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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 31, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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work, you are 78. are you having fun post-assassination attempt? >> i feel... number one -- because you said 78, i feel stronger, i feel just as good as i did 40 years ago. i feel the same. i actually feel i am sharper because if i'm not i'm in trouble. i feel i'm sort of shopper. somebody said to me, you know, i think you are sharper now than 20 years ago. and maybe you are doing all this things, everything just happening. i'm having fun in a strange way because i'm making a lot of progress. i think we are going to win and i'm going to make america great again and that's far more important to whether or not i'm happy. that will make me happy. >> laura: that's it for us tonight. thank you for watching. remember, it's america now and >> carley: fox news alert. top political leader has been killed for hamas.
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increasing the threat of a wider war breaking out across the region. it is wednesday, july 31, you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. the strike in tehran coming hours after israels it killed a senior hezbollah commander and iran's revolutionary guard says it will be met with a harsh and painful response. former navy seal jonathan gilliam is standing by. we start with lucas tomlinson. >> lucas: israel prime minister said the death of the 12 children on the soccer field would not go unanswered. the two targets killings took place in tehran and beirut. the top commander that killed 12
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children, state department had put a 5 million dollar bounty on his head. iran's capital,ed weller of hamas was killed just after inauguration of iran's new president. lloyd austin was asked about the killing of hamas leader. >> can you confirm if israel is behind the strike that killed the senior leader in tehran and did you get a warning this was going to happen? >> we don't have anything for you on that. we have heard reporting, i do not have additional information. we'll do everything we can to make sure we keep things from turning into a broader conflict throughout the region. >> lucas: israel top military spoke about the top commander.
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>> hezbollah's ongoing aggression and brutal attacks are dragging the people of lebanon and entire middle east into a wider escalation while we prefer to resolve hostility without a wider war. the idf is fully prepared for any scenario. >> lucas: israel's heritage minister says this is right way to clean the world from filth. no more peace agreement, no more mercy for these mortal, the hand that will strike them will bring peace and comfort and we can live in peace with those who desire peace. iran supreme leader vowed revenge. after israel killed the leader in damascus, they launched for
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the first time. >> carley: bring in former navy seal jonathan gilliam. remarkable israel killed the leader of hamas and top hezbollah commander within hours of each other. what does this mean for the war going forward? >> jonathan: it is a message to iran. when you talk about hezbollah and hamas, you are talking about iran, those are proxy fighters for iran. it is a message to iran that israel is looking tactically at their leadership to knock down any leadership that they can. you have to remember, the way many different groups within middle east, way they work, leaders are very important, they mocro-manage troops. troops are trained to the level the united states are trained to. the leaders are very important. when they can take a leader out, it does affect what they are
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capable of doing and coordinating for a period of time before they can get someone else in there. iran threatens ands things, they went to the area where their leadership is at and took the individuals out. that is huge direct and specific message to iran and proxies. when you flip it around, what they do, they use terror by throwing rockets into the cities and killing innocent people. israel targets specifically and sometimes there is collateral damage. iran and their proxies look for that collateral damage and want to hit civilians so they cause panic and fear and ultimately people to turn against internet. >> todd: is this the moment history will look back upon and say this is when the broad regional conflict really
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erupted? >> jonathan: i don't think so. i think right now we're the way we were when iran tried to send all the drones and planes to go hit israel earlier this year. i don't think it will lead -- there is always the possibility, but the probability of this blowing up into something greater, i don't think that will happen. israel has shown they have the ability to react in a planned and very targeted manner. iran, excuse me israel. iran has not shown that capability at this point, so the fact they have not been able to wage that specific war against israel, i don't see it blowing up from there. >> carley: this happened in tehran, this strike against the hamas leader on the same day the
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new president was inaugurated. hamas says he died in a raid at his residence. is that a person from musad, or another entity going into his house and killing him? >> jonathan: very well could be. in lebanon, they had a $5 million bounty on that individual, plenty individuals would take him out for that and passage out of there. when you look at type of attack, it could have been two totally different or singular groups that targeted the individuals. israel, like the united states, not just about the fastest plane or accurate missiles, it is intelligence work and who they can recruit to get on the ground where leaders are at a specific time.
