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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 30, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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holding on to his earpiece anda this is like the old days and ig myself holding up the earpiece. what is that?au i'm sorry byron, hold it up and you look cooler with that. but to me i've known him for ang long time and to me he comesime, across as very confident and he knows how important this is, this moment really quick. >> one thing about speaking privately to donald trump, it sounds extremelyy reasonable almost all of the time. spo clearly, he spoke for millions of americansf am when he was tan about what happen at the opening ceremony and the olympics.le they agree with that, so it isso quite reasonable. >> laura: this is common sense stuff, guys, charlie, byron, and am glad that earpiece is holding on, byron appeared >> carley: vice president kamala
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harris is campaigning in atlanta alongside megan the stallion as the search for her running mate heats up. who just dropped out and who just emerged? >> harris's allies favorite talking point. >> weird is perfect venac lar and there is something weird about these guys. >> they are weird. >> there is something off with the other side, a little weird. >> her campaign is bringing back an old favorite narrative on white privilege. >> white women to step up and listen and get involved this election season. as white women, we need to use our privilege to make positive changes. >> todd: wow, she must be fun at parties. you're watching "fox and friends
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first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. h h hi, madeleine rivera. >> madeleine: if elected vice president kamala harris would see this proposal through. she made it clear there is no daylight between her and president biden saying there is clear crisis of confidence facing the supreme court. the president is calling for a reverse of landmark ruling this month that an official president is immune from -- the former president is slamming the president's actions. >> it's a typical biden con. he does not want to give up immunity, look what he did, $3.5 million from russia and china. bad and evil things he's done,
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not to mention thousands of people killed on the border. look at the afghanistan pull out. it is going nowhere. they need 75%, he can't get it. >> madeleine: republican lawmakers say the president's initiatives will go nowhere in congress. here is the president responding. >> speaker johnson said it is dead on arrival. >> dead on arrival. >> president biden: i got off air force within republican speaker of the houses whatever he proposes is dead on arrival. his thinking is dead on arrival. >> madeleine: the president told reporters he is speaking with the vice president as she vets candidates. >> president biden: i did today. >> her v.p., who do you think
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she should pick as v.p.? >> president biden: we're talking. >> madeleine: north carolina governor roy cooper has pulled from the running. gary peters, michigan senator, is in the mix and josh shapiro and gretchen whitmer campaign for harris in pennsylvania yesterday. gretchen whitmer said she is not interested in becoming v.p. kamala harris is campaigning with megan the stallion. and will head to the footprint ral of sheila jackson lee. carley and todd. >> carley: we'll be watching it all. madeleine rivera, thank you so much. former president trumps he is up for debate against vice president kamala harris and stopping short of fully committing. >> i will probably end up debating. the debate should take place
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before the votes start be ing cast. it is important to do that. the answer is yes. i can also make a case for not doing it. >> carley: the harris campaigns they are ready. vice president harris will be on the debate stage september 10, donald trump can show up or not. last week trump said he would absolutely debate harris. today is primary election race in arizona. one race getting attention is in the eighth congression al. blake masters joans me now. we're talking about the presidential election and arizona needs to have its primary. how are you feeling heading into today? >> we're feeling great over here. it's a great day when people show up at the polls and cast
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votes. in my race, thanks to president trump's endorsement, we have momentum, i have a greater team with great volunteers. we hope to earn the confidence of voters today. i will head to the polls and couldn't be more thrilled. >> carley: donald trump endorsed you and your primary opponent, abe homiday. >> he endorsed us both in 2022, as well. i run a strong pro-trump campaign. i've been talking to voters about the number one issue in my race and this country, which is stopping this border innovation joe biden and kamala harris caused. i think they did it on purpose. my voters are upset about that.
