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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 29, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: hello, everyone this is "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany, and my cohost harris faulkner pure vista spokesperson and founder of national security, morgan ortagus, senior fellow for the independent women's forum internal fellow for the steamboat institute kaylee mcghee white, fox news contributor "washington times" opinion editor, charlie hurt. we began here with a ongoing backlash to this year's olympic opening ceremony and many world leaders are now to announcing this is a blatant insult to christianity. it was this moment from the ceremony that invoked the sacred christian image of the last supper and you see it there. but it featured drag queens and dancers standing in the place of
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and his apostles. some media outlets praise the drag display as stunning and dazzling display of inclusivity. first lady jill biden, she loved the opening ceremony. >> so last night was just, it was spectacular. the rain did not dampen our spirits. every step of the way i was thinking to myself, oh, my god, how are we going to top this? how are we going to top this? >> kayleigh: how do you top mocking a religion on one of the largest world stage is meant to unify the sport and competition? there are 2.4 billion christians in the world, and the olympics appears to have chosen mockery. let that sink in. some leaders around the world far from efficient number are calling out the international olympic committee and a big-name tech company is pulling their support for the games. and official videos of the performance are being taken down from social media too little, too late.
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an ifc spokesperson offer this apology over the weekend. >> i can't believe there was never an intention to threat any religious group around the country. i think trying to celebrate community around the world yesterday. looking at the result of the polls, we believe that this ambition was achieved. if people have taken any offense, we are, of course, really, really sorry. >> kayleigh: one american bishop is going viral for his reaction. he believes christianity is being targeted. >> evidently put its best culture forward in the right thing to do is to mock this very central moment in christianity where jesus gives his body and blood as participation and this
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flippant mockery. where they ever dared mock islam in a similar way? were they ever dream of mocking this gross, you know, public way as seen from the koran? as i say, we all know. i think what is interesting here is deeply secularist postmodern society knows who it's enemy is and they are naming it, and we should believe them. >> kayleigh: you know, charlie, the ifc claims it is not their intent. i want to put up a depiction of the last number next to what we saw in the opening ceremony and let viewers decide for themselves, charlie hurt. >> charlie: and also the woman in the middle of that picture they are on the also tweeted about this comparison between the two. you can't tell me it wasn't intentional. it was clearly intentional, and it is truly disgusting. the other thing is you are
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talking about the cradle of the most beautiful art in the world. bit is so ugly. the whole thing is so utterly attractive and you have all these wonderful athletes all around the world who were there. the whole purpose of the olympics is to display unity and to have a place where the greatest athletes compete on a truck filled instead of on a battlefield. these people just want to show they are behind and act like in the display you wind up with this something not beautiful. it is ridiculous! and boots, it is also offensive to christian spirit >> kayleight that it's because this was the most appalling thing without a doubt and christian should be dy offended, tim scott pointed out about this mike johnson, marco rubio and others but harris i'm i remember 1996 olympics as a young girl watching the gymnastic teams, dominic dawes, shanna miller my daughter was so excited all
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week. my son only one and a half would run up to the commercials and point and he was even excited. we all sat down as a family to watch this. it wasn't just this but drag queens, the world coming together as charlie said. >> harris: i don't know, the ioc spokesperson said we checked the polls... we did not mean to offend anyone. you had to check the polls when did you check the polls, while it was happening? and you waited a while to port of apologize for it? look, this really robs every athlete from the spotlight. i mean, they are not the focus. and if they think they are, they need to look at the opener of that show and figure out why billions of christians and those that support us like our jewish husband's were friends. you don't have to be christian because what you know is they took a punch at us and it is fair game for everybody. so, i don't really understand
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what they think they accomplish through that ioc spokesperson emma but i will never watch another opening. yeah, they won't miss my viewership. i didn't watch the whole thing anyway because i was offended and turned it off. but i'm turning in for those young women and men who gave their lives in the teenage years to do everything they can to compete and represent their countries. i am, i am concerned about them and i will watch for them, and i hope whatever it is that ioc leadership has in france. it is a disease, and it is hateful. >> kayleigh: it is about the athletes. kaylee, when i was watching chemical watch it unfold, and let's say they didn't mean to intent with this moment. it kept flashing between beautiful faces of these athletes who have worked their whole lives to sexualize damages, even putting -- that is not what this is about. the olympics are iconic, historic and we have celebrated these athletes who have worked their whole lives and not about