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trump was famous for giving one leader a picture and saying this is your home and we're basically going to take you out if you do anything else. that is technology and sources we have to get that deep in those areas. >> todd: how do you expect the biden-harris administration to respond? >> jonathan: look at lloyd austin. when he talked that is remotely better than biden when he speaks. i've never heard lloyd austin elaborate on something. harris, she is campaigning as though she is president, she's not and right now where we're at is a sticky situation because we don't know what is biden's capability, joe biden's capability is and when you look at his cabinet, it does not send confidence into those who understand what is going on. the policy of the biden administration is and has been,
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don't do anything, just give money and munition to whatever ally needs it and stand back and that is typically, except air power, how they handle it. >> carley: military leader of hamas is still alive, israel has described him as dead man walking. >> jonathan: one other thing. it appears in 2024 that assassinat assassination attempts are on the rise and that is not just over there, you see what happened here with trump and this is what world leaders across the board need to watch for. >> carley: a tense and terrifying time. thank you. form upper president trump return to pennsylvania today for first time since the assassination attempt jonathan was just referring to. the fbi does not have complete access to social media accounts. we will react.
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>> todd: concerning, violent venezuelan gang is giving members green light to attack law enforcement in the u.s. the warning from federal officials next. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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>> carley: federal authorities warning a violent venezuelan gang has given green light to attack and kill police officers here in the u.s. >> todd: same street gang connected to attacks like the beating of nypd officer in time square in january. brooke singman joins me now. >> brooke: members of the gang are walking around this country potentially looking to wage war on men and women of law enforcement. credible human sources from colorado provided information on the gang giving green light to fire on or attack law enforcement. that warning from the colorado information analysis center being shared with fox news digital saying the members of the street gang are encouraged to attack police officers. the gang was started in the venezuelan state. the gang has been trying to establish itself in the united
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states for the last few years with focus on human smuggling, drug trafficking and more. the group recorded catching 70 members tryings to enter the country. bernardo matta, accused of killing two police officers told cops he was recruited toin jo the snatch and grab moped thieves. reporting the gang has been smuggling guns through food delivery bags. it is believed the gang is tied to the assault on two officers in time square that occurred in january. the u.s. government designated the gang as a trans national criminal organization and offering $12 million for information leading to arrest or conviction of several of the gang's leaders. >> carley: brooke, thank you.
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donald trump back in pennsylvania for a rally in harrisburg, first time he visited the state since his assassination attempt. trump will speak with the fbi about that attack tomorrow after acting secret service director testified in front of the senate judiciary committee yesterday. >> the assassination attempt on donald j trump in butler, pennsylvania, was a failure. i upon went to the roof of the agr building and i laid in a prone position to evaluate his line of sight. what i saw made me ashamed. i cannot defund why that roof was not better secured. >> carley: a secret service agent that was a former agent for donald trump joins us now. what do you think about what we
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learned yesterday? >> i was appreciative how forthcoming rowe was. i worked with him and i was happy to see it was more a level of we're going to get information to you. i appreciate the position he's in. it's an unwinnable position he's entered into. it is indefensible what happened and we have to try to move on and learn and go from there. >> carley: when it comes to new information provided, what was the most important information we learned yesterday? >> his information, a couple things struck me. in releasing information about our drone mitigation technology secret service uses in the public forum, i was taken aback that was released and made public, it did demonstrate there are vulnerabilities in that technology and they are working to improve that.
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it was enlightening to hear he got on that roof and took a look at what the shooter was able to see that day and that showed a lot his intent is to figure this out from very much the ground level and make the changes needed to go forward for secret service. >> carley: he was more forthcoming and reflective than kimberly cheatle was a week ago, his former bos and now he's stepped into that role as the acting director of the secret service under a whole lot of pressure from lawmakers to give as much information as possible. a key moment in something he said to klobuchar about why he thinks the security failure took place. listen here. >> could you give a be minute on what went wrong? >> i thought long and hard about this. i think this was a failure of imagination.
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failure to imagine that we actually do live in a very dangerous world where people do actually want to harm our protectees. i think it was a failure to challenge our own assumptions. we assume someone will cover that. we assume there will be uni for presence. we did not challenge that internally during that advance. >> carley: that may not be considered acceptable answer to some people, there could be truth to it. this happened because secret service agents failed to realize something like this could be possible. what do you think about that? >> i fully support that, believer in the ocham razor theory, we are not prepared is the simplest answer. or there were things put in
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place and the plan was not implemented and that is what happen said. i can understand why people look at that and go that is a nonanswer, it may be as simple as that as inconceivable as that may be to the general public. i think with that plan, if there was a plan to have that area covered, it was not implemented, there are two factors, was there a plan to have it covered? if it was covered, why not through the entire event allowing that shooter to get on the roof. >> carley: nick steen, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. to a fox weather alert. a tropical disturbance is being tracked and could hit florida this week. happenings >> todd: janice dean is here with the fox weather forecast.
