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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 31, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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competitors on the pommels for saturday so that's all that's left. >> steve: have you even -- do you still use your last name or full names? aren't you just i'm pommel horse guy's mom and dad? >> i don't say that. >> we don't. >> maybe when we get back to the states but not here. >> ainsley: how old was he when he started gymnastics? >> four. >> brian: he was jumping around the house and decided to put him in gymnastics. >> ainsley: all of the time you put into this. congratulations mom and dad. >> thank you. >> brian: good luck saturday. >> ainsley: we love you all. go team usa. >> steve: i love his story. >> brian: he stayed within himself. >> ainsley: and got dressed. >> bill: go usa. good morning. to the breaking news happening overnight. major escalations happening in
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the middle east. you have a pre-dawn air strike on iranian capital in tehran that took out a political leader of hamas there for one day visiting the new president in iran. israel is on high alert for a possible iranian response. i'm bill hemmer live in new york. let's get to it. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." great to be with all of you. hamas is blaming israel for the strike targeting the hamas leader after attending the iranian presidential inauguration hours after another deadly attack. this one took out the top hezbollah commander in lebanon. >> bill: israel is taking responsibility for that strike. it says the commander was behind the rocket attack that chilled the children and teenagers you see on your screen. they were playing soccer on a field in the golan heights this weekend. >> dana: it is making iran very mad and it backs both hamas and
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hezbollah. the supreme leader is talking revenge. >> bill: we don't know what happens next. keith kellogg said the terrorists left israel with 0 choice. >> the message is do not trifle with israel. they don't have a right to defend themselves. they have a moral obligation to defend themselves. i applaud what they did. it was needed to send the message to the world that this thing needs to end and soon. it will end on israeli terms. >> dana: trey yengst is following this from tel aviv. i assume tensions are high and the desire for justice is also very high, trey, give us an update. >> bill and dana, good morning. breaking news overnight. political leader of hamas ismail haniyeh is dead following a missile strike in the iranian capital of tehran. israelis have not yet taken
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credit for that strike but they are likely behind it as the region braces for what comes next, we do know haniyeh was staying at a guest house in tehran and just attended the inauguration of the new iranian president who replaced the president killed in a helicopter crash earlier this year. the leader of hamas met with iran's supreme leader and hours later was dead following this strike. the supreme leader releasing a statement this morning saying following this bitter, tragic event which has taken place within the borders of the islamic republic it is our duty to take revenge. there are major questions not just about what comes next and what the iranian response will be but also how it will affect the ongoing cease-fire talks to end the war in gaza that has been ongoing between israel and hamas. hours before that strike in tehran took place, there was another strike in beirut, lebanon in the southern part of
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the city in a neighborhood. this is a hezbollah stronghold. israelis taking credit for that strike taking out a senior hezbollah commander that we are looking at two different locations here, two separate strikes but both related to iran taking out the leader of iran's second largest proxy in the region and top hezbollah commander from its first. israel is on high alert today. security cabinet is set to meet in a few minutes here in tel aviv. israel's version of the pentagon to determine how israel will brace themselves for any possible response from iran and its proxies. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: well done, trey. give our viewers an idea what has happened over the past couple of days and go in reverse order. israel here in the eastern mediterranean, tehran is where the strike is where the hamas leader was taken out. he was only there for a day or two and the israelis took that moment to hit him before he went back to qatar.
