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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 28, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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oh, the answers on your phone. what if you're heading low at night? wow, it can alert you?! and you can even track your goals. manage your diabetes with confidence with dexcom g7. the most accurate cgm. learn more at eric: 100 days of election day you know there been several wild
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trysts just this month. set for another big tour of the neck pivotal come from vice president kamala harris she names her running mate who could it be? brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am eric shawn. hi arthel. [laughter] who could it be now popped in my head? there's always a song in my head. hello everyone i am arthel neville for t per the two front runners reportedly emerging and that harris stakes arizona senator mark kelly pennsylvania governor joshua shapiro each represent a swing state that could be crucial to winning the white house harris will likely make her choice august 7 spoke to voters in battleground wisconsin on a couple of other pivotal states to see who they think should be her running mate. course who would you like to consider on the ticket with
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kamala's or vice president? kelly would bring a nice bounce is an astronaut is a national hero. courts have actually always like people to judge a lot. course i would to see a veteran. like the idea of astra aleve it up to her wherever she does is when b right. eric: for more lucas tomlinson life at the white house. clark's good afternoon president biden's backer of the white house after returning this afternoon to camp david. along with valor and hundred biden at the white house on the campaign to an eyes dropped out of the race's vice president is on the campaign trail. here she is in massachusetts yesterday. >> donald trump has been resorting to some wild lies about my record and some of what he and his running mates are saying is just plain weird. [laughter]
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i meant that's the box you put that in, right? let's take a look at this ledger in the front runner being ready mate draw shapiro, senator mark kelly addition to being former astronaut and of course he's a navy pilot through flute during the mid- gulf war. north carolina cooper assay for transportation secr secretary pe boone or judge, governor 82000 graduate from bend about venmo . the lord governor jay b pritzker who consult self on the campaign and gretchen weber shapiro, kelly, walter considered the fair. harris is expected to choose a writing bit by next week. here's a walt and fritz are earlier because she would serve. >> i would do what is the best e best interest of the country. what does that include you being vice president?
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>> will cross spasm i get there. >> certainly have talked to kamala harris last week of course as things were evolving. had a great conversation with her and pledged to her no matter what the outcome of this process i would be working hard for her. >> part of the process they harris campaign announce it has halted more than $200 million the first week of her campaign and for all intents and purposes she is the democratic nominee for president now. >> a lot of excitement from the democrats lucas at the white house thank you. now vp, harris' and the driver seat is a democrats presumptive nominee her record as former district attorney, state attorney general and senator knelt firmly in the spotlight let's bring in tom former california republican party chairman who also ran against harris for that u.s. senate in
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2016. let's walk through this. i'm glad you could join us. so kamala harris was elected d.a. of san francisco in 2003. she defeated two-term incumbent in 2007. she went on to win unopposed second term. i want to show a graph right now violent crime in san francisco was it down when she became the district attorney. then it rose walt harris was d.a. and then if you will notice a violent crime in san francisco it went down on her watch. so, is this a record vp harris can defend? >> actually has a mixed record when she was d.a. she was under the tutelage of willie brown. he is a very pragmatic person. overall she is situational with her policies. if the situation calls for it helps her ambitious then she changes her policies in that
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direction. keep in mind she was not always the most liberal senator. it was not until she declared for the presidency she became the most liberal senator because that is what it takes to get noticed in a huge democrat primary. see five shootouts haven't protected children from sexual predators as d.a. also as a d.a. she prosecuted close to 2000 marijuana cases and as you know this was years before california voters approved a legalization of medical marijuana that happened 2016 relieving the site i of recreational pot smoker so what you are saying, what is the defense of her last record as a prosecutor? >> back then that was the prevailing wind. willie brown was very practical. earned her the fire of senator dianne feinstein if she had to
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make those choices today in the sense she did by saying black lives matter riots or their protest turned violent should continue you should not expect it to stop. she evolved when her politics needed her to evolve. she does not come as far as i can tell and so than when i debated her have a core intellectual thought process as to these policies it. she is just ambitious in my view. clark's through hat she's ambitious to what? >> she's more ambitious than intellectual in my view. which means she does not stick to actual court policies in her beliefs it. she picks up policies that help her ambitions. >> i see. the same charges being leveled against mr. vance the vice president on the republican ticket.
