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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  July 28, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. >> it's 8:00 here on the east coast since brand new hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with a fox news alert israel
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striking back after hezbollah rockets killed 12 israeli kids just yesterday. we'll have a live report from the ground. >> and harris veep stakes heating up with 100 days to election day. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro also touted as moderate emerging as a top contender we'll talk to one keystone state rep who say he's just a liberal in the disguise. trump looking to put america at the front of the cryptocraze what it might mean for the future of the market, the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ guy: we're starting this hour with a fox news alert israel striking back at hezbollah after iran back terror group larged against jewish state since object 7th. >> trey yingst joins us live from the israeli town hit by that attack. hi, trey. reporter: hey guys good morning right now, we are in golan
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heights village where that deadly rocket attack took place yesterday. you can see the aftermath of this hezbollah strike, there were children here. they were playing soccer at the time when they had just seconds to run for shelter it was too late, though. the iran made rocket slamming into the ground here, and killing 12 people this morning we attended the funerals for so many of those young children, and it is hard to put into words the grief this community is experiencing people are still in shock and not been 24 hours since this hezbollah attack. and they're just trying to make sense of this horrific, horrific tragedy. we spoke with one father who tried over and over again to call his young daughter only to rush here to the field and find her body among those who were killed in the rocket attack we spoke also with a first responder who said he was sell in shock he could barely speak as he described what it looked
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like when he arrived at the scene an israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is preparing to meet with the country's cabinet. we know that chief of staff along with the defense minister gallant trying to determine what the israeli response will be to the deadly attack that took lives of 12 young drews children. we do anticipate extensive strike against hezbollah positions in lebanon as the region braces for the possibility of further escalation. guys back to you. charlie: trey you have such stunning video there i was struck by the pit -- where the missile struck, how many kids were inside that fenced area playing i think you said playing soccer at the time? reporter: yeah i want to give our viewers a brief warning about what i'm going to describe here because it is quite graphic but it is also important. in the context of this story,
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there were dozens of children around this area. and they were riding their bikes they were on scooters, playing soccer it was a nice summer evening. when this hezbollah rocket 110 pounds of explosives packed on top exploded, sending large pieces of shrapnel throughout the area. these young drews children were so close to the impact that still today first responders are picking up the pieces of these children. they've been taking cups and medical gloves going inch by inch around this area as onlookers watch this is devastating for this community a tight knit community a beautiful culture close to lebanon and syria and these people are going through an unimaginable tragedy as they try to make sense of this deadly hezbollah attack yesterday. guy: heinous infuriating another attack on the jewish state as you pointed out several times trey this was the drews
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community a minority within the state of israel. talking about the significance of that community specifically being victims of this attack from hezbollah. reporter: the drug abuse community is a peaceful cultural community. and they are people connected to the land. they are not a violent people. they are peace loving people. and they are welcoming they speak many this community they speak arabic hebrew even some english and earlier today this mourning father i think he represents who the drews people are. he welcomed us into his home as he was with his relatives and friends mourning the loss of his daughter. and made sure that we had something to drink and -- just had a sit with his family and he represents who the drews people are. the drews, they're india army earlier a drews tank commander at the beginning of the war he talked about living in this part
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of the country. and the cultural differences and challenges but how he loved the place that he lived and he served in the army in a tank unit inside gaza defending israelis. and i think really -- he represents who the drews people are. and the many families who are mourning today the loss of their loved ones. carley: there are drews proud members of the idf prime minister benjamin netanyahu cutting his trip to the united states short to be back in israel during this time of mourning. but before he did that he did deliver an updated hostage and cease-fire proposal and apparently added a new demand to it that he wants israel to control the gaza egypt border to prevent the flow of militants and weapons. and you have to wonder if that will -- you know, make this war play out even longer. what do you think about that? what can you tell us? reporter: yeah there are a lot of moving parts here. israel is fighting a war literally on seven different
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fronts. and we've seen it play out in real time when we look at just the past month. there's rockets coming from lebanon, there are drones coming from yemen. there are rockets coming from gaza still fired nearly 300 days into the war by groups like hamas and islamic jihad and israelis they want to control what it calls philadelphia corridor that is the border between israel and excuse me that is the border between egypt and gaza that is currently being controlled by the israelis. and earlier this month we embedded with the israeli military along the philadelphia corridor to get a firsthand look at what the area looked like now this corridor is width of a football field that separates gaza and egypt traditionally to smuggle weapons and rocket components into gaza that's the very thing israelis want to avoid they want people along the southern border with gaza to be able to return to their homes in
