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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 28, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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president biden said to propose several changes to the u.s. constitution tomorrow aimed at reforming the united states supreme court. term limits for justices in a constitutional limit to review use -- reverse the decision. president biden could propose a code of ethics for the high court. madeleine is live with the very latest. >> with just six months left in office they have six months left with what they want to accomplish. >> i will call for supreme court reform because this is critical to our democracy. >> this is a major about-face to the president. as long as the calls to change the high court. he has harshly criticized several of their rulings to overturning to gutting affirmative action it any changes would require regression
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of -- regression old approval. such a proposal would go nowhere in the upper chamber. >> the liberals in this country want to pack the court. they want to destroy the court. the initiatives coming provided will be dead on arrival from the senate. they have no desire to make the court better, they are just trying to make it more liberal. >> the presidents expected land could generate enthusiasm among democratic voters in november. >> he is saying we not only have to have a president who is here for the nation and to will heal us and bring us together, we also have to change our supreme court. >> the president expected to reveal his plan and austin texas
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tomorrow. >> thank you very much. >> you got it. ♪ senator mark kelly of arizona, schapiro from arizona. to be top runners for the vice presidential nominee. we have more from the white house. >> president biden just landed on the south lawn here at the white house one day before heading down to austin. with biden out of the race as his vice president now on the campaign trail pitching herselfy massachusetts, the former home of the affiliate of the chicago cubs. >> let me be clear, we have a fight ahead of us. we are the underdogs in this race. we are the underdogs in this race.
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but this is a people power campaign geared we have momentum >> fox news sunday joining shannon bream. appearing as a private citizen. >> i am pretty sure that voters are worried about the age of president trump compared to kamala harris who represented generation younger. the staff he is saying, the rambling on the trail and not be just a little bit concerned. >> hearing some of the names being floated as possible running mates. schapiro, mark kelly, ray cooper among others. kelly, the former intruder pilot he is also a former astronaut. one potential political liability for him. he helped fund a chinese venture capital firm. another vp option, governor schapiro from pennsylvania spoke
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yesterday. >> i tell you why. kamala harris and all of you. [cheering and applause] you see, i am optimistic because i have seen the great spirit of pennsylvania. you are all the epicenter of this battle. >> the campaign said it raked in over $200 million the first week of its campaign. >> live at the white house. thank you very much. >> former president trump and jd vance in minnesota where a new fox bowl show voters backing kamala harris. live in st. cloud minnesota with the details. hello, madison. >> we were at that rally yesterday. there were thousands inside. every seat fold.
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thousands of rally goers outside that were unable to fit in the arena. all of those fans promising to help him flip minnesota bread. the reality is that will be a battle for the president. we know that minnesota is part of the expanded map that they are hoping will be competitive in this cycle. as you mentioned, this is a very democratic state that is doing very well for kamala harris. six points ahead of trump. minnesota has voted for a democrat in every presidential election since 1976. because of this, trump has that battle. he did not pull any punches last night. he hit harris on issues of the border, crime. >> four more years of extremism. weakness and probably world war iii.
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>> we know that that was a big call out of harris. she has not lost any steam. this is her first week on the trail as a likely nominee. she raised 200 million in donations during the first week. we don't know who will join her on the ticket. mark kelly is favored for the spot as well is governor of minnesota in the governor of pennsylvania. here is the husband also hitting the trail. >> you've all seen how pathetic jd vance is. what a weirdo. seriously. the more you get to know him, the more it is just ridiculous. >> we were able to talk to vance about that strategy. he just laughed it off and said
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it comes with the territory. it does not bother him at all. it just points to the idea that they don't have policy to back it up when they have to result to insults. it is officially 100 days until the election. both campaigns are full speed ahead. madison, great to see you. thanks so much. for more on this and vice president harris record, i am joined by darrell isa right here in studio. welcome. >> thanks for having me on. i love the lead in here. the idea that they will attack the vice president for maybe being strong on the border and they have not even named a vice president, but the ones they are considering are the ones that will keep the policy that is broadest between 10 and 20 million new residents. >> a presumptive nominee from california.
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secretary pete talked about it today. i will get you to react to it. >> the idea someone has not been tested or vetted when they have been the vice president of the united states for nearly four years just does not make any sense. she is one of the most visible leader positions in the world did it is the real reason i think she will when. >> how do you respond? >> her effectiveness when she was assigned the border. assigned the northern triangle. assigned to deal with an immigration problem that was a problem three and a half years ago. it is beyond a disaster now. both she and her party will continue the same thing. notwithstanding the presidents awakening of some order that we are sure will not make any difference. >> let's take a look at some fox battleground polling. michigan tied up 49%.