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these things happened in politics but let's move on we talk about ms. harris right now. when she is california d.o.j. -- check when the california d.o.j. became the first agency to adopt body cams we are talking about body cams and ag harris what she did is launched a pe first of is kind police racial bias a trading california. so again, could harris use her position on two extremes of the law as an average of being seen more as an opportunist whatever it is political and expedient fr her? >> she has moved to the left in the last 20 years to be sure wwhyshe got it from willie browe has moved more to the left to produce current set of advisors from all i can tell as opposed to it willie brown who i used to debate on tv frequently and news
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sessions. she saying now that tells more about where she is today. >> understood. i have time for one final question whether you agree with that or not. former president trump personal legal record a cultural harris could do to attack any on her record as a prosecutor? >> i don't think there is any doubt they're going to try to cast a trump in that particular light. whether or not that still works is open to question. because in general the left is kept quiet about the law for issue. think it backfired on him. and it seems like she wants to revive it. we'll have to see if that works. c-5 you make it an excellent point seems like both sides are trying to figure out the campaign strategy and the attack
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strategy. we will watch right? [laughter] >> is an opening around enterprise fights. they're just feeling each other out and seeing what punches land. arthel: okay, we'll see what happens and how many rounds they make it too. all right, former california gop chairman tom, thank you very much. take care. eric: today worked two weeks and former president donald trump was nearly assassinated by a would-be assassin at that rally in butler, pennsylvania. now it's bound to return to butler for another rally. the man who tragically lost his life in that shooting and the other two victims they have been had beenreleased thankfully froe hospital. our national correspondent jeff paul is in butler and picks up the story and investigations from there. >> wait on any detail future rally the former president has promised here in butler,
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pennsylvania and the investigation is very much ongoing. in fact, as we we have seen in previous days we note what would be the scene of this attempted assassination. the fox's droning camera was rolling as it appeared a group of what would be federal investigators went back out to the butler farm show for it we watch as the first group got out on top of one of the roof tops inside those grounds. they eventually were walking around the perimeter of one of the buildings inside the butler farm show. we are also learning according to the washington post the members of donald trump secret service detail some of his top advisers are questioning why their team was not informed of a suspicious person local police were tracking? senator ron johnson told "fox news sunday" 26 minutes before the first shot local counter sniper spotted thomas crooks hit the photo was taken and sent to a command center. members of trump secret service detail or with them reportedly were never made aware.
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on top of that pennsylvania swat team officer jason woods just told abc news his team was supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the secret service snipers. but that never happened. he said they had no communication was secret service until after the assassination attempt. by then it was too late. senator johnson said there clearly communication problems that day former secret service agent fred burton agrees. >> think it was also one of the failure points here. did not have a common operating system in place because the secret service has a self-contained protected and encrypted system to communicate. >> may not trump continues to recover he kept his busy schedule on the campaign trail the former president spent his evening at a rally in st. cloud, minnesota he talked about the actions of the secret service agents who were with him that day of the shooting. >> it went whizzing over my
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head. i don't how they did not get hit but they had seven or eight guys that absolutely, talk about bravery they jumped on top of me. they shielded my body. >> trump is not released any details as far as a future rally goes when he will make a return possibly here to butler, pennsylvania he did add he will continue to do these outdoor rallies in the future. >> all those questions will be on the hill jeff paul and butler thank you. >> u.s. tech company is pulling ads that were set to run during the olympics over a controversial performance during the opening ceremony in paris. drag queen performed a parry of the last supper. the tech accompany c spire writing on x it was quote shocked by the mockery there director defending the performance and his goal was to highlight france diversity.