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that was overnight. yesterday afternoon our time in the evening in beirut, this is the hezbollah leader in beirut who was taken out. faud shukr. we were first told he was not killed and israelis confirmed that later. he was taken out in beirut. if you look at this location here and the far northeastern section of israel is the golan heights. soccer field targeted over the weekend where 12 kids were killed. this whole region we showed you this the other day. everything in black, thousands of israelis have moved south and they did it seven or eight months ago. a lot of these villages and towns that ring the southern border with lebanon are essentially empty of the people who live there. they fear some sort of hit from the israelis into lebanon. that would force hezbollah perhaps to return fire and we
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could get into a fight throughout that area. this is the map that shows you the region we're pointing this out. a lot of countries on the map. here is israel. a boxer up against the ropes trying to punch its way out, right? punch back against hamas down here in the gaza strully and punching back against lebanon and iran and yemen in the south. a multi-front battle that the israelis are up against at the moment. in the center of all this you have the country of iraq. why do we point that out? because under the radar overnight the u.s. military with 2500 men and women still stationed in iraq struck back after one of their camps had been hit last week by rocket attack and they fired back overnight on tuesday evening. there is a ton going around here. let's talk about this with robert greenway from the center for national defense at the heritage foundation. i don't know where you begin. give us your best clue as to
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what happens next. go for it. >> first, i think israel sending a strong message to hamas that the individuals responsible for the most deadly attack in their history is not safe anyone. not even iran. they demonstrated the afwoilt strike with precision. in lebanon you can see that they've sent a strong message to hezbollah taking out the number two and the man responsible for the rocket missile force displacing 80,000 israelis civilians. as they wait for what happens next now we're looking at israel on high alert. it will take days before iran and hezbollah can organize themselves and prepare a response to what they did not anticipate and i think the region is on edge. unfortunately the united states isn't playing the role it ought to in preventing escalation nor managing escalation. it is time for the united states to get off the sidelines and confront iran before this gets out of hand. >> dana: to that point defense
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secretary lloyd austin said this. >> i don't think war is inevitable. i maintain that i think there is always room and opportunity for diplomacy. we'll work hard to make sure that, you know, we're doing things to help take the temperature down and address issues through diplomatic means. >> dana: thinking back a few months ago in april when iran sent all those missiles overnight and iron dome deflected most of them. that could happen again. is israel replenished and able to take care of that situation again if it happens? >> yes, 320 combined missiles and drones from three different vectors came in to assault israel and successful with u.s. support and partners and allies. it could be repeated but not if sustained. the inventory from iran was substantial but not lebanon. under the circumstances it could be significant. right now the united states has to provide the support for israel and continue to provide
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to munitions which have been delayed and send a strong message to applaud. we should be applauding not questioning israel's actions taken on behalf of ourselves knowing the americans were killed october 7th and the man killed in beirut was responsible for 241 dead marines. we need to show them our support. >> bill: more headlines out of tehran. the back drop of all this. american election 90 some odd days away. here is donald trump and how he says foreign countries will look at a kamala harris presidency. he said this. >> they'll walk all over her. she will be so easy for them. she will be like a play toy. they look at her and said we can't believe we got so lucky. they'll walk all over her. i don't want to say as to why. a lot of people understand it.
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>> bill: the contrast here, robert. you had a period of peace relatively speaking 3 1/2 years ago. i don't know what kamala harris does. i don't know what joe biden does right now. it seems that you have this co-presidency out of the white house. what would you expect their lead to be now? >> i think defensive. they've been largely responsive. it is hard to tell who is in charge these days and what we've seen from kamala harris is an endorsement of biden's policies. after the soleimani strike that restored deterrence four years ago she tweeted it was an unsupported strike and escalation in conflict would follow. the region is interpreting they have an opportunity and the united states will constrain israel and not con front them. so far they've been right. i hope we prove them wrong. >> dana: there was a push this week for a hostage release deal. do you think this sets that back? >> i doubt that was actually close to conclusion at any rate. certainly now there will be very
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little, if any, discussion about a hostage exchange. at the end of the day the conflict now requires the hard responses that israel has done to set their adversaries back and we need to support our partners and allies with strong deterrents. we can resume the negotiations at some point but not any time soon. >> bill: last question what we're doing in all this and the threats we face around the world. lloyd austin was in the philippines. the reasons he goes there is because of the threat on behalf of the chinese and asked about this attack half a world away. the commission on national defense strategy whether or not we're prepared for the next war. the threats the united states faces are the most serious and challenging since 1945 include the potential for near term major war. united states last fought a global conflict during world war ii that ended 80 years ago. the nation was less prepared for the cold war and not prepared
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today. how do you assure americans watching now that we can get it together? >> well, it's a great question and we came to the exact same conclusions in january when we published the heritage index of the u.s. military strength. we agree. our regional presence doesn't deter escalation or enable us to prepare for a response. we have a lot of work to take care of the negligence that has led to a decline in our military capabilities across the conventional and nuclear spectrum and point out the deficiencies. it takes congressional and executive action to fix it but needs to happen before the situation gets worse. we have to be strong in the face of it if we expect a successful deterrence. >> bill: amen to that. terrific. nice to have you on, robert green way back with us today. 12 past now. >> to be focused on making sure that kamala is the next president and work as hard as i can. >> that is the arizona senator mark kelly earlier today.
