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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  July 29, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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sure was before jean nelson and francis are back to say good night tactic away guys! [ ♪♪ ] thankmac thank you kat, this concludes our broadcast days. ♪ we love you and america. ♪ triples. >> trace: good evening and betrays gallagher it is 11:00 pm
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on the east coast, this is america's late news, 'fox news @ night'. breaking tonight, a brand-new democratic line of attack and it is weird, they are just weird. >> donald trump's weirdo running mate. >> plain weird. [ laughter ] >> trace: new numbers showing that cnn and msnbc use the weird talking point of more than 150 times in the last two days, common sense is more on the audit strategy. grab a handful of rice, the harris honeymoon in full swing but it for a -- predicting a little love on the rocks as momentum dwindles and trump's steady lead does not appear to be leading up. kevin corke is live in dc with more on that. >> could evening trays, people a certain age will remember that keep america beautiful
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commercial back from 1971, when a native american man of looking at trash left by others including some left at his feet sheds a tier of sadness. it was meant for us to take a look at ourselves and our role in keeping america clean and it worked for a while, which is why what you are hearing think now with the legacy media championing the kamala harris the conqueror storyline is a powerful, it works for a while. stands the push to frame jd vance as weird good work for a while, as he noted, pointed out that cnn and msnbc have used that line more than 150 times between them and just the past two days, clearly that marching orders have been received. given it as lanes and areas has running mate has endured over the last nine years, mr. jd vance thinks he will manage just fine you and it does not hurt my
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feelings, the price of getting to serve the people of your country, of the democrats will attack with everything they have is an honor be when it may seem like an honor now but as you know reputations take years to build and sometimes an instant to destroy. and some of mr. vance's past comments are used to chip away at that. >> trace: kevin, thank you. [ ♪♪ ] the fox news and a commonsense department is assured that his cnn, msnbc and much of the liberal media god that weird memo, jd vance and the drumbeat vance to cater to be referred to as a weird. in the past 48 hours, cnn and msnbc have called trump and van zyl weird 150 times, 528 times in the past two weeks. the harris campaign calling them a weird repeatedly its campaign releases. common sense of wonders if trump
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is now weird guy gets you no longer a threat to democracy, no longer hitler? no longer colluding with russia, no longer pushing the bleach as a remedy? did those labels expire or did they not work? the weird thing is, the weird labeling does not come with examples ask of that jd vance has "weird fixation with the diet mountain dew" pier mac way jackets guided the economy, the border and crime are still top issues, diet mountain dew somewhere down the list. did you see opening to say monies at the paris olympics and trump is weird? heavy watch people margin call for the death of an entire race and jd vance is weird? common sense things in 2024th, of the world is replete with oddities and calling it weird because they have no platform is to steal a word, weird... let's bring in steamboat institute fellow exmac and
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journalist batya ungar-sargon here is a weird montage, i will get your comments. >> addressing kamala harris will pick anybody as weird and creepy as jd vance. >> jd vance is pretty weird. >> the agenda, the way they talk to people, the way they address people is bizarre. it's weird, it is weird. >> trace: we could have played this montage for 30 minutes that's how many times they set it in the past recent days but you get the point, they got the talking points. >> this coming from the party that had a white dudes for kamala harris event is pretty rich, it makes me miss the talking point, they should bring that about. interesting and this is a line of attack they are using specifically on jd vance, the fact is he is such a normal guy, a guy from a rural ohio, working-class background, loves his family and once other
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americans to do the same, this is all they have to throw at him, vibes and weirdness or whatever they're calling it? it shows they are threatened about -- by what he represents, i think of my own family who think they find a lot of common with jd vance and don't think he's weird at all. >> trace: that is the whole thing, they started out with jd vance, hearing gretchen in that last now to bite, trump and jd vance of the whole ticket is now weird? democratic strategists say the following "voters have bigger fish to fight and weirdness, they want discussions about the things affecting their lives and i think calling each other weird is small potatoes and meaningless" is that a good point? >> it let me explain to you and your viewers why they are using it as a weird language, if you look at donald trump and jd vance just on a policy, okay,, every issue that donald trump is running on has 65 percent or
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more support among the american people. he supports abortion up to 15 weeks like 65 percent of americans, supports gay marriage like 65 percent of americans, supports unions like 65 percent of americans. he supports mass deportations like 65 percent of americans. this is a man whose platform reflects where the vast, moderate, middle of america's at, okay? that is why they have to smear him as a fascist or weird because the democrats no longer speak to where the average american is at. they have to say that because just like caleigh said, they think that a average americans are weird, right? that is who donald trump is speaking to do. >> trace: foxbusiness writes the following "google feature and made it search results for the failed donald trump assassination shows the search results for the field assassination of ronald reagan,