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making a political point. >> kaylee: this could be a cold eight distraction from the olympics which is to celebrate the athletes who were there and the countries involved. but worse, it is an insult to christians. i say this as a pastor's daughter and someone who holds my faith deeply. the most shocking part of the ceremony is i was not shocked by it at all. because not only are the french route and we are use to this from them, but we as christianse laughingstock of the entire secular culture. this is so common nowadays. the bishop who made the point, would you do this to any other religion? we all know the answer. we know they wouldn't. and we look at the past few years here in the united states, and we look how secularism has made it clear that it doesn't want any competition. we look at what is still happening to colorado baker jack phyllis and persecuted in court for his beliefs. we think about the white house releasing a statement for the transgender day of visibility on
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easter sunday of all days. there are so many examples of christianity being the target. christians need to wake up and realize what time it is. >> kayleigh: that is a great point the transgender statement on easter. i want to play the very beginning of the opening with steven spielberg's open. it brought tears to many eyes and my family because i do believe this moment that america put out that encapsulate what this was all about. speak over the next two weeks you can watch in the event of any time and i promise you, you will find your story and it will match every came, every race, and filled with stories of athletes who dedicated their entire lives to that one chance, that one shot, that one tiny fragment of time that will forever define them. >> kayleigh: why not make that the theme? >> kaylee: it should be. we should be playing that because as you all said, that is what it is about, the athletes.
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it should be. i can imagine not only the physicality that goes into it but the mental toughness to make it at this level. it is a whole being. you know, what is interesting to me on my watch someone who does international relations and i watch what our enemies say about us. one of the common refrain she will hear on social media and the leaders from china, russia, your they are attacking our culture and trying to point outo their country when i saw this, i thought this will play right into the hands of our enemies because they will be able to say, see this is what the west does too, their religion to their faith sort of making a mockery of the things that so many people hold dear. finally i would say, there are many christians and jews in french and i'm sure many were offended and allies and partners the good war on terrorism and nato. i want to make sure we don't categorize the french in entirety with what is important choices that were made to. >> harris: if they had a poll
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somebody. maybe they should poll their own citizens. >> kaylee: they must be offended and must be more offended if a french mission. >> kayleigh: they wanted to watch the opening ceremony and they were deprived deprived of that france, well them. new shocking reporting reveals the gunman who tried to take out president trump was spotted stage. the breaking new details next. the breaking new details next. orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3.
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♪ ♪ >> harris: welcome it is now past two weeks since the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. we are starting to learn more details. this time from local s.w.a.t. officers and the fbi. the fbi is now confirming that
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president trump had agreed or has agreed to a sit down for a victim interview. that is where they get your impact statement as the victim. some of the things he talked about at the rnc given his prenomination speech. , which if they watch that, there were some details we had never learned before. now, they will get more. cb cotton is live in butler, pennsylvania. i tell you, this has been quite the date and learning so much from the s.w.a.t. team members we didn't know about particularly the timeline. >> hi, harris, that is right. we are learning more day by day and the fbi telling us the would-be assassin thomas matthew crooks was highly intelligent, but also a loner. we have a new chilling detail from federal investigators who say, the explosives found in the crook's car could have exploded. about the receivers were in the off position. the fbi says from the spring of 2023 through the first half of
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this year, crooks a 25 online gun purchases and six online chemical precursor purchases, all using aliases and encrypted accounts in an effort to go unnoticed. the fbi said more than 2100 tips have been investigated and more than 450 people have been interviewed to include crook's parents who are cooperative and say they never suspected anything. the parents have said their son enjoyed science and experiment so the chemicals at their home did not raise a red flag. the fbi says crooks did online searches of both former president trump and president biden and there were searches for mass shooting events, aeds and attempted assassination of slovakian prime minister earlier this year. the latest details on crooks with text messages with local counter snipers and crooks spotted 90 minutes before the gunfire, which is earlier than previously reported. for the first time ever, those local counter snipers reveal
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what they saw that afternoon. >> he was looking up and down the building and just wondering and sticking out the place. i would assume somebody would be coming out to speak with this individual or find out what is going on. >> the fbi says crooks used in hvac unit to get on top of the roof and carried a backpack with a firearm and its collapsible stock europe of the fbi is still trying to determine how crooks conceal that weapon until just moments before the gunfire, harris. >> harris: cb cotton good reporting today. thank you very much. we got a lot of detail, morgan, but what we need is the context. president trump's victim interview will be important to kind of give all of that transparency about the emotions of the moment and all of that. this shooter would have seen what was playing out on stage now we know for quite some time. >> morgan: it is important to