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he is said to be one of seven vying to be harris's number two and one will emerge soon. could happen any hour. >> dana: we're ready. harris trying to flip the script on border policy bringing back the border bill. the trump campaign she is flip-flopping. will voters believe she is the right candidate to tackle the crisis? >> it was her as border czar. don't let the media lie to you. they did make her the border czar. she unleashed the worst border crisis in american history. she is dangerously liberal and she will never be the president of the united states. allison! (restaurant noise) ♪ [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky, gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking.
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>> bill: 18 past the hour now. a new ad buy by harris accusing
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former president trump of trying to stop her efforts to fix the crisis at the southern border. >> kamala harris supports increasing the number of border patrol agents. donald trump blocked the bill to increase the number of border patrol agents. >> bill: do you have vertigo? flashback to 2019 when then senator harris signed a letter that pushed to reject president trump's funding request for a companiesly and ineffective border wall. in border patrol agents and large increase in ice personnel. it doesn't stop there, dana marie. >> dana: she also had this to say about former president trump at her rally last night in atlanta. >> donald trump, on the other hand, has been talking a big game about securing our border. but he does not walk the walk. or as my friend would say, he does not walk it like he talks it. when i am president, i will work to actually solve the problem.
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>> dana: republicans say the current administration is the cause of the problem. the vice president now appears to be backtracking on the issue. her campaign reportedly says she now wants increased funding for border enforcement as her past immigration positions remain a big point in the election. >> critically re-examine ice. opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health. >> you are confident this border is secure? >> we have a secure border. >> dana: mark penn is a former clinton advisor. not the first time a vice president running for election has been accused of flip-flopping. bill hemmer remembered this gem. >> bill: really defined the election 20 years ago where we were in 2004. watch.
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>> voted for the iraq war, opposed it, supported it, and now opposed it again. he bragged about voting for the 87 billion to support our troops before he voted against it. he voted for education reform and now opposes it. >> bill: security was a big issue during that campaign also. 20 years ago think about that. my belief today, mark. this entire campaign is built on that theme from 20 years ago and trump will go at harris every which way he can based on the flip-flops as she has now incurred, i would say. >> we had an interesting two questions in the most recent harris poll. one, do you favor open borders? 68% said no. two, does harris favor open borders? almost 70% said yes. so the harris campaign has one fear. she is painted as too liberal on the issues and out of sync. right now her vote doesn't care
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about the issues, a vote of enthusiasm, happiness and that joe biden is out. and she is consolidating democratic constituents. these issues are not salient and she is moving quickly to take the sting out of those issues before the trump campaign puts the sting in her. >> dana: she is go directly to go. get her $2 hundred and keep going. this is donald trump on her flip-flops. watch here. >> look at her past and what she does and look at what she used to say about herself. i won't get into it. what she used to say and who she was compared to what she said starting in 2016. she became a totally different person. only for political reasons. >> dana: will it work? >> he has to get a lot tougher and more direct. bring it home. you have to show that flip-flop ad on kerry was incredibly effective. i haven't seen anything yet as effective as that even though
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the vulnerability is obviously there. >> bill: that's a great point. the well runs deep and it is all on camera repeatedly time after time after time. kamala harris, she can deliver a stem winder. i think people need to know when you get ready for chicago in two weeks she can read a prompter and she will deliver a barn burner of a speech and the delegates will love it. an example from atlanta yesterday on that. >> i do hope you will reconsider to meet me on the debate stage. [cheers and applause] because as the saying goes, if you got something to say, say it to my face. >> bill: get ready for that. kamala harris number seven, battleground blitz starts next tuesday or wednesday in pennsylvania. and then she will hit the other states that are the usual
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suspects. >> a real presidential race. she is not the kamala harris who was elected who was completely tongue tied years ago. she seems like she is ready to be very effective on the stump, relaxed, at ease, energizing crowds. she has a 47% favorable. donald trump has a 48% favorable. is this going to be about the likeability? it is a draw. or will it be about the biden add ministration? >> we have the race back at june 26th, trump up by three. she has consolidated the democratic vote. every point from here on will be a lot tougher. it was a divided democratic party. it is not united. they're enthusiastic about the point. that gets you to where she was, two or three points behind which is where the race was. >> dana: it's not the republican
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side. there is time to turn that around. so far, yeah. >> alameda it's harris, harris and who will she pick? that's a pretty free ride. >> dana: he are glad to have you as our guest. >> bill: 25 past now. >> what i saw made me ashamed. as a career law enforcement officer and 25 year veteran with the secret service i cannot defend why that roof was not better secured. >> bill: some answers yesterday and some frustration yet again. pennsylvania law enforcement pushing back hard on his claims about the assassination attempt on donald trump. tell you what they are saying. we're following developments in the middle east throughout the day after a series of strikes taking out the leaders of hamas and hezbollah. one in beirut and one in tehran and onward this battle rages. back in a moment after this.
