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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 31, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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nothing to rob they took 80% of the nation off the farms, crated cities and that momentum is why america is the number one economy in the world. it did not happen yesterday. people need to know their story. it is so amazing and dynamic. imagine he came here from scotland, they lived and settled in pennsylvania they had nothing and he worked his way up in the system and it helped him get where he was and it took us where we are as a nation. >> i love these stories. i know you love history. they all hated each other didn't they? weren't they fighting? >> what's really great is the history of their family particularly their dads. [laughter] >> we definitely cannot wait to watch. everyone go to fox nation, thank you for watching us now don't forget to dvr the show if you cannot watch us live in here is "america reports." >> sandra: we are awaiting terkel made her briefings at this hour as the binder administration is scrabbling to keep the conflict in the
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middle east from breaking out into a full-scale war. we are expecting to get an update from the white house and the state department and a moment now as iran vows to retaliate for the assassination of a top hamas leader overnight. >> john: hours after israel launched a retaliatory strike in beirut that took out a top hezbollah commander. we will speak with foreign policy expert lisa and former abraham courts negotiator adam boler about the rising tensions overseas. >> i am not sure i know enough about her accomplishments answer that question. >> the first is that she is the vice president. the second that she was in the senate. >> leading the nation and empowering women which may not sound like political accomplishments. >> i really don't know much of what she did. >> support as a vice president, harris struggling to list policy
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accomplishments by the presidential hopeful with 97 days to go they harris campaign appears to be backtracking from the far left record she wants promoted. and of that is where we are 1:00 on the east coast welcome, everyone i am sandra smith in new york, john gray to be with you. >> john: great to be with you as well i am john roberts in washington and this is "america reports." anonymous campaign officials told "the new york times" harris is looking to distance herself from several policy positions but listen to harris in her own words. >> there is no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. starting with what we can do on day one of public lands. we need to quickly re-examine ice and its role and of the way it is being administered and will what it is doing and we need to think about starting from scratch. >> assault weapons that are already in circulation what do you do about those? >> there are approximately 5 million to your point, greg we have to have a buy back program and i do support a mandatory buy back program. >> they don't get to keep it.
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>> the idea is everyone gets access to medical care. and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going through the paperwork from all of the delay that's a limit all of that. let's move on. >> sandra: will voters forget all of that? let's go to jacqui heinrich at the white house. all of this could come back to haunt her. what are you hearing? >> sander, the trump campaign is putting big money into ads and battleground states promoting positions that harris promoted on the campaign trail in 2020 but according to "the new york times" she has abandoned in the years she was serving as vice president including banning fracking and medicare for all but the toughest one to dispel might be this one, take a listen. >> this is america's border czar and she has failed us. under harris over 10 million illegal here. or were one quarter of a million americans dead from fentanyl. brutal migrant crimes.
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>> harris is leaning into her record on immigration before she got to d.c. since much of the work she was given as biden's vice president does not help at our campaign. >> i was the attorney general of a border state. in that job, i walked underground tunnels between united states and mexico with law enforcement officers. i went after transnational gangs. drug cartels and human traffickers that came into our country illegally. i prosecuted them. case after case and i won. >> however harris chooses as her vice president will play a central role in her rebranding effort. arizona senator mark kelly from a border state is on the short-list. >> she has an experienced prosecutor and yet she fights crime. my parents are both cops. a look at kamala harris as, you know, as a cop, as a prosecutor, attorney general. on the other hand, we have a guy who is a convicted felon.