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pennsylvania tied up 49%. wisconsin trump slightly within the margin of error. any surprises there? >> i expect to get even tighter with the convention that is the coronation. politics leading into labor day. i think the important thing is you are looking at states that are victims of border security problems. there are states that often would've said oh, it is not our problem, it is their problem now the crime of homelessness, the challenges of energy, the fear around the world. most importantly that people come over our board regularly that people know are scary and dangerous. >> talking on the show about potential running mates. the governor of pennsylvania may be an option. senator from pennsylvania. any of these people worry you? >> no. my preference would be a border
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state senator. we can have the real debate on problems, how they are created and how we fix them. not one of those people what i say has real ability or talent to deal with the global problems being created under this administration. if there was one that was going to hear me it be a six state type vice president. i don't see them on the list. >> her positions on a lot of issues, 35% capital gains tax, transactional tax, cosponsor of the green new deal. called for a ban on oil and gas. fracking and prosecuted oil companies citing climate. how do those positions on issues play november? >> the same attempt to pack the court. soon-to-be former president will go to the lbj facility to talk
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about expanding the core. fdr you know wonderful place. that is who tried to pack the court last time and failed. we are a country that is pretty happy with the system. her attempt to overturn the things that have a made america prosperous and great and the presidents attempt, they really go hand in hand. whether it is abide in harris or harris biden, so to speak, this is an administration going the wrong way and she is attempting to double down in it. to the extent that she was visible, she was extreme and left wing. something that joe biden ran away from when he was president. she will embrace it because that is who she is. >> great to have you in studio. thanks so much. >> thank you.
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as the investigation continues into the attempted assassination of former president trump he will announce he will return to pennsylvania plans to hold a rally in honor of the man who was killed in the shooting. jeff paul is live here with the latest. hello, jeff. >> mike, it is now been more than two weeks since he attempted assassination on former president donald trump. investigators are still trying to piece things together as we wait to hear how this happened and more importantly why. one of our photographer spotted federal agents entering the grounds of the shooting scene. we watch as they first got on top of one of the rooftops inside the butler farm show. then they walked the perimeter of one of the buildings. this is what we have seen investigators doing in recent days. we are also learning that according to reported by the washington post, members of the secret service detail are now questioning why their team was not informed of the suspicious
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person that local police were tracking. ron johnson told fox news sunday 26 minutes before the first shot local counter snipers spotted thomas crookes. members of trump secret service detail were never made aware. senator johnson says there were clearly communication problems that day. >> all communication was channeled. different communication channels the patrol officers different communication channels from the secret service. obviously it delayed things and allow this tragedy to happen. >> meanwhile trump last night hitting the campaign trail after saying he is recovering rapidly. he spent his evening speaking at a rally in st. cloud minnesota where he thanked his secret service agents that were with him the day of the shooting. >> bravery was incredible. those bullets were flying. it did not stop them.
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you saw how fast they moved. they moved in they just jumped on me. these are strong people. but, i will tell you, they were very brave people. >> at some point we expect the former president to return right here to butler pennsylvania for future rally. trump saying he will be back here. not announcing any details about timing or a day. the former president also say not only will he come back here for a rally, but he will continue to do outdoor rallies. >> live in butler pennsylvania. thank you so much. for more in the attempted assassination of former president trump in the investigation into it let's bring in chad wolf. welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> members of congress tried to get answers from the outgoing director this week. let's play them.
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>> i will not get into the specifics of the numbers of personnel that we had there. i don't have the details on the timeline. >> are not able to answer details on exactly how the individual access the roof at this time. >> we don't know the exact answer to that. >> what do you make of the lack of answers? >> part of it is an ongoing investigation. those two hearings were quite different. director ray did provide a little bit of information. much more than the secret service director did. should a very congressional difficulty hearing resigning that day or the day after. there is an ongoing investigation. i would encourage that investigation be complete very quickly. i don't think it needs to go on 30, 40, 50 days as indicated that it might. they want to understand and know what went wrong. i think that investigation should be completed in a matter of days. >> the fbi director created some controversy saying he was not sure if president trump was
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struck with a bullet or perhaps shrapnel. was that in unenforced error? >> i think it was. most americans as they watch that video understood what was going on and president trump did as well. if the director was not positive , should have just not said anything. by saying he was not sure, it was unknown or could be shrapnel , i think that again just feeds into the narrative here that the american people are like what is going on. why do you not know that. you're the fbi. you are the federal government. you should be able to ascertain that the it actually was a bullet that grazed former president trump did it did not need to occur. unfortunately, it did. >> somebody shooting at the former president of the united states. great concern for the american people. as we look at the scene in butler, pennsylvania, still many many questions remaining.