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whose death sparked world war i and the shooting of bob marley and the failed attempt on donald trump". talk about this scale, feels that we are back in 2020. >> it does, it is so obvious they want to the public to move on from the trump assassination attempt, feels like it was a couple of weeks ago yet cnn, msnbc are completely oblivious to the consequences of what happened. that is because it think of any vote -- voters it was a watershed moment, even my own reaction how i started rethinking everything i believed about donald trump seeing his reaction. that is a threat to democratic control this november, they want to push it under the rug and never speak about it again. >> trace: google statement on this by the way was we are working on improvements to ensure our systems are more up-to-date, think they are still working on the hunter biden laptop, they should be done any day now, you have about 30 seconds. >> my reaction to this was just
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like yours, let's -- we're back in 2016! you know what happened in 2016? and raegan people had a say in our democracy worked, people showed up and vote, that is what happens. >> trace: already, batya ungar-sargon, kaylee mcghee white, thank you. hours -- >> commentator: trying to peters of is a tough on crime prosecutor but her past actions do not match, she raised money to bail out criminals who committed deadly crimes it? good evening get. >> i was part of the faulks crew that spend weeks on the ground covering the fiery george floyd potus in minneapolis in 2020, it was pure destruction and lawlessness, entire stores burned to the ground, businesses were smashed and alluded. minneapolis even surrendered an entire police precinct to the anti- america protesters, some of these writers were domestic terrorists who deserved
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punishment. however at the time kamala harris instead urged americans to bail out these criminal riders, tweeting, if you are able to chip in now to the minnesota free them funded to help posted bail for those protesting on the ground in minnesota. afterwards, donations towards the freedom fund drum from $230,000, then $41 million. the organization bailed out a out of suspects and posted expensive bonds for serious crimes. the director of the fonda even said that he was not checking what types of crimes suspects were being booked for. >> i often don't even look at our charger specific is when i bail somebody out, a seat after i pay the bail because it's not the point? it's all the point. the point is the system we are fighting. >> in the minnesota freedom fund bailed on one demonstrator who later shot and killed for which he has pleaded guilty, over the next hundred days you can expect kamala harris to be curled on her for this fund.
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>> trace: magic, thank you. let's bring into the author of a new book progressively worse, joe concha and jessica anderson. i just got used to this, they have a new book out here! very prolific my friend. the federalist writes this, "cbs denies come" raised money bail out of blm riders, and. >> commentator: fundraising for criminal riders in 2022 the growing list of items that the media is eager to lie about ". she absently asked her support as to chip in, and they say she did not get joe, come on! >> thank you. [ chuckling ] it is the cheap fake videos all over again. it is literally at tweety from kamala harris that is still up on x. as we speak asking people to donate money to this fund? they are telling you that what you saw and what you see right now does not exist, eight does
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not really reflect reality in any way, shape, or form, and the good news is i guess if you are looking for truth in the situation, well, the messenger in this case the media is as trusted as a gas station sushi. so they can keep telling us that things that exist don't exist! and expects to be respected or trusted. >> trace: jessica, the free beacon headline is as, kamala harris is still raising money because as it joe said to the tweet is still up there for freedom funds about stink murderers and rapists out of jail. i mean come on, and of the media said she did not donate money is what they are trying to say, now, she put her -- your thoughts? >> absolutely trays, this is a huge problem. we have seen it from the media time and time again, they are now unofficial arm of the democratic party. their goal is to wipe our memory of the policy record she has
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going back all the way to her days in california, and i think what will be interesting is all over this will come to bear in front of voters in the next hundred days, they will see her actions in california at the state level, see how she pushed and advocated for the greedy new deal in the senate, high she went after pro-lifers, how she has completely neglected her role on the board, gone after the second amendment, they media cannot erase that from a voters minds as much as they try. >> trace: what do you think of the new york magazine, is a holding or you know that somewhere down the road here in santa monica, robert f. kennedy junior is like what, what in the world is that? >> i'm going to throw up my leg is just at that, what can you say? you look at that cover and that is dmc press release at this point on steroids. does not much to say, the new yorker obviously ordinary magazine in this case beyond
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liberal, they are the ones told us the hunter biden laptop was not real, that donald trump was an agent of the gremlin? it is not surprising, they're playing to crowd. >> trace: abc episodes polecat header is a favourability available now 43 percent one week ago, 35 percent. honeymoon underway, right? >> i agree, it trump poster had a great memo last week i did a walking through what to expect for the harris honeymoon, think we have to remember that harris is actually the most volatile of any of the candidates now, she's basically a first-time candidate, she did not even go past iowa and the democratic primary. she is volatile, she will go up and down and we will feel every single moment of her record, now she is going to be held accountable for that entire record that joe and i are talking about.
