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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 29, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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who reached their goal and have kept it off for over two years. golo is a completely different approach to losing weight, and it works. control stress, emotional eating, and hunger and cravings at golo. don't settle for starvation and yo-yo dieting, create your own success story with golo. >> john: president biden on
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its way to texas to unveil a sweeping proposal to change the united states supreme court. a proposal that could change the u.s. constitution. >> sandra: attorney general bill barr posted an op-ed on warning if this coup succeeds the rule of law will be over. the judiciary will become little more than a political tool of whomever holds power. >> john: big news as we begin our second hour. i'm john roberts in washington. >> sandra: here we go. i'm sandra smith in new york. this is america reports. biden is calling to impose term limits on justices among other changes. reporters trying to ask him more as he left the white house but he did not come close enough to hear his answer. >> can harris be trump? can harris be trump? can you come closer sir? we can't hear you.
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can harris beat trump? >> john: chopper talk has its challenges. democrats challenge with the supreme court is going after high-profile decisions that they disagree with politically. >> our most fundamentally held freedoms are under attack from an illegitimate far right united states supreme court. >> we have a supreme court that is actively undermining our democracy. >> this court said yes, you are a king and we are the king's hand and together the seven of us will rule this country. >> sandra: fox team coverage with jonathan turley but let's get to david live in washington for us. what changes are in this proposal? >> another proposal is a constitutional amendment to change the way the court views presidential immunity. ultimately vice president kamala harris if elected would see these changes through. potentially pure and she will take on the cheers and years that come along with the proposals. the three big changes are no
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immunity for crimes of former president committed an office, term limits were supreme court justices, and a binding code of conduct for the supreme court. the first would require a change to the constitution in the form of amendment. it comes after the supreme court earlier this month ruled that former president donald trump was largely immune from prosecution and his federal trial for his alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election. biden calls him the known as above the law amendment. the second changes term limits. right now those justices enjoy a lifetime tenure. they would appoint a justice every two years. that's from the white house. a binding code of conduct for the supreme court with the word enforceable. the president says justices should not be exempt from enforceable codes of conduct. that applies to every other federal judge in the country. speaker of the house today mike johnson said it is telling
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that the democrats want to change the system that has guided our nation since its founding simply because they disagree with some of the court's recent decisions. it is a dangerous gambit of the biden-harris administration dead on arrival in the house. senator lindsey graham said the same in the senate. just because president biden and vice president harrison want to do this does not mean they will get to do this. they have just a few months left in president biden's term and this is heavy lifting as jonathan turley will tell you to even think about getting some of these things done. >> sandra: thank you very mu much. >> john: to dig deeper on this let's bring in jonathan turley. a constitutional law professor and fox news contributor. professor, joe biden had an op-ed in "the washington post" today and which he laid out these plans and part he said first i am calling for a constitutional amendment called and no one is above the law amendment. it would make clear that there is no immunity for crimes former presidents committed while in office. second we have had term limits
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for presidents for nearly 75 years we should have the same for supreme court justices. third, i am calling for a binding code of conduct for the supreme court. as david was laying out. this is going to go nowhere before the november election but it does lay down here a set of talking points that the democrats can hammer on between now and the november 5th election. >> that's right. it is crossing a rubicon and quite frankly this is one of the last rentable positions that joe biden had not compromised on. he has been long criticized for changing his principles based on polling but for over 50 years biden has refused to reform the supreme court. he has been steadfast and in the 2020 election many of us criticized him for refusing to say where he stands on court packing. but ultimately he rejected that as president. then when his nomination was
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falling apart he tried a hail mary pass to the far left. he said i will give you limits on the supreme court. it didn't work but the pledge will now outlast his presidency. and this is really quite sad and terms of that legacy because what he is suggesting here would have had dramatic impact on the court. it would cut famous liberal icons terms and half. william douglas. would've never handed down some of his most famous ruling spirit ruth bader ginsburg. all of these people would've been cut off at 18 years. for over two centuries presidents have had trouble with the courts. but they have not tried to do this. the question we have today is not whether this will pass, it won't, but what will it do, as you said, for the election. vice president harris has indicated that she might be in favor of packing the court and there are other rather extreme proposals out there.
