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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  July 28, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ >> it is 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekends starting with a fox news alert israel striking back at terror targets in lebanon after hezbollah rockets kill 12 israeli kids yesterday we have a live report from the ground. >> plus home stretch we're just 100 days out from election day. we'll tell you they last on the second round of veep stakes of 2024 and yet another study showing that devastating affects covid shutdowns, the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. >> starting with a fox news alert israel striking back at hezbollah after the iranian backed terror group launched on jewish state since october 7th on saturday.
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>> trey yingst joins us live from that israeli town hit bit attack. trey thanks for joining us. reporter: hey guys good morning right now we are in the community in the galan height that took the life of 12 young people just yesterday i want to show you the scene here a scene of pure devastation we arrived as funerals were taking place a small community mourning the loss of these young lives. there were scooters here and bicycles, kids were playing soccer when a hezbollah rocket slammed into this field you can see the impact site right here. to describe what took place here is to describe a massacre. we spoke with a doctor during the funeral who was one of the first responders to this attack yesterday. and he said he desperately tried to save a ten-year-old boy who was covered in shrapnel wounds and unsuccessful we spoke with a
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father whose young daughter was killed in the explosion. this rocket attack launched by hezbollah yesterday and speaking with this father, i asked him how he found out that she was killed and he said he tried to call her again and again and thes phone was busy and he arrived here at this field and his ten-year-old was lying dead here among so many other children. it gives you a sense of just how violent catastrophic these events are. as we speak israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is preparing to convene the israeli cabinet. we expect a major israeli response to the iran backed group hezbollah in southern lebanon officials speaking with fox news overnight say they are preparing for what could be days and days of cross border exchanges this is very much a turning point in the ongoing conflict that started between israel and hezbollah on october 8th one day after the october 7th massacre. guys back to you. >> trey thank you so much for bringing us that information showing us that horrific scene where there's been so much
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tragedy there i think we have trey -- if we can pull him back up so we can ask him questions is that right? and you know, you talk about how this could spark a wider war that is the major concern, and you know, we say that israel is fighting a one front war that's not really true. hezbollah in the northern border has always been an issue. but there is concern that things could escalate. how much concern is there in israel and what does that mean for us here in the united states? reporter: look there's major concern about the possibility of a broader war between israel and hezbollah. already, over the past several mojts hezbollah has fired thousands of rockets into northern israel. but they've stopped short of targeting major cities like tel-aviv and jerusalem if the israelis go on the offensive tonight and strike targets around beirut or other hezbollah strong holds, it could be another step up on the escalation ladder but they're really left with what officials tell us is no other choice but
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to respond following tragic attack that took the lives of 12 young people. and really when you speak with the civilians here, they paint a picture of anger and deep frustration about the ongoing attacks, rocket fire and the drone attacks that have been launched by hezbollah that have really been nonstop over the past ten months. now the question here is how israel will respond it is not a matter of if but rather when. and if that response will draw more rocket fire into northern israel and possibly deeper into the country. but i go back to the individuals here on the ground, in majdal shams speaking with that father he told me he's prepared to fight so many of the community members along the lebanon border say if the israeli government and military don't make a decision to bring the fight to hezbollah in southern lebanon, they will do so themselves. they are really beyond frustrated about what is taken place over the past ten months and this tragic distinct
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yesterday a rockets attack against young soccer players, kids that were here just trying to enjoy their evening really highlight the devastation in the ongoing war. charlie: what can you tell us about these -- early response from the idf into lebanon in has that been fairly limited and do you expect more? reporter: absolutely. we understand that what you saw overnight some of the artillery activity along the border between northern israel and southern lebanon along with some of the air strikes that continue to take place even at this hour. this is not even the initial response by the israelis against hezbollah this is simply ongoing really back and forth that we've seen along the border here over the past ten months. there will be a significant response a direct response to the attack that killed these 12 innocent people yesterday. and we do expect that to happen following the cabinet meeting likely in the night time hours
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with israeli jets in the skies of lebanon. >> there's been so much attention, obviously, put on hamas and gaza in the south. and much of the conflict in the north has been basically ignored by the international community because despite all of those attacks that you mentioned they haven't really been successful in the sense there haven't been innocent people killed that changed yesterday in a horrific way. is there a sense of why this rocket attack hit civilians and then actually was able to penetrate israeli defenses? >> yes israelis are still investigating how this iran made rocket actually made its way to this location. because as we know there's a lot of air defense in this area. israeli's close range missile defense iron dome is often active along the border with lebanon. and there have been questions including questions on a merle briefing that i was on last night about why this rocket wasn't intercepted. now the initial explanation by
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the israeli military has to do with trajectory of the rocket it was fired at relatively close range to the border. and also at the low altitude so it made it hard to intercept the israelis were not able to get off iron dome interceptor to stop the rocket from landing in this community. we have to think about the proximity to the border. we're talking about a matter of seconds even on a day where the sirens alerts work in the right and correct manner i want to show you this important part of the story how close we are to a bomb shelter and it is tragic. it is simply tragic there's no other way to describe it. the impact site is here crater there, and there's a bomb shelter right here so these young children who were trying to get off the field when a brief siren did sound, they were coming out of the doorway that we just exited from that is when the rocket hit this area. and the amount of shrapnel we've seen across the ground here is also significant.