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it will come up week after week, the honeymoon period is a real, it probably grabs some burnout from democrats, maybe some rfk voters, nobody very knew. nobody that would have come home to the democratic party anyway, they are early, getting excited and getting money but mark my words, we will feel the ups and downs over the next hundred days in her policy record will be front and center at one of voters go to the polls and. >> trace: it could last another 27 days, jessica anderson, joe concha xp thank. new messages from the beaver county pennsylvania emergency services showing officers like the behavior of thomas crooks 90 minutes, even more before he opened fired on former president trump. jeff paul live tonight in butler, pennsylvania, good evening. >> we are learning to native from that interview that the former president with laura ingram denied that he will be speaking with the fbi on a thursday, he says that they will
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be coming to him and this will be another interview on top of the roughly 450 interviews, the fbi says they have been doing to get to the bottom of not only how this happened but why. also more information from investigators not only about the suspect about a timeline of events. crooks who they described as a loner was highly intelligent, went to great lengths to conceal what he was doing, investigators say he registered for the rally three days after it was announced and searched how far oswald was from jfk that same day. also said that he surveilled of the site and practice at a gun range using the same area or 15 style rifle. on the day of the shooting, crooks bought animal in butler and then went home, he returned to the rally side and flew his a drone a short time later. local police identified him as a suspicious person, texts between local law enforcement obtained by the senator chuck grassley appear to show a picture of crooks was a local officer telling the group "or if you
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want to notify secret service neighbors to look out, i lost sight of him". local swat team member telling abc news, it was supposed to have a face to face briefing with secret service that day but it never happened. >> anything that was probably a pivotal point where i started thinking things are wrong because it never happened and we had no comment occasion with the secret service. >> trump also say he has to be coming right back here to butler, pennsylvania for a future rally, no word on a date or time on that particular event but he says it is going to honor the lives of the shooting victims. >> trace: jeff paul live for us in butler, is bringing former fbi special agent and fox news and jabir nicole parker and the author of omission without borders, wendy oakes for -- mighty oaks foundation, chad robichaux. jeff paul is talking about the county's neighbors, i would like to play one more soundbite for a member of that team on abc.
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>> he was looking up and down to the building, wandered out and seemed out of place. we had a group between the locals neighbors on scene, ascent of those pictures out of that group and advise them of what i have noticed and what i have seen. i assumed that would be 70 coming out to speak with this individual or find out what is going on. >> trace: nobody came out, that is a big part of the problem. >> this is a colossal failure of communications, he assumed somebody would be coming, on the sniper team, [ inaudible ] individuals like this. was a special event coordinator with the fbi, a work of these types of events in the past and this is exactly how it goes down. usually there is a briefing, all the local state of federal law enforcement agencies before the incident or the rally occurs, and also there are text strings, with people, but normally you would be on text strings it with
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all people from different agencies and when you hear something that is off you would approach the individuals. >> trace: with the fbi, please tell us your name, c with her history is? this kid was never approached. never approached and there was a comment occasion scalars. >> trace: what do you think of that, chad robichaux, the whole concept is that swat that they would have a face-to-face with secret service and it never happened? >> it is a colossal failure of the secret service and that is the blame to this, no comment occasion was established between an entire team. when you have multiple agencies working together, gave us neighbors from the swat team, you have the secret service, there has to be some kind of communication with those entities? and crooks was at 4:26 pm, two hours before he shot president trump, this is unacceptable period. time, two hours? it was strictly there was no
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communication, if there was communication, that person could have had a somebody with the secret service confront him and find out who he is. >> trace: 4:26 pm, the text reads the following, somebody followed the lead and slug by our cars, letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up there. 5:38 pm he says, i didn't see him with a rangefinder looking towards the stage, fyi if you want to notify secret service's neighbors to look out, i lost sight of him and than 5:45 pm, they text again, it's amazing no response nicole? >> no 15:38 pm rig stew made a courageous, there were signs, it's like -- it's only they had notification. dated nothing. when you say you may want to let the secret service's neighbors know i lost sight of him, that his action quite urgent and you follow-up an essay did anybody follow-up? what is the result of the findings?
