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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  July 28, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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part to the biden-harris administration. she lied to us, lied to the american people day in and day out right after that debate. she is a co-conspirator lying to the american people. she's been a lousy vice president of the top of your head, you can't think of three things she's said or done that are significant. she was a humiliation right of to the time they decided she should be the president of the united states. the american people in this country, not the bigwigs and democrat party, but the corporate media, none of them. we need statement, a leader, one waiting, donald trump. we don't need a light weight where everything she's touched has turned to i'll say crap.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we are filling two major stories this morning is really air force carrying out retaliatory strikes on sites deep and 11 on overnight after the terror group launch the deadliest attack on israel since october 7 killing at least 12 children. >> in the race for the white house and both trump and harris making key campaign stops as today marks 100 days until the 2024 presidential election. >> buckle up 100 days madeleine rivera joins us life from d.c. were each campaign stands brick works good morning. former president trump spent the
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first part of saturday trying to appeal to bitcoin fans before jetting off to minnesota estate he's trying to flip in november. st. cloud trump and his running mate jd bf became v vice presidt kamala harris record per blasted harris for weeks she posted in 2020 and the aftermath of george floyd's at death and commercial different to find that help post cash bail for some folks. harris herself is not donated to the organization. >> i sense in the national guard to save minneapolis, while kamala harris sided with the arsonist and raise money to bail out the criminals, build them all out of jail. >> vance targeted errors quick rise of the party's nomination. >> that media, our friends but they're called a coronation. i think there's another word i call the coup. but if there's one thing we have learned about kamala harris is that she has a hard time winning votes because she is too extreme
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even for the democrat party. fox fox news poll shows harris laying by six percentage points in minnesota. harris meantime was at a fundraiser in massachusetts on the saturday positions and james taylor and yo-yo were some of the attendees alluded to the democrats tough battle to keep the white house despite her campaign touting their 200 million-dollar hall since last sunday. >> we have a fight ahead of us. we have got a fight ahead of us. we are the underdogs in this race. we are the underdogs in this race. >> as speculation builds over who harris will pick as a running mate pennsylvania governor josh appear it was rumored to be on your shortlist is expected to campaign for harris and his state tomorrow. he will be with michigan governor gretchen whitmer who said she has no interest in becoming the vp. >> live for us and thank you so much by the way charlie good morning to you if you were
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expecting will, pete, rachel but we are happy to be here for good to see you guys you're pulling almost the overnight shift of well and for ryan, right? >> yes there is so much news it's nonstop. you cannot turn away from the tv. >> you know a lot about it because you covered most of the trump rally yesterday during brian's hour. he was in minnesota. the thing i thought was in to sing about trump's movements yesterday he was in nashville talking to bitcoin people in the morning and then he went to minnesota. that is a sign of the trump team trying to expand their basic bitcoin tech people not messily known as big trump supporters but there he is speaking to them. and then it minnesota delays fox news poll has them done by six points. it's a sign that shows the truck campaigned as bullish. think back to the bronx rally early in the summer. >> there trying to figure out they can continue to expand the map. before biting was forced out of
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the race you are seeing a pulling out of it minnesota, virginia, a maybe even new mexio or new hampshire that showed a real possibility for trump to start to eat even further into some of the electoral votes that biden was able to secure in 2020. now that harris is in some of the polling sug suggest some of those reach states might be slightly out of reach again. policy the campaign thanks that a real shot a place like minnesota and sending the full ticket out there yesterday to prosecute that case, still shows they are aggressive at the moment. >> it is amazing to think about all that has happened. last night was two weeks to the day since he got and as jd vance introducing him said last night the guy never took a day off but he got shot and never missed a day. it is back on that two weeks and everything that happened in the two weeks, they got a new democrat nominee within that two
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weeks. it is amazing. >> of the florida case got dropped the convention happen, it jd vance was selected, i missing 17 things. >> at this time last week joe biden was still democrat nominee. if you look at the bottom right of your screen we just had a little bug said it is 100 days until the election. three and half months. >> is not possible we could go? biden was still -- you cannot blink. >> everything changes. it is unbelievable. we have been a drinking from the fire hose berber broglie in this industry now for weeks. my only day off in three weeks was last sunday. so, we took our son for the first time to a swimming pool and my aunt and uncles house what a great time and i did not have my phone with me in the pool got out of the pool after 40 minutes joe biden was out i was like okay. >> the race has been turned upside down. >> we did make a good point about the trump team trying to figure out the new landscape.