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there's still going through the area trying to look for pieces of these kids and it is a horrific reality of this war. but it is something that we have to bring to you because this is what israel is dealing with. and it is part of the reason you will see a massive israeli response to the rocket attack by hezbollah. an attack that we should note hezbollah is claiming for the first time sthins war began, that they didn't launch but that's not true. they absolutely launched this based on all of the evidence that we have seen. and all of the intelligence gathered by the israelis in the immediate aftermath of this strike yesterday in northern israel. charlie: just to be clear on something you said a minute ago, this -- the rocket was manufactured in iran? >> yes. it is an iranian rocket, and it also speaks to the issue that the israelis are dealing with because the iranians still to this day are smuggling rockets and missiles precision guided components into southern lebanon used against the israel lease.
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carley:only hezbollah has this 2 young children playing soccer just lost their lives playing in a park, trey thank you. there's a stark contrast between donald trump and kamala harris but may be chief among them is this topic where they stand when it comes to israel donald trump has made it clear when he said i stand with israel full stop i treat them like the friend and ally and way to do is to treat their greatest enemy ours as well iran as just that by suffocating them sanctioning them to the hill so they cannot peenged hamas and when biden went into office and became the president he took the brakes off. he put the gas back on, allowed them to provide for funding for them. funding came in and look at where we are right now.
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>> i think that is a key point, obviously, we're going to look at some of this through the lens of american politics and the election in the choice that's coming up. and some people might say look hezbollah is a terrorist group they attack israel it is what they do. so terrorists are going to do terroristic things even though they're trying to claim they didn't do this, obviously, they did. so how does this really interplay with american politics and you're exactly right iran -- is newly flushed with cash because of biden-harris policies. this is what trump warned of it is what a lot of people were concerned about. biden and harris and their team even dating back to obama they've been obsessed with bringing iran to the table on a nuclear deal other things so they sending them billions of dollars through different methods iran turns around inevitably predictably gives that money to groups like hezbollah hamas and houthis there is a result of that and among israel and our enemies
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that america may not fully have the israelis back and that's a bet they've made based on the rhetoric positions of joe biden and recently kamala harris as well. charlie: of course, you know days before the october 7th attack, we all learned that the biden administration had green lit paying billions of dollars for hostages. and when you create a marketplace for hostages, you can't be surprised when you wind up getting more hostages. >> so many more hostages many of them americans and they cannot be forgotten. so we're just as we've been talking about all morning 100 days out from the election if you can believe it tomorrow it will be double digits for the first time in all eyes, of course, are on kamala harris and who she is going to choose as her vice president. and "the new york post" has a headline that there are two main front runners emerging from her pick josh shapiro said one insider familiar with the back
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and forth locking down pennsylvania would change the entire trajectory of the race if you remember one of the things that president trump said when he was choosing his vice president he sees that i want somebody to basically most moveo pennsylvania and live there. because pennsylvania is a must win state for both sides. >> shapiro i think would be an asset certainly for the harris campaign in the crucial state the problem the harris campaign might have with that is harris because she's at the top of the ticket whether that can be reraced or mitigating by putting josh shapiro on the ticket and seeing hamas people are against shapiro because he's jewish pro-israel i think there's bigotry there as well. there's -- charlie: ultimately they're saying that. democrat media is saying she can't peck a jewish person because it will cost them the election. >> like that emerged selecting a
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vice president nominee with anti-palestinian and prowar views will depress turnout among muslim arab american and young 1r0e9ers and greatly reduce excitement that comes with a new nominee charlie. charlie: they're openly talking about it. i don't understand this. this is like it is 2024. but it is like but it is leak the democratic party gets away with this stuff, and it is all it is is extension of identity politics but you can't be surprised this is what you wind up with . >> calling prowar people who started the war was hamas and people who started the latest war is hezbollah but they blame the jewish state not coincidentally but you know, if let's say she were to pick josh shapiro might be a liability in michigan. because we know some of the communities there have been a very outspoken against israel to put it kindly. so that's one of the names near the top of the list another one is united states senator mark kelly a democrat of arizona. he is seen as a pretty
