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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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four byron is holding onto is a piece. is like the old daze, emily dating myself, holding up the air he's, what is that? [laughter] i'm sorry. that's okay, it up. you look cooler like that. but to mean, look, i'm going for long time, with me comes across as very confident, and he knows how important this is, this moment. really quick. >> well, you know, this one was speaking privately to donald trump is he sounds extremely reasonable, almost all of the time. and clearly, you spoke for millions of americans when he was talking about what happened at the opening ceremony in the olympics. they agree with that. so it's quite reasonable. >> laura: this is common sense stuff, guys. charlie and byron, wait to see you both. and let your peace is holding on, byron. we have more with two -- >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters "primetime,"
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tonight... >> that's kamala harris getting an arrest change the equation? >> if we -- america is done for. >> jesse: what this kamala harris thing is all about. >> ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> you are not mitigation with the secret service at all on that saturday? >> until after the shooting. >> and by then. >> it was too late. >> jesse: the secret service almost got trump killed. why? >> pay or by reorganizing this -- is to show folks that it's okay to support the vice president. >> jesse: democrats targeting the white vote. interesting earmark plus... trump is facing off against kamala harris who are you voting for? >> none of y'all. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: in washington dc, the words president kamala harris used to be an inside
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joke. last year, party kingmakers tried peeling off the ticket. the headlines were everywhere. democrats shouldn't ditch joe biden, they should replace kamala harris. the case for biden to drop kamala harris. for the country was not say that vice president harris should step aside. the kamala cool -- purple stock had quit and they were leaking she was the soul destroying boss and a bully. biden was not a problem. kamala was. high-level democrats had to rally across an 82-year-old joe biden because they feared the nomination of kamala harris. joe biden was fighting father tom schwab time because he was considered kamala would not be able to be trump. last, kamala survived her coup and joe didn't. but joe had the last laugh. investigative journalist cy hirsch that obama dangled the 25th amendment over biden' had to get him to step down. no fox says -- couldn't
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confirm that but sources close to the biden family say joe gave barack one big f. you. if i'm out, then i'm endorsing kamala is what biden said. and barack' is fuming. sources to the post that obama knows she can't win and is serious that thanks haven't gone his way. he wanted an open primary. but biden back the party in the corner and jammed barack which is why his endorsement video was not ready. became almost a week later. so what is the -- what does the left to wonder about blues? lie. they want you to believe the woman they tried to fire is giving trump fits. because she's the next obama. >> what he seize in harris' right is that she's becoming a cultural phenomenon. and i think that is very difficult for him to process and deal with because it can be very politically impo important. >> jesse: the celebrity president with a mug shot and he appears by assassin's
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bullet isn't the cultural phenomenon in the race. is kamala. the pantsuit messiah. mcgrath say she is potentially obama on ster steroids. [laughter] in new york magazine says welcome to cut -- camelot. there's an actual canopy in the race and the giving kamala the camelot cover story grandmother using the same special effects for kamala that used to disguise biden and they're calling it momentum. but in brand-new poles trump is beating her in arizona, pennsylvania, michigan, they got -- so is kamala harris making any one change their votes? black man said no. >> how many of you know a black man who has expressed to you that they're committed to voting for donald trump? for the brothers who have told you that, have said that you, as the emergence of
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kamala harris change that? >> now. >> jesse: same news -- voters aren't buying it. let's hear from some white guys in michigan. >> this kamala harris getting in the race changed the equation at all for you -- either of you? >> change it? it ruins that. if she gets and backward do done. >> america is done for. >> jesse: is it and what cnn and must be -- msnbc is inspecting but she's got to have the ladies on her side, right? miranda devine in the new york post as this echo she has achieved nothing on me merit. every plum job has been handed to her by a powerful man. she's a man's woman. every woman knows the type and instinctively does not trust her. everything about her drips with insincerity." democrats can try to rebrand kamala but the biden record herds pegboard and -- broken
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burger, crippling inflation, two proxy wars. and voters are already -- defined the police, abolish ice, the criminalize border crossings, binational gas exploration, that's kamala harris. is on tape. she campaign on getting rid of private health insurance. she's into slavery reparations. the woman wants government run daycare, literally that any state. if you have a baby, handed to the government. the government raises it for you. touching. that will be $2 trillion. we can't afford kamala har harris. she is a dangerous marxist who wants to turn america into san francisco. but they're making her in to a mythical figure and hiding her record like they had biden. so how do they distract us from talking about her record? there accusing j.d. vance of having sex with a couch. not on a couch. with a couch. is overthink to do. another calling him weird.
