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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 29, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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athlete. i won the junior olympics and one of the most glorious times for me. i love watching the olympics and see this distract everything and all these accomplishments of the men and women who worked all their life working two or three jobs. >> sandra: and their families and then to have the president of the united states, first lady of the united states appease to this satanic, demonic act is disgusting. shame on you joe biden and the biden family. >> sandra: jack, thank you for joining us, appreciate it. that does it for us on "fox & friends." catch me again this afternoon with john roberts. we'll be anchoring 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. for america reports. thank you for joining us. i'll see you this afternoon. that does it for us. >> bill: good morning, everyone. fox news alert on the investigation into the attempted
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assassination of the former president. fox news obtaining the new text messages that provide key details about the timeline and they are telling. local law enforcement saying they never got a secret service briefing before the shooting that day. a live report from butler, pennsylvania in a moment. this from the weekend. [siren] >> bill: a rocket slaughtering kids playing soccer in israel. could it ignite a war on the northern border with hezbollah first on the radar today. good morning. hope you had a beautiful weekend. i'm bill hemmer live in new york city. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." we have a lot of news to get to. this one is about what's happening in israel. the rocket came from across the border in lebanon where hezbollah operate. >> bill: they've been firing on israel going back to october 7th. israel responding with air
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strikes and drones. if expect this response to be more significant. >> dana: 12 children were killed playing soccer. dozens more wounded. republicans call it a result of feckless foreign policy. >> kamala harris in her first statement came out after meeting with netanyahu and equivocated between hamas and israel and effectively blamed israel for civilian casualties. it emotion boldens hezbollah they believe joe biden and kamala harris will put more pressure on israel than iran. >> you'll get more of this when it comes to iran, biden/harris has been a colossal failure in controlling the ayatollah. >> dana: general jack keane is here with analysis. let's go to trey yengst in tel aviv. >> good morning. the german carrier has canceled all flights to tell vefsh as the region braces for the israeli response to saturday's rocket attack. we know according to defense officials it is not a question
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of if israel will respond but rather when and where. over the weekend, we saw firsthand the after math of the massacre in the golan heights that killed 12 children and teens. a father ran toward the field after the explosion to find his dead daughter amid the kids. the grief of this community and family was felt throughout the funerals that took place yesterday. eliminate hezbollah, that's what i want. he says. >> what do you remember about her most? >> when she was alive or when i had to collect the pieces of her, he responds? >> now over the weekend israel launched new air strikes against southern lebanon. not the israeli retaliation to the rocket attack, rather ongoing action against hezbollah that has taken place over the last ten months. reports do indicate american officials have warned israel against striking hezbollah in the lebanese capital of beirut. washington fears it could strike
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a larger war and collapse cease-fire talks related to the war in gaza. on sunday burns met with egyptian and qatari officials in raiment working on a cease-fire. the increased tension in the north comes as a horrible time. more than 100 israeli hostages being held by hamas and thousands of palestinians being killed each month. dana. >> dana: thank you, stay safe. >> bill: also netanyahu saying the state of israel cannot allow this to pass. our response will come and it will be strong. we wait on that. map behind me this is the area of the soccer field. syria off to the east and lebanon in north. black are villages that line the border. there are tens of thousands of people who live there. they cleared out of there going back to october 7th and moved
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further south to living in hotels and share rooms and houses with family members and relatives all throughout israel. significant. the area has been cleared out. these are the rocket attacks in red. you see how many of them have been marked here. golan heights and northern border a hot area. this river historically very significant for previous battles. 18 miles north into lebanon from israel. watch all this. how does hezbollah get what it has today? pretty clear it comes from iran, they can truck it in and fly it is, go into lebanon. the west bank lately, something we don't talk a lot about and gaza, located right here on the map. want to bring in general jack keane and talk about this. thank you for your time. hezbollah has not claimed responsibility. normally typically they would. do you think it's significant now, sir? >> yeah, i think it has to do