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i remember what donald trump said a few weeks ago he was like we should get the campaign money back because they were campaigning against the candidate that doesn't even matter anymore. so quickly times change. during this rally minnesota did a lot of great things for traditional trump rally keep in mind it was inside it was a hockey arena but recommended keep these rallies indoors so heated that advice for this one. he brought up semi- from the border patrol union to talk about the border. really hit kamala harris hard on that he talked a lot about police as well he had the wife of a fallen police officers speak. keep in mind kamala harris is trying to talk about her candidacy as the prosecutor for president candidacy there's a lot of things she said when she was running in 2020 that would absolutely mitigate that point. >> running on a lawn or platform for kamala harris is not going to be easy to do we have the
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convention you had all of the kamala harris victims of their administration. but the video is they are the cases are there the examples are there they're going to be able to trot out ad after ad after ad of individuals who have suffered under either decisions kamala harris made in san francisco were decisions the administration made. >> those victim stores were juxtaposed with her own words. probably going to pretty potent that's the direction team trump is headed. >> mention things that happened was she is no longer the borders are as well. [laughter] >> are not allowed to say that word do not say that word. fact checker mourners to get to fox news alert israel striking back with a hezbollah after the writing back to our group wants the deadliest attack on the dead since october 7. >> joins us not with the latest. >> israeli defense forces the
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iranian backed ho hezbollah overnight. targeted terrorist infrastructure deep inside the lebanese territory and in southern lebanon. both strikes, and retaliation for saturday's deadly rocket fire in northern israel. authorities say at least 30 rockets were fired from lebanon towards the country. one hitting a soccer field in the area of northeast israel killing at least including many children meaning many other hurt. as room military said those killed were between ages of 10 and 20 years old. israel blames the attack on hezbollah saying they were firing excuse me israel said their fire and croc rockets across the border from us 10 months with increasing intensity. for now the a running back group denied it had anything to do with the straight guys will set it back to you. >> alright thank you so much. we are going to pick it up from
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here. it unfolded hours after israeli airstrike took out four members of the terrorist group early saturday. in a statement israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu wrote he was shocked to see the terrible pictures following the murderous attack by hezbollah saying quote since i was informed of the disaster i've been holding continuous security consultations. i have decided to bring forward a return to israel. i will immediately enter the security cabinet upon my arrival. the prime minister had spent several days in the united states meeting with president biden, former president trump in addressing congress. now iran is issuing a warning to israel against what it called any new adventure in 11 on saturdays attack on that soccer field constitutes a deadliest attack on israeli soil since october 7 and it comes as the fears of a wider war in the middle east are growing. this is such an important story the deadliest attack since
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october 7 and it involves children playing soccer at a park. and now of course you automatically go to okay, what happens next? israel wants strikes deep into lebanon those strikes hit weapon depots and hezbollah infrastructure but could they take another step that would spark a wider war? can israel fight a war on two fronts? those are two questions will be analyzing all throughout the morning. >> yyou were saying earlier we know who did this. >> it was hezbollah we know that by their allies were claiming credit in silver in the attack then i think they saw old gosh we killed a bunch of kids, this might be bad pr. then they disclaimed credit sorry, you don't get to take back the credit you claim for something horrible like this. this was an attack against the druze community that's a minority community within israel. children killed playing soccer for the unimaginable horror.