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there was no follow-up. >> trace: it is amazing, new fbi timeline details, crooks left his home, spent an hour at 11:00 o'clock in the morning shooting at a local shooting site and then return home. 1:30 pm, left his house and told his parents he was going to shooting range and then crooks arrives back on scene and begins flying his drone approximate 3:50 pm. i have to say this quickly, his parents called police about an hour after he left saying they were worried about him, nobody worries about a 20-year-old unless you know something at 2:30 pm. >> that is right, there were all the signs of there. this guy shows up, police knew something was up, and it was a massive failure of secret service. in fact it is so most americans including myself, think this is complicity and that is a real concern? there is more information coming out, like the director testifying to there was a man inside that a building, but now we are finding out there was no man inside the building, one of
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them left, two shows up. so -- >> trace: have to go, thank you. nicole parker, speeding as well? israel bound to strike back against hezbollah after a rocket attack that killed 12 children and teenagers, and his was border, have not been this high in 18 years? later in the nightcap the largest privately held while his company in the u.s. pulling his advertising from the olympic games after friday's it woke opening ceremony, when he found the same money offensive to christians and many others but some think we should get over it, watch... >> come on y'all, it's the olympics! if you are not happy with something and it bothers you, don't take 20 hours to write an e-mail! just turned the tv off! watch something else. >> trace: were you offended or not, let us know, x. and not, let us know, x. and instagram, coming right back. [ ♪♪ ]
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> trace: is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu's warning of a severe response to the rocket attack by hezbollah terrorists in lebanon that killed 12 children and she -- teenagers and golan heights. >> small coffins care to the streets, the community is mourning the deaths of 12 children and teens killed in a hezbollah rocket attack. >> at this point if this thing continues in this way, i did not see the light at the end of the ten no. >> of the security camera and meant to discuss the approval of operational plans just like hezbollah targets in lebanon, israeli leadership walking a tightrope with the iran back a
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group in southern lebanon trying to hit back hard while avoiding a broader regional war, as a middle east braces for the possibility of a widespread counterattack, the caretaker is echoing calls from the biden administration for israeli restraint. >> i think it means not to have a a regional war, not to have a war or escalation. >> israel's prime minister and defense minister toward -- told israel to express their condolences for those killed in a rocket attack and to send a message of deterrence to hezbollah, as reports come indicating the team traveling with benjamin netanyahu last week in washington brought with them a list of weapon systems that jerusalem wants fast tract to stock bath. national security council spokesperson john kirby assured israel they would be supported to. >> we continued to make sure they have the tools they need to defend themselves. >> some airlines canceling all flights to and from beirut amid
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concerns of and as really counterattack. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in rabbi mendy mentz and comedian and activist zach sage fox, this poll, you as warned israel about targeting lebanon, the u.s. is warning israel after they got hit by hezbollah, how does that work? >> we don't want a big war, are you kidding me? in other words keep on bomb think of me. right now the united states, in the position is, wheat will allow iran to flecks its muscle in the middle east, as much as people go and think that no, we are contained it is not true. israel will not let other people die, the jews are a part of israel, the arabs part of israel got you had one of us you had us
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all. israel must counterattack and at the end of the day you must push hezbollah back to the meter -- river, 12-aging meet is the border. they bailed and now we have new problems. >> trace: i was up there in 2006, and it was ugly, it could get ugly again. the israeli ambassador to the united nations of the following, this into this and i will get your take on this... >> there will be a response. a response will be swift and painful, we are now picking the targets i believe in the next few days we will make sure that hezbollah will listen. >> trace: as the rabbi was saying, what does the world expected them to do, sit back, watch? >> i mean is obviously a double standard, i was just in israel
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and i was able to go to palestine while i was there as an american citizen, is that it was italian not jewish, kept me alive for. the point is i learned how bad the hatred for israel is, and the hatred he starts with anti-semitism and hating jews but the palestinians i spoke to warned of the entire to think obliterated off of the map including the 2 million muslims, arabs who live in israel as well, everybody else they don't care. israel really is fighting for its life here and for the 12 million lives that live there. >> trace: they are. the daily why writes the following "washington plastered for misleading coverage of israel air strike" goes on to radiomac and an apparent it attempts to mislead the public about the state of israel the washington post ran a photo by a child he killed by a hezbollah rocket attack over the weekend titling the target article, israel hits targets in lebanon