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danamarie mcnicholl is live with more. >> good evening, arthel but reactions are pouring it on social media it not only from politicians but world leaders offended by what they perceived as an anti-christian performance of the opening ceremony in paris. he mentioned before and mimics the last supper. this is a universally recognizable painting by the renaissance artist leonardo da vinci. this is christ and his apostles. a response m to major tech sponr based out of mississippi announced on x they will be pulling advertising from the olympics. mississippi governor tate reeves supports this move posting god it will not be mocked. house speaker mike johnson also feeling insulted by the performance. saying quote the war on our fate and traditional values knows no bounds today. president biden ignored questions about the opening ceremony on the south lawn
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earlier today. [inaudible] first lady jill biden was at the olympics did not address a controversial theme directly but did call it spectacular. paris 2024 official now apologizing for in the opening ceremony was not intentionally disrespectful. adding quote we believe this ambition was achieved for people to or taken any offense we realy are sorry for the artistic director also speaking out explaining his vision. >> my goal was not to be subversive, make fun of anyone or shock anyone. my goal was simply to say we are part of this big wii. unless that was shared republican ideas around inclusion, kindness, generosity, solidarity, idc greatly need i think. >> we have reached out to both the trump and harris campaign to
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see they have any reaction to the opening ceremony. arthel: danamarie mcnicholl thank you. eric: israel is blaming hezbollah for the rocket attack that killed 12 kids and teens as they played soccer though a diplomatic solution to read it all out war what will israel do? former israeli prime minister is with us next on what could happen.
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>> we do not want escalation for sure. it is important to note that hezbollah, hamas, who the rebels are the tentacles of the head of the snake if you will. they do not operate without ron's consent. what i think is happening, to be honest with you, as they debate the cease-fire iran does not want normalization. arthel: house of foreign affairs committee chairman michael bacall per without warning of iran back to militant groups in the mid east after israel conducted overnight strikes in lebanon. that was in response to a deadly attack in northern israel yesterday. that it blames on iran backed
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hezbollah a rocket killed 12 people all children and teenagers who were playing on a soccer field. trey yingst is alive in northern israel with more on how this tit for tat is raising the risk of an all out regional war. >> arthel, good afternoon. tonight the region is a bracing to see how israel will respond to that deadly rocket attack on saturday. earlier today spoke with the family of a young 11-year-old girl who lost her life in this tragic event. the cousin of 11-year-old alma weeps as she clutches her photo. it's all she has left of the young child. one of 12 people killed in saturday's hezbollah rocket attack in part at her family home her father stands in her bright pink room. >> this is her schoolwork.
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eliminate hezbollah that's it that's what i once cooks what you remember about her most? >> she was a life or had to collect the pieces of her he responds with a population of just 11000 people the trauma of this attack affected every a resident. eight community in the golan heights that had a funeral for the dead bury. >> the grief expected is unimaginable. there are 12 young members of their community being buried in the aftermath of this horrific hezbollah rocket attack by. >> the seat of the attack teams are going inch by inch searching for any remains of those killed between the shrapnel, bikes and scooters a crater that marks te site of the massacre. the wounded and the dead were children wearing sports gear. this first responder said, it is a disaster.
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>> tonight the israeli security cabinet met to determine the next steps in the escalation with hezbollah to pray the question is when will they launch new offensive action against iran back group. arthel: trey yingst, thank you very much. eric: the idf responding to saturday's attack on northern israel with strikes across lebanon early this morning. that stoking some fears of a potential wider war between the lebanese militant groups like hezbollah and the jewish state officials ready with what calls a significant response trying to do that without prompting a conflict. prime minister benjamin tried one cabinet meeting just ended. it's three hours they're obvious that trying to deal with how to respond, what comes next. naftali bennett is the former prime minister and joins us now. welcome and our condolences to the israeli people of course. >> it thank you it is been a very tough two days.
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the israeli maces is in mourning with the 12 families. it's a non-jewish arab sect that lives fairly secluded we fight together in the idf. it was a wonderful community and whoever attacks, attacks the state of israel. eric: jewish kids playing solder soccer pretty imagine the middle of a saturday they're out there playing soccer and missiles from hezbollah hit. what is your message to the the terrorists of hezbollah? first of all, these are my kids. this 11-year-old girl who was murdered in this terror attack.