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here is ron johnson on that. >> at 5:45 p.m., the sniper teams, secret service members did receive the photos. twenty-six moments before he took his first shot. we have that confirmed. we also have confirmed that the radios that local law enforcement gave the secret service cyber teams were never used by the secret service. >> what questions do you still have? >> i have a lot of questions. what i found based on my experiences a tragic incident like this occurs, it is not just one thing that gets missed. it is a series of things. it appears to be just that. a number of missteps here. it is not just one. the communications is a big part here. it appears they identified this individual. it appears law enforcement was in charge of making sure that structure was secure.
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they were not communicating and they were not communicating in real time. we will see what else the investigation plays out. whether it was poor planning, not enough resources as well. i think there is still a number of questions to be answered here >> it struck me that former president trump is gone out of his way to praise the men and women that responded to the shooting. how smart is second tittering there putting their lives on the line for people like him and the people they protect. >> his detail, the individuals that rushed the stage and jumped on them to protect the president , those are the folks cc each and every day. they are professionals. different parts of the service are there to do other jobs at that rally. the criticism that i have and perhaps others is not without detail or not with the individuals around the president , but with other elements of the service, particularly the leadership of the service not doing their job and making sure that other parts of that protection detail and securing that rally did their
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job. >> chad wolf, appreciate your time and your analysis today. >> thank you. >> israel retaliating with strikes across lebanon. attacks killed at least 12 children in an israeli control town. we will have a live report from trey and israel coming up next. ♪
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rising concerns over expanding conflicts in the middle east as israel launches retaliatory strikes on hezbollah and lebanon hezbollah denies being involved in the attack. trey is live with more details. hello, trey. >> hey, mike. good afternoon. the region bracing to see what the response will be following this deadly rocket attack on saturday. earlier today we spoke with the family of an 11-year-old girl that was killed during this incident. >> the cousin of the 11-year-old weeps as she clutches her photo. it is all that she has left of the young child. one of 12 people killed in saturday's rocket attack. at their family home, the father stands in her bright pink room. >> this was her schoolwork.
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>> eliminate has below, that is it. that is what i want. >> what do you remember about her most. >> when she was alive or when i had to collect the pieces of her , he responds. a population of 11,000 people. the trauma this attack affected every resident of the jewish community. they had a large funeral today for the dead. >> the grief that is being experienced collectively right now is unimaginable. there are 12 young members of their community being buried in the aftermath of this horrific rocket attack. >> at the scene of the attack, teams are still going inch by inch searching for any remains of those killed between the shrapnel, bikes and scooters or crater marks the site of the massacre. the wounded and the dead were children wearing sports gear. this first responder said it is a disaster. the israeli cabinet is meeting
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tonight to determine what exactly the response will be following this deadly rocket attack as the region braces for the possibility of a much larger bore between israel and hezbollah. >> thank you very much. for more on the growing tensions in the middle east, rebecca heinrichs joins me now. she is a senior fellow. welcome. >> let's start with secretary antony blinken on why a cease-fire need at this time. >> one of the reasons we are continuing to work so hard for cease-fire in gaza is not just for gaza, but also so we can unlock an opportunity to bring calm, lasting calm across the blue line between israel and lebanon. we want to see israelis, we want to see palestinians, we want to see lebanese live free from conflict and violence. >> after this weekend's
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devastating attack is, does output cease-fire talk on the of the burner? >> i think it does. a cease-fire with hamas and israel, he is really relying on the word i would assume of hezbollah saying they will stop as soon as there is peace with god's out. hezbollah has been launching these attacks against the territory since the days after the horrific hamas attacks on october 7. i would not take the word of hezbollah, obviously. i do not think that the israelis would either. >> president benjamin netanyahu was just here talking about cease-fire talks. >> i hope so. i think time will tell. we are working on it. >> netanyahu is in a tricky spot
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in that region, he cannot afford to look weak. >> he cannot afford to look weak and he also has two other primary authorities. destroying the militant tunnels and the ability to reconstitute the whenever you have, again, these other iranian militant groups he has a two front problem now that he has to take care of. 100,000 displaced individuals in that area up north where hezbollah has been attacking. the administration recognized that as israeli territory back in 2019. they have been displaced because of the fear of exactly what has unfolded which is hezbollah attacking. >> former president trump talked about what would happen if he were to win in november. let's play him. >> if we win, it will be very simple. if we don't, you will end up
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with major wars in the middle east and may be a third world war. you are closer right now than any time since the second world war. >> i do not expect you to weigh in on the politics, but how worried are you about this conflict spreading. >> it is very concerning. fundamentally what the biden administration has failed to recognizes there really is an excess of countries that are collaborating. the biden administration came in and tried this. the iranians were the source of the militant activities throughout the middle east. so they squeezed the iranians. they are now collaborating increasingly with the russians, with the chinese that with the north koreans. because they have failed to recognize that, their foreign policies have really been at odds and have not done what is necessary to squeeze our adversaries and work in lockstep with our allies to make sure that we are countering them.