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and according to that corridor between gaza and so there's no smuggling to build weapons and tunnels that will ultimately be used against israel. guy: that, of course, in the south in gaza this attack came from the north in hezbollah, and things are going to get i think probably pretty ugly as israel responds as they must to this attack that killed at least 12 children trey yingst live for us in israel today. trey, thank you. charlie: thank you trey. carley: bring in shannon bream to talk about all of this and news this morning. and shannon we're at a situation where the war on israel is now one of our top stories, again, and now we're dealing with joe biden who is a lame duck president and everybody is looking to see how kamala harris responds to this. shannon: people always feel a sense of worry or heightened concern during a time of transition now that we know that president biden is going to be a
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lame duck president he's got six months left with a very ambitious slate of things to get accomplished all of that has to do with the middle east. but in talking to friends who live in that region, they are very worried that if hezbollah that goes into a full fledged conflict, it is much more, you know, existential it is a much better equipped opponent for israel. than even the tragedy of what's going in gaza. so there is great concern you see secretary blinken out there saying we don't need this to escalate but it is a very real issue. and you have to wonder if people are enemies look around and see and feel a time of weakness here in the u.s. charlie: this is going to be playing loom large in the campaign we've got 100 days left. and already we're starting to hear of president trump kind of refine his attacks on kamala harris. listen to this. >> every voter in minnesota needs to know that when the violent mobs of anarchist
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looters, markist burn down minneapolis four years ago, remember me? i couldn't get your govern to act. he's supposed to call in the national guard or the army. and he didn't do it. i couldn't get your governor so i sent in the national guard to save minneapolis while kamala harris sided with the arsonist writer and raise money to bail out the criminals bail them all out of jail. ultra liberal kamala harris will deliver crime, chaos, mayhem and death to our country. i will restore law and order, justice in america. [applause] >> so kamala harris might try to run as a law and order candidate but doesn't sound like former donald trump will let her do that quietly. shannon: this is where they're going clash as she's been saying i'm a former prosecutor he's a convicted felon he's going to
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say she's progressive when it came down to the situation in minneapolis that posting on x then known as twitter by the vice president at the tile is still there. urging people to vote to the minnesota freedom fund, which was bailing people out and there were people connected to that who eventually were either convicted or pled to charges like murder and rape other violent crimes. so that's something that you'll have to talk about. but you and i charlie talked about this on the five on friday she described herself as a progressive prosecutor saying that she sees essentially two victims in a crime crime victim and possibly as well accused or suspect being a victim of the criminal justice system. so thosing are things that are in her own words those will spar about. >> shannon i want to ask you we were observing earlier in the show how it feels like we have all lived about a year's worth of history in the last month. and one thing that strikes me is your guest on fox news sunday coming up is pete buttigieg he and number of other people out there in the democratic party
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mainstream folks within that world they have been trying to talk about trump maybe renegotiating the possible debate situation against kamala harris with a brand new opponent afterall in this race. and they're coming after trump calling him weak and a coward and afraid things like that. he was shot two weeks ago shannon and they're using words like weak and cowardly to describe him that way almost as if they've completely moved on and forgotten what happened in pennsylvania. >> not believe that was two weeks and one day ago, and that iconic photo that we saw so much in the first three or four days after that shooting -- it's been memory hold i think by a lot people because it telegraphs something different than weakness for a lot of folks when they see that image others referred to prop propaganda a mt in history a picture. the fact that trump said i'm going to debate her. you've got -- owe that to the american people i think they do. this is a different matchup they need to explain where they are
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on foreign policy, and crime and domestic, inflation all of those things. so it sounds like and the trump campaign keeps saying he's going to do it he wants dust to settle with democrats she's got to be officially the nominee. i think they're very much going to show up, and i'm going to be popping my popcorn i think most of america will be. carley: popcorn stocks are through the roof with all of this political theater that is before our eyes past four weeks during joe biden oval office address when he talked about not running -- for reelection he said something about how in the timing remaining in office he wants to focus on supreme court reform. and now he's reportedly going announce those supreme court reform plans tomorrow. what are you hearing about this? shannon: what we're getting glimpse of is potentially enforcement ethics codes with outside body overseeing the supreme court. and listen this is a shift for him because remember, even in the last couple of years, he said no i don't think you should add seats or do any of these radical things that are being called for.