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>> i don't think kamala harris is going to bring anyone as weird and creepy as j.d. vance. >> frankly, j.d. vance cannot just dump vans, is pretty weird. >> it's not just a weird style that he brings, if this leads to weird policies. >> they're just weird. >> none from an israel running mate. >> more extreme, more weird, more radical. >> the agenda, the way they talk to people, the way they address people, it's bizarre and it's weird. it is weird. >> is just -- [laughter] >> i mean that is weird. >> jesse: democrats made up a story about j.d. vance having sex with a couch and called him weird 150 times this weekend, to go to talk about the economy. the biden-harris white house has -- no one had sex with a couch but they're pretty
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weird. >> are you ready? >> yes, i'm ready. >> jesse: the only way kamala harris even has a chance of winning is if she differentiates herself from biden. she can't run as just sidekick. the country wants change, not four more years. and after russia, covid and the biden cover up, america's season bets by now. we vote -- known by the hoaxes and leave the height anymore. our eyes are wide open. and if you're going to use someone of having sex with a couch, you better have video. value payment -- my mom, regular, she called me and says jessie, you're underestimating her. she's a threat, she going to be trump or mack don't do it. don't fall for it. am i wrong? am i taking her neck seriously enough?
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>> i think you ought to listen to your mom. first of all is good to see you back, i'm glad you're doing better. >> jesse: thank you. >> the part about opposition is you can never and estimate your opponent, $20 million there is an the strategy they're going to get is when they make you change your game plan. and that is what they're trying to do to trump. that's the part that trump not for and tried to give it to her and much of a way. here's what i mean by it. the going to try to educate, educate, educate, educate, educate. why? because of the rnc,. >> gave a speech of seeing -- the team count in a way to unify and didn't -- and they've never seen a truck like that before. it's like who is that person? that's what happens when you have a close call and all of a sudden all of these things are happening in for marcus rather than whenever he's threatening -- attack, attack -- it only needs to because when you put resume to res
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resume, kamala isn't 11,000th of a resume of what president. >> has done. they're going to try to make the american people believe that she's done more things then trump, but trump just have to stick to his resume and not allow any of the stuff to bother her -- or bother him and if it is that he's going to win by a landslide. >> jesse: i agree. he is a gentle giant, and kind of almost soars over the bs and doesn't even pay much attention to it, to linger in the weeds with it, he say its a landslide earmark the problem you're saying is here to get sucked in to the gutter, and that's what they wanted him to do during the debate. remember, biden was supposed to inflame him, get from back to calm -- call him a dictator and a rapist and from was smooth. and decimated joe biden. you think trump runs the risk of being dated by kamala and the media? >> absolutely. and reason for that is because there are certain
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people in the world that they can't help but to fight. the natural fighters. when you come up in the streets of new york winning in real estate, everyday is a fight. when you come up in media and you trying to put up a show in your number 1 for 15 ye years, it's a fight. when you come up politics to become a president and all these things come about you rumors russia all these -- it's a fight. 's been fighting his entire life, so tell a seven to 8-year-old man when he fights, everything is about winning, hey, listen pump the brakes when they educate you and take shots, would you think you are? -- that's the tough part but for me it's a resume to resume and certain things as a tough guy you don't need to right -- that your generals do the fighting with a 98%, pick the one -- go after them. but not everybody else. i don't know if he's going to do that or not because the other challenge to be thinking about.