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i think what needs to be said is you asked the perfect question can they fight a two front war in a lot of ways they are to have been. the focus has been down in the south with gaza and hamas funded by ironic i will note. throughout much of this time i was in israel we went to the north they wanted us to see almost daily rocket attacks into israel territory. as a matter fact up and up to wonder did thousand israelis in the north displaced from their homes for months on end and definitely because of the danger of the types of attacks. >> which is the history of the goal on heights. former president trump pointed out the weakness of the biden administration up against this kind of thing. >> don't to condemn the evil attack on israel that took place earlier today a missile launched by hezbollah killed at least a
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dozen young children. our hearts got to these young children no parent should have to suffer the terrible loss of a child at the hands of terrorists or anyone else. today's attack on israel could not be forgotten and it will go down as another moment in history created by a weak and ineffective united states president and vice president. they would not have done this if i were the president. they would not have done it. >> if you think back to what kamala harris said during her press conference speech she made after she spoke to the prime minister who she did not greet even though he is the leader of our strongest ally in the middle east when he came to speak to congress because she skipped it. >> she said i will not be silenced when it comes to what is going on because i hope she has that very same message when it comes to what happened in that heights as well. >> they stick with it we have seen biden and harris say a few good words right after an attack
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against israel and t though it israel begins every hard work of respondent to make sure it cannot happen again, that support seems to fade. >> was a lot of movement when it comes to what could be a cease fire and hostage negotiation the head of that cia are going to be meeting in rome with a couple other leaders from middle eastern countries are trying to figure out hostage negotiation. prime minister netanyahu submitted his new terms for his deal he has added some including control of the israel/gaza border he is ordered weapons and fighters could pour over that border ahead of october 7 that it's going to lengthen things. >> this is not going away overnight. justifiably a lot of criticism of the biden administration in recent days democrats skipped
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netanyahu speech to congress. there should be a lot of consternation about that. the real problem are the years of bad policies that embolden iran, and rich are wrong and of course they're fending all these terrorist organizations o don'to annihilate israel. if you want to change this policy and not support israel you can do that but you cannot do both. you wind up with things like this happening. >> just understand to underscore your point the overnight strikes in retaliation is just the beginning. you do not kill 12 israeli kids and israel fires off a few missiles this is going to beat probably something very serious. >> prime minister benjamin netanyahu does not cut his trip short joe back to israel fetzer singular response or right but t there with mortars to get to starting and russia russian warships making another visit to cuba the second in two months a group of russian baltic fleet
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ships began arriving on saturday. u.s. officials say naval activity in the caribbean has increased into america support for ukraine. they are expected to remain in the cuban capitol until august 30. a group of arizona firefighters out rescuing 13 hikers including several children who they say ventured miles off the trail while in 108-degree weather outside. rescue teams from four different cities coming together to bring them to safety. a 10-year-old and two babies had to be hospitalized from heat exhaustion that are expected to be okay. usa women swimmer katie lead becky securing a first metal of the olympic games taking home the bronze and women's freestyle race. team usa is taking home its first gold medal as well it already happened with the men's swimming team taking the gold in the 100-meter freestyle relay. the current medal count has
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australian first-place followed by the u.s. and italy to round out the top three. those are your headlines on the olympics you think wait there's more. [laughter] >> i wonder how he will bailed out did not watch that last night because of the opening ceremonies. >> the opening ceremonies are still in the news if you watch it on friday or been following along a social media it's a big topic of conversation right now you see it on your screen right there several drag performers during the olympics ceremonies they see that as the depiction of the last supper there is bitn major fallout over this. one of the groups to speak out against this is a mississippi based telecommunications company called -- check out this message the executive posted on x we were shocked by the mockery of the last supper during the opening ceremonies of the paris olympics. a cease fire will be pulling our
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advertising from the olympics. they are saying we are out. >> it is not settle what they are re-creating here in this image you're looking at. it is completely gratuitous. i understand the french are eccentric there going to be interesting things. >> it's a nice way of saying it. this is obviously the undertones involved christianity and the symbolism of who is portraying jesus and the disciples. it is understandable why a lot of people might be upset by this for. >> i'm sure people in france to it is eight religious country i'm sure many people are saying how could this be the representation of our christian faith? by the late mississippi governor tate reeves' and proud to see the private sector mississippi step up and put their foot down. god will not be mocked c spire has a commonsense line. >> another example of people trying to get attention for themselves they do not
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understand it there is no need too. put on a good performance. >> 0% chance it is something like that featuring another major woke religion. x is accurate. look at my favorite thing about the olympics is in the athletes, after they win a world of matter in any metal say we thank god so much. thank you lord jesus for giving us this moment. the athletes had nothing to do with this. they're still wonderful moments that can be watched in the olympics and all of these athletes a lot of them are so patriotic and proud to represent our country as well. alright, flipping minnesota at trump and vance rally voters vowed to flip the deep blue state red restore law and order. >> house majority whip tom emerick was there and now he is here joining us live next. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog,
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we are going to turn minnesota red. you're going to turn the whole country with president donald j trumps leadership. >> urged her followers to donate to the freedom from help to
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raise $35 million to set loose violent offenders after they shot at police, looted your stores. >> kamala harris will deliver prime and death into our country. i will restore law and order. there have it donald trump jada events railing thousands in minnesota yesterday trying to flip that state red for the first time in five decades. despite a poll showing kamala harris now beating trump by six points in that state. that has happened in the week since president biden dropped out of the race. our next guest took to the stage at the packed event minnesota gop congressman house majority whip tom emmer your thoughts on the rally? what stood out to you? lex donald trump stood out to me the energy that man has is incredible. the people just love him. we had people lining up to get into the stadium it holds about 12000 inside.
