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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 31, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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something the department can look into. i have to say i was happy to see the park police put out this statement yesterday with the photographs of the perpetrators given the fact the director of the park police last week put out what i thought was a pretty terrible statement where he effectively just thanked the police for cleaning up the crime scene and providing a safe space for the protestors. there was no denouncing or violence or none of that. this is a step in the right direction and we'll see what happens. >> bill: we'll follow it. maybe the d.o.j. will as well. kerri urbahn in washington, d.c. >> dana: middle east on the brink now. two enemies of israel are killed. will the u.s. have the backing of its closest ally there or cast it wind? >> anything else on the bingo card today? wow. i'm bill hemmer.
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>> bill: two high profile takedowns in lebanon and iran in a span of 24 hours or less. first hezbollah's top military commander and hamas's top political boss putting the spotlight on kamala harris and her foreign policy as she carries the torch for the democrats and their party during this election. >> dana: the president vest longstanding sympathy with gaza raising questions whether she would stand shoulder to shoulder with the jewish state. >> what has happened in gaza over the past nine months is devastating. it would be a mistake to move into rafah with any type of military operation. people in gaza are starving. the conditions are inhumane. the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from gaza are devastating. it is very important that there be no con flation.
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>> bill: the middle east sits on a powder keg again. gillian turner is working the state department beat today looking at harris's foreign policy agenda and what that might be. good morning. >> good morning, bill. the escalating tension between israel and its neighbors abroad is shining a spotlight at home on vice president kamala harris. her response so far to the crisis is garnering criticism from america's allies and record on mideast foreign policy specifically is thin. the reality already creating challenges for the white house after meeting one-on-one last week with prime minister benjamin netanyahu from israel, she said this. >> the images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing to safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time. we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies.
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we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and i will not be silent. >> those comments reportedly blind-siding the israelis who said her public tone and criticism of the idf's conduct in the gaza war was unacceptable. was harris jeopardizing a potential cease-fire deal hanging in the balance? >> i think to the extent that hamas understands that there is no daylight between israel and the united states that expedites the deal and i would hope that those comments don't -- >> the state department on defense is playing some cleanup. yesterday deputy spokesman here said that everything that's been reported was a mischaracterization of what kamala harris actually said to the prime minister last week
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behind closed doors. the secretary of state antony blinken himself then taking the extraordinary step of making some public commentary wading into politics, going to bat for the vice president. take a listen. >> i have known the vice president for more than a decade. these last 3 1/2 years i've been able to observe her very closely in the situation room, in the oval office, around the world as a leading voice for american foreign policy and diplomacy. >> they insist they will tackle foreign policy like the prosecutor. critics and republicans on capitol hill in washington say she is weak when it comes to confronting america's adversaries and wishy-washy. it will play out in the coming days as we see tensions in the middle east. >> bill: state department. gillian turner live. >> dana: our next guest has vast experience in the fight against
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terrorism with a long track record and gathering intel on some of our nation's most dangerous enemies. morgan ortegas. listen to antony blinken this morning on what he said needs to happen in order for there to be peace. i will read it. how do you prevent retaliation against israel? should there be a major counter attack? the best way to bring the temperature is through the cease-fire in gaza whether it's in the north of israel, lebanon, iran or the red sea. that seems a little too simplistic for me. these attacks in the north of israel have been happening since october 7th. >> in a way i agree with him that a cease-fire would help. the problem is i fundamentally and totally disagree how you get to the cease-fire. when you look at the two cease fires and the exchange of hostages that happened since october 7th it only happened when there was military pressure against hamas and only happened when hamas -- every time the biden/harris administration has
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pressured israel they lose the ability at the negotiating table to have any leverage over hamas. terrorist groups need to feel military leverage saying i will have to make a deal now. >> bill: we wait for the next chapter, maybe the next page we could say in the current chapter. you work closely with mike pompeo during the time when soleimani was taken out. this is the first week of january of 2020. >> yeah. >> bill: when that happened i think the world took a collective breath waiting for what was next and nothing happened. >> to be clear, so did we. that was a tense few moments. we knew that potentially our military facilities in iraq would come under attack by the iranians and they did. they had poor aim. luckily thank god no one was killed. we did have service members injured. the point is as you are saying, there wasn't the massive global middle eastern war that everyone
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predicted. i have found every time you punch the iranians in the nose they back down. a lot of bluster and rhetoric. any time you make massive concessions to them or give them billions in sanctions relief which the obama has done and now biden administration has done they use that money to fund more terrorism. i found a tweet from the vice president this morning when she was a senator when we took out soleimani. she predicted that would start a regional war by taking out soleimani and disagreed with the trump administration's approach. not only was she wrong. taking out soleimani let to us getting the abraham accords and the massive war she predicted happened under her watch. >> dana: her sympathies with gaza ran deep. was that a little unfair? she has said that she stands with the people of israel. they have the right to defend themselves and i know many israelis think the biden administration has been better -- might not be perfect in terms of support but did i go a little