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>> harris will make her first appearance with her running mate on tuesday in pennsylvania and philadelphia she will then launch this barnstorming tour with her new vp across six more states. we are told harris has not made her pick yet. however, it is rumored to be down to three in defense of any governor josh shapiro is on the short-list. we are also told that we should not glean anything from the first joint appearance happening in shapiro's estate. that is potentially just a coincidence we are told. similar question marks >> sandra: jacqui heinrich live at the white house. as we do await that briefing. jackie, thank you for you john? >> major escalation in the middle east. an air strike in iran taking out the political leader of hamas. less than 24 hours after a another deadly attack killed at the top has a blood in lebanon. tom cotton is here on applications of what effect that
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could have on the united states but first-rate angst from tel aviv, it's been quite the 24 hours. >> yes, john, absolutely. i just spoke with a senior israeli official who indicated the belief here is that iran and its proxies will respond in a matter of days instead of weeks. they are bracing for some sort of immediate reaction by the iranians following two specific strikes overnight. of one that that killed a senior has below commander in the suburbs of beirut and another a significant strike inside iranian territory targeting his smile honey out the political leader of hamas. he was there visiting iran's supreme ruler and the newly president now meeting with other top officials there this was circulating online, hours later he was dead. there are a variety of options that iran could use to respond against israel, and it is part of the reason the israelis spent so much time meeting today to
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determine how they will put up their defenses. we do know that after three hours israel's security cabinet wrapped up a meeting at israel's version of the pentagon in tel aviv. in just a few minutes israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is expected to address the nation and the world. we don't know if he will take credit for that strike into ron but we know the israelis are on the record talking about the strike in beirut that killed this top hezbollah commander, a direct response to the rocket attack on a saturday that killed 12 jewish children and teenagers. now there was a notice to airmen issued for the northern part of this country stopping flights in northern israel. countries around the world waiting closely to see what will happen too often their key ally and we do know that american officials have been on the phone with their israeli counterparts including a call between isr israel's defense minister and u.s. secretary of state lloyd austin to prepare for the possibility of an iranian response or an activation of
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further proxies in the middle east. john? >> if the responses like the last one it seems the israelis and the united states will have it well in hand, we will see. praying for us in tel aviv, thank you. center? >> sandra: tom cotton, he is a member of the armed services and judiciary committees. senator, welcome, thank you for being here. we will see what netanyahu has to say in a moment now and he begins speaking. meanwhile we heard from secretary blinken in singapore this morning responding to this hamas leader being killed. he said this, listen. >> of course i have seen the reports. and all i can tell you right now is i think nothing takes away from the importance of as i said a moment ago getting to the cease-fire. we have been working from day one not only to try to get to a better apartment in gaza but also to prevent the conflict from spreading. >> sandra: will that happen, senator?
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>> more pathetic weakness from tony blinken just like to hear from joe biden and kamala harris all the time. the most important thing is not getting to a cease-fire or managing escalation. the most important thing is helping israel defeat it's terrorist enemies who are our enemies as well. of course hamas has dedicated to the formless destruction of israel but let's not forget they have the blood of many americans on their hands and america's a sasafer place because it smell chania is not with us and we should be grateful for that and something all terrorists around the world to know if you harm americans there is no safe place for you in the world. i also want to point out that yesterday israel killed a senior hezbollah commander. another iranian terrorist who is not just responsible for blowing those 12 israeli kids to pieces on the playground last weekend, but also for the 1983 beirut barracks bombing. so we should be grateful to
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israel and the israeli defense forces forgetting vengeance not just for their own children but for american marines as well, something kamala harris and joe biden twisted israel's arms for three days trying to prevent. >> senator, if you could stand by with me for just a moment, we will dip into the state department because it is holding a briefing right now with spokesperson patel. i want to listen because he is taking questions on exactly that, listen. >> looking backwards, how essential had it been in these discussions? we know ultimately the isn war was signing off on decisions that hamas was making. how essential was haniyeh to this point? >> i will not get into the specifics of that or those kinds of negotiations in terms of their were pertinent actors. what i can say is through appropriate channels we have been able to continue to
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communicate with hamas and israel of course as it relates to the contours of the deal and the negotiations on the table and we continue to have confidence in our ability to do so and our ability to participate in these talks and work around to get this done. >> sandra: it senator, not offering a lot of new detail from the state department there, but what we did just hear a moment ago is that the u.s. is not responsible for the death of this hamas leader. among other things said in the briefing room a moment ago. we will continue monitoring that. i don't want to quote them directly, senator, we were not involved in this mission or operation. get your quick thoughts on that before i move on to the next topic. >> off just reinforcing the pathetic weakness of the biden/harris administration. they are more worried a potential hamas terrorist has been killed because he can't sit down to negotiate a cease-fire anymore than celebrating the fact that a terrorist with blood of americans on his hands has been killed.
