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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 30, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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are your thoughts on what we heard from trey? >> i think israel is seeking to restore escalation dominance but so far the cooties launch that drone attack in israel that killed one civilian and the israel responded this is israel understanding all eyes are on them. i think it factors into them in terms of responding in this manner. >> clearly a war with has below would be devastating for those in beirut more broadly across lebanon. but it would also be potentially devastating for israel as well. i was at the last war in 2006 that occurred mostly in the northern part of israel and little towns that dot the area along the border with rockets
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that reach as far south but now has below has more than 100,000 rockets mending of which are precision and could hit the heart of tel aviv, they could hit they get it south of jerusalem, some major military targets including the area where israel is rumored to keep its nuclear weapons, it could hit further on the red sea so war would be a terrible thing to see breakout. we will jump to something else here so we will get back to you as the developments warrant. concerns now growing it could be headed to a full-scale war. taking a look now at the left side of your screen and looking at the aftermath of an israeli air strike carried out hours ago in the southern suburbs of beirut, lebanon, they say they were targeting a has a blood commander who was behind a deadly attack that killed 12 children in golan heights in the recent days.
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welcome to a brand-new hour of america reports i'm john walked on mike roberts in washington and this is significant news. >> sandra: it is and we are waiting on this to be addressed by the white house it has not come up yet. where watching for you i'm sandra smith a new york welcome. that deadly attack happened earlier and the white house has been urging a "double medic solution" to it. moments ago the state department set a full out war is not inevitable but this retaliatory strike is raising concerns. we will see with the white house has to say on that in moments. first let's get to gillian turner at the state department. jillian, there are americans in lebanon that are trapped right now. what are we hearing about the admission rations attempt to help them? >> right now the administration, sandra is not even confirming this attack. the news broke stateside about the israeli attack in beirut responsible for the deaths of 12 israeli children earlier in the week so we asked the state department about it they
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say they are working to confirm, they don't have a comment for us but they did say this about the conflict take a listen. >> israel has every right to defend themselves, certainly for things we just talked about from the proxies like hezbollah and it certainly faces threats that no other country does especially in that region of the world. >> so this strike you this afternoon they are scrambling to keep the conflict from tipping over into a full-scale war. officials here privately forecasting the war spread across the middle east hundreds of thousands of lives over many months. state also told us the biden administration to your point, sandra at this point has no plans to place or development to evacuate american citizens stranded inside lebanon. take a listen to what they had to say about it. >> our travel warning of that
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part of the country is level three with seven lemon lebanon at level four. they can enroll in smart traveling an american citizen services team and consulate team there they can also take a look at what commercial options may exist for their safe departure commercial options are still available and they continue to be the best way for those who currently may be interested in the region. >> a travel three alert as you heard is not the highest travel alert warning, it mainly tells americans they should reconsider traveling to a region or to a country right now. state department right now is not able to or anyone in the u.s. government is able to see how many are on the ground there are no registration requirements. occasionally we get more information on background for you which we will try to do this afternoon, but right now it could be hundreds, it could be thousands, it could be tens of
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thousands of americans stranded in lebanon as this conflict threatens to grow ever larger. sandra? >> john: jill, it's john's or russia weighing in now according to this news industry russia says the strikes on lebanon are a flagrant violation of international law. put in racking up the temperature there. what is interesting about the target here, who is also known as haj mosen was wanted in the united states from a barracks bomb that killed more than 2041 businessmen. i am sure the united states is not sad to see this guy go. but the big question is how will hasan nasrallah the leader of hezbollah respond all of this in my understanding is too the u.s. has a lot of diplomatic channels between israel and nasrallah to try to get the tempter down before it gets out of control.