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too far there? >> first of all, i would say anybody who has lived and worked in the middle east as i have, we feel for the palestinian people. they have been robbed by their leadership. their leadership doesn't care. in fact they promote using them as human shields. they enrich themselves to the dunes of billions of dollars while their people starve. the palestinian people deserve a better life and so even though i'm very tough on iran and very supportive of israel, that doesn't mean i don't care about palestinian children. i do. they deserve so much better than hamas and abbas, the leader of the palestinian authority. i want to make that clear. on vice president harris's record on israel look at the speech by netanyahu. he made it very clear that the administration is delaying aid. the military aid. israel is not asking for a single american soldier to lose their life for them. they ask for the weapons to defend themselves. by the way when they defend
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themselves and whenever they go after targets in iran and tehran like we saw this morning that is defending america because when iran gets israel the next is death to america. >> bill: the rocket range that hezbollah has really in southern lebanon running up to the capital city of beirut. when they fought a war in the summer of 2006 the range isn't what it is today. you see where it is. one more thing here. the axis of resistance. you see how iran can feed all the different elements of the middle east and they pretty much surround israel. it is hezbollah in the north, hamas now in the west bank you could argue and hamas clearly in gaza with the ongoing war. last comment. >> i would say these two killings of the hamas leader and hezbollah leader in the past 24 hours really important for israel. it is important because these guys need to know they can run but can't hide. israel will go to the heart of tehran and into the heart of
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beirut to go after these guys. sinwar should be on notice saying that i do expect retaliation this weekend. there is a lot of u.s. troops in the region. our u.s. navy is seeing more action in the red sea than we've seen since world war ii. when president biden says our military isn't at war that is not truthful. our u.s. navy is being shot at by ballistic missiles that killed three u.s. soldiers in january in jordan. this fantasy we aren't at war in the middle east is not true for anybody being shot at there. >> dana: good to see you. thank you. >> you are telling me the guy that took eight shots at the president, former president, has apps that we can't get into. we have encrypted apps of an assassin, a murderer and we can't get into them all these days after. that needs to be fixed, folks.
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i'm all for privacy, but to a point. >> bill: lindsey graham drilling down on the f.b.i. investigation of the man who tried to kill donald trump. he used this encrypted apps and maybe they know what's in them and maybe they don't. at the moment they aren't telling us if they do have that information. david spunt in d.c. to run the story down. when will we know, if at all? >> million dollar question. encryption is a real problem for the f.b.i. and taking information gem bling it up to make it more difficult to unscramble. three weeks since the shooting and the bureau does not have a full, complete picture of the shooter. until they can break through the layers of encryption they may not find a motive. he used several foreign based encrypted email accounts to purchase firearms, explosive materials. the f.b.i. didn't get into specifics other than they have a difficult time cracking the code. he had apps in new zealand, belgium and germany.
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there is a digital intelligence company that works with the bureau and high profile agencies in the past. the company gave the f.b.i. a software patch and deployed its software for the bureau to use in this specific case. a spokesman declined to discuss this current case but talked about the challenges of encryption in general. >> each encrypted is messing it up slightly differently. every time we get law enforcement with lawful access to one of those secure messaging apps, there is a lot of research that goes on behind. not three guys in a basement can do this stuff. >> the f.b.i. says there is no indication of foreign involvement with crooks plot at this point but can't say anything is 100% until they have analyzed everything. it could take a while. >> david spunt, thank you for that and i know you will stay on it in d.c. >> dana: i feel like we've got to figure out the laws that would allow law enforcement to
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get what they need. i know there is a privacy, but they did a whole thing yesterday on capitol hill to protect children online. maybe we could try to protect victims as well. >> bill: the guy that runs the website he knows what is on there is what he says. >> dana: we want to talk about this. facebook does a 180. walking back its censorship of the trump assassination attempt. has the damage already been done? >> bill: going woke at the olympics. these boxers failed gender eligibility tests last year, the ioc cleared them to go into the ring against women and those matches are about to go down in paris. >> dana: amazing. putting religious freedom on the ballot. a large catholic group is coming out against kamala harris. >> we can't tolerate anyone becoming president who believes that catholics need to check their faith at the door before they enter public life. in t he nineties anymore. and when the stock market crashes
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>> we have to come together as americans. we've watched what has happened over the last 3 1/2 years and we only have 3 1/2 months to save this country. who is ready to save this country? >> bill: arizona's all important senate race is now set. former gubernatorial candidate kari lake became the republican nominee to fill cinema's seat. she put off the county sheriff to wip the nomination earning 55.4% of the vote in the primary. lake will square off against congressman rubin gallego and one to watch on the board. >> dana: we'll watch that.
