is heartbreaking. this is soul crushing. and again, she is the individual who is responsible for the human smuggling and human trafficking catastrophe. and then of course on the receiving end what communities are bearing the brunt of the border invasion? it is of course the whole country, the whole working class, the whole middle-class but disproportionately we know from years and years of data of illegal immigration disproportionately the burden is appalling on a latino american communities in black communities. this is firmly established in the data about the social economic public service impacts
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of large unskilled vast illegal migration. so in every sense she is sabotaging the interest of american citizens in general and a black and latino citizens in particular. mark: she claims to be concerned about people she talks about gods and so forth why doesn't she talk about the united states? under her watch as it border czar or at least vice president more than 85000 young people have gone missing in this country. where are they? don't we have a right to ask kamala harris what have you done about it? where are those children? >> remember the precipitating event going back to your first question, for her appointment as border czar was the o unprecedented flood of what is notice unaccompanied alien children, you ac at the southern border which basically means illegal aliens who were 17 and younger who are essentially traveling alone.
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when the biden administration came in and began to immediately lift all of the trump border policies the cartels in turn began pushing the most financially lucrative form of illegal immigration which is child smuggling and child trafficking as you remember those numbers exploded. the shelters were overwhelmed. what did the biden ministration do under border czar harris? instead of repatriating those in minors through a safe and orderly process back to their home countries and families, they instead push them as rapidly as possible into the arms of the smuggling networks in the united states who paid to bring them here. that is how 85000 miners went missing. and that number by the way it is only a fraction of the number that actually went missing that is the number hhs has conceded to the real number is vastly
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higher and again border czar harris is responsible for every one of those missing children. mark: we will be right back.
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"life, liberty & levin." mark: welcome back america. you know kamala harris is one for drama. she was very dramatic the other day. demanding they have a cease fire with their enemy. that is wanting to murder them, slaughter them and eviscerate them. but she is talking about everything going on in gaza. let me ask a question stephen miller, has she ever given a speech about all of the death that has been caused as a result of her policies and the open board from fentanyl and drugs an and venezuelan gangs? and ms 13 has she ever given a speech and nam named the indivis little kids and others who have been raped and murdered in this country ever?
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i looked and could not find one. >> mark, i cannot think of a single example where she has said a word, a solitary word let alone a sentence, let alone a speech about the families, the american families who have been devastated by this border crisis. little girls were raped and murdered, discarded. families torn apart forever. moms butchered, young girls out for a jog kidnapped, beaten, savagely killed. one case after another after a nether a little girl in central park, a little girl in texas. a mom in maryland a young woman in georgia. example after example, case after case. not one word not 1 ounce of empathy not 1 ounce of compassion, not 1 ounce of remorse not 1 ounce of any expression of contrition or guilt or any human emotion to
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say sorry, forgive me. i will change, i will do better, anything and all nothi in all nt total radical callous indifference to the suffering of her fellow citizens. how can somebody who let's a child killers and child rapists into america that will not say the names of the victims will not call the families, will not acknowledge their pain and anguish, how can such a person then turned around and say make me the leader of this nation. the president of this nation charged with upholding the laws and constitution of the united states while overseeing a border invasion. how can someone ask for that responsibility when they have done this to american done it without even the smallest expression of guilt or apology. mark: definite sum it up wen whn cnn publiswentcnn published thie three years ago vice president
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harris team tries to distance yourself from frherself from frn at the border. so, biden gives her the responsibility. she was nothing to do it that they are trying to figure out way to distance themselves. now the putting out talking points in a memo to every democrat on capitol hill every democrat in the media they're all like a conga line marching and saying she was never at borders isn't that when they told us joe biden was sharp as a tack? the same media, the same democrats all of a sudden forget what you saw, forget wha we are here, forget what you know, she was never the border czar when you make of this? >> you are watching the single greatest narrative o flip in hun history. for three and a half years we were told correctly she was the border czar. the moment it became inconvenient border czar, what? the same media who told us for three to half years joe biden had a functional brain. by the way the same media is now
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accepting joe biden's explanation he's leaving because he suddenly had a change of heart. it is nothing to do his bright at all but they're going to hoax and hoax and lie and lie in hopes some more for the simple and singular purpose of staying in power. let's talk one more time about those little kids. when she got the call the mandate from joe biden to be the border czar. at that moment in time little girls were being pushed into labor trafficking and sex trafficking. never to be seen again. she had not only the opportunity but the obligation and the responsibility as the borders are to rescue and save every single one of those children. where are they now? nobody knows. nobody knows she had a window may be a week, it may be a month maybe a couple of months to save those children and what did she do? did she say those kids? no she lost them.