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get this right, not only for former president trump and now his running mate j.d. vance, but also for president biden and kamala harris. one of the things i think ultimately what this comes down to was really bad leadership. unfortunately, we have seen not just at the head of the secret service but throughout the institutions of our government under the biden-harris administration. i think this goes all the way back and you say how does this tie in together? for me, it goes back to august 2021 with the fall of kabul to the taliban. nobody in the national security entire leadership, no one was held accountable, nobody resigned, no even public reprimands. you look at failure after failure in this administration, no one is publicly held accountable your console you have people and leaders who are not doing their job ultimately. we sold in service director resigned and we think the democrats started going after her. but ultimately the buck stops at the president and the vice president of the united states and the leaders
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they put in charge of the institutions. it is up to them to protect the american people and to protect the former president. >> harris: afghanistan was such a great example of the falling down of leadership. no eyes on it from the white house the way it needed to be. i will give you another one, the secretary of defense goes missing less than 90 days from october 7th when israel was attacked by hamas terrorists. more than 200-300 days the ukraine war had been going on. we had serious things going on in the world, and the white house didn't know the second death lloyd austin was out. he didn't bother to let everyone know. what and that they'll make mess, what a mitigated mess. >> morgan: reportedly secretary austin found out biden not running for reelection from the media. there was a lot of problems with the munication. >> harris: no accountability for knowing wh where your secrey of defense is. >> charlie: no accountability
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for anything whether this incident or $32 trillion in debt or any of the other problems with our federal government. there was no accountability. and i thought cb cotton has been doing some great reporting. i thought it was interesting police believe some authorities believe the shooter was a highly intelligent individual. you don't have to be -- and that may be true, but you don't have to be highly intelligent to do what he did. you just have to be a stupid person who goes through the gaping loopholes that were left open to him, and he just kind of walked through. i think it is interesting -- it is kind of shocking actually, that the fbi still hasn't interviewed donald trump some of the victim this case. that to me blows my mind. with the fbi is doing an investigation -- talk about lack of accountability. the first thing you do is interview all the subjects involved and two weeks and they still haven't set down and talk to him? i get it, it is all on tv and
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everybody knows what happened, but that is a very important thing. and then christopher wray, what does he do before congress? he start spreading weird conspiracy theories. there is no leadership. there is no accountability, and it is a real problem. >> harris: your point about interviewing president trump is so critical, too. it will be off the record, kayleigh so no reason why they couldn't at this point sit down with him. i know he is running for president, but he makes time in his schedule for certainly something he talks about on the stump now. >> kaylee: with all of this new information coming out, there are still many, many unanswered questions that the american public deserves to know. and i think that is what makes it so striking so much of the lleftist media has moved on from the assassination attempt entirely. just a few days from the iconic image of trump emerge, you had axios instructing reporters to not circulate that photo because they were worried it would help
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the trump campaign promote its agenda. and i think the reason why everyone has moved on so quickly is because they realize that that was a watershed moment for many american voters, including myself. i didn't vote for trump in 2016. i would have preferred a different candidate at this time around, but i watch that happen and suddenly was rethinking everything that i had once thought of the former president. that is what the leftist media does not want. so they are moving on. they don't want to talk about the new information either. so, i guess we will see what happens. >> harris: mark zuckerberg, i never knew how he would vote but when he came out and said, "oh, my gosh, that was everybody right there. look at that person who represents the country." >> kayleigh: i mentioned two weeks ago there was a failure no doubt. we need to know what was in the messages sent from local law enforcement to secret service. we have the answer. it was sent from one local law enforcement sniper to another that someone with a
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range finder is in the area. if you want to notify secret service to look out, i lost sight of him. i went to cb cotton before the show, i said, "do we know if that message from law enforcement was given to secret service?" she pointed me to washington reporting in this message was communicated into a command center, security center we described, and that it was militated verbally to secret service and some secret service was notified, but the secret service according to "the washington post" around president trump was not notified. why not? that is the biggest question to answer tomorrow, why didn't the secret service around donald trump not know this information? >> harris: cb cotton pointed to the fact secret service radio was an off position. i don't know if that was all radios but in her report. there was a lot there. >> kayleigh: allowed. >> harris: coming up vice president j.d. vance is going after kamala harris for questioning his loyalty to
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america. remember, he served as a marine, loves the country, served for the country and willing to die for the country. he is asking, "what have you done?" ♪ ♪ ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go! life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. let's take a little test together: which looks better — this? or this? this... ...or this? seems clear to me. saving cash wins every time. which is why you'll love the wise buys sales event, going on right now at america's best.