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she is my daughter and every israelite jew and non- jew al alike, it is part of our nation. it's not only about hezbollah iran is at the epicenter of the octopus of tear sending its tentacles all across the middle east. to yemen with the houthi to hezbollah, to hamas and their modus operandi is to create tear terror anywhere they can. and specifically create a ring of fire around israel. it is a vital to we keep our es on the main strategic point which is iran. as a prime minister i had a policy of weakening iran across mentally many dimensions we need to continue doing that and hitting iran. we hope our government to the
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right thing. look what type of action should be taken against iran who are financially, spiritually and completely back in the terrorist groups that want to see israel wiped off the map? >> we need to set a clear goal on american israeli goal of collapsing the terror regime. it is a corrupt regime. incompetent and very radical. especially against its own people. and just as the united states of america led the way in the 80s with ronald reagan and his approach versus the u u.s. as ae the former soviet union, which ultimately to the collapse of the soviet union. we need to do the same here. we need to do it quicker. not suggesting necessarily a bombing of iran by america there are many dimensions that are an option. israel can act as well but we need to collapse iran regime and free iran for its horrible regime before they acquire a
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nuclear weapon. eric: israel has acted in, as you know it leveling an embassy a building in damascus because there were a rating officials and hamas officials in their parade that struck and airfield rater post and iran. you talk about the u.s. ronald reagan's a policy of deterrence against the soviet union. do you see a strong deterrence by the biden administration? there are still sanctions on iran many say not enough. sanctions have been let go they're feeding them billions of dollars in their oil revenue and producing assets. what more can the u.s. and washington do to put the stranglehold on tehran? >> there is a tremendous amount of action of a ratcheting up primarily those sanctions in drawing up the head of the octopus so t they cannot have te funds that they will funnel into
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all their proxies. there's a lot more that america and israel can do. i don't see coherent joint strategy in place. the system that needs to be put in place and acted upon as soon as possible. that is the only way to restore quiet and peace in the middle east. >> finally what is your hope for the middle east? what is the hope for tehran do you think democracy and freedom can finally be brought there and this can be brought to an end? do you hope a in c and at dismantling of hamas see you do not face that threat? >> absolutely. it's not only possible, it is a necessary and we are going to do it. i also have one thing i want to say. last night hezbollah killed 12 little boys and girls club. and my question is, why is everyone silent? where are all the human rights activists who knew how to walk on the streets of new york and a
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chance that palestine will be free et cetera, et cetera and now they are silent paid where the presidents of the university? whwhichshould gays avert brewsts gaze for palestine but none of that no parades, no encampments, nothing. why is everyone so darned silent when we are talking about 12 israeli boys and girls club? is there blood less than others? eric: we have that video what happened in washington d.c. looking at right now, finally parade these are protesters that burn the american flag for they say they are pro- palestinian, other critics say they are pro- hamas. finally mr. prime minister what is your message to these people are on the streets of america who protest that but you do not see the protest for the dead israelis? >> if you protest only against israel and you do not protest against the lives of israeli children that were blown up yesterday you are not a human rights activists.
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you are a blatant anti- israel and shame on you. former minister kamala harris thank you. with this year end fox news we will have more right after this. not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. let's take a little test together: which looks better — this? or this? this... ...or this? seems clear to me. saving cash wins every time.
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arthel: top democratic lawmakers quickly rallied around vice president kamala harris after her campaign launched. a couple dozen of them say that process has been undemocratic and are calling for an open convention. that includes montana democratic senator jon tester who is facing a tough reelection battle. spokesperson for the montana democratic party" editor tester has been clear from the start and open nominating process should play out. voters can make their own decision about who they want to vote for to be the next
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president but let's bring in salih that nationally syndicated political reporter. alright so let me set this out. of course they are free to vote for whichever candidate they favorite. that said a majority of pledged democratic convention delegates haven't endorsed vp harrison. she already has secured the support of enough delegates to win the nomination. this stated by the rules committee for the dnc as you well know but just to set up for our viewers and listeners. if she remains unopposed the harris nomination boat is set to begin online august 1 set is this thursday she has a challenger voted will start august 7 what issues you have with this process? >> well, and my reporting i live in pennsylvania as we all probably know pennsylvania is one of the most important states in this election. i went around and talk to grass
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roots activists and democrats about what they thought about this. there was a bit of unhappiness from their perspective these are the people that do the volunteering, do the hard work to call people to make sure they show up to vote in the primary process. they feel as though they were cut out of the decision fight with they think of as the elites of the party. we are talking about the delegates and the corporations in hollywood and the top democrats the elected democrats rallied around her. they felt as though that is not the way it's supposed to go. especially for democrats democrt democrats talk about being a bottom-up party a grassroots party. the believe believed they did na
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voice. and south of sheena's i would not have been chosen us at the point is not as open and transparent as possible. they're frustrated of course. we never to discount the hard work of our volunteers who do their civic duty. they are showing president divided to lead the democrats and return them to the white house. isn't that in a way and also it was the biden/harris name on the ticket. to voting for him is like voting for her because of their policies do not always sync up. so i don't know. let's listen to it i want to think about that let's listen to lisha is dnc vice chair.
