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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  July 28, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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it looks like you are busy with a car full of kids thank you. >> i appreciate it and tell that young teenager thank you so much, my husband said i am multigeneration am, there are young people and 6-year-olds and 96-year-olds come to me, i feel blessed to have plant the a positive seed in people's lives. >> i'm closer to 96. and i say thank you for comecoming on, on a sunday night. >> thank you, trey, take care. >> thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, i hope you have a great week ahead, until next week you can find us on-line at gowdy america, good night from south carolina. ♪ thank you for watching, see you next week.
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>> hello i am jason chaffetz along with nicole saphier, tammy bruce and tom shillue, welcome to "the big weekend show", the big story tonight, 100 days until the election, there is rewriting history of, but here is happening now. >> we are down here in florida, taught in july it it'll be hot in august but you will see a blizzard of lies over the next few months. jason: as biden shuffled across the south lawn returning from a very difficult hard weekend at camp david, the rumored running mates of his vice president are laying the praise on thick fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson is live at the white house tonight,. >> good evening, president biden returned to the white house from can't david as he showed you accompanied by his sister valerie and son hunter, the president ignored my questions including this one.
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>> vice president. >> one of vice president harris potential running mate appeared today on "fox news sunday". >> there's been a lot of mischaracterization, she was not in charge of the border, the homeland security is in charge of the border, she did do something important, she was assigned to conduc diplomacy was central american countries knowing that's part of the bigger picture that was affected the border, though central american countries are among the few countries to see their numbers go down in terms of the source of migrants were seen at the border. >> not by much. she engageable medically and effectively. >> senator elizabeth warren in addition to endorsing president biden's plan to change the supreme court also endorsed the plan to get the illegal alien citizenship.
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>> we need the tools in order to have more resources at the border, to have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants and i believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship, although that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform, kamala harris will work with congress and get that done. it's not clear how much campaigning president biden will do with the presumptive democratic nominee. jason: thank you. while democrats are touting harris' record, the truth is in her own words. >> i think there's no question that we have to critically re-examine ice and we need to think about starting from scratch. >> i'm writing to declare once and for all that no parent has a fundamental right and we will deliver that right with medicare from all. >> we will not treat people who
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are undocumented across-the-board is terminal. >> i've heard young leaders talk about a term called climate anxiety, fear of the future and the unknown of whether it makes sense to even think about having children and whether it makes sense to think about aspiring to buy a home in what will this climate be. >> we confuse the idea to achieve safety you put more cops on the street. >> the democrats synchronized slobbering work, republican said no way. >> they have to whitewash harris' background to be able to make her palpable to the american people, i think we seen her. >> kamala harris is a dangerous liberal she makes joe biden look competent and moderate by contrast. >> not only did she fail our southern border but the deciding vote in the united states senate she wanted medicaid for all which would've cost her country
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easily $100 trillion, she wanted the green new deal and she was a tie-breaking vote on that as well to the left of joe biden. jason: it is amazing how they want to rewrite history, they're trying to erase the radical left san francisco liberal type of efforts but she's on video talking about them out loud. >> for a party and the media saying they need to reclaim and save democracy, the doing the most antidemocratic thing possible they removed the incumbent president because he is not electable in going with kamala harris, if we have to go back to 2019 you have to remember the voters did not choose her she was pulling out less than 4% why she had to drop out in less than a year if they disagree with what peter pete buddha pete buttigieg said it's hard to mischaracterize her but he does have an ideological dented agenda identity i have no
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idea where she stands on most topics, 2018 and 19 banning fracking, now were not that it was medicare for all, be be okay with private healthcare, i don't know where she stands on the issues, hear women say you have to support her euro woman, he is a woman but i'm not about for somebody just because of their gender. i don't know where she stands, that's why she did not do well in 2019 she was not consistent on the issues and she doesn't have an ideological identity and no matter how bad she wants to, she could not be unburdened by what is been, it is on tape. >> very well said i like what michael goodwin at the new york post said this is what he wrote, in one sense the media reset a return to normalcy that is because the bulk of the washington press corps does not see it job as covering the news but rather covering up the news if it makes a democrat look bad suddenly faced with having to appeal to moderate dems and
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independents she is scrambling to rebrand herself, look at the list of running mates to be considering all who are more moderate than she is, the hope that voters will see the list as evidence of her own moderation, they're trying to cover up how radical left she is. >> she is the first living wikipedia page where people go when and ride in the stuff that they need at the moment and delete the stuff that they don't want. what we know she's part of the team that lied to win in 2020 and return to normalcy. i'm the unifier, she is my helper and that was a lie. she is moderate like the border is closed and inflation was transitory, like everything is fine in the middle east nobody died under joe biden's watch in the military everything is fine there pathological in this regard it is works for them before it worked in 2020 and it
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worked in the past for the democrats and they think 100 days as you noted at the beginning that they can run through it's like running on a hot ground, if you run fast enough you will not touch it, it's up to the republicans to make sure the truth of the matter that the pages locked in nobody else can make any chang changes. >> what are the big differences in social media and the idea that you can go in look at the video and make decisions for yourself. i would ask you she's looking advice presidential candidates and has to make it really soon and some of the people on the list if you look at the rankings or the polls that have been done on this saturday mark kelly is one of them, josh shapiro, governor beshear, governor cooper, governor gretchen whitmer, what is interesting, look at the number at the bott bottom, can't rate most american's have no clue who these people are or what they stand for.