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now whether he'll call for seat adding i don't think so what we know of the proposal so far. but they are going to be changes potentially to the court. here's the thing we all know with the current house and senate those things are not going to get passed essentially this sounds like something to give another issue to the campaign trail. and we'll see what the vice president does if she endorses these tomorrow too. because it will give them something hopefully i think for them -- to drive out their base. charlie: it is still pretty remarkable considering this is a guy who spent 50 years as kind of an institutionalist in the senate on the senate judiciary committee and then suddenly he gets into a pinch and he wants to throw out the supreme court kind of amazing. shannon: may be decided term age age limits are important to consider. charlie: now he's been shown the door. you've got a great lineup for fox news sunday? shannon: pete buttigieg out campaigning with the campaign and to be the her vice president pick and ron johnson leading fight to get answers about
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assassination attempt and he'll preview for us. carley: shannon bream live for us thank you very much have a great day. shannon: see you guys. guy: i want to just note on the supreme court reform -- that biden is going to roll out this is a radical new attack on a coequal branch of government. and what was amazing to me watching this speak this past week from president biden in the oval office he kept coming back over and over again to the well about protecting our democracy. and apparently in his miengtd protecting our democracy is nullifying democratic party elections. and throwing those out, and then taking on and trying to fundamentally change the judiciary. that i think to a lot of americans seems like quite the opposite but -- they're trying to thread that needle. carley: down that road if it was a liberal majority but it's strictly political. guy: no emergency at the court other than they're not getting outcomes that they want. charlie: nobody knowing this stuff better than shannon and she's exactly right probably
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election going on politics going on here but this sort of thing can happen if people don't pay attention and vote for the right people. it can happen. carley: yeah. got more news to get to starting with a popular maryland mall having to be shut down evacuated after a man was shot and killed inside the mall's food court last night. police believe the shooting started after a fight broke out. >> this was a situation where we believe that this was an altercation that occurred between two people. this was not something that our investigators believe was a random incident. or an accident -- this is something they believe was intentional. carley: no one is being let inside the mall right now while the investigation is still underway. an electrical room fire at an oakland train station forcing dozens to evacuate last night causing major delays around the city officials posting on x that several stations and oakland had to be shut down due to the issues. officials are still unsure when things will be back up and
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running. as commuters are being advised to find alternate modes of transportation for now. and -- social media influencer name is jake shane he's sparking online debate after he was denied from ordering off the kids menu. shane asked the waiter, at a sushi restaurant called sugar fish for side of white rice with the meal but reserved for kids only. the restaurant arguing they serve the side dish only to kids because some of them don't eat sushi and feeding hungry children is beneficial for everyone's dining experience. so no sushi rice because it is on the kids menu. carley: one problem -- charlie: he's an influencer what do you think? guy: they're trying to argue that an adult can't order white
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rice at a sushi restaurant? i don't understand this policy. carley: when you read the headline and you say -- somebody was denied for ordering an adult was denied for ordering off the kids menu you can't if you're an adult it is cheaper you're cutting restaurant from the money that you should be paying them. but then when you get to the details you're like what are they talking about? just the hill of the restaurant wants to die on okay but i don't know. i don't think i'm with it. i have to give the guy some white rice. >> i wanted adult menu from day one. carley: old soul now i eat off the kids menu and hard not to. you order a meal yourself but when you have a baby when you're feeding baby you're like all right chicken finger for him fry for him mom tax -- also eating that too. >> intercepting a fry. i always order my own meal as well. guy: we're going talk about the
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election even more with a hundred days out and another veep stakes that's now in full swing sort of a surprise one. that was sprung upon us a week ago, governor josh shapiro of pennsylvania is reportedly on the short list for kamala harris. carley: tabs himself as a compromising moderate, our next guest says he is just josh us. he explains, next. you'll get better when you're not blamed for a condition you can't control. you'll get better when your pain isn't minimized, dismissed, forgotten. we will never stop trying to get better. because when medicine gets better, all of us can get better.