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>> what you said, john, is the key over the last few days u.s. officials the biden administration has been urging israelis to take the temperature down. in a few days ago murdered multiple israeli children. the hezbollah leaders and iran to whatever stuff they can to not allow this to escalate any further because again the private estimations in the biden administration if that were to happen if this were to turn into what they call a full-scale war it would be months and cost hundreds of thousands of lives and likely spread across the entire middle east. obviously not something in america's interests. obviously not regardless of who the president is and the initiation and power not something they want to see happen. >> sandra: gillian turner, thank you very much we will check in with you soon as well as we continue to break details
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on this idf targeting of a has blood commander. the commander that was in charge of the attack that killed the 12 children. let's bring back in former u.s. ambassador to nato as he joins our coverage. ambassador, i am listening to the white house press briefing, it has not been addressed in that room yet. we had heard from secretary austin before he said he believed that conflict wouldn't not be inevitable. where do you see this going next considering what we are learning at this hour? >> first off i think what you are going to see is a warning to all sides were in urging of all sides to de-escalate, not to respond. i am not sure they will be listening to that, but i think that's what you are going to hear from the white house from all sides. >> sandra: ambassador can i jump in? i apologize we will get back to you they are addressing this in the white house press briefing. >> their own military operations i do not have an immediate
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comment as this just happened. a few minutes before i walked out. so i will leave israel to certainly as they are responding to this and don't have an immediate comment at this time. >> and on this question earlier the call today -- >> i'm sorry, arlene. i didn't touch on that. >> sandra: ambassador volker that is the first we have heard from the white house although no comment although it's breaking in the briefing room she would leave it up to the idf to respond. your thoughts? >> i think she is just lacking any guidance right now. she is just put in that position where she has not been given anything approved to say. so i think we have to wait a little bit to see what the white house wants to come out with. as i was saying, i think it's going to be in urging of all sides to escalation and it's the typical white house response sort of thing. what seems to be lacking in this
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is a warning to different actors. particularly iran who has been left out of this. iran is ultimately responsible for the weapons and encouragement and the training to hamas and hezbollah. and i do think there is a response to the remarks turkish president saying it would not be held for turkey to intervene in this way. >> john: given from hezbollah's standpoint so they do have a vast arsenal of other weapons, some of the precision they could do a lot of harm to israel, it does not seem like it would be in hasan nasrallah's interest to go to war and would be popular politically in lebanon. and then there is the idea would a war between israel and hezbollah potentially escalate to the point where it is some point down the road it would
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have u.s. warplanes over tehran and the iranian regime certainly does not have a great appetite for that. so where do you think this might be headed? >> that last scenario in tehran, that's something i wish they were afraid of and i wish they thought that i could actually get there and they don't want that. fortunately i don't think they are that concerned right now. as for hezbollah i think you are absolutely right. people of lebanon have achieved a degree of normal life after the decades ago they don't want to go back to that kind of war. so they're hoping to avoid that. but as you know in the middle east on all sides, every leader feels the need to stand up for a community, to stand up to defend them. they cannot show weakness. so when you have attacks like this, it is important for israel to respond. lebanon or hezbollah would feel a lot of pressure to respond as
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well. and it is important that for being an outside pressure for the united states to say if there is further escalation, if there is further we would respond and nobody wants that. so it is important that we show a little bit of determination of leadership. >> sandra: ambassador if you could hang on with us, this via reuters for two security sources telling reuters the top has blood commander that was targeted in this is really strike and the beirut suburbs has survived. again that is according to sources telling reuters at this hour we are working to independently confirm that ourselves. john? >> john: lets go back to trey. as we said earlier information from has below which may have been propaganda but now it seems to be at least partly confirmed by sources outside of that.