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>> john: when you take a look at what he is proposing it requires two constitutional amendments and just to remind folks at home, those are high bars that you have to jump because it requires first of all a two-thirds vote in the house and the senate and three quarters of state legislatures must ratify. even if republicans were to lose the house and democrats were to maintain control of the senate, you will never get to two-thirds and i highly doubt you will get three quarters of the states. >> we will get more details if we are trying to do the court term limits legislatively or by constitutional amendment. but either one will be a dead letter. it's also a bad idea. many of the justices that are the most renowned in our history really came into their own. they reached that critical mass of their opinions after 18 years. but if you take a look at what this would do, it's no accident
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that the three justices who would be kicked off happened to be conservatives starting with clarence thomas. unlike the president, those justices have not had questions raised about their ability to do the job. but they would be forced off the court nonetheless. >> john: again, it is highly unlikely that this will go anywhere before biden ends his term but who knows where it might go afterward depending on how the election shapes out. professor, good to talk to. thank you very much. >> thank you john. >> sandra: three people shot overnight in a city run migrant sensor on new york city's randles islands. over in san antonio, texas, and illegal migrants shot a police officer during a confrontation there as a violent migrant crime like this continues to grow many are left wondering when is enough enough? madison scarpino life with more on that. is that police officer going to be okay first of all?
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>> that san antonio police officer was shot multiple times. thankfully she is expected to survive after going through surgery. this all started with a domestic call early sunday morning. law enforcement sources say that the suspect is a venezuelan migrant. he was lying in bed with a rifle and when police arrived they say he began shooting at officers. the 25-year-old migrant is dead. according to sources, he legally crossed the border last year. he was caught by border patrol and released into the u.s. early this morning here near newark city a 44-year-old woman was killed after she was shot in the face and back near a randle. it's unclear of everyone involved are migrants or if this was connected to the shelter but there've been several instances of violence surrounding that particular migrant shelter.
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just last month police say a 25-year-old was stabbed in the shoulder by two migrants. an april the nypd says a migrant was attacked in his bed by five men at the shelter. the security guard was also injured. new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis fears that these attacks are becoming all too common. >> we are spending billions and billions of dollars in this city to house these individuals who are wreaking havoc. it's not just these murders and shootings and stabbings. there are criminal crimes breeds that are happening place. robbery sprees. >> the randles island migrant shelter is one of several shelters with a clear free. was proposed by eric adams in response to violence and noise complaints. >> sandra: madison scarpino on this. thank you. >> john: house leaders announced a members of a bipartisan task force to investigate the trump
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assassination attempt. was on the task force plus that spirit >> i think we are being kind and gracious by just calling it weird and frankly j.d. vance is it pretty. >> sandra: this is the new democrat attack on republicans. it's their strategy. calling them weird. is it working? outnumbered host kayleigh mcenany will join us after thesn break. dean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. you didn't live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have
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lyles will need a good leg here. can he deliver? here comes the pass! look at this kid! coming in tight on the line. team usa, what a run! it's gold for team usa. noah lyles with another gold medal. in case there was any doubt, who was the breakout star
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of these world championships. >> sandra: all right. there is new messaging from the democrats. and it's calling republicans weird. we are hearing more and more of it and it has shifted the attack against former president trump and j.d. vance from threats to democracy to just weird.
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>> these are weird people on the other side. they want to take books away and be in your exam room. we are using this fake living room to talk to you about a super weird idea from j.d. vance. >> we can't even go to thanksgiving dinner with our uncle because you end up in some weird fight that's unnecessary. and i'm bringing people together. it's true. they are just weird. >> just weird. the messaging has clearly caught on with the party. the democratic governors using the phrasing on x. kayleigh mcenany is here to weigh in. i don't know. is this effective? this was the view ladies explaining why republicans are weird for attacking kamala harris. >> on the other side you have these weird men because they are weird. and don't complain that we are calling you weird to because you have attacked her on her dating history.