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>> alerts from the seven fronts which we are facing iran. we're on extremely high alert. we know this is a genocidal, murderous, fascist state. the iranian president in his opening days of his taking office, he said one fascinating thing. iran wants to have peace with every nation in the world except for israel. they've made very, very clear, iran, they wish to wipe us off the face of the map. >> dana: israel saying it is on extremely high alert for retaliation from iran. a live look at beirut, lebanon where israel took out hezbollah's top commander and hours later they took out a hamas leader while he was in iran. israel has not commented on the strike and we'll have more on this breaking news as we get it. >> snipers are prepared to
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operate in western pennsylvania from anywhere from ten degrees below 0 to 90 degrees. they were prepared to be wherever they were told by secret service that day. >> bill: from yesterday. we watched this hearing in washington. there was outrage as they blamed local law enforcement. cb cotton is speaking to them consistently back live in butler, pennsylvania. what have they told you about that hearing from yesterday, cb? >> hi, bill, good morning. secret service acting director ronald rowe testified before congress yesterday that he was ashamed his agency didn't better secure the roof the would be assassin fired from but also said the secret service thought local officers were covering it. >> i will not and cannot understand why there was not better coverage or at least somebody looking at that roof line when that is where they
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were posted. >> but that wasn't the assigned posting. according to local law enforcement officials who organized the snipers for the rally to assist the secret service tell fox there were two snipers assigned to a different warehouse window with a vantage point at the ground level looking into the crowd and not onto the roof. >> have you talked with acting director ronald rowe directly at this point? >> no, i would love to brief mr. rowe on all our actions that day. we had assumed the placements that we received were that of the secret service. if they would have told us to go on the roof, our guys were more than prepared to go on the roof. >> a local district attorney says the finger pointing has demeaned local law enforcement officers who were there during the rally. he says acting director rowe was
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mistaken to assume the entirety of the agr building that includes five or six warehouses was covered. acting director rowe says he takes full responsibility and he says moving forward the directive is that if secret service counter snipers are on roofs, local counter snipers need to be as well. bill. >> bill: thanks. cb cotton working the story. >> dana: former special agent in charge joins us now. what was left on the table yesterday that you would like to see answered? >> well, thanks for having me on. first thing is i want to give background on ron rowe. he and i went through the senior executive service developmental program together at american university gave presentations on the secret service. got very emotional. i believe he is a patriot and i believe he loves the secret service and loves the people of the secret service and he is trying to protect them and protect our mission. but the american people need to
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know what happened. you have an investigation still in progress 17 days later and difficult to believe that some of these statements have not been fully investigated. he said i can't defend why the roof wasn't better secured? there was a tactical var that tells you exactly what the plan was to secure the agr building. we need to get those questions answered. other protective enhancement that could have strengthed security. why didn't we have them and why was the perimeter so shallow and didn't envelope the agr building. the fence not screened for explosives and have a direct line of sight of the stage? why didn't we line up buses and protect them from line of sight but also be able to protect him against potential explosive device? these are common practices. ron rowe knows that because he was on the president's detail. that is the epitome of the
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secret service. he knows that. i'm just wondering. i know he feels bad about it. but we failed that day. we didn't win that day. the fact that the detail didn't know a gunman was on the roof and didn't know there was a direct threat to the president of the united states, former president trump, with all what was going on? look, he was the presumptive nominee of the republican party at the time. there was adverse intelligence from the islamic republic of iran. an outdoor event. 30,000 plus people there and just didn't see the assets that should have been there for that type of event. i would like to know why weren't those assets there? >> you wonder if the previous events were given better protection, worse or the same? lindsey graham on the app and who this shooter is or was. >> you are telling me the guy that took eight shots at the president, former president, has
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apps that we can't get into? there could come a day when something like this is very important. how do we solve this problem? >> senator, as we have been saying, we need a solution that provides lawful access where when we go to -- >> i agree with you. not blaming you. we have encrypted apps of an assassin, a murderer, and we can't get into him all these days after. that needs to be fixed, folks. >> bill: shaking your head, right? we're so many days beyond this now. the f.b.i. has not confirmed this. i want to preface that in the following statement i'm about to make. a social media site called gab and the person who runs it says the account for which the data was requested was unequivocally pro-biden and pro biden's immigration policy and on it goes. he was pro-lockdown.