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>> always fascinating. thank you for your analysis. former president trump teaming up with jd vance. fox news pulling from fours it ♪
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hundreds of millions of dollars worth of damage. not going to let up and they should never let up. we should continue to go forward she thought they were wonderful. this woman would be a disaster as our president. >> wilde lies of the record. some of what he and his running mate are saying. in this campaign, i say in all seriousness, i will probably put
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my record against his any day. >> 100 days out. that is former president trump questioning the record while president harris says putting her record yesterday. let's bring in today's political panel. the strategy vice president, welcome. let's put on the screen the fox bowl of some battleground states maybe a battleground state, minnesota, we will see. pennsylvania all tied up. was compton's light leads. any surprises? >> 100 days to go right now. we note the last couple of elections will come down to the wire. there is a lot of momentum
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building behind the campaign. they have raised $200 million in the last week. signed up 170,000 volunteers this weekend. she is now leading a ticket that is built to win a close election we will see if that happens. i think that she is in good shape right now. >> praising vice president harris. let's play that. >> the democratic party is not famous for falling in line. that is part of why it is so remarkable. consolidating our big tent party so many people ready to support kamala harris. it is a love of energy that i've not seen on the campaign trail for a long time. >> energizer just relieved that president biden stepped aside?
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>> he did a good job today. a good spokesperson for her. in a way, just give me a break. completely relieved. he was forced out. i don't think anyone in an open primary, if he decided he would not when that she would even when one state. they all coalesce. faster than people thought. i think the smart people. it just will not work for the democratic party to have this open convention and have a free-for-all. they consolidated. nothing to do with her. >> we have a u.s. senator on there. mark kelly of arizona. democratic governors -- there they are -- do you have a favorite, rich. >> one that stuck out to me was the governor of kentucky. someone that knows how to win over persuadable voters. kentucky is a state trump one by 26 points.
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in the most recent reelection flip red counties to blue counties. ran up a store in the big cities great relationships with organized labor. people enjoy working with him. i think he has someone to watch right now. >> important to consider battlegrounds. let's play him. >> winning those battleground states is most important. i think we have seen over the last, well, decades that you you pick as your vice president does not determine whether you will win a state or not. what it does determine is whether you've got the message right across-the-board and of course i am very proud of what we've done here in illinois. >> what about the deep states on the dem side. >> all of those states are very solid. it is interesting about the battleground states. when i looked at rear -- real clear politics, it is not about
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the national polls. certainly never about the registered voter polls. it's about the battleground states. i saw the names that you had on there. some of them were states that biden one before. other states that are not even on there anymore. trump just needs 38 more electoral votes eddie had last time and he wins. you are right, it is all about the battleground states. >> i want to get your reaction to how jd vance is performing on the stump. >> i think there's a lot of buyers remorse on the trump campaign right now. this was a very cocky decision to make. donald trumps brand. we saw a poll released this morning that jd vance is now 15 points underwater. a lot of chatter about whether he will remain on the ticket. we will see what happens. >> i do think of people are
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worried they should watch his minnesota rally performance. he got the biggest applause line of the night where he pushed back against harris where he said don't tell me is a marine that i'm not patriotic. >> gentlemen, thank you very much. two powerful opioids circulating in the drug supply new york and states across the country. one is 100 times stronger than fentanyl. we will have a live report coming up next. ♪
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a trial underway in florida for ashley who would edit to killing her husband in 2020. the former ballerina claim she and her husband was an act of self-defense while others contend they wanted have sole custody of their daughter. christina coleman is live with details on the trial. >> some of the media have called this the black swan murder trial due to the defendants background in ballet. a gop donor and navy veteran met
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the 24-year-old ballerina at a campaign event in 2016 and things happened fast. the two got married 13 days later. the following year she moved from south carolina to florida to live with her mother while she was pregnant. she also fought for sole custody of their daughter. she claimed he abused her. poisoning her while she was carrying their child. a judge who oversaw the custody hearing at the time said ashley did not provide evidence of this and doug was granted visitation rights to see their daughter. eventually they agreed to move to maryland. on friday ashley testified that as they were packing for this move doug attacked her and she shot and killed him in self-defense. her attorney described him as a violin abuser. the former ballerina claim she had been living a nightmare. fits of rage and would yell and curse and break things and come