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>> she's someone who has always been for the people. she is tough as nails. she has fought for opportunity. and she has delivered results. >> pennsylvania governor josh shapiro stumping for harris across the critical battle ground state emerging as top contender shapiro also tout as a moderate but our next guest saying that is not the case. pennsylvania state representative joseph drc joinings us now good morning to you. >> good morning carley thanks so much for being -- having me. >> thank you for being here. what can you tell us about him?
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>> first of all i understand why we're having this conversation like you mentioned pennsylvania is a battle ground state we boast 19 electoral college votes and spend time in the keystone state but moderate josh shapiro is not, and he's a man who is full of platitudes and mottos we hear a lot of phrases like pennsylvania is open for business. he and his administration move at the state of business he's competitive as hell he gets stuff done but he's high on style. and not so much on substance carley. carley: he likes to get bleeped on fill in the blank on what that is. how many bills have been signed into law under under him and hoy promises has he made when he was campaigning that he's kept? >> it's been a very unproductive first half of his term first six months of his term were the least productive and about half a century.
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i don't have the number on bills signed into law but that's what i'm citing and it hasn't quickened since then and there's been campaign promises he actually reaffirmed campaign promise for school choice i believe on this program carley. and we've been through two budget cycles that that's the promise for school choice. we've been through two budget cycles, and that promise has not materialized, in fact, last year, after pledging support for lifeline scholarships which is a version of school choice that we've been fighting for here in pennsylvania, he actually line item vitos his own campaign promise this is something that seven out of ten pennsylvanians are for. and in the end, last budget psych this will budget psych it will turns out he turned his back on kids stuck and struggling schools, and cited with powerful teachers union lobby there in harrisburg. >> we have more of his resumé
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approval rating has never been below 50% he's a vocal israel supporter. he sued president trump numerous times as ag, and he went after big pharma over the opioid crisis as attorney general as well. is there anything that stands out there that you would like to respond to? >> i would like to just talk about, i mean, top of mind for a lot of pennsylvanians a lot of americans is the economy, jobs inflation, and just the economy. you know, he likes to say that he's competitive as hellewell let me tell you about the truth here in pennsylvania we rank 467th in domestic migration we've lost 270,000 people in the last decade. and 50,000 in the last two years losing out to states like north carolina which is our top export, tennessee, texas, even our neighbors maryland and ohio. so for someone who says that he's economically moderate, he's done nothing to address the
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problem and the trend continues here in pennsylvania. >> well kamala harris has to make a decision by august 7th which is just around the corner so we will be watching state rep dorsey thank you for joining us. >> thanks so much carley. carley: you're welcome. a fox news israeli forces striking back at hezbollah targets after that deadly rocket attack killing at least 12 israeli children. morgan on what this says about america's standing in the world in a critical election year. next. over 400,000 people with afib have left blood thinners behind with watchman. a safe, one—time implant that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worry, for life. watchman. it's one time,
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while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. charlie: fox news alert israel hitting back against hezbollah in lebanon. guy: after iranian back terrorist group fired rockets at israeli play ground killing 12 children. it was the deadliest attack
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since october 7th. formers state department spokesperson morgan ortagus joins us right now. morgan it is good to see you all be with horrible news we're digesting we saw terrible attacks from israel this is just the beginning, right? >> yes. certainly this has been the type of thing that we have all been worried about and warning about for months is what would happen in israel's north so we know in the south, that's where hamas is. and they perpetrated massacre on object 7th. but unfortunately the north you have 80,000 israelis have been displaced since october 7th. that's ten months later, guy, and that's principally because was things like this that hezbollah does. now hezbollah, of course, is yet another iranian proxy. it is another terror group that iran funds, trains and equips in the region and unfortunately, the military weaponry, rockets