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sometimes in your own community you can be given a speech in your audience you're speaking to in front of you, are all okay, yeah, go after them! don't be nice! don't do this and don't do that! that's exactly what you do. you're not converting anybody. you arty have their vote. you need to get the independence to say this is a different man. i like him. albot for him. peter thiel, j.d. vance, i like him, this could make me want to support him. you're not -- every time he speaks he needs to realize, you not talking to maga. you already have them. you're talking independence, like, needs to be an information on the phone and everybody around him, like, just market -- and say, hey, you're not as important as you think you are, samedy needs to whisper to him right before he hits the stage remember you're trying to win over independence, not maga. you are you won them over, when over independence. this will -- he does not, you leatta 47 president again. >> jesse: -- in the
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background. i think someone should whisper in his ear, don't play to the crowd because you're right, is as impatient as an indicator because that's his core what he was for many, many years on nbc, to get the crowd going and get that action going that is not what the camera watched. the camera you're speaking to the nation, and he didn't have to remind himself that if someone else isn't going to do that -- here he is with laura ingram just moments ago he was asked about kamala harris. let's ask -- see if he was as disciplined as he eusanio to be. watch. >> mr. trump: everybody knows who i am and now people know who she is. is a radical left lunatic, she'll destroy our country, short open borders. but because there really know everything. she wants to define our police. she wants to obey -- she wants no cash -- you call somebody and were going to release you immediately, they call it cash less -- dash -- cashless. by the way this has been a horrible thing for our country. this has been what i just
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said. but we know where she is. showing high taxes. >> jesse: how would you assess that come on harriet -- harris attack there? >> look i've been grading content since 2000 and, you know, 2012-2013. sometimes, i've taken 90 day breaks. of dundas street times. reason for it was because i was no longer come to the other audience warily before. it was no longer fun. it was a grind and the audience can tell on your face my suggestion, that look lazy trump. [applause] space, is back to the grind phase. and the bitch 2016-20 -- listen to the way he spoke when he was telling the dream cell how amazing of a job we were doing under your ministration, shall be on how my dreams can become a reality where max domi was going to happen when we get the money to go back to parkinson's of the government quappelle me on that concept, tell me the dream ten max domi america.
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i think you need to go back to her because he needs to almost go back and listen to this rnc speech himself, nobody is around, in the bathroom, put up the phone and just listen how amazing you were, that person at the rnc, nobody can beat. i've said this on a tweet. i said "obama and his peak clinton at his peak cannot be president from back on the way he was at the rnc." they cannot -- what if because they were divided behind closed -- however to beat this guy? this one -- my opinion, and now i get a lot of text, he have no clue you're talking about and who the hell do you think you are? i totally get it, i'm giving my feedback, i may be wrong with the way he spoke at the rnc, you won millions of people who never thought about voting for him. that's a president that can win. >> jesse: because he almost seemed -- seem god. he had almost gone to heaven. anyone that has a moment like that and is that close to
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another world, you're going to hear, in your captivated by that, and he captivated the entire world for about 20 minutes and then he rips. and you can stay in that zone that kind of grandfatherly gorgeous above it all zone and sell the american dream, she's going to destroy the american dream, i'm going to give you the american dream, that on point. patrick bet-david and marketing you should just work for the campaign. and i think i need a 90 day break. [laughter] okay? let's do it. [laughter] i see you at fox -- lcs fart is known for that. thank you so much. >> ♪ ♪ the traumatic assassination of them is being censored by victor because it's so politically potent. you know when you're typing in a rule search and it suggests how you finish your sentence? when my -- we type in assassination attempt, trump. [applause] name does not pop up. even if you start typing his name after that, google
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suggest you search assassination attempt on truman. [laughter] google says they stand by this because they don't want to suggest bloody violence. will what about truman? google chrome's assassination attempts of truman, reagan so they're lying to you. and it's not just google. facebook censored the iconic photo of bloody trump with his fist up. they call it a doctor image. and when we say it wasn't dr david who sorry hour software glitz. when you ask facebook is max ai if the traumatic assassination is real active in how it responds. are you ready? there was no real assassination attempt on donald trump. i strive to provide accurate and reliable information but sometimes mistakes can occur to confirm there has been no credible report or evidence of a successful or attempted
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assassination on donald tr trump." facebook says the text it. what all these errors are made in the same direction. they're not even satisfied with rewriting history. they just trying to erase it. why what our government, we the people, give these monopolies this power? manon -- miranda devine is a newark post- communist, this is all happening, miranda, after the laptop, after the covert censorship. this is still happening right before our election. how? >> because they get away with it, they don't care if we see what they're doing. because they know they are so powerful. google is a 1 trillion-dollar multinational tech company, no one has control over it. you know, social media had enough power at the last election to the platform sitting presidents, donald trump.
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that was seen around the world with horror, even left this like emmanuel macron were dismayed because if these companies are so powerful that the more powerful then the most powerful politician in the world then we are in dire straits and unfortunately and sort of uplifting of democrats in that case hillbilly elegy and in this case it will become our harris covid-19 if you google donald trump right now, you will get pictures and stories of kamala harris, the traumatic assassination has
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been erased, and unfortunately, while this doesn't work on, you know, people who are against already conservative or watching fox news, reading the new york post, it does work on undecided technical information people who last election google was encouraging democrats and undecideds who lean democrat to get out to vote. but they were doing that to conservatives or people who lean conservative, so it's a really concerted effort. if anything is a threat to democracy, it's big tech's hand on a scale, them on a scale. >> jesse: and are doing on the other side, miranda. like you said, doing it with kamala. not only are they concerning -- entering the traumatic assassination search or the image with the first, the making kamala harris into -- i don't know, just walking -- george washington in the pantsuit? is not working or am i crazy?