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you have called her a dei hire. you said everything she has gotten because it's her gender and her skin color. you have called her all sorts of her name so we are being kind and gracious by just calling you weird. >> your thoughts kaylee? >> i love footnotes on what ana navarro said. i'm so in that believes and facts figures and data and i don't know if trump us at any of those things. i don't know what she is reading. some blog somewhere but she needs to get her facts right. they must've poll tested this and they must have focus group tested this in some way, shape, or form and it is clearly designed to appeal to gen z, a group that kamala harris appears quite keen on trying to win. that's why she has tiktok messages out there and she's doing videos. she joined it tiktok a few days ago. maybe there is something in the data that this appeals to gen z but if i was on the trump vance campaign i would turn it around and say what you call we are to many americans call common
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sense. "washington post" poll last year showed 77% of people don't think you should be talking about trans issues and kindergarten through third grade education. they are common sense issues. turn it around and message back on policy and that is a winning place to be. >> sandra: there is a growing chorus of democrats with this attack and the latest is hillary clinton. a few moments ago she posted this to x. if republican leaders don't enjoy being called weird, creepy, and controlling, they could try not being weird, creepy, and controlling. j.d. vance has now responded to these weird allegations here and he so during a aside with our madison alworth yesterday in minnesota. watch. >> it doesn't hurt my feelings. the price of admission, meaning the price of getting to serve the people of this country is the democrats will attack us with everything that they have. i think it's an honor. >> sandra: there's been a series of tweets from which vance and john jr. doing this.
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this is the tweet. j.d. vance is weird with this video attached. >> my pronouns are she/her/hers. >> mind to. >> and don jr. with a very similar tweets. j.d. vance is weird. team kamala harris. is this just giving republicans an opportunity to come right back at her with things like that? >> those last two are leaning into cultural issues which can favor republicans. i mention that poll. i go back and watch it. "washington post" last year. the vast majority of americans do not believe biological men should be competing in women's sports. when message the right way, i think you can flip it around but the sign hanging out of the
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campaign headquarters should be policy policy policy. democrats, this is what they have. you are hearing it from hillary clinton. you just played it. kamala harris is leaning into it. tim walz, a potential vp candidate. policy policy policy our own fox news poll shows trump with a lead on the issue of immigration by 30 points. trump with the lead on the issue of economy by 80 points in key swing states. policy policy policy. go say weird and we will go back to policy. that is a formula for victory. as jason miller from the trump campaign. especially as they struggle to find the next gear for op ads. they don't pop up organically with the attachment opinion kamala harris is often mocked. speaking style is the strongest tool in her arsenal. to your point when they put policy on the record with kamala harris and her track record as vice president, she
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seems to run away from that. so far in her candidacy. she will be tested on things like the economy and immigration. final thoughts. >> that's right. and i mentioned this in january. i think kamala harris went to media trading pit she speaks very differently now than she did three years ago so one thing i would say is playing some of the comments of her verbal slippages from earlier in the term may be setting a low bar for her to hop over in a potential debate so go to policy. there is ample, ample activity there. focus on the big word, policy. >> always great to talk to kaylee. good to have you on. >> john: a fox news alert from northwest england where police say two children are dead and nine people injured in a stabbing at a dance class. he is live in our london bureau. greg appeared >> a horrendous, horrendous criminal act in the northwest of england. not forward from liverpool on
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the coast here. we are now learning about a press conference with local police there. two children have died in a stabbing attack. nine are injured. of those, six critically injured as well as to adults critically injured as well. it turns out according to the police that a 17-year-old man walked in with a knife to a community center. they were having a party during the day. a taylor swift dance festival for the young children and then he started stabbing and stabbing and stabbing. people say that for each child, they had two, three, four stab wounds that were visible. blood everywhere. parents were with these children and they were trying to protect the children and that is how some of them got injured as well. again, this is stabbing. this is not a shooting.
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stabbing accounts for something like 40% of the lethal incidents, criminal acts in this country. and that is what happened today. prime minister has reacted to this and he has called it absolutely horrendous. and deeply shocking. of course, the police are investigating this thoroughly. they say they don't yet have a motive for this. they are saying they are not treating this as terror. they are not looking at this as a terror attack but they are looking at this as absolutely horrible incident as our the local residents. southport is the town. it's on the coast and it is a suburban town. of liverpool. it is near the shoreline, near the coast. it's a bit of a summer getaway place as well.