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>> to be told what to think of them after their chosen as a running mate. nothing vice president means anything, we love talking about the vice president. if you look on social media anything that anyone was talking about is j deviance there arguing whether he's weird, good, bad, the right pick, in the end of it matters is like the best supporting actor at the oscars, get on with it, tell me who the best actor is i don't care about the other category. i don't think it'll matter much and people don't know much about them but she's going to use whatever candidate she uses to be here vice president to moderate her position the media will help her do that, here's her problem the base of the democratic party really loves this stuff they love the green new deal and they love all these things when she tries to back off that's going to turn off the base voters and turned down voters she's gotta be careful. >> now she has to take a position and stand up for herself.
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what is interesting she has a record of people that used to work for her and kamala harris ask spokesperson a tightknit group, she may never work for a woman again, listen to it in her own words. >> it was new because i never worked for a high-profile woman before i only work for men and i was like you might be the last woman i work for. >> this is a lot that we have to deal with here, it was something that any candidate any person in power needs to be aware of the criticism because when you're not aware the last thing you want is your candidate and your principal of the vice president of the united states and someone says something and the like what is that about, we discussed that at 10:00 a.m. >> she's not the only one harris is a 92% turnover rate and the vice presidential office, 92% is
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a prestigious job working for the vice president in the white house. >> i'm not a journalist but on the show where was a follow-up question when she said this might be the last time i work for a woman. what happened, there must be a story there, let's move on, what is the story that's why you have these guest to figure out what's going on behind-the-scenes wishing difficult to work with what she abusive to her staff, what was the issue. >> we were left with nothing, women are more difficult to work for, i object to that. >> she's only been there three and a half years and there's only four people that are still with her, 92% have gone. >> when simone left there was a lot of soul crushing criticism from the campaign but her time in the white house as well. that is a problem with a woman is difficult and it's a presumption it's all women, no it is that women is, the here's an hilary clinton.
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it's not every woman but that's the problem when you have a few at the top. jason: i did not hear this about condoleezza rice. >> that's it she must've been bad if she turned her off of all women. this is the democratic woman who said she got to work with women again when i say that they call me sextus. i would never say that but i think she's obviously got a lot of insiders but i want to hear the stories like nicole we know there are people that are not happy with her but it's a whisper campaign, give me the interview. jason: the stats say a lot, the fox news alert hezbollah attacks israel and kills a dozen children. >> today's attack on israel could not be forgotten. they would not have done this if i was the president. jason: that was hours later, when did the white house weighing, that's next. also ahead a communication
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breakdown new shocking details about trump's assassination attempt courtesy of republican senator ron johnson, dodging and ducking, what role did chuck schumer play and bite his decision to drop out of the race. his answers when asked directly today. still ahead. ♪ let's review. okay. we're not gonna talk about traffic or weather. if anyone brings up lawn care, i will handle it. hosting can be extremely difficult for young homeowners turning into their parents. oh, are you done with this? i'll just take that. okay, he's still drinking. right. oh, look what the cat dr-- no, no. let's try again, if you wouldn't mind. it gets ugly. you can either take it off or i'll take it off you. yeah. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. but you love to take it. she doesn't want it.