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attractive candidate an astronaut few other things. there are vulnerabilities there as well. the question is would he help bring arizona along from perhaps the trump lead that we're seeing right now. into the harris kelly column, i did see there was a long glowing puff piece in "the new york times" about mark kelly as potential running mate for kamala harris recently and our legal miranda devine noted at the bottom many words into it noted that mark kelly helped start a aerial surveillance balloon company with chinese investors which might be a bit of an issue given what we recall happening over the skies of america. >> earlier last year. so one of the things eights was funny is wall street journal polled group of people how they feel about all the names that kamala harris may select whether it's mark kelly josh shapiro ash did i bashir or griffinnen
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whitmer it is the can't wait because nobody knows who they are what they stand for. 50% can't wait for mark kelly 52 josh shapiro 74% for roy cooper govern or the state people who live there know a lot more about them but nationally relatively unknown. >> real problem with the can't rate is four months 100 days do you think there are going to be hard hitting ads it will be that kangt wait column and both sides will be doing it and your point is the best no matter the problem will be the same. it is that she's at the top of the ticket. >> defining her is job number one. >> other side of the aisle is donald trump he had an interesting day yesterday we talk about the fact he went to
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minnesota and held a rally there. couple of thousand people. earlier mt day he was a nashville and he was talking he was speaking at a crypto currency a bitcoin conference in nashville with a lot of people in the tech industry incredibly who are starting to change their opinion on donald trump. because he said his position now is he does not want to regulate bit coin that is attracting a lot of the tech world on to the trump side listen to what he had to say there. >> this afternoon i'm laying out my plan to ensure that the united states will be the cryptocab toll of the planet and bitcoin superpower of the world and we'll get it done. [applause] if crypto is going to define the future i want to be mind, minted and made in the usa but not made anywhere else and if bitcoin is going to the moon it is going to the moon i want america to be
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the nation that leads the way. and that's what's going to happen. that's why i'm proud to be the first major party nominee in american history to accept donations in bitcoin and crypto. and they've made a lot of them i might tell you. and i appreciate it. >> please fund my campaign in u.s. dollars also accepting bitcoin as well this is politics donald trump at the bits coin conference but i know winkle boss twins elon musk supporting donald trump when you think tech silicon valley you think 100% democrat across the board tbhu this instance he's chipping away. >> winkle boss donated in bitcoin. >> rfk jr. was at this conference trump was there. kamala harris m.i.a. starting brand new campaign. but it's not a small number of americans.
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who hold bitcoin other cryptocurrencies, so it's an interesting play here. >> people with a lot of money. you get to charlie's point campaign cash by speaking to these folks. >> what about headlines president biden has been briefed on the severity of california's park fire after officials say it is now grown larger than the entire city of phoenix, arizona. a northern california blaze scorching more than 350,000 acres since starting just four days ago. park fire is the largest active blaze in the united states and expected to burn for several more weeks. as it's currently only 10% contained. right now voters in venezuela lining up for its first presidential election in over a decade skeptical how legitimate it will be i guess we'll see. president casting his vote at a polling station earlier this morning. he tries to clinch his third term quote unquote in office.
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going up against opposition leader gonzalez and had overwhelming lead heading into today and we'll see if voters follow through on the polling. and then this from paris in the olympics, simone biles powering through leg pain we're being told. as the first round of the women's gymnastic competition gets underway biles hurt on camera saying she felt something in her calf but she went through anyway and -- powered through the pain. that's impressive had the leg taped up despite apparent injuries biles still notching what was by far highest score in the world this year. during her floor routine and followed up landing her vault routine with no issues at all good for her and countrily sits atop leader board in overall individual competition. impressive rooting for her. those are your headlines. >> you remember she had that
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vertigo symptoms that took her out so rooting for simone biles. >> new polls show americans think trump is the best fit to handle the economy. leading by double digits in key swing states. big money show taylor riggs on how inflation could haunt harris's campaign. that's next. why do couples choose a sleep number smart bed? i need help with her snoring. sleep number does that.