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very calm and very peaceful at most times. in fact, one resident is quoted as saying this kind of stuff might happen, not to this extent, but might happen in a place like london or manchester. some of the big cities. in a suburban area, not seen like this at all. there were 13 ambulances brought to the scene including two air ambulances and now the children are being treated at a local hospital but that area, liverpool, the u.k., as looking at this with great shock right now. and trying to sort it all out. >> john: just terrible. greg force in london. thank you. >> sandra: so many neighbors being quoted in local reports. this never happens here. we will have more on that coming up meanwhile two of kamala harris as top choices for running mates are said to rally voters in pennsylvania but who will join her at the top of the ticket? spewing lawmakers pushing her
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with their investigation and the trump assassination attempt. we find out who is on the new house task force investigating. one of those members joins us up next. >> given all the breakdowns that went on with the security plan and the lack of preparation that went into this thing, this event should have never taken place. it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent
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it may increase the risk of infusion-related reactions and infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart hytrulo for gmg and picture your life in motion. >> sandra: welcome back both chambers of congress are pressing forward with investigations into the trump assassination attempt. the house has just announced a new bipartisan task force to investigate. one member of that task force florida congressman mike waltz is here to discuss but first wife on capitol hill with the very latest. what do they want to learn? >> good afternoon. the house voted to create the task force to investigate the shooting last week. 13 bipartisan members will investigate through early january. mike kelly shares the inquiry. the shooting went down in his
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district. the house had its big earrings last week on the shooting but the investigation pivots to the senate tomorrow. there is a joint hearing between the homeland security and judiciary committees. senators want to understand how communication between local police and the secret service broke down. that will be a primary line of questioning for acting secret service director robert rowe. local authorities are now speaking out. >> we were supposed to get a face-to-face roofing with the secret service snipers whenever they arrived and it never happened. so i think that was probably a pivotal point where i started thinking things were wrong because that never happened and we had no communication with the secret service. >> the office of g.o.p. senator chuck grassley acquired pictures of tax between officers on the day of the shooting. they spotted thomas crooks as early as 4:26 p.m. that saturday.
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one counter sniper even took pictures of crooks. >> even though the outcome was not as catastrophic in as in the case of jfk or rfk or reagan, you can argue this is a much bigger failure in none of those cases was there 90 minutes of warning about specific threats from multiple officers with text messages and photographs. >> the fbi wants to know how crooks concealed his weapon until moments before the shooting. the fed say he went to a shooting range the day before the rally. the fbi believes he used the same weapon at the range and at the rally. >> sandra: chad pergram on those details. thank you. john. >> john: let's bring in florida congressman michael waltz. a member of the bipartisan task force on the trump assassination attempt. congressman, good to talk to you. how is this going to work? will it be a series of public hearings? will it be behind closed or deposition or a combination of
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the two? >> i would expect to be in all of the above approach to get to the bottom of this. i want to give speaker johnson real credit for really getting after this in an aggressive way and in a bipartisan way. in my mind, it is really threefold. number one, what i've been saying since day one and many others that the chore trump protective detail has been desperate for more resources given his activity, given the threats, given the nature of who president trump is as a candidate. bucket two is what happened that day and clearly the breakdowns that occurred between local law enforcement and secret service and the advance of the site beforehand and thirdly i think there is a broader issue of resources and foreign threats. for example we know former national security advisor robert
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o'brien had his detail pulled while there is active of assassination attempts against not just president trump but a whole slew of others. there is a lot for us to get to the bottom of it. you have my orca's and former director cheadle saying nothing to see here. >> john: i don't think you can see it but we have an amazing drone's eye view of the site and that last building in the foreground, that last roof just off to the left-hand side of that roof is where the shooter took aim and you can kind of see from there that the view of the sniper team would've been obstructed by that one tree. you can see the line of sight that the shooter had on the former president. our graphic artists have put together this animation that i want to bring up because it gives you the shooter exacts position. there you see in graphic form what you just solved by drunkard were trump was on the podium, there's the secret service
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sniper team number one on the close roof there. obstructed by the tree and then the sniper team number two and the overall view there. the shooter appeared all the way along to be one step ahead of the secret service and that is either highly unusual or it has happened before but the secret service just got lucky. >> either way, it was a significant massive failure and breakdown and i for one don't see how the shooter had a multiple overseas encrypted accounts that we still don't know anything about. reconnaissance the site multiple times in the day prior. made such an incredible shot which would have hit but by the grace of god trump turned his head appeared they had a remote detonator for ids for some
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type of secondary effect of a two car bomb. if he did all of this on his own, which is the initial line of the secret service, i would be shocked. my suspicion, i don't know this which is why we need to get to the bottom of his that he had some kind of help. >> john: when you take a look at text messages from the beaver county s.w.a.t. team who had eyes on this guy, it paints a picture of communication breakdown. this one sniper texts out a picture of him hanging around a building. he said kids learning around a building. i think you meant to write lurking. agr believe it is. i believe i saw him with a range finder looking toward the stage fyi. if you want to notify secret service snipers to look out, i lost sight of him. also bike with backpacks in the rear of the building that was not seen earlier.