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that he may have survived this. if he did how does that change the potential outcome? >> john and sandra of these reports are accurate coming from reuters attributable to two security officials, then it would give hassan, the leader of hezbollah, and off-ramp and all of this. and an opportunity not to respond to this is really strike in the suburbs of beirut, lebanon, and it would also possibly give the americans away in to bring, again both sides to the negotiating table. they've been on the phone according to officials we have talked to over the past several days. the biden administration and other european parties including the french have been trying to de-escalate the rising tension along the border. but what took place on saturday changed the equation. if this individual did to survive the strike in beirut earlier tonight, again, it would give has below and off-ramp and an opportunity to de-escalate. the question is whether or not
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the rocket fire continues along the northern border. remember, the israeli redline that according to the defense minister was crossed tonight had to specifically to do with the deaths of civilians in the northern part of the golan heights. there have been other attacks with those along the border who have not gone unanswered but they have been limited responses by the israelis and entering this entire conflict into a war of attrition. right now there is no clear double medic solution on the table because the israelis want hezbollah to move back beyond the river. a former u.n. boundary that would give that buffer zone to israeli civilians. tens of thousands of whom are internally displaced in their own country. and also it would give some of the israeli leadership the politicians including prime minister benjamin netanyahu an opportunity to go to his constituents and say he found a solution in all of this. war does not benefit the israelis and war does not benefit has below and it's part of the reason you have not seen
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a larger conflict erupts so far. you have been in this soft conflict since october 8th when heslin got involved in the fight but the israelis understand two things first, there are soldiers have been fighting nearly ten months on the ground inside gaza. earlier today we saw some of those initial soldiers were leaving the city of han units, gaza's second largest city and the soldiers are exhausted they been battling hamas inside gaza and so to take them to another war on the northern front would be very challenging from a military perspective. that is withstanding some of the other information that we know that the israelis are still operating on a daily basis in the west bank. they are still combating threats from places like yemen with the iran-backed houthis there that launched a tech against tel aviv and then you have iran backed iraqi and syrian malicious and around themselves so they are dealing with a number of things here they have to juggle at the same time understanding they only have a certain stockpile of
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weapons. according to recent reports in politico israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu when he was visiting american leadership in washington and addressing congress brought with him a list of weapons systems he is requesting the biden administration fast track to israel to allow them to bolster their stockpiles just given the fact a larger war in the region corrupt and they would need those weapons if they have to fight again on multiple fronts. john, sandra? >> sandra: okay. trey, thank you very much. how do you believe we will be getting our next updates? obviously noting the life pictures we are getting of the aftermath at 9:14 p.m. local time. what do you see us seeing and learning here in the next hour or two as far as the next response that may come? >> things are incredibly fluid right now, sandra. two things to look out for one, rocket and drone alerts in the
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northern part of the country. that is always an indication that has blood is back in the fight targeting both civilian areas and military bases. the second would be any sort of instruction from israel's homefront command which is responsible for communicating military directives to is really civilians. these types of directives get communicated when the israelis are concerned about the possibility of a large-scale attack, rocket fire toward major population centers, and the possibility of escalation periods so if new instructions go out to the israeli people, that is an indication top leadership in tel aviv in israel's version of the pentagon have received information about the possibility of has below retaliating. but again, as we talked about off the top here, if these reports are correct, and this has blood commander in southern beirut survived the strike, it changes the equation and gives has below the opportunity to not respond and potentially over a larger crisis and conflict in the region.
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>> john: that's trey from jerusalem with the latest. this out of the white house, the u.s. does not believe in war between and israel is inev inevitable. hopefully they will avoid that because certainly as gillian turner was pointing out a lot of people would die. if war broke out on a full-scale basis. we are going to take a quick break, we will be back with a lot more on this. more analysis of the big hearing today with the secret service acting director of the deputy director stay withall us. cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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and we believe that it can still be avoided. you know, this is a president as you have watched in the last 3.5 years he believes in diplomacy comfortable solutions. especially as we are talking in this moment along the blue line that is true as well. and so that will end these attacks if we have some diplomatic solution from hezbollah once and for all and allow lebanese citizens on both sides of the border to return to their homes and live in safety that is what we want to see. >> john: that from the white house moments ago let's bring in jonathan schanzer a senior vice president for research at the foundation for the defense of democracy former u.s. treasury terror finance analyst. karine jean-pierre clearly reading and approved statement there from the white house saying she does not believe the war is inevitable. what do you think? will hasan nasrallah find a way to climb down from all-out war particularly since there are