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used to kill these children was, of course, made in iran. so it all comes back to is islamic republic of iran and again not only do you have them killing these children and wounding others, you have about 80,000 israelis who are living in hotels, they're internally displaced within their own country and they can't get home. >> they're displaced this type of attack is made easier if isle not mistaken morgan, because the international is not enforce against hezbollah a previous rules set out after the last time hezbollah was acting this way. >> so israel and hezbollah had a war in 2006 and actually at the united nations there there was a security council resolution and hezbollah was supposed to completely disarm. spoiler alert for our audience that did not happen over the past 18 years. and, in fact, they have a very sophisticated ballistic missile arsenal, all of their military hard aware is again supplied by iran. we know that iran has perfected their killer drones they've
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given them to russians to use against ukrainian civilians and so not only are they much more equipped from a military perspective from military hardware from ballistic missiles their army is much bigger. they have the capability guy hezbollah has to iron dome and israeli defense forces why does all of this matter to the united states despite what biden claimed this week and our military wasn't at war our u.s. navy has seen more action in the red sea than any other time since world war ii. our u.s. navy is using something called tea lamps to stop houthis another iranian backed terror group from attacking them. they are more using tea lamps to defend u.s. navy ships merchant vessels, from the united states and other western countries. so when you look at what's actually going on in the middle east it is a chaotic period of time worse than chaos all out
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war in the middle east we may not have called it that congress may not have called it that but we are at war every single day and if leb knob if hezbollah which is in lebanon and israel get into a full war, because of what hezbollah did yesterday, it is almost impossible for the u.s. not to get dragged into this because we're already dragged into it. right we're already getting hit we're already aimed at by the houthis. >> morgan when we look at american politics you have the biden-harris administration they have enriched iranian regime which is empowered them to engage in this type of terrorism support on multiple fronts against israel. then there's been quite a bit of daylight between israel and the united states during the gaza war started by hamas. that's a tough combination i think to defend from an american perspective given what israel faces in terms of this threat. >> yeah. you can put a different face name on it. you can change the gender ultimately this is the policy towards the middle east that
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barack obama and his administration started in their second term. this was in the first term of obama by the way, i was in the middle east as his treasury and the first obama term. they had continued the bush administration sanctions they were still tough on iran. and the second term that completely changed when they decided to negotiate the jcpoa failed iran nuclear deal that president trump rightly withdrew from. and what we have seen is them go back to obama policies policiest enrich rarn and terror groups on the middle east and that get americans killed. that's most important point on all of this guy, and americans are getting killed. shot at and attacked by all of iran's terror proxies throughout the entire region. guy: nor began ortagus thanks for being with us this morning. >> thanks, guy. guy: important choices coming up including on the foreign policy front with kamala harris right there with joe biden on this foreign policy that we just heard described. the home stretch of the campaign just a hundred days underway.
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and we will be picking a new president you can see it right there on november the 5th. how will the unprecedented string of events over the last two weeks or so impact the coming three months? jason chaffetz will join us here with his insightings. you know, saint john paul this second profoundly impacted my life. and i just finished recording some incredible new meditations on his life, on the hallow app. this content is incredible. why don't you join us in the saint john paul the second challenge? it'll change your life. download hallow and join me today. god bless you.