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>> look, i mean, i think it's illusory, i think it's fleeting. every branch of the media is doing its best -- i mean, you know, new york magazine has this ridiculous front-page, this week, and it's got kamala sitting on a coconut, looking like a hero and he said camelot kamala lot or whatever, is ridiculous, they're trying to turn her into something she's not any will or -- is really a very online phenomenon. she is very unpopular. >> jesse: okay. is an online phenomenon. have to get off-line. that's what i need to do. think you much, miranda. [laughter] so what due voters think of trump. [applause] 's assassination attempt? >> donald trump was almost as isolated. going on? >> i don't know who shot you, if i don't know who shot to pack how the hell am i going to know who shot trump? >> ♪ ♪ er easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert regarding our hands on text messages from local police doing security for trump's rally in butler and the assessment was on officer's radar an hour and a half before the shots were fired. one text reads like this, "kid leaning around building where in agr i believe it is. and his team would arrange finding looking towards st stage. fyi. if you want to -- i lost sight of him." that was sent in over an hour and a half for trump was shot. added secret service response that they didn't. local law enforcement said biden's secret service never said a word to them that day. >> he was looking up and on the building and just wandering around, seemed out of place. >> we were supposed to get a
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face-to-face briefing with the secret service neighbors whenever they arrived and that never happened. so i think that that was probably a pivotal point where i started thinking things were wrong because that never happened and we have not medication with the secret service. >> you're nucleation with the secret service at all on that saturday? >> until after the shooting. >> and by then... >> it was too late. >> jesse: not at all. the locals alerted biden's secret service to a threat and got radio silence. investigators are still working to determine whether anyone related information about the suspicious person to trump's security detail or do other secret service operational teams. the locals are saying they told the secret service and the secret service is saying we don't know if they told u us. has been over two weeks and the secret service doesn't know if anybody told them what a threat at the rally. this doesn't.
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and they usually -- archive radio medications but at this rally, they didn't. why don't we know the name of biden's secret service site commander for butler, right? that man, or woman denigrated the perimeter. they didn't show up to the locals, they didn't show back tell traumatic's detail there was a threat, they didn't put congress neighbors on the roof, they missed a drone flying overhead, they were in the command center, watch post, while the shooting went down. why don't we know the name of biden's secret service i commander. former secret service agents to miller joins me know. why don't we know who that was, him? >> that's a great question, jesse, because a time for answers is now, look, this was a cascade of failures and like everything -- anything i've ever seen and was only by god's raise that donald trump is alive. it seems that every single area of the advanced -- that
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quite correctly to have been 7500 times since january, broke down. and i think you're exactly right. we need answers for what happened, why it happened and who was was possible for it. >> jesse: so if locals have an hour before saying, hey, we see this guy with a rangefinder, allows him, tell secret service, in the secret service as we don't even know if anybody told us, how is that possible in the secret service but this whole communications team together? >> jesse, i mean, these aren't rockets like it -- rocket science type -- especially between tactical teams, the fact that they weren't direct communications between the swat teams and the cs teams, is unimaginable. what if it hadn't been a 20-year-old but a coordinated attack on multiple levels? how do you communicate with the people that are actually responding? this whole thing is just amazing to me. >> jesse: and now the detail in charge of trump,
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the secret service detail in charge of trump, they don't trust the rest of the service agents. because if the service agents are not going to tell them that there's a threat so they can keep their guy off the stage, how are they supposed to protect their guy? >> that's exactly the point, jesse. you know, i think it's so sad that the really amazing men and women of the secret service out here, you know, working hard every day have been tainted by this brush. but if i was the detail and be asking the same question, hey, if we don't know if a guy with arrest -- and on a roof, if we don't know that information, how do we know anything else that's going o on? >> jesse: and they didn't breeze the locals. locals are sitting around the of the rally and are sitting there waiting for the secret service guy distraught and tell them what to do in the secret service guy displays hockey, doesn't show up, what's that about? >> yeah, and let me just be clear, i just recently talked to a swat operator who has recently worked with the
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secret service. standard protocol that they meet face-to-face ten minute talk about all kinds of contingencies. and he sure that they actually get one of their radios and they swap and get one of the secret service is radios. so that this doesn't happen. and is perplexing to me okay i mean, this is a cascade of -- and again, it's only by god's grace that donald trump is alive. >> jesse: yeah, it's an -- is alive because the secret service saved him, he survived because he's lucky and that is crazy. , kamala and white dudes. we'll be right back. >> ♪ ♪ have sal onpas. powerful yet non-addictive. targeted and long-lasting. i recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ hisamitsu ♪ (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy.