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especially what you would hear from a mouth piece from the biden/harris administration. >> sandra: we will continue monitoring the briefing happening at the state department right now and to the fact we will hear directly from the white house with karine jean-pierre any moment now as well. but before you go, senator, i want to play out this exchange that did happen at the white house briefing yesterday with our own jacqui heinrich. as it pertained to the united states supreme court, listen. >> is this supreme court proposal just an election year gambit? >> i will say this. i think if you read "the washington post" op-ed of the president put out yesterday, if you listen to his speech, he was reacting to what scotus has been doing over it not just the past couple of weeks but the last trickle years starting from so many other important decisions. what we are seeing right now is not normal. what we see with the supreme court is not normal. no one, not the pr
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law. in the wake of the supreme court ruling for example, it grants presidents immunity for crimes committed in office and got fundamental freedoms recognized for more than 50 years. so he wanted to take action on that. >> why would he not then read in top democrats including the senate judiciary chair? >> here is the thing, majority of americans want to see this. they want to see some form of reform. >> sandra: what did you think about that? coming directly from the white house, referencing what scotus has been doing starting from dogs and so many others, what we are seeing right now is not normal. we are seeing a supreme court that is not normal. your reaction? >> sadly i think the answer to jackie's question is this proposal is not an election year gambit, it is exactly with the democratic party wants to do.
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joe biden proposed it but kamala harris says she endorses it. another example how she is dangerously liberal. a san francisco radical who would fundamentally break the rule of law and constitutional government by politicizing the highest court in the land. the democrats may be calling the supreme court "not normal" because they are not used not used to having a constitutional majority on the court that implies the law and the constitution as it is written, not as the democratic party wants. but i really do think this is not an election year gambit. this is what kamala harris and democrats want to do to win back the white house and the congress and the fall which is why it is so dangerous. >> sandra: let me finish up by asking about what you said at the end. she said the majority of americans want to see this. we look back at our own fox news polling on the issue on a scotus do you think the united states supreme court is generally too liberal? about 20% too conservative, 45% say so and about right, 33%
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retirement and term limits and americans who say they want to see some sort of reforms, 81% favor mandatory retirement. 78% say they favor an 18 year term limit. if so, is she right? to the majority of americans want to see some sort of reforms to the supreme court? >> no, sandor, i don't think so about a couple of things. one, an age limit or term limit is very different from packing the court which is what this plan in effect would it do. and a second, to adopt those kind of reforms cited in the poll you need a constitutional amendment but they don't propose to do that. they propose seize power, to break the rules of the senate, and ram it through on a partisan basis. to pack the court which would forever politicize the court and undermine the rule of law in this country. fundamental institutions that we can never go back from. the american people of course rejected that just like they rejected it when franklin delano roosevelt tried to do it at the height of his popularity in
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1937. >> sandra: senator i appreciate you joining us in all of that think very much. so the state department continues to breathe, john we have the white house briefing happening moments from now. what we just heard in the state department briefing room the u.s. will take every possible measure to appropriately and accurately protect personnel and interests and as obviously we watch to see if this escalates, john. >> it's getting hotter and we were in egypt and dubai at the beginning of july end of june. a lot of people said why do you want to go over there? we had security with us of course. there was no problem in dubai but clearly the repercussions are spreading throughout the middle east. it is getting more dangerous by the minute. as to whether or not iran or has below will retaliate, we will get some expert opinion on that coming up. we have adam bailey who was with us as well as lisa duff tarry. >> sandra: i want to highlight the fact the israeli prime minister is speaking right now. he has not switched to english just yet. we are obviously wanting to take his remarks lie when he does.
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john, these will be incredibly critical words from the israeli prime minister so we will certainly be listening for that and we will play that for our viewers when it happens. >> if he does go into english we would get a translation for you a little bit later on we will bring you that. we are watching for trickle big briefings this hour. after leaders of two iranian groups were taken out by israeli air strikes. how will tehran respond as concerns grow over a wider war in the middle east? plus this. >> we ever consulted directly with secret service of until this time? so whatever information he has received has got to be second or third hand information. >> sandra: local law enforcement speaking out about the lack of communication with the secret service at that rally where the former president nearly lost his life. are we any closer to figuring out how this went so wrong? pat will join us live on that next.