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i'm running a pro-trump campaign, talking about this beautiful trump/vance agenda. i think president trump saw that. >> carley: illegal immigration a major issue in arizona. what are other issues voters are saying matter to them and how will you tackle them? >> we have to stop inflation. people remember four or 5 five short years ago, people could afford to live. in the phoenix area, breakfast cereal is up 300% from 2019. it is three times as be expensive to feed your children under joe biden, that is crazy. there are elderly folks in my sdrekts issue i campaign at living facilities and i hear horror stories about scammers
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going after our elderly. that is going to be a big passion project of mine to fix when i'm in congress. we need better federal protection to protect our seniors and vulnerable against scammers. a lot of work to do. i will have trump and v.p. vance back next year in d.c., couldn't be more excited. >> carley: in 2022 you ran against mark kelly, who ended up winning. now he is on the short list to be vice president kamala harris' vice president. how do you feel about that? >> i think she probably won't choose him, i don't think mark kelly can deliver arizona for kamala harris. look at polls, trump is crushing it in arizona and on track to win by five. if kamala harris putting him on
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the ticket, maybe trump only wins by four. mark kelly has problems, he's business partners with chinese company. 10 cent, a chinese subsidiary, invested in that company. remember the great chinese spy incident of 2023? there is baggage on the mark kelly side. democrats see this as an asset, i think it is a problem. mark kelly is a democrat who is a rubber stamp and does not think about anything at all, he does what chuck schumer tells him to do. he owns the biden border failure, the biden-harris record, because it is mark kelly's record. it has not served america well. in trump and vance, we have a strong ticket and policy to make america great again. >> carley: it will be a busy day
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for you. blake masters, thank you. we have a big update this morning about a migrant accused of beating up an nypd officer in time square. those new details coming up. >> todd: plus acting secret service director will testify today on security failure during the trump assassination attempt. will we get answers this time? a former secret service agent will tell us what he hopes to find out now. that is next. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel
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>> carley: the acting secret service director will testify on capitol hill today about the assassination attempt on former president trump. we learn new details about how the would -be assassin accessed
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the roof he shot from. >> todd: brooke singman is here. >> brooke: the acting secret service director is expected to testify this morning revealing new detail about the agency communications leading up to and directly following the assassination attempt on former president trump. he is set to break down the security plan used. fox news is told rowe will provide more substantive information than the secret service director did. >> i want to say one thing about secret service. they were very brave. they were coming, bullets were flying over me, i went down and had big, strong people on top of me. they were very brave. >> laura: what was melania's
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reaction? >> she was watching. she can't even really talk about. >> traumatized. >> which is okay, she likes me, or loves me. >> brooke: paul,abait will testify this morning. the gunman accessed the roof by clim climbing the pipes. he stopped on the roof he opened fire on. thomas crooks motive is still unknown. we are now learning secret service agents reportedly delayed trump from taking the stage at an event this weekend. the bit coin event. the secret services the former president was not in danger. >> todd: former special agent charles moreno. with so much competing information circulating, what holes need to be filled in to
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give a big picture as to what actually and truthfully happened? >> the public interest calls for the acting director to testify t trans transparently. he is really going to have to take a deep dive into the overall security plan and how that failed. expect to hear him go into the coordination and communication with state and local resources that just was exposed as part of significant failure allowing somebody on the roof of the building 130 miles away. i expect everything to get hit this morning, everything from hiring from the agency, training for the agency and resources and capabilities to include technologies that were not used that day in the area of drone
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detection. >> todd: there seems to be basic questions i can't wrap my head around. how do you not have contact between the county swat teams, guys with guns and secret service agents, guys with guns coordinating guys with guns until after the shooting? that seems like, if i were secret service, i would want to ac coordinate there with people with ep was to make sure they are the good guys. i still can't wrap my haround that. >> you are absolutely right, we see communication failure from the start and nobody was on the roof because it was not coordinated. the secret service is responsible for the security plan and responsible for making sure it is effectively implemented and thatten moos following up to make sure the request made to state and local
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law enforcement in certain areas of coverage to mitigate risk are followed through on and that is why you see here the dynamics of the secret service owning this. aside from state and local law enforcement are saying about not being briefed, which is you believe tring enough, it story appears to be getting worse and worse for secret service. the acting director was second in charge of the agency during this failed assassination attempt. he is going to have questions to answer, as well, from that position. and what role was he playing innic maing sure that this event went off without a hitch. >> todd: as of yesterday, fbi was unable to ufra a motive. do you think we'll ever find out why this guy did this? >> it is possible we don't. or it is possible we get something that makes no sense to
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anyone. look, there could be mental illness involved. we have to wait to hear more on the social media footprint and the encrypted messages we've heard about. we can say this was not a popular kid, this was somebody ice lalted, a lone wolf, not many friends, noted much talking about this, family really not involved. this is troubling. see what we get back from the fbi in this investigation on the digital foot mrin print and she some light. >> todd: he was able to stay one step ahead of law enforcement for an entire day. that cannot happen.