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>> the rules are now in place and if there is a nether candidate who wants to throw their hat in the ring they certainly have the ability to do that. we publish those rules the number of delegates that are needed in order for that candidate to be considered for the nominee. but as you know vice president harris is lo has locked up comms from the necessary delegates to make sure she is our nominee. we are pushing full speed ahead. arthel: so at this point is there a formidable plausible challenger to harris? governor shapiro through his hat in the ring and gave his support towards the vice president immediately. so who might come out at this point? >> i doubt anything happens. although this is been a year everything we doubt happens happens. so who knows. i would say at this moment i
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think the democrats -- mike they were between iraq and a hard place, right? they were between chaos and or rallying behind one person. they chose the le lease resistat path forward. however anything could happen but i doubt at this moment that it will and she will have a smooth transition to being that nominee and have the convention they hope for. there could be people in the convention that voiced their concerns. remember sanders people with hilary in 2016 there is a lot of guff that went along with that. but at the end of the date they united and went behind hilary. >> there's a different scenario at that point to pray but wrapping up here if kamala
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harris becomes the official declared democratic nominee for president of the united states do you expect to see postconvention challenges by the gop? >> ano. i don't think so. i mean maybe? again this is 2024 anything can happen at this moment. but i don't have an expectation of it. they are sort of figuring out their message to run against her. she has given them a lot of fodder in terms of position she holds third of the opposite of what they think is best for the country. they're doing all their due diligence for they are looking it up and understand that for the moment and for the foreseeable future improbably kamala harris will be the democratic nominee. arthel: ill be kamala harris versus donald trump but we will
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see what happens like you said anything could happen at this point. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> turns out there are more potent version of the deadly opioid vented all this turning up on the streets of newark city it's called cart fentanyl is strong enough to sedate an elephant it has been linked to seven overdose deaths so far in the city has been found in some other states across the country as well. madison scarpino joins us more with this threat too. >> cart fentanyl is 100 times stronger than fentanyl which is the leading cause of death for americans 18 -- 45 years old. car fentanyl new found popularity is terrifying public health officials. that was detected for the very first time in cocaine and heroin around new york city. it's a powerful animal tranquilizer similar to silencing also known as track new york city health department
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has issued a warning about the drugs. frank tarantino dea special agent in charge of the new york division says the wording was needed because of how deadly the drugs are. >> and you are mixing these new synthetic drugs into the drug supply it makes it exponentially more dangerous for the drug dependent users. >> it is not just in new york. florida, kentucky, kansas are reportedly seeing more of the synthetic opioid as well. tracy is 22 months clean and sober. she told fox news she was addicted to fentanyl, the zeigler zine and other drugs for years it. she said the newly popular drugs are extremely concerning. >> that is really the sad reality of drug addiction. there's always probably going to be something and scared it's going to be even worse than it is right now. >> a new york city warning about the drugs the health department says it is focusing on harm
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reduction programs that includes providing clean needles and counseling to addicts to combat the growing problem, back to you for. >> so important to get that message out madison thank you. arthel: indeed, eric and it madison high profile murder trials underway in florida a former ballerina is charged with murdering her husband she claims it was in self-defense. prosecutors say the evidence disputes that will have more details for you coming up. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise.