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: breaking this hour, the largest catholic civil rights organization in the united states is calling for an investigation into the olympic opening ceremony. catholic league president, william donohue saying in a letter to the ioc, "there is a reasonably senior members of the french government knew what thomas jolie was planning to do and did nothing to stop it. they may have even given their blessing to this not. those in position of power need to be question about what they knew, when they knew it, why they did not act to stop this poker insole on christian
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sensibilities." kaylee come unclear what jurisdiction to have with an investigation and maybe there is some but they go on to say that report that the person who orchestrated this remained "extremely tight-lipped what transpired at the ceremony." he admitted, i would be fired if i tell you anything. >> kaylee: this is personal for me as a pastor's daughter but the fact is, everybody should support figuring out why this happened appear it is much than the olympics opening ceremony. the western countries rely on individualism, human dignity and all stem from christian judaism and christianity. when you undermine that, western civilization falls as well. the people in france should be concerned about this. >> kayleigh: if you are so categorical not knowing what is going on and tending to mike and tending to defend, it is basic question. republican vice presidential candidate j.d. vance is hitting
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back at vice president kamala harris after she said this, allegiance to the country. >> trump look for someone he knew would be a rubber stamp for his extreme agenda and make no mistake, j.d. vance will be loyal only to trump, not to our country. >> kayleigh: now senator burr vance this way over the weekend. >> i saw the other day, kamala harris question my loyalty to this country. i served in the united states marine corps. [cheers and applause] i went to iraq for this country! [cheers and applause] i built a business for this country! [cheers and applause] and my running mate took a bullet for this country! [cheers and applause] so my question to kamala harris is, "what the hell have you done to question our loyalty to the
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united states of america?" [cheers and applause] >> kayleigh: i mean, morgan, you could hear it from the crowd in st. cloud, minnesota. that was probably the best defense he has delivered forcefully, powerfully about his service. >> kaylee: and it is hard-core and not something i want to try to do physically now, even though i'm in the navy reserves. but not only did he enlist in the marine corps but he went to iraq where he has i list of service for the country. the sheer politics and delivery of this, this is the strongest i've seen him since president trump announced him as his running mate. he did a great job defending himself. that is where he needs to go because kamala harris and her team whoever her running mate is, they are using this line to call him weird there for what i see is somebody who brought himself up by his bootstraps, a family man and a husband to a powerful woman, i might add become an accomplished attorney in her own right. he is incredibly has a powerful
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and smart wife and three children. he went to iraq and i guess to the modern left, that is weird, kayleigh. >> kayleigh: a potential running mate of minnesota home of the first i complained to jp of this we are talking point, and he a weird show. >speak with a fascist depend on fear and the fastest depend on us going back, but we are not afraid of weird people. they are a little bit creeped out, but we are not afraid. >> kayleigh: another tiny dig charlie comey did on he did usee term went. >> charlie: i don't get the point he was trying to make they are. but when it comes down to is the true biography, the true resume, the life resume of j.d. vance. you want to put that up against kamala harris, i will do that in the day all day long. i agree, i thought that was kind of the moment. j.d. vance does not give the
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most electric speeches in the world. the stories behind them and a convention where he talked about his grandmother and he talked about his mother in ten years sober from a lifetime of addiction, those stories and the fact that he emerged from all of that to start a business to go to law school, to do all the things that he has done, and all of the things he has accomplished, that is a tremendous resume. and you match that against joe biden or now kamala harris who have spent pretty much their entire adult lives as politicians. i will take that comparison any day. >> kayleigh: harris. >> harris: j.d. vance, easy lay up for him. weirdly, you have the job i'm running for, he could say. now new reporting on how many times she and former meetings they have had to commit is weird and all that time she cannot see what the nation's out june 27th with that debate. it is weird that she set that
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close to joe biden and couldn't tell what we could see from afar pulling up and down stairs, god bless him. that is weird! was she lying or is she not perceptive up a man declined replaced on the top of the ticket and upgraded her position to try to run for his job here that's weird! >> kayleigh: there is a pretty effective way for the trump campaign to come off of the weird, porn and kids classrooms and common sense positions and they have chosen to take the weird side. >> i can see j.d. vance up to 1% of the beltway lining the pockets of her campaign and they haven't spoke to rest of america. but j.d. vance is actually very normal to my family and rural ohio who have a similar story to j.d. vance's. i remember a few years ago my mother-in-law read his book and she said, "you know, my