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by the way the fire marshal had to stop people from coming in because they were getting concerned about overflow. that thing was packed to the gill. and then at one point that the president talk they showed on a screen bus behind him and even bigger crowd outside of the arena there were thousands of people and they started showing up at 2:00 p.m. the day before. pretty amazing in his message really solid. it's about economic success it's about safety and security in your communities and all across this country securing the southern border it is about making sure we have peace around the globe it was a great night for donald trump i expect more in minnesota before november 5. >> or talk met some of that messaging the economy, immigration, those of the top two issues in our fox news poll in minnesota 33% in minnesota and say the economies are number
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one issued felled by immigration then abortion and of course it's going to be an abortion the democrats are going to try to make hay of it. if you look at the top lines in that same survey kamala harris' after six-point lead similar to what we often see in a state like yours. so, is there a chance your state is reaching -- is out of reach compared to others but would trump thing to do to tighten that back up? >> ill just happen naturally. you've got to keep in mind they unceremoniously knifed joe biden obama and pelosi and people he has worked with for 50 years they pushed him over the cliff and got rid of him. now this party has kamala harris she is more radical than joe biden could ever be. that's what they are talking about their look at it we have a new candidate, there is new excitements. next week the prominent vice
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presidential candidate it will be more the week after that will be the democratic national nationalconvention with more go. these numbers are not going to mean much once you get past labor day, once people start using her own words she is pro- criminal anti- cop she is anti- energy which drives our inflation she was tie-breaking vote for the bill that created the new scam and drove our inflation at 20% over the past three and half years and then of course she knows absolutely nothing about what's going on around the world. much like her presidential run last night as soon as she starts talking after labor day at you watch that campaign dropped. i think donald trump has an excellent chance of being the first republican presidential candidate to win minnesota 50 years. >> the belt when he addresses a big vulnerability for harris as well.
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watch all of it there's a chance her running mate might be your governor that is in the mix apparently he is a finalist in the top three there is reporting out today on that. congressman is good to see you thank you for dropping by this morning. >> thanks, guy peart fox news alert. twelve young israelis killed on a playground in a devastating rocket strike that is from trend eight how israel is responding to the deadliest attack on its people since october 7 of last year. year. that is comingng up. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way.
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horrific attack here with mort ceo of the foundation for defense of democracies marked, this is a national tragedy for the state of israel the deadliest day since october 7. children thought they were safe enough to play soccer outside in the park and out 12 families possibly more are in mourning. forget to next steps and what this could spark how it is reall responding to this tragedy? >> it is a day of great grief. obviously funerals for these kids and the israelite people who are just furious. hezbollah has fired 7 7000 missiles, drones and there's been 40 killed including the children 60000 israelis have been driven from their home in the north. israelis are furious they are calling on their government to respond. >> israel has already responded.
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they struck deep into lebanon which is the headline that they hit hezbollah military depots and infrastructure is it safe to say israel is not done responding? >> the prime minister's meeting with his cabinet today considering options. think israel certainly is not done responding. is israel going to stripe deep into are they going to go after the hezbollah strongholds kill seniors to manners? are they going to go back after the chief who is ultimately responsible for all this blood? and if they do so are they prepared for what will be a massive war and a massive retaliation striking central israel including tel aviv where i am today. >> a call from u.s. official given to access what happened today could be the trigger we have been worried about and try to avoid for 10 months. is israel capable of fighting a two front war? >> it's a seven front war with
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lebanon and syria and the west bank and gaza attacking them from yemen iraqi shiite in iran itself attack directly on april 13. the problem is the biden/harris administration policies have completely failed. they've asked israel to stand down they put a mensa pressure on israel they're not provided gaza with the admonitions it needs to fight a seven front war they followed a strategy of maximum concessions to tehran. it is been a collapse of american power and deterrence that israel is now paying a steep price for this. >> yesterday israel delivered an updated house agencies for negotiation. apparently has added new demands that include maintaining control of the gaza/egypt border to prevent the flow of the weapons and militants. that sounds like it could prolong things. >> oh well, israel has been posing numerous deals for
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months. hamas h is been rejecting them. and again unfortunately the biden/harris has been putting on israel not hamas in delhi. they need to retain some form of control over that essential crossing otherwise after this war hamas will merely replenish its weapons, it's terrorists israel will face god for bid another october 7 all over again but. >> finally if trump does become the next president how would you like to see them handle the situation? >> if trump becomes an exit president trump needs to restore american power and deterrence you need to send a clear message to tehran and iran supreme leader the united states will use not only instruments of american power against iran but will provide israel with everything it needs to fight this war against iran. i think trump sends a message -- israelis would say speaks arabic and farsi not in the literal sense but in the notional sense he understands the region and he understands the power.