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>> so we are fighting to build a nation where every person not just the wealthy or well connected have the opportunity to thrive and that all of my friends here is call called bidenomics and it's working. >> kamala harris has been claiming it's working you heard it there but now a whole year later from the clip that you just watched voters don't seem to agree in days before president bide steppeds down from this race fox polling showed that voters trusted donald trump by 10 points on the economy over biden. now what about harris? doesn't appear to be getting much better. trump is leading by double digits in two key swing states among the voters who prioritize the economy as hair top issue
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and it is the number one issue compared to all of the other ones you can see those number there is. and here to discuss all of it is the co-host of the big money show on fox business taylor riggs so good to see you. >> like wise good to see you. >> poll willing go where it is going to go let's talk about the record because harris biden administration has one on the economy they're trying to say it's been a great success. but you look at what they've actually done. huge amounts of spending that fueled massive inflation we're still feeling effects of that prices up roughly 20% over where they were. so before we even talk about separately what harris herself has proposed, that record right there is target rich environment for the republicans. >> probably since that speech that you just played about over a year ago they've tried to stop using word bidenomics because they realize it hasn't been working actually in the last few months you've been hearing them try to find a new plan you have talked about some of the accomplishments one of those,
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inflation reduction act which was not reducing inflation but increased inflation had the price tag of two and a half trillion dollars she was also the record tie breaker vote in the senate. 30 -- 33 too manies so you have a crystal clear policy there of what she's done like you said prices are up 20%. the rate at which inflation is rising, it is cooling a little bit it is slowing down but prices are still very much rising and that's still why inflation in the economy is the number one priority. and why a lot of people think that this big government spending that's been fueling all of these price increases it is not working for them. >> look at that right there graphic on the screen cost of virtually everything up dramatically under harris and biden. >> wages haven't kept up. >> but you can see there at the far right end of the screen that's really the punch where people remember what they paid for things generally in 2019, 2020 and what they're purchasing
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power was. and it is 20% it is one fifth weaker now than it was back then that hurts and then you've got what she has on the record called for in the not too distant past. huge, i mean, it would make what biden and she did look like childs play, i mean, trillions upon trillions upon trillions of additional spending on a government takeover of health care. the green new deal six and a half trillion dollars per year. i mean what would even one of those thing dos to the inflation numbers that we just put up? >> huge more government spending leads to more inflation you've talked about some of her proposals for universal basic income that's more government spending health care for all that is more government spending. free public health care for illegal immigrants that is more public spending what that means is higher taxes she's also proposed a big financial transaction tax that would directly head a lot of people saying near pensions 401(k) that is a stark contrast to what
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you have from president trump former president of more government more spending more taxes instead of less government. less spending more money in my pocket i think trump made it very clear he can do a 3.gdp growth with very little inflation that's possible with that low regulation progrowth proinnovation proentrepreneur environment. that sort of the on silt of what harris' goal has been. >> trillions of new spending on top of the mess we already have taylor wigs please watch weekdays 1% eastern, on the fox business network now this former president trump vowing to keep holding outdoor rallies in wake of that assassination attempt just about two weeks ago. a former secret service agent on how the agency can and must improve its security coming up. there are many ways to do things.
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carley: we are back with a fox news alert israeli defense forces announcing retaliatory strikes deep inside lebanon this coming in response to the terror group killing at least 12 children in a rocket attack on an israeli playground on saturday. the rocket attack marking the deadliest attack on the jewish state since october 7th. we have a live report from the scene of the attack coming up at the top of the hour. dozens of drivers being left stranded for hours when a stretch of a major highway connecting los angeles to las vegas was shut down after a truck carrying industrial lithium-ion batteries caught fire. that does not sound good firefighters say water will not put out flames so they must wait until the fire burns itself out it is still not clear when the
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highway will be fully reopened. charlie over to you. charlie: thank you carley assassination attempt won't stop trump from holding outdoor rallying confirming this yesterday. and thanking grateful for supporters who keep showing up. >> they stood up and they were looking right because they wanted to help secret service. and they wanted to help the police. they wanted to find out who that guy was so i thank that whole crowd. charlie: what security steps does the secret service need to take moving forward? let's ask retired secret service agent jeff james mr. james thanks for joining us this morning. >> how are you charlie? charlie: these rallies are massive and present pretty unique problems in and of themselves what are the security steps they have to take to make them more secure?