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>> janice: frustrating, i wish i could give you more information, we do not have a good grasp where it is going. if you live across florida, southeast or gulf coast, monitor this. we won't have a lot of time as the system moves to the bahamas. florida and u.s. coast, be monitoring this disturbance. development unlikely to get together until it reaches bahamas friday or weekend. still yet to be determined, wish i could give more details. fo, is on this. i need you to be prepared. active wildfires, huge story. we have the park fire, only 18%
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contained. burning out of control, firefighters working hard to get this under control and weather conditions not helping. very dry, no moisture and smoke will move eastward. severe threat today across ohio river valley. severe thunderstorm warning. watch in effect for iowa and midwest. be on alert. i'll keep you posted. seeing that and not giving you a track, days out from something forming is disturbing for me. >> todd: people in florida need to prepare. if you are just joining us, breaking news out of middle east. hamas confirming top political leader killed in a strike in iran. >> carley: latest details and reaction from the trump campaign as we await a response from president biden and vice president kamala harris. stay with us. 's run meyer the hatter for over 75 years now.
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>> carley: the v.p. stakes coming to final stretch. vice president kamala harris will host a rally with her yet to be announced running mate next week in philadelphia, leading to speculation josh shapiro could get nodded in his home state. harris made it clear yesterday she has not made a final decision. when she does, they will stop in wisconsin, mitch comban, georgia, arizona and nevada. harris campaign is trying to rewrite or history, including on fracking. >> no question i want to -- fracking. >> do you you support medicare all? >> yes. >> i believe it would eshg eliminate private insurance.
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>> ban it and move on. >> i do believe we need to do buybacks. >> carley: "new york times" reporting in addition to changing her position on fracking, campaign officials she backs biden administration to increase funding for border enforcement. really? no longer supports single payer health insurance program. interesting. >> todd: national republican congressional committee added 26 candidate to young guns trying to flip districts held by democrats. rob mccrury from the keystoep state of pennsylvania joins me now. how much of your campaign is tying your opponent to kamala harris far left record, not the
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one she's trying to white wash the last 24 hours. >> thank you for having me. honor to be selected as a young gun. jobs are scarce, we have high prices and run away inflation and border security has failed. these are harris and biden policies and my opponent has supported every one. as businessman, father and veteran, it is time to restore prosperity, we can do that in pennsylvania. >> todd: let's get another young gun from pennsylvania. on the list of 26, latest fox news poll has harris and trump tied in your state, a little different than when biden was atop the ticket. how concerned are you this could impact down ballot races like
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yours? >> people are fed up and sick and tired of same game of politics. i include northeastern pennsylvania, the home of scranton, joe biden. i'm raised in northeastern pennsylvania and went to university of scranton. people are sick and tired of the progr progressive agenda. people are sick and tired of politics. i don't think it will impact down stream. we are known as splitting tickets. people will vote for what is right. >> todd: both of you looks young, i will not ask your age, but age is essential, men under 30 are supporting donald trump. and that is a sharp reversal
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from 2020. trump was leading in men 18 to 25 when biden was atop the t ticket. in 2020, biden won that group by 15. how do you explain that, rob? >> i think the statistics are showing people are sick and tired of the biden-harris agenda. they want a new day and they are looking to agenda of the trump-vance administration and those who support it to create opportunities, growing job, controlling the border, common-sense policies we all can support. we will have restored prosperity in our country, that is what people want. >> todd: rob, do you think it goes beyond what rob mercuri
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mentioned? democrats, based upon the way they approach social issues and things like men in women's sports, do you think they are driving away young men between ages of 18 to 29 that in a way that you wouldn't think when you and i and other rob were growing up? >> certainly. i do come close to that age demographic, but not quite. the progressive radical agenda is insane. jfk wouldn't be a democrat in today's age with what the agenda is. look at title nine vote that cartwright wanted to allow men to participation in women's sports. it boils down to the idea of american dream. you have credit card debt over $1 trillion. idea of owning a home, being
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able to provide for your family. basic necessities are being compromised. nobody received 20% raise for paycheck to you hahavaset cost living. what we have seen is unsustainable to be able to exist financially. we have a radical agenda. what it boils down to is economic impact people can't afford to exist. >> todd: all eyes on pennsylvania for the presidential race. can the robs prove victorious? best of luck. thank you for joining us. >> carley: something everybody can smile about. simone biles is the most decorated american jgymnast in american history after leading team usa to gold in yesterday's team final. ♪ [cheering] ♪
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[cheering] >> carley: if you can believe it, simone biles has won 38 world and olympic medals and has a chance to win four more in the individual event. so cool to see how excited they were after she landed, nailed her floor routine and they knew they had won. >> todd: when you see that picture on the screen, you smile. you smile when you see her smile, you smile when you see her eating that medal. awesome. >> carley: they bite the gold medal for some reason. happy to see it. >> todd: breaking news, former president trump tearing into the byted biden-harris foreign po policy. >> carley: senior advisor danielle alvarez joins us next.