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>> every time i got the door to city pd officers tell manny to get out. see if our residents fling a massive wildfire in northern california priest scorch an area larger than the size of los angeles. it is called the park fire it has burned more than 500 -- 50 square miles being filled by high winds and hot temperatures. after four days the blaze they say is only 12% contained.
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issued new evacuation orders this week and that include the entire town of paradise that same community was devastated six years ago by a massive wildfire there at the park fire is one of about 270 active wildfires across the country. most c, as you can see burning n the pacific northwest the smoke polluting the air for a large part of the west coast that unhealthy air expected to linger through the rest of the week. arthel: former ballerina is on trial for the murder of her estranged husband for 32-year-old ashley testified friday about the day she shot and killed her husband doug. she told the jury she that he had attacked her and she feared for her life. the prosecutor says she killed her husband because she wanted to raise their child as a single mom.
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christina coleman has more. >> some have dubbed this as the black swan murder trial due to the dependence of background and ballet. fifty-four old doug eight gop donor, while the tech consultant and navy veteran met the 24 old ballerina at a campaign event back in 2016 and things moved fast from there. the two got married just 13 days later break the following year she moved from south carolina to florida to live with her mother while she was pregnant with his daughter she fought for sole custody of their child. ashley claimed doug abused her in accused her of poisoning her while she was pregnant part however a judge who oversaw the custody hearing that the time said ashley did not provide evidence of this and doug was granted visitation rights to see their daughter. eventually they agreed to move to maryland together. on friday ashley testified that as they were packior the move doug attacked her and she said she shot and killed him in self-defense. her attorneys described him as a
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violent abuser for the former ballerina claims have been living in a nightmare. she had doug had fits of rage would yell, curse, break things and come at her like he was going to hit her. advocates for domestic abuse survivors show support for ashley bite marching around the courthouse. >> a really are standing for ashley. have a group of domestic violence survivors that are standing with us. we really want to see justice prevail. like i said before cares a lot about people. and again not the monster they made her out to be. >> however prosecutors argue that detectives found no evidence ashley was acting in self-defense when she shot and killed doug in september of 2020. they say she killed him to get sole custody of their daughter they said she wanted to be a single mother went as far as withholding news of their child at birth from douglas at her abuse claims are made in an attempt to get sole custody of their child. doug's a cousin described him as a good guy he was under the
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impression he would be living with ashley in maryland even though she allegedly told a psychologist she did not want him to go for the psychologist findings, evaluations about doug and ashley were set to be released in a court hearing three days after doug was killed. >> is very, very clear and the testimony and the evidence including the previous hearings that she basically had to shoot him because she thought she was going to lose the child to him the following week. >> prosecutors rested their case last week. the defense is presenting evidence and testament to try to prove the former ballerina is innocent. >> alright christina coleman, thank you very much for thatet report. be back. high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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>> the national hurricane center of tropical disturbance in the caribbean is it going to be heading near, adam klotz live with the forecast on what we can expect. >> big may be as far as the question goes, that's good to be the main concern, will that happen as a mag 17 and were tracking the x moving out into the area, you see the next two days that is 0% chance but over the next seven days were looking
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at a 40% chance, what does that 40% ultimately say it is saying once we get into the area we have the area of disturbance and once it runs into this area there is a 40% chance of when that would fire up this is not a forecast track it is where potentially we could see tropical disturbance the next week not in the next couple of days, what is going to possibly stop that, nerd out with me what you're looking at dust off the sahara desert, this gets in the way of tropical development so were picking up the dust, it's running across the tropics, that slows us down and stop storms from happening, if we track far enough and you see it running further towards the west you run into areas with a clear off a little bit, that could be what happens, we have a little area that starts to get away from some of the dust, that's when we see a potential with really warm air, we see the storm move out,
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this is a good week away but it is something to pay attention to and historically it's in the middle of august that we really see the season pickup, plenty of time to pay attention in the next couple weeks. >> we will see about that. did you see how adam popped up. >> i noticed that i like jon scott is coming up give your dog cosequin, a daily supplement for joint health support in dogs of all sizes. for your co-everything, choose cosequin.
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weekend show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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