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with what actually happened here. the islamic arabs that live on the golan heights, which used to be syria prior to 1967 when the israelis took control of this country, that is the golan heights. they are israeli citizens. but i think it probably tells you look, hezbollah targets civilians as well as military targets in israel. but they were likely not targeting this population. there is an idf facility close by. the israelis will respond and they don't have much choice but to respond as a result of this. certainly the drews people are clamoring why weren't we protected to begin with by iron dome, etc. the israelis have to answer for that. take some action now to insure
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future protection for them is what this retalllation strike is all about. the issue, bill, hezbollah -- when this attack occurs they have been attacking israel since october 8th, 6000, rockets. you showed what has happened. 80,000 israelis have moved out of northern israel. as a result of that, the hezbollah have moved south with all their mortars, artillery, rockets and missiles. south of the river that you pointed out there, which by u.n. resolution 1701 they are supposed to be north of. the u.n. resolution doesn't mean anything to the people here to hezbollah or iranians. what is actually at stake here eventually does hezbollah respond to the israeli strike with an attack beyond northern israel, which is where they have confined their attacks since october 8th. do they begin to unleash the 130,000 plus rockets and
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missiles they have that could range any town and any city in israel? that would be an escalation of the war and that's what people fear would take place. the challenge is israelis have was all about the map that you described, bill. at some point the israelis have got to get the hezbollah back on the northern side of the river so the israeli people can reoccupy their homes. a lot of it has to be rebuilt certainly. otherwise they are permitting iran and hezbollah to redefine the israeli border. they will not stand for that. if they have to fight to push the hezbollah back across the river, they will do that. that is what is on the horizon. >> dana: that's the question i wanted to ask you about. the fact they had to evacuate those areas to protect people. does that mean they have given them that space and given it up? the "wall street journal" said this. weakness won't deter hezbollah after the soccer field attack.
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a strong show of u.s. support for israel would do far more to prevent a larger regional war. do you think there is something that biden/harris, blinken can do at this point to try to figure out a way to diplomatically negotiate a return to beyond that river? >> well, they've tried that and tried it for weeks with hezbollah leaders. none of that has succeeded. the hezbollah sitting right there south of the river. i think the administration, where was the outcry from the administration of the horror and barbaric nature of this attack? it was just brutal on those children and i can't imagine the paramedics and parents what they went through as you accurately described here what a father was dealing with here. this is awful stuff. where was our outcry about that and our support for israel? we immediately go to an
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appeasement and diplomacy strategy with i agree with other critics weakens our hand and strengthens hamas's hand and strengthens hezbollah and iranian hand. it is unfortunate because all of that helps to protract the war as opposed to what prime minister netanyahu wants. you heard him say it at the joint session of congress. give me everything i need faster and i'll end this war faster. i totally agree with him. >> bill: generally, thank you. we'll call on you later in the week. thank you, general, nice to have you back. >> dana: thank you. meanwhile border agents reportedly detaining three palestinian migrants with ties to terrorism. the "new york post" reporting one of them had salacious images on his phone including one that phone a masked man holding an ak-47. part of a larger group that turned themselves in in san diego. one agent saying they are overwhelmed and probably letting terrorists into the country. i guess the chances are what
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they are, right? you've seen this increase suspected terrorist encounters spike under biden and harris, the 380 and with trump 14. >> bill: one thing about this israeli story. the last big war the israelis fought with hezbollah was 2006, 18 years ago. what hezbollah fighters were doing in southern lebanon, they had dumb rockets. no gps guidances and fire them and hope to get lucky. it hasn't been confirmed yet whether or not there was a guidance device on this rocket. i think it would be very significant in the investigation if there was. because over the past 18 years you can have all these rockets coming into lebanon and know an upgrade from 2006 for sure and much deadlyer. >> dana: we're underway on a monday. also developments putting the biden-harris border policies
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under renewed scrutiny. madison is in new york city with more. >> a deadly shooting outside of a randalls island migrant shelter overnight. this 25-year-old venezuelan migrant shot a san antonio police officer sunday morning. the officer is expected to survive. it stems from a domestic call. when police arrived the suspect was laying in bed with a rifle and began shooting at officers. the suspect is now dead, unclear from suicide or police return fire. sources say he illegally crossed the border last year and caught by border patrol and released back into the u.s. with a 2026 court date. this came the day before the deadly shooting near the randall's island migrant shelter. nypd confirms a 45-year-old woman was shot in the face and back. she later died. police say a 32-year-old man was