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>> todd: hamas has confirmed ismail haniyeh has been killed in . he was killed just after
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inauguration of iran's new president. iran vowing revenge for this killing. former navy seal jonathan gilliam says this is message to iran. >> it is a message israel is looking at their leadership to knock down any leadership that they can. she is campaigning as though she is president, she is not. we're in a sticky situation, we don't know what joe biden's capability is. >> carley: the strike in tehran took out hamas leader. israel said they killed hezbollah's top military leader who was responsible for the strike that killed 12 children. the state department had 5
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million bounty on his head. we are waiting to see how the white house will react to this. this is impacting the oil markets. >> todd: cheryl casone. >> cheryl: oil futures are on the rise after that hamas leader was killed in inneran. global contract rising after oil hit seven-week low earlier in the week. to west technical xas intermedi prices climbing. oil prices can fluctuate wildly with israel striking that hezbollah commander and a top hamas leader was assassinated in tehran. two, first is weak deknow mand
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and uncertain outlook in china. manufacturing has slowed in china for last three months and they are biggest importer in the world of crude. they have been saying activity did shrink for a third month. biden administration bought oil on monday. jennifer grantholm said we secured 180 million barrels back to spr. and we accomplished this while getting good deal for taxpayers and maintaining readiness of the petroleum reserve. the middle east is third of world oil comes out of there. we have talked about before, iran has been making millions of dollars to fund terrorist
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operation by shipping oil. the biggest purchaser is china. opec plus meets tomorrow, we'll see what they decide to do. might back off production cuts, we'll see what they decide. if you have all out war in middle east, oil will tick higher. >> todd: and 16 billion iran has to fund that comes from oil. don't mischeryl on mornings with maria. let's bring in danielle alvarez. following post is on truth social. russia never invaded ukraine under trump. iran never invaded israel under trump. nobody invaded anybody. china never thought of invading taiwan under trump. biggest embarrassment is in afghanistan would have never
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happened under trump. what a different world it would be under trump. what is your message what kamala harris presidency would mean for u.s. foreign policy going forward? >> president trump is right, under his leader shn there was historic peace, peace through strength. we are seeing chaos on the world stage because kamala harris is weak. she has failed. our adversaries laugh at the biden-harris administration. we have seen hamas attack israel and china embolden. it is unsafe in the world because kamala harris is at the helm, she propped up joe biden and lied about his health for 3-1/2 years. it is an absolute disaster. it hurts our nation. it is time to elect president donald trump, he said it best, there was peace in his administration and the world was
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much safer because of the strength of america. >> carley: politico reporting israeli government is worried about kamala harris administration, she is seen as sympathetic to the palestinian side more than biden. would israel have the same concerns under trump administration? >> absolutely not, kamala harris is dangerously liberal. internet can try to wipe out how liberal she is. gov track rated her more liberal than bernie sanders. americans know just how radical and left she is. now she's trying to walk the line as it relates to israel and gaza. when attacks happen and when college students and protesters took to campus to reek havoc, she supported pro-hamas sympathizers and pro-hamas on college campuses.