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next president of the united states." who are coming up's a method as to what america? >> he got big names are to be on the zoom call, you got david hogg who is set to be with us right now, roy cooper the former governor of north carolina -- congressman adam shift. lots of big names. >> jesse: trump has holt, kamala have me repeat. here he is at the white butte fundraiser. listen... >> i've never been totally affordable with the truth that no matter how much you believe in your policies, so much politics is just volumes. having said that end the vibes right now are incredible. my husband -- and stopped -- >> jesse: god, osha could have heard what over the weekend with his husband. and did you notice all of kamala's be piikani dates are white guys? we haven't seen a democrat
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candidate target white men like this since george wallace. there's nothing wrong with appealing to white men, the majority of the country is white. and whites kind of decide elections. we were told kamala was going to rebuild obama's rainbow coalition but now she's selling white dudes for harris adds? is covid-19 allowed to sell white dudes for trump adds? mala is not just trying to win over white dudes, she is making a play for white ladies. or camping put together a white woman fundraiser that has smoke that is being called karen's for kamala. rule number 1, listen to black women. >> bipoc women have kept us in as white women to stop us -- as white women we need to reuse our privilege to make positive changes. if you find yourself talking over or speaking for bipoc individuals or god forbid correcting them, to stay
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upbeat and instead we can put our listening ears on. use the privilege you have in order to push for a systemic change. as white people, we have a lot to learn and unlearn. >> jesse: tommy sotomayor is a radio talkshow host and i can't wait to unlearn some things, happy -- j someone finally speaking to me, a white dude, after all these years, i just feel listen to. >> i know all of the oppression that you guys have gone through when nobody would listen to you. it took a black woman with indian parents who is married to a white man -- i guess maybe she does know white dudes because she is married to him and she's raising five white children. but i think it's funny that we have the situation where this woman is able to go out and say white dudes and white women for this black -ish woman but donald trump could not say white dudes or donald
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trump. you can say white women for donald trump. each of these things would be racist and i am so shocked, jesse, because what i need you guys to do, you white men, while you're basking in the glory of her tell you guys you are wanted in the democratic party because i know you felt so left out before. >> jesse: i did. >> what i need you to do is check your liberal white ladies because they're the ones causing the problems. >> jesse: it's always the white ladies covid-19 there always the cause of every problem, we -- he just kind of talk over us. white men didn't really feel a connection to trump. it wasn't until kamala harris came along and then mayor pete jumped in. and made it okay for us white dudes and we just want the attention. we want to be spoken to and
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listen to. and unlearn thing -- things as well. >> yeah. you have to think about it. pete came in to the back door and came out just said here you go, guys, we have to make sure these white guys are listening to what i think kamala is speaking to is your love and your last four black women. she knows it. scandal new it does what it was such a great show. you guys really want black women and now kamala harris is giving you access to them. why not? about this woman in, get yourself not a chicken in every part, black a black chicken in every house. >> jesse: here's a look from talking about kamala harris and the black vote. must listen. >> mr. trump: she's worse than bernie sanders. no, she's trying to come back and got less smart i haven't seen her crazy lap that she -- she's crazy. that lap, that's the lack of a crazy person. she was a bad prosecutor, she put -- she was a prosecutor of black people, she put thousands and thousands of black people in jail over
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marijuana. but when it came to be crime, murders and everything else, she was weak. she would love to go over trump, you know, she says oh trump, trump, trump. i did nothing wrong, they did a lot wrong but i did nothing wrong. >> jesse: how do you interpret that as a black man? i know, as a white dude, just make me import for -- and convertible. >> listen, this is how interpret it. when you have a woman that tells you that she was on crime, but she was putting black men in jail for marijuana, a victimless crime, but because you know, is supposed to be my body, my choice, but it wasn't their choice to be able to smoke, but it was her choice to be able to smoke back in 86 when she was listening to biggie and tupac's album when they were both 11 years old. apparently this is something we're supposed to overlook but when isn't donald trump seriously, if there are black people out there listening, understand that this woman is making the selection about