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catholics are being asked to go into the voting group. one group is saying kamala harris must be stopped saying their values are on the ticket this november. religion correspondent lauren green is here with more. >> the advocacy group catholic is calling harris one of the most anti-catholic politicians ever mounting a multi-million dollar ad campaign in catholic swing states to try to defeat her. catholic is reminding the faithful of her actions and policies including her 2018 questioning of then federal judicial nominee saying she vilified him over his membership in the knights of columbus if he knew whether the catholic charity had taken extreme positions on marriage and positions in line with the teachings of the catholic church. the campaign reminds voters of her perfect record with planned
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parenthood. >> and her record and her words demonstrate a gross anti-catholic bias and bigotry and we have no other choice. we can't tolerate anyone becoming president who believes that catholics need to check their faith at the door before they enter public life. >> the harris campaign points out that she has served as v.p. with only the second catholic president in history and that, quote, catholic voters are not defined by a single party's organization but by their values, communities, faith in each other and love of our country and kamala harris will fight every day to earn their vote. harris introduced the do now harm act to end the 1983 religious freedom restoration act and require catholic doctors to violate their consciences to perform abortion and transgender surgery. >> dana: lots more to come on that front.
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>> bill: 21 past now. we expect kamala harris soon to announce the person she picks to be her running mate and assume they will come off this board. from there it's off to the races. the pair hit more than a half dozen battleground states starting tuesday and wednesday of next week. richard hudson is chair of the national republican congressional committee and home in north carolina. nice to see you. you've got -- you can call it whatever you want. changing policies or positions, flip-flopping, updating the resume. here is what donald trump calls it with kamala harris now. >> look at her past. look at what she does. and look at what she used to say about herself. i won't get into it. what she used to say and who she was compared to what she said starting in about 2016. she became a totally different person only for political
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reasons. >> bill: the write she is a born again moderate. who do you best believe of the wall of people we just had up there best helps her continue this new moderate approach? >> well, kamala harris is a far left extreme san francisco liberal who has an actual record. she will try to run away from her record but it is not going to work. she was the most liberal senator in the united states senate. more liberal than bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and been there with joe biden every step of the way. we heard from secretary of state that she was in on every major foreign policy decision of the administration. really doesn't matter who she picks. she is out of touch with the american people and why she will lose this election. >> dana: one of your jobs is to make sure republicans stay in the majority in the house. the districts that are tight or at least swing districts, a lot of them happen to be in new york
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and the governor of new york, democrat, was asked about this yesterday. watch here. >> is new york the battleground in the fight over the balance of power? >> no, the presidential question is not -- >> i'm saying balance of power in congress. >> yes, the battleground for the house of representatives goes from long island up to the rural parts of the hudson valley and one district in syracuse. i know the area by the back of my hand and know what is at play here. >> will you project getting pickups? >> yes. i want all six. i want all six. three minimum. that will be enough. >> dana: will you be able to deny her those? >> absolutely. our new york incumbents are some of the most battle tested republicans we have. they have worked very hard in their districts and strong brands. we'll do well in new york. not only do i think we'll hold our seats but pick up an additional seat in new york 18
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where pat ryan just voted against the interests of his constituents and we have -- she is a former nypd commander. i think we pick up seats in new york. >> bill: i don't know if you run spots against tom -- there are 26 districts that joe biden won in 2020 by an average of seven points. some of those districts he won by 12, 13, 16 points. a lot. do you believe those districts, all of them more than two dozen are in play now? >> absolutely. look, the number one factor is candidate quality. we have recruited some of the best candidates we've ever had run for office. business leaders, veterans of the military, police officers, very successful people with compelling life stories that can
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win anywhere. like a retired colonel in the army, successful business. these are very impressive people who can win anywhere. when you look at the fact that joe biden was the most unpopular president running for re-election and kamala harris is the most unpopular vice president in american history because of their policies, we really have an opening here. >> dana: last question, do you feel that people are reporting on a vibe ship since the gop had the amazing convention and two days later biden withdraws from the race and kamala harris and her team have been taking the media by storm and the media is a willing partner in that. has the race changeed in your opinion? >> i don't think we know yet. obviously kamala harris has had a good week. the mainstream media ought to be forced to file election papers because of the massive contributions they have made of
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tv campaign air time for her. the second barack obama if you turn on some of these tv channels. that won't stand. the american people understand she is a far left san francisco liberal. her policies have made them less prosperous and safe. she'll come crashing back to earth once the american people are reminded of her record and get to hear from her directly. >> bill: 97 days. thank you for coming on today. nice to have you on our program. >> dana: i know you are counting, 97. could fracking be the key to the white house this november? how the issue might sway some key swing states. the saga of the cartel kings continues. this is fascinating. one of the most notorious mexican drug lords will be in a u.s. court today after making a dramatic surrender across the border. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept...