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at her like he was going to hit her. advocates for domestic abuse advisors showed their support by marching around the courthouse. >> we really are standing for ashley. survivors standing with us. we really just want to see justice prevail. caring a lot about people. again, just not the monster they make her out to be. >> prosecutors argued that detectives found no evidence that ashley was acting in self-defense when she shot and killed doug in september 2020. they say she called them to get sole custody of their daughter. she wanted to be a single mother and went as far as withholding news of the child of the birth from doug. sole custody of the child. doug's cousin described him as a good guy who was under the impression he would be living with ashley in maryland even though she allegedly told the psychologist said it previously
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evaluated that she did not want them to go. the psychologist findings were said to be released in a court hearing three days after doug was killed. >> it's very clear in the testimony and evidence that she basically had to shoot him because she thought she would lose the child to him the following week. >> prosecutors rested their case last week. >> thank you very much. an opioid powerful to sedate an elephant has been found on new york city streets and has claimed the lives of seven people this year. harm reduction programs that provide clean needles instead of helping people get clean. madison is here with more on all of this. >> officials finding this drug and new york city's illegal drug supply. one hundred times stronger than
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fentanyl. another is an animal tranquilizer. relay growing in popularity and drug dealers. the department has issued a warning about the drugs. according to the health department there in seven overdose deaths in new york city this year over double the amount of 2023. the fact that these drugs are on the street in new york is extremely scary for health officials. focusing on providing clean needles and counseling for addicts. a spokesperson for the health department tells fox news our goal is to reduce overdose deaths and improve lives by mitigating death for people using drugs and ensuring everyone has access to high-quality support, treatment and recovery services when, where and how they needed. an addict living in kensington a philadelphia neighborhood known as an open-air drug market.
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she has been clean for 22 months >> if it was not for them i would be dead in many many people i know would be dead. addicts know how to get high no matter what. i would say today, no, i don't think i would've shared the needle with someone, but when you are sick and in that mindframe, you don't know what you are going to do. >> this drug is not just in new york. florida, kentucky and kansas are reportedly seeing more of this synthetic opioid as well. >> reporting live. thanks so much. the park fire in northern california spending 350,000 acres. we will have the latest on how it is suspected to have started after the break.
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an attorney for ismael "el mayo" zambada the founder of the sinaloa cartel said he was kidnapped and brought to the u.s. before he was arrested last week. he also claims a son of el chapo was the one who brought them to the u.s. against his will. he is arrested for drug trafficking and other crimes. u.s. tech company cease-fire pulling its advertising at the olympics following the opening ceremony where drag queens seem to parody the last supper. "we were shocked by the mockery of the last supper during the opening ceremonies of the paris olympics. cease-fire will be pulling our advertising from the olympics. ♪ the park fire in california spreading at a rate of 5000 acres in our as official spike to contain the blaze. now spending more than 350,000 acres and it is only 10% contained.
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steep terrain and wind gusts forcing thousands of northern california residents to evacuate a man has been arrested under suspicion of starting the fire after pushing a burning car 60 feet down into a goalie. turning now to the latest weather conditions across the country. adam is in new york with a look at our national forecast. >> a lot a big weather stories to get into. one of those being the wildfires in the weather conditions kind of spurring them on. largely it is in the west as you can tell a lot of them out there right now. 273, the largest being the park wildfire. that is not the only one lowering air quality. all of that smoke being picked up by some of these upper level wind. quite low air quality wins. stretching up into utah on the pacific northwest and some of the mountain west as well.
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maybe spend a little less time outside here the next couple of days. what you would love to see is a little bit of rain. what you can see is the only place where there is rain in the next couple of days, today anyways, will be across portions of the eastern united states. a lot of rain from the southeast back up to the midwest. a lot if he just a little further off the west end in the northern plains. that will be a spot before the day is over. you can ultimately see some fairly severe thunderstorms. it is a two on a scale of five. not the most extreme weather you could get. storms will be possible with this system hitting major cities like omaha getting up to sioux city. stretching back up close to colorado. thunderstorm is the main risk. 60 miles per hour. maybe a little bit of hail with these storms as well. you are looking at temperatures in fargo 87 degrees before it is all said and done.
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there is a column of warm air right in the middle of the country that can fuel some of these. >> thank you so much. that is all for this hour. my friend shannon up next with fox news sunday. thank you for watching. have an awesome week. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight.
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shannon: i am a shannon bream what is present by his exit from the race in hi


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