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everything but policy. why? because she loses, -- i pray that donald trump stands in and said something about that so you white guys can be ignored the selection and what we need to do is focus on america. >> jesse: all right. and is finally glad the whites are getting the attention we've been so desperately seeking. it is about time for us, for us, tommy. >> you guys need to be stuck -- stuck in the back of the bus like you were before, nobody wants to hear from y you. we do not want to hear kamala and you guys get together. it starts. >> jesse: i know. i get back in line. i'm sorry. after unlearn these things. ninety so much. johnny hits the streets. >> know it looks like trump is going up against kamala. who are you wanting more? >> especially being like everything in one word phishing the right mind would board for carmella harris. >> ♪ ♪
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(♪) this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: prime time so had a lot of questions about what happened at a rally were trump was almost killed on live tv. secret service stonewalling. so redispatch johnny to see what questions you have.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> the look from almost assassinated at what's going on? >> [bleep] world we don't want him -- >> if i don't know who shot the park >> it was a set of if he asked me. >> what do you think happened? >> look at the footage, nothing as of. >> i don't know. minding my business. >> circuit service new the shooter was suspicious for an hour before the shooting. why didn't they do anything? >> needed something to be done so they could have a reason to attack. >> during their thumbs back i guess. >> dad, the plan. >> i'm getting to that! >> why didn't he put counter snipers up on the roof? >> because they're idiots. >> he didn't suspect anything would happen. >> that was silly. >> that was very silly. >> i wouldn't be able to tell you that. i don't know. >> haven't studied this. i don't know. >> ♪ ♪
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>> the secret services stonewalling the investigation. >> seems like a walking contradiction to me. >> eric grahn to cover it up a thing and think they have to answer for their actions. >> are you suspicious of what happened? >> %. -- all the time to take a shot off. >> i'm suspicious about everything. >> using the government is ever going to tell us the truth about what happened? >> the government we'll tell you the truth about nothing. >> about not -- >> the less you know the better for them. >> first of all is none of your business and frankly. >> before donald trump let people to spend up in the air and he said fight, fight, fight. [cheering] >> how did that make you feel? >> you never see by my doing that in a million years? you would it look good. it's a good look. >> is a power move. a love that. >> put some -- call it a day. >> president joe biden: poor donald. >> that's calling donald trump a dictator and threaten democracy put him in danger? >> one hundred%.
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>> the market is always going to be in democracy. >> president joe biden: no, no, no, no. >> trump said and inherited and properly protect him. are they to blame? >> kind of thing that. >> they're in charge of the secret service. >> reel? they have too much [bleep] to do other hand. >> have to fix inflation, the border. >> so here we are. here we are. [laughter] [cheering] here we are. >> lotto max picking against kamala." are you voting for. trump 2024, baby. >> shot had. >> of your. >> and says if you're black and you're not going for kamala your foolish. >> call me a clone. >> call me a clown's. >> president joe biden: is hard to get anywhere with this clown. >> -- >> everyone trying to say that, you know, kamala, we need a woman, i'm sorry, everyone that morning for
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kamala can even define what it woman is. kamala harris -- especially being like i don't think anyone in the right mind would vote for carmella harris. >> you know, i know -- i knew this was going to happen. >> what do you want to tell jesse watters on fox? >> vote for twomak. >> jesse watters, i love you. >> your blessed. your royalty. love you. >> jesse: more from the higher vibrational movement back next. >> ♪ ♪ did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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is not you -- you see these days. it's subtle. let's do tax. hayti from lexington, south carolina, "trick bet-david is a political genius. best advice other than your mother's. >> president joe biden:." [laughter] frenzy from -- what happens when you so if a white person doesn't vote harris then i assume they ain't white. [laughter] >> jesse: karen from kansas, "jesse, you're not you white dude. your 1% black. ." no, 0.1%.
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i'm 0 pointer 1% sub-saharan african. karen from california, "as a true karen, karen for kamala is by far the most offensive use of my name, and we remove the letters." i'm sorry your name is karen. and not for your name is karen but understory that whole parenting got your name. sarah from lynchburg, "is normal as i people burn our flag and embrace socialism and wide open borders, the let's be weird." that's make america weird again." mike from nicole brown, pennsylvania -- that can be a weird place -- related, "so vance is weird but not rachel levine or sticky samuel nelson." [laughter] roberta from pittsburgh, please, jesse, the proper term is so far, not catch." okay so he had sex with a sofa? did not have sex with a sofa. [laughter] i am watters -- >> ♪ ♪


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