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and z fold6 when you trade in your current phone. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> john: all right so prime minister netanyahu wrapped up a quick speech all in hebrew but a couple of things he said was that they delivered israel a crushing blow to irani and proxy that would be hezbollah and hamas with the takeout of the large in its mouth banana a political leader of hamas in tehran itself after meeting with the new president and of the ayatollah. also saying israel will exact a heavy price for any aggression from anywhere that israel is prepared for all scenarios and israel faces challenging days ahead as the people of israel await to see if iran and hezbollah will respond for the
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assassinations of those two leaders. information on what happened with haniyeh. according to hamas' deputy chief in gaza, his room he was in, ishmael haniyeh was struck directly so the israelis knew exactly where he was. and they probably know exactly where a lot of other leaders are as well which i am sure, sandra, will strike fear into the hearts of the ayatollah and irani leadership knowing that israel can vary stealthily fly into iran and take out these targets right in the very heart of to ron under everyone's nose. >> yes. so netanyahu saying israel faces challenging days ahead and prepared for as you said, john all scenarios. just continuing to get some readouts here. again, he never did change over into english as we were told it
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might be the case but it did not happen. and the update from the state department right now is also coming in. it is still the u.s. assessment at this hour that israel is engaging constructively in conversations about a gaza cease-fire deal so we are watching a lot happening on all of these fronts at this hour, john. >> john: now this. >> this point of view is the point of view where the counter sniper team locally was posted. the gold arrow indicates where the shooter fired from. why was the assailant not seen? when we were told that building was going to be covered? >> the acting head of the u.s. secret service testifying before congress he saw it happen yesterday where he appeared to throw local snipers under the bus for not covering that building roof used by the gunmen to shoot the former president, donald trump. that is getting pushed back from
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some local officials. republic of texas congressman pat phelan will join us on exactly that in moments but first let's get the cotton live in butler, pennsylvania, for us right now. the side of the shooting. cb, we have brand-new video coming in of that shooting taken by a witness. >> hi, center that is right, new chilling video that appears to show, take a look, you can see a shadowy figure that appears to be moving on the roof across from the stage where former president donald trump was speaking back on july 13th perry we know from the fbi would be assassin thomas matthew crooks traversed on roofs that were about 150 yards away from the rally stage. so perhaps this is kirk's was captured in the video. in the meantime, though we know there were communication failures during the rally but now based on the congressional testimony from secret service acting director ronald road it is clear there were
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communication failures before starting with the assumption from the secret service that local officers willing to cover the roof the gunmen used. now local officials i'm speaking with say that assumption does not align with the assignment they were given. but the secret service, he showed a window that was right here. looking up to the roof. >> that is not where we were assigned. we were assigned over here in those first two windows. >> he is wrong about the assignment? >> absolutely. i think the biggest thing to not lose sight of is their job was on being on the outside of unsecured perimeter looking inward. at those that had already gone through security. >> the local officials told fox this was the view there two snipers had. you can see here this is a different warehouse window them the one referred to on capitol hill and of the vantage point is at the ground level looking into the crowd and not onto the roof.
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those who leave the local snipers say if the secret service had told them to place their snipers on the roof, they would have. acting director says he takes responsibility for what took place here. he said moving forward the secret service will be more direct with its local law enforcement partners. we have reached out to the secret service about what we are hearing from local officials here in butler, pennsylvania, and they referred us back to the acting director's testimony. back to you. >> sandra: cd cotton with that update, thank you. john? >> john: let's begin republican texas countryman pat phelan on the bipartisan task force investigating the assassination attempt on former president trump. congressman, thank you for being with us. i don't know if you can see this but i want to play the video again that it cb cotton just played. here is the shot that looks like it is from the same level as the president was on when he was on the platform there. it zoomed in so everything looks closer but you can see somebody
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on the roof and yet we were told by the secret service acting director yesterday that the sniper teams couldn't see him because he was obscured by the peak in the roof. this would seem to blow a huge hole in that excuse. >> john, seeing that video is chilling, it is almost as if you are looking at the texas depository building in november of 1963. fortunately this had a different outcome. not for the families of the cores of cory but we need more personnel and more trained personnel to guard the presidential candidates and those that secret service protects and also we need better planning and better coordination. we need better communication. we need to be leveraging technology. anti-drone technology could've prevented this probably to begin with an president trump certainly and others, there needs to be a counter surveillance team on the ground. and is to be counter assault teams on the ground here that was not the case on the 13th.