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left wing joe biden supporter. f.b.i. still can't confirm that. do you buy that all these days later? >> you know, bill, i don't know what to buy. these are investigations that take some time. when you can't actively interview the shooter because he is no longer with us, it makes it difficult to get inside their mindset and why they did something. we just have to go on social media postings and other reports that we get. so i think there is still a lot more work to be done. the f.b.i. needs to do that work quickly and find out why this individual was targeting former president trump. >> dana: frank, thank you for being with us today. the mystery continues and so does the investigation. >> thank you. >> dana: olympic outrage is paris as boxers who failed gender eligibility tests are given the okay to enter the games. the harris campaign flip-flopping on a major policy
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>> dana reads sports. >> dana: simone biles leading the gymnastics team to olympic gold and most decorated american gymnast. watch.
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biles is calling paris a redemption tour after the u.s. won silver in tokyo. tomorrow she will go head-to-head with suni lee. they'll compete for the gold. the golden girls, simone biles most decorated american gymnast ever. >> that's pretty good. good for them. we have a firm lead on the medal count. we need to win more gold. i think we have four at the moment. we have to buy more gold. it ain't cheap. go get it, all right? >> dana: check this out. >> kamala harris would be the most anti-american energy
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president that we have ever had. she pledged to ban fracking. it's on video. when you fill up your tank at the gas station, maybe you should send a bill to kamala harris. >> bill: j.d. vance on the road pressure from republicans trying to expose cracks in the harris campaign as a resurfaced clip of her promising to ban the energy supply which is different than today. hillary vaughn, nice to see you, good morning. >> good morning, bill. vice president harris's presidential campaign insists she will not ban fracking if she becomes president. but that is exactly what she promised to do the last time she campaigned for the job. promising americans in 2019 quote, there is no question, i'm in favor of banning fracking. when she joined the ticket as joe biden's vp she adopted his position moving this to the center on the issue. harris's campaign today insists she has had a change of heart on the issue forever saying quote
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she would not ban fracking. we caught up with some democratic senators facing fierce re-election bids in battleground states like ohio and pennsylvania where fracking is a key industry and tried to ask them about her old campaign promises. >> is first time she ran for president says she wants to ban fracking and now she switched it. >> she is a vice president in an administration who contributed greatly to the development of new energy sources. >> do you think harris is pretending to be someone she is not? >> i do not. >> why is that if she said she wanted to ban fracking and now she says she won't ban fracking? >> she has promised to ban fracking and now saying she won't. is she pretending to be someone sthe is not. >> i've endorsed vice president harris. i said i don't know what she
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said on fracking. i'm following -- working on my state and all the above energy policy. >> she said it in on live television in 2019. >> we have to go. >> bill, both brown and casey served with harris during her time in the senate but it seems like her time in the white house as v.p. is enough to convince them if she is in the oval office behind the resolute desk she will not go back to her old beliefs. >> bill: thanks for trying, olympic points there. we have to go. talk to you soon. >> dana: let's bring in bugsy allen working on american pipelines. we think it's important for people to hear from the workers who do this kind of work and the situation that you found yourselves in since that first day that biden/harris took over. bugsy, how are things going now and how do you see it now with
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her making this flip-flop? >> i can tell you right now when that lady's lips are moving she is lying. just because one democrat she is all about energy, no, it's not. a lot of the work boys that i work with and men and women, they are looking about jerking our 401k to live. the price is going up. these people are not going to keep fracking because they are pushing electric cars, they are pushing their green ideology deal and it is not going to work. it never will work. oil and gas will be the driver of the united states of america and she is a left wing liberal san francisco with the highest taxes and why would anybody with any common horse sense as a blue collar worker want to even look at this woman? >> dana: let me ask you this.