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shot in the throat and a 31-year-old woman was shot in the back. now both are expected to be okay. but as of this morning police are still looking for whoever shot these people and why this happened. there has been several instances of violence at or around this particular migrant shelter. just last month police say a 25-year-old was stabbed by two migrants at the shelter and back in april nypd arrested five men after a brutal attack. the pack of migrants are accused of surrounding the victim in bed punching and scratching them and a security guard was also injured. new york city has implemented a curfew for migrant shelters in response to complaints from residents with violence and noise from all hours of the day. >> dana: thank you for the update. >> see the opening ceremonies completely blasphemed and mock the christian faith with their
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interpretation of the last supper was disgusting. >> bill: one way to start the olympics. outrage getting a gold model at the games. apparent mocking of the last supper during the opening ceremony watched by millions around the world causing some offense far and wide. we'll get to that coming up. >> dana: a search for a running mate heats up. which democratic hopeful might get the nod to join kamala harris on the democratic ticket. >> bill: a swarm of dragonflies. they were everywhere. thousands invading the day at the beach. quite a day on the east coast. a beautiful weekend but it turned a day of fun into quite the ordeal. s his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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>> dana: fox news alert. disputed result in a dictatorship. maduro declares victory in his election secure another six year term. the opposition says the regime stole the win. polls showed maduro trailing his opponent by more than 25 points. rubio saying biden and harris broadly eased trump sacks sack shuns -- >> bill: we're learning new details in the assassination attempt against the former president. now suggesting an earlier timeline that what authorities had claimed. text messages obtained by iowa senator chuck grassley from the beaver county officials to the
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west of butler county show law enforcement assigned to secure the rally were aware of a gunman 90 minutes before trump took the stage around 4:30 in the afternoon. c.b. cotton begins another week on this matter live in butler, pennsylvania. >> good morning. these text messages now revealing that local counter snipers had spotted gunman crooks earlier than previously reported. bill, as you said, these text messages were obtained by iowa republican senator chuck grassley from the beaver county emergency services unit. the first message was sent from a local counter sniper who spotted crooks at a picnic table at 4:26 p.m. he wrote someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cars, so you know. i'm letting you know, you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car. so he knows you guys are up there. less than an hour later crooks had moved and was reportedly
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right below the local counter sniper team who were on the second floor in a warehouse building. one of the counter snipers then took photos of crooks which were later exchanged in a group chat with a text message reading quote, i did see him with a range finder looking towards stage. fyi if you want to notify secret service snipers to look out. i lost sight of him. these photos were reportedly relayed to the secret service posted in a command center but according to the "washington post", the secret service agents tasked with directly protecting trump were never alerted and now for the first time the local counter snipers reveal what they saw that afternoon. >> he was looking up and down the building and just wandering around. it seemed out of place. i assumed somebody would come out to speak with this individual or find out what's going on. >> our own analysis of the rally
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site reveals crooks may have tried to give himself an apparent advantage over the counter snipers positioning himself on the roof in a spot mostly concealed by trees. the local counter snipers who spoke to abc news say they never had direct communication with the secret service until after the gunfire. >> bill: more to come on that. good to have you back there. butler, pennsylvania: >> dana: brand-new fox polling shows kamala harris and donald trump running neck-and-neck in several key battleground states. the race is looking up for grabs in michigan, minnesota, pennsylvania and wisconsin. kayleigh mcenany joins us now. the initial first polls since the switch happened in the last ten days. let's put them on the board for you to react to so everybody sees michigan now at a tie. you see how close that was in 2020. let's look at minnesota as well. harris running away with this one.
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six points ahead. trump had a good showing with biden but that looks like it is different. now in pennsylvania, tied. okay, that's a big one. then you go down to wisconsin also just about tied with trump up one. so do you feel like the race is different? >> the race is closer, no doubt about it. when you look at those numbers you see there. also no doubt about the sugar high as the playbook calls it. the sugar high meaning the honeymoon period. what hasn't changed for trump and republicans are the fundamentals. in each of the states you put up he has an advantage plus 30 on the economy thereabouts. an advantage about plus 80 on immigration. the two top issues. they has an advantage on abortion. you stick to the issues. the fundamentals are the same. you have a different person at the top of the ticket. >> bill: michigan independents in our polling favor trump by eight points. keep that in mind. they vote on the economy all the time. watch that number.