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reports, jonathan, that the target of this attack, one of his top military advisors has survived? >> yeah, look. i think we need to back up just a minute. we need to remember that has below has been firing rockets at israel since october 8th. one day after the war erupted with hamas, hezbollah jumped in and has been firing somewhere between 250 and 350 different rockets and missiles at israel every day. about 100,000 israelis have been cleared out of their homes in the north. the israelis after that attack on saturday that killed 12, they really had in their minds no choice but to respond all the while the u.s. has been trying to tamp down tensions. that has not worked very well. primarily because israel is the only actor being restrained. we continue to hear from the white house that israel needs to show restraint. but meanwhile has blood
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continues to work with iran they continue to engage in hostilities against israel there has been no price to pay. today we may see a price paid but that of course may lead to escalation. if the white house is truly interested in trying to dial back the tensions and try to bring this to a soft landing in the diplomatic conclusion, they are going to need to threaten iran and has below. they need to make it clear that there will be costs for everything they have been doing the last nine months. >> sandra: jonathan, thank you for joining us. as the white house says the administration does not believe in all-out war is inevitable, we seem to be getting a response from iran here through iran's embassy in lebanon saying that iran strongly condemns the sinful and cowardly is rarely aggression that targeted southern beirut suburb. just getting your reaction to that. >> i would expect condemnation we are seeing from the iranians of course we know vladimir putin
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has condemned the attack. there of course allies in the region the iranians are helping russia with its aggression in ukraine. and vice versa. russians have been helping iran and has below with their aggression against israel. we are seeing right now it's not the surprising to see these condemnations but again i think what it does is it puts the ball squarely on the court of the white house right now. the white house needs to get a handle on this. they have not the last nine months. i think it has been really mishandled and botched by the biden administration because all we have seen is israel being restrained while the other side has grown increasingly aggressive. we have arrived at a moment of decision here in the middle east where a full-blown crisis could finally emerge and this is the moment or a superpower like the united states to step in and threaten consequences if things continue to go in the direction that they are. again, we cannot fall to the
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israelis for responding to the murder of 12 of its citizens. children the other day. this was inevitable. the question now is can we call it quits at this moment? can the u.s. call upon cooler heads to prevail? we don't know whether we have the credibility right now to do that, but this is the moment we should be trying. >> john: jonathan sander pointed out they are condemning the attack but i don't recall them condemning the attack on saturday. it would seem there was a major miscalculation by hezbollah here because the people who have died, many of them were children, most of them were children were the arabs. yes they support israel and a lot are israeli citizens but they are still arabs. and four has a blood to be will not sit well with the local population. let alone the international community. which i believe is why they are
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so vocal saying it is in us we didn't do this when it clearly would seem dated. >> and i think no one is really buying it right now. we can see the forensics. the israelis have shown the flight path they can you exactly what time the rocket wasn't shot. has below's attempts to deny this is falling on deaf ears i don't like anyone is buying it in the international community. but in my view this was only a matter of time. where 12 children were killed, i mean what we have seen are thousands of attacks since october 8th. at one of them was going to get through. one of them would create a mass casualty event. one of them would prompt the israelis to respond in the way that they have. and that is what is so sad about this. there was ample opportunity for months leading up to this moment to actually impose costs on has below and on iran. i think we just need to point out here that iran has been
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providing the weapons, the cash, the training, the ideological indoctrination, too has below, to hamas, to the initials in syria they are doing the same thing with the houthis as they shut down the international hip shipping lane of the red sea. all of this is back to iran and i don't and we have held iran to account not once during this entire nine months. the u.s. has an opportunity to warn the iranians, to threat the iranians, to show them there will be real costs. we have not done it and i think unfortunately that weakness has actually led us to the crisis we are looking at right now. >> sandra: as we continue to look at this video from beirut moments ago, jonathan a final thought from you. what you will be watching for in the coming hours following this targeted attack. >> sure. i mean when you look at the arab media right now they are saying