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no one knows where they are. nobody knows what happened to them. nobody knows or can imagine what horrors they have suffered. nobody knows. i presume they have gone throu through. she thanks it's a political game it's not it is life-and-death for people on both sides of the border. the only people the only people of made out well from this corporate who get cheap labor the cartels that run the operations they are very, very happy of border czar harris everyone else get th gets heartd misery. mark: the democrat party its congressional districts and they hope to chain migration and later that more voters but all hiknow is this stephen miller te greatest level of slavery in this country since the end of the civil war it is occurring under the border czar kamala harris. thank you for all you do god bless you my friend. >> thank you, god bless. for more than a decade farxiga has been trusted again and again, and again.
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mark: welcome back america. do you want to know who one of the great human rights activists is on the planet? my friend douglas murray. wrote a fantastic book the war on the west. he is an editor at the spectator associate editor in senior fellow. douglas, kamala harris in my view represents the to leave omar aoc of the democratic party she has been viewed as the most radical left wing senator, even of the website took it down to censor the information they had put out earlier. she has said things about the state of israel and prime minister netanyahu had been absolutely awful hurt she meets with netanyahu in person the other day picture comes that only after words and makes a statement not condemning hamas the leaders of hamas, condemning
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israel with her blood libels. and finally she refused to even show up at the joint session of congress to hear what he had to say. when she showed up to protest. but kamala harris didn't is she going to be the most anti- israel, most pro hamas candidates ever nominated for president despite the fact they keep saying her husband is jewish, so what. issue here is she not? >> i think on the current trajectory of course she is. just looking at her actions the past week as you just laid out it is astonishing. what other situation with the leader of the major ally come to the united states and not be greeted in the session presided over by the president or vice president? where else would that happen but
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in the kamala harris usa. and then the meeting with netanyahu whereby all accounts she came out and when she came out and sort of did this i told him what to do and how to stop the war and he has to stop it in much tougher than anything she said in the session you get a very clear idea where she's coming from. i think it is just a disaster for this country she is in the position that she is but what a catastrophe it would be if she actually made it any further. kamala harris seems to be not expert in anything. but the one thing she could beat least expert in his how to carry out warfare in highly densely populated civilian areas where nobody on the other side the terrorist side wears uniforms and they still have more than 100 hostages including americans in homes, and in tunnels and mosques and schools and much more. kamala harris has no idea how to fight a war like that.
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she has the presumption to tell someone who is fighting such award has many times before it sadly how to operate the war it is crazy it is presumptuous deeply deeply unfair to an american ally. mark: let's look at this also, douglas murray. this democrat party has moved more marxist islamic than anyone could've possibly. i had bleeders giving dark money to the pro hamas rioters in the streets along with iran and hamas and others. she barely said a word about it surely did once when her back was against the wall she waited 24 hours to say anything after that horrendous and violent attack in those riots by hamas at union station and elsewhere. she is really not into defending our country. or it defending israel isn't this the nature of the democrat party? here's the headline from the new republic the one vice presidential pick who could ruin
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democrat unity. it is the governor of pennsylvania why? because he is jewish. he is jewish at least putatively as i understand it may be even better he supports the state of israel. the democrat party and the media are saying to each other se cn ended the same thing that guy shapiro could be a problem. so was the democrat party all in now with dearborn, michigan and fort lauderdale and the rioters in the street even though it now and then they say they're not? >> it is astonishing. without the most telling part of the netanyahu speech on wednesday was when he said they are coming for israel at first but it is you, america and americans were the main targets of iran and the revolutionary islamic government of hamas, of tran eight these anti-western forces it is israel they are coming for first. and he said, he said so clearly
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the protesters on the streets in washington that day as in recent months across the united states are anti- america and not just anti- israel. what you just mentioned were the protesters at union station in d.c. and elsewhere absolutely prove netanyahu's point they proved it better than he could prove it himself. what did they graffiti across the columbus monument but hamas is coming. they sound like peaceable people, short. what did they scroll over the liberty bell replica but abolish the usa. not abolish israel they have said that plenty. but abolish the usa. they were not just burning the flags of israel, they were tearing down the flags of this great nation. and burning them in the capitol city. hoisting the palestinian flag and its place and thank goodness dan crenshaw and the speaker of the house and others including some other veterans went and re-