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call into command and have a uniform. check it out. that was almost 30 minutes before trump took the stage and more than 30 minutes before the shots rang out. how was it that this guy was not found and how is it that with this alert that went out, trump was ever allowed to get up on the stage? >> right. a multistory building that was outside the perimeter and not fully cleared and not guarded with what the service calls post standards which should have been secret service agents and were those requested? were they denied? why were 12 sent to dr. joel's event but only three from the local field office were sent to this event given the heightened threat standard? how does the secret service define suspicious versus active threat and why was there such a breakdown between local law enforcement and the communication of getting over to
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core detail so that president trump could be prevented from going out or pulled immediately. not a lot to get to the bottom . >> john: targeting the 13th of december for the final report? >> that's right. a report in december and we will see what legislation is needed. what reforms are clearly needed to come from that. >> john: you have a lot of work to do. congressman, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. and now this. >> status quo thinking has been you get more safety by putting more cops on the street. that's wrong. >> sandra: that was kamala harris in 2020. the height of the blm protest paired civil attorney leo terre. will react just ahead. pp. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday.
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>> john: vice president harris touting her record as a tough prosecutor but you may remember that she helped raise money back in 2022 bailout protesters who rioted after george floyd's death. civil rights attorney leo terrel is here coming up next but first a mike tobin live in chicago with more on this. mike. >> as you mention when the george floyd riots exploded kamala harris made the decision to publicly support the minnesota freedom fund. money rolled in and people got hurt. as minneapolis burned celebrities and some high profile politicians got behind the freedom fund. at that time the fund bailout protesters. kamala harris was one of the public supported spirit she tweeted if you are able to, chip and now to minnesota freedom fund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in minnesota. she wrote that on facebook. the minnesota freedom fund sought donations increase almost 18000%. they jumped from a $230,000
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charity 241 million. they began posting bail for more suspects and posting more expensive bonds for serious crime spread the director of the fund boasted that he didn't even consider if the suspect was harmful. >> i often don't even look at a charge specifics when i bail someone out. i will see it after i pay the bail because that's not the point. it is not the point. the point is the system we are fighting. >> people bailed out by the fund included sean michael tillman. ballot by the freedom fun and allegedly killed a light rail station worker in minneapolis. george howard bailed out by the same fund shot and killed damien martin ortiz, a crime for which he is pleaded guilty. >> he went in front of a camera and said their policies. they going to pick file numbers. that's a game of criminal russian roulette. >> the minnesota freedom fund and the harris campaign say the support she landed to that fund
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was limited to the tweet. there is no record of her giving them any money. >> john: mike, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: let's bring in leo terrel. leo, great to have you on. how will kamala harris be tested on this issue? >> very well. thank you for this question sandra because there is video. if i was presenting a case to you as a judge there is overwhelming evidence. she is not only supporting the freedom fund. i lived in california. i remembered her when she was district attorney and attorney general. she supported defunding the police. she basically denied a death penalty case where a cop killer had the opportunity to be eligible for an opportunity and she said no. even dianne feinstein was upset. the police union was upset. she wrote the language with prop 47. we would know about prop 47 because fox news talks about all
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the time. individuals are let go and felonies are committed to a misdemeanor if the theft is less than $950. she is not good for society for law and order. >> sandra: this leaves an opening for the trump campaign which is highlighting the criminals that have been helped by the minnesota freedom fund. listen. >> donica floyd is charged with second-degree murder for stabbing a friend to death and she got out of jail. a twice convicted currently charged with kidnapping and sexual assault and he walks out to. >> that's a campaign ad but we are hearing from a former president himself. this was a saturday rally in minnesota. listen. >> she donated to the freedom fun helping raise $35 million to set loose violent defenders after they shot at police, looted your stores, sexually assaulted innocent victims and committed all sorts
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of other heinous crimes. >> sandra: will this be seen as a good strategy on the part of trump to go after her on t this? >> a perfect strategy because that is what she is. she has a progressive district attorney. a progressive attorney general and she is a progressive vice president who wants to be president. the bottom line is this. she basically does not support law and order. the trump team is going to tell the american people look at her record. she is radical and i will tell you right now. let me give you another piece of information. she supported george has gone for district attorney. does that ring a bell? yes. because kamala harris is basically a founding member of the progressive district attorney society. she has been at this for 20 years and what you see is a reflection of what she will do if she, god forbid, became president. >> sandra: if you look at where voters are on the issue of crime and whether or not criminals are held accountable,
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more than 60% of voters according to peer researchers believe that the criminal justice system in the united states is not tough enough on criminals. obviously this has been a big a winning issue for the former president donald trump to go tough on crime. final thought. >> final thought is i and 40 million californians have been victims of kamala harris says policies. and i have news for you. her policies have left a lasting negative imprint. and if you look at it, and other progressive cities and states like chicago, like new york, lake philadelphia. it is called a pattern of practice of progressive liberals who do not believe in law and order and who support basically eliminating the criminal justice system. >> sandra: leo terrel, good to have you one. thank you very much sir. >> thank you for having me. >> sandra: it's interesting when the president was asked about kamala harris' track record.