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it is a disaster, not a worry we would have under president trump because he was able to deliver peace in middle east through abraham accord when nobody thought it was possible. that is leadership we must return to. >> todd: v.p. harris rallying in atl atlanta. she has a different take on how the whole border mess came about. take a listen. >> donald trump does not care about border security. he only cares about himself. when i am president, i will work to actually solve the problem. [cheering] >> so here is my pledge to you. as president, i will bring back the border secure bill donald trump kimed and i will assign it into law. [cheering] and show donald trump what real
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leadership looks like. >> todd: a few lies in there, donald trump did not kill border security bill, he has not been in office, it was harris in 2019 rejected more border funding and harris compared ice to the kkk. how will your campaign keep these lies from kamala harris specifically on the border from spreading, especially in swing states where voters are looking for that answer, final det determination as to who they will pull the lever for. >> it is laughable she is trying to rewrite history. she was the original border czar. she has talked about decriminalizing border crossings and abolishing ice. all of this, she's stated in her own words, we'll roll back the tape and play the clips. border was secure under donald
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trump. it has been devastating for our country and it came using her own words. be very honest, yesterday at her event, the crowd was not buying what she was saying. they thought they were there for a concert and left as soon as she started talking. she cannot gas light people who know her as original border czar and failure on this issue. >> carley: she said donald trump does not care about border security, probably most notable comment out of what we played she said. thank you for joining us. check in with brian kilmeade to see what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> brian kilmeade or gregg mcelhannon gutfeld. >> brian: we'll have explosive news about middle east, strike on hamas leader in tehran, we'll talk about what that means for
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the middle east and fox news alert, more questions than answers as ronald rowe is grilled before senate lawmakers. this is counter sniper that warns another assassination attempt seems inevitable. we will react. kamala's fracking flip flop and a bunch of flip flops take center stage, is anyone buying it? trump heads to pennsylvania, today petroleum engineer tell us what harris administration would mean for energy and caroline sunshine on what it means for november and pummel horse hero taking the usa by storm. his two biggest fans, his mom and dad join us live, plus rachel campos-duffy, dana perino, jackie deangelis coming up on "fox and friends." this is name of the show, that
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♪ >> carley: now to results from the arizona primary election. kari lake decisively beating g.o.p. sheriff mark lamb and elizabeth ray. during victory speech she describes the election as a race between good and evil. >> we have got to come together as americans. we have watched what has
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happened over the last three and a half years and, frankly, we only have three and a half months to save this country. who is ready to save this country? [cheers] welcome to the america first movement. we love you. >> lake will now prepare for a high stakes showdown against reuben gallego who ran unopposed. ham aday has a lead over blake masters in arizona's district 8 house primary that race has not official liver been called. >> donald trump going to chicago to speak at the national association of black journalist convention. april ryan to have a presumed orchestrated session with the former president is an affront to what this organization stands for and a slap in the face to the black women journalists and protect themselves from the wrath of this republican
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presidential nominee democracy with his project 2025. >> joe concha fox news contributor and author of the brand new book progressively worse. why today's democrats ain't your daddy's donkey. we showed april ryan's comment. she was far from the only person to voice issues with donald trump attending this conference today. and i would say that if you were a journalist and have concerns about donald trump and going. this would be the perfect opportunity to talk to him about them. what do you think? >> joe: exactly, carley. something that donald trump gives to journalists across the spectrum while kamala harris has yet to take one even one question from any journalist about all of the radical positions that she holds. i mean, look. >> this is the same april ryan who once asked during a press briefing during the trump presidency if donald trump supported slavery.
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actually asked that in a press briefing. it's a profoundly ridiculous and provocative question just to draw attention to herself which seems to be the business that she is in. this is the same april ryan who once asked pete buttigieg the current transportation secretary quote secretary mayor pete, can you give us the construct on how you would deconstruct the racism that was built into our roadways? unquote. this is the same april ryan who, on thanksgiving day accused sarah huckabee sanders who was the press secretary at the time she actually did not bake a pumpkin by that sanders has posted online. this isn't a journalist we are talking about. she is not a democratic she is a hack at this vista. this is how it works in the press court those named peter doocy and jacqui heinrich. if reaches out to black voters black journalist that's apparently todd a big no no to april ryan. she says this is donald trump's
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2025 when donald trump came out and disavowed it for the 87,000th time. before we let you go, joe. how wad does it look for kamala that donald trump is attending this thing and she ain't? 20 seconds to you. >> it's huge, actually, again, she is not going to appear in front of a journalist in the next three and a half months she would have to defend, i don't know, that she once said that she does want to ban fracking, fossil fuels, offshore drilling. she wanted to ice. border wall construction. i could go down the line everything she wants to does president as eliminating private health insurance while giving health insurance to illegals. she doesn't want to answer questions. strength vs. weakness. trump looks strong harris pleading the fifth. >> todd: joe concha, thank you. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪


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