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upbringing was it basically the exact same minus the parts about drugs and alcohol." she started working in an auto factory when she was 16 and she's still there. she did that so her kids would have a chance at a better life. and they are the living proof that she was successful. my husband became the first person in his entire family to graduate from college. so they look at j.d. vance and they see a representative for their struggles. they see hope someone in washington is actually going to listen. >> kayleigh: we will have more news on this and much more tonight when former president trump doesn't interfere with laura ingraham on "the ingrown amo don't the ingraham angle" 7:00 p.m. eastern time tonight. elizabeth warren said migrants need a pathway to citizenship and says kamala is just the person to get it done. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> harris: massachusetts senator, elizabeth horn, is pushing to push citizenship to millions of illegal border crossers. she believes kamala harris will help make that happen if kamala
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is elected president. >> i believe we need a pathway to citizenship you're at all of that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive migration reform. kamala harris will work... >> harris: charlie hurt. >> charlie: this is one of those real issues that american voters really care about. and doesn't get talked about as much because the media is so insistent upon talking about all of these other issues and i think democrats are desperate to sort of push at that direction to talk about these other issues that are totally irrelevant about attacking j.d. vance and his disloyalty to his country even though he served the country and had all these accomplishments. and the reason the media and democrats don't want to talk about these issues, if you are talking about this issue, this is not 50/50 issue. this is 70/80% issue and it affects the economy, it affects safety, and just a whole notion
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that you have a wide open border is a real problem. >> harris: kaylee this reminds me of bidenomics and crushing the economy, it wasn't helping anybody. it still is now but they don't talk about it. remember they kept saying bidenomics is great. now we have her in the loop saying how great it was. so eventually, it will catch up to them but what charlie said, people do care about the border and you are talking about breaking it further. >> kayleigh: it is the number two issue in the fox news poll. donald trump is where the country is on immigration and kamala harris is not. when you look at michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin they prefer donald trump, listen to this, on average 80%! this is enormous. 86% in pennsylvania. that is an incredible thing to think about. the countries where trump is on the border wall, the majority that cbs poll majority, including latino mass deportation and you are talking a mass amnesty, wow, kamala
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lives of listen to elizabeth warren in november. >> harris: said no one ever. morgan. >> morgan: it doesn't surprise me bernie sanders and elizabeth horn would be supportive of vice president because she is to the left of them according to the voting record. this is a dream come true for all of them. i've come to the border twice and i'm going again in september so i've been more than the vice president has been. i will tell you she should go. i will save argument, we don't have to call her the border czar, that's fine, just go to the border. >> harris: i'm with you on that. >> morgan: tell me -- >> harris: we don't have to litigate because it's a fact now and the president said it's not about the title. he put her in charge of the border and she failed miserably. guess who is in charge now? kamala harris! >> morgan: if i'm in the trump campaign i am including elizabeth warren because she said the quiet part out loud and admitted they have every intention of allowing illegal
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aliens to stay in the country. it is as if voters are right and deliberately orchestrated plan all along. voters are concerned about that. it is not just they support trump on the basic stuff of immigration. they overwhelmingly support his plan for mass deportations. so kamala is on the radical side of the perspective, 46% include mass deportations here and so trump is pushing common sense platform and he needs to lean into that. >> harris: battleground states polling in pennsylvania they are tired, kamala harris and donald trump and i would point out minnesota, she is up ahead outside of the margin of error. those are places where hitting the border for president or trump would make a big difference. i want to point something out. there were some language around radios were something being turned off, and i want to make sure i get this right. the fbi says the receivers for crooks, that is the killer now that we know he killed somebody also and shot to other people,
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and then also shot the ear of the president, he had makeshift bombs. those were, those receivers for the bombs were an off position. that is what kept the bombs from exploding. this is from the fbi's latest briefing. the receivers were not about the u.s. secret service calms a radio, and i want to get that straight now because i had made the point and now we have detailed information on and i want to give it to you. so thank god that those receivers were off on the bombs. more "outnumbered" next. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm kevin and i've lost 152 pounds on golo. i decided to give golo a try. taking the release supplement i noticed a change within the first week and each month the weight just kept coming off. with golo you can keep the weight off.