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". this is not an one off, this is what the washington post does. >> it maybe a story of this lady in london mauled by a german shepherd, who they targeted an israeli mossad, killed the dog and save lady. the next day in the london times, israeli mossad murders dog in london. and other words, you never get a break, this is the way it is, we do not control the media but one thing for sure, this was not a mistake by the post, this is something they wanted to do and that is the way the many played this. >> trace: political writes the following about kamala "friends of claims of anti-semitism from gop while nodding to suffering in gaza, goes on to write as prominent left-leaning groups coalesce her own hair as they are signaling limits to their support based on how she approaches the israel thomas award" and out the possibility of israel and a hezbollah war. in other words, home "needs to
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really kind of lien, lien away to the left or a lot of people in michigan won't be happy. >> here is the thing, i don't think almagro hates jews, us she is sleeping with one, she is made with one, i don't know if anti-semitism is the right word, i think she's far left and trying to appease the far left of the party just like the washington post which has become with the washington pro- palestine. they are just trying to be trendy right now and get jen z. voters. i do wonder of biden when he tried to play both sides if it will end up backfiring, ending up upsetting everybody by pleasing everybody. >> trace: that is exactly what happens a lot of the times, thank you both. coming up, you have heard common sense, what about a common wisdom? the attempted assassination of donald trump and the response prompted is here to wonder about resilience and positivity and tenacity turns out they are
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trades that are associated with wisdom and there are others, we have taught what guests joining us on the side to talk about this, it is fascinating. [ ♪♪ ] zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. this charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy edges. it's no ordinary square. charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better, with more cushiony softness. enjoy the go, with charmin.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: seconds after the assassination attempt against former president donald trump we saw him stand up, pumped his fist and say fight. the country was astonished by his tenacity, resilience and spirituality so where does it come from and how does it translate into every day life? tonight, fox news alginate is taking a trait -- closer look at how certain traits can give us more insight into a person's physical strength and especially their overall wisdom apparently, anita vogel with the traits who want to look for. >> we all want to be wise, we all know people who are wise and we admire them, would ask ourselves this question, what makes a very wise? one doctor in los angeles at he
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went on a journey to get answers, launching the wisdom research project and set her findings present a roadmap for a meaningful life. >> wisdom is such a woo-woo topic and i wanted to look at it from a scientific length. >> as a lifelong scientist and former er physician, doctor laura was prompted to discover what makes people wise after chronic lyme disease and a misdiagnosis made walking and talking -- talking a challenge so she met with members and community leaders and gomer through social media looking for the wise, she ended up with 60 everyday people connected by eight common elements. >> resilience, kindness, positivity, spirituality, humility, intolerance, creativity and curiosity, the most important, resilience, the ability to whether through difficulties.
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>> number of people i spoke with that have gone through horrible life events and yet they would not be angry, they would be at peace. >> how were getting shot and standing right back up like former president trump? is at an example of resilience, it seems like it is? >> i feel like resilience is the idea that you get, what happens, you just move forward to a number 2, kind is described as being friendly, generous and thinking of others, number 3, positivity, the practice of being optimistic in life. >> really positive? spoons the only husband and wife that reported a study, melanie was singled out for her positivity, she recalls being three and lifting of her sinking mom on christmas when they were buying a tree. >> so she wants to get a christmas tree, and she started to cry and i said what's wrong and she explained and i said
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well mom, you must not have you christmas tree glasses on because it looks just fine to me and she said it was a life-changing moment for her. >> number 4 spirituality, i believe that is something greater than being human they went in the sense that while, i am being watched in a way, that things are working out and in some way, that i am being watched. >> i agree with that! the first five are trades, resilience, kind is, positivity and spirituality may seem very basic but using them and integrating them in your daily life can be a huge challenge especially when life throws you a devastating curveball, by the doctor says that is when the magic happens. you could be book smart but not a wise. tomorrow we will explore the last four elements and something else interesting, she took a scientific approach to the study and even though she interviewed to 60 people, is that it would
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not matter if she interviewed a 600, the results would be the same. >> trace: that's why we bought in the scientific prison, is bring in intensive care physician, nunavut, do you agree with this study, is art merit to it do you think all of your studies of your treating patients -- tent and -- soon aggregate was mad learn from your mistakes, if you have some new feelers that you just quit that's where the resilience comes in, i think resilience is important because every single failure will be a learning lesson and if you stop learning that's when you stop being wise. resilience is first and foremost. >> trace: checking to these boxes, it's interesting, anita vogel showed the former president and we talked about it, the iconic picture now, really changed a lot of people's lives because they look at what he took away from that was resilience and the positivity and even spirituality, he said