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♪ ♪. tammy: welcome back to "the big weekend show" israel is planting a counter attack on hezbollah, one day after an iranian made rocket hit a soccer field in northern israel killing at least 12 children, fox news foreign correspondent trey yingst went in the golan heights. >> what the israeli response will be for the hezbollah rocket attack on saturday, earlier
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today we spoke with the family who lost 111-year-old little girl. >> because it of 11-year-old weeps as she clutches her photo, is although she has left of the young jewish child one of 12 people killed and saturdays has below rocket attack. at the family home her father stands in her bright pink room. >> this was her schoolwork. eliminate has below, that's it, that's what i want he says. >> what you remember about her most. >> when she was alive or when i had to collect the pieces of her he responds with a population of 11000 people the trauma of this attack affected every resident a jewish community in the go lawn heights that had a large funeral today for the dead the grief that they're experiencing collectively is unimaginable, there are 12 young members of their community being buried in
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the aftermath of this terrific hezbollah rocket attack. >> at the scene of the attack teens are going inch by inch looking for those killed in the shrapnel, bikes and scooters, the site of the massacre. the wounded and the dead were children wearing sports gear, the first responder says it is a disaster. the israeli cabinet met to determine the response to this attack. israeli security officials tell fox news is not a question if israel response but when and where. >> thank you. it took hours for former president trump to condemn the attack. >> no parent should have to suffer the terrible loss of a child at the hands of terrorists or anybody else, today's attack on israel cannot be forgotten and it will go down as another moment in history created by a weak and ineffective united states president and vice
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president, they would not of done this if i were the president. >> for the white house the statement did not come until this afternoon, it reads we've been in continuous discussions with israeli and lebanese counterparts of the horrific attack yesterday in northern israel that killed the number of children playing soccer this was conducted by lebanese hezbollah and their rocket and launched from an area that they control. he should be universally condemned and it was an iranian rocket used by hezbollah and vice president here's his team also this afternoon she has been briefed and is closely monitoring what her staff calls hezbollah horrific attack, she condemns the attack. where do we start with all of this. >> disgusting and unnecessary but total numbers it for the united states government to have
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to take a full day to respond to this. the president, vice president should've been issuing a statement within the hour, that's what you do if you have an ironclad relationship with israel making the world know that you know exactly what's happening in your pointing the finger not only at lebanon but at the iranians and they went out of their way to make sure that they did not mention iran but iran is the one that's doing this. tammy: it was another deflection. nicole: facts matter, under president trump he cut off iran through sanctions and oil, president biden undid what president trump did and allowed them to regrow, vice president kamala harris panders to the pro-hamas quad as well to michigan voters and because of the all the sudden were getting the green light to iran and unless you put iran back in its place, israel will never be safe they will continue to see the bombings and unfortunately israelis will continue to die and it just cannot happen we have to be strong with iran they see us week with iran and harris gives us a green light. tammy: this happened after, the here's told benjamin netanyahu she's fired this was after the
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meeting and with her not able to issue her own statement by an omnibus staff person. >> it's interesting i wouldn't talk about the way president trump is not invincible when it comes to politics but his great political instincts, when he talks about stuff like this when you saw him at the rally he said it was terrible, it was a tragedy wouldn't have happened if i was president he always stresses that. it's a great way for him to deal with this politically and he'll be doing this for the next few months. there the administration of power he will bring up afghanistan and the bungle withdrawal there and he doesn't like to get bogged down in the weeds in detail the foreign policy that a general sense and we have a feeling that there is chaos in the world and this administration hasn't been able to deal with that and he's going to keep reinforcing that. tammy: the weakness in general of what is signaled to these places that they can just do it and israel's hands being tied by
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the constant arguing. nicole: real quick, the danger is not just in israel in the middle east, this is united states not only anti-israel is the anti-americans as well, these are terrorist groups. tammy: laura ingraham will ask former president trump about the hezbollah attack in a wide-ranging interview tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. eastern, you don't want to miss that. a communication breakdown new shocking details about trump's assassination attempt, there will always be new details without one courtesy of republican senator ron johnson. ♪
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nicole: welcome back to "the big weekend show" the acting secret service director will testify on capitol hill about the assassination attempt on former president trump but this weekend there are more questions than answers about what exactly happened. fox news correspondent jeff paul is live in butler pennsylvania with what we know now. >> as we await details surrounding the future rally that the former president has promised what would happen in butler pennsylvania. the investigation surrounding the shooting is very much ongoing, we saw like previous days and investigated return to the scene of the attempted assassination. we also have a new animation that might help our viewers get a better understanding of what happened especially from the viewpoint of the shooter you can see to the right that would be the podium where trump was speaking from that day. on the other side the positions of the counter sniper, the shooters position is abstracted