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and we need -- that's why we are going to have no stone left unturned. go to the ground level. >> john: this video it's remarkable you can see at least a head bobbing along that roof. in terms of a drone, we heard from ronald road the acting secret service director yesterday that the local police offered to fly a drone for surveillance of the event and the secret service said thanks but no thanks. >> again, i am dumbfounded honestly, john, because there is so many security lapses that don't make a lick of sense. why not have the locals fly a drone? why not have the agr building secured? it was the number one threat after the immediate buildings around the president. so i recreated that scenario in texas what happened in butler and i had 15 out of 16 pill shots so it is literally a
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miracle president trump is alive today we can't ever have this happen again in the how putter and dys. >> john: when you zoom in, it compresses in the foreground in the background together but the building is a lot further away than it looks but in terms of where we are right now, congressman with the secret service and its ability to protect the former president and kamala harris when she was in the campaign trail, uss counter sniper is blowing a whistle on the secret service. he says another assassination attempt is it likely. this is an email that the real clear politics are obtained it's dated monday. the agency needs to change if not now, when? the next assassination attempt in 30 days? because we should all expect another attempt to happen before november.
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we have exposed our inability to protect our leaders due to our leadership. of this whistle-blower is saying you need to clean house and start again. >> no doubt about it. it's always easier to prevent something from happening then having to react to it it is a lot safer in that regard. and i do think you had a 20-year-old loner untrained with a week's notice outsmarted and outmaneuvered the entire united states secret service so there could be copycats that sprang up because of this. god forbid, john, had it been a far east nation and that has trained assassins which could have led to a very different result. these reforms need to be instituted immediately. the need to beef up secured a they have a thousand people and it's over $3 billion budget. they need to do an internal look right now in a snapshot to mitigate some of this. congress, you need some of that independent investigation because, as you know, agencies can get in that cover your backside mentality and we need
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to really examine and change leadership because the people who got you in the hole will not get you out of it. >> if you look at the history of presidential assassinations and attempts going all the way back to lincoln it has always been a lone wolf who managed to get through the security perimeter. congressman, we look forward to the report from the bipartisan task force. there will be sometime in december and keep us updated in the work if you would. >> i will, god bless, take care. >> sandra: police are searching for a suspect from that pro-hamas protest that face jail time for their actions where premise or not know who was visiting in the u.s. paul morrow is here with what we are learning so far and what he is hearing from his sources right now. >> john: plus awaiting the white house press briefing as the united states scrambles for double medic solutions in the
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speeches this is u.s. park police searching for suspects now accused of vandalizing federal property and assaulting police officers. remember that scene? during april hamas protest that took place while israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu was here in the u.s. paul morrow is here for us former nypd inspector and a fox news contributor, those are so incredibly difficult to watch. what are we being told and why did this happen and why are we only now chasing down these individuals question demo? >> the troubling part is this is the second time a couple of months ago we had a similar event occurs or what is happening but beyond the scenes? u.s. park police are enormously understaffed. they have fewer cops now than they did in 1975. number two, this is the second such event the first was in lafayette square.
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this is an columbia circle where it is a permitted event, they knew it was coming and you know how many cops they had deployed? 29. thousands of protesters, 29. what's really going on? the u.s. park police, they are under natural park national park service, park police was a good chief coming woman named jessica tiller, she is strong and keeps ringing the bell saying we need help i need more cops how handle this? they don't get it. why don't they get it? they know it is embedded in this. we don't want the enforcement because the administration and i'm sorry to enlarge it into something political but is unavoidable. the administration does not want cracking down on these hamas groups because they're worried about the michigan boat. >> wow that's a big statement from you. when i watch that video as you were talking i thought not only does that allow that violence to continue as it was, but it puts what you said, 29? >> 29 cups. >> it puts their lives in danger. >> what they do is they fight as
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well as they cancel don't get overwhelmed. there are always injuries to the cops. they know that is coming and seem to be okay with that so what happens is the cops eventually realize you know what? we have to step back here because otherwise we are all going to get injured and our overhead does not want it. how will you prosecute a mission when your own bosses up the chain in the administration as i say national park service and the department are sending very strong messages that we don't want the enforcement. i will just show you how baked into the cake it is. look to the prosecution. they drop the charges. that the charges get dropped the felons get immediately let out and nobody gets put in jail. >> sandra: this was so bad this is a "new york post" quote to your point and reporting, paul. "badly understaffed the park police were assaulted by a mob of thousands pelted with poop" according to the union chief "we were primarily alone" ken
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spencer a 10-year veteran who revealed that years of empty promises to be have the agency's shoestring budget have gone have gone unfulfilled by congress and the interior department which primarily deals with the nation's rural national parks rather than civil unrest in big cities. speaker johnson toward the vandalism later this evening and said this, watch. it's disgusting and hard to believe they would do this here on our own hallowed ground this is capitol hill. this is the center of democracy, the center of the greatest nation in the history of the world. these people are being as useful idiots and it's proxy it's in shambles. >> martin and other things is dangerous, the violence it's disgusting, said the speaker. >> irrespective of where you come out politically on the issue, let's take politics out of it all right? because we should. the bottom line is that this is illegal. we have laws for a reason. go in, tens of thousands may be hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to iconic american monuments. we are supposed to sit still as they do this damage?