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that haifa will be targeted israel's third largest city with a large chemical plant that i will certainly be watching we hope that nothing hits that. but i think haifa has been largely spared so far in this conflict the last nine months. we have not seen has bullet hit this large city in northern israel. that's what i am watching now. and if haifa is hit by hezbollah i will tell you that the israeli military will respond with greater force and we will be climbing an escalation letter. this is the escalation letter that of course the white house is trying to make sure that the region does not climb. >> john: coming to likely a worse situation than 2006. many people i know in israel who say where they are now in the north is worse than it was back in 2006, but there was all-out war between israel and has below. jonathan, thank you for joining us we appreciate your thoughts. >> thank you. >> sandra: jonathan, thank you. we will continue coverage of this breaking news and more when
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>> sandra: fox news alert, an update on the targeted attack on the hezbollah commander in lebanon. what are we learning now, trey? >> >> sander, good afternoon. at this moment israeli media is reporting that israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu arrived at israel's version of the pentagon in tel aviv moments ago for a situational assessment. we are following those reports from reuters that indicates the target of this is really strike in southern beirut may not have been eliminated. sources telling fox news they are gathering information on the success level of the strike. there are some reports that indicate israeli forces do remain on high alert in the north in case has bullet this
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stomach decides to respond to the strike but while israelis have laid out with their redline, nasrallah has laid out his. he has had interviews saying if israel strikes beirut he would respond by striking tel aviv. again these are often threats and propaganda that are put out into the media by hezbollah amid the ongoing war with israel but some of the threats that hezbollah makes they often conduct. as we saw earlier today sirens were sounding across the northern part of this country, rockets and drones being fired over the border killing one israeli civilian earlier today. and of course that tragic rocket attack on the saturday that killed 12 young civilians in the northern part of golan heights. what the israelis say is a direct response this strike in southern beirut against this top hezbollah commander earlier today and the earliest we can report according to israeli media is that prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu has arrived moments ago at israel's version of the pentagon in tel aviv to hold situational assessments to determine whether or not the strike was successful. center, john? >> john: trey fort us with the latest from jerusalem and now keith kellogg for more perspective on this. so, lebanon's foreign minister is saying that he hopes for a proportionate response so that this "wave of killing will stop." show us the tangled web of lebanese politics with a foreign minister saying i hope has below will launch a proportionate attack. i mean, clearly we know who is running the country there. what do you think has below will do? just a couple of days ago, has below was saying they are prepared to withdraw north of the river if israel were to stop its attacks and everything went. >> yes, john thank you for having me again.
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look, to start with, has below should have been out of that region 20 years ago because it was a u.n. security resolution. 1701 said they were to withdraw. they have not done that. second i think what you are seeing, not to be a pest but i think you're starting to see an escalatory cycle that is getting quite dangerous because hezbollah does respond, be it haifa or goes into tel aviv, than the israelis will go really, really hard back into lebanon against has below. and i think that is very, very probable right now. i don't think has below will take their foot off the gas at all. i think everybody you've had on before has been very, very clear. part of this issue is that we have not been very determined, we've been very clear, very concise on our support of is israel. and tehran needs to know that and has bullet needs to know that. the houthis need to know that and hamas needs to know that.
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look, the rockets that hit that hit the school children playing soccer that is a full out rocket. that's made by one country, iran. they knew through the forensics where that rocket came from and who shot it. has bullet and say all they want but they know who the rocket came from, and who made it and what they want to do and i don't think they will be afraid to go very hard on has below. ron dermer former ambassador of the united states and israel, it's a secretary of defense and netanyahu. it's out of session meaning they cannot take any political action against netanyahu. his hands are kind of freed right now. they know what he wants to do. the only concern with israel going in lebanon right now is do they have the logistics back up to be able to do that? they were fighting for nine months with hamas and have expended humiston's and we have not back to those munitions as you made a comment earlier,
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netanyahu came with a shopping list and they haven't gotten it yet but i think they attack hard in israel, the israelis will respond and this crisis just got more and more trickier to try to resolve. and i think that is where we are headed. >> sandra: also hitting the wire right now the lebanese former minister is telling writers that lebanon condemns is really strike to file a complaint to the u.n. also the lebanese foreign minister open for a proportionate response by hezbollah so that this wave of killing will stop. that is crossing the wires right now as we continue to report breaking news, general thank you for helping back on with us. we will continue to update on this and what we just heard about kamala harris and her potential running mate. we will have breaking news when we return.