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in the distance by trees were learning that according to the washington post, members of the secret service detail in the top advisors claim that their team was not informed of a suspicious person that local police were tracking, ron johnson told "fox news sunday" 26 minutes before the first shot local counsel under counter sniper spotted thomas crooks his photo was taken and sent to the command center, members of the trump secret service detail reportedly were never made aware. on top of that pennsylvania swat officer jason woods told abc news his team was supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with secret service diapers, that never happened, yet no communication with secret service until after the assassination attempt, it would've been too late, senator johnson said there was communication problems that day. >> the federal agencies are doing what they do their hiding behind the excuse of the investigation we will see whether acting director is as forthcoming as they said he
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would be briefing on thursday read we need to talk to these people and transcribed interviews they take hours and compared to the people investigating this we should be able to unveil the truth. >> they put out a statement saying as it relates to communication the day of the rally they are committed to getting a better understanding of what happened before during and after the assassination attempt on former president trump they want to prevent this from ever happening again. nicole: jeff paul, thank you so much. speaking of communication, more from ron johnson this morning with shannon bream he talked about how this could've been a huge communication failure. take a listen. >> first of all at 5:45 p.m. the sniper in secret service received the photos of thomas crooks and they knew he was at the building this is 26 minutes before he took his first shot. we have that confirmed, we also
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confirm that the radios that local law enforcement gave the secret service sniper teams were never used by the secret service all the communication were channeled in the sniper swat team were on different mitigation channels and the patrol officers all fondling from the central communication system and delay things and allow this tragedy to happen. nicole: how can this happens before they had to be team on this guy, that is something they're not discussing enough of and they became the c, d team to president trump, their people in congress who didn't want them to have protection and keep away the secret service protection there are people that didn't want him to run obviously the judges and other people who are trying to get and unable to be put on the ballot, they created an atmosphere where people actually there are people average citizens are dangerous and eliminated they were using that kind of language, i'm not
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surprised at this at all. nicole: the media continues to lie about what happened, it was shrapnel, bullet a piece of glass, young jd vance talking to trey gowdy on "sunday night in america" and this is what he said about the media lies. >> this is not a vengeful lie, he lies about donald trump more than anybody in public life he's a good grandfather and he likes the emerging people and loves this country and he said repeatedly his retribution will be the success of the country and compare that to the hearsay administration which through the guy in jail and led to an escalation of political rhetoric that is unfortunately leading to violence in our country. >> you can watch the full interview with jd vance on "sunday night in america" at 9:00 p.m. eastern. i would go back to that the media will continue to lie and continue to perpetuate whatever they want and the perception of
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donald trump but he's going to win by showing you what he could do for america. jason: they try to guess what you and say donald trump is a destroy democracy but meanwhile the democrats are getting rid of the process it is democracy, they come up with all these lies about him and his family and everything else they start saying things about jd vance that fundamentally aren't true it's part of being in the arena and the national media is a total embarrassment. and they've a job in the responsibility and to erase kamala harris background and misrepresent donald trump's background. that's not what they're supposed to be doing. nicole: were starting to feel like 2020: because the media is change in the narrative immersing censorship read if you go on the screen grab from google searches and putting assassination attempt ftr •-ellipsis they come up with some prompts, president trump
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doesn't even come up. tammy: we've seen this is one of the few silverlining's of covid and fbi and the cia with twitter before elon musk took it over. i just have to say imagine with everything happening if elon musk had not bought tutor into twitter in making it x. the clarity of what we want to say and this is in an effort and censorship is in them it is systemic in the nature of what they want to do and even the problems at the rally is a passive aggressiveness that might not be conscious but becomes part of a corporate culture what you do harm by not doing something that's what we see we're going to see more of that more censorship in america people have learned because of covid what the government is capable of. >> were working on improvements to ensure our systems we will look forward to that.
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sorry if you're offended that the apology from the olympics after drag queens mocked the last supper. dodging the decking, chuck schumer is struggling to wipe his fingerprints off the pressure campaign that led to biden's 2024 bailout. tammy: so many lies. ♪
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tom: welcome back to "the big weekend show" sorry if you're offended that the apology from the olympics after the shocking drag queen. he at the opening ceremony fox news reporter dana marine mcnichol has update tonight.