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now this powerful formulation has propelled me to 90 years of age and my wife to 81, both with no dementia, no diabetes, no heart problems, no high blood pressure, no aches or pains of any kind and the ability to do anything we did 30 years ago. i am sure it can do the same thing for you. now look at the video on our website to learn more about immuno 150, then place your order online or by phone to the see what 70 minerals and 80 other nutrients can do for you. i know you will just as satisfied and surprised as many thousands of other customers before you. order now! you'll be glad you did. >> bill: 10:32 now. a huge maya cull pennsylvania from meta , the parent company of facebook saying it is sorry
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for censoring the photo of president trump with blood trickling down his face. two things i want to share with our viewers. this is the meta chatbot. hard to see but the very top of that says there have been a few instances where former president donald trump's safety was at risk. it is difficult to say if he was ever almost assassinated, on it goes. here is the apology. rather than have meta a.i. give incorrect information about the attempted assassination we programmed it to simply not answer questions about it after it happened and said give a generic response how it could not provide any information. we sent updated responses but we should have done this sooner end quote. they copped to it. they were caught, too, in a way. we back on the big tech watch again 97 days from an election? >> oh, bill, here we go again.
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exactly right. unfortunately yes. everyone who pointed out who keeps track of this kind of thing the mistakes only seem to go in one direction. what is critical for the american people to understand about that is that there is not just one monolithic algorithm they update every few years, no. the inner workings of these big tech companies consists of an environment where they are constantly building, iterating and shifting internal tools that they live and die by to effect these decisions. they copped to it before when there was a whistleblower reported in 2021 that these internal tools were being tweaked and minimized the reach of very conservative media outlets in the 2020 election cycle. so it looks like this is happening again. and you alluded to it there. the real story here is a.i. and censorship on steroids when
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these models are programmed by the engineers effectively suppressing conservative content. censorship by private companies. >> bill: this is acutely egregious. everybody watched it on live t.v. the example i showed you didn't cite 2024, they went back to 2016 and 2020. it was bad. the encrypted apps were foreign based encrypted email accounts. does the f.b.i. really not know what was on those accounts as we speak now? >> i believe that they do know. they have ways to outsource the exploitation of these devices. i keep coming back to the 2015 san bernardino activity attack they tried to be lawful about it and saying it in this case, too. to get into the terrorist phone in that incident and ended up doing it in a very shrouded way. talk of contractors and third
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parties, etc. they have a way to do this. as i said on this program before any analyst, any intelligence analyst that is worth their salt can figure out the digital forensics of these platforms. we know how to do it and we know how to get access to it even if it's beyond the technical capabilities of the government. the f.b.i. should know what is happening here. they should con say it to the american people. if there is a vacuum of information people will fill it. it will be filled. they need to be transparent with the american people. they can do this. they have the technical capabilities or have the vendors or contractors find it. >> bill: would it be illegal for them to do that now or is it irresponsible not to pursue that at the moment? >> i think they have to run track on it and have to figure out what exactly is going on and convey in the american people and mindful of privacy concerns of the rest of the citizens.