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as of today now, third party candidates really made a difference in 2016. it was a wash in 2020 because they weren't on the ballot. as of today the battlegrounds only, more states involved here but michigan and north carolina have both kennedy and jill stein on the ballot. minnesota has kennedy on the ballot in addition to that. the green party candidate which may or may not include jill stein is on the ballot in wisconsin, michigan, north carolina and arizona. think about how close those states were in 2020. >> makes a huge difference. in michigan when third party candidates are included it goes from a tie to plus two trump. pennsylvania it goes from a tie to plus two harris. wisconsin it goes from trump plus one to a tie. all these candidates have to make it on the ballot. all three of those states are different if all the third party candidates are on the ballot. if i'm trump trying to get rfk
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junior out of the race, get his voters and make it more difficult for kamala harris. >> dana: what do you think of harris's chances of choosing one of these governors from a swing state? i will play governor pritzker from illinois not on short list. >> winning those battleground states is most important. there is no doubt. i think we've seen over the last well decades that who you pick as your vice president doesn't determine whether you will win a state or not. what it does determine is whether you've got the message. >> dana: what do you think? >> i disagree. a vice presidential pick can win a state. someone like shapiro would consider him youfrng kin pick. he has a plus 61% approval rating. according to our poll he out performs harris with women, white voters, voters under 30,
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those under 65, republicans, independents. shapiro is viewed quite favorably by the people who live in pennsylvania. his numbers are high. if you battle for the 19 electoral votes maybe he gives you an edge there. dana and i were talking about this before the show. you can argue pros and cons for every person on this list. >> bill: can you extrapolate that energy beyond pennsylvania? some people argue tim waltz of minnesota can. he represented a rural district for 12 years. i believe minnesota's first district he has that kind of appeal. he might have broader appeal within the party. the gaza concerns that some have expressed which are ridiculous but expressing with regard to shapiro. >> bill: if you choose shapiro it might help you in pa and hurt
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you in michigan. >> dana: thank you so much. >> bill: communities on fire. ablaze, crews trying to battle the fire, california families now in a rush to find safety and we'll take you there. olympic level outrage over the controversial ceremony. some advertisers pulling back what they call a mockery against a christian. >> we all know the answer. would they ever have dared mock islam in a similar way? would they ever dreamed of mocking in this gross public way? e hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at ok limu! you set it, and as i spike it, i'll tell them how liberty mutual customizes car insurance, so they only pay for what they need. got it? [squawks] did you get that? only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪
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>> dana: olympic organizers fang the flames of controversy over accusations of mockery and hate against christian viewers. the "new york post" calling it the last straw as companies retaliate by pulling funds, greg palkot is live in london with the latest.
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>> hi, dana. the olympic games in paris are in full swing but the uproar of one screen in friday night's ceremony. the parody of the last supper in the role of jesus christ a french lgbtq icon and the disciples played by drag queens and others. the tate brothers claiming it mocked christianity. musk branded it extremely disrespectful. mike johnson said it was shocking and insulting. a telecom coverage yanked its ads. church and political leaders spoke out. opening ceremony had been denying a connection between the scene and the last supper but yesterday one french olympic figure admitted the performance was modeled after the religious scene and another apologized. take a listen. >> clearly there was never an
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intention to -- if people have taken any offense, we are, of course, really sorry. >> really, really sorry. the head of the paris games called the ceremony a proudly over the top display of frenchness. for others it was more a below the belt hit at christianity. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: in a catholic nation here we go with clay travis outkick founder. a couple of things to show you. those who identify as christians 63% of all adults who identify as christian. no religion 29%. first thing. second "new york post" olympics last supper debacle was latest effort to denigrate western culture. c spire said we're getting our ads out of it and shocked by the mockery of the last supper during the opening ceremony of the paris olympics. we'll be pulling our advertising from the olympics.
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others are staying in. how do you see it, again a catholic country. >> i watched probably a lot of viewers out there watching us now. appreciate you having me on and hope everybody is having a good monday morning. i was just stunned that you would do anything in france because i immediately thought back -- i'm sure you guys have thought about this, too, to the "charlie hebdo" controversy when several journalists, over ten journalists were murdered by muslim outraged individuals over mohammed being sat areized in a french magazine. the onion style magazine of france. i would think given the opening ceremony actual spoken word that occurred inside of the stadium the goal is to appeal to everyone from every walk of life to the billions of people around the world who will be watching the olympics.