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>> reactions are pulling and from politicians to world leaders offended by what they're calling and anti-christian performance. it appears to be a. he of the last supper universally recognized painting by leonardo da vinci and his apostles, and a response attack sponsor out of mississippi announced on next that they will be pulling advertising from the olympics, mississippi governor supports this move posting on x that god will not be mocked, house speaker mike johnson also feeling insulted by the performance say last night's mockery of the upper was shocking and insulting to christian people around the world who watch the opening ceremony of the olympic games, the were on our faith in traditional values knows no bounds today but we know the truth and virtue will always prevail. president biden adored questions about the opening ceremony on the south lawn earlier today. [inaudible] >> first lady jill biden he was
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at the olympics did not address the controversial theme directly but did call it spectacular. appears 2024 official is apologizing saying that we believe this ambitious was achieved and people taken any offense we are really sorry. the trump and harris campaign have not responded to our request for comment. tom: chuck schumer is completely ducking questions about his role with biden's ouster. >> for history for the record did you anyway suggested the president that he should leave the presidential race on july 13. >> first let's look at president biden's record he had one of the most amazing presidents we've had in decades, i respect the amazing things and we were together on many of them. >> just for history what was your role and intention with the meeting on july 13. >> i'm not could get into the
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specifics but president biden will walk away for this head held high. tom: and a knife in his back, that is interesting, political reporter four days before biden dropped out, he told biden it was time to step aside. obviously he does not want to get into the details but who is to blame for this. >> we saw that play out and everyone's doing a different song and dance, it's partly also a distraction i don't think they mind doing this, what is interesting to me is a new poll from you go in the times of london as a matter of fact on the cover-up in general. who knew what, when about his health and 68% of people in this poll say is, here's and she is a great deal responsible and another 17% said somewhat to blame. this is something that americans care about is like we were lied to and she's at the top of the
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mountain. nicole: they were about to put president biden back up for reelection, it seems like the put a shell of anybody as long as they're on the democratic ticket. tom: like mitt romney famously said they will get 47% of the country no matter who the heck they put up there, let's take a look at the state this is maryland governor wes moore. >> i private conversations with the president and a big believer when you care about 70 you tell them the truth and had private conversations where i was telling the president the truth. joe biden is not going to take himself out of the race, nor should he. tom: he was saying one thing in public and one thing in private now he admits that he goes on meet the press and says and "face the nation" and he said i was out there saying he was perfectly fit and when he came down to it he said biden you
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gotta go. >> the people that are closest to him, first lady jill biden, the chief of staff, kamala harris, these people closest to the president this did not happen two weeks ago or three weeks ago this is been going on for years the time to make this was a year ago the truth is donald trump kicked his butt in the debate in the election was over and they thought they were going to lose that's what they post them at the door not because they cared about his health or anything other than obtaining the power of the white house that's all they care abo about. tom: they have to protect democracy after they destroy it. top cop, here's has some explaining to do now here is anti-cop actions busted hardened criminals out of jail, coming up tomorrow "fox & friends" i handful of names emerge as possible vp picks for harris but do people really know who they are, peter doocy is on the lucy talking to voters, dvr the show if you cannot catch it live.
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get in the game. 100%. mind and body. try five hour energy today. but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia.