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>> she was a failed vice president. she was a horrible district attorney. she destroyed san francisco. she was a liberal from -- she was there before all of the guys that you're countrily reading about, right? if a crazy liberal like kamala harris gets in, the american dream is dead. guy: donald trump ripping into kamala harris and far left record. this as her campaign announces a staggering 200 million dollar fund raising just this week alone. carley: in the last sep days she secured enough delegates to clinch nomination along with that coveted obama endorsement also polling a dead heat against trump. charlie: what else can we expect moving forward fox news contributor former congressman jason chai chaffetz joins us now
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only a fool will make predictions which in why we're in the business so you saw the clip there with trump. is he striking the right tone going after her on -- >> he's accurate it's pack churl it factual she's in a honeymoon period when people are exposed to her records and what she's actually done i think they've got a huge massive problem on their hands because she wants to do everything like having a conversation about getting rid of meat -- to going forward -- and she can't talk about the economy because what did she do and every time we have a discussion about -- you know, what's going on with overseas, she's taken more of the palestinian side than the israeli side. she has no resumé to talk of any substance regarding our safety and security. she's trying to erase the idea
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that she was the borders okay you weren't the czar but you were the vice president of the united states. put in charge of the border. put in charge of the border. so that's the border czar -- >> your job is the border and immigration. charlie: looked up the word, czar? >> if you take top issues and what will she add about the economy if you have a thousand dollars and you have to deal with it and you want the best investment return on the investment would you give it to donald trump or give it to kamala harris come on you wouldn't do it. carley: she has to make her choice by august 7th there's a lot of focus on josh shapiro right now, also mark kelly in arizona. whoever she chooses arizona is a big state, pennsylvania considered a must win state. how much does -- of a advantage would kamala harris have if she shoeses governor or a politician in that >> i think anybody would be creative and helpful to her the
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problem is kamala harris is kamala harris that's the problem at the end of the day people will look at that like she doesn't have the resumé or chops to do it. she's not up to the job and didn't do anything. what did she do over the last three and a half years we're still into this a ways you can't name single thing she comoined to make happen -- she says i want to be all about freedom. but she's for sanctuary cities to free us of a border to have more illegal immigration. and give away -- give thok everybody who is here illegally and have sanctuary cities so even hardened criminals they don't want to turn them over to i.c.e. because you know she thinks i.c.e. is like the kkk that is so -- she said that. she's taken those positions that is not an exaggeration so -- when i think when she is very undisciplined when she went after jd vance and questioned his loyalty to the united states of america. he gave the pitch perfect answer, and you can trust that
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with her record and i think america says wow. >> he's a marine. >> he said i went to iraq for this country i built a business in this country what have you done a career politician? >> you mentioned achievements or lack thereof chris coons asked number one establishment it was passion on entrepreneurship and elizabeth warren said biggest accomplishment was going to abortion clinic that was the answer from israel warren, only the economy, though, the number one issue all of our new fox polling shows by far number one issue big pain for americans has been inflation and increase costs. and we all understand that was due to much higher spending out of control government spending under biden and harris. just looking at her green new deal and health care plan, that's nine to $10 trillion of new spending year jay jason inflation impact would be astronomical. >> if republicans yielded all of their time to cam kamala harris
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and plan to inflation it is crick educates because it is more government spending that makes inflation worse. so they can continue to try to do this. but there's a reason why she is yet to address anything in the economy thus far into her candidacy. charlie: great stuff thank you jason. have a great day. guy: headlines here for a moment starting with this 237. three members of the grammy nominated gospel group nealons among seven people who were killed in a plane crash in wyoming yesterday. group was traveling to seattle for a performance plane went down sparking a wildfire that is going to be burning throughout the area still. the ntsb says it happened after a autopilot malfunction flight issue. group of arizona firefighters meanwhile rescuing in happier news 13 hikers including seven children who they say ventured miles off of their trail all