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>> over the last two weeks these are the hardest things i did in the 22-year career big ever changing outdoor events and the problem you have with it is sight lights go off for thousands of yards like we saw in butler, pennsylvania. you could look around and just see dozens of homes miles of treeline businesses, and it is tough. the only thing i believe that secret service is going to be able to do now is extend its perimeter out, and maybe use overlapping sniper teams to stretch out thousand yard team reach even further but the problem is that comes back to needing manpower which has always been biggest lynch opinion in putting events together. charlie: as somebody not in secret service watching this. you look at what happened two weeks ago an you're struck by obvious and glaring the mistakes were. that led to that, and it max you think that maybe this would be an easy fix but it is sounds like it is probably not that easy of a fix. >> i think that easy fix to what
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happened in butler was that people needed to stay on their post what is reported now is people were assigned to cover that roof who didn't cover it. so i think moving forward what you might see the secret service do also is more very specific definitive to say hey this isn't just something you can look at and walk away this is all day thing for you you need to stay on this assignment. charlie: it seems like there had to be communication break down the idea that the president was walking on to the stage, and you had a full maybe a minute maybe more than a minute -- and then, of course, obviously, there was some information that was as much as an hour earlier that there was a problem. and it would have been such a simple fix to say to the president, just don't start yet let us deal with this situation. obviously, communication has to be fixed. >> yeah communication is key. and i think what you're going to
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see when the fbi report come out when exactly was said to whom and i'm not privy to that but like to think if the screes service detail working that day was told there's a guy up on the roof with a long gun they were going say yeah let's hold here see what we have before we move. charlie: thank you jeff james for your service thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. charlie: kamala harris calls herself an underdog raises millions in the first fundraisers since moving to the top of the democratic ticket but with 100 days to go can she maintain momentum in key battle growngsd ground states? that's next. and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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hi, i'm chris and i lost 57 pounds on golo. golo isn't complicated. i don't have to follow a restrictive diet, and i don't have to spend a lot of time making meals. using golo was truly transformative. it was easy, and inexpensive. >> we have a fight ahead of us. we have a fight ahead of us. and we're the underdogs in this race, okay. we are the underdogs in this race. carley: vice president kamala harris casting herself as the underdog during a glitzy alist fund raiser despite her team reporting staggering 200 million dollars in donations in the last week since biden dropped his bid on tuesday she's expected to let the trail in georgia.
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as her polls show her and trump neck and neck in other swing states. republicans strategist from the great state of georgia, katy frost joins us now. good morning it is great to see you. so georgia caused a lot of controversy in 2020 biden picked it up. how are things looking this time around? >> fantastic for president trump on the ground you look at what is kamala harris need to do to generate that enthusiasm, obviously, she's going to be focusing on the fact that she is the first woman of color to be a presidential nominee but the democrats in georgia had their ticket stacey abrams nominee for governor and she went down both times. carley: that was a great point i was going to ask about that. donald trump needs suburban women in georgia does that present challenges that a biden candidacy would not? >> obviously she's going to have a different appeal than president biden did. but she eventually is going to need to develop a better message
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because i'm not joe biden or donald trump and needs to appeal to those voters so looking for the split ticket volter. >> you know, you do a lot of politics especially when it comes to state of georgia you're on the ground you've run campaigns before. so anything in the national conversation that we might be missing? >> well, this is a very fast evolving election cycle for sure. i mean, one month ago we had that debate. and my home state of georgia, that changed the course of this entire election two weeks ago yesterday president trump survived assassination attempt, i mean, i -- pity the kids who have to study this month it is going to be a lot. carley: it is so true so you mention the debate and then the assassination attempt. and we were talking earlier in the show that a week ago still at this time, joe biden was the nominee but everything started to crumble because of that debate and there will likely be a debate between kamala harris and donald trump at some point.