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>> president biden heading to austin, texas, at the speech at the johnson library this afternoon and proposals for supreme court reform go anywhere? we have you covered up you are traveling information about security failures of donald trump's life. we will have the latest on that. what will israel do to the response of the deaths of 12 children of hezbollah attack? chief kellogg is here. who is on kamala harris' short list for a running mate? we have the running for you and join me and sandra at the top of the hour for "america reports." ♪ ♪ >> we are putting 162 million tons into it every single day and accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released
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by 600,000 laroche of bombs exploding every single day on the earth. that is pulling the oceans creating atmospheric rivers and sucking the moisture out of the land and creating the drought and raising the sea level and causing these waves of climate refugees. >> kayleigh: that is al gore at his best during hits everywhere and he's endorsing kamala harris posting on social media, "she has the climate champion that we need in the white house." by climate champion, does he mean telling young people not to have kids because of climate change? >> because young people said, we are not leaving it to other people to deal with the climate crisis. i've heard young leaders talk to me about a term they have coined, claimant filmic climate anxiety, right, which is fear of the future and the unknown of wt makes sense to even think about
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having children and whether it makes sense to think about having inspiring to buy a home and what will this climate be? >> kayleigh: women anxiety causing people to not have children. this is not a one-off, kaylee, october 6, september 20th, september 19, september 14th, july 31st and april 21st and 2023 alone. so it seems to be a kamala talking point. >> and i'm gen z and she's doing massive disservice. we have enough mental health problems and we don't need anymore. that is exactly what she is pushing the kids towards. what she is doing by discouraging people from having kids because of so called climate change, she is actually deliberately driving young adults away from the things that make us happy and fulfilled, such as family. you know, she has to do this though. they always rely on this hysteria because they can't back up there arguments with common sense and facts. that is the problem with the biden administration's green agenda from the start. if you listen to biden speak why
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tvs so important and incentives important, he never backs up scientific reasons for doing so. he cites ridiculous rhetoric like what we heard from al gore. it is completely unjustifiable. >> kayleigh: charlie, j.d. vance, it is almost like these young people, don't let them start families, really weird stuff. >> charlie: talk about super weird, what kamala harris is talking about and good night what al gore is talking about there, that is the weirdest stuff you will ever hear! and it is another -- and more broadly speaking in terms of the environment, everybody wants a clean environment. democrats are really good at scaremongering on this and talking about hysteria and causing people to have claimant anxiety. what they can't talk about her at the issues because again, 80%, 90% of americans are aligned with donald trump and republicans on the issues when it comes to the environment. this crazy left wing wacko
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agenda that al gore and kamala harris is pushing, americans are not buying it. >> kayleigh: does she keep the new talking point in her new role? that will be interesting to see. >> harris: this is an opportunity for republicans, particularly senator j.d. vance to point out when they say they are the party of freedom. where is the freedom to choose what you want to drive and how you want to propel your family forward? i mean, they want to block it at one point casto sent the white house came out and made a statement because it was becoming a thing? i want to point this out so climate anxiety, there was a point and ancient history are beyond that even, where as human beings, our existential anxiety was about being eaten down the food chain, lions, tigers, and bears because we lived out in the open. we are the progeny we are these generations later and we are here. we are resilient human beings. this is an insult we can't figure things out. it doesn't mean we have to do with their left way, but we are
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amazing as a human race. we can figure out how to go forward. >> kayleigh: more "outnumbered" next. ♪ ♪ let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at introducing allison! allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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>> all right america take pay attention to this. this is life. marie and one. president biden is getting ready >> all right america take pay reforming the u.s. supreme court. >> what he needs to talk about in addition is what happened to our troops in harm's way in the middle east. there is yet another war that is about to break out in the middle east. this is a record number of wars around the world because of
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biden and harris' policies. i think they need to answer for that. >> that will be a talking point. changing the u.s. supreme court because the current president says it is not ethical. that means he doesn't like it because you have conservatives on it. >> you throughout the institution when you don't like a ruling. that makes sense. >> we know what he thinks of the supreme court because the court said no to his bailout plan for student loans, big talking point for running this year. and he's going to do it anyway. >> this 18 term limit for justices applied to fight and he would've had to retire 1991 in the country would've been better. >> oh, my goodness. let's end there because that was interesting but here's the president getting off of marine one. he will get off air force one headed for austin, texas, today. we will cover it all. thank you for watching outnumbered. now here is b5. >> sandra: fox news alert and we will pick it up from there as we d


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