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raise the american flag outside union station that night. that is what this country needs is to realize these protesters, these extremist the people the democratic party are pandering to cannot be pandered too because they are extremist of the worst kind i do not need to tell you this, mark. sms abolish the usa good luck kamala harris and negotiating with them, they can abolish it a bit? all the people in the streets that date chanting for a hamas or wednesday in d.c. calling for the destruction of the jewish people, you think you can negotiate with them? you think they will put up with destroying most of the jewish people? it is obscene the fact kamala harris and others are pandering to these people is disgraceful. mark: alright douglas we've had the height of anti-semitism in this country that we have never seen we've had the violence from the so-called peaceful palestinians all this other french groups created in
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colleges and universities by billionaires and others and kamala harris, you cannot tell be nobody can a memorable statement a profound statement that she has said stop, enough is enough. my party, stop. omar stop, all of you stop because she is in on it. ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it's the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don't take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness.
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the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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mark: welcome back america. douglas murray, what is all this hate focus on benjamin netanyahu the leader of israel? it is as if they want to say we really hate the israelis but we would rather say we hate netanyahu. why do they hate him so much question. >> i hate them so much the same way they hate donald trump they hate people who stand up for their country and defend it. and do it visibly volubly and was a real consequence. what is baffling to me about the radical left in the u.s. is they don't realize one thing in particular they could attack benjamin netanyahu but after october 7 the atrocities that happened every leader and israel would have responded similarly to hand netanyahu had responded nobody would've acted differently they would have tried to get the hostages back. they would have tried to destroy
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hamas. does not matter which leader was in israel they would have done that to the people who say i'm anti- netanyahu you are not you would not of been against anyone, anyone who defended the israeli people. and wanted to get the hostages back. mark: is very well set it is interesting that netanyahu is really a historic figure we have historic figures from time to time churchill was a historic figure i think trump is, reagan was, thatcher is another example. they are always brutally, personally attacked their character assassination of their opponents are always trying to rip them down and tear them apart. it isn't really because they are remarkable leaders and statesmen for their time? they do go against the push of the mob. the push of the media at the time and they are right. >> absolutely. most of these figures it was not just them the people came against is also their family it's everyone around them. it's attempts at total
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destruction of the person. and netanyahu has managed to survive become the longest serving prim prime minister in israeli history. it is because he knows one thing very well which is how to run a country. and of course his critics hate him for that and they would like to get somebody weaker. as i said it would not matter who was in charge to the extent that everybody who could be in charge of israel in the last nine months would've had to have responded to hamas. some of them but do not lessen forcibly. some might have done more early negotiations and given a bit earlier. no doubt when you see in existenial threat of terrace you want to destroy and kill every american is no negotiating with them benjamin netanyahu knows that from his long career in fighting terrorists. good luck to anyone who thanks you can push them aside.
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get anyone better able to defend the jewish people i don't of a better person exists. biden and harris demand. the united states is still funding iran and preventing weapons systems from going to israel. no serious leader are going to bend to this. i want to thank you for everything you do whether it is ukraine and israel whether it's africa and so forth you are a remarkable human rights activist as far as i'm concerned. god bless you my friend. meet the jennifers. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. hellooo new apartment. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be.
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welcome back, america. kamala harris is a long record and i intend to pull back every single part of it. our country faces a lot of
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problems, thanks in significant part to the biden-harris administration. she lied to us, lied to the american people day in and day out right after that debate. she is a co-conspirator lying to the american people. she's been a lousy vice president of the top of your head, you can't think of three things she's said or done that are significant. she was a humiliation right of to the time they decided she should be the president of the united states. the american people in this country, not the bigwigs and democrat party, but the corporate media, none of them. we need statement, a leader, one waiting, donald trump. we don't need a light weight where everything she's touched has turned to i'll say crap.


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