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an american deterrence is essential for preventing regional war. >> mark we are all with you in mourning the loss of these 12 children. life for us in tel aviv thank you. the countdown is on we are at 100 days away from the presidential election if you can believe it. help biden's a blockbuster move out of the state of the race what to expect in the final stretch, next. reminder, bent finger appointment. i don't want to wait or have surgery for my dupuytren's contracture. i want a nonsurgical treatment. and if nonsurgical treatment isn't offered? i'll get a second opinion. take charge of your treatment. if you can't lay your hand flat, visit to get started. it takes healthy joints to be a copilot, and a trusty coworker. give your dog cosequin, a daily supplement for joint health support in dogs of all sizes. for your co-everything,
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100 days out from election day and already a lot has changed just in a week for. >> no getting tense by decision to get out of the race, maybe not totally his decision kamala harris has secured up delegates to claim the nomination of her party a virtual rollcall has been announced. corsi obama's that have now and doris are pulling data showing a close race. all while they harris campaign rolling out an announcement they have pulled in $200 million in fundraising already. so, what else can expect from here? that's a great pleasure to just fox news contributor wall street journal editorial page assistant editor good morning. great to see especially at a time like this what a time in politics. so what are you looking out for 100 days to go and that
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political landscape. >> this is looking a lot like when kamala harris ran for president last time. a lot of money, a lot of hype. people are going to understand why this party hung onto joe biden so long even after he'd obviously lost his fastball. it is because candidates like kamala harris the democratic bench if you will, or weight left over the average voter is. you think about it this is sort of a san francisco progressive even san francisco progressives are turning against that approach. the alameda county prosecutor's office where she used to work has a recall election for the d.a. this fall san francisco das office where she worked and then was the d.a. recalled the d.a. in 2022. even california, even san francisco is turning away from this extreme progressivism.
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it would be ironic and painfully ironic that the country now embrace it i don't see it. >> is kind of interesting she's deafly trying to run on this idea that somehow she is law and order she's trying to reach back to her prosecutor days. but of course you can go through the entire biden administration and of course her own career and pick out all of these examples whwere that is completely nonsensitive. >> she's kind of the m brace every wacky progressive idea of the last 30 years she has been in politics. defunded the police excess trip. to go back to your prosecutor days she had to drop a lot of cases because of misconduct in her office. now she was not to blame it was problems handling evidence. you are not going to have a record to run on here and that was part of her problem the last time. it's a bunch of big titles on blemished by success and a lot of positions people are not going to appreciate.