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so whether it makes fun of christianity, islam, or the jewish faith or hindu i was stunned they would even do this, particularly with the history of what happened in france just about a decade ago when so many people were murdered over religious what was seen as religious intolerance pertaining to islam. i thought it was a really poor choice. i understand why people out there watching it with their kids anticipating hey, this is the olympics opening ceremony and easy to watch and not be alarming or in any way anti-religious were kind of blown away and why companies would say this is not what we want to be associated with. i don't know that i would make that choice because obviously a lot of people will still watch the olympics and don't care about the opening ceremony, but i can understand why if you are spending millions of dollars, you would be outraged about your ads running during this performance. >> dana: it is not like the
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french don't have a rich culture and history of art they could have drawn upon. obviously they made a choice. want to ask you about this. a judo competitor from kazakhstan refusing the shake the hand of his israeli opponent. he said allah akbar and then he later dislocated his shoulder. is that karma? >> yeah, i was going to say a lot of people would say its karma. the olympics really strives not to have athletes making political statements. now sometimes they decide to do so but the idea is look, we're trying to bring the world together in harmony of competition for the best athletes to find out who is the absolute best and anything having to do with politics just
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distracts from that competition. this here i think is completely indefensible directly attacking based on the story here, directly attacking the jewish faith of this individual while israel is at war on its ears right now basically two fronts with what we saw happen and trey yengst has done a great job of reporting, what happened on a soccer field of all places where many young, innocent kids were killed by hezbollah. i just think it is emblematic of you can't escape the conflict we're in the midst of even at the olympics. >> bill: nice to have you on. four days into it. the french are dealing with a lot of problems. people knocking out the electric grid. >> your boy joe borrow has a new hair cut.
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i expect you to go blond. >> it may happen. south sudan would give team usa a challenge. >> dana: great to have you. so much sports. >> bill: see you soon. >> dana: president biden heading to texas later today for a civil rights ceremony in austin as we wait for reaction from the harris campaign on the deadly strike in northern israel over the weekend. plus former president trump wants america to dominate the crypto space. money man charles payne on trump's new proposal next. ♪ on medicare? have diabetes? when enjoying life's special moments are you left guessing which foods are right for you? with the freestyle libre 3 system you'll know your glucose and where it's headed no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3 manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments. covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations
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while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. >> bill: that's going to ruin a
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weekend for sure. torrential rain causing flash flooding in dollywood, tennessee. the rising water sent folks getting for higher ground. one guest had a minor injury. the flooding trapped some cars in a parking lot. cleanup is still underway. park is set to reopen at noon today. keep track of all this on the fox weather app. it's free. download it now. scan the qr code on your screen and get it up and running on your phone right now. >> dana: i love that app. there is a new frontier in the gop platform. trump promising to make america the crypto currency capital of the planet. he proposed building a strategic national bitcoin stockpile. >> this is the steel infancy of 100 years ago. you are in your infancy. i can see it happening. it has gone from an idea posted
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anonymously on an internet message board to being the ninth most valuable asset anywhere in the world. can you believe that? >> dana: charles payne is the host of making money on fox business. i tried to learn bitcoin. i'm not a dumb person but it went straight over my head and i couldn't get ahold of it? should i try again? >> my office was next to -- this is 15 years ago and this is when it was nothing. everyone stossel, i did not. they would tell me every day charlie, you have to buy. 100 bucks of bitcoin. i feel worse. i own three coins, though. i'm in the club. here is the thing. i had some reservations about the whole concept as a foolproof plan could be put together software that could never be hacked and change. one of the value propositions
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will be limited supply, right? i've been assured that will stay intact. as far as what president trump was saying, the blockchain and bitcoin do have the potential to revolutionize everything. we shouldn't be fighting it and embrace it to a certain degree. robert kennedy junior on my show on friday wants to go more aggressively in terms of instead of a central bank trying to make it the world reserve currency but i just think that the pushback on it or to be against it is a huge mistake. by the way, a lot of democrats are feeling this way, too. let me read part of this letter from friday. jamie harris democratic national committee. it was addressed to the dnc about this sort of let's stop pushing away from this, folks. we need to have a forward-looking approach to digital assets and blockchain