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charl marino, thank you. this video from extension state university showing equipment trail, look at that, being tossed by strong storms. tracking severe weather coming up. >> carley: and vice president kamala harris hits the trail in georgia and left leans into a major talking point against the republican ticket. >> weird is perfect vernac lar and there is something weird about the guys. >> the other side is weird. >> there is something off with the other side. there is something weird. >> carley: janelle king is coming up next. for more than a decade farxiga has been trusted again and again, and again.
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>> todd: back with a fox wildfire after the accident alert. california park fire is burning. it 4z torched 370,000 acres and is only 14% contained. the man accused of starting the fire appeared in court yesterday, charged with arson, which he dee nies. >> carley: fox weather alert. cameras at middle extension university capture a trail er. >> todd: nobody was hurt and national weather service is investigating this, as a
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possible tornado. bring in senior meteorologist janice dean, it can happen like that. >> janice: sometimes you don't have a lot of warning. potential for severe thunderstorm today. talking about the park fire, human caused obviously. 14% contained. prayers to firefighters battling, this wildfire. number six in terms of historic value here. the fire weather danger continues across portions of the great basin to northwest and all that smoke from the fires burning moving toward the east. poor air quality across northwest and rockies. we are watch ing the tropics. this is the season we see activity. two areas of low pressure we are thinking will merge together and
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60% chance it will be something. will it be depression, tropical storm or hurricane? here is what we know now. florida and east coast. development is unlikely until it reaches the bahamas. computer models are all over the place. bottom line is wait and see, be v vigilant, this is days from approaching the east coast. heat building across the country. >> carley: thank you. >> todd: one migrant accused of attacking an nypd has pleaded guilty and is facing 364 days r ryker's island. he was in the u.s. for five
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months before that attack. >> carley: vice president kamala harris system campaigning in atlanta today with rapper megan the station. their new talking point. >> what he and his running mate is saying is plain weird. >> weird is perfect vernac lar. trump's hair is weird. >> nation found out these guys are just weird. >> they are weird and no one wants to sit with it is weird people. >> there is something off with the other side, something a little weird with the republican campaign. >> janelle king, coof had chair for let's win for america action. perfect person to talk to about this joins me now. >> good morning, we'll talk about weird in a second. with kamala harris going to at
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lantsa, do you think georgia is back in play for democrats now that she's in the race? >> i think georgia has always been in play and she sees that for what it is. she has to pull in the other half of the black community. she's only tarrgeting, i guess portion of the black community right behind her. our black fraternities and sororities and college educated. a lo t of black people did not o to college or were not in a pledge. what is going to be your platform? what are you going to push for to benefit the community? that is message she will have to bring wither had. a lot of message complained, she did not have a platform on her
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w website. she'll have to speak to voters politically involved to see what she is going to do. >> carley: they are using the attack line weird. do you think it will stick? >> i don't. it is pretty sad. look at the assassination attempt on president trump and young man who did that and you see videos of him being bullied in will 62, you would think they would try a different tactic. if you think you have a better option or you are best for the american people, sell us that. do not bully me into voting for you, it will not work. they don't know how to present their argument with intelligence, they present narratives and misinformation and we're tired of it. >> carley: things that just
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happened. president biden is all in on supreme court justice reform, he is making it his big platform and kamala harris said she agrees with that stance. how will that land with people in georgia? >> i don't think they will like it. we should continue to push that topic. the supreme court is supposed to be a nonbiassed entity. if you read what judges are saying and why they are ruling the way they are ruling, it is for a specific reason and they outline it. most people are not interested in that, we push importance of a b balanced supreme court. >> carley: she wants to restore roe v. wade in atlanta.
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>> we have conservatives who are pro-choice and feels this issue has gone too far politically. republicans have to have a strong record. >> carley: we'll see how it goes today, megan the stallion and all. thank you for joining us. great morning. to middle east, state department warning americans to get out of lebanon. israel vows painful response to the hezbollah attack on youth soccer field. >> todd: dan hofman is here to break it down and cheryl casone will tell us if it is impacting oil markets. stay with us. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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>> todd: fox news alert. state department warning americans to flee lebanon as conflict escalates between israel and hamas. >> especially american citizens living in the region, it is level three for reconsider travel and for southern lebanon that continues to be level four for do not travel. we're talking about safety and
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yes, safe thing for american citizens would be to make appropriate planning. >> todd: i misspoke, i meant hezbollah when i said hamas. dan hofman joins me now. israel is vowing swift and harsh revenge. biden-harris administration is cauti cautioning israel not to reital agriculture or get too efk latatory. what do you think of them trying to tie israel's hands on the second front in this war for their existence? >> israel and -- if israel does not respond, they lose de deterrence. 60's,000 israelis have been forced to flee their homes.