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and especially the defendant the police. that is an idea that is failing everywhere. and obviously sell the ability consequences after a lot of communities adopted in 2020. i think based on history you are probably seen the high watermark of her campaign. >> in addition to defend the police the minnesota bail fund and all of that she wanted to decriminalize illegal immigration. she wanted to not only make it no longer a crime to cross our border illegally but once an illegal immigrant arrived to hand them tax payer he healthcae that that have the position she openly said it will banning private healthcare for the american people. you are saying all of that will probably come back to haunt her. you think the numbers are about to put on the screen might be the high watermark i guess we will say take a look at new fox polling in a number of these key states. you can see michigan exactly tied pennsylvania exactly tied, virtual tie in wisconsin trump
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up by.minnesota not as close. the full field with other people collect rf cage unit trump has a small lead in michigan and pennsylvania. that is looking more competitive than the trump/abiding race had been. >> those polls are looking competitive. she has had a great week helped by a lot of people in our industry they are very excited about her candidacy. but you go down the issues that bunch of states among others traditionally is not looking to embrace this kind of agenda. i think as she gets it defined and reasonably defined by her position she has taken. this idea of marrying, decriminalizing border crisis with tax funded health insurance is a big invitation to 8 billion people in the world to come to the united states. minimal penalty for crossing the border and free stuff and you get here. what is funny at bernie sanders
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said yesterday he was like -- but she was considered the most progressives owe no i am way worse. that is my title. but you are right likely a debate unscripted moms q&a with that media she's going to she's good on the teleprompter will see how that shakes out. >> the ads have not begun yet once the ad to begin there is plenty of tape. quicksort james, thank you so much for joining us have a great day happy sunday. >> now assert your headlines. a popular maryland mall having to be shut down and evacuated after man was shot and killed inside the mall's food court last night. police believe the shooting started after a fight broke out. >> a situation we believe this was an altercation that occurred between two people. this is not something our investigators believe was a random incident. or an accident. this is something they believe was intentional. >> known as being allowed inside the mall right now while the
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investigation is still underway. a firefighter is hurt after battling a blaze at a dallas area church the church suffering severe damage its pastor is thankful it did not spread to the sanctuary saying quote we see god working. this is a second major fire at the baptist church within a week after historic first baptist church caught fire last friday. both fires remain under investigation. and those are your headlines. >> list or to chief meteorologist with a fox weather forecast hey rick. >> good morning guys, good to see all of you it's really hot it's going be hot a lot of this week. especially the central part of the country temperatures in the upper '90s is going to be like over 100. we have heat advisories right there across parts of kansas and missouri. by the time i get towards the day on tuesday the he even continues to build. that is going to be big problem for us. precipitation wise things are not that bad. a lot of people are going to get by without all that much except right here crisis is a part of
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the country. the woken up this morning parts of nebraska and kansas from some of the thunder and this afternoon more severe weather breaks out there possibly including a tornado or two. i want to talk about the fires we have going on. take a look at the sea park fire the seventh largest in california history. a lot of the smoke from the fires look at this is going to continue to plague especially the west but some of the smoke making its way all the way towards new york city causing air breathing problems for us all that on the east. >> a right rick, thank you so much. really in a record alabama fishing crew hooking a massive 500-pound bull shark. the captain joins us on the big catch coming up next. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, use promo code big25 to save. visit today. ( ♪ ♪ )
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♪ ♪ >> alabama fishing crew setting a new state record really in a nearly 500 pounds bull shark at the alabama deep-sea fishing rodeo. joining is not from that waiting fishing crew the orca of course it's is called the orca, cocaptn adam lyons. good to see you, adam. >> thank you for having me on board here. >> and when did you know you had a monster on the line?
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>> it's funny you say that. we have been shark fishing for a long time out here. we thought that shark was on about 300 pounds a second place a fish. >> not a bad fish creek works really okay second place will get paid on this tournament to tournament this you need to be an eternal optimist. you're going to go in thinking of going to win prize money every single time. every once and willing to do it enough you do win something but we did not know until that fish was lifted up on the crane. the official weight master said 494.5 pounds we all looked at each other stunned and turned into teenagers for about five minutes. >> what did you use for bait? >> jack the head of a jack of all the. >> help big was that head? >> it was probably about 10 pounds. >> help her out were you how deep? quick so the gulf of mexico
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especially the northern area of the gulf is a relatively shallow ocean basin we were in about 30 feet of water about a mile or mile and how help due south of t morgan. there's tons of shark all throughout here. one of our unfair advantages i think in this tournament and away is the senior captain of the vote also runs apex shark charters he is a long liner a gill net or a fourth generationn shark fisherman down here. so we really know where the shark are as they get released or even taken throughout the weeks are in the charter fishing so we more or less went to errors we know we have been recently catching a large shark. we fully expected to catch something big. >> obviously. could you tell the shark had been eating that god in 35 hunter pounds? >> yes as a matter fact. we could not wait to have the shark a dissected to figure ths
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out. the baby season for these guises in may so we knew it was not full of pups. right when the marine biologist opened it up about 40-pound black tip shark came out. >> a while, no kidding? that is amazing. so obviously with some idea you're going to get into a big shark because someone injured both the orca at. [laughter] >> like i said he's a fourth-generation shark fisherman down here. he runs apex shark charters out of orange beach and i am a charter captain also for alla zana. but he specializes in shark. if you ever wanted to go shark fishing down here they are top of the food chain. it's very gr grit you won six grand? what are you going to do with the money? what is probably by another fishing rod. we split it there were four of us on board first thing we do is break it up for the senior captain and in all of our expenses and divide the money. >> good stuff. thank you adam for joining us and got a big show ahead more
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