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while it was 108 degrees outside. rescue teams from four different cities coming together to bring that group to safeties. a ten-year-old and two babies had to be hospitalized for heat exhaustion. but they are all thankfully expected to be okay. actress jennifer garner finding herself stuck in an elevator that is never fun it has happened to me i hate it. carley: me too. guy: during her visit to comic-con in san diego. watch this. >> stuck on this elevator. and i need -- could use a -- use a wolverine i could use a dead pool, someone. [laughter] carley: funny. >> kind of chill about it and having fun firefighters were eventually able to rescue garner and other people on that elevator but they were stuck in there for more than an hour. unpleasant, garner was atsd event to support new dead pool and wolverine movie in which she
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has a small cameo those are your headlines turn to chief meteorologist here at fox rick with our weather forecast. rick: how would you handle that? carley: i would panic, tears a lot of tears maybe -- curl up into a ball in the corner. just some visual imagery there. how about you rick? rick: a lot of like skills that i don't really have. but maybe developed like you know -- breathing skills or something learn them real quick. yeah that would be tough. talk a little weather in honor of jason take a look at the weather maps a nice shot out of utah. one of the spots that is going to be dealing with a little bit of smoke this is brice canyon national park. a little morning you can see smoke out in the distance that's going to be a big issue because of all of the fires that are burning especially across parts of california and the pacific northwest. no real help from mother nature not going to get any big moisture going in here maybe lightning strikes across the pacific northwest look at the smoke streaming a lot of that
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smoke not really thick but it is going to make its way all the way to the east coast and going to cause respiratory issues for a lot of people over the next week or two. all right guys back to you inside. guy: thank you, rick. charlie: trump looking to put america at the fore front of the cryptocraze what it might mean for the future of markets. that's next. not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. daily zz for quality sleep. and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away.
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>> those who say that bitcoin is a threat to the dollar have the story exactly backwards. i believe it is exactly backwards bitcoin is not threatening the dollar. the behavior of the current u.s. government is really threatening the dollar. [applause] the danger to our financial future does not come from crypto, it comes from washington, d.c. >> donald trump headlining the world's largest cryptocurrency conference yesterday casting himself as the cryptocandidate who will end the administration regulatory crackdown. joining us now strike asset president anson thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me this morning. charlie: why is trump right
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here? why are the kings of washington so afraid of bitcoin? >> i think they're afraid of bitcoin because bitcoin is a currency of the mainstream people what people are missing over the last couple of years you have now 500 million people globally including one hundred million people adults in the united states what are on bitcoin trillions worth of assets and increasingly mainstream people are looking for a president who will protect those assets especially as they're using bitcoin as a hedge against some of the disastrous monetary policies in the inflation that we've seen over the last couple of years. so donald trump sees that crypto is the future and he's going make sure here in the u.s. if it is the future we're going mint mind and make crypto here in the usa. charlie: what are some of the ways that government goes after cryptocurrency? >> well one of the biggest things they're doing is cracking down on crypto without having clear regulations in place. the current scc chair would fire
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day one has gone after mainstream crypto exchanges like bitcoin and gemini without clear policy in place one of the first things that trump said he will do is a crypto team in place and clear regulations here's what you can and can not do so there's more transparency. within the industry that will continue to give him bit more legitimacy along with we wants who have a strategic reserve and same with the gold reservetive to stabilize the u.s. dollar he wants to do the same thing with bitcoin. these are pro bitcoin policies to help legitimatize currency and prices and for mainstream that is part of their portfolio as a hedge against inflation good for them that's going to be good for their long-term financial security. charlie: interesting about with that firing and he was surprised how they applauded very briefly can you explain for people that
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don't understand how -- bitcoin does not hurt or undermine the u.s. dollar? >> the bitcoin doses not hurt or undermine u.s. dollar it actually acts as a hedge against the u.s. dollar. because the u.s. dollar is still controlled by the u.s. government. u.s. government has quick money or not quick money and precincted a lot of money that led to inflation and with bitcoin there's a finite amount almost like gold so much of it in the world so it is a currency what cannot be printed and printed there's a finite amount of it. therefore, it is a hedge against sort of the u.s. government printing too much money. over the next couple of years that's why it is good for the u.s. dollar to help stabilize it and provide another asset that people can put into in case government comes in and prints too much. >> okay great thank you so much anson. >> thank you. take care. charlie: big final hour ahead maria bartiromo kurt the cyberguy if that's not enough we've also got ice cream. ♪ ♪
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