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>> sandra: veepstakes in full swing for kamala harris and it's brand-new as we look for the vp contenders for harris. she was making her way to atlanta. she stopped and spoke for just a minute as she was or hoarding air force two and took a question from a reporter and whether she has chosen her running mate. she said "not yet" as she was boarding the plane. that was just before 2:28 p.m. eastern time. bryan llenas is live for us in pennsylvania. which obviously will be crucial to democrat success in the must win state. what are the people they're telling you? hello. >> hey, sandra, based on that breaking news we do know that vice president kamala harris wants to make a decision by
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august 7th. sometime next week. people in pennsylvania tell us they like their gaia governor josh shapiro. they like the way he speaks to a crowd. they believe he can fire people up. they think his bipartisan reputation will go a long way on the national stage. here is the update on the veepstakes we have governor shapiro, arizona senator mark kelly on the short-list, minnesota governor tim walz, transportation secretary pete buttigieg and no longer includes north carolina governor roy cooper who dropped out last night but now reportedly includes michigan senator gary peters who is backed by unions in the critical sweepstake. >> labor is absolutely essential for victory. particularly in states like mine in michigan. we were coming off of joe biden who is without question the most pro-union president that we have had. i am confident kamala harris will be that prounion president as well. >> but as i mentioned here in pennsylvania, shapiro is the
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pick. yesterday's rally might as well have been a pep rally for him to be vp. voters tell us they like how he aggressively attacks former president trump. here is shapiro calling trump "weird" yesterday and attacked client the harris campaign continues to use. >> you ever see this guy when he's on stage? he kind of meanders over? can't really walk well. he goes to the flag and he hugs the flag i mean i love the flag but it's a weird thing he does. right? but while he is hugging the flag do you know what he is doing? he is ripping away our freedoms. >> interestingly shapiro and whitmire were also cursing a lot more in yesterday's rally which we found interesting potentially an effort to go after that use the boat. we spoke to voters who said frankly there is more energy at harris rallies than at biden rallies, listen. >> i know it's an excitement
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that is growing with everyone. young voters, all of my family. >> what is your message to va vance? >> you don't mess with a childless cat lady. >> he talks nonsense with all the stuff going on in the world he will pick on childless cat ladies? >> obviously the campaign hoping there are more choices out there that are motivated by j.d. vance's comments about childless cat ladies and sander all i can say is the campaign has been a very weird 2024. that puts a period on all of that. >> we appreciate that thank you, brian. >> john: we had the pink hats and now cat masks who knows where this is going? vice president harris moments ago for a campaign event in georgia rapper megan thee stallion is performing. georgia democrats say they have
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hoped to replicate the 2020 results and deliver the states to a democrat for the first time in decades although perhaps better than the 2020 results for her own campaign. national politics reporter for axios and joins us now. if you take a look at the real clear politics and pulling average of trump versus harris, down there in georgia trump at 48.5% come harris at 44%. that is similar to trump's leader buys him before he dropped out. does her becoming the nominee really make that much of a difference? >> i mean, we are just over a week in. of the thing georgia is georgia would sustain that the biden campaign was most concerned about losing. i mean i heard privately from democrats that they didn't have anyone running who could turn out the democratic base. they don't have warnock, they don't have stacey abrams. but now the reason they think
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vice president harris changes the game now is that because of who she is she may turn out and do a better job of turning out the democratic base than someone like president biden. >> all rights of the trump campaign is going after her heart with new attack ads including this one on immigration, take a look here. >> this is america's border czar and she has failed us. under harris over 10 million illegal a year. a quarter of a million americans dead from brutal migrant crimes. and isis now here. >> john: that's a tough add which may be also so long for you to remember but take a look here. >> bush supports the death penalty for for for first-degree murderers. he not only opposes nobody love for first-degree murderers to have passes from prison.
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one was a boy who was stabbed 19 times. >> that add torpedo his campaign and trump is trying to do the same with kamala harris and emigration will it work? >> trump in many ways it's concerned about harris because the thing that trump respects the most is people who have read is rizz in a release energetic and that will challenge her on the border and immigration. those are real issues that americans are very concerned on. even in landlocked states. i mean we have heard from people in the primaries. and so immigration, the economy, trying to tie kamala harris to bidenomics those are the key focuses and we we see that. >> also they could hit her on the issue of fracking because listen to what she said back in
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2019. >> there is no question i'm in for it favor of banning fracking. of history on this issue and to your point, we have to acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of health and safety of communities. >> john: but here's what she hurt campaign told "politico." harris' campaign pledge the likely presidential nominee would not ban fracking rejecting what is called "false accusations" that she would prohibit the technology if elected president. receipts are out there it's tough. >> it could be very problematic for her because this is politics. the trump campaign will use her words against her. >> john: sophia, thank you for joining us will be right back after this. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds.