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how do you expect that to go? >> i think president trump did the best job he's ever done on the debate stage there in atlanta he never interrupt your opponent when they're making a mistake he let president biden self-destruct and did a great job with that, obviously, going to have a different opponent in vice president harris. but i think he's fully up to the task i'll tell you for a minute on the ground perspective in georgia, i do a lot of work there. and the organization the enthusiasm around the trump campaign it's far out pacing what we saw in '16 and '20. >> what issues do you think will move the needle in time around? >> economy and immigration those are issues we dominate on as a republican party so i'm grateful that i'm a republican strategist right now not a democratic strategist because they have a very difficult job ahead of them. carley: if you had to recommend how donald trump and jd vance could campaign against kamala harris what would you say? >> it is a similar way about tai city abrams she lost her first
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race by .4% and then 8 points eight years later. the longer people have to actually get to know the radical left policies of politicians like abrams and vice president harris the less voters are likely to support that. so they just need to make sure that her radical california policies are evident to everyone across the country. carley: words out of her mouth said a lot and it will come back absolutely. great job thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. carley: turn to rick for our fox weather forecast. hi, rick. rick: a great day across the eastern seaboard and feeling really good and nice summer day like in the middle of july take a look at the weather map so we're dealing with some rain coming this week this is the next seven day what is precipitation looks like we could use some across the west not going to get much and monsoonal activity down across the four corners states and aside from that no big moisture
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and we have fires burning no help from my big rain that will help those firefighters efforts. out across parts of the east a biggest problem is going to be cross hairs of florida rein coming in again. it is summer, wet season but it is a little bit too much at too many times. we have rain from kansas up through south dakota, we could be looking at a few tornadoes this afternoon this is not the main event later on in the day we'll see this secondary batch of storms that will build up there and careful across parts of the plains. aside from that storms this morning across the mississippi river valley and that's going to cause nothing that's really too problem matting here's high temperatures for the day hot across the central part of the country. carley back to you. >> covid closure is shutting schools did more harm than good both in kids education and overall development. doctor nicole saphier on how children are still impacted four
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>> more harm than good a new study finds growing evidence that covid closures had little to no effect on saving lives and instead caused quite a bit of harmful social isolation. carley: this while children suffered biggest challenge with school closings failing students and forever impacting their educational outcomes. charlie: here with more fox news contributor nicole saphier thanks for joining us so a real shocker turns out lockdowns are bad for people. >> charlie god sense sarcasm there and add this to the grow ing list of study out of virginia and they look at excess deaths across various states from july 2020 through july 2022 what they can say is the states that had more strict mandates when it came to mask, vaccine
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mandates they have excess deaths and compared to essentially they looked at those saying hold on by the way i want to point out there there were a lot of compounding factors i think there was a lot of bias within this study. one thing they did conclude was school closures, restaurant closures others really had no effect on the excess deaths and, obviously, did more harm than good. here we are four years later, recent surveys coming out from that 90% polling group showed that one in three students still have learning disabilities, developmental delays, behavioral issues social issues all from these lockdowns so yes. obviously, more harm than good especially as pertain to children when it came to covid lockdowns. guy: bluer the jury diction longer the lockdown especially for example in the home state of kamala harris, california, but it does strike me if you look at the impact even on the midterm elections two years ago moving
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into 2024, people are just kind of blacking that outs a horrible memory that a lot folks want to move on from. it doesn't seem to be moving needle politically even though consequences especially for kids are very much still with us. >> well people really want to put their head in the sand and pretend this didn't happen. pretend that the direct actions and cause and effects from their political leaders caused substantial harm why are so many people leaving blue states going to the red states because of what happened during covid and one of the things that authors didn't mention in the study they talked about quickly they put in taking away freedom and it sct a measurable thing but that is one of the biggest issues that came from the pandemic look at the distrust in the public health system when it comes to all vaccinations and public health that is one of the biggest
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consequences no one trusts our public health establishments. >> there's another study out and headline from it is having a double mastectomy can reduce risk of getting breast cancer but not surviving and this is a study that was done over 20 years. 660,000 participants what can you tell us about it? >> this is also really important study in my day job as you workh breast cancer patients and diagnosis as early as possible this has a very large study that adds to data we have had that shows if someone has breast cancer in one breast a mastectomy or bilateral meaning removing both breasts their chance of survival from that initial breast cancer doesn't actually change. now, here's the caveat we're talking about average risk women we're not talking about women who have braca mutations other mutations they are higher risk.
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if a woman has breast cancer in one breast there's a 7% chance of getting breast cancers in the other breast. and now, while getting that breast cancer in the other breast does increase their risk of dying from breast cancer four fold it actually shows whether they remove the breast before that second cancer came or not doesn't really change their survival because what happens is usually that woman will die from metastatic breast cancer from the first breast cancer. so at the end of the day you talk to your surgeon, oncologist you do what you can to reduce your risk and early detection saves lives. carley: thank you so much for joining us have a great sunday. >> thanks for having me. carley: all right more "fox & friends" still ahead. and for a limited time, ancestrydna can show you how your genes stack up against world-class athletes. ♪ find out which athletic traits you inherited. but hurry, the clock is ticking.
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