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>> bill: thank you for coming back and we'll talk to you soon. always good to have you on the program. thank you. >> dana: israel on high alert today for retaliation after two senior terror leaders are killed in 24 hours. we're watching for developments in the middle east and there is also this. >> georgia, in the next 98 days, we have our work cut out for us. this is hard work but we like hard work. hard work is good work. georgia today i ask you are you ready to get to work? >> dana: kamala harris setting her sights on georgia. is the electoral map shifting back to the democrats? protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy. veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those
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>> bill: kamala harris back in 2019 said on cnn no question i'm if favor of banning fracking. we're doing a campath of a
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reversal on that issue and more. the blue wall, right? ten electoral votes up for grab in wisconsin. tight in the polling now across the board. michigan 15 electoral votes and pennsylvania is 19. really pennsylvania is the key. if democrats win pennsylvania they have a shot at putting kamala harris in the white house. if they don't it could be a whole different ballgame. fracking is taking place. i would point out on this map pittsburgh is here, erie is there. harrisburg and philly. three of those four cities are on top of the shale. everything outside of that is rural pennsylvania. you can see on the map when we go forward and that's really an area where donald trump dominated. see all the red. this is erie, pittsburgh, harrisburg on the right. this was the vote total in pennsylvania in 2020.
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81,660 votes joe biden over donald trump to get the then 20 electoral votes. since they did the census they dropped down to 19. here is why fracking is so important to pennsylvania. it is number two in terms of the natural gas produced in the country. you have about $41 billion contributed to the state's economy. look at this number, 123,000 jobs in pennsylvania alone depend on fracking. i would just go back and say this is important because you are a difference of 81,004 years ago. that's why we are looking right now. does she go for the governor of pennsylvania? a lot of people say she can't afford not to. >> dana: one thing about the governor of pennsylvania, josh shapiro, they are democrats who can understand workers and people in communities who live in that area better than other democrats do because what biden did on his first day in office
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was pull the administration so far to the left. she is part of that record. she could do worse than choosing shapiro. >> bill: it is elusive right now. >> dana: a moving target apparently. check this out from georgia. >> the path to the white house runs right through this state. [cheers and applause] and you all helped us win in 2020 and we are going to do it again in 2024. >> dana: kamala harris bringing her presidential campaign to georgia. some republicans now concerned the peach state is up for grabs in this closely-contested election. joining us now the brian robinson. i remember just a few weeks ago before the rnc convention democrats were conceding that georgia was probably off table for them when joe biden was still in the race. republicans have their convention, everyone is feeling great. joe biden two days later pulled
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out of the race. kamala harris had an event in atlanta. do you believe that georgia is now competitive again? >> well, what we've seen over the last year, dana, is trump having leads in georgia that are sometimes double digits. i will add that's even in the "new york times" poll. hardly an organization seeking to help trump's numbers here. so kamala harris has a lot of ground to make up in georgia. she needs to do it with three groups. black male voters, gen z voters and white college educated metro atlanta voters. i will say that is who the crowd was at georgia state last night. it was an energized packed house. donald trump ising to be in the exact same location on saturday with j.d. vance. i think there is a lot of pressure on them to have an event that has just as much energy, just as much excitement as what kamala harris had last night. if she can make a move with those three demographic groups she can make this competitive. right now, though, dana, donald
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trump is still in the cat bird seat in georgia. it will be really hard to overtake these numbers. her positions on immigration through the years, the way people blame her for inflation. i remind you atlanta has had some of the worst inflation in the nation. it has really hit here very hard and she gets some of the blame for that. eventually the rubber will hit the road. we'll get past this honeymoon period and she has a lot of answering to do. >> dana: when does the voting start in georgia? is there early voting there? >> yes, we have lots of early voting. in fact, we extended early voting two years ago in a wall that the biden/harris administration is still suing georgia over even though it resulted in record high turnout here in georgia. i would love to see her explain to georgia voters why she is wasting our tax dollars on a dumb lawsuit when georgia supports the law we have in place and it is working. >> dana: stacey abrams who ran for governor did not win though she claimed otherwise, do you
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remember when biden was coming down to do the big voting rights speech and she was nowhere to be found, right? she had a scheduling conflict and could not be there for joe biden. will stacey abrams bring her powerful group to support kamala harris throughout this campaign? >> one of those groups is the new georgia project. that was her original group. the policy director just last week put up a tweet that called those protestors in d.c. who burned the american flag at union station patriots. she said the american flag was a symbol of hate and she did it in an attack on kamala harris. so that's the new georgia project. look, when it comes to stacey abrams and her groups what she says and does is sign up voters and turn them out. in georgia we have a law thanks to brian kemp and that put people on the rolls when they have a drivers license.