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technology signed by 28 members in congress. democrat members. they cc de vice president harris. there was scuttlebutt that she would show up at the tennessee event. >> bill: life on earth will be different and the whole argument in here. >> i will just say a highly reputable firm on wall street says there is a chance bitcoin could go to 52 million by 2050. >> bill: home prices in america are ridiculous especially for young people trying to get the american dream. starter home values up 54% over the past five years. that's just the beginning. here are the five states with the highest number of starter homes. more than a million dollars, right? to start. california, new york, new jersey, florida, massachusetts. we asked in the battleground states of which no state on the map right there is one of them how you feel about your family
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financial situation. it's all upper midwest. the blue wall. this is where maybe things are decided in early november. falling behind ranked higher than any other category, charles. >> absolutely. by the way, the michigan sentiment number. i'll go deep dive on that today. it tells you everything you need to know about where america is now. the only folks who think biden is doing great in the economy are folks with advanced degree and making the top ten or 20%. everyone else says they are suffering and what's happening with these political parties. if you look at the top ten states that have at least one city where starter home is a million bucks, california, this is -- since 2019 it went from 96 to 17. massachusetts was 0, now 11. connecticut was 0, now four. colorado one, now three. every single state on this list the top ten are all blue states except for texas and florida. there was organic demand in
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texas and florida. what's the excuse for new york. it explains the inequality created from states with extraordinary high taxes, regulations and so hard to become organically wealthy in those places. you have silicone valley and how the haves and have nots have been so bad. if you aren't working for a silicon valley firm you can't get one. help. there is a record going back to 1940 in part because of this. >> dana: we don't want to be more like europe in that regard. >> no, in many regards. >> dana: thank you, good to see you there on fox business. >> bill: president biden rolling the dice on the constitution working for big changes on the supreme court. how will harris use it on the
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trail? speaking of harris, she fashions herself as a tough on crime prosecutor. why would she support a bail fund that puts suspects accused of violent crimes back on the streets? >> most americans already agree with her on the issues that they care about the most that affect them the most, whether we are talking about choice and her stance on defending a woman's right to choose versus donald trump who eliminated the right to choose in this country. out . get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. let's get started. bill, where's your mask?
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(man) oh, come on. (woman) ugh. (vo) trade in any phone, in any condition. guaranteed. and get the new galaxy s24 on us. only on verizon. >> this is insane. look at this. there is even more now. i've never seen anything like this in my life. >> bill: biblical. >> dana: wow. >> bill: you need a net for protection from that. rhode island beach goers after a swarm of dragonflies moved in. where has that ever happened, right? thousands of dragonflies. people seen diving for shelter. one of them called it the
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dragonfly apocalypse. they migrant and make stops to feed. similar planning for hundreds of american families in july. >> dana: that's a lot. wow. kamala harris talks up her record as a prosecutor but doesn't talk about -- mike tobin is taking a look at this with a closer look in chicago. >> when the george floyd protests exploded across minneapolis and across the nation, then candidate kamala harris made the choice to get behind the minnesota freedom fund which bailed out criminal suspects. in the end, people got hurt. as minneapolis burned there were celebrities and high-profile politicians, one kamala harris, got behind this fund that at the time bailed out protestors. she tweeted if you are able to
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chip in now fought minnesota freedom fund to help post bail for those -- the freedom fund saw donations increase almost 18,000%. it jumped fto 41 million and bailed out more suspects and posting more expensive bonds for serious crimes. the director of the fund boasted that he didn't even consider if a suspect was harmful. >> i often don't even look at a charge specifics when i bail someone out. i will see it after i pay the bill. it is not the point. it's just that it is not the point. the point is the system that we're fighting. >> people bailed out by the fund include sean michael tilman arrested at a demonstration bailed out by the freedom fund and while out killed a man at a light rail station in minneapolis. george howard bailed out by the same fund killed a man, a crime
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for which he had pled guilty. >> he went in front of a camera and said their policies they go in and pick file numbers. that's russian roulette. >> the minnesota freedom fund and harris campaign say her support was limited to that tweet. no record of her spending any money. dana. >> dana: mike tobin, thank you. >> bill: senator elizabeth warren treating kamala harris's far left record as a third rail. the massachusetts democrat not going very close to that. >> is it not true that a president harris would be the most progressive president in american history and in your view isn't that a good thing? >> look, what i see is a vice president who is ready to be president. >> bill: worded very craftly not the most liberal. bernie sanders was out there, too.


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