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if she were to change her position could you see people in pennsylvania, working class voters saying they would take her at her word? i know you say she is not telling the truth and i hear you but a lot of workers up there are desperate to have something happen. i know what you said is also true in your own life that you are wanting to make sure you can at least feed your family. this is not about stocking away extra money to buy a second home. you are trying to live day-to-day. >> the thing about it is she is tied in with biden. here is the deal, biden is a liar. nobody is going to trust this with common horse sense. nobody is going to trust the democratic party. if they have got good common horse sense and a blue collar working people they aren't going to trust them. they lie. joe biden has been lying the whole time he has been in office. >> dana: do you think that the people that work in this -- do
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this kind of work you do in another state. let's talk about new mexico, you are in texas. in new mexico, this is where that state has a lot of jobs. do you hear that people are making energy an issue that they would vote on? >> the thing about it is, in new mexico that basin is all non-union. biden is supposed to be union. that's what i've been for 25 years is a union member and the whole thing about it is he is all this union. he has hamstringed the pipeline industry and the union. it is terrible. it is terrible. and people -- i'm telling you, ms. dana, people are hurting. they see the prices going up and it is simply because they have pushed this ideology about all kinds of electric cars and green energy, it's not going to work.
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>> dana: i think it's like they inflated a balloon that is coming back down to earth. we all need to have some common horse sense. i'll work on that today, mr. bugsy allen. thank you. >> bill: good luck, bugsy. >> thank you for having me. [chanting] >> bill: remember this? only a week ago. u.s. park police say they searching for anti-israeli protestors involved in the rioting last week. will there be legal consequences in the end or not? patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression,
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[shouting] >> bill: last week washington, d.c. what a mess. anti-israel activist defacing.
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u.s. park police are looking for five people. are they going to get them? our legal editor. in the past, kerry, we haven't seen a great desire to go and find them. is this different or not? >> i hope it would be. we know with law enforcement in washington when there is a will, there is a way. they are still searching for january 6th offenders how many years later combing through videotape. it was a step in the right direction and if they want to find these folks i think they probably can given the footage and photographs they have. bill, we learned that a federal investigation has been opened. the number one question i have for the department of justice is are they looking into the money? are they tracing and looking to see if iran had anything to do with both this protest given the recent intel that we've learned, which says that iran is backing these anti-israel protests, and
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two iran does not want donald trump to win. i'm curious to know if doj is exploring that as we speak. >> bill: he worked at the d.o.j. would it make sense for you to follow the money? >> definitely. we certainly did so the summer of 2020. we looked into antifa, blm looking to see where all this money was coming from because bill, as we all remember very well then, a number of these protestors were not local. they seemed to be coming in from out of state. who is paying for this? it seems in this horrible situation that occurred at union station last week that there were people also traveling in from out of state. one has to wonder who is organizing it and paying for it. >> bill: fair question. the group is called arrest netanyahu. they claim that they brought thousands of people in from new york and ohio and north carolina. i guess it could be true. we see that in new york but most of the folks come from across the east river. >> where is that money coming
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from? that's key. is it being obscured in something the department can look into. i have to say i was happy to see the park police put out this statement yesterday with the photographs of the perpetrators given the fact the director of the park police last week put out what i thought was a pretty terrible statement where he effectively just thanked the police for cleaning up the crime scene and providing a safe space for the protestors. there was no denouncing or violence or none of that. this is a step in the right direction and we'll see what happens. >> bill: we'll follow it. maybe the d.o.j. will as well. kerri urbahn in washington, d.c. >> dana: middle east on the brink now. two enemies of israel are killed. will the u.s. have the backing of its closest ally there or cast it wind? >> anything else on the bingo card today? wow.


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