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97% voter registration in this state. democrats like to pretend there is a huge obstacle to registration. that's a lie. >> dana: immigration, inflation, crime still the top issues in georgia? >> they absolutely are. we still are amongst the worst in the nation when it comes to inflation here and when it comes to immigration, let's not forget it was here where university of georgia student lakin riley was murdered in athens by an illegal immigrant. she have was at some -- i will point out she has still never said lakin riley's name. >> dana: thank you for being on our show. it is back in play we'll have you back on the show. thank you. >> bill: 11 minutes before the hour. later today former president trump expected to speak at the national association of black
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journalists convention. that's in chicago. some of the group's members are furious about giving trump a platform and expecting to see some protests. fox news harris faulkner will be at the event co-moderating a panel with the former president. vice president kamala harris declined to attend the conference because of a scheduling issue. they're discussing a virtual appearance at another time and keep you posted on that. it is back to reality for alec baldwin and his family today's hemmer celebrity news. a return for this after a long -- >> dana: it has been a drought. >> bill: cameras are rolling again for a reality show called the baldwins. a month after his rust plan slaughter case was thrown out. it will debut next year. there was a crew in new mexico for the moment that the case was
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throne. it wasn't part of the reality show. some good context. >> dana: i'm trying to think what i am less interested in. their reality show or j. lo's marriage. global backlash after two previously-barred transgender boxers are cleared to compete in boxing at the summer olympics. u.s. gymnastics team brought home the gold and made some history in the process. [squawks] did you get that? only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪ with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah when anyone in this house wears white, it doesn't stay white for long. white? to soccer?
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>> dana: companies stuck with the bill after this month's massive i.t. outage. claiming the outage caused the airline profitability does. the airline canceled more than 4,000 flights much of the cost came from composition and hotels. the company will seek damages adding, "they have no choice but to do so." >> bill: from paris to transgender boxers are now
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allowed to compete in the women's category in the paris olympics. athletes were barred from the women's world boxing championships because they found to meet the gender qualifications. but the international olympic committee now says that all athletes participating in the boxing tournament of the olympic games paris 24 comply with the eligibility and relations as well as all applicable medical recreations. one is from algeria. one is from taiwan. one fight thursday. one faith friday. so we will see how that turns out. yes. >> dana: why can't they just fight each other? >> bill: it may be in the end, they will. >> dana: they probably will. it will be interesting to see the fallout of all of this. a lot of decisions to be made at this is also an issue that is on the minds of parents as they get ready to go back to school and the topic is still hot and heavy in america. but also there was good news. history made in paris. simone biles is now the most decorated olympic gymnast ever. app -- after helping the u.s. women's team capture gold is
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really, greg palkot live in london. you heard the cheers all the way across the pond. >> all the way across the english channel. yes, solid moments, dana, from team usa. the preszler. reach the middle of week one. iconic women's gymnast simone biles did it again despite a sore leg. she let the american gymnast, team to gold. her first gold medal. the event watched by a packed house including celebs like tom cruise. opening ceremony flag bearer and tennis player coco gauff stumbled in her singles match but came back stronger in her mixed doubles on then working taylor fritz. and that u.s. women's rugby team made a big -- bit of history, earning their first medal for the sport browns in a hard-fought game against heavy favorites australia. all of this leads team usa on
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top of the total metals standings with 27. they are, however, further down the ranks if you count by total gold metals. they are piling it on. bigness so far today, because, officials decided to reverse and was healthy enough for the athletes to do the swimming leg of the triathlons there. recent heavy rains had raised the e. coli levels in the sand even after a $1.5 billion cleanup job. but the games continue. back to you. >> dana: it is fun to watch that. thanks, greg. >> bill: before we get to -- oh, no! let's go to it now. let's go to -- i have got a turkey that i don't know if you have ever seen this. if you are in the country. you come across a turkey. the turkey goes and looks at the car. and, like -- >> dana: sees its reflection? >> bill: yeah, like a mirror. this happened. check it out.
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see it, it keeps on bumping. >> dana: i wonder what you told your insurance agent. >> bill: hey, turkey. that was in boston. watch where you park. that looks like a suburb of boston. i do not know what that turkey would be doing there. just a quick comment about the seine river in paris, for 100 years you were not allowed to swim in the water. it was illegal because of the infection. right? and they spent and i think $1.5 billion to try to clean it up. and now they are having issues with it. >> dana: i hope they clean it up, indeed. it is fun to be with you today. there's lots of news. and i will see you on "the five." you got anything else? >> bill: the moment, nada. >> dana: we will see how long that lasts. all right. "the faulkner focus" is next. john roberts is in for harris. >> thank you so much. americans lawmakers and those


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