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it is really for all practical purposes, a war zone. israel need to respond or hezbollah will ratchet up the attacks. >> todd: do you see this weekend's attack as broad regional conflict and what could that mean for the u.s.? >> i think we're in a broad regional conflict and if you look at the extent how it has d disrupted commerce and navigation in the red sea, they launched a drone in tel aviv and israel responded by launching reciprocal attack on yemen's port. that is israel seeking to restore escalation dominance. we have a nuclear threshold, iran, supporting proxy terrorist
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with israel trying to round up hamas fighters and eshg eliminate them launching future terrorist attacks. it is dicey situation. >> todd: iran is at the center m of this and u.s. intel warning iran is trying to influence our election to keep trump from winning. here is part of what was learned. tehran working to influence presidential election to avoid outcome to increase tension with u.s. tehran relies on propaganda to spread disinformation. what anti-trump tactics and information should the average american be on guard for coming out of iran?
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>> dan: iran played a role in our information space since the war in gaza began, increased role, where they are seeking to put out lines in favor of hamas and have even been according to director of national intelligence funding protest taking place in the united states andeck zooing to sow division in our country. americans need to look at news carefully, look at the source of the news. if you see something, say something. iranians are not just interested in public relation and p propaganda and disinformation, they are a terrorist state seeking to launch worldwide and i wouldn't put it past them in the united states. during the trump admip stragz we took out iran irgc commander soleimani in january of 2020, no
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doubt iran would like to get revenge for that. >> todd: do we trust biden-harris administration to go after iran in this endeavor? one, they have demonstrated rece receptiveness to iran and that hurts their primary opponent. we appreciate your time, thank you. >> carley: oil pro-choices sitting at seven-week low. in venezuela, opec member c contentious election. and following hezbollah attack on israeli soccer field. >> todd: cheryl casone from fox business here with more. >> cheryl: i was looking at identify, we are at 7571 and lower this morning. this is lowest point in seven
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weeks. less demand, you see lower price on the contract. futureses contract slid to 7978 per barrel, texas intermediate dropping one and three kwquarte to 7581. this is despite rising tension in the middle east and venezuela. and calling on biden administration to sanction venezuelan government. three florida lawmakers writing president biden and kamala harris saying the will of people have not been respected throughout the sham election. the white house says it is eshg v eare valuating election results and will take that into account
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with respect to sanctions toward venezuela. venezuela a very oil-rich nation. and you look at china and russia, their ties to venezuela still strong. that should bother people watching this morning. >> carley: yesterday we talked about google and allegations that facebook is sensor censoring information. >> cheryl: meta ai said there is no real assassination attemptos donald trump. when asked what happened to trump in butler, pennsylvania, the chat bots a shooting occurred, one person killed, two others injured. suspect shot and killed by law enforcement.
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meltas we're in process to implement a fix and it is possible people may continue to see inaccurate responses in the meantime. when post asked the bot about harris campaign. it says reason for disparity is due to fact the trump assassination attempt is fictional event and kamala harris 2024 presidential campaign is a reals and ongoing event. it gets weird. the company admits to censoring this photo on facebook. they are calling it an error and say this was a doctored photo that show secret service smiling. they say the mistake has been fixed. this is amid google being accused of omitting information. you have programmers on one side, that needs to be
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questioned. you have i ia, which is still emerging and neweck it no -- technology. you will have issues. >> todd: no matter the technology, never goes -- it is republican way. one direction. donald trump miss cheryl on mornings with maria. i gather she is hosting. have a good show. >> carley: have a great day. >> todd: kamala harris has a new voter base, say hello to white dudes. >> i'm white, i'm a dude and i'm for harris. >> vibes are incredible. >> todd: feel the vibes? tomi lahren will respond next. >> carley: hello, steve. >> steve: good tuesday morning to you. in 11 minutes on "fox and friends," fox news alert. you are taking live look at capitol hill, acting secret
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service director will face questions in a couple of hours. there is the dome there. former president reveals he will sit for an official interview on the assassination attempt. senator tom cotton will join us. vice president kamala harris heads to peach state of georgia today along with rapper megan the stallion as presumptive nominee launches an adbuy, we will break down how it will impact key battleground. this comes as form upper preser president donald trump drops information on a debate timeline. sean hannity will react live. mark green, jimmy failla, kurt and doos on the loose talking about the olympics. why is pickleball not in the olympics? no idea. what would you be good at if you
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were in the olympics? we'll talk to folks on the street about that and more. "fox and friends first" back in a couple, you are watching number one cable news channel on the planet. and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. empower. what's next. [water flowing] [phone dings] oh my god. what? the host is coming back. (♪) [birds chirping] [phone dings] meanwhile, at a vrbo... oh my god. what? i got onekeycash on this house. hmm... dad is a legend.