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no one pays for a. who is funding in these groups? there is some reporting that iran is funding it as a designated terrorist entity. we should be looking where is doj to say we will not pay for this? >> that's been the question all along. >> there's actually a bill right now sponsored by pete sessions the u.s. park police modernization act. it has gone that far even congress recognizes we need to beef this up. it gets nowhere and dead on arrival. >> they did not give it the resources then and now i think about the resources that will take to identify these as suspects. >> who's doing the investigation? you need doj to do this and they seem to be m.i.a. >> those are big questions, paul thank you for all of that and thank you for joining us. see you again soon. john? >> sandra, a hezbollah leader is dead. it has been confirmed now his body was found in the rubber mark rubble. was someone with him who was not from lebanon. we don't know more details about
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that, the same time, it's mel hendy a was taken out by we think it was israeli forces but they have not claimed responsibility for that. so we wait and see what happens in the coming hours and days as both iran and hezbollah are promising they are going to respond to all of this. we have experts lined up to tell us what they think is going to happen in the meantime. outrage is growing as two male olympic boxes are cleared to fight women despite failing previous gender eligibility tests. independent women's former ambassador kim russell is here to talk more about that. >> sandra: plus one what a major time to start assaying plus interest questions in the mideast, who will claim respond to billy for the death of a top hamas political chief? we are evaluating the threat of a widening conflict with foreign policy expert lisa duff tarry just ahead.
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>> john: fears of a widening warrior are heightening in the middle east and no one has claimed the responsibility of the top leader in its mouth and he. houses executed and should we be anticipating an even larger retaliatory response from iran? let's bring in lisa deaf daftari so it's assumed and not confirm that israel was behind the takeout of ishmael haniyeh and it's interesting they could've taken them out at any time in cutter or egypt because he was there a lot, but that would've made a huge rift in the arab world something israel could not do. so if this was israel, they waited until he was in tehran come until after he had met with the new president. until after he had met with the ayatollah to take him out. that seems to me to send a very strong message to the iranian regime. >> right. you're absolutely right in
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making that assessment. this was a buy one get one for israel where they were able to take out a key player of hamas'. at the same time delivering a very stern message to iran's regime to say we have the catalog of main players and we can take you out on your soil. so it delivered that message with regards to israel claiming responsibility, we have to remember one thing. israel is not in the business of flexing. israel in the business of survival. how iran's regime has found himself in this position where they don't actually want to insert themselves in this war which is why they create their proxies. it's why they fund hezbollah, hamas, and the houthis. they will need some humiliation because they were humiliated. >> john: here is what they said in response quote they murdered our dear guest in our territory and has caused our grief and it has prepare the ground for a severe punishment. the ayatollah is talking tough
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but i'm sure at the same time he is shaking in his boots. knowing if it is israel that could sneak into his country they could take out anybody they want. apparently they hit haniyeh right in his bedroom a new exact where he was. >> they knew exactly where he was and were able to use the airspace. there is vulnerability there and that is the message israel wanted to deliver. look, when people talk about this particular moment causing an escalation in this war and making it wider, for israel every single day it is a wider conflict. they are fighting somebody different friends with hezbollah come with weapons hunted towards them, with the houthis and in iraq, for as long as these islamic republic regime in iran have this funding it will continue to fund and support its proxies and israel will have to fight these battles. >> john: a lot are wondering what will this do for a cease-fire? will it erase any possibility of
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it and maybe it will accelerate possibility because the irs and war is the last man standing he knows he is on the target list and if he does not go for a cease-fire now because he is the one who would negotiated with ishmael haniyeh gone maybe he says look it's time to call a cease-fire let's go with us what do you think? >> it's interesting. since the assassination news has put spread everyone has said sharks now we can't have a cease-fire while they have had ten months to agree to various very, very generous offer is for cease-fires and they have not. at the end of the day this is a terrorist organization that is not interested in perhaps to your point the stern message in terms of territory might being delivered to these terrorist organizations perhaps will do the trick. >> john: we will see what lies ahead, lisa daftari thank you for joining us, now this. >> there is no question i'm in honor of banning fracking and starting with what we can do on day one around public lands. >> sandra: all right so that was kamala harris done, why is
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she now singing a different tune on the fracking? larry kudlow on the apparent shift in policy and why it is happening coming up. got it? [squawks] did you get that? only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪ all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities
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you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah
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>> sandra: history made as simone biles is the most decorated american olympic athlete ever in team usa so far they are keeping track in london how did they do it? >> simone and others with great skill. in fact a lot of great moments from team usa as the paris olympics hits the middle of 1. iconic women's gymnast simone biles did it again despite a sore leg she led the american gymnastics team to gold. that is her fifth the gold medal watched by a pack dell mike peck house including selectors like tom cruise the opening ceremony flag bearer and tennis player coco golf has been stumbling in some events but was winning it strong and mixed doubles alongside american taylor fritz. the u.s. women's rugby team made a bit of history earning their first medal for the sport, bronze and a hard fought down the wire game against heavy favorite, australia.