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he reference back to her time before she was vp and why he selected her for the job initially. you go back to her track record in california. it will be tested, it will be questioned. when it comes to minnesota bail reform, this is a huge one. you look at what happened with crime in this country. spew and iron member we had richard fowler on. he went through the litany of experiences that she had prior to 2020 when she flamed out as a candidate before the primary. we will see if that catches fire on the upcoming presidential election or if the same thing happens to her this year. >> sandra: sure will. >> john: gretchen whitmer headed to pennsylvania today to help vice president harris as the church were vp continues. brian?
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>> pennsylvania's governor josh shapiro has of specially sharpened his attacks against former president trump going to a familiar playbook. abortion. why some republicans it view him as the most formidable vp pick for harris. coming up next. - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable.
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>> john: vice president harris of search for a running mate continues. governors josh shapiro of pennsylvania and gretchen whitmer of michigan will be headlining a rally outside of philadelphia. both are reportedly in the running but weber has said she is not interested. brianna says live pennsylvania. what do we expect to hear today? >> at 4:30 today we expect to hear both governor shapiro and wittner go after former president trump on this issue of freedoms. they will frame this as trump being someone who can take away some of your freedoms. particularly when it comes to abortion, reproductive freedom or rights. on this case all eyes are going to be on governor shapiro after michigan's governor gretchen whitmer earlier today said she will stay in office as governor and finish her term she is not being vetted by the harris team to be vp.
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all eyes today are going to be on the fact that the reality is earlier today governor shapiro blamed trump for iowa's six-week abortion ban that goes into effect today posting that spirit "another abortion ban brought to you by donald trump. we cannot let him back in the white house and we must restore every woman's freedom to choose. here was shapiro over the weekend. >> make no mistake. if we give donald trump the keys to the white house again, he and his running mate will try to pass a national abortion ban. we can't let them and kamala harris won't. >> this is his third harris event since friday. pennsylvania is seen as a must-win state for democrats appeared some republicans it view shapiro as the most formidable vp pick. he has won three statewide elections campaigning as a moderate democrat, a tough on crime former attorney general. he has pro-school voucher and he
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is a jewish governor who stands with israel. fox news poll's show shapiro could make all the difference for harris. we are receiving a 61% favorable rating in pennsylvania which is higher than harris or trump. the poll finds that in a hypothetical matchup in pennsylvania, harris and trump are tied but shapiro, he beats trump by ten points. but there are some concerns when it comes to his pro-israel stance appeared for instance the group no cease-fire, no vote here in pennsylvania said they will not support a harris shapiro ticket unless shapiro completely ends his unconditional support for israel's. we will see whether or not his stance will bring in more moderate voters or alienate too many progressive voters. john. >> john: and then there is michigan and concerns among arab and muslim americans that he was one of the first people to criticize the anti-israel protests on campus. that might turn off the arab and muslim american vote. we will see.
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enjoy the rally. we will get back to you later on. sat t this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? ughh. miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. free your gut and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try mirafiber gummies. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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a look at dollywood joan i know you've been there some flash flooding after torrential rains. this is a look at pigeon forge tennessee just an unbelievable amount of damage that we pray for those folks affected by that. >> john: yes, we were there it had not rained for a while it was pretty hot as well. but to see those folks waiting around in knee-deep almost hip deep water in some cases you've got to thank it's long to damage to the park as well and some buildings in lower lying areas hopefully they will get it cleared up soon. >> sandra: rh on for to be with you thank you for joining us everyone. >> john: i'm john roberts. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith the story with martha maccallum begins now. >> martha: thank you john and sandra good afternoon everyone i'm martha maccallum and this is the story. and what may become 1 of


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