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now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. >> our own jackie heinrich was just pressing the white house press secretary at the white house moments ago on the president's plan to overhaul the supreme court watch this exchange... >> the president himself in the campaign trail in 20 twenties said prisons come and go the supreme court justice days for generations not trained to change that at all or its 2 different days he spoke to this. >> could we get -- >> first of all he appreciates
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the commission and the work they've done. their job was to give the president some thoughts and ideas but obviously the president makes the final decision on how he wants to move forward. we have to look at the supreme court -- >> wait you have to let me answer the question. >> i'm not done let me finish the question. the action the supreme court is taken and undermining democracy and the rule of law that is important. the president felt he needed to adjust this. >> martha: >> sandra: okay there is even more to that exchange it was pretty remarkable i was the listening to it earlier during 1 of the commercial breaks. she said it is not normal and we have to meet the moment for what scotus did. it is pretty remarkable as we see this white house pushing for reforming of the supreme court. >> john: we know nothing is going to happen before biden leaves office and we will see
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what happens after the november election on that front. don't forget it takes a constitutional amendment to make a couple of changes or at least 1 that biden is looking at. i doubt that given the politics of the nation, that you will get a constitutional amendment on the supreme court. >> sandra: a very revealing exchange there. will likely hear more about that john. >> john: it was. alright now this, a live look at henderson nevada. former president trump's running mate jd vance set to rally in the silver state focusing on reducing inflation and making trump air attacks permanent. our correspondent grady trimble live with more. radiate seems just yesterday you were here in dc how's it looking? >> it is, it's hot outside but good energy inside john for what our senator 80 vance first 2 rallies in nevada since former president trump chose him as his running mate. this is a state that trump has never won, but recent trends give republicans hope that maybe
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they could have a victory here come november. trump had a lead in the latest polling in nevada, but that was before vice president kamala harris became the democrats presumptive nominee. what little following we do have now suggests harris does better with younger people and not white voters compared to biden. today we expect the ants you know who is a first millennial vp nominee to try to appeal to both those groups at his rallies by highlighting plans to lower costs for nevada residents and cut taxes. we just heard mention of a policy proposal that the former president trump maid in nevada first which is no tax on tips but over the past couple weeks, advances several -- first events as his current title has been overshadowed by comments, he said it's gotten so bad -- they said it's going so that he should be replaced. but in interview last night trump defended his running mate.
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>> he's got tremendous support and really does among a certain group of people, to pull that like families, you know, he made a statement having to do with families. kilos family. it is very important to him. he grew up in a very interesting family situation and he feels family is good. and i don't think there is anything wrong in saying that. >> alright as we await senator vance to hit the stage and about 1 hour are so we also know from here he is going to go to another rally in reno nevada and then tomorrow he is got a rally in arizona. down on thursday, he will hit the border, another theme we are going to hear from him a lot in the next several weeks especially here in the sun belt states that have been so impacted by border issues. even as far up as nevada. john. >> john: already grady trimble and henderson thank you so much. will sue -- soon learn who he
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will be debating -- debating. >> sandra: won't that be interesting. as we continue to follow breaking news in the middle east, this just crossing the wires john, how moss has come out with the statement strongly condemning the attack on lebanon southern suburb calling at a dangerous escalation, john. >> john: while i would expect hamas to say that. i would expect iran to say what it did and i would expect russia to say what it did as well. the real, you know, the truth of the tail we'll be told when we hear from nasrallah. we will in a time of plays at -- and playset are choosing they said. iran doesn't want more but they do want to mix it up in the regional question. >> sandra: our coverage will continue john great to be with you see you back here tomorrow. >> john: good to be with you and good to be with you at home as well. thank you for joining us on john rapp -- john roberts. >> sandra: i'm centra smith. the story with martha maccallum begins now martha. >> martha: goo


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