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all of this leaves team usa on top of the total metal standing with 28. they are a bit further down the ranks if you count the totals by gold medals. finally one of the biggest stories today officials decided the river seine was healthy enough to do the swimming leg of the triathlon event. recent heavy rains had raised the e. coli levels even after a $1.5 billion cleanup job. sander, no sickness has been reported, in the words of one new zealand swimmer, it did not taste great. back to you. >> sandra: oh, dear. go team usa by the way. all right, greg, thank you. john? >> john: we want to jump to the white house because john kirby the national security council spokesman is at the podium. he is now talking about venezuela but we do expect he will talk about the israeli strike in beirut and the suspected israeli strike in
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downtown tehran let's listen in. >> progress we want to let you know i am happy to take the questions, i don't know you will like all the answers. >> with our expectations, can you talk about what our in the previous knowledge of the assassination? >> no. again, i am not in a position. >> know you can't say we had knowledge or know we had no knowledge? >> you throw your voice pretty well all the way to the back of the room. >> i just need a puppet. >> let me clarify here. i am not in a position to confirm the reports coming out of to ron. i have seen a statement hamas put out, i cannot confirm or verify, we have no independent confirmation. but i can state i also have no conversations around that reporting that i can speak to
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today. >> and can you talk about the white houses utilize potential on a potential cease-fire and how much this complicates and delays the prospect? >> it has always been a competent process i mean my goodness home and how may times have we talked about it the last few months? in the last few weeks. i think it is too soon to know what any of these reported events could mean for the cease-fire deal. but if i could add it to her go points one it does not mean we will stop working on it in fact we have a team in the region as we speak to try to work with our counterparts to move this forward because it is that important. number two as i alluded to earlier it has always been, located work. and it is not like the complications with every passing day get easier. that includes today. our job since the beginning of this conflict in addition to making sure israel has what it needs to defend itself and in addition to making sure those in
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gaza are not suffering more than they already are. in escalation here, that work is collocated and difficult every day including today. >> thank you. capitol hill earlier this week you said an all-out war in the middle east were exaggerated. is that still your assessment of the white house's assessment of the situation following? >> we don't believe in escalation is inevitable. and there are no signs in escalation is imminent. but i also said we watch it very, very closely. i also said and again today that this is something we have been concerned about since the 7th of october. it's not like we are brushing off concerns come we are watching very, very closely and it has been a chief concern of the president. >> of the white house and urged restraint from israel? >> i won't talk about our double medic discussions with our israeli counterparts. we have been working hard to keep this war from escalating
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just as we have been working very hard and are today to make sure israel has what it needs to defend itself. >> can you tell us was the president briefed on this last night as the reports started coming out and how he has been about this throughout the day question marks because the president was briefed on reports coming out of the middle east. he routinely -- i will not get into the specific timing of the parameters of it but he has been kept fully informed. as you would expect he would be from the national security team meeting on a continuous basis as well. >> the foreign minister said the assassinations undermined the strenuous efforts made by egypt and its partners to stop the war in the gaza strip. you have just said an earlier answer that it doesn't mean the united states would stop working toward a cease-fire deal, but can you talk about the concerns about the negotiators continuing that work and what it means about that going forward? >> i can tell you as we are standing here today there are still at that work. we have a team in the region. we will keep the shoulder to the wheel, it is that important. we


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