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raid many times over the next two weeks that it struck him that he should not be here. any have to wonder, is there a pulse aspect to those types of things? >> i think having the wisdom to pick your battles wisely, to be spiritual and say okay there are certain things i cannot control, i will not be in control of everything and i will focus on things that can impact, i think that minimizes the stress, in the necessary you would cause yourselves, so lowering your blood pressure et cetera. >> trace: is one of the things in the study was stress levels and that being a positive aid kind of lowers it? being a negative, stress levels keep going up and up. >> no kidding, i asked the doctor about that and she said, of course,, one of the traits of resilience is being able to think about something not happening to you but afore you, and when you turn it around like
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that, it automatically brings your stress level down. this is heart stuff, in a sound so easy but to try to apply this to your every day life, really is a challenge. >> trace: how big a stress is those things, you have to lower your stress, lower your stress! it is tough to do! you get the wisdom, by the time you get the wisdom, you are too old to lower your stress. >> unfortunately yes, i think a lot of people compound and a multiple i think it's necessarily for themselves,'s and knowing win to say win and kind of focus on things you can control is important. >> 's some of the example that she gave, people who have lost a child, people who lost a spouse, we cover everything here, people who lose their entire homes, hurricanes, all kinds of natural disasters and the ability to go on? right there, she says the resilience is the key, but combined with all of these other elements. >> trace: final thoughts from you doctor alex balekian?
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>> i think her traits especially the resilience and this brutality i think are important to, people focus on of the things that they can impact, it will help them comment asleep. inside and out to three go ahead is. >> you think about the people that are wise and a bite to you most of them will have a most of these traits, she said people into the study at least two, one person had all. >> trace: interesting, we will see back here tomorrow night, thank you. >> have you watched any of the olympic is? >> mr. trump: i feel the opening say money was a dis disgrace, i'm very open-minded what i feel what they did was a disgrace. >> trace: former president trump thought the opening olympic ceremony as he said, it is grace, what a jew think, we offended, would it impact how much you watch the pears olympic as, did you let it all go? let us know x. and instagram, @tracegallagher, we will read your responses coming up in ther "the nightcap" made.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers,
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support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. [ ♪♪ ] >> trace: back with the "the nightcap" crew, anita vogel, tonight's topic, olympic gimmicks, the largest privately held wireless company into the
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u.s. pulled its advertising from the olympic games after the woke opening to say money slamming it is at a -- as offensive, did you find the opening ceremony offensive? kevin corke? >> i did not watch it live it, rbc i have watched tons of content on x. and other platforms, i do not think it is good business, in doubt, don't, as other vendors will tell you like bud light. >> the same thing, i did not see the reason for it. >> trace: what do you think dr alex balekian? >> i never understood french cinema, more of the same, no clue what i watched. >> trace: anita vogel? >> i was not sure about lady gaga's performance, i usually like her, it seemed boring and long, the last supper think was offensive. >> trace: the whole thing, the people who put this on said it was all about inclusivity, and that's the opposite of what the olympics are about, it's about
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exclusivity, the best of the best, yeah, three metals and everybody else gets to go home, that everybody gets a metal or a trophy. >> it's about escapism, it's about celebrating the greatest athletes in the world, hate to say this in retrospect but my wife and kids, y'all sat down to watch the opening ceremonies and i had to shut her off because they were confused, my kids were as what was being expressed in our screen and ate it made no sense, it was so offensive. i don't get where they were going for? you had of the french, they have this whole world stage and they blew it to three rabbi? >> friday night! [ laughter ] i gotta be honest, they knew what they were doing kindly knew exactly where they were doing, they were making fun of our religion and it shame on them, they are proud of what they did and that's hollywood.
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>> i agree, the explanation as it was allegedly a greek festival dinner, i wonder if they knew what they were doing and set afterwards it was a greek celebration. >> trace: will it affect him what you watch the olympic is, yes 85 percent, 85 percent instagram, opening ceremonies have always been a celebration of the athletes, i saw a bunch of narcissistic speed was already themselves, i will watch to what -- support our great american athletes, another full for a controversial ceremony. and made the decision to not bother with any of it, i don't approve of a deviant behavior in public. i was offended and annoyed, had to explain what i was saying to my daughter, becky, awful, not watching the olympics, paris should never host again. thank you for watching 'fox news we wilall see you right back hee tomorrow. [ ♪♪ ] oducing allison's plaque psoriasis.
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