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tammy: welcome back to "the big weekend show" trump in vance to turn the state read and turn voters away from, here's. >> the people are going to learn her record and she's a radical and that she is basically a san francisco liberal who wants to take symphysis go policies to the entire country and i don't think that will sell in minnesota. >> fox business correspondent madison alworth caught up with the vice presidential nominee as he visited with diners and the soda. >> inside of the president's rally in st. cloud minnesota last night every single seat was filled with thousands more watching from outside because the arena had reached capacity, those attendees vowing to help the former president flipped the state back to red but that will prove to be a battle. >> the state is part of the expanded map that the trump campaign hopes to make competitive and the cycle but the democrat has won the under
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presidential race in minnesota every cycle since 1976 and harris leads by six points, trump hit harris hard on the soft on crime policies that he said hurt minnesotans. >> , urged her followers to donate to the minnesota freedom fund helping raise $35 million to set loose violent offenders after they shot at police, looted your stores, sexually assaulted innocent victims and committed all sorts of other heinous crimes. kamala harris was the original marxist district attorney she destroyed san francisco and she will destroy our country. >> harris is coming off a big first week as the likely head of the ticket banking $200 million in donations, she also got the support of younger voters with the backing of the likes of drag race and charlie x cx, we caught up with the youngest candidate on any ticket, and vp pick jd vance and extrusive interview
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this morning to see how he'll make a push for the youth vote. >> what is the trump vance plan to attract the younger voters. >> to keep it on policy, my message to gen z and millennial voters i want you to participate in the american dream and buy a home and start a family, you cannot do that to the policies of, here's. >> were officially 100 days out from election day, vance telling us he views this as a sprint with no days off. i'll send it back to you. >> the media is covering up, here's promotion of the minnesota bail fund. back in 2020 kamala harris was very public for her support, two years later the vp was asked about it the local news anchor asked for the criticism surrounding her support for the bail fund and harris said i spent the majority of my career as a prosecutor making sure people paid serious consequences in particular violent and serious crimes, i will always maintain that is important must be done, the same tv station is trying to call out trump for lying about here is support of the bail fund, don't believe
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your lionize, elon musk called at the station as a real buyers, you gotta love community notes, thank you elon musk. jason: go read the tweet for yourself, wcco even ted baxter got that one right. nicole: , the here's has been open to what do you think cease to happen when it comes to law enforcement listen to what she said on the view in 2020 about reimagining public safety. >> a big part of this conversation really is about reimagining how we do public safety in america which i support which is this, we have confused the idea to achieve safety you put more cops on the street instead of understating safe and healthy community to put more resources into the public education system of those communities and affordable housing and homeownership and access to capital for small
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businesses and access to healthcare regardless of how much money people have, that's how you achieve safe and healthy communities. nicole: she tries hard to say she is hard on crime, this is a middle-aged woman who knows better we know what works and what doesn't work, she can solve this by say i was caught up in the moment and i don't support that anymore, look at our cities, she didn't it is remarkable blatant effort for woman who has people surrounded her with guns, the people to advocate for this are able to secure themselves they're not going into the inner city and hoping to god that their children don't get kidnapped or raped or hooked on drugs, talk about privilege, you have some there. >> it is interesting she's in trouble she's a prosecutor and there's a lot of people on the left who don't like her prosecutorial record in california. >> she didn't win california
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primary. >> she and her defenders often say she's tough on crime she was a prosecutor but a lot of people in jail, i feel like the american people a very pro-cop. i love the prosecutors, they like cops, california didn't like her and that's why she didn't do well the primary, stick around the big four is coming up next. ♪ to advance the future of golf, pga of america chose t-mobile for business. with a 5g powered innovation hub to analyze player performance and expand coaching tools. experience game-changing innovation with t-mobile for business. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear...
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show sign for the big four, our pick for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week. i will start. suspected pell said inter supportively caught crossing the border illegally in san diego. jason, i think trump is going be talking about this week is not just three there are many more that of come across it. >> it's nonstop a bozo and the ones we know about the ones we caught no kidding. the other thing we will be talking about is the harris campaign is calling trump a liar for saint harris promised to ban fracking. let's cue up the way back. way back to 2019. >> it is no question i am in
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favor banning fracking. yes, and starting with what we can do on day one around public lands. >> there we go. surprised. >> there it is on camera. now she says okay because it is flip-flop harris i don't know where she stands. d.o.j. says tiktok collected user data from americans on political issues like abortion and gun control. the social media companies taking our data and using it against us for that seems to be a theme. >> yes, the chinese love knowing exactly what we're doing, what we are watching, how we are watching and throw us videos to change our opinions. >> is funny it's like they don't still think about this or notice but we do. and for me, treasury secretary janet yellen is out there. she wants to spend $78 trillion to fight climate change. this is an astounding amount of money 3 trillion from various sources until 2050.
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you know if the economy is like. i will say now take another chance of my book of fear itself. it is used in the fear of climate change to gain more power and control over the people. always an emergency this is a perfect example of that. $78 trillion, no specificity but that is what it is very divided said 22 was an existential threat to america and the world. that is how they do it. that is what it is all about these days. >> power, money they've already got hundreds of billions of dollars for climate change but rather what trillions for. >> who knows where that went they keep printing it is with that happening these days. >> we are going it is been great two days in a row without a great time. this is it for us will see you back here let's see, we will see you "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. have a great night shannon: i am a shannon bream what is present by his exit from the race i


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