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>> todd: oh boy, kamala harris has a new coalition of white dudes consisting of politicians and celebrities. >> i accepted the invitation. i was brought to the party not
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so much as being white, i certainly am, but because i'm a dude. i'm white, i'm a dude, and i'm for harris. >> i have seen enough polling results or outcomes in elections to know that if white males would vote 1% to 2% more for democrats than they usually do, then we win this race. >> i'm a policy guy. i have never been totally comfortable with the truth that no matter how much you believe in your policies, so much of politics is just vibes. having said that, the vibes right now are incredible. >> kayleigh: tomi lahren joins us now. identity politics targeting white men is not something you see very on. especially among the democrat party. what do you think about this? >> well, the democrats in the last several days have liked to use the term weird and some kind of a robotic sync synchronized
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theater. weird hearken back to the days of 2020 when everything was on a zoom call. beyond that, to separate your voters into buckets based on their race or gender from a party that doesn't want this election to been dei and will get very angry if you call it or label it dei when it comes to kamala harris in any way is separating its voters into buckets on zoom calls. labeling it by race and by gender. you know i really can't think of everything more liberal leftist than that but everyday they surprise me with this operation coconut campaign. >> todd: white dudes for trump ever start ised a fundraiser for republicans it would be labeled a threat to democracy. >> carley: exactly. >> todd: there is the double standard. as difficult as it is to watch this next thing we bore to play. look at the white women for
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harris. >> here is more. >> by pop women have tapped us in to step in, listen and get involved this election season. as white women we need to use our privilege to make positive changes. if you find yourself talking over or speaking for bi pop individuals or god forbid 'protecting them. use the privilege you have in order to push for systemic change. as white peel people we have a lot to learn and unlearn. >> todd: tomi, i work shopped about a dozen questions for you on this topic on this video and all of them ended up with me in a manager was or hr. i'm going to ask your reaction. >> it's just so condescending when you think about it you have a white woman describes herself sitting there preaching to other white women and to everybody about how they should talk to penal of color or to black
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americans as if we are different species. as if we are different animals in the zoo. we must talk to each other in different ways. i don't like any of this. this all feels really cringe, really icky to me. how about this harris campaign focuses on what they can do, if anything, for the american people, that's what the trump campaign is doing. the trump campaign is saying i don't care what color you are. i don't care where you are from. i want to make america great for you for everybody. i want to unify the american people in pursuit of greatness for the american people. the harris campaign has taken a completely different route. it is obsessed with identity politics, expect that now for the next 100 days. that's all they have. but, boy, i wish they could explain to us which one of kamala harris' policies is going to make america better for white women, black women, white dudes, black dudes, all americans i get to hear it, guys. >> carley: talk to you about the olympic opening ceremonies. donald trump was on with laura ingraham yesterday. he called did a disgraced.
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referred to the scene some people say depicted the last surf. drag queens. they say that wasn't their intention but also apologized for it. how do you stand on this taking abe the focus that should be on the athletes. >> i believe it was their intention. i believe their intention was to offend people. to offend christians. to say offend people that were watching that i think that was actually the goal to upset and to outrage people. listen, this is blasphemy. it's making a mockery of our religion. you know, there are few rebels can you could that too but for some reason christianity seems to always be able to take a punch. christians sit back and allow it to happen and get upset on social media. i stopped watching the olympics years ago when athletes stopped loving americans and hating america. >> todd: "fox & friends" starts right now. thanks, tomi.


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